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Like… really dude? The logo does look like a cock and balls. The “star” at the bottom splits the balls apart to reaffirm it’s a cock and balls.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/blackmilksociety 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2022 🗫︎ replies

He says its a hammer

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Killerwarriorboy 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2022 🗫︎ replies

I felt kind of bad for him, watching the constant anxiety. It reminded me of Linus describing how it felt to watch the screwdriver review.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AmishAvenger 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
oh they made it to Linus Tech tips as you guys see uh Linus Tech tips are very well known uh content reviewer has reviewed starforge systems my PC company oh boy on the surface I understand the appeal yeah system Building looks like a pretty easy gig at a thousand bucks a pop all you got to do is sell three of these a day and that's a million dollars a company easy right true except for a few small problems the margins are piss-poor the chances of shipping damage oh are extremely high and no offense but the customers are a nightmare well I can't I can't laugh on that for everything from game crashes to slow Windows updates there's nothing I can do about this customers are great guys Revival of star forged okay here we go everything about it screams doomed to fail thank you like the ownership group being a bunch of twitch streamers with no obvious business Acumen the executive to be fair I did go to business school but okay 15 being composed primarily of ex-employees of Artesian builds a system builder that only recently imploded in spectacular fashion and the absolute cherry on top is that the reveal went so poorly that aforementioned twitch streamers they really they they're gonna put me right up there huh it's like look at this who did this yeah who did this I never read this [ __ ] article can you believe this wow started Perma Banning their critics of course I am fully prepared to put my money where my mouth is and find out if I'm wrong I I do think that Ms Kiff unbanned everybody after that and it was the mods doing it I don't really know though it was on his channel I have no [ __ ] idea though don't quote me we purchased their Horizon Creator Edition PC A system that costs 3 500 US dollars is it a good top of the wine is it well built let's see does it work at all by the time it arrives oh and who sponsored this mess Ridge wallet has redefined the traditional wall another one compact frame and RFID blocking plates the balls in your pants shouldn't be from your wallet use offer code Linus to save 10 off and get worldwide well I've really got to start getting these on my videos like I bet these guys are getting paid bank for this [ __ ] like I never have sponsors in my YouTube videos I've really got to start doing these shipping right now wow [Music] spaceship or [ __ ] no we're not gonna no no he knocked I have built literally hundreds of PCS in front of literally tens of millions of people that's a lot of them too sensibly ask me why I don't sell the PCS I build seems obvious right yeah well it's because it's a deceptively challenging business Newegg screwed it up on their first attempt ABS was gone for years before it came back Walmart royally screwed it up and doesn't seem to have recovered and on that subject NCIX screwed it up too along with everything else too so the road star Forge is walking is littered with the corpses of everyone else who has attempted to survive in this business long term just maybe they've got what it takes though while we unbox the systems out let's talk a little bit more about the starforge systems team it was created by a collection of twitch streamers notably moist critical and one true king Network which includes asmon gold mizkiff and a number of other notable streamers crossed out yeah oh boy [Music] it's going to be wrong of Artesian builds for those of you who aren't familiar with the different c-suite positions the CEO is the one that basically runs the show yeah he's the one that does all the work but doesn't necessarily get to make all the decisions so yeah they certainly brought in someone with experience however that experience didn't help them with the launch because there was immediate backlash to their high prices and supposedly terrible were they terrible yeah oh and terrible configs and then yeah we [ __ ] that up like I mean straight up I mean that that's I mean we [ __ ] that up like I mean it you know it I know it everybody knows it like there's no there ain't no hiding it in the fire the twitch streamers perma-band users that were critical of the PCS on their streams starforge systems then responded by dropping all prices by a hundred dollars and they adjust again this was on Miss kiff's stream okay this is not we did not make the decision but this was on Mischief stream tested their configs based on community feedback I mean that's pretty smart just crowdsourcing the actual work of configuring your computers by the way we well I crowdsourced my whole job like I'm doing right now it's what I'm good at I mean that's just yeah like what do you mean yeah there's nothing new it took a lot of care to order this PC anonymously so that we wouldn't get any special treatments I actually have no idea what I just got for 3 500 US Dollars all right let's see that's a lot oh wait due to the controversy we actually were refunded two hundred dollars and four okay all right see see we did something right how about that yes see look at that we get we we funded it and we gave them some of the money back because we uh we like