Asmongold Attempts to Do a Deathless Run of Dark Souls Remastered | FULL VOD

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over a month ago I began this game and shortly after I completed it it wasn't without failures fuck-ups and embarrassments all along the way from the very beginning to the very end I [ __ ] up and failed and it was sad today I returned a month later and much better a little bit better to complete Dark Souls 1 without dying I'm so confident in this I'm putting two thousand dollars on the line if I die I will donate one thousand five hundred dollars to the Alzheimer's Association and five hundred dollars to the World Wildlife Fund and I [ __ ] hate charities giving my money to a god damn it there's nothing that's gonna make me not want to die more than that who not gonna happen I'm gonna do what we can I'm gonna put in a hundred percent I'm gonna beat this [ __ ] game I have a commitment later on in the day I might not be able to finish this whole thing in one day I'm gonna do my best on top of that there is one death that will the scale at the very beginning [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay all right that's all right so yeah I'm not counting the depth from Seath the scaleless obviously not counting that one everything else beyond that we are gonna count if I fall off to gravity that counts if I die to a boss that counts if I if the game bugs out even I'm gonna consider to that counter yeah I mean [ __ ] we're gonna put it on the line we're gonna do what it takes [Music] let us begin [Music] oh boy oh boy alright let's go okay [Music] all righty let me make sure it offline well yeah I'm not gonna let somebody invade me and ruin it right of course not is that Alzheimer's Foundation of America European and rather help the world then with wild animal and then individual Americans everybody benefits from it and not only Americans well research benefits everyone but I don't I mean like it I don't know why that's I don't want to get into that okay people already picked that's it this contribution the Alzheimer's donation I took broke my granddad's know taking my dad per sheet you helping a good cause to the gravity yes dude [ __ ] Alzheimer's thank you man I appreciated all term associations bidding choice helping old people from going hollow popular community Boise there you go thanks to two bucks man I appreciate that okay now most great charity or as Minh yeah I heard about that on info horse oceans are full of plastic this is not debatable okay cool stereo thanks so five dollars appreciate that alright okay we've got everybody good thank you there were a few more people that don't add wrong category I should have updated category right yeah okay um sex yes all right three Stan Brooks thank you very much the 5 subs class warrior gifts masters key physique tiny head likewise tiny head even an option like does this like help you or something like I don't know we're gonna go with obviously very slim okay face we're gonna make him the exact same okay receding hair color so as you can see here he's basically a mix that he's a scuffed Ryan Reynolds but she's pretty much like me so - actually not looking like Ryan Reynolds at all but you know the hairline is obviously pretty accurate okay guys let's get this done [Music] music is still out I'll turn it down a little bit how about now it should be better no deaths do not death no deaths no deaths no deaths do not die change category well I think that it should be working right I mean is it not let me refresh yeah it says I'm on Dark Souls right now everything's fine I just refreshed which yeah everything's completely [ __ ] fine do not death bed of chaos 500 dollars okay before I get into this I will not be using any strong exploits I will be using clever uses of game mechanics I'll be doing a couple of sketchy things but I will not actually be cheating at all [Music] is it okay to start game with this character yes in the age of ancients the world was unformed shrouded by fog a land of gray crags arch trees and everlasting dragons but then there was fire and was fire gain disparity heat and cold life and death cause light there it is dude I think about there's some really want to fire Dark Souls whenever you think about it you know then from the dark fireballs and found the souls of long [ __ ] okay then the flame this dick-sucker dude this dirty [ __ ] dick sucker oh boy turn on god mode no that's okay dude I can't do that enjoy cables Armour and her daughters of chaos Gwyn the Lord of sunlight oh that is faithfulness and the furtive pygmy apparently that's Manas I didn't know that I got with this dream before so they challenged the dragon it's not really okay somebody I read that like a YouTube video which I hate him like that's honestly like whenever I was fighting this boss the first time I hated this guy this guy's a boss ago no more no more [Music] couple rounds now thus began the age of fire but soon the flames will fade and only dark will remain this is such a good cinematic there even now there are only embers Nancy's not light but only endless nights and amongst hoping I'll see what carriers of the occurs there we go yes indeed indeed the dark fine brands the undead and in this land the undead are crowned and led to the north where they are okay I'm not gonna choke on the asylum demon okay it's not gonna happen just stop even saying it please stop saying it to stop I'm gonna take it nice and slow I'll make sure I'm a little bit ahead there it is boys nice and slow no mistakes nothing all right I just do I do it the same way all right look guys I'm not dead yet okay we're gonna we're gonna be just fine there's not gonna be any deaths at all in this I'm just I'm farming Souls okay guys we're farming Souls +20 no it's it's completely fine don't worry look at that you see that lunge attack right there that's because I'm good at this game I'll show you guys yeah watch this parry this time okay dude all right let's not get ahead of ourselves here okay it's still alive yeah I'm gonna be just fine guys don't worry about it I don't even know why I use that bonfire to sit down now we go over here okay all right good we're fine we're fine we're fine all right all right let's light the bonfire okay good prove it's not pre-recorded okay what do you want me to do what you want me to do I do a circle all right die okay all right let's go this is gonna take a bit of time but uh all right let's put that put on I'm already shaking dude I'm already [ __ ] shaking okay here we go all right here we go okay okay everything's fine nothing is wrong everything is good I'm not dead yet okay this is the guy that saved you well now ring the bell of awakening to kill them I don't know should I yeah [ __ ] is [ __ ] ass [ __ ] em dude we run this game you get the souls anyway either way okay there we go we got that guy alright so I haven't even taken damage so far this is my best run i've ever had yeah actual one shot okay wait Lou I don't think he drops anyway I'm pretty sure he doesn't okay yeah I don't I really don't think he does like real talk [ __ ] I got hit okay he does all right I'm gonna go I'm gonna go back down I'll check okay I would generally forgot like I'm I'm kind of panicking right now so I want to make sure that he doesn't drop any loot baited okay okay dude all right kill this guy over here and we'll be good look at that range kill them right there it was nothing [ __ ] easy all right here we go first boss first boss [ __ ] come on guy he got hit off her feet he's trying to keep a little fresh you know I mean got a guy keep it spicy come on guy you really think he's that bad come on boys oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay Oh in the ancient legends it is dated and PC volume is low okay your PC volume I'll turn it up a little bit higher okay I didn't understand I didn't think I'd be this stressed alright everything's good everything's good I'm fine stressed or didn't you practice man dude but like the practice right it's way too all right yeah I'll turn it up a little bit okay I did practice I practiced a lot actually does turn this up this should be good right right Wow okay okay Liddy now [Music] Wow don't turn it down a little bit more all right how about that is that better okay this should okay this is just right okay good all right so we were going to go into the undead graveyard and get this why hander this is the biggest risk okay here we go we're gonna do some invading no I'm not gonna die I'll there's no way oh are you good can you do this oh my god they're all over you dude well that's it boys he did it all right okay we're good holy [ __ ] okay okay that soon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay everything's going fine zero death so far that's right zero deaths so far humanity I will use the humanities don't worry about I'm just gonna get all the souls I think I got that one up there didn't I yeah I did alright good there's one more large soul that I can get from over there I don't know if it's worth the risk of course it's worth it just go get you [ __ ] alright we're good we're good no mistakes no mistakes alright take it nice and slow nice and easy [Music] are you gonna do a stochastic bill No I play with what I know I'll do what I know no mistakes no mistakes at all do not any mistakes I use these right here I'll use the humanities I'll be good no King rules forever no it's okay man I'm not gonna make any mistakes okay what all right [Music] why are there question marks there the first 10 humanities that you use increase your walk champs so if I have a higher chance of like getting like maybe an item I'd have a better chance if I had the advantage so yeah yeah obviously I'm gonna use humanities just nice and slow nice and slow slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race no mistakes there we go we got him not gonna take any damage not gonna make any mistakes no mistakes zero mistakes okay okay good all right we've got through it all right we're just weird the way I'm gonna do this is I'm not gonna do anything wrong okay like the biggest like the main thing that I'm worried about like if I don't choke if I don't choke I win okay I just need to make sure I don't show which is a lie that's a lot okay guys it's a lot I do not choke Capra demon brought wake listen like I don't need to [ __ ] hear that right now alright okay no mistakes no mistakes boys peppers optional well then how do you get the key to the to the depths right you have to kill Capra demon don't skip the depths look I have I have a plan on how I'm gonna handle this okay okay there's one ship to ship three okay we're good all right now I'm gonna make any mistakes don't make any mistakes okay we're doing great so far just keep up this momentum you're gonna make a bass cannon what are you going to make a bass cannon the hell is that I guess that the answer is no then but like oh what the hell even is that I guess so the Kindle this bonfire just to be safe okay I don't really need to Kindle this bonfire but I don't want to make any mistakes okay guys all right this is a hard part oh I forgot about those guys grab a respawn okay that guy's gonna come come on come on come on you know you want to [ __ ] just [ __ ] do it got him okay this part can be a little bit hard so I'm gonna use a heel there it is boys what okay what do you why are you so incredulous he's watching the [ __ ] door well because because I was waiting for him yeah but the door has an animation invincibility frames I didn't know that was I've never had that happen before I never actually tried to kill him while he's opening the door okay here we go maybe I'm maybe I'm a little bit stressed out you ever think of that about what bad calibration got him okay got him all right we're taking it nice and slow nice and easy slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race I got lucky there I got very lucky I don't know why he didn't hit me there I got very very lucky okay let's keep going