Aѕmongold reacts to fan-made memes | Reddit Recap #29

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what the fuck is this jesus man this is scary oh it moves [Music] oh this is like this is actually disturbing the worst part about it is it doesn't really look like either one of us it looks like this weird like amalgamation of two people at the same time okay let's move on next one uh to compensate for the horrible ian gold gift here you have a ricardo gold okay that's a lot fucking better that is a thousand times better yeah listen like at least that looks yeah that's completely fucking fine but this dude this is actually fucking disturbing and like the worst part about it this is like a horror movie where like the face starts to move you know what the fuck is that man okay sid from tor all right that actually is uh that that's that's accurate yeah sure uh that that's very fucking accurate great greetings from karazhan wish you were here mcconnell yeah what a fucking day man send mcconnell a screenshot i will i will i've gotta find like a postcard thing and i'll send it to mcconnell honestly he could not have picked a better day to no-show because the fact that he didn't know show at all gave me the chance to loot myself the mount and not even have to worry about it at all dude's a fucking a loot hog i've never been called a loot hog like i've been called a loot whore i've been called the loot ninja i've been called everything else but a loot hog what a terrible person he is and you all are too just ninja did and you celebrate that he will always be the ass man [Music] i will always be the ass man like why is that but why like what is this fresh clip of asmon raiding and tbc what the fuck is this how does this have a hundred up dudes oh this is mine i'm claiming all this as mine except for that bit i don't want that bit but all the rest of this is mine hey this has been a good day i've eaten five times i've slept six times and i've made a lot of things mine tomorrow i'm gonna see if i can have sex with something wow that part's not true yeah that part's not true everything else is and um then we obviously yeah we had this too obviously this happens i had to get into that sneak peek from the scarlet scourge sex meeting not a sex cult by the way what the hell was this what's this picture what the fuck what the fuck who did that who did who did this oh my god okay yeah very fucking clever this is like the uh the intro screen for my stream uh exactly i like it why are you worshiping an alliance dog because he looks like an undead okay all right so let's go ahead and move on new asthma gold merch is looking sick baldy okay very fucking funny any fuchsia creates asthma golden final fantasy just a shadow ah this is what the fuck man what the fuck is this are you kidding me bellyur has persuasion level 100. yeah fucking right weeb final fantasy also has mastered for full premades shit dude that's all you had to say okay boob sliders master glue yeah that's all you fucking need man that's all you fucking need the weight point 9.1 came across this video just had to edit it let me see oh man come on uh and he's got he's holding the ball in his hand too man this is fucked up final fantasy player reaction to asmin gold i'm back i have returned to final fantasy 14. welcome back i have played both wow and final fantasy 14 and i'm here to tell you guys which is the best game between the two and the better game between the two is both games can be good wow just needs a lot of fixing to do but other than yeah it can be a very good game on the other hand i prefer my cat girls and i'm a dumb one so i'm going to stick with 14 on this one despite what you said about the fountain soda popping how does water continuously come through this i'm annoyed i still love you yes daddy from this point forward you will no longer be sodapopping to me you will now be soda fountain asthman gold i welcome you the 14. zep thank you now back to asmingold i saw your tweets asmin i know you want to play 14 and i welcome you but most of our community doesn't and they're kind of scared about you coming over who gives up here to help you fix this problem all right both our communities 14 and wow there's only one way we can settle this together house and bring our communities under one mmo banner we must come together as one as men and kiss each other asmin i'm a straight man but i'm willing to come together so we can fix our communities what your move asmond i'm waiting i wanna say don't worry i'm gonna be practicing and learning until we meet the second i see you at a convention it's all over so get ready yo what the fuck coming for you please nobody show us status but i was only joking yeah sure so um here's the thing as i said man you can i could suck a dick it wouldn't be gay like so it's not about about being straightened out i'm not about kissing dudes man that's that's not about that's not not my life not it's not my lifestyle let's just say that it's not my lifestyle okay where the hell is the all right all right now we're getting down into the we're getting down into the problems okay saw this face full of pure ham oh yeah this was back the day that they brought back spicy nuggets i remember i went to uh i went to wendy's and i told everybody that i was gonna go to wendy's in a suit and i was going to order spicy nuggets on the day that they were released and i woke up it was like the night before and i'm like man i said i was gonna do it and i woke up the next morning i'm like all right i gotta i gotta fucking do it and we win and we fucking did it man it was actually a really good stream i had a lot of fun man where do you see yourself in the future so i actually there's a there's a raccoon that's in my backyard and i'm thinking about uh feeding him i'm thinking about giving him i'm gonna give him hot dogs because i saw a video of this like fat guy feeding raccoons hot dogs and they liked it don't feed that fucking they're a good boy right they're good boys when asthma goal makes his final fantasy character what the fuck is this yes it is true i michael scott am signing up with an online dating service thousands of people have done it and i am going to do it i need