Asmongold BEATS Vampire Survivors

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i've heard that the new character that you're able to get is in let me just look at the unlocks real quick and make sure i can find it here evolve the gaudy armadi okay let's [ __ ] do it all right let's do it and he's up this way right let me see if i can find him okay it's up there guys all right we're gonna find this new character [Music] okay moving up this way bro i'm so fast holy [ __ ] god damn i i guess i should kind of like know this but like still it's just crazy to see this happen i don't know really which one i should go with i'm gonna just go with magic wand i guess yeah magic wand seems like it's better i wonder if i can kill these guys or not i'm a little bit nervous i won't be able to okay was that it no it wasn't okay that's not it that was not it gentlemen that was the first one how close am i well i'm already over halfway there holy [ __ ] bro this guy's got his nikes on all right we'll do a bible i guess i mean who gives a [ __ ] we'll just pick something right okay there it is moving out of that it's a secret passage on the left side okay all right let's try it out we're gonna see where these guys are moving out there moving out of these moving out of those perfect perfect avoids as usual gentlemen and we'll just go with fire wand why not just all the auto attack damage missed it oh i knew that guys i knew that he passed the test okay and let's see here uh i guess we'll go across whatever okay it's on this side right is it this one mirror left side oh i see it i see it oh they changed the uh the image for crown what the [ __ ] wait oh my god all right huge dps guys massive dps boys insane damage crazy damage i'm out of control they can't stop me it's nice okay there's three down this is intense yeah i could die at any second [Music] okay uh this is the mast thank you mask of red death but this vampire is in another coffin [Music] oh [ __ ] bro this guy's got an electric guitar it's lit [Music] that's actually badass so i i can i can quit out and then play the new character right yeah i'm just trying to double check okay all right we're gonna play the new character guys we're gonna play the new character and let me go back options quit okay find and open the coffin and gallow tower okay done and is there any new power-ups i don't have no i still haven't done that okay so where is he oh [ __ ] i i can't afford him uh i i can't afford the [ __ ] i can't afford the new guy i've gotta [ __ ] refund my power-ups okay all right so we're gonna do a mount we're gonna do a mount and then wait oh [ __ ] okay let me refund again all right i'm gonna do revival and then amount and then uh banish uh and then uh uh [ __ ] uh uh we're gonna do this and then we're gonna do uh this one i think then this one that one's really cheap so we're not gonna do that one okay yeah this is way better there's no way i'm gonna cap out on this one all right let's try this out bro i cannot believe that like literally me changing the order in which i bought them gave me 71 000 like i just made 71 000 just by changing the order in which i bought them why curse big dick that's why all right let's buy this guy gains one percent level every area every level okay do we do library all right let's do library and you know what we're going to do i want to look and see what else i can go with here overall duration i'm feeling really good i'm feeling really good do 31 minutes i will let's go survive to 31 minutes i will all right let's go what does he do garlic all right let's go let's go let's go with garlic [ __ ] it who cares all right and garlic level 2 garlic and we'll do wait should i do area should i go with santa water because i have area yeah all right all right let's go with that okay good uh oh uh oh i i kind of want to get clock lance at [ __ ] lancet i mean because it will help me uh deal with the the jailer at the end do i do cockle answer all right yeah yeah let's go with [ __ ] lancet okay good all right we'll kill all these guys too we want to get big experience here okay all right shadow opinion again we're gonna go with that again so this is his new damage or his new damaging attack okay all those are stunned all right we're gonna go duplicationer duplicationer obviously duplicationer okay where's the uh oh oh okay we gotta go over there sasuji wait what do you mean saw suit all right all right now we're gonna go with uh garlic again let's go garlic again big dick garlic okay we're gonna use this to level up a lot early okay this is the big big leveling speed music up this music's [ __ ] good man it's a new song too alright there's no way i do it right there's no way i do it i i think let's let's think about it later on okay so so i use these holy [ __ ] so i use this and then they all shoot in that direction that seems op for clearing the leads okay attractor we're gonna get this obviously okay good stop to attack okay all right we're stopping all right we're going to try spinach too give me a second wow what oh holy [ __ ] this is really good [Music] it's nice okay all right let's do um garlic yeah let's do garlic again okay good there we go there we go there we go and we're also should we do candle labrador uh i i think that we should i think we do candle laboratory all right yeah wings okay all right so i need to get wings okay let's do let's do this one for now we'll do this one for now all right yeah we'll get wings don't worry about it okay holy [ __ ] it's just [Music] it it what a cat all right all right we'll get cats we will get cat we will go cat mode okay all right actually duration of weapon effects do i do spellbinder or not boys i'm not feeling good about spellbinder i think i think we don't do it uh is is cat weapon effects is cap weapon effects or not yes okay i need to go okay all right we're not gonna do it we're not gonna do it there we go dude this is awesome this is okay it's actually like super tactical man two minutes yeah this is two minutes in too like this character is [ __ ] insane okay uh we're gonna do garlic garlic again it's like they do so much damage too this is like this guy is literally the garlic god all right what are we getting [Music] that's good we have to get candle collaborator