Asmongold Reacts to WoW Boosting: How BLIZZ Earns Millions Doing Nothing | by Bellular

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boosting it's the multi-million dollar industry that sometimes verges into gray market that we all see but few understand so what exactly is boosting wow boosting exposed this is a video i've wanted to watch for quite a while i want to watch it because boosting in wow has been a [ __ ] in the ass for a long time and the problem is that it just keeps getting bigger it becomes more optimized soulless more transactional is not good so we're gonna look into this and see what's going on what exactly is boosting is it a valuable activity born of natural player interaction in an mmo or yeah i think it is i think the problem with boosting is the [ __ ] wow token i think boosting's totally fine if people are earning the gold i like the idea and the rp of a big fat [ __ ] goblin like gallywix being chauffeured around by raiders because he overpaid them uh i think that's that's [ __ ] that's rp right there that's mmo but the problem is that it's not gallywix it's david the account that works in accounting who's got an extra twenty thousand dollars every year and he keeps buying mythic mounts with real money it's david doing this [ __ ] wrong it's not gallywix it's david david from accounting that's my that's that's my uh my general opinion about boosting is that if you earn a goal that's fine if you buy the gold it's not and if you can buy the gold in the game you're going to buy the gold in the game why do you care what those people do with their money because it creates an economy for something that devalues the accomplishments of legitimate players through the use of real money it's an mmo i do not buy into the idea that an mmo it doesn't matter what other players do in the mmo i think that it does matter what other players do i think that having something special makes people feel special and if you can buy that something special then it means it's not special it does matter it might not matter to you but it very [ __ ] obviously matters and is core to human psychology because it doesn't matter if it's employee of the month a gold star for a test a lamborghini because you make a lot of money it doesn't matter what it is but there is manifestations of having something and feeling special and it wouldn't be special if everybody had it in every walk of life some think a pay to win plague that is ruining wow's end game in ways that we cannot even imagine true well the answer really is a bit of both but how does it actually happen and why to find this out we spoke to figures in the boosting community some for some against even including pretty high up members today we bring boosting to light we're starting by talking about how it works and the actual business behind it as well as blizzard's frankly shocking management of issues such as rmt really is it really shocking to who who's shocked video is kind of loud okay to the point where even boosters are quite frustrated at them this video is only part one soon we will have part two focused on the design problems that have caused boosting to be a big problem and the in-game implications that we are all seeing yeah in many cases we were quite frankly astounded by the professionalism and the incredible setup of these boosting communities well this is the same thing whenever i used to do boosting back in cataclysm like you want to treat people right you want to have everything go the right way because it's a uh it's usually a peer-to-peer referral business like yeah you're making advertisements out there and you know sending it out there but the way you really get a lot of your money is whenever you do a sale for somebody and they're happy and they tell their friend or you do a sale for somebody and they're happy and they come back for another sale that's what the majority of it is it's the essence of the 80 20 rule where you get 80 percent of your business from 20 percent of your customers it manifests itself in all kinds of different ways but especially whenever you're making sales it's especially true and also whenever you have whenever you're making sales and doing things this is the same thing like if you're doing buying and selling things illegally in in real life it becomes much more important to have those positive interactions because you don't have you don't have the opportunity to rely on a governing apparatus to to make things fair so you have to rely on trust you have to rely on goodwill much more actually whenever you're dealing things like that you know like if you get scammed on a deal and it's an illegal deal you're not going to go to the cops you've got to work this out and if you want others to feel like that about you yeah you're going to need a great website with today's sponsor now it's real simple squarespace are the fastest and easiest way for you to get a great looking site built quickly i mean i threw together this showcase site in about 40 minutes amazing as you've heard chilled out with that reclining with my ipad on the sofa imagine and it barely took any time to even add that they just let you hit the ground running with something that looks great and that's brilliant for somebody like me who's not a designer but of course you've got all that room to customize later now your site is what people see of you online so if you want your portfolio to stand out then a gorgeous clean and content-first site is what you need of course there is far more do you want to say there as well if you want to try that they've got the excellent site builder easy to use tools incredible templates wait there's all you need to get started so start your free trial at forward slash bell your gaming and use that code bellower gaming to get 10 off your first purchase wow thanks to squarespace for supporting this uh i love why you got i love how y'all complain there's some people complain about it like they're mad like this guy makes a 37 minute video that's edited uh scripted out and [ __ ] everything and you're gonna get your dick in a knot because you have to sit through a one-minute ad a 60-second [ __ ] promotion who gives a [ __ ] yeah i'm happy he got paid yeah there it is because he's greedy oh i'm sure you're not i'm sure you're not at all yeah you're definitely not fun investigation and let's get into it okay so why would people boost world warcraft has for years been built around extrinsic rewards and material goals first rewards carry prestige among the community which was always a testament to how world of warcraft worked excellently as a virtual world yeah but once the desire for reward outweighs the desire to do the content there will be a market for those who want the reward without the work i can't think of anybody like always a few stories to tell in a market the buyer in this case is perhaps somebody who wants keystone master who wants curve yeah stack of loot without as much effort there's the seller someone who will put that effort in on the buyers behalf but they of course need their own rewards yeah they've got to get something that will be the buyer's gold gold for raid consumables for legendaries for gold sinks like the black market auction house and maybe even some gold to sell on the side for a bit of real money imagine that there's more to the motives and the market a lot more and that's how we get to the multi-million dollar situation but to understand that you'll first need to actually understand what it's like on the inside all right let's see the quickest way to explain it is like this when you've got buyers and sellers they need to be matched up with each other so this has made boosting communities like who can starlight and oblivion crop up to do just that thank you these communities basically uh it's like imagine each one is run by a goblin trade prince or a conglomerate of uh goblin trade princes that basically connect by they connect david's with billy's billy's that plays the game uh 47 hours a day and he can do mythic sylvanas with his eyes closed well it gets billy to talk to david and then david gives billy money and then billy kills the boss for david it's that easy so this is effectively what these uh what these things do how uber works all you have to do is tell the app where you want to go give them some money and they will handle the rest using the available drivers in their pool that essentially is what boosting is like now you send a request through to the community via an advertiser on discord or in-game that advertiser then logs your request and a call is put out for boosters boosters respond to that call and before long there you go you have a group set up you can hop onto a discord channel to talk about the specifics and at the end you can actually review your boosters based on your experience you pay the goal to the advertiser who hands it over to the boosting community the boosting study then everybody's activity via discord bots and spreadsheets and and to be honest like something like this it's not that hard to do everybody has like they're like oh man this is so hard i can't figure