everything is gonna be just fine there's gonna be no problems no mistakes get this item right here I'll use those later on black night I'm not gonna fight the Black Knight you [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] no I'm not gonna fight them black come on religious even if I fought them he drops the sword if I get the sword you know what happens nothing cuz I can't [ __ ] use it it's a waste of time alright it's just so [ __ ] it god damn it come on man alright we got him good okay we don't want to make any mistakes we're gonna take it really really slow yeah you drive I'll kill him later on but there's no reason to kill him now okay good now we'll go up to the top No I should have I should have gotten more health I probably should go back and get more health I'm going back to get my health [ __ ] this dude I was stupid of me I wasn't paying some I'm gonna go back get more health are you sure you can go back nope all right if you guys think he's gonna die the tourists even you got another thing [Music] yeah there was there was never a moment where he was gonna die to that chat alright okay [ __ ] this is more stressful than I thought it was gonna be this is a lot more stressful than I thought it was a boys praise oh boy oh boy oh boy I I'm not gonna take any summit help for any bosses I will not take any summing up for any bosses at all everything is fine everything is fine relax okay climbing down relax let's level up a little bit more are you gonna put all the points in vitality you're not gonna [ __ ] die it's no way I'm gonna [ __ ] die oh wait oh I have soul so let me use my souls - [ __ ] dude [ __ ] dude okay how much is this gonna take me level up 1600 ah [ __ ] that's gonna take a while all right let's go get the Drake sword I thought about it there's never a point where the Drake sword is going to actually be useful like III I've used it before and I just don't I don't consider it like it doesn't have like value Oh actually let me do this first three souls I could just do that over and over and over here we go got him all right not getting got dude I'm not gonna get god dude it's not gonna happen I do not get got alright here we go dude if you go up the tower there's a bonfire yeah what does the bonfire drop maybe a greatsword sounds like a really good bonfire I so my success rate with killing them was really low okay good alright now we fight the boar now this boar is very dangerous one hit it kills me one hit the boar kills me he's afraid he's already afraid of me he's already afraid so you won't okay all right they're right I got a runaway okay whoa whoa okay okay all right we're good I don't want it I want to do that wrong right there okay all right let's go [ __ ] come on max that's a bore down one bore down okay we just don't make any [ __ ] mistakes zero [ __ ] mistakes I don't want I don't want to get hit by those archers okay I don't want to take any damage here no damage okay now we fight that [ __ ] boy up there okay yeah now that was just like I was just taking damage to make it a little bit more interesting that's all that wasn't on purpose or anything [ __ ] come on man got it okay we're good all right we cleared everything good now we have a couple more a couple more difficult fights and we have another one of the very very high-risk situations coming up very soon here okay just keep that in mind [Music] come on come down come down there it is there it is there it is okay good not today okay I'm not gonna make any [ __ ] mistakes this up here can be deadly there's one part here that I'm very very worried about coming up this part I'm not really worried about but I'm kind of worried about okay they're dead dude I'm gonna have to complete the whole ghetto Jesus Christ but I'm just thinking about this man all right one step at a time one step at a time one step at a time no [ __ ] mistakes are you so worried about I can make you two Kay just like that dude watch this everybody in the chat you should twitch Prime right now please that's like oh wow okay that was easy damn you're right holy [ __ ] Thanks what the [ __ ] oh my god thank you do so worried about dude okay I can take the this is the hardest mob out there for me right here because I don't have any armor they can stop the attacks here this is gonna be extremely difficult he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming but oh yes there it is we got him that timing has to be perfect or I die okay good fat rolling hey you don't mess with success I'm shaking a little bit so we're just gonna take this real slow gonna take it real slow not gonna go up not gonna walk off the [ __ ] edge no walking off the [ __ ] edge okay there it is boys there it is all right now another difficult fight this one is definitely a [ __ ] okay we're good yeah we got the greatsword I'm not going to use the great sword it's not as good as this why hander in my opinion all right boys yeah yeah okay let me go ahead and I would say actually you know what I will use this okay so how many titanite shards did I get I got one right I didn't get more than one guy who's got the one from the guy that gives it for sure let me let me double-check oh yeah I only have one nines by three okay let me upgrade this one two three okay this is the next difficult part this part is probably I rested at that bonfire tonight I'm gonna rest of the bonfire again no don't do it I'm going to do it okay so I'm gonna go down here there's gonna be a demon he has two attacks there's the attack that kills me and the attack that doesn't kill me I'm gonna bait the attack that doesn't kill me then I'm gonna run through so he can't do the attack that that does kill me one more one more we're good we're just fine all right [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I'm playing like a [ __ ] you're goddamn right hell yeah I'm playing like a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I am so our block well yeah I didn't I don't want to get knocked down not today not today no fuck-ups zero fuck-ups I can't afford a single mistake here okay oh boy okay this okay we're literally farming souls look like that that's not a big deal okay not ever not everything is going to be perfect sometimes you do make mistakes okay this is another high-risk area I go in I get my [ __ ] I'd [ __ ] leave how they go very very slow very very slow very very slow I hit this right here it dies I hit this right here it also dies he does not spawn I get around there he does not spawn he does spawn wow that's terrible I sure hope he doesn't kill me okay we're good I only use my things all right we're doing great guys we're doing [ __ ] amazing not gonna make any mistakes not gonna do anything wrong I'm just shaking a little bit not a lot right now okay that's actually pretty good for me okay let's use our souls well yeah of course I play like a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude what do you mean like I've got to go through this whole game without dying there's enough there's enough problems I'm gonna [ __ ] run into without me having to create new ones speaking of problems there are two more trials I have to go through which chair are you doing - all right vitality okay I'll put on the armor now now look like a [ __ ] god alright this is what we were waiting for right here okay much improved yeah you're goddamn right you think I'm gonna make the same mistake again oh I should have actually [ __ ] I forgot to get the I've got the Kindle that bonfire oh well okay probably should go Kindle the bonfire probably should go Kindle the bonfire all right good that guy's dead okay now we have this area up here let me actually get this item first cuz I always forget about this you didn't see me so we have them one night that's gonna be up here how many deaths so far zero just [ __ ] them right in the ass [ __ ] them right in the ass it's nothing okay so this guy does an empowering thing and they're also undead they're a year he's empowering them right now whatever they're blue they're empowered I can't make a single mistake here or I die it'll be worth it in the end it'll be worth it in the end just trust me all right got him there's even more Sears a lot of these alright one more okay good no mistakes check leggings they're useless they're trash I don't need them and watch what I do here there we go all right boys ez game ez life easy game ez life I slide right around I pop him off he doesn't do any damage okay let's go back down over here we're gonna get the ring the ring is a very very important thing let's go this way wait oh I went the wrong way sorry I I'm getting a little bit nervous okay this next NPC that I have to kill is actually pretty hard to kill that's why you fight him on the stairs all right we're good I don't know why I hit his shield so many times I was pretty stupid actually okay I've only got four flasks here [Music] alright let's go up here we'll get it right I could kill them now or I can kill them it Firelink kill him now slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race there it is one more now he's got he's empowered there it is no mistakes you just have to have that leg work boys you have that leg work you don't lose you never die there's the ring there it is boys okay let's go down here yeah this is the I have not died yet [ __ ] do it do it see what happens see what happens not today okay one more I thought he's gonna run at me I'm gonna go back and heal there's no way there's no way I'm gonna go down to the bottom gonna go to the basement like the basement is actually really hard okay [Music] yeah I'm gonna go to the basement I've only got four heels I don't want to use a bone right now I'm gonna go down there and do it myself okay I'm gonna go Kendall there and I'm gonna go down and we're gonna fight the kafir demon I want to start this off hard and I think Capra demon will probably be an easier fight yeah yeah we are gonna kill Capra demon right now not gonna worry about that okay let's go oh I forgot the Kindle again all right Ken doing now alright here we go kill the titanite demon all right Cooper Saul oh yeah I doing through fire Cooper soul - I forgot about bathroom I don't know should I even do fire keeper soul yeah yeah I'll do it Oh give me a break all right just a second do I have two of these no I need one all right I'm gonna upgrade the weapon one more time I'm getting a little bit panicked guys okay so just just bear with me just bear with me step cap skip skip Capra demon why do you think they call me the literal God is because I skip bosses I don't [ __ ] think so I'm not gonna skip Capra demon I'm gonna kill Capra demon right now let's go who calls you that I do all the time what do you mean you never heard me say that about myself I say it all the time there it is right there see that literal God good old God in action right now literal God in action watch this guy right here watch this guy right here dead [ __ ] you suck my dick all right let's go back over here we'll go get the fire keeper soul right now let me kill this guy again for another titanite shards before I go down there okay good they're dropped of course not I [ __ ] hate this game all right let's go down that let's upgrade the the fire keepers all right let's go death is coming all right did Harry stammer through recorded that's actually not Perry but I don't know how to parry so that it's gonna be Perry for me that's for later whoa okay all right we're back down here good everything is going just fine there are no mistakes that are going to happen let's reinforce the estus flask okay good I'm getting I'm beginning to get a little bit more confident now like the beginning of the beginning of the game like there's like three more points where I'm scared and then after that I actually am the literal God okay put this on recording to emote okay wait how do i emote is it G right there you go okay that's right not pre-recorded I'm playing this game just the way that I play the game alright I'm not gonna make any mistakes