as soon as we get that we are easy all right and let's go with uh let's go santa water santa water it doesn't matter if i take damage [ __ ] them garlic so here's my plan here's my plan i want to get secret of mana again i'm going to get secret of mana and then because that's area damage as well so i'm going to cover the entire [ __ ] screen in aoe [Music] yeah that's a holy [ __ ] and sculpt yeah yeah yeah crown uh hmm i have to go wings i have to go wings no crown all right we're gonna go shadowpinion again shadow opinion again dude it's just killing everything holy [ __ ] all right all right let's go um let's do shadow opinion again i guess bro if i get dude if i get secret amanda it's over it's actually over i should have picked it earlier i don't know why i didn't do that i guess this wasn't really thinking about it look at that and this get cats yeah i will get cat i'll get cat and then i can pick up the stone mask on this map uh skull for song of mana big dick big dick big dick big dick big dick easy gg big dick easy gg yep rip run nope not today this is the easiest one i've ever had my whole life why would it be rip run okay we'll do spinach again i'm not gonna max out skeletal way later banish the remaining skulls okay wings winks there it is i believe i can fly good there we go there we go there we go there we go look at that damage look at that damage look at that damage big dick we're getting maximum maximum curse on the first run ever that i play with this character okay sound of water santa water good there it is there it is there it is look how big i am we're right can i do this all right all right only thing think real quick all right all right spinach okay good so couldn't i run away and then turn around and it just like insta deletes him holy [ __ ] okay santa water oh my god this is [ __ ] insane single target damage yeah i know okay let's get around here pick up all this all right santa water good all right um what do i need because i want to be able to evolve garlic i need candle i do i need candle don't i wait maybe i don't because i'm already listen i'm already this big i don't think i even need candle because i've got so much aoe already i'm gonna fill up the whole room because i'm gonna hit level 200. wait i need to get what no the stone mask levels the cats can't get 200 with cats watch me watch me get 200 with cats yeah i know there's a mask on the map listen literal garlic god let's go let's go i'm ready i can handle this [ __ ] it's no big deal all right now we're going to go get toned let's go get tome give me a minute can we pick up all this [ __ ] cat mode let's go let's go to work all right here we go there it is last one song amanda last 100 song mana there it is holy [ __ ] santa water look at this even these dick suckers can't handle it watch this they're getting one shot i'm actually a god look at this oh my god this is incredible and this is even the cat's final form it's they're so good dying no i'm not dying at all i'm just taking damage it's completely different okay try and do this see look whenever my health gets low watch how i handle watch what i do with my health could slip watch this watch this let me kill these get there it is all right we're gonna pick up the next item okay got him that's cat that's cat attack okay good i need to get more levels i i need more levels boys damn bruh damn bruh all right let's get skull let's get skull again let's get skull again i'm already doing really well anyway it's fine all right i'm gonna play it a little bit safer this time now okay that way don't take any unnecessary damage dying why would i die why would i for any reason die i have the gato armada the cat scratch me my own cat okay there it is watch this am i gonna fill up the whole screen i think i am okay all right we're gonna do spinach again spinach again yes okay we need song of mana okay give me one second let me see where it is all right we're gonna pick up that other one over there let's get it let's get it let's get it let's go all right this is big clear time big clear big clear time let's go okay watch this watch this oh my god all right let's see what i got [Music] cat mode let's do it that's level three cat mode as soon as i you realize i'm going to evolve my cats too they evolve into tigers okay killing all these as much as i possibly can we're going full curse on this as well they evolved now yes they do evolve all right we're gonna get this just get some health back okay there's the other tome let's pick that up yeah here it is permanently allows to change music in stage selection [Music] get oh we got ghosts wait where did these ghosts come from wait what the hell what are these dick suckers doing what are these dick suckers doing are these angry boys bro that was a mistake they should have gone there they're going hard on me man it's the music police wait they're gonna dmca me okay all right we're gonna do goto armada again and we're gonna do uh we're gonna do uh uh we'll do skull again what could go wrong right go with yeah it's mine guys it's fine i'll kill him anyway it's not a big deal they'll die on their own okay big dick and we we're looking for song of mana we have to get song now i know obviously i'm taking a ton of extra damage keep in mind it doesn't [ __ ] matter i am the cat ward bye bye 31 minutes no i can do 31 minutes [Music] holy [ __ ] it's insane look at this i'm getting i'm getting let's do i'm not ready for skull yet i'm not ready for skull yet okay 10 minutes this is it where's the big boy there's the big boy watch this all right who's ready to see it [Music] what [Music] it's a flamethrower valkyrie turner evolved shadow pinion bigger longer stronger faster so skull five i'm on skull five oh my god okay let's let's get these let's get these here we go here we go here we go draw a line okay i'll draw a line oh uh oh evolved garlic let's go and this should be my arcana [Music] show the numbers i'll show the numbers yeah sure okay which one do i go with [Music] i think we do duration how do you guys throw out duration feeling good about duration so imagine i have duration with santa water big dick speed for cats no duration it varies no it'll it fifty percent two hundred percent no uh it because it'll be it's a it's a buff it's