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oh this one here friends have to be appreciated we love you McConnell oh [ __ ] the next one will be as loud as it gets you do I need some advice what would you do if you felt like your friends don't [ __ ] appreciate you at all zero I'm out what would you do if you felt like your friends wait what no Lincoln what would you want if there [ __ ] you just a minute am I trying to make like your friends didn't appreciate all the [ __ ] that you will put up with and dealt with and and done everything for the hell in the name of entertainment how would you deal with that what do you mean yeah just how would you do that who does Tom I need some advice ooh dude like give me an example McConnell I'm asking you for advice this is an advice stream right yeah what's your advice if you feel like you're not being appreciated I would go talk to those people yeah individually and just tell them straight up what if you've already done that in very explicit terms and they don't give a [ __ ] what would you do that and they don't care at all mm-hmm yeah sure yep how explicit very explicit did you write them a letter that's a good question very good question what would you do I mean I would get new friends I mean like you just get you I mean you like IIIi would not want to do stuff with those people anymore if you've been explicit and like hey like I don't feel appreciated exactly okay okay all right here's the thing now I have apologized to McConnell what do you guys think that I should apologize to McConnell for I think that's a very interesting question what do you think that I should apologize to him for everything wait what do you mean everything like every people are either saying everything or nothing there's no in-between for existing yeah maybe that's it [Music] listen loot Council for not paying up no here's the thing is that's not even that's some [ __ ] okay so it's still mad about being judgment I don't even know if has anything to do with the judgement helm like what the judgment helm like I don't think I made the bad a wrong call on that man I don't like I don't think so like it wasn't a bad call but anybody just says it is is wrong okay and I can explain why but if that's what he's mad about and I got him the helmet or we did the raid and we got him the [ __ ] helmet remember that guy's yeah I mean it wasn't about the helm listen who wants to talk about our getting discord there's probably not gonna talk about it it's just it's just what equal 20 [ __ ] does alright if I keep he does this [ __ ] and then he never says what it is like it happens constantly alright here's the thing man is like ice like I don't think that I shouldn't I've given it to him man and like is it about the classic and like taking gear like I I wonder like what it is because like so he so we did we talked once we talked about it once and we had a conversation about how like he's like you taking ship seriously and we have like we talked about some stuff right and you're given a sword it's cuz you don't give five well I did do that um we call him I got in discord like I'm not gonna call him on disc or he can get into discord if he wants you know like if he's listening he getting discord if he wants to get in this word yeah I don't understand he played rats many times and I apologize for making him feel bad for playing red okay I did I apologize for that and I said you know what you're right we memed on you too much and we're not gonna do what anymore no I did do that III did and you can't say that didn't happen now aside from that he said that he didn't like how he thought I had gotten soft and he didn't like that I was permabanning people and we talked about that for a while and I explained I was like listen like if people are gonna talk [ __ ] you know I probably don't want him in the stream and so but ultimately after twitch made the changes that they did with like the shadow bands and everything like for instance it's been three hours into this stream I have a primer band a single person for me you guys might not know this but for me that's insane like that's crazy reasonable but usually I would have had like eight eight people permabanned like a minute just like getting rid of them constantly man listen listen it's not calm like it's disco like it's not [ __ ] Skype 2014 days you don't call people you just get in discord it's like that's what normal people do is they get in discord all right make the first move I've messaged them before okay like here's the thing is that with classic classic brought a lot of problems it did and it was ultimately not a good experience and I think that's that's pretty much what it was was it was not a good experience and hurt for you won't for him either he quit I'm no one's still playing I still play classic what do you hell do you mean for him wait for me I I still play apologize for not appreciating when if I not appreciated McConnell everybody knows my appreciate Apollo like don't even [ __ ] meme about that like I look guys yes maybe I've done some [ __ ] things in the past right but I feel like the most [ __ ] thing if I have anything to apologize for okay there's one thing that I will apologize for and that's for the ex I shouldn't have made him feel bad about taking the axe from Ragnaros choose ret wasn't a big deal I didn't really want it wasn't a sword anyway that's one thing that III genuinely will apologize for because it was like yeah I'll take you as rep but you can't have anything it feels like kind of a weird thing you know but that that is one thing that I will wait I didn't take the axe though we gave him the axe it's just that I made a big deal about it at the beginning you know what I mean his friends I'm saying you're not wrong well no if if I'm somebody's friend and maybe go and ask him he's got anyone know if I'm somebody friend somebody's friend then that doesn't mean that I just listen to everything they say and agree with them like that's not being somebody's friend like I mean come on just because I'm his friend doesn't mean that I've got to agree with them that everything went right I mean there were a number of times where he did things that annoyed me right and then like he was remember he was kicking all the other paladin's out of the guild I mean that was a lot don't you guys think that was kind of a lot and like all I'm saying is that like yeah there are things that I will genuinely apologize for it but I will not apologize for something if I don't think that I did something wrong that that's the difference is like if I think I did something wrong I will apologize for it and if I don't think I did something wrong I will not apologize because I did nothing wrong and an apology in a way kind of admits guilt to an extent so that's kind of why I I feel this one you know what I mean you made him feel guilty what's this year I made him feel guilty about every piece of loot he got instead of being happy for him well that's because listen man like you want to know why he goes in there and he plays Rhett and he doesn't do any damage he plays suspect that he knows his bat he knows the spec is bad everybody knows that it's bad it does zero damage and getting geared doesn't make a difference the difference between a gear at ret paladin and not a geared ret paladin is like a hundred DPS like maybe I don't know maybe 200 DPS who cares so what it's classic well who cares are the other warriors in the rage and the other warriors in the rate who are putting