the only mistake that I can make is making a mistake which won't happen by the way that's true I will do it hi guys how about we make a bet McConnell what do you thing about this they twitch crime if I kill Capra demon but I just got you a whole bunch of twitch crimes yeah but I'm lady yeah but there's just like none left like you don't think so do you think it's on cooldown alright fine let's go okay okay all right one at a time I'm going down we're gonna kill Capra demon I'm not gonna get hit by anything by the way titanite shards there's one right there come on all right good how many cooks can fit in your mouth [ __ ] or cooks it's the same answer actually three okay good we got him perfect ball gauntlets thank God I needed those oh no I should have actually done this earlier that way I don't have to turn back around again [ __ ] okay that's annoying all right um I'm not even gonna open up that gate there's no reason to let's go back around out this year we'll be good yeah three [ __ ] yeah exactly okay um let's go over here I'll see if I can kill this guy one more time and get another Titan XR probably not but we'll see what happens okay good and I get it nope wasting my [ __ ] time all right great let's go back down around we'll go to the basement sigh on TV with the ten gifted subs thank you very much I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you science TV thank you very much I could upgrade to +5 um do I care no no I don't care it +5 isn't really necessary so we'll go all the way down to the bottom yeah I know we're not gonna worry about +5 truth is I mean like about it the thing is that I'm so good at this game I don't need the +5 it's irrelevant to me Holabird oh I'm not gonna use that I thought about trying to so there were a number of attempts like so III did this in number different ways at the beginning of like what weapon am I gonna use because I kind of planned on I had kind of hoped that I would get like a black knight weapon but then like just engaging the black knights and fighting them like the risk the risk level for that was pretty high so I decided that it'd actually be smarter for me to just plan on using this white hander for the whole time rather than practice with something I might not really have access to you know and so it's just like it's kind of common sense to me but uh that's what I ended up doing I've got to kill these guys to go over to the basement that's what I'm doing right now and then we're gonna go kill Capra demon we're actually on our way to kill Capra demon right now good good he died I'm not going to die like you everybody thinks I'm Meccano am I gonna die no exactly see I told you guys I'm not gonna die that's good idea no Capra demon is gonna be [ __ ] easy dude like there's the two dogs you just avoid the two dogs and you kill the boss simple yeah I'm actually worried about a a demon I've read the Bible before those [ __ ] that should fight it I'm not even worried okay let me just say that not even working there we go got him I'm just killing these guys for a little bit extra Souls no reason not to alright good do you bleed um well actually the mobs up here actually do put a bleed on me so yeah because I'm probably not gonna be able to avoid all their attacks because I'm shitty but that's what you've got a hundred dollars what okay just a sec I gotta make sure I don't die here okay thousand s up that was a mess up see that see that right there watch this guy he's not gonna hit okay did hit me alright nevermind okay let me go up here and I'll read the donation okay thank you by the way holy [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you Wow let me go over here okay just one second I'm gonna read this as you're making your gaming list so you mentioned fable anniversary you didn't check it out I hope you can look it up later and decide if you want to listen right I really like to see you playing that game have a nice day let the air think much the hundred dollars holy [ __ ] thank you so much man I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you dude so actually yes I would love to play fable again I'll give you just a just a straight-up answer yes I would love to play table period I like table a lot whenever I played it I was younger because there was like a girl with like these like big-ass titties you can get married to in that game and that was my favorite part about the game and I remember anything else about it except for I remember at the end you have to kill your sister or you can if you're like the good guy or your bad guy where you can't if you're the good guy right and I killed her because it gave me a really good sword and I felt bad about it for like one second until I hit somebody with the sword and I was like wow this does a lot of damage and so that was about it I never never cared after that ok buy some of these real quick ok and I'll buy some of those I kind of want to buy the bow but I'm not really gonna worry about that right now because it might be too many souls ok ah there we go we should be good here perfect thanks for the spoilers yeah sure man my pleasure make sure to follow the stream I'll rule in more games for you to table wash chapters well actually the funny thing about that game is my friends actually still my friend Eric stole the game from me and he swore to me that he didn't steal it until we had like a conversation like 10 years later about his friend our friend Jason like borrowing the game and I found that they didn't steal the game for me I was kind of pissed but that's the way it goes I guess I've stolen a lot of things from Eric to place these tons of [ __ ] like not even like important things just like these he left over at my house and I'm like is it hey is this mine I'm like nope and that's about it it's all like I'm like I'm not a terrible person you know but it's just you know Finders Keepers bottom see that timing right there that's practice and perfection actually oh I forgot about something let me do this right here it's weird because I've thought about doing this like for the past month or so and I've thought about like how would I play it whenever I was actually doing it right because obviously whenever I did practice runs I was a lot more sloppy but like doing it now what the [ __ ] okay killing that guy there we go I don't know what the [ __ ] that was supposed to be yeah I'm getting attacked from behind like I can't catch a [ __ ] break do it again see what happens that's what happens [ __ ] you I was hoping these guys couldn't tie tonight charge that's why I used the humanity so I got more what got him the little oh god I never fall off the edge never fall off the edge they can that's why I did it okay guys focusing up gonna died to Drake no here's why here's why I walked around instead of going there again because sometimes the Drake does another attack that just fully kills your character and in my one of my playthroughs of this I ran across and that the second breath killed me so I'm not gonna take that risk which is why I went all the way through undead burger again okay the second plate fifty what oh [ __ ] her name is Lady Grey I love the game and I look forward I look forward to watch you play it well thank you very much I appreciate ya hey Tigre there you go man I remember it very very clearly actually it was a great game I really did like fable actually I'm gonna open this up just for convenience sake later on potentially I haven't decided entirely like okay how much besides entirely like how I want to handle that okay this is the hard part bad timing good timing good timing okay there we go we'll go around here now we've got these [ __ ] now these [ __ ] can [ __ ] you so fast they can [ __ ] you so fast and I'm ready to get [ __ ] I'm so ready to get [ __ ] okay there we go good so fast now a stupid person would charge in there but I'm not gonna do that okay there we go let's go ahead and use this over here now obviously like I've never I'm never gonna I've never died to that pack but I don't really want to take the risk either there's no reason to okay that way I can Kindle and still have plus plus 10 cuz there's a soft cap on that that's ten okay now this is the next hard part I'm gonna walk up here and three [ __ ] are gonna come out of the doors there's the [ __ ] right there as you see I'm positioning myself so the the wagon there prevents me from getting a pack from the range attacks from this guy over here done that's it okay let's go over this way I kind of I don't know if I want to heal here or not um I won't heal I'll wait for this guy to come at me come on all right he's on his way he's gonna come there it is boys the slam took me underneath the attack okay it's fine I'll let them be mad in there I thought I'd hit him there I know what I'm gonna do how do I not hit him there we go okay I don't know what the [ __ ] that was all right boys now let me clear it down what you down here real quick okay I want to get my poison thing real quick I'll be fine good sawing oh it's okay it's okay either from our stamina region now it's gonna be fine dude don't worry about calling Andy I'm not gonna stall dude like I'm just gonna get one thing I'll be ready to kill the [ __ ] boss it's a second okay I had to buy the resin yeah I'm gonna go buy the resin and then I'll be ready to go because the resin makes him take more damage okay okay one of these two of those and okay there is the resin where's the resin okay there it is all right let me get the resin real quick and we'll be good all right okay we're fine the resin I'm gonna use that in just a minute here just so I can fight him because the poison resin does more damage with dung pies what do you guys say dung pies [ __ ] dude okay I'm gonna throw them away I didn't give a [ __ ] okay let me just throw these things away yeah let me throw them boy real quick I don't want any of this trash III guess I have to go farm out more souls in a second here it's really [ __ ] annoying but that's the way it goes okay I I don't know why like I just start choking sometimes and I just make these [ __ ] mistakes and it's really embarrassing but I mean there it is it's [ __ ] stupid dude like I I don't know why I make these mistakes I'll pay attention better for now on to cement let me actually read some donations real quick and then we'll fight the Capra demon okay yeah I don't know what that was I sometimes I'll get like really really panicked and upset and I'll just do something that's just [ __ ] stupid but whatever I'll just I'll throw those away and just spend my time reading this okay I'm just second her name was actually pink okay think of the 300 bits I appreciate that man I used my torch from yesterday after one of the wipes so I have some bits instead thank you very much the thousand bits I appreciate that man thank you thank you thank you dude okay um let's see did I miss anybody else how much money you pay McCall to talk to you $5,000 a day thank you okay I don't [ __ ] money okay just a second or make sure they don't miss any more of these and then well actually we will fight Capra demon just give me a second I want to make sure that I don't get too far behind in these donations or anything thank you guys for all the subs by the way I really do [ __ ] appreciate it thank you guys so much let's see here okay I think I didn't actually go buddy okay great maybe um maybe I missed one person if I did I I do apologize but I think I got everyone here just a second awesome t-shirt yeah this is a shirt that I have real quick well stall for a little bit longer this shirt actually pink sparkles got this shirt for me and she brought it with her and I actually liked it a lot and it reminds me of of some time as me of a lot of things but it's good I like the shirt it's very good sure okay guys let's get here that's the mad wait why is the chat mad why you guys mad how far have you practiced oh I don't even know what I'm doing like I'm not sure with this boss this here like I'm basically just playing the