Bald Options & Mass BANS! Asmongold Reacts To WoW News - Shadowlands/Classic | By Bellular

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hey everyone and welcome back to the news a lot has happened a fair amount of drama actually but much of that has actually been addressed in a pretty good way so that's kind of sweet plus well just a bunch of great moves from Blizzard actually with character customization class design and a bunch more good stuff for shoutmon's which is pretty sweet so we've got a lot of nice things to cover today it's cursed patreon that if you want some if you want some sweet loot then this month has you covered we've got the druid class pin so that's a thing you can get and we ran out caught up with a virus delay so shipping is a you know I'll go beyond time and stuff then pass that we've got other special this month we're kicking off a series of pieces on afterlife so we're going gothic this month in our native parish and a few more as well after that yeah yeah yeah of course there's the Great Plains themed art set - so there's not plus our daily gaming news service or access videos and bunch of other stuff so patrons thank you you guys have saved our asses and that continue to do so so cheers at them really appreciates it and with that let's just get stock straight into the news alright so we're going to kick it off today by showing you some of the character creation because man it is so much they made their boobs bigger a hundred percent like a hundred percent dude like there's no way there's trust me I pimp a I've been paying attention to this they a hundred percent made him bigger by this is at least two cup sizes bigger like I'm actually really glad they did this like it's about time that they're actually you know they're actually taking this more seriously this is a good decision yeah they did that for a lot of female characters good no wonder shadow lines is looking good I don't now and this is stuff that has all sort of popped in it's beginning to come together in the actual alpha that we can play in test so yeah it's it's really cool we will do a full overview of like every single option once everyone is there like as an example Night Elves are data mined but they're not actually in the build right now but what I want to do is that first right let's just hop in and take a look at a druid now this is an existing druid not the character creation menu so you can go to the barbershop and actually pulls you into this for a new UI now I think organ druid is all I got a perfect way to tell how these new features because there's just so much they can do so for the worgen players know what I mean it's nice having a new organ models that I'm you know a third of being put that's awesome sweet but one of the existing issues for them was well yeah you kind of couldn't like customize your human you're workin separately now you can do that so you can just customize that's honestly and when you're actually going through all of with all of those options I'm as we sort of talk this is very important I think for mmo's to have like customization I'm very glad Blizzard is actually adding legitimate customization in here you know they're on these drop-down menus they have names that means that it's a lot easier to remember them and just the system's the slight or not a lot of sliders like the drop downs and stuff it's a little bit nicer so that's pretty cool but then you're also druid and what does that mean well it means that for all of your different forms you can actually select what version you want right so you know you're for different travel forms or your you know your water forms oh my god dude that [ __ ] was so scuffed back in the day he used to be like that shitty [ __ ] cheetah or that busted ass bird yeah this was so [ __ ] scuffed yeah you can just choose them at the barber shop you don't have to do this via you know a glyph or something like that it's all just kind of there in this nice system and then when we actually go into other customizations that are there so we sort of zoom away from the Druids for a second well there's even more coming right number one Ballinger characters so yeah you can now go make your character bold and maybe who knows if yours once I chop off the BAP that'll represent me so yeah that so he thinks it's gonna be a few years for him there you go that's pretty cool I'm sure asthma colds are you [ __ ] kidding me oh Jesus man he mad over that lately oh dear right there's that night elves night elves right I have leaves in their hair that's pretty darn cool right so it's just like the Warcraft theory you know like the war 3 like key art all of the Night Elves then I mean it's a pity that tumblr no longer allows NSFW content because I tail customization is in I'm sure there is a slice of the Internet there was going to be very very excited about this but that is literally [ __ ] one step away from a boob slider man McConnell dude do you think they're gonna add boob sliders and well I think I think they're gonna do it man I really I think that this is gonna be it and like by like one more expansion like it like one more expansion they're gonna add the men or generally speaking yeah it's pretty cool you can customize your own eyes tail I mean finally about this cool like wraps and perhaps the words oh no I'm saying creations and stop different types of tails that's all really damn cool right and this is something that I was just not really done that much not really done that well either yeah I think there's so many other things right like there's head dresses for the Torrens just loads of stuff I think we're at the stage where it will all be actually in the game pretty darn soon so do expect to feel like a run-through over from our spot just for now this is absolutely sweet one of the things that well although some is I mean your characters