it out it's not hard to do like you just have an excel you have an excel spreadsheet you put everybody's [ __ ] name in the excel spreadsheet and you just calculate it out like it it's it's just it's literally below accounting one it's not a big deal i i used to kind of do a little bit of this because i i tried to do like my own little miniature boosting community in kel'thuzad where i would find uh fine buyers for other people and then i would try to skim money off the top but i found that like doing that like the effort involved was not worth it because i didn't have enough people that i could sell to i was doing it for gold like i'm not i wasn't doing it for real money uh scalper no the thing is like like i would try to scalp like look man i try to get well by my ball dude i have to get whatever if i can get it i get it that's all there is to it yeah i know it is wrong they dish out everybody's salary and then the community keeps a portion for themselves yeah they're boosters get a cut but so does the advertiser set it up after all during that run if a booster makes a mistake they will often be investigated perhaps fined or given a strike if they get too many strikes they'll be fined they're out and that means that you'll only ever be boosted by people who have been proven and curated which does yeah no it's no the thing is like of course this happens uh because it it's bad because i remember jeff oh my god jeff would mess up the carries sometimes and then i would have to go back and talk to the buyer again and like i would have to talk them off a cliff because they weren't going to buy anything from us anymore because jeff messed up the run and so now we're not going to get any money and it's like oh my god this happened so like yes like it's so important because a lot of the people you gotta also remember is a lot of the people that are buying these booths they don't have a lot of time that's why they're usually buying the boosts so they want to have their [ __ ] done faster great also most of these services actually do involve you playing so you actually get to experience the content albeit with a bit less challenge and a lot less stress yeah fundamentally it's a lot like randomly getting an insanely good group in the group finder but reliable repeatable and on demand imagine that so to sum it up they have made it convenient low risk and professional hell if your run goes wrong you can even get a refund yeah these communities have moderators they have customer support staff and the reason why you can get a refund is it's a buyer's market uh there's a lot more people that are unemployed who can kill mythic sylvanas than people with a bunch of real-life money who are looking to buy mythic sylvanas so that's that's what it is is it's about it's a buyer's market so if you [ __ ] up they just replace you with somebody else real quick like real quick that's it it's done is he complaining about boosting or advertising for it i'm just like it's not about let me tell you something i don't hate the player i hate the game what do you think i make a video on this and now everybody's going to start boosting that's already been happening like the reality is that if blizzard cared about this they could stop it like a blizzard could probably hire three people that's a lot for them but they could hire three people and they could solve this problem pretty much entirely like nine over ninety percent but they're not going to do that because they don't care and if they don't care then why the [ __ ] should i care how could blizzard stop boosting just ban people that do it to suspend them to do it it's easy what do you mean like you like you couldn't like you couldn't figure out who's boosting uh this guy uh he joined this uh this raid and he gave the raid leader 8 million gold and then they did mythic sylvanas it's the first time he ever raided with this guild and the guy that got me ethics of honest it turned out that he traded it to the guy that gave 8 million gold wow i think that we might have a potential boosty boy here we just not enough evidence yeah you never know and he jumped off the platform and killed himself in phase one and they told them to do it in in raid chat removing the token yeah this this will happen really i mean but there is some truth to what you guys are what some people are saying in chat is that if you have the wow token it is almost impossible to stop this yeah it it's almost impossible to [ __ ] stop this because you're gonna have like smaller transactions you're gonna have items instead of the gold for transactions uh to uh bypass uh automated thresholds that uh that create like a red flag on your account for it to be uh reviewed like it's it's always a cat and mouse game but the reason is because you you [ __ ] put the mouse in there in the first place with the goddamn wow token advertisers also that you can have a good experience they've got treasurers managing the gold they have people running social media and branding they have technical staff to set up the discord bots and their management backend it's a big operation i think so that's why people if you want to have my honest opinion i think it's cool like i do because i i did this on a really rudimentary level back in like cataclysm and a little bit of misopandaria so like to see people doing it now like full tilt and being successful it is kind of cool for me to see even though i i wish i wasn't seeing it they have ads too yeah boost more now it's not like doing something on a dodgy website back in 2008 no it's now it is a very well-designed user experience oh yeah now to be clear there is no doubt that boosting in a way perverts the very idea of aspects of world of warcraft as a video game yes and it is undeniably pay to win but it's also a consequence of wow being an mmo with player driven services and rewards that people want but can't i don't think that it's a result of any of that i think it is purely a result of being able to buy gold with real money it's that simple you can buy gold with real money there we go necessarily attain not to mention the community's unwillingness to take a chance on unproven players in fact paying a booster to get the curve achievement on you which ironically creates an even bigger problem with unproven players because now you have people link ahead of the curve sylvanas you look them up on the armory and that's the only boss they've killed isn't that interesting so you have people faking achievements there are so many people it's actually ironic people hate the idea of having the lincoln achievement to get a uh to get into something well now everybody buys all their achievements so you don't want to link achievements anymore because nobody trusts them it's actually worked they've gotten rid of it we'll come up on law progress and see how quick they died yeah but like what are you going to do you you want to you want a [ __ ] uh a letter recommendation do you want three references that aren't family members you want their 10-year work history two what are you gonna spend all this [ __ ] time for just to get an invite into heroic nobody's got that [ __ ] time they only do that for guild invites for mythic yeah yeah at least send them a fax of your credit score too your character early on in a raid tier could be the thing that unlocks you being able to do more actual raiding yeah as that may sound that's what people do they buy curve because if they have curve they can go and they can get invited to rates that is however a topic for another day because right now we need to discuss the actual boosting business itself it's many quirks and it's many warts all right let's be frank we've been talking to a variety of people including boosters management and even the owner of who can and they all have a lot to say to clear up some misconceptions though let's define rmt real money transaction which usually applies to two things paying directly for services or paying directly for gold with real-life money yeah as we understand it most of this is paid so like buying a wow token is rmt like that's that's really what it is like i would say that rmt in my opinion like the bad part of it is whenever you're able to make real money from playing the game because that's really what the issue is is that the incentive for doing this is because people can get money and take it out of the game because you need you need both you need people that want to put money into the game and you also need people that want to take money out of the game because there's a lot of these people like let's let's look at this realistically if you're boosting all day well you don't have a job right because you're [ __ ] boosting all day so you need to get that money and sell it for get the gold and sell it for real money yeah it need life that's what it is that's the job yeah that's that's what yeah safeway won't uh give me food for wild gold yeah so they they transferred over and that's really the issue is that a lot less people would be boosting if they knew that the only thing they could get out of it is wow gold a lot of them boost because