Asmongold Torn Between Respecting Rolls Or Loot Council RAGNAROS Drops - Classic WoW

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I just it's not getting today well Rene's not getting sauce that simple so this is certainly talking about Luke Council in the Luke council [ __ ] room if we want to talk about the gloves though then why didn't I get the gloves as the only dagger road all right shut up shut up shut up I don't want to see it I want to see it don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me shut up shut up shut up shut up all right perdition's blade a great item an incredible dagger this is again the same rolling I would like to roll on this myself but I will not roll on this because I will not roll on it peach pit with the 25 grenades with the 99 grenades with the 99 you're using swords grenades switching to daggers obviously I mean you're not I mean not like I don't know what to do I don't think people should roll on this [ __ ] anyway it's like the guy he's not playing he's not playing daggers but he won the role on it so here's here's here's the the context here right grenades impeach have both been oiled to the gill they join the groups they play a lot they're always almost always on realistically it should probably go to peach yeah I think it's right if you're going to honor the roles I mean unless roles are just cosmetic okay then it should go to grenades and if you do decide to give this to peach over grenades since he won the role then next week you need to do loot council because this [ __ ] where people roll and then well these are rolling and things that they shouldn't roll on like okay then do blue council like that it's I I think if you decide to give this to peach over grenades I have to do what can you okay then Lou battle till next week you have to otherwise you need to honor the role and give it to [ __ ] grenades that's what makes sense but this is the last time that we should do rolling gear off after this we need to start Route Council it's been [ __ ] over a month or if you want to do rolls than we do we [ __ ] argued about last week and we say that you decide who gets the role and not just have open wolves I thought it was like an implicit understanding it's not you need to say blah blah blah and blah blah blah role or you look at the best list and say okay this week this is going to Pete bit and then another item goes to [ __ ] you know whoever but I mean that this has been it's been ten minutes on this one dagger you know yeah like we need to do blue Council now so what is this what is the situation if you give it to grenades he's gonna go dagger spec right now well I would assume so I don't know why you wouldn't well ask him is that true we're going to you know what it's based off of this grenade twittered their dagger if you don't have another dagger you're not getting it put your other dagger in trim will not be treated if you don't have a no dive you're not getting it if he plant it's in the bank the bank okay well I would it's myself and we'll go to the bank okay let's go the bank Oh open up the yeah let's go go the bank let's get a portal so let me explain my logic or who is if if grenades rolled if grenades rolled and he had another dagger that implies that he actually did plan on going dagger spec if he rolled and he did not have another dagger he rolled in the heat of the moment to get an item that dropped because it could be an upgrade for him in my mind that's what the difference is give me a sec when we look at this here so because I don't have another dagger I can't use it Fayette was using a caster dagger what do you mean what Fayette was using a caster so you don't even have another dagger is that what you're saying like see you don't have a single dagger oh he already has perdition's blade oh okay hey was using it because of its DPS I mean here's my here's here's my my perspective right is that if he intended to go daggers preemptively before the raid and he actually did genuinely intend to go daggers he would have already had daggers but he doesn't have either of the daggers okay then he doesn't get the item yeah he didn't have nothin you don't get it okay what what do you guys want to do um let's give me a second I don't really care what Chad thinks I don't know why I'm even looking at chat okay all right look yeah this doesn't matter what are the rugs want to do can we get the Rogues and discord yeah let's get the rugs and discord go through all right let me go over there tonight yeah I want to sort this out okay I think it's really cut and dry when you brought up that you should pass them to whoever rolled on the gloves in the first place maybe Nate's passed on the gloves I have a feeling you never planned on going backwards that's why I'm so upset okay is grenade able to get in discord he said he can't hop in right now okay so who got the okay so fate you got the Goron tooth right yeah I already had perdition's blue doing with it yeah I equipped karatsu I mean already you're giving like to braid daggers to someone when someone else in the raid has like been trying to go tigers and has it been able to switch because none have dropped in like five weeks is fate trying to go daggers so it's okay that fate got the day out the quran to it there's no complaints about that right I would think it's fair that you would go one one two two a so I rolled on the dagger gloves I talked