The Decline of Lost Ark

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i don't want to quit the game but like if it keeps happening i might not play anymore [ __ ] these one percent pieces of [ __ ] that are sitting up there drinking champagne on high rises these guys make five mil a year do you think five thousand dollars is anything no that's what people spend in a month amazon actually responded to the player base with this whenever i say that lost ark getting 1370 free to play is possible that does not mean that it is something just because one person or a dozen people can do it that does not mean that it is good game design just because one person can overcome this this challenge or three people can overcome this challenge does not mean that it's good game design so i'm not whenever i say that oh it's okay that you know because some people can or some people can get 1370 gets free to play i'm not saying it's okay i'm only saying that it's possible just because that's true and so a lot of people have been unhappy about this and they've been talking about the uh the whole lost ark stuff and just in general i think that the argos release has left a lot of really a lot of really sour taste in people's mouths and i think that the other reason here's the big reason why the argus release has made a lot of people upset okay so what happens is that it's actually easier to get to 13.85 it's easier to get from 1370 to 1385 than it is to get to 13 from 13 55 i guess you would say to 1370. that is a huge problem yeah it should be 340 item level well no this is 13 third getting to 1370 is the hardest thing to do and then after you get to 1370 you go down and you have you start instead of having a 10 honing upgrade chance you have a 60 honing upgrade chance and some people say oh well uh what about the silver it doesn't matter like even yes obviously it costs way more silver and way more honor shards in order to upgrade beyond 1370. it does but the truth is that those materials are a lot cheaper those materials are straight up way [ __ ] cheaper and the material cost especially also here's another factor is that all players this is another reason why all players right now are receiving some amount of greater honor leap stones but only one percent of players are actually using the greater honor leap stones what does that create that creates a supply and demand problem or a price and demand problem where there is such a high supply that the demand of these greater honor leap stones is so low that the price for them is actually lower than what it would naturally be and because of that it actually becomes even cheaper to upgrade to 1385 because you have cheaper upgrade materials comparatively to their actual appropriate value because all players are getting these greater crystals injected into the economy but all players are not able to accurately use them so then they sell them and then the real price is with the normal honor crystals and this is actually this is how the economics work with the game and anybody who knows anything about economics would tell you this like i'm not a [ __ ] genius for being able to recognize this anybody could [ __ ] see this this pro this is the problem right here like this right here is where the frustration occurs the frustration occurs whenever you have a rich get richer situation a rich get richer scenario where somebody goes and they reach a peak right there and they get the 1370 and they get even higher because what you have also is a snowball effect because once you get to that point in the game now you can also go and you can do the uh higher level dungeons you can buy the uh the higher level leap stones and you're able to buy these really good items and then sell them you're able to get rings and things like this with like plus three on two engravings with a class stats if you're doing the uh uh what do you call it the abyssal dungeons so used to start snowballing and then you can also sell tripods as well from your chaos dungeons and those you can sell the pretty much [ __ ] anybody so that's what ends up happening right is that you have players that spend a lot of money then they spend so much money that then they have basically a ticket to make even more i'm running this topic today to address a couple issues that not only concern me but are actually giving me considerable reason to quit playing until they're fixed to provide some context i'm a lice light spender less than a hundred dollars spent outside of the gold founders pack and i have approximately 400 hours played since the western release i'm currently sitting at 1355 item level on my main and have several alts nearing tier 30 as well here's what i'm seeing people who just dump money into the game what we call swiping with maybe one third of the time played that i do some even less have passed me in progression these people are able to enjoy the end game content for uh you both claim you are trying to push the player base too because of your own conferences have stated the point of abyssal legion raids are where you get to see the highest player retention rate so basically he's talking about people like me like obviously i just said people trade me the gear buying the gear it's all the same in my opinion i've said this before uh there's no difference in my mind whenever i if i if i'm getting traded the gear if i'm spending money on the gear it's all the same so uh that's the way i see it and so let's look over here uh meanwhile the goal put into meanwhile those who actually put in time and effort to reach these goals can't even get the materials and have the honing rates to get your goal of retention this spring this brings up the current honing rates in order to reach this goal at current the rates are abysmal with the amount of resources we have available to us each day and week that's true and like this is another real big factor that people don't keep in mind not only are the honing rates higher in korea but on top of them being higher in korea they also have more resources and more ways to obtain sorry more ways to obtain more resources so it's like not only so like it costs more it's it's like uh i remember this this happened like now like right about now like where how much is gas where y'all are at if you live in america here how much is gas right now yeah how much is gas right now for you guys like i i went to the [ __ ] gas station today i forgot to look it's like four it's like 450 right in 2010 2011 gas hit four dollars so like this was like right now we are not in as much of a recession as we were back then but i remember what it was like back then you had to spend you were getting uh [ __ ] like suppressed wages and also the price of gas was going up so you're you're getting hit coming and going it's not like oh money is going up right inflation has occurred like a hundred thousand dollars ten years ago is not what a hundred thousand dollars is today so it's just that's the way inflation happens it's because of [ __ ] fractional reserve