they're just kind of these weird dudes right you couldn't really customize them that much you couldn't really make them your own whereas you know now you've just got so much more you can do with your characters and what I think is really nice is that blazer have invested in UI they've invested in systems here clear that they've made it so that like you just add on this is really good cuz like the role players and [ __ ] they love this [ __ ] game man like they're so into this game and so if you give them something they can waste their time on that's something that's gonna just sell it's gonna make the game sell that's what it comes down to it's gonna make the game sell or stuff in the future and I think that's something that's really really darn exciting now you combine that with being able to have you know one shoulder transmog in just them freeing up some of the retirement like an awesome and I you know I really do think they're letting the groundwork for stuff that could be really really good in the future I mean come on we heard Chris it's either Robertson or Robinson I love one of the art leads and we heard him in a Blizzcon this is like two or three years ago but we heard him talking about why in the past they hadn't done tinted armor in the game because basically right they would do their armor grayscale baseline ball and then they would basically mess around with the color you know hue/saturation and stuff after the fact and that's why the TBC armor was so garish in general so he basically said if we were going to do tinted armor what they would need to do is actually make sets that are very much designed to be tinted and do you know artist made tint options but then just give you a massive selection so heam actually not a few years ago and you know I'm just thinking if we're seeing all of these new decimas a shinobi awesome appearing in the game you've got him talking about that I just do have to wonder if they have this plan to double down a bit more and actually making characters reflect their players and you know what if that's the case I think that's pretty darn cool so Blizzard GG you're doing great work and it's doubly cool because you could have just added a bunch of other allied races and you could have included them in the pre-order right or you know something like that it would have got you more money directly but you choose not to do that right so it's actually true they're investing in their existing content rather than just making allied races to make people spend more money on on race changes that's actually a really good point what Bell you were saying and it's a great idea I actually work and what mattered for existing players I think that's great I respect that so that's pretty cool but that said it's time to move on to a little bit of a drama okay so this is one that's you know God picked me off a little bit personally got to a better state with it now so backing day I used to be a massive gold making player right I love that matter gems right I was never you know when I was in school I had the auction house app in my phone I was messing around without a Z TSM doing the ourselves great stuff and a part what I was doing there also involved glyphs and if you know the glyph market especially back then you were doing a lot of posting a lot of counseling a lot of relisting because that's just how glyphs were well fast-forward to today and yeah there's still a lot of things that put a lot of well guess just tax the auction house quite a bit in terms of performance so what Blizzard have done is they've decided to basically add a restriction on the amount of auction house API calls that a player can do per minute now you're maybe thinking I don't make an API call but basically what that means is you know you're you're posting your scanning you're canceling they just want to throttle how much of that you can do per minutes now blizzards goal here was to minimize the impact of extreme auction house users on overall performance and to also limit their capability because this is a good decision mike i want to say this like i talked about this whenever it happened but i'll say it again this is a good decision that blizzard made like the amount of ways that players can inadvertently caused unnecessary lag to the game it's like there's no reason that you need to do 50 queries a minute on the auction house there's no reason for that like maybe if you're selling transmog or something like that maybe you have to do that but other than that it's unnecessary yes there is no there's not no there's [ __ ] not it's limiting yeah of course it is that's the whole purpose of it it's supposed to be limiting if you want to go there is yeah that that's not that fifty queries a minute is too much like normal players don't interact with the auction house like that it's just some people that are using add-ons to be like to be like massive [ __ ] databases for being able to sell items yes obviously they use it but I don't think boys ERDs should design the game and if they feel like those people using those add-ons are negatively packing everybody else's experience it seems like a pretty easy decision to make as Blizzard felt that add-ons gave a massive advantage and in fairness yeah man if you're trying to do a bunch of professions and you're not using tradeskillmaster you're just doing it less efficiently right and that's basically an interesting situation ts I'm just unlocked so much power the ability to do all of those mass functions it is great it honestly for me removes like the UI annoyance from from like gold making in the game that removes the UI annoyance and that's me focus on you know markets right focus on my professions I get into the meat of what I'd want to do as versus the default UI but that said there was a power imbalance there was somebody not using an addon like that was yeah let's