Asmongold & Mcconnell REUNITED For The ULTIMATE Achievement Stream

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what a couple months dude but a couple months all you uh big [ __ ] YouTube comments even retards it's and better with that blow me okay we're gonna do [ __ ] now so Matano how's it how you been man I mean how you been like I saw you're playing classic I mean what do you mean how I've been we literally just had a three-hour conversation like two days ago you know how it then yeah will you act with you will you what you know how a big okay alright alright let's go well I was asking you know I was asking for the chat because what is scripted scripted the [ __ ] do you mean listen you spent all your [ __ ] you've always scripted everything every day what am I gonna say next you're gonna say hi boys let's go let's do this eternal Raider right here boys let's go cue it up sign up boys let's go let's go right here let's get this [ __ ] mouth boys let's go come on boys twitch prime's twitch crimes voice come on everybody stop right now let's go boys Oh 483 oh my god I can't believe it holy [ __ ] I'm inviting it right now oh my God look how do you do that go ahead listen hey what if what if now I'm just spitballing okay so just take it with a grain of salt all right what if we just did the last two achievements just those last two what if we did that which achievements do you need the last two Lynne said Tristan oh I see that you need three last three there so we're gonna have to do the last three least right how about this Oh getting tired you don't know I don't know how much longer I might be able to hang out you know my schedule is like [ __ ] I know you're really busy okay I know you're real [ __ ] busy let's do this we're gonna half-ass all the bosses and all the all this stuff we're just gonna half-ass it and we're gonna get the achievements done but we're gonna half-ass the achievement so if we don't get them that's the way it goes so here's what we're gonna do guys everybody's own to [ __ ] be smart guys beaten up who was that LNA okay do not pull them do let's just don't don't attack them oh my god here they come stop guys stop let me get aggro let me get aggro this is for your achievement I already [ __ ] have this I don't care do I have a - yeah we don't care so do it right stop attacking stop attack dragon they're killing Urtz that you only look good you didn't talk about the thing did you the PvP thing okay all right remind me after this and I thought I did I did not talk about you're right I did not I totally [ __ ] forgot so I will talk about that so guys listen up there's not really really big thing this is the thing that we talked about and we complained about privately and now we're gonna complain about publicly okay so PvP gear like in PvP the developers literally [ __ ] lie to you okay so imagine okay so you go and you get somebody but that's what's fine suffer [Music] Oh [ __ ] hit him man so you hit him right and you can't and he dies and you do 80 thousand damage it says eighty thousand on your street and you think that you're hitting in with that sword over there but in reality wizard lied to you because you're actually hitting him with the damage of a Pringles can you just tapping him on the nose like he's a good boy and then we got sixty thousand on his [ __ ] screen because boys 'red actually thought that they would get away with this [ __ ] by putting a [ __ ] system in the game that makes it to where whenever you do damage to somebody it recalculates that damage inside of an internal calculation mechanism that then reduces it and then puts the other number on the other players screen so you hit one dude for 80,000 and he only takes 60 Blizzard is literally lying to you Elam I did dude that's that's dude that's the title for the YouTube video when he gets uploaded voices misheard lying to players and then it's got the it's got your Sunday off of you without with your eyes wide open your mouth open - okay all right I'll do one guys you guys didn't use this one for the [ __ ] thing alright alright that's I'll show you a good one yeah that's perfect yeah mouth open hands on face yeah there you go get the achievement claw voice there it is boys nice [ __ ] job nice [ __ ] job wait sisha sisha a yo see shook listen man I see you just got the thing of the behemoth but just coincidentally an item that I need the dagger that you received you don't need that dagger and you don't know what to do with it if you wanted to maybe trade it to me I could actually use that dagger you've changed it why cuz I was nice to him the old asmin would have said see show give that to me right [ __ ] now I never do that hey I Monica's nice to them I'm always nice to a man okay it's dee-nice he should get it yeah how my name a title see show the fabulous oh thank you man thank you very much thank you thank you thank you dude are you still running your mythic plus plus 15 a week wife Oh Joey what the [ __ ] would I do that how many 15s do you have in time because like we need to get the all the 15s for as Ross champion every move away move away happy happy we have four done in time oh you have only done four I need siege okay I need to hold the group I need that one workshop