they know that they can transfer that wow gold to real money paying for gold and that's where some gold only claims become a smoke screen because boosters can 100 officially deal in gold but buyers can buy gold with money trade the gold for a boost and then the boosters can sell that gold later for money via any number of services which all by the way are pretty much against the tos so that's where that's where the tos gets broken it's not with the money coming into the economy it's with the money going out of the economy that's what happens it's dirty gold still just gold yeah let's talk about the value of boosting okay one source's estimate for the size of the boosting market is over 10 million euro per year yeah so literally millions this is split across a lot of people globally but there are reportedly a select few making six figure sums from running the show oh yeah no doubt and this is this is what happens right is like you have the people that are making six figures from doing this this isn't uh jeremiah the mage okay this is um i i don't know whoever the [ __ ] some random guy sven in sweden who owns the boosting company who's shaving money off of everybody's top right think of it like a pyramid scheme and spins up at the top getting all the [ __ ] money you see what i'm saying that's how it happens that's where they make the money it's not the guys that are actually doing see if you want to make a lot of money the best thing to do is to get other people to do the work for you and then you just take money off the top of that because that way you can just apply that service to a bunch of people and through an aggregate and just kind of the the law of large numbers make a lot of money that's how it works it's like in cookie clicker whenever you get a bunch of cookie farms you want to get cookie farms you don't want to keep clicking even if you can click faster than a cookie farm you'll get enough cookie farms to where it's just going to be more is this part of the pie this is a pecan pie gallywix for example was apparently a huge payday for those at the top yeah of course until blizzard banned them make no mistake this is a serious industry with serious players oh yeah for some it is in fact how they make a living especially those in less well-off countries westerners paying for that's a really good uh really good insight believer has there is that if you're working let's say you live uh i talked to nick uh i talked to nick yesterday he said the people working at mcdonald's in norway make 25 dollars an hour that's a lot of money but let's say you live in venezuela let's say you live in uh where some other countries where uh the economy is [ __ ] terrible and it's just a complete [ __ ] and uh you can't make any money uh brazil i don't know i feel like brazil has like some really nice places uh yeah i kind of don't want to say the usa bro if you actually think the usa is in the same universe as something like el salvador you need to leave your um [ __ ] upper middle class gated community and you know get out of your cadillac that your dad bought for you and open your [ __ ] eyes and look at the world shut the [ __ ] up argentina jesus what privilege to think that america is even in the same universe as uh venezuela el salvador a lot of guys that live in these shitty countries this is a way for them to actually make a legitimate living that's competitive with other things that they could do for services at western rates translates to a lot of money in some places as an example the nova boosting community offers a mythic plus 15 run for 270 000 gold assuming a player's cut is 20 of that 270 k they would earn about 54k gold on our server ravencrest buying gold usually seems to average out to about 1 euro 35 per 10k gold that is 54k gold equating to 7 euro 29 cents conservative and assume that selling gold only earns you 50 percent of the money and that the selling service perhaps populates the rest yeah i would say you're buying it 63 euro 65 cents per dollar three dollars a dungeon now if we actually look at serbia as an example three euro 65 is worth around 420 serbian dinos the minimum wage is 175 per hour and the average wage is around 400 an hour so using some rough math a serbian player could do one mythic plus per hour 40 hours a week and like you know it sucks like i said this before is that uh if you really think that it's not that bad over in serbia if you want to make an eastern european mad ask them about their local politics that's all you have to do ask them about their local politics and they will make themselves mad every single [ __ ] one of them yeah that's it's that simple man serbian here hi matt look dude it is what it is survey is beautiful and i love my politicians okay that's another uh 400 din right there how about that and make a there you go the country's average way that's nuts now that said we've been told that boosters themselves the actual players they're really not making out like bandits here no of course like in many situations the real people making the profit are the bobbies the middlemen the people actually running for the barbies the advertiser for nova in our example would get a 10 to 20 percent cut of the gold for actually setting up the boost exactly they could then that's where you make money set up multiple boosting runs per hour exactly and that of course would entail a lot less effort than actually running those dungeons as a part of the boosting labor force meaning they would earn more per hour one person we spoke to actually claimed to us to earn between 2 000 euro and 4 000 euro a month through organizing runs for only a few hours per night it's not easy uh it really is it's that easy now now the way you do it uh this is the main thing right is the way you do it is you have to like i know how this [ __ ] works if you're making a lot of money the main thing that you're dealing in is you're dealing in individuals with a lot of money you're basically dealing with um trust fund kids oil princes and bobbies and you find these people and and what did what what do game developers call them they call them whales right like there's literally like what they're doing is the same thing that the developers are doing but it's just uh it it's it's happening organically so that's basically what happens a lot of millionaire average joe's nowadays exactly right you've got a guy this is really what it comes down to right you've got a single guy he's 27 he makes a hundred and ten thousand dollars a year as a programmer and he doesn't live in san francisco so he's got a he doesn't have a girlfriend uh he doesn't do anything else besides play wow and hang out with his friends sometimes he's got fifty thousand dollars a year of disposable income and the only thing else he spends it on is weed and that's not even that much so he's sitting there with all this money giving you money all the time so you want to be really really good friends with frederick the programmer and you know some oil prince and some trust fund kid and and you talk to them you have a personal relationship with them it's really important like whenever you're doing especially like repeat business with like big customers they have to like you they do they have to like you i'm telling you like i could i could go through this for like hours about like strategies and [ __ ] convert like it's just so much about it uh but it's just yeah connecting with the customer yeah you you make them happy because there's a lot to be said with a person that enjoys doing business with you that they and they enjoy doing business with you like that's that's what it really is there's definitely a lot to it exactly and um i it's a people don't really talk a lot about the um i feel like the the business of uh like the personal aspect of business is a lot of times not talked about because i think that it's considered like manipulative or something in that in that way and like the only time it is talked about it's by like people that uh you know they again like they post like instagram quotes of things that they thought of uh behind a picture of elon musk to make the things seem more legitimate so they they got no [ __ ] idea what they're talking about uh but yeah you have to have do you have a graph for that no i have a pie um so that that's that's a good example and um just in general that's what it is suck them off during the deal sales 101 it's not about suck them off like you you just you completely missed the point if that's what you do like my my opinion is i treat the person this is my best advice okay for sales treat the person you're selling to as a friend like treat them as a friend and that's gonna make a huge impact because they are a friend they're helping you you're helping them it's good there's nothing weird about that it's good that's good you treat them as a friend fairness that's a pretty damn sweet hustle i think we can all agree definitely another said over 100 euro a night from boosting at the right times and around 20 euro an hour from farming gold in classic when tbc launched twenty dollars an hour having skin in