World of Warcraft (2020): ALL Battle for Azeroth Cinematics In ORDER [BFA-Shadowlands 9.1 Catchup!]

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[Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] burn it burn it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh lord sarfang how many do you think too many there is no honor in this they will come for us now all of them my father hikaze he fought with you in the third war he told me stories how you could cut down ten enemies with a single blow this be my first battle what should i do to die yes of course but if i do fall may it be with honor in glorious there will be no glory today only pain [Music] hmm [Music] you have earned your warrior's death my son yet once again i am denied it what are you doing claiming what is mine [Music] go back i said go back live another day go back to your father i can't he's dead the horde it's all we have so you know me is that it what i've seen what i've done oh give up boy like you [Music] um [Music] live another day [Music] [Music] without armor ours is a cycle of hatred alliances forged and broken [Music] we have paid the price for sharing this world and we have forgotten what makes us strong close ranks advance has won lordaeron will be ours my king we have her cornered he's firing um [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign push forward [Music] ugh [Music] so [Music] [Music] stand as one for the alliance so the blight has broken our ranks our assault has been for nothing what now china [Music] [Music] alliance [Music] china we end this now [Applause] [Applause] no they must not escape alliance hold no i demand an honorable death my father once said the barak saurfang embodied the honor of the horde he admired you for that and so do i listen to me there is no honor in this that is not for an alliance king to decide at this moment it is take him to the stockades when i return we will speak of honor and how it may yet be reclaimed if you return [Music] you abandoned saurfang to die out there it is the death he wanted if that troubles you you're free to join him or you can tend to the living the choice is yours for the horde [Music] you know what must be done go my champion [Music] oh look at you the boys playing soldier our king just routed your army the muzzle your dog your majesty sylvanas windrunner you have led the horde to a place without honor lordaeron is ours it's over your father would be so proud is that his you've gotten it all bloody only one of us wanted this war you call for peace when it suits you little lion but you're quick enough to kill i should have killed you when last we met how rude sister you're a guest in my home your home you desecrate that throne with your filth enough you put the torch to teldrassil but i failed those who burned i will not make that mistake again surrender or die [Music] you've won nothing [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] [Music] ahoy this child be mine promise you'll come back i'll weather every storm if i know you were waiting for me time to go jaina i love you papa come topside sweetheart your loving mother we'll never forgive you murderer [Music] lady jaina we've arrived thank you captain [Music] out state your intentions i am jaina proudmoore i have come for an audience with lord admiral katherine proudmoore my mother we're taking you to catherine all right as you wish [Music] clear away dangerous prisoners coming through i see the city guard is as disciplined as ever my father was so proud of them [Music] and now they see me as a criminal mommy who's that lady come on we're going home now i suppose i have earned this get those civilians back form former perimeter [Music] he's the daughter of the sea lady jaina is that really her [Music] i will suffer what i must or the alliance so my wayward daughter returns to the kingdom she betrayed why i have come to ask kul tiras for aid on behalf of the alliance the alliance ha where were they when we begged for their help when our husbands and sons and brothers were slaughtered at theramore do not blame the alliance for my actions so you admit it you admit that you were responsible for the deaths of our men i was but i will do anything in my power to ease the suffering of kul tiras [Music] catherine enforce our laws the punishment for treason is death do you accept the judgment of your homeland [Music] i accept your judgment [Music] mother [Music] you are no daughter of mine [Music] do what you will she is nothing to me i don't know what to do dalen i don't know what to believe in who to trust priscilla the greatest friend of my heart has stabbed me in it i have nothing no one left [Music] you have jaina jaina betrayed the kingdom jaina did nothing but follow her heart and she suffered for that she's suffering even more now isn't she i see her in my dreams again she's burning catherine she's calling out to you you must go to her it's too late for that if you can hear her then it's not too late i would give anything to hold my boy again you've been given one more chance take it bring her home oh there you are [Music] i did everything wrong we're too late this entire city must be purged jaina i'm sorry arthas i can't watch you do this i should have stopped have always been naive my daughter dalen i won't let you do it father i should have tried harder you don't understand i understand more than you suspect my dear i wasn't strong enough perhaps in time you will too seize them all i should have made it in this father no forgive me you couldn't save him from himself i should have made him seriously do you really think you can testify your guilt so easily father why wouldn't you listen [Music] catherine enforce our laws the