game for fun right now okay how you gonna kill see if you have to die well I mean like besides see if I'm not gonna worry about Seath dying before see what's the minim okay I'm almost ready to fight Capra demon it's gonna take a second I've been pretty stressed out doing this and I could just take a second to relax just enjoy myself and have fun for a second and then we will go back and keep killing see or keep killing a Capra demon mmm-hmm let's go doctors we can skip this ethos yeah but it's not intended like I'm not doing anything here it's unintended by the game right there's nothing here like this isn't like cheating like I'm not gonna do anything just like accidentally kills a boss randomly or you know basically like invalidate it's like a really really hard part of the fight or the game because I think that would kind of diminish the integrity of the run so for an example right if I was to fight a boss and then there were some ability that I could use to just prevent the boss from doing anything and just dying well then I wouldn't wait where's where's the Capra demon where are you going where wait what what what happened to the Capra demon why okay all right let's go down here man okay cheating Andy you got it right you will have to fight some bosses we'll see about that that's actually true like that so I can choose Capra demon there's no one's gonna fight kafir demon [ __ ] that dude like yeah yeah I killed Capra demon literally with [ __ ] so that was that was my strategy there and it worked by the way but let's go down here yes so the bosses that I will have to fight like for sure I will fight ornstein and smough right or whatever the hell his name's Moe there is no cheese or cheating that I'm going to use to beat them it's just going to be pure gameplay and absolute skill all right the way I'm going to do it is not basically going to attack them until one of their health reaches zero and then I will repeat that same process on to the second the second enemy and that's gonna basically be it so yeah that's one I'm pretty much planning on doing I might do something else too I'm just not sure yet okay um all right one at a time one at a time there it is right through the [ __ ] wall I love cheating if you guys can't tell already you got tired out what a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay there we go and there's one more right here got him okay and okay alright that was a little bit scuffed okay don't get me wrong that was a bit scuffed how long he'd been snorting coke I don't do any drugs okay suck my [ __ ] dick suck my [ __ ] dick what okay that's good I got a little bit worried there holy [ __ ] that was scary Wow okay we're fine there's the Ember thank [ __ ] god all right let's go back up to the top now we have to fight another one of those guys he's gonna be right up there so if I jump down here he's gonna drop I'm gonna hit him before he can recover oh boy oh boy okay yeah we got the sack you know what I'm not gonna take this risk [ __ ] that got him now we [ __ ] his ass right here we [ __ ] his ass right here here we go okay there's a [ __ ] that's gonna come over here I'm gonna kill him there's the [ __ ] I hurt I heard him I heard him okay we're a second okay there we go we're good the fun I was kind of bad alright next part is gonna be kind of sketchy here filling the slime with a sword well look dude you don't mess a success okay all right let me group all these up it should be good here should be good nice and slow nice and slow no mistakes one mistake I'm dead okay there it is that's a green tight night I'm gonna be really upset okay okay one more there it is I'm upset okay here we go the sense portrait skip do I know about it yeah I know about it there it is boys there it is boys okay now I have to go do one thing and I have to go turn in my my item and I'll be just fine going for all any bosses I'm just trying to complete the game without dying like that means killing go in I'm not gonna use any exploit at all to get there right so like where you can skip the other bosses I'm not going to do that that being said I will use other things that I can no not really I'm not I swear I promise I'm not gonna do any any [ __ ] okay you got you dead on see well I'm not counting that death right because that's intentional by the game okay let me kill these again and whoa whoa okay I was a little bit upsetting the [ __ ] there's a skip yeah I know there's a skip but it's just I'm not gonna use it I was hoping to kill these guys for some shards but they're not dropping any let's see if I get lucky here I need to go back and turn in that inverter Andre and that way I don't have to go back and forth all the time to like turn this stuff in because it is kind of annoying to do okay come on we'll use drop something great will drop right yeah I know they have a little drop rate but I mean I'm going to at least try and get one you know for obvious reasons okay let's go I'm not gonna worry about that one over there if you died a pinwheel you have to donate five thousand honestly dude okay um that was a little bit a little bit scary let's go back up here alright got him oh oh okay all right we're good we're good we're good god I'm dude I called you I used to play that baseball that song so good at hitting these balls dude yeah you're gonna sucking balls too what do you mean dude I've been going to soccer balls suck come on man ball sucker you're just saying that for reddit Karma okay got him got him got him all right here we go a couple more and then I need to go back yeah I forgot about that guy [ __ ] it doesn't matter all right let me hit myself up real quick okay that guy doing that a butcher doing that fast attack there was not what I planned on happening by the way I want to let you guys know that like that was actually I was [ __ ] terrified whenever that happened like I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys like I was [ __ ] I was like oh my god no this is over because I had that happen to me once and I died so why I was really really upset whenever that happened okay yeah pre-recorded I died and go in yeah dude there it is okay let's go up to the top so the reason I'm not gonna use any bonfires on this entire way over is because I'm gonna use the homeward bone that take me from Andre all the way back down to the depths without having to travel over there and then also I'm gonna buy an armor sorry a weapon lockbox so I can upgrade my weapons all the way all the way down while I'm down there that way I don't have to go back and forth and I can just go directly to bite town after I finished the the depths what's your plan for levelling I'm gonna get him that's alright I get as many levels as I can get and then after I have that many levels I'll be okay that was my that's my current plan obviously that could change this is kind of this is a little bit sketchy okay all right good anytime that I'm on a bridge okay whoa okay okay okay never mind let's go up here everything's going just fine nothing is going wrong I'm playing perfectly I'm not making any mistakes you know guys if you keep reacting that way to the words bridge you're not gonna be able to even say the word bridge anymore because journalists are gonna consider it dog whistle so be careful what you're laughing at okay because things can't be funny can you imagine that I think that's what she got yeah there's I wonder if overwatch League has bridge banned in their chat because if not I guess they're condoning racism I mean you think about it right I mean it you put two and two together I mean you can't put a frog in chat cuz that's racist how can bridges not be racist I mean come on so really fear-mongering if what I'm saying is true like pretty much anything could be co-opted when I die well you got close I got lazy I stopped paying attention I played like [ __ ] that's how easy it is to die in this game see that wasn't easy that was an easy mob right very very easy mob I almost died to it joking about yeah i yeah I joke about racism I almost die there it is that's the Debs right there okay holy [ __ ] like I oh my god I that happened so fast I didn't even have time to panic I just did it which is probably good because if I didn't I would have panicked holy [ __ ] man that was so [ __ ] stupid of me like oh my god wow what the [ __ ] was I thinking oh my god okay all right that cannot happen again Wow okay don't have one that's all good I thought I had one for some reason oh wow I'm just so used to always having one I I just I just [ __ ] up okay just a second I've got I've got to go back anyway all right when we turn back to the bonfire holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that actually terrified me right there okay can I even upgrade it again I've got a wave um okay let me just go through this whole thing all right let me level up here points in vitality I don't know what to do honestly I just I just [ __ ] up there well thank you tea Park 27 I appreciate that What did he say okay I'm gonna try and get one more set of these and if I don't get a shard from these I'm just gonna say [ __ ] it and keep going because there's one guaranteed charger you can pick up and I'm gonna probably just get that alright then we're gonna move down the depths I can't believe I I feel like such a [ __ ] idiot man because I remember telling myself like n you know you lose you lose track and you stop paying attention like that's it I feel so stupid because I did the exact thing that I said I couldn't do okay I'm pretty upset these guys aren't dropping the item I need but that's okay they're there right there right [ __ ] what a [ __ ] game come on man come on man come on come on give it to me give it to me give me the item okay now item it's the way it goes you want some you lose some all right let's go down here okay I'm away from our poison to go away these rats don't [ __ ] around okay neither do i neither do i [ __ ] there we go I'm getting rid of all the rats I'm gonna pretend like this is my house got'em timing you see that timing [ __ ] perfect absolutely [ __ ] perfect there's one see if they're scared of me they should be the police don't hit me I'm scared of you too okay here we go good that guy he won't even do it see what happens see what happens that's right okay now we're gonna have two points now I could go down to the bottom and I could fight the basilisks and something bad could happen I don't know guys [ __ ] headshot Donna humanity good good all right perfect yeah we got him by the wrist right okay got him easy game no mistakes flawless gameplay I never make mistakes all right there's the shard I should have gone I don't know why I didn't just go get that right then I I first some reason I thought that I already had one that was stupid of me it's okay though you ever wonder why rats and Dark Souls gives you the vanity why oh I don't know somebody should make a video public does they eat people right this is the Black Plague yeah oh yeah the Black Plague get that item got it okay all right and we don't you hear them [ __ ] you okay all right do I do the basilisks or not I don't know are you a [ __ ] or not alright 900% focus right now 9 3% I'm not even gonna take cursed amateur not even gonna take cursed damage got him I don't want to make any mistakes I can use fire bombs if they get too close come on come to me okay got him okay no mistakes I get hit by that I die [ __ ] what what there's still another one got him no curse damage I don't want to take any curse damage there it is voice there's the ring okay perfect alright let's go up to the top here not curse I told you guys I wasn't gonna get hit I knew I wasn't gonna get hit you know how I knew that cuz I know I'm good at this game alright now I'm gonna get back over there I just I don't know if I should kill I don't think I should kill gaping dragon right now like actually you know what let me go all the way over to him and I'll make that decision because like I could go and upgrade my weapon and I think