be real massively weak in comparison to those who were oh yeah it gives you so much more knowledge about the game like and like at a certain point you can't really prevent that from happening it just happens on its own but it is I'm sure stressful for a lot of people like knowing that they have to have an add-on to not really be to actually be efficient with what they're doing so Blizzard basically felt that there was a performance problem and there was a balance problem they implemented a very heavy-handed solution where they had this throttle on API limits and it was really really stringent at the start and apply to basically all sorts of things you could do in the auction house this was especially the case for professions like the scribes where you know you're naturally posting a hell of a lot of stuff and you know I mean let's be real right doing inscription and doing stuff for every class getting full coverage of your profession and not using an add-on is so initially this was pretty badly done from wizard it came absolutely out of the blue they did not consult anybody on it now I can't see how they maybe would want to do it now so that it's in place for when Shadowlands drops by so basically that's what what went down well the community proposed a number of fixes one of them was replace or to only throttle cancel scans now this is because repeated cancel and realists are basically what led to much of the quantity of API calls that were going on from the most extreme accusers now another suggested was having like items be returned really like malmö do I have to [ __ ] read this mail muncher gifted five community subs thank you thank you ma'am winter thank you into your mailbox in a throttled manner so those mass like realest things couldn't be done well what ended up happening is Blizzard listens to the the goblins the gold makers and they significantly reduced all limitations right in terms of the player budget and the API calls bar cancel scans so basically right now continued cancel and relisting he's a bit penalized the rest of it is a bit more okay I think we just think that's great yeah I mean like the odds are that whenever they were going to implement this the expectation was probably that it was going to have some degree of problems with it so with this it'll just take them some time to balance it out and then it'll be okay be realistic with default profession UI unprofessional I copped a nice experience you know it's not like good right the current like the revamp that they did is really good for you like your average user just selling their mats right selling some herbs or something like that but for the people who really want a hardcore use the auction house it's not that great so that's kind of what's rough here the current aah and professions are not set up for industry it's all like EVE Online in the industry stuff there and that's kind of tricky because industry is what actually sets up most of the economy and what that ends up doing in the game is it drives down prices and increases efficiency so if you basically force people to use worse tools then you're going to have a less efficient market and that at the end of the day is going to hit the Corkins consumers of of materials right so I think that the less efficient all these markets are then yeah the more expensive your raid maps and stuff are going to be no I think about splits in ten here but basically it's a messy situation I would love to know though if you're a big goal maker how do you think it's actually shook out now so let me know and let's move on yeah then following on from what we mentioned in the last news episode well mal Drax's is actually a model axis actually means how about that and all the cores owns all the shadow lines are there they're all tests actually I never thought about that but yeah you're right I mean yeah everything in the shadow ends is out now yeah no not the MA nevermind yeah we don't have them on can play all of them the other side is also there that dungeon so a lot of contents there and to be honest with you I would not be surprised if we flip over to beta pretty soon now in terms yeah I'm not gonna go super into my already the tracker would be there so track is there she's a barren ass she's our ally sort of quest yeah us through the zone now there is one that's slightly more spoilery if you've seen the models in the game I'm not gonna give you super specific plot elements but yeah so three two one mild spoilers that's go this is how lady bash is their paradise slash now it's actually quite fun there is well there's one nice thing yeah you defeated her in serpentine cavern than she has specific dialogue referencing that which admittedly is pretty awkward if you're at all power because the timeline doesn't make sense but still I like the idea there so yeah actually no it's kind of fun there is Vash is our ally okay now here's the deal I don't know how that was never really Illidan's Ally right she was helping Illidan yeah but she canonically was cited with a shower for that whole time so that I've got a wonder is vast they're working for a shower right is that the situation I mean azshara seems to know it stuff cosmically remember what she just to deal with the real problem during Nile otha so you know if she's done right Vash like one of her most trusted people is in the channel and stuff seemingly helping us I mean yeah there could be some real interesting lure there's some cool developments but anyway there you go that's the core of it mod Roxas is in there's a bunch more story there and all of the base zones of the shadow lands are in so what's next I mean and game let's light up or testing let's do it Sol binds covenants all of that stuff maybe our our covenant campaigns we're getting there I mean this game still obviously going to be like a queue for a launch but it's nice yeah