prorated the value of the PCS all right guys it's at least one W okay weeks and two days later this is what arrived yeah right out of the gate I will tell you that they are not using completely proper packing materials our Logistics Department informs me there actually was a second outer box uh but unfortunately it's already been picked up either way double boxing is effective for both improving the resiliency of your package and making it less likely to be stolen since apparently it was a completely non-descript box so oh because it doesn't because like if you have a box that looks just like a computer box some guy is walking by and they're like uh there it is Big Win yes so all right we did do the shot the shipping the right way and again guys I know there's a lot of people that want to have it shipped to Europe and stuff like that this is one of the reasons why it's harder to do is because we want to send it to people and have it work good job starforge not quite as good as custom packaging but a lot better than just counting on the case package enjoy this to them absolutely nothing seems to have been damaged in shipping though not even any all right okay all right that um all right I'm a little feeling a little bit better now this isn't that bad okay it's another w ow bashed in screws which can be a common one this PC has apparently passed 3D Mark last I checked 3dmark is not actually a pass fail test it does issue a score but I'm actually just being a butthead about that that's a very valid way to burn in a system and make sure that it is functioning correctly and that its performance is within what's expected for that config possible Star Ford systems by the way for using these these chemical expanding foam bags are not quite the best way to protect the inside oh hold up hold up this is within what's expected for that config props to starforge system oh look at that wow what a surprise look at that all right we got yeah we got three W's so far this is going pretty well so it's by the way for using these these chemical expanding foam bags are not quite the best way to protect the inside of a system uh that would be maybe the acrylic braces or metal braces that Builders like Puget systems or tier ones include with their case designs but given that they're using off-the-shelf Enthusiast tier cases this is about the best way okay to make sure that no matter what case they're using all the little gaps are going to be filled in right so things don't get moved around a little bit of a closer look at the system we're using three deep cool 120 millimeter fans at the bottom they've got a bottom to top airflow configuration that's valid top mounted radiator our pump is at the lowest point so from a longevity standpoint it's a nice little nice to have I would have liked to see little peels like this probably pulled off since there's no need for the customer to remove that but that's a nitpick I disagree I think that peeling the things off is very important and it's people it that's like a [ __ ] ASMR satisfying feeling thing yes it actually it feels good to peel the [ __ ] off it does fun though I like them I don't know this four pin is not quite seated that clip's not fully engaged it's probable that the system will work but if I pull on this you can see it's not actually secured in any way oh my God but this other one has half of it not engaged either okay that's not good you got you got to make sure the clips are engaged guys especially if you're going to ship the system I want to make it clear that I'm not approaching it let me look at it this other one has I see because it so it's not like this one it's like this one that yes that is an L that is a big L it's half of it not engaged either okay that's not good you got you got to make sure the clips are engaged guys especally if you're gonna ship the system I want to make it clear that I'm not approaching this skeptically because it's twitch streamers doing it I'm approaching it skeptically because I know how easy this business appears to be and yet how many little things are very difficult to get right 24 pan is seated correctly oh that's the three of the more different USB 3 cable management actually I would say is a strong a minus all right all right that's good I'd give it an A on the front [ __ ] yeah all right that's Arielle does an amazing job putting together the PCS I I honestly like whenever I got my PC I thought the cables weren't in it I was worried I was like man like it's well am I gonna have to put these in myself no they're on the other side I haven't looked at the back yet not bad this case hides cable mess well though any points that you've assigned for that one's not our fault okay they picked the case didn't they okay okay courtesy connector for a future user to upgrade I actually do like to see that even though it's a modular power supply extra cable stuff because the hard drive cages I'm fine with that EVGA 850 G6 yeah a perfectly good power supply I would expect to find it on more like 1700 computer what am I gonna find when I dig deeper we'll take a look at the included accessories at any rate wait did they just attack hold on a second I thought they specifically left a courtesy pcie GPU connector did they just attach all of the cables to a modular power supply these are courtesy cables so you can plug in a hard drive without actually running any cables what were the rest of my cables then and I didn't get a single Molex connector modular power supplies are not an excuse to not give me the capability to plug in the other cables the dumb part is that you guys already have an accessory box that you could have put them in there's no benefit whatsoever to holding on to them what are you going to do with your mountain of modular SATA cables it was