okay you know juncture that's it okay oh wow okay so yeah there's a lot I've never done told to go or siege or see gibberellins so uh I don't know why I said situation och those out - okay so just run laps around the boss if you already have the achievement you don't care about it you can just [ __ ] around don't wait don't kill my hill you said I thought you said you had this one I was literally halfway there man halfway to what halfway to getting into me already had if I read earlier yeah yeah if if I could get that shielded what have you inspected me lately yeah for relic helmet long ice yeah see anything interesting back [Music] huh you see you see anything interesting on the neck or is there anything cool there yeah you got the rank fluorescence from doing the hard mode I did Wow yeah yeah it's be nice must must must be nice must be nice to have people that know how to cook the button but I know that's probably not what you did you probably exploited it didn't click the buns man I was number four you're telling me that you got it legitimately legit and not not only that I did it with [ __ ] Aussies too man they were all from [ __ ] Mork I was done I was doing with 200 ping Jan hub all right I don't know what the [ __ ] to say then we had people that apparently had brain lag been because they [ __ ] it up I was I'm still upset about that let's go guys let's go there it is boys we got him give me that [ __ ] maces when we got the mace nobody got it I see that oh [ __ ] [ __ ] dude run down here filthy just kill the ads don't try to like skip T skip the trash so there's a specials or toid that spawns okay so he picks it up okay here we go so it's right behind that thing we make sure that I see it again okay all right I got it all right got it I got it I got it I got it I'm taking it down I cannot get hit I cannot get hit hit I cannot get hit do not interrupt the boss do not interrupt the boss he did okay okay come on dude I'm going man this is for you guys I already have this one so if it fails now we're in the end game this is the one that I don't have so I need to make sure that I get this right okay and see get out of that nice dude there it is good [ __ ] job boys great [ __ ] job boys there it is if it pleases the court perform various emotes to earn Queen Azshara favor in the eternal palace then defeat the Queen's court on Normal difficulty yeah target Queen Azshara here she's up there oh I never even looked up there actually sirrah so you target her and then you do it is a slash salute her whenever she does form ranks slash curtsy whenever she does repeat performance / applause whenever she does stand alone / grovel whenever she does deferred sentence and obey or supper which does that you do / kneel okay it's a sucker toes - that's it what is that the weird people asked like they want girls to step on them now you see that no it's not just on Twitter that that stuff is in fact which to man Jesus I've learned a lot of interesting information in the last six months yeah it's been an adventure for sure it's like I don't I don't like how they're trying to normalize foot fetishes that's what yeah it's it's it's already yeah yeah this is too much man this is way too [ __ ] much now I'll tell you guys which one to do yeah we have two to three minutes for this so everybody just take it slow and take it slow and then slowly take it okay all right listen all right so we have stand alone stand alone is slash applause so get ready for slash applause clap okay applause Queen Azshara come on yeah there we go there we go good job proud of you just kill the bosses someone's on yeah we got it kill them kill them go get on the other one Z E Z dude nice [ __ ] job boys nice [ __ ] job proud of you guys alright next achievement alright what's the next one let me go ahead and look at it we only got two more to go This Is It this is it this is what the game is all about that's right lactose intolerant let me look this up Oh what we need to do here comments to open a portal to the secret cow level you have to power up the six rooms on the ground in order to do this players must stand on top of them and face four get afflicted by manic dread and then get dispelled oh [ __ ] this sounds complicated dude ah Shh you just go play classic uh yeah I mean I just I this is oh my god there's like five buttons I have to do with the signal there's more mechanics in this [ __ ] achievement that there are in classic raids man like this is okay get ready all right stack now stack now and dispel stack now and dispel okay move out of that there it is boys there it is okay go to the rainbow realm pop heroism deep dick these bovines deep dick bovines deep ditch the cows let's go guys kill them all kill them all kill every single cow get him out of here I don't want to see them boom look at that what vegan games gonna make a [ __ ] video now man oh god the worst of the twitch industry right okay go kill him get the achievement boys easy easy okay so defeat azshara and the eternal palace with one player still alive who's currently affected by essence of Azeroth on Normal difficulty or higher I have that so every single player needs to die except me I will be the final person yeah oh thank you Elleni yeah yeah idiot use the