a username and i have a great one little kid lover that way people will know exactly where my priorities are at man michael scott is the best character like and it's not even remotely close like especially whenever you go back and you look at it again he he's the the best character and it's not even close man everyone waiting for 9.1 to come out so we can start waiting for 9.2 jesus that's actually like i'm gonna be honest like this picture is genuinely sad warrior dps in raids this better not be some bullshit man dps damage is so important malcolm come back here you want to strike i'll give you a strike here's your dead strike no no man like that's not no no man like that's that's some bullshit and ever dude that's some fucking bullshit you know that's some bullshit like that that's that's so stupid man what the fuck is this dude started watching asthma one year ago and it's starting to show damn that sucks man like what you gotta do is you gotta move it forward a little bit and that way you can kind of make it look like you're uh you know you have the hairline of a 35 year old man rather than an 85 year old man that's really what the secret is obviously i feel like there's probably oh this is the same guy what is his warriors trying to find a group in tbc this thing's got 190 000 views i better not see some fucking bullshit here oh he woke up from a long sleep is it burning crusade on i already no friends i am alone in this country nobody like me is there anybody who can help me fuck man it's actually sad yeah and fucking warriors it's hard out here for a fucking warrior man the make or break friendship the mcconnell trust fall i'm not even sure what it's going to be okay um okay i can't get a rest i can't believe you fell for that you're an idiot okay when you loot gmod what is this what is this when i loot gmod do you mean like you mean like the first the first day i play retail wow this is what's gonna happen this is the first day i play retail wow [Music] what the fuck is this [Music] yeah it's gonna be great man yeah it's gonna be fucking amazing i'm excited for it too it's gonna drop for me it's gonna be amazing malcolm in the middle yeah yeah yeah it's about right oh wait man what the fuck is that picture dude of all the pictures we gotta use we gotta go with that one too that's great our boy grew up what the hell was this dude that actually that kind of does look that cuz wow that's weird that dude does kind of what the fuck what the bro what the fuck that's actually that's weird as shit man i don't even know what to say especially with like the hair and everything like especially with the hair and everything that's kind of weird oh my god replace the word furry with booster or warp stalker mac what that was is we've all done it congratulations you bullied a furry here's your medal yeah that's probably accurate i would say so same hair this is better is this what the fuck that's actually really cool like regardless of like how you feel like the hair like the the hair memes or everything like that that's actually really fucking cool i like this a lot man has been thoughts on this what is this here um suzarno extreme sword scene what the fuck [Music] nice how dude what do you what the fuck wait what tap button rapidly to push back how are you gonna put yeah right dude that's kind of cool you just have to randomly spam buttons oh my god we have to do it again holy shit that's actually pretty cool yeah that is cool a rare work into asthma and asthma in five years uh it's real fucking funny man fuck my third who does this [Music] like who like who does this like why why would you why would you make that why would why would this exist okay bald memes no more asthma disguise hair transplant yeah right okay sometimes i forget what a hundred thousand viewers actually looks like so here's a visual hundred thousand people that's a lot of fucking people especially look at that one guy watching one guy play a video game man show aspen gold this stormwind build in valheim sure i'll watch that now you guys may or may not know this but i'm actually a very big fan of valheim i played valheim 24 hours a day for like two weeks it was super fun i love the fucking game and i cannot wait for other content to come in stormwind city and valhan [Music] damn [Music] holy shit [Music] wow this is actually good i this this resembles stormwind i would assume this is actually fucking jesus look at it all and each one is its own little house that's the vendor right there and then there's the auction house right there oh this is the classic wow one i see oh my god or maybe no it's not it's not it's not never mind okay because i saw it had the board on it yeah you just go up into there and then there's the auctioneer area wow trees yeah this is wow from 2001 exactly this is really cool man like some of the valentine buildings that people have made are insane oh there's the inn with the innkeeper right there the girl dude how long did this take holy shit oh my god look at this dude supposed to have taken so long yeah this is insane [Music] oh is this the bang are they gonna have the vault in there too oh he hasn't done the vault yet okay it says work in progress oh my god i'm very impressed by this i'll be honest with you i'm very fucking impressed by this oh they they oh look at that they've got teldrassil in the background too so he's making the entire storm wind in valheim i'm curious to see where this is gonna go that's pretty fucking impressive man isn't that an order so uh yes yes it's an order show um holy shit [Music] and then there's the flight master too [Music] so i i wonder how long this took him to make i bet this probably took easily 30 hours easily 30 hours of like trying to make it look like stormwind exactly especially with like terraforming everything at the same time dude that probably took so fucking long to make oh they've even got the little area down at the bottom that's where we were duel remember we were doing it like level 58 in classic beta yeah a few weeks at 200 hours really you think so that's possible man i think that's really fucking cool asthma on engine the fuck is this all right he's got potions okay good we're fine when you