that'd be smarter because I'm gonna upgrade before I go to white town anyway so it seems like gonna be a good idea for me to just do it now the [ __ ] mennies rats are so dangerous man like their headlights okay good all right one more every time I just can't handle these rats he's like the only mobs that are getting me okay there it is there it is no mistakes no mistakes boys zero [ __ ] mistakes all right got him what do you guys think I think I should go to Andre and upgrade my sword that seems like the smart thing to do and I can just use this this thing here - why I get fat back faster yeah I should go you have the upgrade it doesn't matter because it's a modified plate so modifying weapons is different than upgrading them I thought that I had a five I thought that headache I could take it to six so that I could upgrade it to five right or from [ __ ] from five to six but yeah I am right okay let me just heal myself up here get a little bit more health and then I'll go forward okay couple up okay vitality all right let's see so reinforced weapon if I go to here see it doesn't it's not on there I actually have to go to Andre for that which was my fault I [ __ ] that up I totally forgot about that it was my mistake but that's the way it goes I guess we're gonna have to waste a little bit of time here got them perfect upgrade endurance it's not worth it right now so here's the difference right is like so you can worry about fat rolling or you can just kill them you can just kill them and you can fat roll anyway right so it's not really a big deal one way or another that's the way that I see it at least so you just kill them and that's it I don't worry about fat rolling or I actually if you guys haven't noticed based off of my playstyle I really actually don't real worry about rolling at all my whole strategy is to kill something before it does anything and that way I don't have to roll any out of its any attacks right and that's been a strategy I've been using ever since the first day I started playing this game and it has never really proved me wrong it works really well it's very effective and it's just really useful I was hoping I get like there's a time that I did this in a write practice and I got like three on the same pack and now I'm not even getting one oh [ __ ] man okay let's go alright I have to go back to Andre this is my fault I I messed this up okay consume more humanity humanity has a soft cap on luck at ten so there's no reason that he's consumed humanity after that so I will be consuming it but I'll be using humanity is basically a heel that's what least that's my understanding of the way that it works now I could be wrong but that's my understanding okay okay so I'm really good at this game you guys can't tell him I'm [ __ ] amazing alright there we go we're good okay [Music] I thought I hit that guy over there it's too bad I didn't [ __ ] okay got him see I get really lazy with these mobs and if I make one mistake here I die one mistake actually not one to say I'll have to make like five mistakes in a realm but usually when it rains it pours and like if you start panicking dude you die so [ __ ] fast there we go got him perfect okay now I can just go to the top I'm just gonna ignore these guys I don't want to waste time killing each different mob there we go you got the shield oh the what do you call it the shield for the thing yeah I don't want to get that shield I don't think that it's really it's worth it right now because I'd have to fight the Black Knight with the halberd and that is a risk right and it's like it's an unnecessary risk I will kill him later on to get the the chunk from him but there's no reason to kill him right now again it's just an unnecessary risk get the Black Knight shield I don't even know what the Black Knight shield does do you know what does McDonald the Black Knight shield no who cares well you're right I'm going to use the same [ __ ] thing okay hi defensive fire is this toka I guess that is pretty good take him inside room he won't come out of here okay okay guys I'll be honest after I killed the the dragon there I am going into Blighttown and I am NOT looking forward to it to say the least I'm very very nervous about my movement one mistake one mishap one miss movement and it's over it's [ __ ] done after I kill this boss that's why I have to go into so this is gonna be a real [ __ ] why don't you skip it well I mean like you can skip a lot of stuff right I mean but I don't want to like I don't want to make a habit into just skipping everything like we're not skipping [ __ ] well except for things that we can skip and we are gonna skip those but besides that we're not gonna skip anything okay here we go let's go I'm gonna go upgrade I'll be fine just skip white town well no yeah I can't wait yeah I'm not even able to what do you mean yeah you can't skip it I'm safe yeah I don't know how they go to Boys Town through Rwanda um well I'd have to go all the way around and like I could fall off the elevator - there - it's not like that makes it to where I can't make any mistakes I just make different mistakes okay let's go down here we're gonna upgrade the weapon and then we'll be good to go I'll port back up and then we will fight the boss okay a lot of fighting the weapon there we go all right we are good and I have the weapon upgrade item I don't need anything from here I don't need anything from there all right we are ready let's do it I'm gonna take a piss I'll be right back I'll make sure I'm in a clear state of mind just so everybody knows google chrome is going to not allow any more ad blockers on the browser so yeah I don't know when I don't know when it's not fake news okay I'm back what are they talking about Chrome for okay yeah didn't they make its worried like you you can't block ads on Chrome anymore if I remember right that that's that's what it is I mean they're thinking about it they're thinking about if Google is thinking about it they're probably gonna do it because as we know Google is the shittiest bunny spying biggest spire in the [ __ ] world and everybody goes through very true that they spy on your [ __ ] like yeah I'm not a big fan of that either I don't know anybody who's like wow I really want Google to find out like you know spy on me and you know like turn on my phone and listen to my conversations I don't know if they do that I'm not sure but I think the fact that like Mark Zuckerberg puts a piece of tape over his uh yes I got one [ __ ] yes dude there we go I've been waiting for this [ __ ] okay boys now we are [ __ ] ready we were ready before but now we're really ready okay I'm gonna go up here this I'm not even gonna kill these guys here let me just go upgrade I'm gonna go in okay he didn't drop anything did he no he didn't okay let's go yeah yeah I mean the thing is like ads and everything like that like I'm not a big fan of like ads I don't think that I don't think ads should be like the way that people should try to make money online like I just feel like it's a it's not a user friendly kids it's not a user friendly solution but I don't know if it's gonna ever get fixed up honestly you didn't skip white town I'm not skipping white town we're doing let's go because you can't really skip white town you just do it a different way as a reliable well yeah of course I'm not saying that like I'm not saying to ads don't have advantages I'm just saying that as somebody who like has done online concentration and everything for a long time I'm not a big fan of ads personally okay I'm gonna buy two of these [ __ ] you gotta never you gotta get whenever you go against those rats man anything can [ __ ] happen anything can happen alrighty here we go it's just a little piranha you know a little little crocodile not piranha with crocodile and then surprise [ __ ] all right here we go pick a charity I already have okay [Music] [Music] my spacebar didn't work there I know you guys won't believe me but it didn't I tried the spacebar that there it is see spacebar worked that time [ __ ] ok never mind this is this is fine come on come on do the smash do the smash [Music] laughter this [Music] okay do it one more time [ __ ] fine that's fine that's fine that's fine this is it [Music] okay just that easy voice just that easy just go in there again just that easy just that [ __ ] easy holy [ __ ] alright this way alright forgot let me uh let me use my souls and then we'll move up we'll keep going we'll go to Blighttown 14 humanity you didn't use them how how do you want me using let's go this way we bike right here yeah this is everybody oh come on man where the [ __ ] did he even come from big I don't even know whatever who cares let me go up here well that guy's dead uh-uh I'm gonna kill these one more time I feel confident that I'm gonna get another another thing I'm gonna go he's won one last time one last [ __ ] time this is gonna be a boys this is gonna be it right here This Is It this is it I'm gonna get a 100 percent these dough knows ok I'll read donations as soon as I get to actually know it I can just read them on fighting these just a second live away real quick I tell this guy real quick [ __ ] the [ __ ] okay got him all right let me read donations real quick is this pre-recorded yes it is to skip why town you go find trying to Ando well I understand that right but I don't want to just skip everything in the game like there's a lot of things that like there are a lot of ways that you can like skip things but I don't really feel like that's like I feel like boy town is like a core component of the game and like if you skip that entire it's like skipping sense fortress in a way it would just kind of like diminish it and it's like I'll do a lot of things to like make it easier on myself right but I don't want to just like invalidate every bit of like content that there is you know what I mean that's like my thinking hug faster stronger better go drink booze go thank you very much the thousand bits I appreciate that man thank you thank you all right we kill them and I got nothing okay so that good feeling I had was just a feeling okay I see that now are you gonna skip lost izalith swagger in 30 minutes - quo weena what how do you do that what we're finding every game well said see playing Souls games on my Paris trying to coach the Dark Souls Dark Souls 1 stream glad you enjoy them I do absolutely thank you man we'll put donated five thousand bits thank you so much man just six seemingly harmless letters a couple of I'm not gonna read that thanks man okay let's see skip the deficit by town value drags pre-recorded I guess not yeah this is a pre-recorded game see like I can play right now it's nothing okay all right oh I forgot to use my things let me use my things real quick before I leave because Blighttown this is the main point that I'm worried about like if I can get through Blighttown I think I can beat the game I'll be honest on a lot of my my playthroughs you know wasn't wasn't good let's just say that was not good since fortress is just as dangerous yeah I mean yeah you are right about that you're right yeah since fortress I would say is is dangerous okay all right let's go there we go got him ons I'm not worried about them actually well I'm I'm worried like I'm I'm more worried about them than I am the gaping dragon all right like yeah sure but besides that I think it'll be pretty much simple like cuz like by then I'll have much better here and I'll like I'll have like my like my set that I'm used to playing with right and I'll have like that muscle memory of like how to play okay here we go I got greedy they're stupid I made a dumb decision there okay here's the next one all right I'll heal after this they're dangerous but I'm more dangerous or there it is there it is okay okay all right we're good holy [ __ ] we're good okay [ __ ] I forgot about this guy apparently he forgot about me too alright we're fine I'm not even gonna try oh I can get it all righty that was uh that was really close