controlled release until one of the tanks get the essence of Azeroth off tank - and the Heuer oh my god [ __ ] we are [ __ ] [ __ ] we are [ __ ] okay we have the last one this is the last one we have to get this we have to get this there's no no excuses nothing that will prevent us from doing this okay let's do a voice everybody dies and the way that you die is you just stand in a console and have it reduce your health okay Macaulay you're gonna be the one helping me at the end what yep it's me and you at the end I was gonna go die make some food no yo you're doing this with me this is the last [ __ ] achievement you're doing this yep stay stay attacking her stay attacking her guys come on keep it up now I killed this shield I get the guy and have him bring the guy over to the shield get the guy take him over to the shield yeah just kill those ads where's the guy where's the guy you killed the guy oh yeah just wait a minute guys what everybody wait a minute don't nobody else die [ __ ] not spawning just wait from the spawn hey wait for him to spawn yep okay we have to kill these ads he won't face we or he won't spawn we chased I know wait we faced well then how do I access the console we don't we wipe is this a [ __ ] contest they're killing the boss whoever yeah stop stop stop stop everybody start dying now everyone start dying now everyone die now except for me and McConnell McConnell dude just start spamming healing me men whoo let's go at 1 million one milli one mil huh this is it at one mill come on we're gonna take it home okay McConnell's dead alright alright let's go it's all me moving out of that what the [ __ ] what happened everything capped did did all the things cap and we just died oh yeah Oh scuzz I didn't soak it oh the console exploded oh [ __ ] I forgot did okay I just take a piss like all right I'm it's right now here just make sure I don't die right Lutron which bride which Prime everybody twitch prime right now if you've got a switch Prime use it right now use it right now it's witchcraft well that good I know you I know you guys have it yes and sold out the whole [ __ ] month go ahead keep going keep going that's not enough I want to see more Prime's go stop being [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] flick - god damn fence again beckons in 40 seconds I should be able to do this yeah I need a lot more help I know what more help okay okay fifteen seconds all right stop okay I'm trying to get it I got it I got it McConnell doctor this is it go good all right I got you in ten seconds she's gonna beckon me man just do it I'm trying I'm doing my attacks as fast as I can attack oh wow I'm jumping I'm jumping okay please please please yes dude yes dude saved by corruption orangy holy [ __ ] Wow holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that was close oh damn Wow okay get the belt all righty everybody go ahead and get up next to me yeah next to me boys let's go ourselves a screen shot yeah only blu-rays only blow trays on my voice there it is good good look at these beautiful mounts man absolutely incredible these are glorious and what's another word for this majestic majestic mounts all right yeah will do old view all right let's go all right let's pop off you guys ready to get your blood Gord Scroggs okay like we're like blood gorge [ __ ] Oh Oh Aspen what you all right thank you you want me to play cnt2 you sure it's a great song man I mean come on it's my song it's not your song hey stick [ __ ] Queen okay all right I will existential crisis to beat mythrax another player touching Sue's rabbits on my pepper so you can only touch your own existence fragments kill boss and don't move oh don't move don't move [Music] thank [ __ ] god I got it thank [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Wow gentlemen we are in the endgame this is the last achievement this is where we finish it we're in the end the boss all right boys let's see you take it home kill the boss you guys ready to see the achievements 8 million 7 million 6 million 5 million 4 million holy moly it's just that easy boys it's just that [ __ ] easy points I don't need anything out of here everybody come on back over and let me go outside I go to the entrance of old year everybody zone out and get on your blood gorge crog yeah get on your blood gorge Krog let's do it boys everybody come on let's see if every single one of you has this now [ __ ] yes dude this has been insanely productive dude like I say I love you bought it yeah this is crazy like ah Wow congratulations guys [ __ ] yes dude look at them all day look at them all what thank you dude I appreciate I appreciate you sure my pleasure all right let me see if I can get a let me see if I can get a kill on this on assault forks Feaster voice see if I can get this out of the way [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 495,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell, mcconnellret, mcconnell wow, mcconnell asmongold, asmongold achievement, asmongold eternal palace, glory of the eternal raider, asmongold azshara, asmongold glory of the eternal raider, mcconnell is back, asmongold back
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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