the game like this can also cause some spicy situations we heard one tale of a boosting guild actually taking revenge yeah missed payouts by uh well from what we heard some doxxing and threatening going on well i had this happen too because i used to um so whenever uh we were running dry and i wanted to still make a lot of money what i would do is i would effectively subcontract things out so like i would get a guy to like he would buy a bear amount from me for 12k and then i would pay everybody in the group 2k well there's four people in the group that's 6k where does the other 6k go so people would occasionally get mad about this but i just i i just told them like i don't give a [ __ ] like this is just like i mean you're making 2k for nothing i had to find this guy if you're gonna complain about it then don't come and then they just keep showing up right so that's what it is but like it uh you can do that but it's again like remember what i told you i told you guys about like never to make the person that you are uh that you're doing business with feel like they got the short end of the stick remember why i said about that it's so important to do that because if you don't do that like they'll they'll [ __ ] you over some point in the future in a way you can't even predict right now usually so uh that's my best advice don't [ __ ] where you eat there it is so it's it's a bit of both i've done both that's how i know rmt the real money transactions its prevalence in boosting is interesting ex-boosters told us that while nobody ever says anything publicly a lot was obvious like known boosters showing up to raid uh being unable to afford consumables despite it being very public knowledge that they were paid a whole bunch of gold from their boosting salary for that very weak so the question then is if they can't afford their consumables where did the gold go i wonder we've outright been trolled that quote there is no clear gold boosting and that source did of course there's no queen gold boosting why would you clean gold boost man like there are especially whenever you get into there are people that like that do it for just gold and that's it they don't really give a [ __ ] like definitely but usually these people are part of you know like what believers talking about a larger apparatus or organization that at some level is making real money sort of indicate most named communities if you're involved in boosting and not making money some people would say that you're just making money for somebody else there it is that's exactly what i said how do people actually sell the gold that's a big question that i had i'm sure that you have as well because you can't just start trading gold that stuff is all tracked and scrutinized by automated systems well one way is at the payment stage advertisers and buyers can privately discuss payment gold or cash if the buyer pays the advertiser in cash and then the advertiser pays the boosting community they work for with their own gold well once these advertisers know who can do rmt then they know they've essentially got a whale them the only two people who have knowledge of the money the real money changing hands is the advertiser and the payer everything else goes on normally and you never have to deal with an outside seller it's really smart and in a way where that's the thing is that it's um it's always better for less people to know than more people to know whenever you're doing something like this like if you're doing anything under the table nobody can tell the secret it can never get out if it never got in in the first place never tell people unless you have to everything on a need to know basis the boosting communities it's extremely hard for them to actually track and fix and from a lot of the people we talk to they genuinely do want to track and fix those problems because they don't seem to like it another way is one that shocked us we've been told that blizzard do not track guild transfers so put a lot of gold and guilt back give somebody withdrawal permissions or the guild themselves and that's that done apparently this is invisible to blizzard's automated auditing so this is actually reportedly how most large gold transfers are done then there is gold laundering via wow token buy wow token turn them into blizzard balance then buy gift copies of games and then sell those on reselling websites yeah technically that is not rmt it's just against the spirit of the system and in a way it does mean that if you farm up a whole bunch of gold there you go you can get some real money out of it probably not at the best pay rate let's be real you get a shitty place i said we haven't even talked and that's the thing right is that like if you're doing this all the time like let's say you're making 30 percent less money okay you're making 30 percent less money well if you only make a thousand dollars you're only missing 300 bucks but if you make a hundred thousand dollars you're missing thirty thousand dollars so for the people that are a lot more serious about it they're gonna always go towards the tos options because it makes the most money and they're doing it at scale uh if you're not doing it at scale then yeah this is what you do you're gold selling itself or pure rmt boosting but those are nothing new there are a ton of websites that you can just no they're not go and you know buy from or sell too the fact they still operate after all of these years proves that they're doing at least something oh and as for wow token well apparently it is only a small portion of how gold is moved an extremely rough estimate that we were given was around thirty percent with the rest being rmt now i wouldn't put a massive amount of stock in this though as nobody knows that's a lot of rmt but it is a multi-million market 30 of that is still quite a lot the last thing and it's more of an aside in terms of scope there are also streamers who will boost people in return for subs and donations which essentially i mean yes which is against the rules it's not essentially it's not essentially it is against the rules it's a donation uh we almost got in trouble for this uh on the moose is loose do you guys remember the moose is loose who remembers the moose is loose all the moosens so [ __ ] incarnate incarnate is in [ __ ] voice chat with me and he just randomly says if you send us a picture of your boobs we'll give you a free moose and he was getting girls sending him their boobs to get a moose like i couldn't believe it i was like i was like oh i caught up like oh we're gonna get in so much trouble for this but like luckily we didn't that was like five years ago so we we missed that but oh my god and he was inviting them and like like he's like invite this girl and i'm like did she pay he's like yeah she did boosting is everywhere basically you just need to look for it yeah as horrible as this all sounds remember this is one side of the argument we do not claim to be serious investigative journalists and no one has offered us extremely hard evidence on a platter so this is primarily us talking with people involved oh bro it's common sense it's a priority wait come on it's common [ __ ] it's obvious okay it's [ __ ] obvious in the scene to varying degrees and trying to work out what's going on we have spoken to community leaders for their side of the story though so i think we should cover that next because it's also very interesting let's hear about that a defensive boosting all right their survival depends on how far they can be removed from rmt blizzard are actually given access to spreadsheets and internal tracking tools that these communities use in order to audit them when necessary so as to ensure that no gold is missing you really tell me that blizzard's doing that [ __ ] instead of actually just banning the bots you tell me they're doing this no way why would blizzard even trust the [ __ ] why would he trust their books there's no accountability how can blizzard be so stupid i don't believe this because it requires blizzard to do something that usually doesn't happen yeah you type anything into excel and in particular who we talked to said that by bringing boosting into the light they can actually help players avoid rmt and remove bad actors like scammers from the picture when asked what they actually do to root it out they said that they basically ensure that there is a culture of investigating suspicions within their organization and that when evidence is found we take all accusations very seriously we are dedicated to our culture of not having rmt how can anybody believe that like we have investigated ourselves and we've found no wrong doing can you believe that they remove people and they actually pass evidence on to their blizzard contact so that in-game bans can be set up in a community of somewhere around a could not be used in a bad way if like they talk to somebody from blizzard and like because i'm sure that here's the thing do you think that they they they refer every single person who they suspect rmt to blizzard i think no i think they only refer the ones they don't like they root