go to start your car very funny very very fucking funny yeah hilarious buddy fucking hilarious when you try to catch the stranglethorn zeppelin oh come on man he's like 80 years old come on [Music] man sleepy joe just can't keep up when the dark portal opens is what's house entry place yeah this is great what type of dog is this okay [Music] probably a bad idea oh the fucking succubus area okay have a channel i have a channel oh go do this go do this in the castle come on make asshole that's what he that's right i said asshole in the original didn't he so the best thing about this video here somebody could have made this in 2007. somebody could have made this in 2008. so it's good because it reminds me of the good old days you know what i mean thought this should be posted on here your move asthma on wait what's this it's a shitty setup who cares this is fine i mean listen the guy's got two monitors how could this guy possibly not be doing well he's got two fucking monitors he's popping off man i don't want to hear any negativity about this he's doing completely fucking fine man matching two yeah the monitors are even matching schwingen's videos are insane he needs more exposure who is this is this schwingen free real estate the following advertisement is intended for jim booney only okay it's free real estate we're giving you land it's free we're giving you a house it's real estate this is good it's a free house for you jim this is free real estate well you got to bring furniture but the house is free two bedrooms that's great it's free you unlock the door to your free house we got you the real estate it's a two-bedroom house it's nice it's got a pool in the back not carrying this around all day it's for your house free real estate i'll pee my pants jim come get your damn land it's a free house jim i got real estate jim to get better than this jim the house is it's free real estate that was good i'd say that was good actually what the fuck dude yeah man um oh no should i even play this bro should i even play this okay here that way you guys can see me that's the original some guy wants to take a shit on you too they were recording that god damn yeah i don't think that's good for you what do you mean i'm not eating it i still don't think it's good for you why i can put you and nothing's gonna happen what the fuck i think he's into it that's not i mean she makes a valid point unless you have maybe like an open wound that's what the fuck that's basically what it was it was uh disgusting it was a really interesting time back then let's just i don't even know what to say yeah it was a very interesting time back then also look who subscribed tryhard pewdiepie bridge just subscribed did this was the way that twitch used to work back in the day boys what is this here yours chewy red asthma gold's mount off advice the hell is this oh this is the guy that won gmod in my raid guys i want to say one thing i remember you know what fine fuck it let's get on the blue partner drink yeah it's fine yeah you know what this guy yeah yeah everybody get on board or drink i've never gotten done yeah fucking idiot that's what you get what mongrels dare intrude here look alive what the fuck is this there's no way it took him that many tries red does not have the mount either there's no way it took him that many tries remove you're done bitch oh kicked out on the harsh deep [Music] i don't know how you don't have it it's actually so easy to get [Music] she looks hot sometimes things happen in a first try and sometimes they don't and at the end of the day it doesn't matter because what really matters is if you end up getting it or not oh my this is so this is [Music] this is so ridiculous this is what the game is all about guys you're not always going to get lucky okay but people that farm all the time get lucky more often true very true this is the stuff the game's all about that's right [Music] oh my god oh my god mom girls dare intrude here he's actually just is this really going to be a fucking a feast for the one that brings wow yeah it's not that hard anymore yeah no mount listen it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down the only thing that matters is that you get up one more time one more time going on an alt jesus christ [Music] yep this is what i did too back in the day 500 yeah right 500 attempts no way no way it's so loud it is the heartbeat [Music] oh my god sometimes things happen on the first try and sometimes they don't oh my god at the end of the day it doesn't matter because what really is so good is if you end up getting it or not [Music] okay let's do gmod why don't we go do gmod let's try to go for another mountain it's gbu on if jeebus on i can do another gmod for sure oh it's going to happen 100 guys don't worry about it [Music] is [Music] oh my god okay this was actually really funny this was straight up fucking hilarious like i'm i'm genuinely impressed man thanks for sharing jasmine thanks for this man this is actually such a good video like i i i'm genuinely impressed by how good this is holy fucking shit there's the youtube link right there i'll actually i'll link this to you guys so you can give the guy a little bit of support okay i usually am on my other computer whenever i watch a lot of youtube things but there it is this is actually really really well put together and really funny especially the end of it with like me fucking asking for gebu and shit that shit was fucking funny wait oh what i didn't even see this part oh come the fuck on man look i'm gonna get it like i will get it it's just it's i'll get it soon it's going to be very very soon okay [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 396,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, asmongold wow, Asmongold fan made, wow memes, zackrawrr, reddit recap asmongold, asmongold reacts to reddit, reddit asmongold, reddit recap memes, memes, reddit, funny, twitch, reddit funny, reddit memes, funny memes, reddit recap 29, asmongold #29, wow borat memes, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, final fantasy 14
Id: ob7fwU5M390
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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