a buff overall it's a buff overall okay let's get here projectile uh duration uh can proc overlap now uh wait a second wait a second big dick duration yeah i think we do duration yeah let's go duration all right we need to get listen guys we need song of mana reroll song of mana give it to me [ __ ] all right we're gonna banish lightning ring get it out of here we're gonna banish tonight get it out of here we're gonna ban it oh we're gonna get godo armada let's get gato armada we're going to banish ebony wings all right we have to get it past laurel i'm not getting laurel i won't need it holy [ __ ] okay we're gonna do uh attract orb yeah i can get to 31 minutes even without warreal guys it'll be fine trust me you'll see oh my god bro he's just getting deleted okay all right uh can i level up another weapon yes i can all right this is oraboro this is there it is okay good good good yes i i see this okay all right we have to get we have to get the uh uh the summer man we need it it's mandatory if we get song of mana it's over it's unironically over the sun come on please please please give it to me please give it to me i need it let me stop for a second oh my god all right let's go uh muller good he's dying no i'm not no i'm not my health is just low that's all it doesn't matter like my garlic will soon become so powerful it will overtake the entire screens you understand that right look at that already [ __ ] deleted okay i'm gonna come back to this one and i'm gonna use it to upgrade goto armada actually you know what [ __ ] it let's just pick it up right now let's get it right now yeah i'll get another one anyway it doesn't matter it doesn't matter guys it doesn't matter give me that food [ __ ] let's go bro i'm clearing i'm clearing the whole [ __ ] screen yes i'm unstoppable double rainbow what does it mean oh my god boys oh my god there we go there we go there we go all right there's the that's the mask right there let's get it there it is okay look at this damage look at this all right this is insane [Applause] i'm only i'm mowing the lawn boys free money holy [ __ ] this is insane oh it's medusa what are we gonna do watch this watch this okay there we go okay someone said wait a second someone said that if i upgrade the cats it will turn the cats into like a thing where you don't get levels is that true so i say we save it you only get money so i say we save it until like 50 like 25 and then we pick up the cats we get maximum [ __ ] aoe to where it fills the room in the meantime and then we do cat mode after level 100 yeah it doesn't work like that terrible idea why does it you already unlocked everything just do cat now you're correct yes upgrade song of mana i can't shoot here give me a little bit a little bit more time okay and then i'm gonna unleash the cats [Music] turn on numbers sure why not oh my [ __ ] god i prepared for this they don't even have a chance this is unbelievable what the [ __ ] right you guys ready to see it we're gonna get those levels boys we're getting those levels look how big i'm getting area 113 percent 113 area more levels for more aoe that's right we're going to get we're going to cover the screen and then after we cover the screen then we're going to unlock the cats we're going to unleash their full potential this is totally normal the bitrate for this stream is 17. yeah this is what peak performance looks like guys this is it right here take notes this is how a winner wins this is how a player plays look at that cat he doesn't even know what he's doing he's turning into a two-headed abomination chimera oh that is that a boss oh i think that was a boss yeah i just killed a boss okay there we go yeah what boss yeah i think that was the boss let's kill them okay good holy [ __ ] make sure you think version of five keep this up thank you so much i'm gonna move around these mobs money money it doesn't matter whenever i take damage it doesn't make a difference it's all the same to me holy [ __ ] dude i have like this giant ball of death i i will release the cat soon okay guys we're gonna get up to uh i'm feeling like what level do you guys think i should get to what level should i get to guys 150 all right let's do 150. 120. it's good now is this good what do you guys think oh my god if you still get experience you can get it now people said you don't i want to get to one let's get 130. let's get 130 okay we hit 130 how does 130 sound oh okay all right how does 114 sound guys [Music] vicious hunger evolved gaudy armadi might turn anything into gold oh my god what are these things what are these beasts all right let's go let's go get this other chest guys all right there we go [Music] let me get it there it is voice all right there we go we got the other bible right there okay so now they can't even get me okay let's pick this one up too might as well right okay great foreign oh my god this is insane the damage numbers yeah i know we'll have to turn them off in a minute okay we turn them off after dracula we'll get to 25 then we'll turn them off still leveling wait where's my third arcana oh it's right over there let's go get it i'm not even that this is even my final form i'm still continuing to become even more powerful it's okay i want to die though it's actually good that i died it's good that i died i know people might think that's a meme it's actually good that i died because now i have more i have more damage okay yeah i have more damage okay critical hits projectile speed healing is doubled i think we do healing how do you guys do all healing projectile doesn't do anything right because like this doesn't affect cat speed what does speed do let's do healing let's do healing okay bro i feel like an old god or something i i feel like an old god like i i can't even be stopped behold the power of the sun look at this she can't even come near me i'm the elden lord yes oh oh let's get another chest and then i can even use this if i want okay all right let's get this it's more money easy see bald shut up okay another one right there all right no way no way i deep dick dracula no way i deep dick dracula like this we'll see what happens okay yeah we'll see what happens they just like they can't even get in the circle it does so much damage when does he come he comes at 25 