out their competition there's that too around 56 000 players 56 000 they have actually removed 700 rm tiers in total so not bad who can also provided some example prices claiming that they intentionally there's only 55 300 more to go we undercut rmt based competitors so that basically gold prices paid for throughout token are cheaper now obviously this does not account for buying gold through rmt and then passing that along to who can but it's not like that something that they can track as an org so to this end they hope to push the less reputable vendors out of the market entirely it's kind of like the popular idea of legalization replacing the black market as to whether that actually happens or not especially in this case it's obviously hard to know anyway who can at least i think you still are going to have a the the problem with that is that like this is what happens as far as i know in california is you still have the uh the illegal drug dealers because of all the taxes on wheat over there is so high that you still have a market for um uh for illegal purchases like that's my understanding i mean i'm not i don't live there i don't i don't know like same with colorado like if that's what logically would make sense right you can't compete with an illegal market yeah yeah basically uh i'm an illegal drug dealer that's not correct i mean but but how is it not correct though like i i don't see how it's not correct same in canada yeah i mean it's like that logically that's what would make sense uh tax rate on wheat is 50 basically yeah yeah i mean like why would people not want to buy it because illegal makes no money uh i don't know about that the how pablo escobar have all that money how'd that happen yeah how how that [ __ ] happened of course it does how do you think they buy an expensive car uh street per ounce is 40 here and 90 in san diego that's a lot that's a whole lot but like all i'm saying is that i i find this argument to be not very strong at least is publicly sure in their mission to stamp out rmt and has provided evidence of their efforts uh actually naming one rmt booster they caused to shut down so that's their take another key so they got their competition reached out for a conversation with us as well they were very open about the difficulty actually behind keeping rmt out like buyers bringing in dirty gold but they are proud to report that they haven't had any blizzard bands hit their community for over a year while they say that other communities experience yeah because there probably haven't been any bands at all in over a year let's be honest that's probably the real reason regularly in general the perceived level of professionalism from the people we talk to here i mean it is quite impressive you know they are going to be professional believer because they want you to give them a positive spin in the video of course that's what it is because they stand to gain this is the same thing as like i said with the business thing is that like yes obviously like you want to do good business and treat somebody well because it is in your best interest to do so duh [ __ ] duh like it's it's that simple man starlight's actually great though well i don't know about starlight i have no idea because like i've never interacted with them but if you take the top 10 people that are involved with starlight whoever they are how many of them do you think are making real money from starlight or things related to it i i think probably ten of them if i had to guess nine or ten only at the top that's the only thing that matters that creates the whole economy yeah start start with a star light excuse me yeah i have no idea well who can't suck sticks of cinnamon all chats yeah et cetera i have no idea and game for boosting is always rmt let's not be naive here yeah exactly man it's pyramid scheme well yeah a lot of things are pyramid schemes man like look at this the uh organization of a company it's a pyramid scheme too but uh you know they put advertisers through specific rmt avoidance training they collect gold from only verified characters and the admins even personally verify every transaction i think that is the sorts of things that people would want to hear but there is one burning question we had on our mind earlier on in this video we explained why the sellers and the buyers do boosting but why they also like they say they evaluate every transaction what does this mean what does this mean you know what i mean how do the organizers need all of this gold is wow gold really worth putting all of this time and effort into no it's not obvious to anyone yeah that they must be doing it for the money yeah so we just decided to be up front and ask how do they justify it without them getting paid or their staff getting paid then as to how they justify their time well they have over 60 staff on board and ensure that each member only has a few hours of work to do per week which essentially means that nobody has got to invest too much of their time and it was stressed to us that no one does it professionally that it's a hobby project for everybody involved over at starlight they say much the same they pay out it's a hobby to pay the web hosting it's a hobby to pay to pay the web hosting costs that costs real money oh my god hold for staff to get trading card game mounts black market auction house items and balance but that it's mostly a passion project by like-minded people now you can choose whether to believe that or not but it is what they say i will choose according to who can they keep their costs to almost zero free hosting services are used to host everything except their website which the owner pays for out of pocket they pay all of their staff in gold and they try to ensure that staff don't then go and sell that gold on as for why they do it well it's for gold and entertainment the way that was explained to us is that it's basically another way to play world of warcraft the same reason why somebody may choose to lead a guild in wow or to be a mythic raider they do it as a part of their game experience and a degree of that is certainly quite understandable i mean you build a big cool organization you see it thrive you see your numbers go up you get a whole bunch of gold in much the same way that there are people who just enjoy gold farming and playing the auction house even though they're really earning more gold than they can realistically spend in the game yeah that's why they sell it one of the overall things we've heard is that these communities are just that communities uh like a guild it's also like if you have three to four hours of work uh per day let's say that doesn't mean that you're not playing the game the other five hours so these people are still it's like you think that's the only time they're working is just a couple of hours no man it's it's all the other time invested like i can tell you right now like having a small business is not just the time that you're on the clock sure they don't want to work more yeah exactly they do work three to five hours a week not day yeah and then the thing is like it's cascaded down with different people responsible for it you can easily spend hundreds of millions of gold on tcgs rare amount uh items black market i don't think about hundreds of millions of gold i think that might be a bit much but um some of the stuff definitely yeah when you have your own business you're always working yeah i just i don't really buy this formed around a specific goal they worked together and ended up becoming friends and that means that too many staff boosters and boosters they are places to hang out to meet people and to play the game together i mean if you're doing a bunch of boosted raids with a bunch of other incredible raiders and you've got good camaraderie you could certainly see that being a fun experience yeah hell people on both sides of the fence have told us that they believe that boosting is actually helping to keep world of warcraft alive for what they see as being a massive portion of the players boosters find competition and camera so is body i i i mean so yeah so is botting i mean it keeps the game alive because more people are playing it like i this is not a very strong argument to me battery and as for the boostees well they can finally get groups to do content and a lot more we'll cover these impacts in a good bit more depth in part two but it's worth saying that boosting does have a few positives sadly we cannot ignore the fact that the act itself introduces the concept of pay to win in a way that hurts the integrity of world of warcraft's gameplay in a few aspects that bad actors can profit from it that token is a way for blizzard to probably find it very um if blizzard is actually involved and uh working with these people i find that to be uh very disappointing very very disappointing because uh the fact is that like blizzard is now like enabling this kind of content they're enabling this kind of uh of incentive right yeah it's what you guys are saying incentives absolutely because what they're doing is they're they're actively harming the uh they're