banking and i understand about five percent of what i need to understand to really understand why that happens i am not a finance major i took many finance classes but i am not a finance major so um the point is that what was i talking about this for right um so not only are are your rates going down so you're effectively getting getting less money but what your money can buy is less valuable and this is exactly what happened to gas 10 years ago and this is what's happening right now in lost ark and for you guys that were adults back then and i was just becoming an adult back then it was [ __ ] terrible man it was absolutely [ __ ] terrible we're not the only person that [ __ ] remembers this [ __ ] it was awful it was absolutely [ __ ] off it was terrible so yeah it was horrible analogy andy yeah but it makes sense yeah to the boomers that are like 30 years old here you it makes sense to us all right yeah i remember yeah it was [ __ ] terrible man like gas now is really bad too like obviously there's a you know [ __ ] world war that might happen but like all i'm really saying is that like i've i've gone through this before and i think that this is what happens because and also i remember how i felt back then like and and the thing is you know what's so funny is that back then you know what people were doing they were doing occupy wall street because they said [ __ ] these one percent pieces of [ __ ] that are sitting up there drinking champagne on high rises and meanwhile i'm out here trying to work at mcdonald's where they're trying to get my social media passwords so i can make seven dollars an hour and i spend four of it on gas you see what i'm saying and then people got mad and then here it's so funny to me because i i love thinking about these different analogies because the more the more different a scenario is and the more same the outcome is the more i believe that you come to learn the nature of humans you come to learn the true human nature of existence and that's why i find it to be so interesting with these analogies because these are like two completely different worlds right you've got [ __ ] american archaea but it's the same thing and like that's so cool to me now obviously both situations [ __ ] suck but the uh the investigation of them and the discussion of them is very interesting to me so this is the way i see this is that it's awful like a full stop it it's really really bad like it is absolutely awful and i'm actually whenever i interview the giggle whales in just a little bit here guys because we are going to do that whenever i interview the giga whales we are going to talk to them and i'm going to get their opinion on these on these different topics yeah i i am because i think that a lot of the giga whales will still agree with me yeah no shroud no shroud i'm rich what do you mean chad and rich are [ __ ] noobs shroud oh wow i have to spend five thousand dollars oh my god oh we need to watch this one too um oh wow five thousand dollars for shroud that's like oh man i went to mcdonald like forever a normal person this is like oh i went to wendy's and they upcharged me for a drink and it's an extra dollar like shroud's like oh i had to spend five thousand dolla ah man right like dude for oil princes and these other people that really spend money on the game like look at this dude um bdo uh whale interview look at this i already watched this before but look at this number a hundred and sixty thousand dollars on bdo do you think five thousand dollars is anything no that's what people spend in a month like that's it like bdo is insane yeah people spend a ridiculous amount of [ __ ] money and here's the thing if you spend seven hundred thousand dollars there are a lot of guys out there i know this might be a surprise but they can do that and they can be completely financially fine speaking of spending uh seven hundred thousand dollars you guys have to see this look at this [ __ ] like i watched this [ __ ] right so cody cody [ __ ] texted me whenever this [ __ ] happened watch how much money train wins this is insane bro watch this [ __ ] this is one what this is boom so here right here he does like a it's a dual right so it's either 3x or 9x and it like obviously rolls whichever one it is it's probably a weighted rolling system so watch how many times the higher number wins the role we did it hold on think by the way if it didn't have a he could have had a 20 and a 10 instead of a four and a three think about how much more money that would have been watch this watch this number oh [ __ ] what is that no wait oh my gosh yes yes let's go [Music] so the website it ticks the numbers up but train won so much money that he actually like the website wasn't programmed to calculate numbers that high so watch what happens so he's going up to like 19 000 and then it just immediately big win and then it just completely [ __ ] changes it changes because it's literally not programmed to go to the number ticker is not programmed to go up to 14 million he clicked it he clicked it what why'd he click it i wanted to see it go all the way up [Music] why'd he click it god damn it i wanted to see the number go all the way up what the hell it's other programs work he always skips it oh my god dude yeah i guess it's better for the clip dude so there are people like train that they blow now with this win trains only down 25 million dollars right he's only down 25 million now and so he'll get a few more of these and he'll win and so here's the fact right is that whenever train does this stuff right think about how little 700k is think about how little 700k is whenever you're you're betting and winning and and your balance is two two million dollars so that that's like one day right a lot of guys out there this is i know it sounds [ __ ] insane and the reason why it sounds [ __ ] insane is because it is [ __ ] insane there's a lot of guys out there who have a ridiculous amount of money these guys make five mil a year they made a company the company's worth a hundred million dollars they sold it two years ago they had 20 percent and they have 20 million dollars they can spend 700k like the interest on this is just [ __ ] accruing every single year they're just making money money money money money money money they're getting so much [ __ ] money it doesn't matter at all wreck wasn't yeah reckfuls yeah remember reckful's video of the i i remember watching this uh i think i might have actually seen it live uh whenever reckful did like the uh the notepad document of like the 80 000 or something like that of how much a billion dollars is yeah that's what it is down 5k so yeah this is what's so crazy is that there are people out there that have this amount of money and i think this is what's really demotivating for a lot of people is that a lot of people play video games to get away from those people you know they don't they don't want to play against elon musk in on a battleground where elon musk having money is going to make him win more often you see what i'm