so 25 damage numbers okay we're gonna turn off damage numbers as soon as we finish dracula yeah actually i'll just turn it off i'll turn off now i'll turn off now okay here we go yeah we're gonna keep the numbers off so it's okay come on at these cats it's just this is insane what cats oh yeah that's right they're actually they've evolved into old gods now bro bro it's like my character it's the blue circle is like it's like a a [ __ ] black hole and like if you go into the black hole you just get sucked into it and you're gone survive 30 minutes versus death yeah i will try to dude okay here we go 88k yeah this is insane and it's only 24 minutes too i'm really curious how the end mobs are gonna are gonna do against this okay dracula's coming up here we go get ready gentlemen all right big dick time big dick time where'd he be at there he is oh my god 18 seconds and this is without me having max area too let me pick it up all right next slide yeah sure okay okay here we go we'll see how this goes i'm not really sure yet i'm a little bit nervous but it's okay try the bone zone it's harder i will i will why not oh medusa medusa she's just frozen she can't even do anything oh my god there it is right there look at that i already got three so i can keep killing it even faster holy [ __ ] okay what happens if you press every traction handling like that it's oh it's the last uh the last uh direction that you win it okay dude it sucks i can't get my levels man i wish i could get more levels okay there's medusa is this character too powerful guys i think it might be this is crazy you are leveling i'm only level 121 though i should be way higher i should be like 150 by now okay let me pick this one up for now [Music] you guys saying there's more over here i don't see it at all yeah i don't see like my red gym or anything the cat eyes eat experience yeah yeah i i can't do it all right here we go 28 minutes let's go oh my gosh there's an experience there's medusa oh she's dead all right 29 minutes boys 29 minutes here we go 100k kills yep easy all right this is the bit this is the big wave here guys this is the big wave huge huge amounts of mobs coming at me they're all converging directly on top of me oh my god epilepsy all right options okay is that better it's a bit much okay we have to go to 31 minutes walk up and down oh yeah okay all right here we go boys let's fight death big dick on death okay it's fine it's fine it's fine he's frozen now he's frozen now it's fine see [ __ ] come on please please please damn i've got one more [ __ ] 30 59. he has too much hp yeah i know that sucks bro you need laurel yeah i thought i could survive longer man [ __ ] dude nice first try though dude yeah look at that music banger okay wait i got six achievements boogaloo of illusions shadow opinion okay 80 entries with the collection i got a banish gato armadi 500 gold coins okay so let's let's get the spanish here might as well buy that one what did i get for 31 like what would i get for 31 yeah i'm not even sure yeah arcana oh [ __ ] oh for gold oh that's not that big of a deal okay let's see here okay 50 area bonus do we try to big dick the bone zone like i i don't know like like is it do we try to big dick the bone zone okay let's [ __ ] do it all right so this is the new one obvious area uh overall area continuously changes between minus 25 and plus 50 percent over 10 seconds okay um we're gonna get a wake first and then we're gonna go for boo of illusions after that okay we want to go this one illusions and we're going to do we want to have the ultimate aoe one aoe to rule them all yeah boogaloo boys exactly we're going to get awake at the beginning though obviously that's a better option why awake first so i guess so i can survive so i can die straight up that's one okay um let's reroll actually i'm gonna i'm gonna no no no cancel re-roll no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way okay let's go all right we're gonna go with um we're gonna go with um we're gonna re-roll we're gonna re-roll i don't like any of these i don't like any of these garlic we're gonna go garlic obviously garlic and we're gonna do um we're gonna do santa water as well okay good trust me guys trust me on this one trust me on this one this is an easiest gg i've ever had trust me trust me i know people don't trust me you'll see you'll see you'll see the error of your ways okay picking up all these look at my cdr look how fast i'm attacking oh we're getting big today oh we're getting big we're gonna fill the [ __ ] screen let's go now i have to survive until 10 minutes that's whenever the real [ __ ] happens all right we're gonna go with that obviously we're gonna go with that obviously all right now we need gato armada we need gato armada i i don't know what number six is i i'm feeling like maybe uh yeah maybe bible i feel like bible might not even be a good choice the track board let's pick that up just get everything as much as possible axes why does we go axes i don't think axes is the right decision like i really don't think so like this is my run penta yeah why don't i just go penta wait i do penta with crown crown gives me more levels more levels gives me more area [Music] okay let's do it let's [ __ ] do it okay good dick big here we go there we go here we go holy [ __ ] okay good all right i'm gonna take that that's that's why it just clears them off the [ __ ] screen right there look at that see that that's how it's done boys right there we need to level up garlic okay bro i can't believe that we've actually gone full circle back to garlic after all this time okay so let me think right now all right skull skull um uh tall i need to go tome as well skull crown tome i don't know if i can even do [Music] wings no i'm not gonna go winks shadow pinion isn't that important i level faster with skull take one skull then banish it [Music] cats won't work without chicken no they'll still eat chicken it's fine you need to survive the grim reaper i just won't die it's fine okay skull equals more moms more experience but i i don't get spinach you don't need duplicator yeah i'm not gonna use duplicator spinach crown tome spinach crown and tome so i skip skull chat pull pull 50 percent wins it 50 wins it do i go skull or not chat paul let's