in mine because I [ __ ] I need to send that I need to send them a message okay yeah that all right let's look down over here okay give me a minute amazing no it's okay I just had to double check okay here we go David don't cut the camera I'm demoing one of the best features of the LTD store screwdriver you can pick up big thumb screws and they don't fall off when you're trying to get them into position let's do that love it Wi-Fi antennas power cable yes is this just some trendy thing that I'm not trendy enough to understand okay 3080 TI as an owner of the company I didn't know what that was for either it's still in the box yeah I I didn't really know where to I didn't know where to put it so I just I left it in the Box that seems pretty reasonable at this price point assuming pandemic pricing yeah if you buy the Creator Edition PC now you get a 30 90. you get a 30 90 in this same machine if you buy it now yeah so we have the option of a hundred dollar refund so our 3500 purchase was knocked down to 3 400 because of the Scandal and then was knocked down another hundred because this tier has a 30 90 now and we kept the 38 okay okay all right all right all right that's good okay yeah there we go two gigs of RAM at least yes 3600 Mega transfer cl18 wait hold on a second this is an Intel platform board why are we using ddr4 uh guys this is interesting oh wait it's just loose in there I had assumed that that was some kind of print that they had done on the case itself which I guess means their deception was effective oh it's got Lighting on it so that's kind of cool so it's an acrylic okay Light Panel will do dad magismo okay that might end up looking kind of neat I'd say that level of modding well it makes sense because there's Stars you see what I'm saying star Forge Their Stars light equals right yeah it's that simple wow it's yeah it's got lighting well I mean you know people like getting the [ __ ] PCS and having them Sparkle up I mean what's so crazy about that be worth at least like a you know a 50 up charge 100 up charge even definitely a couple of mistakes and I have some big lingering questions about the value proposition but nothing too egregious so far go ahead all right that's pretty good nothing to agree just so far this is sounding a lot like most of the things that I do yeah that seems good you feel the front panel and Moment of Truth you guys ready okay oh that is a very uninspiring light up feature surely it lights up a little more than that okay oh there we go oh [ __ ] see all right okay that's pretty cool all right well yeah look at again wait till wait for Windows look okay that's pretty cool it's totally is absolutely it's a very very cool saved yes honestly bro like whenever that red light came on I'm gonna be real I was like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man now that was another another thing oh [ __ ] it's a red light oh God watch that red light there I was so stressed out this is another more drama they did a cool thing in there too star Forge systems is that customizable or is that just an insert it could be a deep cool product based on that they're using deep cool fans which to my knowledge basically nobody is this just paper are you guys serious oh that's what that thing is Alex oh it's a this thing well wait why wouldn't they give me a blank one where's the r I got the G and the B and it has RGB lighting anyway why didn't they just do it this is such a well now I thought he was complaining about it now he wants three he was memeing on it before now he wants three of them oh my God we're gonna have well we have to make three of them why not have three why not have three all right I'll I'll I'll send that I'll bring that up okay guys the customer is always right okay yeah yeah true true true true ask backwards way to change the color definitely going to be a polarizing feature but I for one appreciate that they chose a penis rocket okay all right let's let's okay all right all right look all right so here's okay all right look the thing is if you go and you all right look just one second if you look at this it's not a [ __ ] dick it's just a hammer it's like Thor's hammer upside down it has nothing to do with a dick there's never like you if you want this to be a dick you can make it a dick but you have to try to make it a dick it doesn't just be it doesn't just show up as a dick it looks phallic there are a lot of things that look phallic that there's a baseball bat like it doesn't mean that a baseball bat is a dick does it guys I swore to God like look here's the thing this is the second time it's happened because with otk I do hashtag otk and I did it live on the announcement of the [ __ ] org and it auto filled for otk fetish or otk Kink or something like that and my heart sank I was like oh my God what did we not know apparently it's for some sexual over the knee spanking fetish so we've already had this happen once I extensively thought about is there any way that somebody could do this I actually thought that people would think it was a hammer I really did and this is coming from somebody I see dicks in everything like other times people look up in the clouds and they see faces I see dicks there's not it it's it's not a dick I it's it's not it's it's not a [ __ ] guys it's not I promise I promise we were not trying to do anything like [ __ ] cheeky it's it's not a dick it is though it's God damn well we can't change it now how could it not be it's it it's it's got Stars next to it it's got a star inside of it like if that's on a dick you've got to go to the [ __ ] doctor all right it's it's not a dick it it's not it's not a dick I promise you guys it was not definitely going to be a polarizing feature but I for one appreciate that they chose a penis rocket