saying because you're just going to lose so nobody wants to play a game where they're set up to lose it's the same reason why a lot of people without a lot of time don't want to play mmos it's because they know they can't invest the time into them and they don't want to that's all it comes down to and also there's other people that have a lot of money and they like playing these games because it gives them the chance to ward it over other people and beat the [ __ ] out of kids that don't have any money that's what they like doing and again like that's easy to say yeah so people complaining about argo shut the [ __ ] up well no no no no no no no i think you missed the point i really i i think that you so so like what you got out of that is that because train won 14 mil and also that uh what was he saying uh [ __ ] another guy spent 700k that you own you like yeah shut the [ __ ] up about argus it's only five thousand dollars guys it's only f it's only five thousand dollars if you want to do the new raid that's all you need to spend just you know like look into your retirement account see what you can get you know talk to your accountant call bank and you know see what see what's possible you can't change your mind yeah it's only 5k guys come on and so went in over their heads yeah that's what i'm saying right is that um it's still a ridiculous amount of money that's what i'm really trying to get at here a long stark interview whale um timestamp pay to win part i will probably watch that at some point but i don't want to watch it today i figure i'll just interview them myself that's what i think would be a good idea zeus made a good point yesterday uh about argos and all that seems like people don't remember what the dev said on watch interview um oh oh whenever gold river said that you can pay money to get content quicker yeah i think so i think that um i think one of the big reasons why a lot of people were really positive about lost ark whenever it was coming to america is because it was being released and a lot of the people that know really oh oh what did i did i miss something show me the clip if you want me to look at it because yeah just show me the clip and i'll look at it myself and the reason why is because the lost art korean experience is not as pay to win because it's easier to hit the thresholds without spending real money now obviously the best players with the best gear have the have spent the most money absolutely however you can still hit the thresholds without spending money but argus is a threshold that many people realistically cannot hit unless they do spend money okay thanks for the thoughtful and detailed feedback since launch team uh has been closely monitoring player data and progress for working with our developer smilegate on a roadmap that provides the right content and features at the right time based on the progression rates of our player base we do hear the concern that players may feel pressured to pay in order to keep up with the pace of the game and this is not something we want we'll provide more updates and details on how we'll roll out future content as soon as possible now it's very hard for me to take this seriously and the reason for that is what do i always say maybe i haven't said this recently whenever personal gain and coincidence converge it's probably not a coincidence oh oh i accidentally did this thing that makes me a lot of money how did oh my god i've really got to stop messing up oh i just keep messing up and accidentally making so much money oh guys oops oh man i'm so sorry it just felt it just happened right it's you know oh i just accidentally clicked the add button right if i was doing that five times a day it's probably not a [ __ ] accident is it and that's what i'm really trying to say how could this have happened wow there's no such thing as coincidence or is made up philosophy well i i'm we're not going to get into that all right wait i don't want to get under that uh so let's look at the other stuff as mentioned above we are currently reworking the road map with smilegate rpg to reflect where our player base is currently at in terms of progression and gameplay uh it's no he's just making a philosophical determinism argument it's [ __ ] pointless and there's literally no purpose in talking about it so we're not gonna get into it um anyway what i'm saying here is that it is good that they are saying this though like regardless that they are regardless of them going and oh well you know this is on axis is what we mean yeah i i'm going to assume that it's kind of [ __ ] right because like there were people that told them this before the release happened like they they told them this before the release happened like it's not like this is oh how'd this happen or nobody told us everybody told you this like everybody said this so now it happened okay it happened fine [ __ ] you now what you know because i don't want to quit the game i don't i don't want to quit the game i have fun playing the game but like if it keeps happening i might not play anymore because i don't have fun the thing is let me think of way to put it like it is a hollow victory for me and like i do it for content right i do it primarily for content for the viewers because it was me personally i would not be doing this kind of stuff i would just probably be at you know 1350 or something like that or 1320 uh you know selling all my materials hoarding gold like that's probably what i would do and doing there's a breaking point well it's also like a point where the there's like there's no excitement about seeing new content from the average player base anymore because the average player base knows that they won't be able to access it because it's paywalled you see what i'm saying so it's like people don't want to watch like and it also creates like an element of of resentment even with the with viewers and players because they're like well [ __ ] this guy he gets to do this content because he can either play the game 12 hours a day or he's got a great job but he can afford to pay for this stuff i don't have this this this game sucks and this guy sucks you see what i'm really saying people want to show yeah so like at argus and i've seen a lot of people say the same thing about argus now if we go and the new raid uh vaulting i think is the next raid that they're going to bring out uh comes out uh and it's the same problem you're gonna see even less people interested in watching it because they don't wanna watch a bunch of whales go on a uh you know go to sea world together they don't wanna they're not they're not there to watch sea world they want to they want to watch the whole ocean they want to watch the whole ocean doing [ __ ] not just the whales so yeah i mean sea world astral world pretty much the same thing right and i guess both cases to be honest so like listen what i'm saying here is uh unfortunately let me actually read the rest of these before i get too far into the other stuff okay amazing analogy yeah but i'm i'm right