in more effort and playing the spec that they need to play so you have some people who are playing aspect it's best for the raid and other people that aren't and if you just say who cares well they do yeah more effort yeah I mean like what do you mean you don't want happen to some shrimp you as Co GM yeah that's that's what we call them that's right you play a warrior and you know damage well I'm tanking that's the thing it's like I I felt like it was an unfair thing because McConnell was taking the gear as a ret paladin and using his role of Co GM to rationalize that which I thought was unfair to the other and the other people other plate wares and DPS players in the raid because he was playing something that was knowingly a bad spec and then wanting to get gear for that bad spec it was it's not it's not fair to the other people so like I would never like basically at this point we have Tim in the raid and he's a ret paladin and that's fine because we don't really give a [ __ ] about it anymore right everybody in the inner raid has a certain level of trust but he's your friend well what do you mean like I rolled off the gear I rolled everything off and like I don't think that's fair like just cuz somebody's my friend doesn't mean that I just give them all the gear like I don't know I feel like that's not that's not what you should do give me a minute classics about community not men massing Finn min max in classes respects I feel like that's like such just such a cop-out thing to say classic is about community it's about min Max and classes respects like what like who who dictates it and and tells you what classic is about like what about a community that wants to min/max like and so there's a difference between like men maxing here's the way I look at it right is there's a difference between men maxing and having 18 warriors in the raid and just going into a raid and doing what's going to make the biggest benefit for the rate and in in my opinion okay maybe this is an unpopular opinion but as a raid leader I have to make decisions like this in my opinion I think if somebody is going out of their way to help the raid out and do things extra then that should make make sure that they are going to roll and if someone is coming into the raid playing aspect that they know is not as useful as all the other specs then I don't think that they deserve a role next to somebody else did spending more time like getting being the right spec playing the right class and doing the right thing for the raid like he could go holy and heal for the raid and be more useful like that's ultimately what it is should he take who gives it buff well every other warrior in the raid that's losing their retinue loses their [ __ ] gear to a ret paladin that it's not gonna make a difference for are you guys crazy like so every other warrior in there loses their gear because it's gonna make it's gonna give them as sixty DPS increase and it's gonna give a ret paladin a three DPS increase and somehow it's a bad decision for me to say yeah I don't want to give it to the person who's gonna do three more DPS like are you [ __ ] kidding me like listen guys this is not the way that I would run a raid okay at this point with the guild we don't really care anymore it doesn't matter but that was my perspective going into it and I know some people disagree with that but I think that it's the right decision okay like that's the point that I'm making rep out and somewhere DPS and boss dies faster - geared warriors that's right ret paladin's do more DPS at the boss dies faster - geared warriors I actually that's true that is actually [ __ ] true Dharma get my boys is sacrificing a friendship from in maxing but don't you think that he's sacrificing part of the friendship by wanting me to do something that's fundamentally unfair and then holding holding the friendship against me if I don't do it how is this completely my decision like I feel like this is completely selfish I'm sorry but I don't think that I'm wrong about this I really don't that's guilt tripping yeah IIIi don't think that I'm wrong about this like i i i i will admit that you know i did I did like kind of some dick things with like the the axe and everything like that but you guys have to understand where I'm coming from and like if you understand where I'm coming from you still disagree that's fine but like I don't think that I was wrong about this I really don't and that's what it comes down to very rationally yeah 3x3 PS warrior that doesn't really matter whenever you can down to boss either way well yeah but the point is it's the it's kind of like the what's like the word behind it it's the meaning of it right you have certain people that respect the fury every single week because they want to do more damage on the bosses you have people that come with consumables ever seen weak because they want to do more damage to the bosses and the reason why they want to do more damage is they want to make the raid better and they want to make it go faster and then what ends up happening is that you have somebody else who doesn't respect who goes in there with minimal effort who spams rank one flash of light and then expects to get defaulted gear like that's not fair it's just not fair like that's all there is to it like if people think that's what I should do yeah it's completely selfish I spend more time outside the ready to spend a little time and raid makes no sense it's about the point of it that's what that's what I'm saying it's about the point of it and I understand that some people disagree with this you don't really care about min maxing or whatever but here's my perspective if I was a warrior in a raid and it wasn't like a raid full of my friends it was just a random raid and a rat paladin got gear over me IG quit because that's not the kind of raid that I want to be in I don't want to be in a raid that rewards people that intentionally handicap themselves I would that's not something that I like to do no I'm not saying that everybody has to have world buffs going into every single different every single different thing but there is a level that I feel like people should be expected to play at and a compromise that they should be expected to make whenever they go into a group activity and they should be expected to at least to the bare minimum to put in the most amount of effort possible to make that raid better and more enjoyable and more efficient that's what I think is fair yeah it's not about putting a game over friendship like you realize like he's the one that withdrew from the friendship like it's not me I'm fine he's the one that withdrew because I wouldn't create an unfair situation for other people I wouldn't do something at other peoples expense for him like that's not that's not me being wrong I'm not withdrawing from print that's him I guess you just saw it on guys you want to take a random guess on who it was it just logged on McConnell McConnell just logged on all right that it's kind of a surprise why you don't see that very often but you know what every once in a while you do [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 410,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell, mcconnellret, mcconnell wow, mcconnell asmongold, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic world of warcraft, asmongold classic, mcconnell wow classic, mcconnell classic wow
Id: cgGe88HQxYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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