for their logo this is clearly supposed to be a [ __ ] and balls dude it was Ice come on please I I just I I hope please don't deny that this is clearly my God's Not are you kidding me there you can I feel like I'm the only person it's it's not it it's it's not a pith it's a hammer upside down it's a it's an upside down hammer do you know what the problem is it's the head of the it's the bottom of the hammer looks like a [ __ ] it looks like a circumcised [ __ ] and that's why people think that it's a dick it is and I don't think this is it it's just the [ __ ] head I still don't think that's enough reason it should be squared we might do that guys it's it's not a dick though see here's the thing if you look at the design the line here is you see like so okay all right here's the thing so um all right all right just give me a minute let me think of how much is okay all right so here's all right so it's like a square and so the line is just cut here but it it makes a larger geometrical shape and that's why it's like this I'm not stroking a [ __ ] all right penis rocket okay oh very quiet good fan curve tuning well good fan curve tuning for quiet we'll have to see that it ramps up appropriately under load we've apparently already loaded up some games really what I want is to play my favorite game called Hardware info does he have Hardware info on here uh no you have OBS no wait this is from a streaming company why don't they have OBS installed that's a good question and the reason actually has to do with end user license agreements that's a big part of why you are not able to not only install software on a pre-built computer without a special agreement but in many cases even set up windows so you have to go through that out of box experience Ubi and that's because the end use I never read the end user license agreement for stream webs OBS so I didn't know that I just I mean yeah this is that's totally why we didn't do it yeah we knew about this yeah we we knew about this and uh you know we want to make sure that we you know we cross you know across rts.oris make sure we're staying you know staying above the board yeah we knew about this there has to set that up themselves or they technically have not agreed to the terms of using that software oh wait I think that it came with Windows already set up it had a Creator account yeah uh you should double check that because they're not really supposed to do that I mean they're not the only ones who do it but it's not the right way I mean it has a Windows license hey where the hell's my windows license it's got to be on the bottom uh okay this is getting kind of not funny where the [ __ ] is my windows license there wasn't anything in the accessory box and I don't see the KOA anywhere on the chassis technically because the license is digitally bound to the motherboard now I should be able to continue to use this license as I normally would even without the little sticker but you are super not supposed to do that also confirmed setup by star Forge when it arrived and it was set up by starforge when it derived okay yeah that's extra not not how much you need the paper for that yeah I didn't know that was a thing her soft wants you to do it random streams we'll never run an SI yeah I I get how you could Overlook that but xco of Artesian should know better enough faffing about what is this thing okay okay it's a 12900kf really at this price you need to save 10 bucks on the onboard Graphics actually that's one of the things that they changed now when you buy this PC it comes with just the K because people got really mad at the Creator PC didn't have quick sync yeah it does not happen yes people were very upset about this and we decided to just give the people what they wanted yes all right good I I was yes I was worried yeah okay do they have XMP enabled this is a good thing to check yes we're running at 3 600 today per second I just noticed something oh no this light is supposed wait is it possible that on this case they intend for this light to be a drive activity indicator let's check it is possible that that was miswired or was intentional uh thanks to Liam Lee it's also possible that starforge hooked up the front panel indicator LEDs incorrectly power led oh my God the power LED is plugged in backwards it won't affect the performance of the system but there's just no excuse for it when the legend for what plugs into where is silk screened right onto the motherboard less than an inch away from these headers look look it is all right okay so the text is pretty small though right I mean yeah yeah it's it's it's pretty small it's pretty small text I mean it's not it's it's look at least it's not catching on fire all right guys I I'm pretty sure like you go through the end of it there's I don't see any fire fire department this should wait is this him next to a dumpster oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] all right all right all right all right all right all right we got we got uh we got a little bit more time no no no it's okay also of royal pain in the butt for the end user to try to fix this and then hard drive LED yes is plugged into hard drive LED so that is intended to be the hard drive LED it's a constant blue illumination and then it blinks red with Drive activity so it was only blinking red man you can't be a professional PC Building Company and be bunging stuff up like that I do still have that is a thermal configuration of this machine I would really prefer to see some intake right here normally this case would have a spot for fans so that you're drawing some nice fresh air in for the aios instead of relying on preheated GPU air I can't fault the Acoustics still quite quiet All Things Considered no complaints about performance either I mean all