go yep you guys get to decide okay 77 say yes let's do it skull in the bone zone let's do it what could go wrong guys yeah what could go wrong it's fine yeah it'll be fine oh my god i'm actually getting this is crazy okay getting in this all right and we're gonna do garlic we have to do big dick garlics okay guys i i gotta get my aoes up man i gotta get my aoes up okay good all right and we're gonna do uh gato armada good bro white there's a lot of these mobs i don't know if skull was the right decision or not it's feeling a lot like it wasn't it's feeling a whole lot like it wasn't we'll do what we can all right all right and we're gonna do uh we're gonna do that leveling uh health health is important not much time lost it's okay it's okay it's okay all right all right so we don't we do we do spinach or not what was i going for was i doing spinach and then i went with uh spinach tome and crab yeah i need to go tom and crowned i need to go tome and crown okay yeah yeah yeah let's go with that tom and crown okay okay all these good avoiding all that okay there's a big dick big dick we gotta deal with it i'm not getting lucky i need to get more songs of mana i'm actually getting [ __ ] in the ass right now uh i'm getting literally [ __ ] in the ass this is really not good i'm taking a lot of damage i got to play safe i should probably take a death or two actually to be honest i should take a death that way i can get my away bonus okay where's the chest where's the guy okay all right this is really good song i need to get more songs of man come on i need to get a tone as well i really really need to get it home this area is the hardest area in the game this is like by far the biggest [ __ ] like i can't even kill this guy barely i'm getting my ass beat okay no sustain it's okay as soon as i as soon as i start getting more damage i'll be fine i will die here i'm dead it's fine it's fine okay there we go yeah i knew i was gonna die okay i just i can't take any more damage okay picking up all these all right song man again good picking up as much of these songs of man as i can all i need to do is survive for 10 minutes and then i start evolving i will evolve into a gyarados i am a magikarp right now you will see big dick garlic i know we're trying also the larger that my aoe gets the more i'll be able to do like a larger aoe which will help out a lot okay good good good okay okay okay i've got two elites on me now i've got two elites on them okay there's the first one's dead first one's dead all right we're gonna loot this one in just a second i'm trying to get around to it let's get some more experience okay tome and crown tome and crown okay let's get this right here perfect okay please be uh i was really hoping for secret amana but it's okay yeah we're doing fine though it's not a big deal okay come on please [ __ ] die [ __ ] please [ __ ] die [ __ ] please [ __ ] die please [ __ ] die [ __ ] die [ __ ] how are you not dead how is he not dead this is nuts he's ungettable okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna focus on doing damage with secret amana okay yeah that's what i'm gonna focus on right now i think that's the best option bro like this damage is man i really need i really really oh my god oh my god ah this is looking really bad oh this is not looking good at all uh let's go with um i think i have to reroll candle collaborator is fine now like i just need more aoe speed okay more aoe area that's okay that's okay okay bro these mobs are so strong like i i can't do anything i'm only level 21. okay okay that's gonna help me out a lot okay good all right please give me something good please doing something good all right santa water is good santa water is good okay we'll do shadow painting again shadow opinion again okay good yeah avoiding all of these so this is rough man this is [ __ ] rough oh i've been getting destroyed i i don't know if i'll survive i'm pretty sure i'm gonna die here okay we're gonna re-roll uh we're gonna skip let's just re-roll uh we're gonna do santa water santa water seven seven minutes you have garlic you'll be fine i've already died twice what do you mean i'll be fine i haven't gotten a single secret of mana upgrade either like i've actually gotten incredibly unlucky here what is it with this zone and being unlucky as a [ __ ] like i i never get what i want in this zone ever it's like it's always like the hardest zone is the one that [ __ ] you in the ass the most i'm getting boned in the bone zone you're not [ __ ] wrong okay let's get inside of here okay getting out of there all right and we're not going to go without this okay larger aoe bro this is [ __ ] rough oh my god are you suit no i can't i can't dude i'm not doing any damage going away already this is so bad i feel like i'm not killing anything all right all right i've got some experience up here at least okay please be good there it is should i hit pentagram right now i think i hit it right now no okay all right do a song okay we'll do shadow opinion garlic song man again okay all right we actually might still be in the game we might still be in the game here okay i think we're still [ __ ] we're still [ __ ] guys this is really bad okay come on bro all right i've got two more resins all right song amanda right here six level six please okay i think i can finally barely do it okay okay i i think i'm in the game now i'm barely in the game i am barely in the [ __ ] game okay good king away from knees [Music] [ __ ] okay all right we're gonna do santa water again [Music] this is so hard man okay uh level seven song of man where's crown man all right song amanda there it is big dick big dick big dick solo manna big dick song amanda let's go let's go let's go let's go come on ah no i'm dying crown okay crown this is so bad it's the green boy [ __ ] it's the green boy [ __ ] 200 focus this is my last this is my last life this is my last life shut up don't distract me we're in the game okay all right goto armada gotta actually uh let's do let's do candle let's do candle [Music] there it is there it is right there home yes home candle garlic how's his ass so fast okay all right i cannot make any mistakes here i really really really want to get crown but i i can't get pentagram it's going to delete the