to has been five weeks ago I've been trying to go Tigers for yeah yeah no he yes that's true yeah okay so if fate has one dagger and he already has perdition's blade right yeah he already hasn't so he saw he's not getting okay then this goes to peach just give it a [ __ ] peach whoa it's not that simple because the other thing is that Ozzy also one Aussie was the second-highest roll and as Paula G once that after all this [ __ ] he can have it because he rolled higher than me that's fine mozzie do you seriously want this I mean it's huge ruined because I have T one pants and gloves that I can't put on because their daggers loves the hind swords I have friends right now out of necessity well then I go ask Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy what do you want to do with the dagger of according to what I've been told like daggers are best inside told Blackwing Lair and then they're best inside again in a queue so if it's you know because always unknown just so everybody understands because he bought yeah if it oh sorry if it's update for him longer than me I'm fine with that right but like what I'm saying is is it's best Assad to LACMA clear so I don't you know I don't really care well I don't point your class I'm not that good at it but I did talk to another fury warrior and I asked them their opinion they said death ringers your best main hand because of whirlwind and CHT is your best often because it gives fans and that's your actual best seller over my source is Alexandria which is the number one warrior on work that vlogs I've been friends with him for a very long time I trust that guy when it comes a warrior does he play it on play yeah I definitely think it is viable for a fury warrior to get beggars sure that's fun I mean of course it's wise gates each the option but is it better than Death Bringer CHD if it is that's fine like according to what I've been told yes okay then if you want it really badly and you won the role fair and square and you've been showing a few you love a little bit more you're super quickly like dealer ISM you haven't been at the rates is because you were leveling it up like I get that it is huge for me just I mean the thing is with grenades if he did win the row like I just it's not getting today when ace is not getting shot that simple so talking about Luke council in the Luke council [ __ ] room yes we want to talk about the gloves though then why didn't I get the gloves as the only dagger broke because you we talked about this when we were going over the business for rogues I asked yeah but we didn't get any money to involved because I'm planning on going daggers and it's the overall plan and if you want to buy peace from your tier 1 so you said you were fine rolling on other tier pieces and getting priority on that instead they do any actual loot council and input so I mean I know but on me though that you wanted your 5 piece I said that if it came down to it I'd be fine with rolling against you for the gloves this is what else is if you want your 5 piece for tier 1 right don't [ __ ] yeah yeah that's true but I can still wear it gloves and still have five piece from other pieces I just arms other pieces that's one more piece you're gonna have to win from other Raiders to get your five piece when you already have a Tier one votes like your teeth yeah I got your one glove so first week before I was daggers keep in mind we're gonna run MC for the next [ __ ] year-and-a-half probably so I don't know what worried about the perfectly honestly and if I get the purge late then I win the gloves argument because I have that point I'm [ __ ] daggers I already have a bones paper I've been trying to go Tigers for so long it's sad that we haven't gone to Prairie this is a really really like it's a really weird situation because so here's your I'm just gonna lay out all of my thinking okay so you guys understand where I'm coming from number one I think this situation is my fault because I haven't set up a correct mood council for making decisions so I want to say that right now and apologize that this is even happening it's totally my fault number two grenades did win the role because we rolled it off I feel bad giving it to somebody else besides grenades because he won the role and this is the thing that we had happened with Royce ins raid and we agreed there that if roles happen then we honor the role however brought up was Hal I wouldn't let me finish however he is not dagger spec he's been just he's been using swords and he doesn't have another dagger so to me that indicates he's not particularly invested in going dagger spec or he would have already had another dagger to begin with also giving it to Ozzy seems like a good choice because it's an upgrade for him he's a gnome etc so I feel like it's either going to go to grenades peach or Ozzy those are the three people that I think should get it because it's like whenever I call for a role on something the understood assumption is you're rolling for something for your main spec correct me if I'm wrong but right before you said rolling it you said everyone that rolled in Quran tooth roll which you know which should be three people fates me and I say that yes check the bottom okay right now part of that list you know fate was a yes but fate already had it well fake or house you know he already has perdition's Boyd okay let me look I'm gonna I'm gonna look