I'm shaping up they won't see in the class section I don't think we're gonna see shadow ends come out for quite a while probably not till like December or something it's video it's also nice to see the blizzard are pretty much back on the saddle when it comes to responding to feedback alright so there's been a situation brewing on classic for a long-ass time and I would have talked about it so they've bound a total of 74 KX mostly for automation and they did acknowledge that sometimes and isn't people could be caught by this and the understand that it's really frustrating about happens you know when an innocent person gets called or maybe when Blizzard are worried about catching innocent people and you know donuts happen before as people have had their account flagged as being like a bad account what they actually weren't so it's good that they're actually making changes with this and they're dealing with bahding in a smarter way egg bands right and then people see the same bought an account or maybe see somebody you know balding and then just making a fresh account and balding again and basically Blizzard said that they've issued these bands that they're working on more ways to actually do this stuff and to solve this problem yeah I would say though that fundamentally it is just a really challenging thing as an example Multi boxing is a massive thing on classic and it impacts classic in a way it's very different to life because it's not good I don't think they should allow multi boxer it just makes it a game worse like that's ultimately what it is it just gives somebody who's paying extra money to make the game worse for everybody else like I don't know what else really to say about it but money yeah it is multi boxing is fine yeah I feel like multi boxing like small-scale multi boxing is okay but I don't see why somebody needs more than five characters for a multi box like like I don't know I don't see how that could be a positive influence in the game at all well how kind of like like a 20-man multi box how could that make the game better for anybody you know in classic those resources are a lot more limited right and that means that competition is pretty fierce for resources and multi boxers can really upset the balance of power there now in order to basically cap off a bunch of things Blizzard have also added a 30 day instance per day cap and that is basically per day per realm yeah down on what's actually possible there now there's a lot of people worried that that could have unintended but I think personally it shows that you've got this fundamental problem here right we're stopping botting in terms of bands and creating tools to automatically shut down borders that is far far far harder than just implementing stuff in game that stifles like the threshold station see how bothers I think that's way easier to do but of course got that higher chance of actually impacting regular gameplay so well I think that the reason the people are concerned about that is the way that people interface with dungeons and classic like oftentimes there's a lot of dungeon farming metas where it's go in do one thing and then leave and do it again and that's fundamentally what it is so I can see why people are really frustrated about it but yeah of course you have to acknowledge the reality that this is only going to affect a very small amount of people overall it's a somewhat tricky situation if you're worried about like PvP instances counting towards that cap don't worry they don't but yeah there you go that's the situation in classic it seems like just across a lot of the world there's issues there I mean there's you know talk as an example you know like wow token being available in classic in China that actually cut down I believe it's like 70% it's the numbers I was hearing the Offutt ability of actually doing botting so it's just the interesting it's things like that to cut down on the incentives for for all that stuff rather than actually being able to fundamentally deal with it and you don't have been watching our other channel yeah we've got another channel at the gaming news one well you know you've got situations like du nouveau anti-cheat you've got a vanguard which is but that's basically like some kin right that's running on your PC all the time you can you know you can't shut that down and then launch valor and as an example and it may be that extremely draconian options like that are the only way to properly stifle things like bahding and stuff but then you got this situation where you're you know your average Joe who's not doing boarding do they really want some root access super super deep security system like deeper than warden that we already have I don't know why that's an interesting question would you guys want to have like a very intrusive anti-cheat but have it work like would it be worth it for you to have a really intrusive anti-cheat that worked no most people say no I don't know I'm 50/50 on it to be honest on their computer and I think most people kind of wouldn't be comfortable with that yeah so it's an interesting situation and to be honest with you I do empathize the pleasure because it's a bloody tough nut to crack and I think that much is obvious because every company has been dealing with this problem for a very very long time I mean it's funny way back in the day in runescape yeah one of the ways they solved this problem not solved but tried to solve this problem was the random events right you know the way you'd be doing something in runescape and then just a random NPC would appear beside you and give you a quiz or you know something like that if you did the quiz you can get a little reward or maybe I don't know one of the reasons it's like in game CAPTCHAs I don't even know what that was man what the [ __ ] yeah I never played runescape so I had no idea that's like an