right and keep in mind that light problem he even said it's not going to affect performance although it was look it was a [ __ ] up you're in KF is a 12900 KF and it's hard to go wrong with a 3080 TI okay penis rocket computer company it's hard to go wrong with a 3080 TI okay penis rocket computer company oh [ __ ] oh boy that is um uh it's no we're not going to Rebrand we don't need to because it's guys it's not a penis rocket it's not so there's no reason we don't have to Rebrand because it's not it's not true after a couple of years out of the gate although kind of embarrassing ones I think it's time for us to take a look at what else is in the market and see how you stand up while their system was in the lab start oh thank God I was well wait wait Forge also responded to some of our other comments first explaining why they feel being owned by twit streamers is a huge Advantage well thank God okay so that was the context behind the dumpster okay good uh that was that really really stressed me out yeah that stressed me out a lot holy [ __ ] it's for them first it means that their marketing costs are essentially zero yes and second that it adds a level of credibility to their company that kind of sounds like the same thing to me that's pretty much marketing but I will admit that while starforge has existed for only a couple of months having streamers behind it means at the very least there are public personas who can suffer damage to their brand reputation if start can also reflect poorly on the brand if a streamer winds up involved in some form of controvery well here's the thing right is that everybody was pretty upset whenever I ninja did that one piece of gear but the company was able to get through it it's totally fine guys yeah um it's totally fine you know uh absolutely yeah I mean I was able to live through that and uh remember that one time I didn't play Final Fantasy that one day that was rough days for Star Forge but you know we were able to get through it as a company and as a team it was totally [ __ ] fine yeah I was absolutely totally fine our forage Crews over their customers and it means that they will have fairly Deep Pockets to keep the company running in at least the short to medium term oh yeah that's definitely right it's like if something's wrong with this like the thing is if somebody gets a bad star Ford's PC everybody gets to know about it everybody will [ __ ] know about it if there's something wrong with one of our PCS because they could be like wow well they need is because half of the people whenever we announce starforge thought that like oh how are you gonna make the PCS well Nick you know Nick ends his stream early so what do you think he's gonna be doing for the rest of the day they think we've got Nick back in the warehouse putting together the PCS so yeah that's it and from what I can tell anyway they seem to be building towards doing everything properly in the long term well they did kind of screw up the Ubi from what I've been told Windows these days is typically a digital key with no physical Co-op required anymore and they're currently in the process that is my understanding but I do not know that best of being on board into the windows SI program so anything that needs to be changed there should be changed soon as for the Artesian build stuff well I can't tell you everything they told me because it's still getting litigated and I quote we don't want to give that man any more money but the whole executive team for starforge was already assembled and signed with otk before Artesian imploded and Nick that yes how fortuitous that was like it was actually a very very convenient outcome that you know before we announced our PC company one of the main competitors blew themselves up that was great CEO of Star Ford of Artesian got pretty emotional when we brought it up saying that his wife had wanted him to leave for years but he knew if he did the jobs of everyone he had would be at risk yeah they had like a bunch of like that honestly like that that [ __ ] was it like the more I learned about it the more I uh the more I'm glad it's not happening you know what I mean like it's just it sucked like that's it I heard I've heard many stories I'm not going to repeat a lot of them but yes I've heard many negative stories and he left and well he was right everyone that worked for him lost her job and some of them didn't get their paychecks that's also important to keep in mind it's like I know everybody was like celebrating the W's about how Artesian got [ __ ] over because it didn't like uh you know they didn't like scuffed Star-Lord over there you know doing the rerolls but the reality is that there was a lot of other people that worked at the company that just tried to do a good job and uh you know they got [ __ ] over so uh yeah sucks that's also the reason why I didn't comment a lot on this the uh the Artesian controversy is because at that point we were already making star Forge and so not only were they a partner of ours and you know it would make us look bad on a professional level but also I I thought it would be in bad bad taste to bad-mouth accompany whenever we knew that we had our own coming out you know what I mean and so that that's why I actually really didn't talk about it a lot the situation and I wish nothing but the best for Nick and the rest of the refugees from Artesian builds I'm not going to bring them up anymore but I'm also not going to be giving you guys any pity points you do need to figure out the QC errors that resulted in some of our connectors not being fully plugged in and some of them being incorrectly connected we've provided this yeah I I'm going to look at mine after this and see if that's a problem with mine and uh you know we'll look and make sure