aren't i um yeah you don't go to sea world if you if there's only whales there i mean it's just it really works the more i think about it the more it makes sense yeah the more of it yeah oh my god okay um unfortunately we're not able to get all the responses as we receive as quickly as we'd like to try respond as many posts as we can do not change any honing rates what we really need is the other missing pieces of content that gives us materials i think that they should make the honing rates they should take the ten percent into 15 take them up five or ten percent at least man at least five or ten percent up like i'm not talking about take them to sixty or a hundred percent because like you do want to the thing is that like no do both yeah you should do both like they should these should be 100 you should do both however and and then if you fail your gun you're not gonna fail as much if it's thirty percent instead of twenty percent you're not going to fail as much at twenty percent or sorry at thirty percent as you would at twenty why is that because of math that's why okay like it's just it's that simple so like you want to you don't want to have players this is something that's really bad that wow does okay i'm gonna make a new nft how many people do you think you lose in translation right there and this right here is lfr and this is normal you lose almost everybody and classic wow did not have this classic wow did not have this [ __ ] if you are in brd and you were level 55 you were better comparatively than an lfr player is now at max level in full epic gear because the whole game taught you how to play the difficulty in class wow if anything it went like this and this is this is mc right and i guess nax is kind of hard right but like besides that yeah that's so it actually got easier bro leveling in in red ridge mountains was more stressful for me than doing bwl yeah that's all it was you died a lot in classic back then you definitely did so what i'm really trying to get out of here is that yeah red ridge works bro you remember oh wow this is a brand new zone oh there's a dirt what are they called uh [ __ ] there's a gortask oh my god i'm gonna go kill him and there's a spider those are both mobs i need oh wow why can't i why am i netted wait oh my god and there's three orcs that are five levels above you and then you're dead it was great it was [ __ ] great but like that kind of stuff in the game like that happened to me and that happened to zach that happened to cody that happened to everybody right and you guys know the exact three orcs that i'm talking about so the fact is that the game will lose so many people so i want to explain why i'm talking about this for lost ark okay so this is why people get lost in translation and retail wow is because there's too much of a difficulty jump if the honing rates go from uh let's say 80 percent to 15 percent right here what you're telling people is to stop you're telling people to stop don't do it anymore it's over this is a soft cap the worst thing for you to do in a game is to condition players to stop playing it in my opinion that's what it is so what i would say russian guy predicted this just saying that's why i watched his video because i thought that he was right because i've seen it like this is not some sort of like divine insight that i have video games have already had this happen for years bdo had this happen whenever they introduced a soft cap for levels uh lost art kind of has this happen with the combat levels but it doesn't really matter in a way so it doesn't really make a big difference uh wow has this with titan forging uh wow had this also with uh azerite gear and also especially with corruptions so what i'm saying here is that you want to have the honing rates go down as you keep leveling you don't want to have a cliff that's the main thing that i'm worried about is a cliff because a cliff will condition people to stop playing the game let's watch this real quick every time okay the people that are saying argos was the people that really believe argos was strategically put out okay we're gonna do this in one tank to the people that think argos was strategically put out to milk whales and that was the sole reason why they released argos at the start of the month you were the same people in my opinion that also probably believed that lost ark was delayed because of new world i i think both things yeah i i think that they did delay lost ark because the new world and it was the right decision by the way whenever lost art got delayed i said that it was a good decision to delay lost ark because it was better for ags as a studio to have a basically test run of their first live service game with new world before lost art comes out and they have a game with an established reputation that they can then ruin do you see what i'm saying basically use new world as a beta test it was a good decision for them to do that's what you probably also think right but it was already stated way [ __ ] far in advance wrong suck my dick i'm wrong okay suck my [ __ ] dick i'm wrong and i'm gonna show you why there it is hey you know what first of all i'm gonna ban your dumb ass he's been watching my stream i love it okay hold up wait a minute all right you know what i love this classic yeah because i haven't even finished my [ __ ] point and you said wrong i'm going to ban your dumbass suck myself johnson mr aqua gin okay wait a second i'm gonna pull up his logs in my chat right now user a-r-k-i-e-o-l-o-g-e-n okay we're pulling him up right now he's messing all right oh my god he's been in there he's been in there no [ __ ] way bro wait no [ __ ] way he's in chat right now he's in chat right now look at it he says xd i'm free to play and i'm 1360 but you have to play 10 hours a day uh i'm 1360. i can't get there free to play sad playing 10 hours every day [ __ ] him what a piece of [ __ ] tier 3 730 is easy guys keck w can't wait for you to fail cam girls always winning wow andy's maulding you get 20 free purple books at 1340 um is it 1340 i don't think it's 1340 is it i thought you got like 10 and then you got 10 more from the boss rush well whatever maybe it is 13 40. i don't remember anyway so let's look at this here my great-grandmother can react faster than 10 seconds uh okay okay um so what we have here we have vip man [ __ ] did it no it's fine it's whatever um all i'm saying is like so this person you see what happened right it's like this person this is how the um hostility and the toxicity is created because this person were they were 1360 and they tried and they didn't make it and they've been investing uh but i have to play 10 hours a day he's been playing 10 hours a day and he watches somebody play uh you know maybe the same amount of time but spend money real money and get ahead of him how do you think that's going to make him feel you see what i'm saying he left oh it doesn't matter why somebody gifted him a sub okay yeah that's great i feel the same way yeah exactly we believe him uh yeah