uh it's going to delete the chest i have to go garlic i have to go garlic right now even though i don't want to i have to go garlic against my own will okay come on [ __ ] die [ __ ] die die [ __ ] not die [ __ ] die [ __ ] die [ __ ] die [ __ ] die [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right all right we're gonna do uh santa water probably should have gone into film there but i didn't how how are you alive how the [ __ ] are you alive this is crazy he's ungettable okay we got it we got it this is actually really good this is really really good for me okay all right evolve uh jumanji okay good there it is there it is all right we're gonna go up to the chest i'm on my last life by the way i literally cannot die again or it's over okay good all right getting out of these have to get this chest come on actually let me get this let me get this arcana right now let me get this arcana oh my god bro white these are danger cats okay goto armada oh my god oh my god all right all right there we go we can evolve garlic next okay let's get this let's get this one right here all right let's go this is so bad [Music] now we're going to do aoe if we can okay let's go big [ __ ] on him i'm big dicky on him let me focus on this guy there it is santa water attractor crown big dick big dick boys we don't quit big dick we don't quit we gonna win oh no i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not pussying out on this [ __ ] we're going all the way i'm not gonna do any of that vanish [ __ ] but [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we're gonna kill this guy we're gonna get the next upgrade look at this look at how big my cats are i've got some chonkers as soon as i get santa water watch it's going to be over i'm very close to ascending i am so [ __ ] close to ascending you guys have no idea come on die man die there okay good let's get these levels garlic there it is all right now we go for pentagram okay all right let's get these levels everything is off the screen there we go there's nothing there's no there are no mobs that are allowed on my screen okay let's get this where does it be okay it's up there all right avoiding avoiding avoiding i need to also i only have one tome right yeah i only have one tone that means that homes can really help me out a lot okay i'm gonna pick this one up as soon as we can track the work that way i get more levels i need to get tones i absolutely need tones right now please tones please give me the tomes gigacats yeah i know i see that okay there we go let's pick this one up there we go cat mode again that's level six where the [ __ ] is the red gem where's my red gem there it is okay we're good big dick big dick big big dick big dick big dick big i can't even see you i'm only level 60. keep this in mind look at this this is insane this is in the bone zone too even i can do two more tomes also even if they get to me it doesn't matter i just kill them we're gonna move and we're gonna get inside of each one of these okay put them off the screen that's good it's actually kind of bad to be fair but it is what it is i need to get these levels i need these [ __ ] levels boys i'm getting [ __ ] in the ass right now on levels i'm on level getting [ __ ] in the ass okay we're gonna pick a crown more levels good experience to move your ass around i know i know i just need to get my my pentagram up to higher level oh my gosh move okay all right let's get some levels let's get some levels boys let's go come on please give me the level pentagram right there boom off the screen that's good okay i'm dead i'm dead try to avoid as much as we can this is my last life focus focus focus that's really bad calm down calm down [Music] i'm trying to get my levels i win this i still win this boys i still win this okay there we go and we're gonna get levels again we're gonna go levels again crown we have to get levels i need to kill this guy i need to kill him i'm on a mission to [ __ ] him in the ass it's my job yes come on stand up water sand of water there it is there it is all right all right we're good we're actually good okay here we go all of these levels it's no big deal look at this guys look at this that's how easy this is voice empty tone i'm not gonna do a pentagram until the very end okay tome again all right now we're gonna do underground there it is nice pentagram again okay level 20. all right uh okay there's the angry bird there's the anger what's this what's this blue [ __ ] on me wait he's actually getting god wait what the [ __ ] he's getting got [Music] can i kill this [ __ ] can i kill this okay let's go let's go i'm ready full full curse big dick here we go please let me survive please let me [ __ ] survive all right i cannot lose a single life [Music] okay give me that [ __ ] [ __ ] can that [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] okay this has got to be something really big oh all right this is it this is the run please please list please i'm so worried this isn't gonna happen but we'll try it out we'll see what happens okay all right okay good get those levels let's get those levels the more levels i get the more uh this the larger my uh my ball is dude they're just getting evaporated holy [ __ ] oh my god 1080p stream yeah i know oh you mean oh 180 yeah yeah sure oh my god this is absolutely disgusting get the experience i will pena graham does it for me watch watch this right here here you go i'll get like five levels out of this probably okay never mind all right i still have a big ball though okay here we go i'm at one i'm at one five levels overall okay there's one there's one bad boy coming in oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god and make sure i hit him okay oh [ __ ] that's money money in the bank let's go okay wait where is my outside circle is it the whole screen where's my red gym i feel like i've got way more levels where's my gym i'm getting cheated man where's my red gym where does it be this is horse [ __ ] it's below me okay there we go all right that was one red gem dude what the [ __ ] no it's not below me i don't understand where it is penta is picking it up there's no way i'm only level 93 i have full curse with full mobs i'm killing them before they even get on the screen there's no way