in-game CAPTCHA it's there and I kind of know this because I I know a guy who was an axe cm in that game one of the reasons that was there was actually to catch our boarders because you just ignore those NPCs they basically teleport you to jail so that's a runescape dealt with abroad would have no idea how classic can deal with it but obviously a tough nut to crack next we got something the blaze got a bit ridiculed for and I think it's just because I mean yeah really did just show how silly and arbitrary one of the things in the game is so Blizzard ended up and veiling the full rotation of corruption gear from mother they just posted the whole thing changes twice a week with the assault reset and here's all the different you know configurations that can be and the order and it's basically how mind that's it right it's not an rng oh what's going to be in the box this week what's mother going to sell this rotation no we actually just flat-out no so that's a bit weird right I think it prompted ridicule because it just made the whole rotation feel you know feel super pointless right well that's because it is pointless like I've said this a hundred times with this [ __ ] corruption rotation thing like nobody [ __ ] wants this nobody wants a corruption rotation nobody's thinking to themselves oh good you know now I have to wait for an arbitrary period of time in order to get the thing that I want now like it makes it makes the game worse like that's fundamentally what it does is the rotation makes the game worse I think that's a little bit rough because people are just gonna be like well if I know everything's here and I know what it's going to come up like I just not buy stuff whenever I want right I mean you're out if you're in a situation where you're of resources just happen to not match up with mothers scheduled maybe you miss out on the thing you want by a week that just feels like could being arbitrarily decked around by the game so I'd say here is bliss come on man just let people do what they want right like people want to get those materials so they can get some corruption so they can play with a broken system and make their characters more strong you don't need to go putting barriers in there and I think that you know the unveiling of this kind of just shows how arbitrary and silly the whole thing is so honestly please come on just remove it right just yes or sell it all just you just sell the [ __ ] corruptions just sell the [ __ ] corruptions man like I this is the stupidest [ __ ] thing that boys art is done in like the 8.3 like why the [ __ ] is it on a rotation like who does that make who does that serve how does this make the game better it doesn't it fundamentally makes the game worse and I don't understand like I I really do not get it and I think everybody sees cuz I keep are saying it keeps you sub longer you're probably right I mean you're probably right like that probably has to be a factor in it because III I want to hear boys er defend the corruption vendor rotation like I want to hear like what their logic is behind only having certain ones available at certain times why why the [ __ ] yeah there might be five or six or seven tabs on mother's like vendor man you're maybe maybe even 12 that's okay let us can live with that yeah the other thing that got people a little bit ticked off is in that same post Blizzard also mentioned that there was no change plan for the malefic core cloak upgrades after rank 15 all of Astra Camus so that means way I know I said the other one was the dumbest thing boys would ever did but actually this one was like why do you like why would it like why why why why if they do the vision they do the content just give him the [ __ ] core it's just it's a catch-up mechanic that they're not giving people for no reason like I don't understand this at all like I I genuinely do not understand this and it's such a [ __ ] disappointment to me it really is and I don't know what to do about it that yeah right now players will just feel pretty stuck behind right for their malefic core acquisition and that's just a fundamental thing that's going to be there so there's not much you can do about it unless Blizzard of course ended up having a change their [ __ ] mind which they tend to do right but the thing is they have their change of heart after players have got a bit frustrated and then wandered away from the game to go and do something they wait for people to get pissed off and leave and I go wait okay all right all right fine we'll give you what you want we'll make the game fun okay oh man all right fine I guess we will make the game enjoyable to play [ __ ] that's what they're like man that's right it's like with eight point three if eight point three how did launched and mother just had have had you know like her new currency system and you just purchase corruptions man I would have played so much more right because I was thinking okay well it's bit sad that I still have you know the RNG gear and stuff but whatever whatever I could go get some resources get some corruptions put a bunch of fun yeah but I kind of couldn't do that but then by the time the Blizzard actually put that in well it was after I cared right it was after it mattered so it didn't really no way I'm gonna play an alt in shadow in BFA like there's just no way I'm gonna play an alt like it's just such a complete waste of [ __ ] time there's no way I'm gonna go in and [ __ ] make a group and do visions all the time go through my [ __ ] 20 minute 30 minute legendary questline for no [ __ ] reason complete the same visions that I've done a hundred different times do the same dailies that I've done a hundred different times no man just [ __ ] no packs that it could have I would say Blizz you don't think about these things on ideally doing a little bit earlier fight on maybe I don't make those