i believe him because he has no reason to lie he he's consistently talked about it it seems like he's intelligent uh or not not so intelligent right but um maybe he is it's hard to say on twitch chat messages but um it seems like he's educated about the game like this person has a general understanding about the game and they talk about it and they usually clarify things like you know just generally final fantasy 14 andy stay mad you know it is what it is right yeah he's a yeah smartest uh smartest lost dark player right and that yeah seems like a an overall like listen we we read the ban appeals yesterday this guy's this guy's a fine upstanding citizen okay so yeah that's the way i see him and um that's why somebody like this is pissed off that's what it is all right anyway let's keep going with the video sorry [ __ ] it let me finish my goddamn part before you say wrong like what is this like it's true like i haven't even said anything it's like saying true before i even made my point you guys can true me but if you wrong me you're banned all right okay let's see this [ __ ] that anyway so he can sit in the [ __ ] gulag for like here uh mr gooner thank you for the prime and you come through the front they give you the pride but i appreciate it man okay so before lost ark even [ __ ] came out okay i remember watching this live and you should watch this okay okay i click we have it at eight minutes last one talking about this so let's go over this first true i agree yeah i agree i think that's actually a good point that changes the way that i look at it you know now that now that gold river presents it in this new context i actually think the argos release was if anything a bit late you know like actually yeah never mind that's a good take yeah totally totally true so with our speedy updates all available ready to go we're still going to take time to monitor uh the progression levels of our users of our global users and uh release wouldn't that go against what he was saying you might even say stop the update be prepared i love all the comments i guess that's confusing for me because he was saying that they're gonna monitor them they're coming out fast he knew well it's like also like i don't know if that's entirely what he meant though because like the honing upgrades and like the entire way the game plays in korea is fundamentally different than the way that it plays in america so like i think that like for example if the honing rates were the same in america as they are in korea and also you were able to get as many resources as you're able to get in korea that you can in america or you know you can get the same amount of resources in america and you can in korea i think the argos release would have been totally fine yeah that would have been totally fine so he's saying this in a context it depends on like what the context is he said we delayed lost ark because of localization of legion and argos raids then he said after a month after release we're gonna put out argos let's finish this and we already saw basically that part of it he's just gonna explain what he said sorry guess what happened sorry i i feel like that's kind of awkward because he's using two two different audio sources i apologize it's kind of a awkward awkward react right now but i think that's the last part he's going to talk about it day that the vaulting leak came out the day the vault elite came out yeah that same day our road map was delayed and it said please be aware we are currently making adjustments to our upcoming content roadmap based on player progression data we'll be sharing an updated roadmap following our march update which is what we just got so i'm [ __ ] two months ago before the game came out he said that or a month the week of the game or about a month ago okay by the time this patch will come out he said that we already had plans for we're doing aryos in a month and guess what happened in a month now they're probably going to delay vaulting was it a mistake to release the raid at the start of the month which by the way in every foreign version whether it comes from russia and japan you get monthly updates whereas they get weekly updates where they roll out and that's awesome was it a mistake to release at the start of the month yeah i think it was a little too fast right but is it clear that they want to [ __ ] you guys and it's well-baited dude whales don't need whale [ __ ] bait like what are you guys talking about respectfully like these [ __ ] are spending ass loads of money there's nothing to do at 1490 there's a dude sitting at 1490. he doesn't okay so i think that there is not whale bait but there is however whale inducement and how many people do you think were at 14 13 40 or 1355 or 1360 and were really close to argus and those are the ones that i think were transitioned from being orcas into whales those were the plankton that evolved into becoming a whale and that's what really happens right because like a lot of the other things like everything else like doing the uh orphy as well and everything like that on hard mode yeah that stuff is really cool but for the most part it's just the same content uh and that's what i think it is so it's not about inducing whales to spend more money because the whales were already 1385 like he said so like this is its content for wales but it's also content to inspire whaling it is an inducement towards whaling it's like they're kind of the same thing but i feel like it's it's it's it's more complex like he's right and i think also i'm right you see kind of what i'm saying give a [ __ ] the guy sitting at 14 30 he doesn't give a [ __ ] right yeah they don't give a [ __ ] yeah they're just gonna play whatever dude oh now i'm gonna do it they don't give a [ __ ] right the truth is is that the radio is going to come out did it come out a week too early a week or two those of you that are 1300 1310 no if it had come out a month later it would have still been too early for most people for average players because the honing rates are just so low and they require such a massive investment of materials and they just go down so much just make the honing rates higher give people more resources to get to get the materials and it'll be fine like just make the game it's so weird right that we're having this conversation because that's literally what they did in korea and the game started growing so just do what you did in korea that made the game grow and maybe the game will grow here in america rather than go around and change [ __ ] and make it to where people don't there's the haves and the have-nots know what caused burnout uh so you're saying like adding so you're saying like adding more content daily cause burnout this is my personal opinion i find it to be better content that you can do different activities on one character that still contribute to your progression than having to use multiple characters to do the same activities to contribute to towards your progression so i would say that having harder bosses and having