look at this [Applause] okay here we go uh oh my god watch my kill counter i'm seeing it pick up all these there we go [Music] i don't know if i can do this man like i actually don't know i don't know if i have the levels for it [Music] kill count's really low yeah i know was my kill count yeah it's like barely even going up nothing's even wait nothing's even dying wait what am i doing a pass at this run okay they're all dead [Applause] too much knockback yeah i can see that this is insane they can't even stay on the screen okay there's a good amount of them all right there we go let's get one level at least two good enough all garlic is good for us is essentially increasing knockback i can see that's working very well christina's base 10 cdr dude yeah i know i know how she works okay all right we're at 27 minutes boys let's see what happens okay [Music] two levels that's decent all right we'll take that 27 30. here we go boys all right i don't know if i can beat this or not i can't believe this run yeah i know okay good good that's two levels at least all right 28 minutes here we go this is where [ __ ] gets real but it's not getting real still just dying okay i mean you get that all right there was a boss on me i didn't see him no way no way i win the game like this no [ __ ] way two chests no i'm good i'm good oh my god the literal garlic god it would seem that way okay there's at least one red gem and it gave me nothing okay they were not having it they were not having my [ __ ] are you serious he just they immediately ran in there and [ __ ] destroyed me like i got wrecked man cats didn't proc i guess not like that's bro like oh my god i like i feel like i can't go pentagram there like i don't even know why it didn't work it just didn't work at all yeah 50 duration yeah i got super unlucky there it just didn't go but the thing is like that would have happened no matter what graham isn't reliable yeah it's just [ __ ] ass like i mean really like i mean [ __ ] like this is such horse [ __ ] man okay uh let me see what i need to get all right so i have that one okay so i just need to do inlaid library and uh molise i need to do molise as well so i need to unlock this one here and that one there and i guess those are the final two unlocks that i need to do bible would be crazy yeah i know i think you leaned into area too hard yeah i think you could be right about that one oh man like evolve cat with mask of all opinion with wings i feel like i shouldn't have done that though like i i really don't think so like i'll try i'll try some different uh some different modes and [ __ ] like that uh you're pushing a bunch back not killing much no those other those guys at the end they did not care they did not give a [ __ ] they were just like listen we're going to run in here we're going to kill them and that's all there is to it so guys i'm going to take a break for today i'm going to calm down and just chill out and get some food i'll do i will do one more run i'm going to run some ads and just do the outro and just relax i feel like we actually got the character and i'm feeling good like i actually do feel good about that like the new character is [ __ ] badass i love the aoe the projectile bounce yeah all that makes the santa water zoom with you yeah maybe i should try that instead you should have banished skull yeah i think maybe i should have banished skull too i was just getting i i was like [ __ ] it let's go all in you know what i mean like that's what i wanted to do all right so wait what's this character in moly's oh that's right i know what malice is that's map right i forgot all about that yeah thank you guys very much for watching today guys i really [ __ ] appreciate it i think on monday or maybe that tuesday wednesday thursday one of these days this week i think that what we're gonna do we're gonna sit down we're gonna we're gonna lean back in the in the blanket and everything and we're gonna watch the two hour mad season video about wow and then we're gonna do the transmog comp this week i'm feeling pretty [ __ ] good about that yeah uh it's gonna be [ __ ] great man that's what my plan is and uh it's gonna be great yeah when's final fantasy 14. uh i'm either going to do that very soon or i'm going to be doing uh final fantasy 14 or the elden ring co-op play through with mcconnell one or the other so we'll figure it out then and uh that's it trials tomorrow though no it's not uh it's not tomorrow both sound great yeah for sure man i want to say thank you guys for watching today had a crazy stream we did a lot of stuff i have actually so much more stuff that i need to get into tomorrow but i felt like i just taught i wanted to do this today and i just ended up not doing anything else but like i'm feeling good hold off into final fantasy again the reason why i'm holding off for people that don't know um it it's because i don't want to invest into it and then have to like stop for some reason or another you know or like want to do something else that's the only reason xml comp is u.s horde right i don't decided yet yeah i'm not sure yet streaming tomorrow probably not but i'm not sure i might it depends on what happens yeah it probably will just be on on tuesday but if not it'll be then and uh yeah it depends because actually probably not because i have to do like a lot of real life stuff uh it's like the same thing like you know the city was pissed off by like my lawn and everything i have to deal with that tomorrow so yeah there we are anyway gentlemen ah i had a good day all right let me go ahead and run some ads and just chill do that one ring co-op while it's still popular no i think it's going to be popular for a very very long time uh i i do think so okay let's do um let's do christine and i'll try that one yeah lawn stream all right here we go uh long stream today second stream later i don't know gold rush mode unlock i don't know how that works yeah i actually don't know how that works so i can't say uh i can't go with that right now i have to go with axes let's go with axes [Music] it deleted the [ __ ] thing [Music] god this character is so [ __ ] painful the level this is so bad [Music] there we go it's lit [Music] please all right let's do uh axe again this is super cool boys it's great