actively harming the integrity of the game by allowing people to buy and sell things with the wow token because if you don't have the wow token this is what makes it less complex is that if you don't have the wow token transferring large sums of gold is now much more sus and buying gold is much more sus the the wow token muddies the waters which makes it hard for blizzard to differentiate people that are buying things with the wow token and people that are just buying gold you see what i'm saying from the pay to win side and that it's not impossible to distinguish a community that is feigning innocence from one that is genuinely trying to be clean no it's not impossible uh the way you can tell is if they have uh if they stand to gain if they stand to gain from doing something they're probably doing it if they don't stand to gain then they're probably not doing it it's that [ __ ] simple that he said she said without any significant evidence so in a way feel free to come to your own conclusions yeah as it stands boosting communities aren't doing anything wrong by the letter no unless they're involved in rmt and in an ideal world blizzard would be able to snuff out the rmt sadly blizzard can't or maybe won't as it stands boosting communities are a symptom they're not really a disease one of the bigger issues here is that blizzard does not have a real policy on boosting or on pay to win that is quite obviously a major point of contention a few things surprised me here so let's talk about blizzard entertainment's role in this entire situation okay this is what really matters because the boosters i don't really um the wild token muddies the waters there's a very simple activity to observe whether or not someone is transferring gold in excess of normal activity yeah it is but what you're saying is that there are false net there are false positives and whenever you have a lot of gold being injected into the economy regularly you will have false positives for that and that's what i'm saying is because you if you basically create like way more sorry false uh yeah false positives that that's what happens and ultimately like this is the thing is the boosters i honestly don't really hold much against them i don't because you don't have any [ __ ] money and you're good at wow of course you're gonna sell carries no [ __ ] it's because you need money [ __ ] duh like yeah like if i lived in venezuela i'd be selling carries like a [ __ ] like absolutely who would not do this it makes perfect sense it's not that they're bad it's blizzard enables it to happen it's completely blizzard's fault in my opinion i don't think it's the booster's fault at all people uh will always take advantage of a system and even if you get rid of all the people that are boosting today you'll have new ones to replace them tomorrow and this will continue happening forever until the system is changed because that's what really matters blizzard are barely involved and that essentially is the problem before the time of the banning of the gallywix boosting community blizzard was highly active and would engage with communities directly auditing their transfers and informing them of any major bans coming their way and why those bans were taking place after the banning of gallywix though they've apparently cut contact and now just ban rmt whenever they can prove it internally i'll be smart it that's that's a smart thing to do because why would you trust somebody if there's no accountability for the trust like with accounting if you if you put in like false sheets or something like that and and you submit false [ __ ] well you can go to jail uh with this like it's very hard to prove that it was uh intentionally false uh there's a lot of ways of obfuscation obviously this could coincide with blizzard cutting staff i doubt that to be honest i doubt this i i if they had 190 employees dedicated to rmt listen if you hire me just me i could probably do probably a quarter of it like i could do a massive amount of it because i know what to look for there's no way it was 190 people or even remotely near that that were involved with it cities seem keen to help here from what we could tell but communities don't really have the resources and by not hiring the needed staff blizzard are actively letting rmt happen and the situation get out of hand yeah it is their world it is their job to manage and place this stuff and they are just not doing it it's as simple as that yeah and i think you can see how maybe a big week an activision blizzard making hiring and firing decisions be honest like blizzard's got bigger problems than [ __ ] boosting and wow like let's be honest uh boosting and wow is not even in their top five simply not understand any of this whatsoever and would basically be clueless leading to issues for all of us on the ground apparently and this was a little bit surprising to me evidence of gallywix engaging in rmt was provided to blizzard months before blizzard made their move wow that's really surprising i i can't believe i i can't believe they would take forever to do something that's great wow thank you bellaire i what what a shock i'll be right back bro i literally almost tripped on this i i legit almost tripped on this i was about to fall all the way down the stairs which would have been funny but i don't have a camera over here i'll be right back okay i have these uh these socks uh they keep falling down they're these uh i tell you i tell a little story real quick so i got these my dad my dad had an operation my dad had to have an operation for uh i forgot like what the [ __ ] it was like some kind of thing and they needed to do surgery and they basically tried to uh sedate him but because he's done so many drugs and he takes so many painkillers and different drugs that are prescribed to him they weren't able to sedate him normally so what happened is that he was uh on the operating table and he kept telling jokes to the people operating on him and he was [ __ ] them up so they had to extra sedate him and then they call me and they tell me this and i'm like okay [ __ ] all right fine and i so your dad might not really be he might not really be all there in the head so i get there and my dad's sitting on the side of the bed and he takes a a a bag of masks and he goes like this he's he he sweeps it behind himself and he looks at me and i put it in the bag and then we'd steal the whole bag of masks from the hospital on the way out he was fine yeah he was fine it was no big deal so that's where i got the i got the socks that that's that's what it was why steal mass because we need we needed some more we didn't want to buy yeah dude basically was just kind of lying on it blizzard only finally acted when somebody threatens to post all of their evidence on reddit and make it go public yeah once that threat was made somehow blizzard decided to start actually taking action it's crazy how like uh whenever uh you this is what i said before like with the rip cord it's crazy how whenever the right pressure is applied things that are impossible become possible isn't that crazy isn't that so surprising wow what should i have to do with the socks oh he stole the socks too yeah it was all he was on the bag like because they gave him a bunch of stuff while he was there and so just put every all the stuff that was in like the room in the bag and then he left uh that that's that that's why like yeah i got the socks too but like the socks like the box of masks was a lot more since then blizzard have been given evidence of many many more but they've done nothing to follow up wow general blizzard buries their head in the sand and blizzard continues to profit from wow token and make no mistake the entire boosting economy makes a lot of money for blizzard buy a wow token it does so they do have a financial incentive to basically just let it all roll the same applies to bots bots generate an obscene amount of gold in world of warcraft for every group of bots just farming mobs for raw gold your gold on your character right now becomes less valuable because of inflation hundreds of thousands per hour 24 7. ever feel poor and wow ever feel more poor over time that's why because blizzard let bots infest their game yeah what has this got to do with boosting then well if you need a ton of gold to match bot inflation you can either buy it or make it not everyone can afford to buy gold not everybody would actually enjoy farming gold or playing the auction house but maybe they're really good at the game so they join a boosting community to earn some gold yeah it creates a need there are some more insidious ways that blizzard are enabling it as well gold requirements effective gold requirements to do things the games reward design interface community etc those things are out of scope i don't really care about the uh the game things like buying legendaries and [ __ ] like that i think that is just that's what's always happened in the game is there's always been boes there's always been things like that that you can buy like i don't think that's anything new or special to be honest with you