punishment for treason is death [Music] do you accept the judgment of your homeland i accept your judgment [Music] mother my daughter forgive me forgive your father and forgive yourself [Music] our harbour defenses won't be enough father's pendant for generations the heart of the cool terran fleet i thought that hope had returned with this seal that perhaps i could call the fleet home as your father did i was wrong it was never for me [Music] [Music] there you are [Music] we're home kindred all hands let's show them what kul tirans are made of ladies [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it seems hope has returned with you lord admiral [Music] it appears the alliance dogs have lost our sense good good our journey is almost over i hope the warchief's faith is well placed she seems very powerful certain in control it is an honor to serve my queen my princess is also strong-willed and sure of herself our king has always found her to be [Music] challenging oh mighty rezan as always you come when i ask you aid and i will listen i have sought the aid of the horde but my father may not agree with my actions advise me you are the lora of kings and queens my eyes see much they see your boldness your power and enemies who fear both and those who seek your demise are here we need cover head for that fog bank the sails are dead we've got to win we're drinking about water [Music] [Music] [Music] we are home us you should have listened to jalanji you have grown stagnant old friend you let our kingdom rot and decay but i have foreseen the troll empire rising again no more treaties with outsiders no more bargains with lower blood is our path now the path of gahoon should we go after them no in time they will come to us your visions had best be right about peace heretic you trespass upon sacred ground ah he arrives [Music] hmm what do we call you now mind your tongue traitor rezan rezan do not understand i am not your subject and you have no place [Music] the time of the lord is done [Music] the hour of blood approaches so many lost i know i miss frazan too [Music] oh xena what do we do now [Music] the dust of bones for the lore of death well this is a surprise you're looking pretty good your majesty so why have you come to see me i need your aid i see you want to make a deal with me go on go on become my law grant me the power to recover my kingdom and i will elevate you above all lower yes yes so you get your kingdom back all very nice but soon you'll tired of old one sandy you'll go back to the living lore the one who bring the rain makes the crops grow not wither and die no no no i need more than just your world if you do this for me i will bind my bloodline to you all who succeed you will keep this bargain to serve me in life and in death forever we got a deal [Music] father i felt something a moment ago has something happened do not worry my daughter i have taken care of everything [Music] what did we had a deal grant me your power mythrax do it now destroy the seal [Music] [Music] fool long may you reign over your empire of [Music] ash look at this congratulations your majesty the kingdom is ours showed him leader of zandalar show the blade tarots that need to see it the most give them peace this was not my achievement you brought the champion to these shores against your father's wheel you learned the secrets of cajon when no one be listening you sit city motion would be needed to save your people now more than ever they be calling for a leader they can love and trust show them deplayed become the symbol they need behold the blood of gohon by his will were born the death of [Music] by his will were born the deaths of so many of our brothers and sisters let this glaze be displayed as a reminder that no matter how far we fall no matter how much we lose we are zandalari we adapt we find a way to survive if it were not for this hero of the horde our losses would have been far worse this proves more than ever that it is time for us to adapt to become part of the world again xander love forever that's the last of the soldiers we'll be calling up farmers next when this war began i thought we were fighting for peace but we're just fighting you're doing all you can to stop her your majesty ed lordaron you had the chance to take my life maybe even end the war [Music] why didn't you kill me could do you know i spared you because i believed you have honor was i wrong do you want more innocence to suffer the horde i have given everything for the horde for it kill for it and sylvanas is destroying it she will destroy everything what i'd want is my horde back sarfang tell me why you spared my life i hoped you would stop her i can't not alone we got to get these supplies to our soldiers by dawn oh what is it [Music] [Music] [Music] tell her we are coming with ancient words i invoke your most ruthless face with this offer i demand to wear your darkest face now we shall have justice the night warrior lives within me we will hold this ground for the horde you only broke me out of that cell because you need something from me very perceptive lady ashrae i believe we have mutual interests to discuss [Music] seems we need to find our own way back such as the way of things this war has taken many turns it seems to me our current path is paradise the horde is at a crossroads once again this be giving me a bad feeling why bring the fog if there be no ships to hide it does not make sense unless they wanted us to be in nazmir they have deceived us my father stands alone to defend this city those are lions snakes our home is commander luke fish jumping right into our nets go go those ballista will be firing any second continue our approach captain i am lord admiral lady proudmoore