mistakes absolutely anyway speaking of speaking of mistakes let's talk about something this is not a mistake a good change on the Alpha all right so this is one for the Warriors you have seen some changes basically the arms of mastery has been reworked to increase damage taken by targets who have deep wounds rather less gold and current version of increasing the damage from deep wounds and this is really cool because this mastery is less focused than the bleed doing damage and that actually means that will support all of your abilities so I think is a pretty darn cool change if you're not an image of another change to I guess spice up your execution sort of angle right execution no longer gives those deep wounds and that actually means that mortal strike is needed to maintain deep wounds uptime now I believe deep Young's lasts for 12 seconds so the idea there is every 12 seconds you caught a mortal strike to keep up deep wounds because deep wounds will amplify the damage of your execute so basically it's putting a little bit more flavor into that execution range leave is being choice I guess the old version that we kind of thought was pretty fun well it now has a cool-down and replaces sweeping strikes and actually it can use your overpower stack to do more damage so that's very different very different indeed right like okay it's weird sweeping strikes you know it's cool in concepts like in the way like every [ __ ] patch they reinvent arms like that they reinvent arms every [ __ ] time man like I don't know what to say it just it happens constantly okay let's go over here blade flurry on a you know on a homicide combat an outlaw rogue is kind of cool right the idea you hit this button and now your main attacks are cleaving that's really sweet I just wish they would put some sort of attack on sweeping strikes or take it off the gcd but as I would say you know totally roll this a new design for for cleave I think that's really cool but at the same time maybe go to sweeping strikes either take it off the gcd or make sweeping strikes actually be an attack that you will want I think sweeping strikes should be off the gcd a hundred percent thing it should be off the gcd there's no reason for it to be on the gcd like it doesn't really empower direct damage it just kind of multiplies your damage to two targets which i think is different and yeah there's no reason for it to be on the D City do that then gives you a buff for however many seconds so I think that's probably what they should do there and then another thing they've done is they've made it so the collateral damage can be played around to basically do more damage in mass AOE so yeah it's the situation where if you can basically if you can use collateral damage well you can kind of build it up really big and then sort of dump it when you want to which is pretty sweet and then finally there was something a bit sad and that's the ravager now replaces bladestorm now back in our that's not replace play that's always Giga AOE and you know in one pool or Xin hua mystic + situation you know you could blade storm is behind aperture this plaque wait for this one blade storm ravager you could spread it out it just kind of felt like you have more options and resources to play with so I will admit I am kind of sad that that's no longer a thing but anyway with that cover I just want to mention fury as well because single-minded fury is back you can dual wield one handers again and that just gives you more options basically so they did that then they do that I mean it seems interesting we can take a deeper look though before we can properly talk about that damage has also got the same change over in arms and then finally there is one thing that's like really nice I think I'm special for the opener and that's the recklessness and now generates 40 rage on you so you can hit you instead and I think that makes it feel a lot better when you're combining it with charge you're doing an opener so I think that again is really really good stuff and what's nice is you then you know you pair that up with the stuff we were talking about in our last edition although our news which was I mean especially the shamans finding themselves in a far better position now it's still not perfect and we're probably going to do something sort of highlight video at least talking about shopping I thought it was like nice situation and here again class changes now one of the worries was that man it was it for four weeks five weeks but there was a period of time there was a bunch of issues people had with classes and to be very clear there still are issues that people have with the classes I mean war logs they still are I think rightly salty about a few things and you know places where their characters don't really feel like they fit that much like manthang plus is that you know bit of a tricky example as well so they're not going to be that happy Guardian Druids who I mean by this stage must all be just be bored in asleep I mean I'm not being I'm not being mean like like this that I can fantasy of Guardian I agree it's really cool no it's not it's boring you're a bear that's it you're a bear your bear is it it's always been [ __ ] boring then but man it's such a boring spec stuff like that they just you know hasn't really seen change yet so I'm not saying the Buzzard have fixed everything he made a perfect but there was this period of time where we were not seeing that much class changes that was getting honestly pretty darn worrying to us in the office when we were doing our videos it's really nice that now you know now actually we're in a better state there and I actually remember in the easy class wins remember like a few episodes ago I said that if you had some like you know things that you think could be an easy victory for your class like just that a small change but have a big impact