and see what I said in the video I just I really don't think they called for it in I don't think they should go to the main like he's not prepared at all for this he didn't get was he passed on them he didn't even try and roll on them that's okra nades cast on the roof we've been wait a second seeing that for [ __ ] ten minutes and rach at fifty things going on okay which boss dropped the gloves it was scar darn okay just give me a second let me look okay here we go we actually just like randomly clicked right to it we should do a reroll between peach and oz so peach Fayette and Aussie roll that's four core Hounsou there's no this is for the aged leather gloves he didn't even roll past like grenades past this should not go to grenades he's out of it why did you pass on and knows her best in slot for people that use daggers right till a cue they're huge they're best like the entire expansion if your dagger preacher you yeah it's just Scoob it's just said it he said he has double sword and maybe it was a past of fate since he came as dagger that could have been his logic behind it you see how they get I'm sorry because I was like a dagger are you sure he's not just bullshitting man just to say face he said that he came his double star set and maybe it was a pass to fate myself because I came his dagger okay let me see what I said about the about the the core the perdition's wait never I said to roll on it I've won three roles that I had to give all of it away sometimes you get it and sometimes you get gone okay what am I gonna get it alright perdition's blade okay here we go a great item an incredible dagger this is again the same rolling I would like to roll on this myself but I will not roll on this because I will not roll on it grenades with the 99 so I never mentioned anything about I never mentioned anything about the court on tooth yeah you said it's in the bank you said the same rolling which is in context to the Quran to use I believe the same rolling I think that was probably just like Esmond gold gibberish if grenades intended on going daggers he would have rolled on the gloves that gave him the opportunity to go daggers because there are apparently the best in slot gloves is that right on a preserve and he also said that he had a dagger in his bank do you guys remember that whenever he said that am i am i imagining things he said he did in right please just leave the group leave the raid invite peach and Ozzy to the group and have them roll they are any role maybe wait is that gonna [ __ ] it up with the the trade no it should be fun I mean the reason I'm spreading out over the sword is because it is huge like I haven't complained about you know the couple things to [ __ ] over each we get it okay it's huge huge okay but Ozzy needs it too that's fine that I'm totally fine if he wants it I right off the bat we [ __ ] up okay because whoever got that we should have be just giving it to whoever got the [ __ ] gloves like that that's just automatically if you get the gloves that suit goes to because it's it's specifically for batteries as in yes Ozzy I know you're using edge masters yes no no there's a belt from dire mole that just came out this +5 daggers skill so like the gloves aren't necessarily mandatory to use daggers just Beach avid what do you mean I get +5 from the best place commies feet later pal why would I replace nice later I get that but I'm just saying like you can get expertise from other areas too rather than a little get an offhand dagger that gives a doesn't mean that's the correct place to get it from so grenades has night Slayer is that right yeah nice or cloves is that well sorry no he doesn't he doesn't have nicer gloves no he doesn't at least I don't see you yes I'm equipped I have a question said he'd have them if they dropped if I have perdition's blade and I'm the only dagger rogue why did I have to roll encore hounds well you shouldn't have but starting next week we're a minute we're gonna do blue council so this won't be an issue right from the get-go it was [ __ ] up and this is why we're having to deal with this okay so yes you were okay you were you were [ __ ] a little bit but we're trying to fix this issue right now so relax fate okay ttv I'm chilling dude I I mean I think peach-pit definitely deserves if we're gonna talk about performance peach pits been here from the start he's definitely talked to you people I feel like Ozzy's DPS will that even without the dagger is like it's gonna be stellar either way he's a good player it's not like he needs to be fed gear he's a warrior he's gonna do amazing dps regardless peach you know Beach bidding he's middle the road player he's alright he's pretty good he always shows up he's a loyal East little to the guild he helps out whenever he's asked and he's very prepared to go dagger Andy's got the gloves I think we should give it a peach if I may if we were doing late cancel we'll just be real between the two it'd be that's them yeah yeah that's it or she never were to get a Perdition blade I don't think that's a big deal I mean the thing is like like Ozzy you're certain that perdition's blade is is good yes does anybody else have any more input on this before I kind of make a decision I mean I just it feels I know I know it's good for warriors it just feels weird giving it to a warrior over future bit you are an asset back your gloves that does this your other