the mission was a success our stealth agents are clear of the area thank you spymaster hi tinker are you ready i'll activate our surprise just as soon as we're in range now [Music] hi steady [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh full speed ahead [Music] does the mighty rasta rastakar need all one somebody's help yet again head us or you will be the lawyer of a ruined kingdom with no one to remember your name [Applause] rise fallen one zandalar the owls [Music] princess talanji get to the kingdom now father no please stay stay with me [Music] it's all right [Music] [Music] [Music] yes my queen what have you done to me oh he didn't tell you about our bargain here your majesty the alliance dogs are escaping [Music] of zandalar i stand before you having proven myself to the lora but it is your trust that i must earn many questioned my judgment when i reached out to the horde but without their aid we would have collapsed under the weight of our pride these mighty allies have given zandalar new strengths a glorious future awaits our empire and we must embrace it together will you stand with me [Music] sunderland forever [Music] sylvanas what reason could you possibly have for this madness derek proudmoore was a hero to the kul tirans they are sure to stage a rescue attempt when they learn of his fate and once his mind has been properly conditioned we will allow the proud maus to recover their long-lost prince so he can slaughter them in their sleep this is too far how many times must we forsake our honor there can only be victory or death for us and death is mime to master [Applause] what what is this why am i what have you done to me why lord proudmoore i've given you a chance to reunite with your family you should be grateful [Music] lady jaina long has it been since we spoke peacefully in theramore theramore is gone you did not ask me here to reminisce no i have come to return one who was lost [Music] derek my own brother i had thought better of you bane so tell me is he the banshee's puppet crammed full of blight is he the bomb this time yes that was the plan but bane took me from sylvanas before before i was twisted to her well i'm still your brother jaina for as long as stars do shine why the horde has a sickness in it we wage war while the earth mother dies we have forgotten what truly matters and my heart can bear it no longer sylvanas will kill you for this and she may not stop with you no life is worth living if we cannot be true to our nature i return home to take what solace i can in my family i hope you take solace in yours bane [Music] thank you [Music] i have troubling news it seems there are traitors in our midst most of you need fear nothing but derek proudmoore didn't flee to kul tiras by himself he had help didn't he [Music] stop i returned derek proudmoore to his family you raised him as a forsaken but you planned to deny him his free will to violate his mind i could not stand by and permit such depravity to unfold thank you for your honesty banshee are we nothing more than bonds in your game you betray the horde no he did and so did you take him others will see you for what you are sylvanas you will leave the horde in ruins [Music] there is no place for weakness in our ranks [Music] remember your loyalties he grows alas your eyes shall rise like keep on them we cannot let them escape my queen they have arrived wonderful this is the tidestone won't you feeling anxious on me how frustrating it must be for you still locked away so powerless for now do not worry we've both waited so long but at last you're about to see what i do best she's not responding set the sail set the sails we can't escape i've been waiting for you [Music] ah good our guests have arrived i must say that was a delightfully dramatic entrance behold the wonders of nazitar the finest sight your eyes will ever be hold and the last can you get us to safety she is preventing teleportation gina we need a way out [Music] she's blocking teleportation please do stay explore all the comforts my kingdom has to offer i will hold the waters at bay so long as i remain entertained the war chief she spoke but a word and bane's life flickered out [Music] so this is home now home family and where are they not far this world it looks good but it's wrong broken falling apart just like the horde do you know do you know what she's done while you've been hiding i left that life behind i'm no one's savior i will not lead the horde i didn't ask but i hoped you would at least fight for [Music] it uh [Music] you were followed i followed them you and i we don't get to hide [Music] um [Music] [Music] thrall jaina the alliance here our king sent us to rescue his friend we too have come to save bain his odds will improve if we work together agreed time is short let's move bane [Music] these chains are warded against magic i'll need time to pick the lock this feels wrong sylvanas must have known we were coming indeed she did traitor you and lady proudmoore i have no quarrel with you have you forgotten the purge of dalaran murderer today the sun ravers will be avenged and your vendetta is with me and me alone no you will watch your friends die just as i did [Music] [Music] thank you bane would have died without your aid i couldn't let that happen nor could i i refuse to fail him like i failed his father [Music] i wish i could change it all karen garrosh theramore sometimes it feels like i did everything wrong [Music] we all have blood on our hands [Music] once before you and i stood side by side on the slopes of mount hajjang that world tree did not fall because the horde and the alliance worked together lord alliance we've come to this crossroad again and again jaina it always falls