let's just say that that was really really really close I did not have a good time there that was [ __ ] ridiculously close and totally my fault to like that wasn't even like that wasn't like the game or like any other kind of bow tie was my fault okay all right don't let that guy come up here remember slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race here we go I don't make any mistakes I don't do anything wrong no I can do this a lot faster but I'm not going to I don't have anything to prove here no I think I have to prove is that I can get it done without making a [ __ ] mistake what are the mobs of white town will cook you I'm not bad okay we killed this guy over here not that guy [ __ ] that guy okay and I'll tell this guy to just for just for good measure let him know let him know what's up all right let's see and I need to go down here right okay oh good shot good shot really good shot there nice all right there he is he's dead good now I need to go down there and okay he's coming me he's coming to me he's coming to me all right I'm waiting I'll just wait right here I'm a very patient person okay one two all right there we go we're fine [ __ ] there's the dogs there's the dogs got him okay good good thing you got you got stuck there all right help me go ahead and heal all right I proud more flasks but I'm gonna Kindle this anyway just to be absolutely completely certain safe and certain all right I don't wanna make any mistakes did he die yet no I have not died I will not die okay let me level up get another vitality point maximum health now there's gonna be a point up here it is in my opinion one of the hardest points in the game like for me at least so just just be ready I'll tell you whenever it's coming okay okay I have to be completely cool completely calm if I if a situation arises and I need to calm down I will play the seal video but I don't think that I will need to now there's that guy he's gonna shoot darts at me I've got to watch out for that okay I'm gonna pull this guy all the way back okay one and two there we go we got him he's down I see none of the guy right here I'm gonna hit him here [ __ ] okay let me wait for this to go away okay some one of them just killed themselves all right perfect last donation of salty cry boy what do you say first notice when you're getting done with you're done getting over it yeah yeah I'm done quail you spider-girl give Humanity's - if you give heard they're humanities I'm gonna shortcut just before the fire sage demon to skip lost izalith well you still have to do the bed of chaos right I mean like because as always I have to do that I mean it doesn't really matter like that's the only hard part of the game right where are they oh there's one right there okay this guy's gonna come up come on out buddy let's go destroy that right there just so they can hear me they know I'm here okay I don't want to catch anybody by surprise don't want to scare him okay good I guess I'll vote this year okay I hear I hear noises I hear there's one there's one right there right there right there right there that's a [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] Feli Thank You Marshall 20 subs I appreciate that man thank you thank you thank you okay this is the hard part right up here so there's gonna be a big fat guy and then there's also gonna be a little guy this is really really really difficult where is he you seem to die here me fall off camera you have no idea how stressful that was okay like I've died on that part like ten times like that was actually the worst part holy [ __ ] yes that's just a dung pie they always drop dung pies like there's no reason to loot them okay let's keep going I would say this is the easy part but I do I don't want to say that all right [ __ ] let me let me hide here let me hide here I really don't want to take another hit there I only have like one toxin thing and I don't want to lose it yeah I really don't want to lose my toxin I don't even know where the [ __ ] I'm getting hit by okay I know how I just got 500 points there it's fine now okay good all righty do I have a bow have I looted a bow let me see if I can just hit with a bow I have a crossbow but I can't scope with the crossbow [ __ ] alright okay let's keep going that was good I was very good now I'm gonna try to make my way all the way over to the [ __ ] okay I'm going I'm going now going now going now going now and to kill him it's going okay moving out of that killing this guy here okay good all right actually no no I'm gonna go I'm gonna I'm gonna take a risk I'm gonna take a risk there are tight night stars over here okay let's go I'm taking matters into my own hands this is very dangerous but we're gonna do what we need to do okay no risk no reward no risk to no reward let's go hi let me kill these not only do I need to do this if I need to do it very quickly to any mistakes that I make here it will kill me because I've already got poison on me - okay let's upgrade green titanite shards fine all right look behind they chase you yeah I mean the buzzards do but like I don't care about the buzzards like they're just buzzards man who gives a [ __ ] got him doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter I can take it I can take it I can take it let's go I can take a dick easy dude nothing got him okay let's keep moving there's one titanite shards a I don't even know why I'm doing this I feel like an idiot for doing this but it's okay let's just keep going got him these things are supposed to also drop the shards and they're not dropping any of them this is really [ __ ] stupid okay okay that guy's dead good all right I have to get some shards from these guys got him okay one at a time one at a time no mistakes do not make any mistakes okay besides that one that one doesn't count I'm not gonna count that as a mistake that was just [ __ ] got it yes dude yes okay there we go poppin off boys poppin off boys let's go okay kill myself real quick got him another one I'm not afraid not anymore okay got him got him all right let's go all the way to the back I'd be get yes you're right I am beginning to believe holy [ __ ] okay let's keep going climb the route to get more shards yeah more like climb the route to die there's no way I'm gonna go over there it's a huge [ __ ] risk to get like one shard no [ __ ] way I'm not gonna do ash lake it's a to high level zone okay watch this got'em okay you don't watch that part don't watch this part okay we got him good all right I'm feeling a little bit more confident now that I have more health and everything I'm not gonna all right tell me guys I want you to tell me right now make this promise with me right now that if I do anything that is brash or it feels like I'm trying to show off just be like stop you stop that right now because I can't let anything like that happen okay so please guys okay stop no not now not now everything's fine right now okay let's go down over here I kind of want to kill all those mobs again but let me see how many of the shards that I have I have three so if he has seven right now and I get one more [Music] camera have two okay I'll fix that as soon as I get to the bonfire okay yeah that should only take me like one second to do I've got like five [ __ ] Birds on me right now so let me just go over there as quick as possible okay I've got to make it over there I'm half health already this is not good come on okay I made it alright I'm running to the bonfire ha okay we're good all right thank God okay everything's fine I'll turn off the camera I'll give it a like five minutes or so to charge and then it should be okay all right all right let's go and use this reinforced weapon where's my weapon there it is okay all right um okay I'm just deciding right now oh yeah yeah reinforced bonfire thank you because if I if I go and I kill those mobs again there's a really really high chance that I'll get at least two more titanite shards I need three though I think I should yeah I'm gonna do it no no no that's not no this that's not that's the smoke no it's not a risk like that's the last thing that's that's the opposite of a risk what do you mean stop like though this is fine this is not a risk at all like these mobs are easy as [ __ ] to kill like you just go in there in one shot um and I'm just gonna go back to the bonfire after they're all dead and then that way I'll have more of the shards and I can upgrade my weapon everything's completely fine okay just give it a break like I I know whenever things are getting dangerous and things are not dangerous right now this is nothing there it is see that I need to get three of them so if I go all the way through here and I get zero I'm going to be very upset got him look at that five hundred damage already bottom got him okay perfect all right that's all of them and we'll go to the next pack now pick up the stamina ring I don't give a [ __ ] about that trash dude I'd rather have the heel on kill like I know it sounds stupid but it just it matches like the way that I think you know it's like victory Russian Wow and like I have that and I feel comfortable [ __ ] ass [ __ ] dick okay we got him okay got him all right let me get over to here one at a time [ __ ] okay okay all right that's a loop right let me kill him real quick is that a lute no it's a dilute I haven't gotten any what I haven't gotten any I'm being cheated man this is [ __ ] okay I better get one that's a double kill give me one give me one come on give me one item okay good one in 50 well no I it's more than one in 50 dude I can guarantee you that all right let's try over here Marquess any I'm not being repla this is the last thing this is this is the opposite of reckless I'm trying to plan and make sure that I have everything that I need to go into it's like I'm not worried about this boss I don't give a [ __ ] about this boss this boss is gonna be okay I am worried about this boss I'm worried about every single boss like I was worried about Asylum Demon like I started panicking on Asylum Demon yes I'm worried about quail egg even though it's a joke of a [ __ ] boss I'm still worried about it okay good I'm just I'm not getting any of these items like I'm getting so ridiculously unlucky right now I think this is not fair the dis game's [ __ ] rape maybe I should go into ash lake I'm just kidding I just wanted to see you guys those reactions with that I'm not gonna do that I was just testing you guys I was just testing you guys okay I'm not gonna go into Ashley obviously not okay I don't know what to do IIIi don't know what to do because like one more should I do one more just like one more set one more set I go with whatever the [ __ ] I have what what [ __ ] [ __ ] okay No no mistakes how many mistakes do I make guys zero I don't make any mistakes there are no mistakes I do not make any mistakes ever okay zero [ __ ] mistakes alright I'm gonna do one more I'm gonna try and kill these [ __ ] slugs one more time and if I don't get one can I put in a ticket in this game oh yeah out of their tickets you can put in cuz this is some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay got him come on man come on man like why you have to do this I'll just tweet it boy sir it anyway okay I'll be a blizzard this game sucks but so does yours I'm sure they'll appreciate that okay let me kill these guys alright one more one more run of the slugs and then I go at the boss with whatever I have like I just I don't want to like I don't wanna put myself in a bad position because there's actually a reason why I care about getting this many these many shards and it's actually like it's a reason like later on it's like very specific basically the monsters and sends fortress the like that the the blood loss mobs like not the big guys with the shields but like the smaller ones that cafee male ones if I if I have a plus 10 I've one shot them and if I don't I don't want to shot them [ __ ] okay give me give me a shard okay smaller ones are male oh yeah I forgot actually