harder mechanics and things like that are and just more resources to do it that is better than having people play alts i feel like having to play an alt in order to keep your main up to date is an inferior gameplay experience suck my balls you were never getting the argos even if it we gave you extra two weeks right you were not getting there regardless you're probably he's probably he's right and that's what i said right it would have been a month it would have been a month two months two or three months the average player base and the truth is the average player in two months would not make it to argus you know what they would do they would quit they would quit and and that's what would really happen it's not like yeah they're just gonna stop playing uh you hit the wall too early in the content and you have to have other things that quit already there's a lot of people that feel that way because that they see the wall and they're like i don't want to climb over that it's too high average player is not in a rush dude what are you talking about i think we always talk about the average player right and like you're right and also i think you're not right because whenever i'm talking about like an average player i don't really mean the average player you're right about that but what i really mean is i mean like the average player at end game that is progressively playing the game regularly on a daily basis which are a lot of people there are a lot of people out there that are regularly playing the game and also there's a matter of a perspective because there's a lot of people out there who are in tier one right now and they see what's happening and they think to themselves wow this sucks i don't know if i want to play this anymore you see what i mean so like there's also a perception argument that you can be made that can be made too now how how valid is a perception argument i think that usually it's very hit or miss but it does exist right you weren't gonna get there you were way too far away like what the [ __ ] you're not getting there on time anyway and that's fine because you also have [ __ ] that's going on maybe you can't play as much maybe you got whatever going on in your life yeah totally get it you can't play as much right but if they gave it two extra weeks which is what i think would have been fair because all of my free-to-play friends are right on the border those are the people that should be upset those are the people that are spending money right now because they're already so invested into the game they're just going to spend real money to get the rest of the way there i mean they've already invested hundreds of hours into the game and so like they're gonna spend money no not me wrong i'm just waiting no you're right a lot of people won't but a lot of people will it it's the same as like okay so imagine there's a fish imagine we're all fish in the sea okay we're all fish in the sea and there's a fisherman with a big net and he throws a net out and he catches a hundred fish and he doesn't get you because you're smarter than that other [ __ ] fish that got caught would you then say nets don't work think about it joe who plays for an hour a day should not be upset you're not getting there anyway on time bro not an hour like grinded their ass off a lot and they barely missed it i totally get that yeah that's what i would say it came out a week or two late right are we too early but dude the of the login events are [ __ ] insane those are not normal login events the rooney racing normal event them giving you all of those peons to help you save gold and free orange like that randomly the peon system is uh it's i think the system is necessary but it's too oppressive right now there's two like nine peons what the [ __ ] nine that's way too much man like it should be like if they cut it in half it would still be too much fans like i like i did you guys know what i mean right that's not normal that's to give you [ __ ] to help your journey feel better the raid came out too late and i bet you with this road map they're going to talk about delaying [ __ ] now but to be real i think it's insane the amount of people that are angry about too fast of content by like a week or two versus too late of content because every mmo i've ever played the biggest complaint has been there's nothing to [ __ ] do well it's the con like he's right but it's the context around it so like for example like the context around it is really what what the issue is so i don't think that they should delay vaulting i don't think they should have delayed argos i think argos came out at the right time i think that the heroic abyssal raids the bridge content and everything else didn't that should have come out before argos did so that's what the difference is i think that they should have changed they should make the game play differently they should keep the same release schedule but they should release casual content faster so the casual content allows free-to-play players to keep up with pay-to-win players whenever the content gets released that's what i think they should do you weren't even close right if you were close i actually get it some of my own friends were hella close and for them i'm like yeah i think it should have came out a week or two later but it's at the end of the world no because you want to know why in lost ark it doesn't matter if you're [ __ ] late or not because all of the raids within tier three you do every single one every [ __ ] week and that's true and that is one of the best things about lost ark i love that because that is the same progression system that made me love classic wow and burning crusade i [ __ ] love that i think that is amazing but how much worse would it have felt if somebody who bought the dark portal pass got to do max ramos two weeks early that's what the difference is and there would be people and here's what it is there would be people who were in bwl who would quit over that and you could easily say what the [ __ ] do you care you can't even get in there you can't even do either one of these raids why does it matter to you and the fact is that uh you know they care because they don't want to play a game that's like that that's all there is to it the perception around the game and the perception around the especially the way that people pay pay for a game is uh is so important and the reason why i'm really talking about this so much is because i want and i would love i would absolutely [ __ ] love to have somebody from ags or from smilegate who's bilingual or something i don't know what we could do i would love to just sit down on an all craft episode and i'm going to be honest i'm going to ask you these questions and i'm going gonna bring out these concerns and i i want to talk about them because the game is good i love this game and i'm i don't want you to mess it up and i and it's like if you're gonna mess it up fine you're going to mess it up but don't say i didn't tell you so don't [ __ ] say i didn't tell you so i