to leave him down in the comments well you know they're they're gonna be passed along right and from what I understand Blizzard are pretty receptive to that I'm pretty I think I've been really good at receiving criticism for my classes and everything and like changing things especially like two-handed frost and stuff like that it's definitely been an improvement all that and that's a type of feedback that the dev team actually really appreciates so you should know that yeah you're being listened to there and yeah I mean I say crisis actually pretty sweet so good Anya's Blizz it's no more work to do but it's nice to see all this start happening and then finally we're gonna end it with something you can do in game that is the place have announced five weeks of back-to-back time walking covering all day your reputation for at for those weeks that's great man okay Time Warp has suffered so much from its schedule because I mean oh you'd want to time walk but hey you can't because it's Pat battle week or I think the reason why time walking sucks is because the gear sucks and there's no reason to do it like it has nothing to do in my opinion with not being available it has to do with the amount of time that you invest into time walking versus the reward that you get out of time walking the time that you spend in doing it is not worth it compared to other activities in the game that yield basically the same results that's why I think this happen you know you want to do Rath but you can't because it's Warlord's and that's the problem that's just got worse and worse and worse over time because of course they've added so many time walking weeks but they still have like a similar cadence so I think this is a really really good thing for bridge to do and to be honest with you there's a little bit of me that just thinks would it make more sense to just have time walking like you know be like this all the time and the other like events happen on top of it now in fairness I'm sure an issue there and that is that if you currently do of course dungeons you will get I believe a bit of normal quality rate Lutz so that would be pretty opie if that was always in the game but hey as well if you want to catch up your character yeah that's that's an extra bit of Milo that year every week I suppose anyway a pretty cool change and it does really line up with that thing Blizzard have been doing recently right where they've been trying to do these events to sort of juice up a bit more excitement in the game and look even though it might feel like because of a tree's initial quality that that's fighting a losing battle I do actually appreciate them trying it's like at the end of mists of pandaria and that 14-month content drought or blizzard we're still like yeah well you know what we're gonna do some events we're gonna do some stuff sort of players have got reasons to play the game I think that does make a lot of sense yeah for them sure - but said though this is a pretty sweet opportunity I mean it's good that they're making it more available I think a lot of people enjoy time walking every once in a while and if they add extra bonuses like more reputation or something like that it does create an extra incentive for people to want to go and do it I'm gonna get your nether wing you know you're gonna spend less time farming those eggs well hey you're gonna get a rat boost in your eggs so that's pretty cool same for the likes of scatters like if you're doing this [ __ ] higher you sky guard because that's more of a grind e1 or maybe even some of those warlords of Draenor raps maybe I finally want that big like matalas how looking elk then hey you could you can get that so there you go that's basically a bunch of bunch of cool stuff and this is also by the way and things is also meeting I know there was some criticism of a past like rat boo so they did where players were like yeah but this doesn't cover the reps that I want to which is good anyways basically what's up there of course thank you very much for watching today's episode of the WoW news I think nothing groundbreaking this week put lots of just nice little stories and you kind of feel good to talk about which right is that yeah just really nice so there's that now if you want to support our team on patreon also get cool things like well this is the priests pin it's the druid pin actually this time so don't know what hats beside me but yeah you got the druid pin art pack cool bunch of sweet stuff of course going into the holes are very fun we can't wait to bring you guys the m the irish one the norris one the sort of greco-roman one in future month so there's all that stuff really supports the team and it's been a massive morale boost for them so Cheers hope you enjoyed this episode let me know what just what your thoughts are about wow in general down below right and with that i'll see you next time i am excited about Shadowlands with a lot of these things but i have to admit that many of the changes that boy is made in BFA and white the corruption vendor rotation have diminished my excitement for Shadowlands by a very considerable amount like i've i've been very frustrated about the decisions that they've made and i don't really know how I'm gonna be able to get over that okay [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold bald, shadowlands bald, classic wow, wow classic, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, asmongold shadowlands, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, asmongold bellular, bellular wow, bellular classic, bellular shadowlands, asmongold mass bans, asmongold bans, asmongold bot, asmongold botting, wow bot, classic wow bot, classic ban
Id: jC3HTlY6PxM
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Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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