that we have this because like yeah I mean the thing is like he's right I mean there's literally no excuse for it it's [ __ ] up like that's it I mean like yeah obviously in the grand scheme of things it could have been a lot worse but also these things couldn't didn't these did not have to happen so yeah serial number and they say they'll be looking into it so they can help to fix their processes yeah also need to be delivering a solid price to Performance ratio if we're going to be able to recommend your system okay and I have some great news for you guys LTT Labs is finally set up enough to start testing systems for us okay starforge system here actually did pretty well all right there we [ __ ] go see that oh my God that's a dub look at that see it's because you [ __ ] sit in there and you're like this is a rip-off this is ripoff and we brought the price down people like that's not enough we did it again and here we go see see I I [ __ ] put all this effort into it yeah the L is coming sorry bro no it's not it's not this is a good one compared to this system with similar specs their performance was plus or minus five percent that's very good I guess shouldn't you win the many awards but when you compare them to the competition where system integrators might forget or forego features like XMP while the likes of Dell might give you a proprietary motherboard that has no expandability or HP might have the power limit of your CPU set so low that it actually does have much worse performance I think they actually do end up with an award here just okay all right see this is pretty good yeah this is pretty all right see we're doing pretty well guys yeah this is actually pretty good compared to the others yeah this I'm I'm happy this is an overall I will consider this an overall W however uh there are still three more minutes left in the video using the value proposition though is a little bit more difficult obviously when compared to a DIY system starforge gets crushed we have a true and real and I'm going to make this completely [ __ ] clear you will always be able to build your own PC cheaper than you can buy a PC that is a fact I'm not going to talk around that I'm not going to act like that's not true the reality is that a lot of people don't like buying their own or putting together their own PCS they don't feel comfortable doing it for whatever reason that is obviously the value add that having a pre-built does but it does cost more money yes I'm not going to go around and be like well actually if you look at these prices no yes you can 100 if you are looking for the best budget option and you have more time than money and you don't have a lot to spend you should absolutely think about uh think about putting together your own PC but please before you put together your own PC please make sure that they are compatible I bought new RAM for my PC and guess what happened it didn't fit in my motherboard and then after I bought a new motherboard guess what happened it didn't fit for my power supply and before you know it and I've this was 10 years ago okay I didn't [ __ ] know what I was doing because I think a lot of people what they do I I think that in my opinion this is the way that a lot of pre-builts work is that you buy a pre-built and you know you upgrade it over time I think that is the it is the Gateway into building your own PC which is buying a pre-built my mother bought me a pre-built in 2004 from Sam's Club it's an old HP PC and I upgraded it in Rapido Lich King or I think it was a burning Crusade somewhere around there and so I think that's what a lot of people do they buy a PC and then over time they upgrade it Etc yeah PC part picker so yes I I would absolutely say that if you want to do that make sure that your parts fit together you know make sure you use a compatibility thing because you don't want to have the same problems that I did you don't want to be duct taping a box fan to the side of the PC because your AMD Radeon 4650 fan doesn't work just a random example here you know what real quick take five minutes probably five seconds okay everyone um right there oh it's not oh that's not it okay never mind I guess it must be later on I'll have to find another video but there are videos of the oh there it is it's right there see there's the box fan and yes I would have to move it closer to the PC yes we're able to build something with identical specs that cost I kid you not 900 less In fairness to starforge that did include a recent price drop on the 3080 TI but even so it was way too cheap in a similar vein we were actually able to build a system with a 30 90 TI rather than a 3080 TI while still spending the exact same amount so yes building a DIY system will save you money and it will always do that DIY will always save you money every single time really hope so but things start to get more interesting once we start comparing to other sis not everybody wants to build their own computer so while I buy Power will build you a PC for roughly the same price that one doesn't come with a light up [ __ ] and balls in it hey the [ __ ] and balls doesn't sound that bad after all huh yeah look at that hey guys look it's pretty good right look at that that's that's what you call Value all right I consider that a big downside and looking at the tier two fancy system Builders things get even more interesting origin PC costs about a hundred dollars more but with ddr5 and main gear will sell you a system with these same specs for a casual forty seven hundred dollars so okay so look at that look at that that's a minus one thousand nine hundred dollars okay so we're doing pretty well how about that oh at this point I think it's fair to say that star Forge is pricing broadly makes sense especially since okay all