want to make sure that you know about it and i want to let you guys know some people might not have known this because it was all for you know like we do we do we have we do we do a little bit of trolling on this channel okay let's be honest as soon as i ended my stream where i got 1370 i immediately messaged somebody that worked at ags and i said that a lot of people were really upset about argos coming out so early i immediately did that because like i know that like my experience playing the game is not normal this is not the average player's experience and i care more about the average player's experience than i do about my own experience why is that because if the average player's experience is bad they won't play the game and if they don't play the game they don't want to watch the game and if they don't want to watch the game then i don't get to play the game on stream if i don't get to play the game on stream then i don't have as much fun you understand it all comes back around like yeah i've got no nobody's going to send me any gold like i remember at the beginning of new world people would send me gold every day and then like maybe two months after the game came out nobody was sending me gold anymore and it's like why why aren't why is somebody sending me gold anymore did i fall off and they're like no man you didn't fall off we did we don't want to play the game you know nobody plays and so yeah nobody's going to see any stuff all the way to argos to april none of this content is ever irrelevant because you get paid gold players that are over here at 1473 they will still go back and do this raid every week i love how stoops is doing the exact same stream that i do he's arguing with chatters talking loudly with microsoft paint drawing graphs like this is just it really is just it's really something isn't it yeah isn't it really [ __ ] something it doesn't matter if you're late or no everyone is always going to do argos not for the materials and not for the gold and if it was whale bait if it was it means for the whale bait then they would have made the solar gear and the actual gear sellable if they didn't care about the version of the game that we were getting it would be capped at plus 25 and it would be sellable it would be [ __ ] sellable i agree that it could be worse i agree he is right it could be worse he is absolutely right but if somebody cuts off my finger i'm not going to say thanks for not cutting off my hand i'm going to say why the [ __ ] did you cut off my finger no other version of the game i've ever played has it solar gear not bit it's selling it's always sellable so the little like thing where you could buy all the gear and do it in a day you can't even do that in our version of the game you can't even do it in a single day in our game like you've heard online you can't even that's a good change that's a good improvement i know this i know exactly stoops is talking about divium for his video the russian guy because stoops [ __ ] hates that guy [ __ ] hates that guy so he just doesn't want to say his name that's what it was and so um and the thing is like no but stoops is right about this he is right and like this is not um this is not a stoops is wrong or divium is wrong this is a both people are bringing up points that i think some are valid and some are not as valid this is a conversation like what we're talking about the the game okay like i don't care about who's right or who's wrong i just want to know what is going to make the game better please make the game better now can't people get ahead with gold in this game [ __ ] yes hell yeah they can't tell you if you want to do it right that's up to you if you want to do that do you want to buy stuff and go faster get ahead [ __ ] you no it's not because like if you have people that are buying gold and spending a lot of gold so like here's what happens right so like me buying a lot of the honor crystals a couple of days ago to go up to 1370 raised the price of honor crystals because i was uh i was spending all of that gold and it was an unnatural change in the economy so if you exist in a shared economy what other players do with their time and with their gold it affects you as a player yeah it basically yeah it hits you way way down and again guys people don't understand the economies why do they not understand the economies because it is not a simple a equals b is not a cause and effect is a cause cause cause cause cause and effect and it's hard to it's hard to really do these things it's hard to figure these things out because a lot of people just don't think about this kind of stuff my dad raised me to think about this kind of stuff that's why i was scamming people out of [ __ ] whenever i was five years old okay like i've always been thinking like this and so that's the first thing that i do think of is like how this is going to happen they're delusional no it's it it's invisible to them they're not seeing it the same way that i see it yes you can but it's also [ __ ] free and most games suck dick and you pay for them right that is true he's right i'm saying if you don't like it don't [ __ ] play but don't be a hate watcher or a negative andy shut your ass up and go play something else i think that let's look at lost ark right now i want the game to go back to this number and do you know how to do that is you make the game better i want the game to beat that number yes they banned a lot of bots and this is probably more an act this is a more accurate uh representation of the player base also you have a number of people who could have lost internet because of the whole russian problem because i'm sure there are some russians there are probably many russians here that are part of the english community that also uh you know play on the english servers so like there's a lot of other reasons why these numbers could have gone down but i think there has also been frustration like oh let's not try to speak around it entirely there has been this frustration with the game it's not one thing it's like five ukrainians too yeah exactly you don't pay for anything this dude pays for you this dude pays for you he's right you're right that's why the game is free yes you're right you're not paying anything and you're complaining shut your ass what's the product if you're not paying for it what is the product if you're not paying for the product it's you you are the product you are the product you're you become the product so you are paying for it in a way uh your privacy no this isn't just something about how facebook steals your data let me give you a really great example for this so let's say you have two private servers and they are both wrath of the lich king private servers one private server has a hundred thousand people playing on it hypothetically another private server has a thousand people playing on it which server do you think you could sell a shadow more and for more money on a hundred thousand yeah think about that why is that it's because people this is why people