okay there we go [Music] come on all right let's do uh it doesn't really even matter let's just do duplicator [Music] i think i'll probably do lightning ring or something like that actually maybe i should just do projectiles i feel like lightning ring kind of falls off like it's not like super good uh for like any like really good build i i don't know how you guys feel about it but i just feel like it's not like it's not like crazy op duplicator again spring's really good yeah i don't really think so like i i don't know like maybe i'm wrong about that okay [Music] um i don't really want to go with garlic i'm going to re-roll i'm going to re-roll we'll do axe again [Music] okay it's pretty bad good pence is like your main weapon yeah i just i don't want to have them throw there we go i i want to get like rune tracer um i want to go room tracer for sure uh we might as well just go with this now uh it's not good but we're just gonna go with it anyway okay this is so terrible it doesn't matter okay that's pretty bad that was kind of a bad decision huh okay we'll do spinach uh yeah yeah [Music] oh i actually need to get laurel and lancet too [Music] so i guess if i'm gonna do that let's do firewand uh yeah she start with penta yeah she does [Music] okay here we go and let's do uh let's do axe [Music] good [Music] and we'll go with uh i i guess i don't even know what i should go with here we're just gonna go with spinach [Music] again [Music] that's really unfortunate i've already lost two chests man this is such a [ __ ] sucker go cross i think rune tracer is better i do i think room tracer's a lot better okay we'll do lancet for now yeah i might as well [Music] big dick boys big dick boys it's fine it's fine that's why i get away that's why i get away because i yeah i knew this [ __ ] was going to happen [Music] bro this is actually the worst kill i've ever made yeah it's the worst one okay that's three chests deleted okay uh we'll do fire one [Music] [Music] uh let's get rune tracer [Music] i just okay and we're gonna go uh spinach and we'll do uh let's do pentagram right now it's clear on the pentagram okay there we go there's our evolution what can we evolve nothing okay this is really not looking good this is really really bad all right um i should get tyra gisu for whenever i die um [Music] get it all right okay i've got one more so [Music] it's not looking good it's really really not looking good guys it is looking very very very bad [Music] okay and we'll do spinach again come on i think i'm gonna need this okay did you fire one this is really bad like this is really really really bad 45 chance and it still erased everything wow [Music] okay rune sir pentagram all right i got lucky wait didn't kill her okay there we go got it all right that's gorgeous let's go wait what oh i don't have crown all right this is my last life okay um i'm gonna get on i'm gonna get armor i feel like i kind of have to at this point okay rune tracer again [Music] axe okay axe again rune tracer there we go all right all right we can still maybe salvage this run we're gonna do our best this is winnable boys this is winnable it is one of them come on all right firewand all right crown that's really important for me okay hopefully i level him all right all right now i get gorgeous moon that's huge okay good and i now i just need to get i need to get moral i need to get laurel [Music] okay there we go there we go all right here we go guys let's see if we can do this i just have to get all oh my god i've got so long okay luckily i have one gap left let's get room tracer so we can level up bottom all right this is actually huge for me [Music] this is huge for me okay there we go no future all right using incoming damage come on this is so bad i need to get this time okay there we go [Music] uh colby thanks for the five subs i appreciate that thank you very much okay so we're gonna do this one here good all right maybe this could actually happen i i don't know we'll find out [ __ ] come on okay i'm almost there this will help me out a lot too oh that's really big this is actually really really big okay as much as i can come on we've got to get these tomes guys we have to get these [ __ ] phones all right saved we'll see what happens i wouldn't say saved yet but it's looking good how close okay i don't want to keep nice okay all right people thought i was gonna lose huh we don't give a [ __ ] about drag kills [Music] got him boys there we go all right winners win losers lose true is true [Applause] go ahead and just pick that one up right now [Music] look how often i have this [ __ ] going off too keep moving here i'm trying to find like a rosary or something you know that would help out a lot okay good damn where the [ __ ] is it yeah i'm probably not gonna find one it's okay all right 28 minutes this is where i do my big leveling yeah i'm not going to worry about the chest what's her passive she has like really fast there we go 105 31 minutes yep [ __ ] ass [ __ ] ass can't do [ __ ] i can't do nothing there we go boys 31. i don't think we're going to be able to kill this guy but we're doing a lot of damage it's possible to kill him there's no way i can kill him right now he's literally no way he has like infinite health basically yeah it's not gonna happen i'm actually popping off so just take two hours there we go we got four of them now okay i got one more one more life here boys let's go 33 minutes ah there it is boys disco of gold what the [ __ ] is disco of gold i ain't take a piss i'll be right back yeah i did it yeah it's no problem uh man i really do i pop the [ __ ] off like i'm telling you guys like you guys see that so i have which one do i not have oh it's that [ __ ] dude i have all of these man oh my i beat the game i beat the [ __ ] game and i gotta get these though unfortunately yeah yeah i mean two more it only takes seven minutes in hurry mode uh i'm gonna i wanna i wanna do some i wanna play some wow i'm gonna play wow [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 406,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: a14PhiF7PYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 57sec (7077 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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