I had no idea about that I'm sure okay um come on okay next one got him got it we snuck up on that one okay good I just I don't understand like inside the game wants me to lose like really it's like the game wants me to [ __ ] loose I'm sitting here all I want to do is get some items and it won't even let me do that okay alright there's one down I swear to god dude if I don't get any sparkles this time on open fine I can get him here I can get him here there's plenty more there's plenty more I'm gonna be just fine okay I'm getting overconfident right now step back yes okay I got one all right [ __ ] it okay is that that's one let's see if we can do better than that all righty and I can just pour it back after I kill the rest of these that one's dead this one's dead okay this is that boys this is it let's move away I can still get even more than this yeah yes dude yes dude yes dude that's what I like to see [ __ ] yes okay see guys I told you guys there's a reason that I did this I wasn't just playing to be stupid okay let's go alright I'll kill the last ones maybe I can get it I can get triple lucky wait how I got in three auger I'll get quadruple lucky yeah that's perfect and it's gonna make it's gonna be really important than ever I'd die to clay lights explosion it's gonna help me out a lot so I told you guys I just had a high drop rate [ __ ] [ __ ] don't you hit me again alright good it appears like our luck is turning around McConnell dude do you see this got him got him okay good I see if I got any from these okay dude I'm fine I'm not even there I'm not even mad dude I'm gonna let's see I guess I'll probably I'll just use this again just to save some time okay good yeah I got 20 green charts it's completely fine okay I'm never going to die oh I forgot I forgot to do the UM to upgrade the weapon yeah forgot stuff here the weapon damn alright um the in force weapon oh my god a plus 10 that's what we like to see boys there it is [ __ ] yes let's see I have the things to avoid the okay I do all right I don't even need to worry about getting another one now because there's one that's right there at that area right there I'm gonna worry about it who gives a [ __ ] hi I'm just gonna run over there on my own I know I'm poisoned everything is fine I really need to take a piss we gotta kill this boss fast all right so being in a panic in a hurry that means that cuz I don't want to stop right now I don't want to stop because these birds could kill me while I'm taking a piss you see I'm saying okay there we go we got him there's a hard fight but we made it go back to the fire and piss no fight the boss okay we're ready I thought that was something else I [ __ ] up there [Music] little guy there it is boys there it is easy [ __ ] game easy [ __ ] game easy [ __ ] game yes whoo no piss run that's right did you wash your dick why I got a clean dick Arda need to wash my dick oh my god like that was actually really stressful like let's be honest here that was really stressful okay I made that joke 10 times now yeah people have asked the question 100 times now what I need to think of a new [ __ ] response every time all I have to do is tell the truth why did you do that because she drops the Firekeeper thing like like I give a [ __ ] about this guy I'm gonna light the bonfires I'm gonna kill her Oh camera yeah let me fix the camera thank you we're good alright alright and it's going rest here hey how's it going you having a good day yeah me too and you're dead okay and there's the fire keeper soul look dude that's the way it goes I mean it's a rough-and-tumble world out there and sometimes that's life I went to the bonfire so I could teleport to it later on I used her for what she was worth and then I threw her away hey what can I say that's the way it goes boys hope he died the next mob well yeah I mean there's actually a pretty dangerous spot up here so there are there are four or Firekeeper Souls I'm going to get the first one I already got the second one I just got the third one I'm gonna get up a Blighttown than the fourth one I'm gonna get whenever I where's the fourth fire keeper soul in ruins of new Ando so that's basically like that that's what my plan is okay just lost the shortcut I didn't need the shortcut like I practiced killing the fire sage a thousand times like if I die at the fire stage I'll shave my [ __ ] head like there's no way I'm gonna die to that boss that's a fifth floor now yeah dude I'm not even gonna give a [ __ ] dude okay now we have to go all the way around okay all the way around here did I get hit by that no I didn't okay I negra that all right now we roll now we roll now we roll now we roll okay good I'll go pick that item up I guess I forgot what that one is okay [ __ ] in my ass all right we're good I want to deal with them there's the shard that I was waiting for okay let's go this way good excellent skill let me use the poison of the spell okay at this point I'm gonna put on the heavy armor so I'm actually kind of worried about this it might sound ridiculous but I've fallen off of the elevator twice only twice don't have there should be a couple more buzzy boys coming at me I don't see him that makes me a little bit nervous okay all right this parts a bit of a [ __ ] this parts actually a huge [ __ ] wait oh my god get [ __ ] it get absolutely [ __ ] in the ass dude panic place panic place what about this what about this what about double or nothing No so why [Music] so you have one more chance and if you die again it's 4,000 to the charity's a lot of money man like I don't want to spend $4,000 you know what dude you're right I don't know what you're gonna think about him he had a good run you know I think you had a very respectable run and I feel stupid cuz I died too the thing that everybody said I was gonna die - well he panicked I did not panic that's exactly what happened like the one thing that I said would happen happened yeah I mean it's still during my phone well what are you gonna do now dude I don't know she can't shave my head well I said if I died to quail egg not not to the gravity guys as you can see on as man's face he's feeling very upset right now and it's not stupid that's all the the best thing we can do for for him right now chat is just to put hearts in the chat for as much for trying us artists you know he gave it his all and he failed yep I was prepared for everything like I honestly I'm only surprised I didn't die sooner like I I know I could never do this how did came in with the hot 50 if you want dollars yeah thank you so much hotter than done I really appreciate it thank you dude yeah well it's like you always said dude sometimes sometimes you get it sometimes you get guys sometimes you get got I'm just really embarrassed that I did it to myself know what dude let's just what [ __ ] this Dark Soul [ __ ] does do let's go play some Wow let's go let's go PvP and Wow do you let's go play wow oh yeah I don't know about that okay I'm just deciding what to do well keep in mind you've got 30,000 people all waiting with bated breath on the next step that you're gonna take on your stream 30,000 people so just die again like I'll just die again like it's yeah I don't know hands started shaking I yeah I've really I've got a unbind the jump key like that's actually I really do need to do that because that's like I tried to roll back and I don't even know I think my hand just jittered or something like I don't know it's just like it's died to [ __ ] gravity so what I'm getting from chat is you can either you have two options okay you can do either double or nothing or you can play blood-borne I don't have blood-borne setup right now I'm not gonna play blood-borne today that is not going to happen you could play you could play super hexagon [ __ ] you never heard her super hexagon I think chat would love to see okay well no I I don't know what it is I just I can't believe it well what about this okay I just came up with this so I got the clip can something obvious am i clipped in right I can smell link me a clip chap what do you think about this what do you think about this chat okay keep an open mind chat because it's Wednesday what would you say we just forget this whole you know know death business and we just kind of transition into kind of like a welfare Wednesday thing what do you think that I don't know I mean we just wanted to play this here this part wait oh my god this part is actually a huge [ __ ] hide that was such a needless death look at you look at your face what a joke you I mean obviously it counts like I mean you can't have like I mean you can't have like an area in white town well area like white town and say like Oh gravity doesn't count like I would assume like people that are playing the game for the first time probably die on white town to gravity more than to do the mobs oh no I just feel like a [ __ ] [ __ ] man that's cuz I am I mean like that's not even like feel like it I am like I mean I I guess it's not as bad as the Iron Man thing at least what do you want to do man I'm deciding I don't know yet well what are the downsides to to some of the [ __ ] some of what [ __ ] okay what's the downside to double or nothing $2,000 if I can get you a thousand subs right now will you do double or nothing I just feel so stupid for it man like and then I'm just gonna die again like I I don't know okay how about daughters of ash I don't have that I need to prepare to die edition and I don't have it and you can't buy it anymore so I can't try the thing I'd have to get like somebody else's Steam account okay Dark Souls 2 I don't know I guess it's just give me a give me a couple minutes like I'll decide dark said with the 250 dollar donation oh wow Thank You Man oh it should thank you dude awesome run thanks man appreciate it that's why I do it honestly that's what you could have died most ridiculously possible oh really it just makes me look like a [ __ ] idiot but thanks man I appreciate the five two dirt said thanks a lot for this 250 man thank you so much Katrina 2k had a good run thanks man appreciate it good sang that's my cool you did your best no press onward yeah I mean I don't know quick night Furies link wait what is it what's the link here just a second [ __ ] I don't even see it the chats going so fast oh oh it's the seal okay we can watch the seal Fernan feels good men clap feels good man [Music] okay I guess we I mean this was kind of a good run like everything went really well I would say I mean like except for I mean I did choke a few times but for the most part things did go pretty well I just I just [ __ ] up man I just [ __ ] up it's I guess it's frustrating to me whenever you know that your own worth you're your own worst enemy you know that's I don't know that's the way that I feel about it path exhale hardcore like that's why I don't play games like hardcore games or like you know one death things because I'm a [ __ ] up man I'm just a [ __ ] up I always have done I'm not trying to be like like negative or whatever but it's just like I'm just a [ __ ] if there are this I was focusing on make mistakes I panic and I don't know just the run like why like who cares I can't believe III died I jumped off right I didn't roll off right let me see this parts actually a huge [ __ ] wait oh my god yeah I jumped off who clipped that I'm gonna be up the band I'm gonna ban whoever clip that why I mean like there's like a million people are probably clipped in I'm any clips I'm going to go through all the clips may today anybody that clipped anybody that clipped it I'm gonna perma ban you and chat don't worry about it in it's not a big deal why I mean it's not like it's I mean like I [ __ ] up man that's all there is to it I just simply [ __ ] up I just feel so stupid man did I hit the ground there this part is actually a huge [ __ ] I turned around there because I realized that I had hadn't equipped my white armor and the reason I had equipped half white armor is because it had higher poison resist which would