right so I'm gonna [ __ ] clip this I'm gonna clip this [ __ ] and every single time that we talk about it and somebody maulds I'm gonna clip that and I'm gonna play it for him every goddamn time yeah industry leading pricing we've we've got really good pricing for this stuff okay guys yeah clip it oh well you know what let's listen to it again I think this is a great idea yeah let's listen to this one again I think it's fair to say that star Forge is pricing broadly makes sense that is so true I completely agree wait he's not going to say butt right especially since they're especially that's even more the case totally agree absolutely so true Linus what a great video wait wait for it 100 drop and their build adjustments starforge also offers a okay all right so look at that the warranty yes listen to this two-year warranty where if something breaks they will actually pay for shipping both ways and fix the reason why is because we don't want to have people that get a PC from us and then it sucks because if that happens that person is in all of our chats saying you son of a [ __ ] you stole a thousand dollars so you stole two thousand three thousand dollars for me and I'm I'm stuck here with a brick so yeah you're goddamn right fix your PC if the fix can't be done over the phone which is pretty impressive if they can actually manage to pull that off in the is pretty impressive very much very impressive so impressive very true absolutely yeah there you go look at that yeah if well if they pull it off well I mean okay all right if they can actually manage to pull that off in the real world I still don't know if I can wholeheartedly recommend them for the same reason that I don't wholeheartedly recommend buying a car on its very first model year but while they clearly have a couple of I think that's fair obviously we have a long way to go it's the truth is that with star Forge whenever you have a bunch of people who are professional video Watchers um professional uh you know only fans talk show hosts and people that play Minecraft and cook and get in arguments with their girlfriend it is hard to immediately walk on to the [ __ ] like walk onto the field and say hey we're bonafide and the thing is like I don't I don't mind that right obviously we have to prove ourselves to a certain degree because you're right it's like you have a bunch of streamers that come together and put together a uh you know a thing like Star Forge like this and there's a good chance that you know things could go wrong Etc so I can I can respect anybody's trepidation with that but um I think in time we will earn that trust and that is our goal Kinks to work out I'd say if they're still around in six months and you like the streamers and otk then starforge seems like they might be as good an option as any other SI on the market for kids of course for it seems like they might be as good an option as any other SI on the market wow look at that look at that there we [ __ ] go boys yeah there it is of course I'm feeling good yeah that's great of course the best option is always the option to segue to our sponsor nordpass repeated delays cause frustration and threaten the timely delivery of work projects how can you eliminate these disruptions and increase your productivity by using nordpass business password manager why not save time and energy and focus on what matters most to your team nordpass eases the burden of access to business accounts making it possible for your team to work across devices and apps uninterrupted with norpass you can forget about account resets because all your credentials are saved in one secure place with just one click you can identify vulnerabilities and learn if any of the credentials payment information emails or company domains have been compromised and login information is pulled up 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consider this an overall w I think I I actually think this was pretty good this was a lot better than what I had expected I think the feedback he provided was pretty good and uh obviously like we've you know every time I I heard that there was going to maybe be a video that comes out about us and to be honest uh I was a bit nervous I I was a bit nervous about it but at the end of the day uh you know starforge has had uh we've had a um uh there's been uh there's been some things and uh I mean the thing is like with it like you know theoretically with like an eye Thief I3 processor you know there are certain things that you're not able to do with certain processors that are you know potentially in computers so it takes time and uh I'm glad that I'm glad it's gone so well I'm actually I'm really glad that he did the video I think this is a very good feedback very good criticism and uh I mean everything you said is legit right I mean like that Windows thing I don't I don't know about the windows thing I'm gonna have to look into that I'm sure that they know better than I do now what are they doing with all the PSU cables that are missing I mean we'll figure that out I mean we can just send them in there right well let me see here and read the comments I want to read the comments I fully agree with Linus is there any position it helped help help desk I.T is 30 years corporate world I quit making PCS for people and a general sense wrong go oh about this yes so I never I hate to fix people's computers because if I do that then anything that happens with that computer in the future is my problem I did this oh it was working great until you did that one thing and now it doesn't work anymore yeah yeah abso [ __ ] lutely man out there [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 858,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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