dagger beat those very same so they both have the same dagger that they would get rid of or use it's like do we know for sure that the yeah but we haven't seen any Oni weapons drop at all right not a single one that's the problem like we haven't seen it yeah dude we're about to for a [ __ ] only weapon yeah we are though if I think here's what we should do okay we should give this dagger to peach and if we get an only weapon it should go to Oz we should blue council to azam automatically well then the Catholic News has wants to have that yeah yeah the cast is already I'd rather people that's already getting [ __ ] over right here right if we're Luke counseling it to peach here then we should be fair to Ozzy and give him an OD weapon well that's not fair to other people that are outside of the conversation - not the only three people that are involved with the loot if not includes this tag then I'd rather roll off with ASEAN traditions deal with cats okay means a lot to cast aside this guy [ __ ] so if I if I'm a shy man do you have determined who your dagger rugs and sword rugs are because that's that's honestly that's step one of like avoiding this whole problem is making sure you have determined beforehand whose dagger rug and whose a sword role and you make them stick to it because if you don't then the robes are gonna their conniving of course they are of course they're conniving here's here's the thing that he didn't roll on the gloves that give u dagger skill right so he clearly wasn't intending on going daggers until the weapon showed up it's like a this is a pretty common occurrence for a rogue bit yeah and he doesn't really have like a very good secondary dagger either it feels like rolling on the daggers was just convenient for him and not necessarily like you said right I don't think ranae's should be a part of this conversation I think we [ __ ] up by saying by rolling it off okay now it should be a discussion between peach and Isaac yes and so I don't think that I I [ __ ] up by rolling it off because it's an understood expectation that you're going to roll on items that are for your main spec and I don't think that I [ __ ] up by calling a roll for something I think that he [ __ ] up by rolling on something he's not supposed to use like that's not my fault okay fine either way it was a [ __ ] okay and we should have been using Luke council from the start but we didn't we rolled it off and it was a [ __ ] it was a [ __ ] up roll we shouldn't rolled it off and grenades having a short stick there well either way right so it's grenades a dagger rub now or is he sort of crystal Schwartz is he in voice he's not able to get in so is I I would say right now you ask grenades hey what are you you commit to it for the rest of your life and you never change even after classic is over are you sword or dagger Oh peach is prepared to switch right now I feel like the commitment I feel like the point where you would have done that that's fun I agree with you but the point where you would have done that was at the gloves and not at the dagger right but I'm saying so as he already sees swords he's already committed to sword he's I mean he already has sword st. not roll on the gloves that gave you daggers okay so he is now swords red peach is the other robe right yeah and he's in voice yeah okay did you lie no it is talking to me like we've had we've had commerce he fully intends to go Tigers so in my opinion if it's between peach and Ossie at this point you should just give it to peach right and he's your dagger rope now and Ossie should be probably on a sword or something like a fist keg whatever we'll see that'd be great right IB no I have no problem giving Ozzy a priority on the first Death Bringer except for the thing as him is there so if him is there and then I guess we'd just bring him into another raid oh that's fine just give me a second what if we do this because he was doing gas we're doing multiple Onyxia raids all right well worried I cannot let me just let me just get my opinion but so what if we do this Ozzy do you think Death Bringer is better for you than perdition's Boyd at the end of the day I only come to raid his fury so I can big dick it on the charts it's PvE bro I could come as unarmed and we kill the boss too bad I don't really give a [ __ ] I don't care for Delma I don't either I mean I think that it's like it's over complicating things so in a perfect world I think that we could give the dagger to peach we could promise the first Death Bringer to Ozzy grenades can I be committed to swords because he's clearly already been committed to swords and we are a lot I wouldn't take because I don't actually think it's better straight up really mmm-hmm even as a main hands three point nine you don't think it's better know him says on classic word DPS simulation spreadsheet Death Bringer seems a bit higher than perd for known for such masters so I do think that you giving an ohm and giving an ohm with edge masters Death Bringer is a good idea for distributing loop property and then properly and then you have a human warrior going swords I think that's a good idea from a loop constant perspective yeah but I also like is that equitable for everybody like I don't know like Ozzy the thing is that I don't want anybody to come as as what we're already doing split rooms alright why can't we just separate them anyway that's what we're doing