apart what's different this time we are [Music] i should go ander one will want to know that bane is safe tell your king he is not alone good job [Music] forces are routed we have broken a hold on the tidestone our way into the palace remains blocked the tidestone's power could be used to shatter the barrier but i cannot control its energies on my own perhaps we could together so be it [Music] it is done the way is open azara's raid must end you must indulge the theatrical nature of tonight's entertainment we have waited so very long for this moment and we simply cannot resist savoring it without further ado the stage is set the hours at hand legions arise serve your queen's command [Music] [Music] oh be opened and when sylvanas's actions have threatened us all and day by day her power grows if our world is to survive we must strike while we still can meet with me and we will speak [Music] so few how many can you provide enough for one final assault if that fails we're done if we end her reign what kind of warchief will you be the horde i joined was birth through blood tainted by corruption the road that led to the dark portal was long and wide paved with the bones of innocence we called it the path of glory that was the great lie upon which the horde was founded for anything we did was honorable for all rosen they were not the true heirs to blackhat's bloody legacy sylvanas windrunner is no no this is the horde led by you someone who has honor i've never known honor they deserve more but the [ __ ] doomed to be shackled by the chains of the past the horde has no exclusive claim to regrets arthas dalen the ghosts of the past haunt us as well we could not fill the castle between the horde and alliance if we labored a thousand years you know this then what are we fighting for soldiers on your feet start breaking camp immediately lord sarfang zakah where is our home orgrimmar not our city our home azeroth and ours are off right now there are only two forces in this world that matter one bent on harming our world and one that will protect her so what are we doing breaking the cycle [Music] varrock it's time those who defend orgrimmar are old as well our brothers and sisters [Music] these warriors have sworn to fight for you many lives will be lost [Music] or perhaps just one sylvanas windrunner i challenge makgora a traitor leading traitors why should i accept your challenge you want to make me suffer [Music] [Music] brother you cannot win my old friend you and i we don't get to hide [Music] i set you on this path and we knew where it could lead walk with me the rest of the way let it be finished the high overlord falls i trusted you and so did they death comes old soldier and all their hope dies with you [Music] you cannot kill hope you tried and tell yourselves you failed hope remains you set us to kill each other at lordaeron you failed here we stand you just keep failing the horde will endure is strong [Music] the horde is nothing [Music] you are all nothing yeah [Music] if you could see yourselves as i see you toy soldiers in tin plate beasts who howl for honor standing as one savor it nothing lasts [Music] what do we do now we bring him home [Music] [Music] [Music] supreme commander of the might of kalimdor high overlord of the horde he led the charge against the lich king he defended our world from the legion saurfang inspired all of us to strive for true honor and his legacy will live on in our deeds when the alliance and horde marched on on karaj it was saurfang who valiantly commanded our combined forces today his courage saved thousands of lives on both sides of the battle his sacrifice will never be forgotten you have earned your warrior's death old friend now greet your son with honor and glory ah jaina what a relief to see you safe hello kalia big brother word is spread of what happened at orgrimmar is the war finally over it will take time for all the pockets of fighting to be quelled but yes i believe so azeroth has seen so many wars so much strife i pray we have earned a respite as do i have you been able to find peace in your own heart derek i still have some rough seas to sail but i'm much better now thanks to kalyan without her guidance i would have been truly lost i'm so grateful you brought us together jaina this time with derek has helped me as much as it's helped him in the wake of this war others will need to find their footing their future perhaps you could guide them too i'm not sure how much help i could be i don't have all the answers maybe they don't need answers maybe they just need hope like i did well said big brother come let's take a walk i am so grateful to have you both back in my life let's enjoy this moment together i wasn't certain you made it out of ogram if the traitors knew of your service to me they'd have put you in irons or worse sarfang's ill-considered challenge may have ended the war prematurely but it doesn't matter now countless souls have been fed to the hungering darkness though i cared nothing for the living i did pity the forsaken for the great injustice that made them what they are i understand the cruelty of fate better than anyone but despite all i taught them they stubbornly clung to hope to life they will learn the truth along with all the rest my bargain with azshara will yet bear fruit the armies of azeroth will fight her master and he will line their streets with corpses in the end he too will serve death enough reflection there are preparations to be made nothing lasts when next you see me you will understand you mean to tell me none of your spies have returned noth is out there and we need answers now we are doing all we can speaker magni is coming along with a new advisor he claims to have