and like you have more of that in burning crusade and classic and you don't have a wow token in there i i don't really buy into the idea that blizzard is designing the game in order to incentivize selling wow tokens i don't believe that but i think that they're just simply ignoring the uh the ways that people are using them okay so look forward to our follow-up video diving into the design aspects that basically allow for all of this to happen finally then wow token this certainly tipped the scales oh yeah now paying money for gold is acceptable in game so wales can legally be rich without earning it now other players value gold more because it can become balance or game time some people because they don't have that much money buy a gift code throw it in g2a or something like that and try to make a little bit of side cash and blizzard profits from every one of those things sold this thing took off reporting it did nothing because it all looks above board and before we knew it our game looked somewhat unrecognizable hell even if rmt magically ceased to exist there would still be a conversation about boosting in the game because it still would be in a way undeniably pay to win because of our token we'll examine yeah the problem is the wow token the problem is that you can do it legitimately is that you can you can do it with real money that's what the real issue is in my opinion i i do not think the issue is uh people farming gold and buying boosts like in a uh in a fair economy or sorry a well-moderated economy where botters are banned regularly and rm tiers are banned regularly i think that boosting is not that bad because as i said before it's the rp of a fat goblin getting carried around by a bunch of uh strong experienced adventurers while he collects all the loot at the end and calls himself the winner like i feel like there's a really good rp for that and like there's a place for that however uh whenever it's real money it's just not that that's out the window in my opinion that's out the window impacts of gold generation and pay to win in depth in our next installment so hold tight first i want to talk a bit about solutions get rid of the wow token and ban people that rmt hire a dozen people that understand the game and understand rmt to and how it happens uh to investigate accounts and that's it like the problem is that whenever an average player can identify ways that people rmt better than blizzard it goes to show that they don't really care they're not really trying here's what we think is a deep truth blizzard cannot solve boosting at least not without radically changing how the game works this is an mmo i should be able to trade your character some gold in return for you giving me a hand yeah that seems like a reasonable thing to happen in a virtual world with a virtual economy true real good sector that we see in the auction house and a services sector that we sort of now see in boosting the damage to how people play in a way has already happened however what we can do what blizzard can do is mitigate the problem quickly and support the good parts of boosting while they're at it our immediate proposal is going to be controversial here okay could be to legitimize boosting somewhat basically make it a bit of a service that people can pay for in-game maybe give it an opt-in chat channel and ban service advertising from trade chat give it a tab in the group finder just call it services maybe somebody could list that they are willing to provide a service or maybe if you let's just say you want to do some mythic and taurus but you need a plus one and you can't really find anyone maybe i mean why not just get them in trade chat but you get the point in a way yeah i mean like that's definitely a perspective like to me i wouldn't really care that much about that's that's like completely that is separate from the problem like the problem is rmt boosting is not the problem to me it's rmt is the problem boosting for a gold that you farmed that you got legitimately sounds good do what you want but it's the rmt that's bad it's like belly or is trying to solve a problem that at least i don't have that would help to solve the usability's real money as right now spending real money because there's advertisements flooding everywhere without stepping on anybody's toes i suppose as the saying goes if you can't beat them maybe give them a chair in the corner so that you don't have to look at them for a quick bit of personal opinion here because i do want to throw some personal opinion in here uh i fundamentally do think that player-driven goods and services sectors are important parts of a virtual world the issue really is that while hiring some muscle to protect your holid ship in eve online or maybe you know do a hit on an eve player who ganked you that makes sense for an open world sandbox game but world of warcraft is a theme park mmo with very very different goals yeah and that's basically the issue having a good sector is very easy to do right in a theme park mmo having a services sector is pretty easy to do in a sandbox and i think a lot harder to do in a theme park mmo while still keeping the core of things be uncorrupted in terms of the game's progression can't have once in my opinion and then magnify that 10x when our token exists yes and because it's theme park first that's the real cost big difference and plex in eve which is its equivalent now the next part is going to be difficult and costly but it needs to happen a complaint that we heard from a community owner is that blizzard quite simply does not have enough support staff and that the staff that they do have are not trained well they're incompetent like they don't know what they're doing they have no idea like how many times have you had a gm that didn't [ __ ] know anything and do you want to know why that happens it's because number one their training is bad number two there's turnover for gm's really fast so you don't have people that are very well experienced in arcane issues in the uh the oh well this cataclysm dungeon like oh i had a ticket from this three years ago i remember that uh also they're low paid so people that uh are more motivated to give more holistic support are not applying for those jobs because they're not being compensated properly there's a lot of reasons why it happens it's actually not it is the gm's fault ultimately but it's like a it's a dominant it's like dominoes right the gm is the last domino so that's the one that you see but you didn't see like the other five dominoes between like [ __ ] the accounting division the training division uh the workplace management the work life balance the [ __ ] all the other ones you're not seeing any more of those you see what i'm saying like those are the uh those are the other reasons and each domino is in to some degree this the same level of importance blizzard needs to staff up on game masters and train them how to investigate and remove rmt yeah these gm's also need to be active in chasing down bots because it's clear their automated and engineered solutions aren't quite cutting it yet they suck i mean trade chat for some has been unusable for months if not years i remember like [ __ ] it back in mr pandaria before they really got down on this at all like every single time that you would type in a trade chat that [ __ ] would get overlapped in a second by somebody linking one of the missing pandaria challenge mode phoenixes followed by chinese letters in a website like i'm telling you man like that's all trade chat was on kt that's all it [ __ ] was boy it's flooded with advertisements for boost and the like and they don't seem to have taken really any action wow on any of this they've just let it lie it's perhaps as if those designing the game are just not particularly concerned or maybe maybe not budge in too much because why don't tokens doing well though that latter point is um perhaps me just being a cynic we also know that bands are essentially pointless right now this is an important thing hardware ids can be spoofed and new accounts are extremely cheap compared to how much money can be made right i think some people see this even within the boosting that exists for world of warcraft the burning crusade classic blizzard needs to up their game on all levels to target bots do you want me to show you don't want me to show you how to stop boosting so we have a new nft we're going to mint a new nft right here okay and so we're gonna go ahead and this is time and this is let's just say money right like whether this is gold or whatever and the amount of money that you have to spend goes up like this let's actually just i feel like it probably goes up it probably goes up i'm trying to think like because leveling you don't make as much money and then you start making more money uh once you're max level so the problem here is that this this line right here this line right here is the break even point this is the point where it becomes profitable to boost because if you are below this point if you are below this point the money that you have to spend on a sub and on a game license