just happen whatever said I said him can go in one right Ossington go in the other and there's no okay suit so but he doesn't think that it's good for her Ozzy is not getting the first Fist gag because I can't I can't guarantee that to him because I already found a told cast that he can have he can roll on at least the first one so dude keep the dagger to peach I actually don't care because it's PvE bro I I actually don't care about PV at all each just I mean do you really not care why cuz I don't want it to be a situation more like you're like like disappointed about it later nah bro honestly the only thing I want is tank your PvP in the sword that's it you want tanker for PvP yeah will you I get it okay okay alright there we go alright here's what we're gonna do so mazi do you even care about death finger at all I mean obviously it's good right but in my opinion I don't think it's the best and it's probably second best yeah but from a food perspective what you hold out until another bird or would you just take it Death Bringer if it drops I'm in the next perdition right like there's no one in line for it if you're gonna get it you know there's no other dagger rogues as of yet right that's a good point yeah works not just fun but also if Death Bringer does it does drop would you roll on that or can that be right I don't think so no well hold on why would you not want to Death Bringer that like it's it's one of the best weapons in the game and also like you you have how many rogues not only four or five rogues probably be in five ropes and then one who joined on a little bit okay so like it's it's about you want to reward people properly you want to work people probably for like effort and time invested all this you want to make sure that stuff is good for them right and then you also have anything you want to factor in is like how can you spread out the loot amongst the guild to where you're not wasting stuff yeah right I think if you have an ohm warrior with edged masters and you give him a perdition blade when you have other rogues in your guild who could go dagger rogue and then you have a Death Bringer getting wasted it's probably not a good idea I never the Death Bringer will never be wasted because it's also gonna go to me and courage because we're duel tanking it's really good for us to like the only I would be the only a person getting Death Bringer like Death Bringer is really good so I'm basically getting very nice for me right and then you go edge masters with your tanks it so you're going I see it is there's like 10 plus people interested in the sword and the axe off a pony and there's like you know like 4 people tops interested in the dagger so it's like you know I don't want to take an axe said I'm not confident is my best item right yeah when there's double the interest on the axe and sword like I said I don't really care I'll get it last I don't honestly care at all right doesn't affect my DPS that much obviously it does but I'm still gonna do good you guess regardless okay so that's what everybody wants peach to get the dagger it's your decision in the end of the day no I'm asking the the raid to see like how they feel about it okay we're gonna give it to peach yeah we're gonna give it to peach overwhelmingly everybody in the raid think speech should get it I know it's kind of unfortunate for grenades but based off of the fact that he didn't have another dagger ready and prepared and also on top of the fact they didn't own the dagger gloves implies they did not actually plan ahead of time of going daggers and he was just rolling because it was convenient for him and he could have possibly gotten an item because of that I'm not going to give it to two grenades I think it was a not a fully fair role and I think that again the intent was derived from the fact that he rolled on the gloves and so who did not roll in the clothes that doesn't seem fair and we're gonna give it to Peach Pit Ozzy will get the first Death Bringer if he wants it if he doesn't it doesn't matter and he will also get the next perdition's blade does that make sense yeah cause you know he's gonna get it after this yeah because that's the only two Dagger rogues oh and peach also has been in the raid longer which which is it it matters so can everybody agree on that is there any and he speak now or forever hold your peace let's go man I want to see these daggers on okay okay all right each bit congratulations you're getting dagger I do apologize guys this has been this has been primarily my fault obviously I think it's not exclusively my fault but it's primarily my fault and I should have been able to head this off and put him from happening this has been a failure of mine and it will not happen again so I do apologize and we will get the loot Council set up this week hopefully by tomorrow for onyxia and that way nobody's going to be rolling on items that they don't genuinely need [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 379,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, asmongold ragnaros, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, ragnaros wow, classic wow ragnaros, ragnaros, asmongold ninja loot, asmongold loot, asmongold ragnaros loot, ragnaros loot, wow classic ragnaros, classic ragnaros, asmongold classic
Id: IaUxROgunz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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