information for us by the light a new advisor it's been so long oh dragons i suppose i deserved that oh you deserve more than that my father is dead because of you and my father is dead because of the old gods lad he's come to help us know therium the earthwarder was once the protector of azeroth but nazar turned a noble mind to madness and now my father is only remembered as deathwing and as i haven't the least desire to share that fate i've been studying how to avoid it just tell me how to prepare for this attack our armies will be useless nazorth will strike here he'll manipulate emotions get people to act in ways contrary to their nature you won't be able to trust your senses your memories your friends after all what is real if our perceptions can be trusted and anduin don't you see old friend it's already begun very well advisor tell us how to stop him don't break me like you broke my father the black dragon flight will purge your master from azeroth [Music] let us bring this to an end [Music] gift warning corruption levels approaching 100 no you've got to keep fighting champion through your flesh my black empire is reborn don't listen to his lies you don't belong to him you're the child of azeroth her strength is your strength [Music] initiated [Music] [Music] so [Music] since being wounded by the mad titan azeroth has been crying out in pain in her hour of need she led you her power today at long last she's free from the grasp of the old gods her song rings clear and strong throughout this chamber hold her heart with pride know that you are more than a champion of your people you are a champion of azeroth the alliance has sent word they have agreed to the armistice this bitter war is finally over [Music] [Music] one question remains who will serve as warchief perhaps you thrall no i told sarthang i would not lead the horde again but perhaps the question is not who should become warchief but whether there should be one at all though the horde has changed through the years for good or ill we have always looked to a warchief to guide us forward that legacy must end the war nearly cost us everything there is no place for a war chief in a time of peace it is true the horde has changed our ranks have grown and new voices have stepped forth to lead this is what makes us strong all of us building a new future together [Music] the king requests your presence in stormwind i will be there to meet you when you arrive the armistice is signed at long last the fourth war is over [Music] not while the black moon still cries out for vengeance not until the horde has answered for its treachery further bloodshed will not bring back the fallen we must renew our hope and forge a future for those who survived and when the next warchief musters an army will hope save you if it is stormwind that burns i know it's difficult to trust but there are signs of change within the horde in place of a warchief there is now a council led by bain thrall and the others i believe they can your faith is naive lion son i will sign no treaty unless it is written in a banshee's blood there is truth in her words anduin peace may be on the table today but soon enough the horde will sound their drums and march for war when that day comes no scrap of parchment will hold them back the path to peace will not be easy and not all will choose to walk it but this is the only way to build a better future i believe it will work again [Music] it has to [Music] so [Music] lich king the voice i heard as i be dying telling me to name sylvanas warchief was it yours the green schemes breath in the balance i heard no hand in them and me spirit be entrapped in this world is that your doing volgen your soul has walked on the other side and you have been altered more than you know [Music] you are neither undead nor damned you do not belong here leave this place at once i do not like the look of this i suggest we go quickly in life you were a hero to your people for their sake you made the ultimate sacrifice this is the hour of your dark rebirth death's power grows rise and become my champion [Music] dire times call for new allies you come from a strong people no doubt you will serve the ebon blade well it seems the lich king has sensed the same truth as we have that a rising threat stalks us from the shadows and that we must bolster our ranks to face it there is little time for ceremony take up your blade and prove your mettle conquer the darkness become its master many in this world will fear you revile you but they need you more than they know go forth and claim your destiny death knight and through all the trials you endure suffer well ice crown a monument to our suffering the veil between life and death where a usurper sits on a frozen throne but no king rules forever [Music] so [Music] um [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] you are unfit to wear this crown [Applause] to wield so much power that power will be your prison this world is a [Music] prison so [Music] and i will set us all free [Music] death comes and the end of everything is just the beginning so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 3,870,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World, of, Warcraft, Battle, for, Azeroth, All, Cinematics, Movie, Shadowlands, Catchup, Patch 8.0 - 8.3, N'zoth's defeat, Battle for Lordaeron, Dazar'alor, Rastakhan's Death, Jaina Finale, Zandalar Finale, Rise of Azshara, Saurfang vs. Sylvanas, Horde Loyalist, Old Gods, Ny'alotha, WoW BFA, Raid Endings, Jailor, Sylvanas, Mak'gora, 2020
Id: wcVYsE1yzBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 28sec (6388 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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