have allowed me to not get toxic on the first start and that's why I turned around to move away from him that was the whole point when quit out so next time I mean like I don't think that's going to surprise the Capra demon cheese as a veteran greens from Germany thank you everyone for the 30 I appreciate it man why'd you jump though because I panicked and like my hands like they they're shaky right if I like if I zoomed it on my hand like you'd see that shaky like it's always like that and I just moved the hand cuz I just III panicked like it was honestly just like a panic play a stupid decision and I don't know why I did it like yeah I mean this is completely my phone yeah I mean I didn't really have anything else repair crews today honestly I just I don't know what I want to do well why do you have to prepare there's nothing else to do like what else do I even do there are other games to play like there's other [ __ ] you can do man hey Mary play witcher 3 yeah you could start witcher 3 you could [ __ ] go back to wow you could play [ __ ] super hexagon gem craft you know you could there's all types of [ __ ] you can do you don't have to end the stream just cuz you failed the run I know it's important to you right but it's not it doesn't have to be the end of stream dude the [ __ ] yeah and I get a second I can start rich or three or something yes yeah good call dude all right boys boys might as well I mean cuz it's like which were three like I don't really I don't know I just feel so [ __ ] stupid man it's cool we can just move to witcher 3 dude like we can just do that mm-hmm boys we've been waiting for a long time in fact it's gonna take two hours to download I don't even have it downloaded at all okay yeah I just checked cuz I I could go ahead to two hours to [ __ ] download maybe if I closed Dark Souls it'll be better let me try and install it and see what happens okay a Kringle who game files maybe it'll be faster you got oh man I just our sinners varicose cover gravity well no I mean it's not about that it's like it's not it's like obviously everybody makes mistakes but it's like I only make mistakes like I've never had a good run I don't know that that's what's frustrating to me about it okay let's see so one of two items complete give me a minute and I'll see how long it takes to download here Oh while it's downloading what yeah what if you watch the Sabbats video I don't know I'm just not really like I I really don't take things like this really well like I'm a really bad loser and like guys straight up I'm just a really bad loser I gotta get really really mad and like upset and sure I'm not crying I'm not crying at all I don't really cry it's really rare for me crying I'm just disappointed in myself that's all [ __ ] that's the way it goes I guess I'm gonna do it again next next month I'm gonna do it again next month I'm gonna try to train my hands to not get upset I'm gonna do it again next month and we're gonna put in another attempt at this and and go again and I'll keep going until I get it right yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and do that I'll do the attempt next month let's see how's what you're doing on a download [ __ ] it's like 1% there's no okay all right so I'm not gonna do which or today there die I can't download it like it's gonna be two hours that being said I will play Witcher tomorrow yeah I I will play Witcher tomorrow and I might as well like try it out and see how it's gonna go and if it goes well great if it doesn't okay you know and I'll see what it's like and then maybe start going and doing some evening streams too so I think that's probably the smartest way to do it don't it yeah I mean I am gonna do that absolutely I'm gonna I don't want to do it right now right because I'd have to go on my other computer and put in a bunch of personal information and like bank info and everything but I will do the donate today and I'll post proof of it on Twitter yeah and that that's what I'll definitely do how o night isn't that is that on Steam how long night no it's um let me see let me look this up real quick store I let me second search here how long night hmm should I buy this I kind of wanted to play it I mean I don't really see why I wouldn't play it uh yeah all right I will buy holo night okay yeah I will okay Oh agree to the [ __ ] certain terms of service okay good all right yeah I'll buy the game and I'll start that one sometime soon too okay what games you have installed right now zero I have no games installed right now besides Wow I have wow and Dark Souls that's basically a getting getting over it which I'm am I'm not going to play again cuz my hand yeah I just I don't know it is disappointing that happened that's all every subsequent death no I'm not gonna do anything like that like it's it's all or nothing in my opinion I don't think there should be like a subsequent death thing or anything like that it's all or nothing so I feel like it kind of takes away part of the like suspense of it oh man what a [ __ ] man what a [ __ ] I still can't believe like I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] man you're watching replay wow I mean yeah I could play Wow watch the Dark Souls video will cheer you up a nice trip down memory lane which one the me star watching this wait oh my god they're saying hollow Knights are really quick download yeah I may say hollow night install 23 minutes that's kind of a while well it's not 2 hours yeah it's better than yeah it's better than not okay yeah yeah it's downloading right now and so I'll have both of them downloaded I guess like for this I probably should have like planned out other games instead why are you avoiding blood-borne I'm not avoiding blood-borne nobody said that it's [ __ ] [ __ ] um cop had bosses on expert difficulty I don't know about that man like I don't think I can beat a cup head boss an expert difficulty that's a little bit too much let's say you gotta worry yeah yeah which was the repeat argh yeah I mean the thing is like I wanted to space them out because it's like playing the same game like genre over and over I thought would be boring for the audience so my thinking was that I could play one type of game and then swap over and play something else that way I don't just kind of do the same thing over and over and over and I think that's probably the the best way of like handling cuz like if you want to do variety content you know you want to do a variety of different games and stuff like that and I think a lot of people told me that they got kind of like tired of watching me play Dark Souls whenever I got to like Dark Souls 3 because they had just seen a game just like that and I think swapping things around a little bit would probably be more healthy for the stream maybe a whole a fortnight yeah I know I wish shootout Babji installed yeah I don't have that installed either actually could you do that though cuz me and this fan we want to play with you he will still play pub G yeah dude they came out with a new dope ass map it's winter the ones yeah I mean but that doesn't like you stand up the wall no they fix all that [ __ ] dude the winter Maps the best ones did you know winter is the best season I agree I like winter a lot but I know that I mean if they actually fixed it that'd be great but I don't know if they did like I have no idea I don't know it just it sucks but [ __ ] [ __ ] it dude I mean like I here's what it comes down to like III went in there I think I did pretty well and I made a mistake that's all it really comes down to is I made a mistake and that mistake was made I mean it's just it's just that's it like I just made a mistake and I really thing is that I don't know if I'll ever be at a point where I don't make mistakes like that that's the problem it's like as soon as I panic is so something happens that I'm not ready for it I I just go into like like this like I don't think anymore I just do things and that's kind of what happened yeah I mean it's it's the way it goes guys I feel pretty stupid for it but [ __ ] it I mean that's the way it goes I I don't really know what else to say I'll have to I'll donate the money today whenever I get done and that's basically it you know okay I make mistakes is neutral no I mean I'll do it next month again yeah I will but I don't know oh well Souls lore video to soothe you you said that like 40 [ __ ] times dude it's so like why do you spam in my chat I should just ban you like you're so annoying man like you do it every day every day I see your [ __ ] name and you're spamming the same thing over and over and over again I don't want to be a dick right and like it's not because I died but like today just annoys the [ __ ] out of me listen like guys I I don't know I feel like I'm gonna be in a bad mood for like another hour or so and here's here's what I want to do okay I'm just gonna end this stream like I'm gonna lay down and just I don't know why is this to me it's not I'm gonna in the stream and I'm gonna do which or tomorrow okay that's what's gonna happen I just feel like like the mood that I have right now is just gonna kill the excitement for a new game and III all you guys know that okay I'm gonna do Witcher tomorrow we're gonna keep [ __ ] pushing forward we're gonna be fine everything's good yeah I'm mad I'm not even mad I'm just disappointed in myself but that's what's gonna happen okay so we'll try this again next month I guess maybe and we'll do it for tomorrow okay guys so that's the plan and why such a sore loser it's just who I am like yeah there you go like III people want me to like be genuine and then whenever I'm genuine people complain that I'm not perfect it's like you either have one or the other like of course I could just be like yeah it doesn't matter to me who cares right but like that's the truth is like yeah it bothers me a lot and I feel like [ __ ] I feel like a [ __ ] loser I you know I I don't know there's a lot what I don't want to sit here and just talk about like all the problems that I have it's just it's obnoxious nobody wants to hear that listen guys thanks all for watching really [ __ ] appreciate it today thank you everybody thank everybody for showing up and supporting me and doing this okay it really means a lot and I don't say that enough the support today for like doing the run and ever things been [ __ ] incredible and it's because of you guys that I even did this and it's because of you guys that I'm gonna do it again like I'm not going to stop like yeah I get knocked down but I get back up like it's the nameless King like I will come back I will come back better and stronger and I'll do it again I'll do it better like there's nothing like besides like getting over a thing which is like literally a physio like a physical problem which is why I can do it like I beat every game of co-op against I'm done everything like I I will beat my head against the wall until I can get through and that's what I'm going to do that's what's going to happen and I might not might not look like it right now but this is the process you know success overconfidence arrogance disappointment failure depression suicidal thoughts lay down think about good things move back up get back up and do it again and the cycle repeats itself that's the way it goes for me and that that's that's just look I'm sorry but that's who I am okay thanks all for watching guys I really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you everybody regardless of all this I think that it it was a good stream so thanks a lot everybody for watching and I'll see you guys later okay
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 517,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, dark souls, dark souls remastered, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, mcconnell, deathless dark souls
Id: 3K6iqc5fxdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 38sec (11738 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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