and on potentially a boost in burning crusade is more than the money you will make with each bot but the reason why botting is going to happen is because botters are getting banned above the break-even point and if you're getting banned above the break-even point making more money is only a matter of scale and that's what's happening is that they're not catching them in here if you were catching them in here they wouldn't be botting anymore you would completely remove body you understand like not like 99 remove body because they can't make money off of it you lose money body the reason why they're botting like it this sounds like forehead but really the reason why they're botting is because it makes money so ban them before it makes money zach you're missing the point what flavor is this pie this is a dog [ __ ] ass pie it's the worst kind of pie uh they know that then their numbers gradually decline yeah it depends right so like this is this is the reason why why botting keeps happening it's because blizzard systems don't bot them before the botters hit their break-even point it's that simple starting costs are actually cheaper and there's room for profit is way easier to achieve i'm sure that it is and i i this is just simply a um an example okay like it's not accurate to a t uh what if they're boosting instead of leveling from the ground well then that that would uh that would increase this this point right here yeah this is this is an oversimplification of the issue just to explain a simple idea it's the theory of it target rmt and continually nuke them that's essentially that otherwise the players of their game will continue to suffer and the integrity of aspects of their gameplay yeah will erode honestly that is most of it at least on the rmt and dark side yes as for the game's design they have a ton of work to do on rewards on content and on general gameplay if more and more players are spending money to boost instead of engaging with the game properly then the core design has essentially failed it's failed as a game we've been talking for a while though so let's wrap up this part i don't want to put our video editors through any more punishment i don't care about that we pay what's wrong with it as an industry what is right with it as an industry you're going to have to add enough information to help you come away with this with just more of an understanding of what's actually going on my personal hope is that when you see the next boosting advertisement in-game you'll actually understand what's going on behind it there is a multi-million dollar market in your game it's a market that makes the game worse for some fun for others with many making gold i would say like a market cap of 10 million a year for boosting urine if you're including like chinese market as well which i don't know if they are i think that's about fair i do i i think that's about fair yeah just thinking about like just this is my assumption plenty of people getting achievements they didn't really earn that much and a few people making a big fat stack of cash yeah although boosting does have its advantages to some i think overall in a way it needs addressed we need to work out where it fits in the game and more important than anything else the prevalence of pay to win needs to be sorted out yeah you can make wow feel like korean shovelware that's not what we want because we love wow and we want its integrity as a virtual world to remain so that will be addressed look out speaking of integrity after i finish this video we're gonna talk about the new store mount part two now if you have any further experiences with boosting do let us know a whole bunch of people reached out to us based on me and matt chatting about just some cursory opinions on boosting on our stream perhaps this video will get a larger reach so if you're ultimately against it if you're for it if you're in the middle if you feel like we've not given you a fair shake the stick if you feel like there's other information we should know see to me i uh this is what i do this is how i look at things is that if it makes sense to me then you telling me that that's not what's happening doesn't matter see what i'm saying so like any amount of evidence that is compiled with no real accountability of like what what is the the level of uh if i can trust this or not like how do i know if i can trust this why would i ever believe it like to me i i see stuff like this and it's uh it's obvious what's going on cynical nothing wrong with it isn't it crazy that like even though i'm very cynical about this stuff i'm usually right the guy i feel like i'm usually right about this stuff yeah and and we'll see what happens it's not about being cynical i think that it's about looking at things realistically and not letting people [ __ ] you like i'm not really much of a cynic in a lot of ways i like i'm hopeful for some things because i have reason to be i'm not hopeful for other things because i have reason not to be that's what it comes down to i try to be pragmatic that's my goal do let us know so that's basically that thank you for watching a massive thank you as well to all of the sources who reached out to us and um you know just gave some time to um to help us understand this for um you know for our little investigation we really appreciate uh you guys taking the time to chat so that's that have a wonderful day a massive thank you to squarespace for sponsoring today's video if you want a quick website that looks way better than a quick website just go to squarespace problem solved links down below might go get you 10 percent off so thank you have a wonderful day look forward to part two i'll see you next time bye do you think it'll ever go away only if blizzard wants it to and i don't think boosting uh for gold that's farmed legitimately really should go away i think that's fine you didn't mention pvp boosting which is weird considering how much of it is going on that's because pvp boosting probably uh the reason why probably doesn't talk as much about pvp boosting is that the amount of account sharing and pvp boosting i'm assuming is much higher than the amount of account sharing and pve boosting because in pvp if you're doing 3v3 that player is a third of the group but if you're doing a 20 man raid they are uh what is that five percent of the group so it makes less of an impact and that's why i'm assuming they probably don't want to talk about that because it's just so much closer tied to uh to account sharing uh pvp is likely letting someone use the account yeah yeah basically why is it blizzard ban rmt sellers if they compete with the wow token uh because blizzard is incompetent and they can't even ban breast milk thieves so um they needed to have california come in and do that for them uh the company is completely mismanaged and it's run by clowns uh basically blizzard it's like amazon uh it's imagine there's a house that's on fire and the developers and the people that work there are monkeys and the only thing that they have to put out the fire is gasoline and that's pretty much what happens here there you go boosting devalues the grinding press seizures but work for if little timmy whips out his mama's credit card exactly and i guess i completely agree i think that all rmt should be banned uh rmt is bad someone annoying i feel like the values of rare amounts in pvp ranks and other items yeah that's because it does devalue them exactly percent been said already i wouldn't buy boosting as much as on section and group finder yeah but why would you advertise in the boosting section of group finder uh people they're looking for new people to buy things most of the time people just buy ahead of the curve once for example uh they would be advertising everywhere they possibly can even if it is tos because they don't care about the tos that's why they're rmt'ing in the first place i was boosting challengement golds and wod i bought the boost for the raid it's fine and that's what people do right is that um you know i made the joke for uh for burning crusade is that um buy burning crusade buy a 58 boost buy gold on retail wow and then trade the gold for tbc gold on your server then use the tbc gold to buy runs through slave pins to get to level 70 and then after you're at level 70 then buy your gear off of the auction house so you can get invited into a gdkp raid and then once you're inside of the gdkp raid with the gold that you sorry the items that you bought with gold then now you're able to buy items in the gdkp raid and obtain your best in slot after you obtain your best in slot and you've done all that then you want to buy your arena carries as well and after you do everything else and you get your arena carries and your arena cap and your your gear into gdkp you can finally play the game so yeah i understand i understand quite well [Music] you
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Id: 4VtqBB07aD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 44sec (5024 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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