care about mmos dying is because a lot of people what they care about is being able to lure their successes over other people and they want to have accomplishments that have value in a larger world and the more people that play the game the more value that accomplishment has if you don't like what i have to say leave but that dude's paying for you to play the game for free i don't understand it i i've played games where there's a cash shop there's wow tokens you can buy in-game currency yeah guild wars you can buy in-game currency wow you can buy oh yeah oh yeah you can buy [ __ ] they charge you a sub or they charge you a box cover fee or both what are you complaining about shut your ass up i i think that like what he's saying is like it it is true there's a good like what he's saying is like it is true that like the whales do the whales do keep the game afloat and it's like you're not paying for anything if you don't like the game just shut up and stop playing it there that actually is true i i think that to a degree that is true what he is saying is true to an extent however the reason why lost ark is a good game is because it caters to both it's because it can make free to play players feel good about playing the game and the fact is that while the whales may support the game think of it like this okay um [Music] okay good example um ninja moves over to mixer um ninja moves over to mixer mixer doesn't really grow shroud moves over to mixer mixer still doesn't really grow why is that because you need to transplant an ecosystem in order to actually have it grow and what happened is they just took two really really big trees and they put them in the middle of a desert and it's the same ecosystem that exists on uh on these video games is that while yes those trees are the pillars of the community and they are the ones that really keep the community going and they keep it afloat and they create the content and everything like that those trees are nothing without the shrubs the bushes the ants and the butterflies that exist in the forest around that and the fact is that all those shrubs and butterflies and ants and and you know trees and smaller all these other little things these are the free-to-play players and the semi pay-to-play players that maybe spend like a hundred dollars on the game uh you know every year or something like that right or every other every other month like this to it to compared to a whale is very small and so those people are the real ecosystem of the of the forest right it's not the big tree or the handful of big trees it's the small ecosystem that exists inside of them and so around them so you can't just make a game for the whales that's effectively what happened with mixer you take two whales you put them in an ocean there's no [ __ ] there's no uh you know krell for them to eat the whales are gonna die so if you make a game and you design a game for whales you will eventually have the whales die off it's the same thing that happened with mixer in a very abstract way the whales need the krill to eat they need the plankton to eat them because if the whales don't have the plankton they die and if the whales don't have this casual players toward their [ __ ] over they quit lost ark is a successful and growing game in multiple parts of the world because it creates an ecosystem not a class system i pay i pay annette it's insane and on top of all that you can get upset all you want when i say it but on top of all of that you also wait for content there's no content you wait for a [ __ ] year it looks like 9.2 will be the last raid for over a [ __ ] year talking about whale some guy in chat shout out to shroud and rich there you go smilegate watched your 30 90 1370 stream by the way i hope they did i'll do another one soon you're in wow isn't that insane over a year again that's [ __ ] crazy dude like what oh no i wasn't even close to getting to argos do i think it was too fast yes is it important to give feedback and say hey can we can we can we slow it down a little bit or give us the rooney racing event and the extra materials before it comes out in two weeks yeah i feel like stoops like i think that like what he's really doing here is like he's responding to like the most uh the most uh vitriolic people these are the people that are like the most vitriolic and the most angry and so he's defending it because he's being put in a position where like people are saying the game is like dying it's like a really like basically i think he's over compensating for people that are being unreasonable like i do that a lot too you know it it's like uh isn't objective at all nobody's objective there's no reason to even to like you should never pursue objectivity in an individual you should only pursue truth and truth does not exist in an individual truth exists in an aggregate existentially from the individual there are people that are closer to truth individually than others but truth is is exists separate from an individual is it the end of the world no so again respectfully shut your ass up that's not the end of the [ __ ] world okay i'll watch a little bit more then i want to watch some other [ __ ] okay guys and now i want to play the game and do the interview next segment clip it i'm not talking about it anymore i'm not the next one there we go the next person asked about it i'm going to ban their ass talking about it there it is it's unreal he's gotta do a bad appeal stream himself i think it sucks for him right because like he's he's such a big fan of the game he like moved over and played the game he was so excited for it and then like to see people [ __ ] on the game and like being unhappy about it like that's kind of the way i felt about the new world right is like i was so happy for new world to come out and then like the game had a lot of problems and flaws and it was like man this like really um it's like so disappointing to see especially like i'm invested so much time into it like it just sucks man yeah it just [ __ ] sucks like i think that like don't you guys have like that game that you like that you will always be like you'll try to see the bright side of it it's like oh well you know at least we've got or oh yeah but they're still you know like yeah wow yeah that's the game right that's the game and so like everybody has this game like i get that i'm not yeah i'm not that worried about it like it is what it is i try to um you know again i try to i i try to talk about these things on a you know i try to see see other people's perspective on things uh rather than just like uh try to disagree with them you know that's it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 538,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, lost ark, asmongold lost ark, lost ark asmongold, lostark, decline of lost ark, lost ark pay-to-win, lost ark free-to-play, lost ark f2p, lost ark p2w, amazon, lost ark amazon
Id: UBDZt0a8pSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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