Asmongold reacts to fan-made memes | Reddit Recap #15 | ft. Mcconnell

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asman gold has some explaining to do we need an answer what you're about to see is a clip recently pulled from asthma gold something truly bizarre happened yet chat didn't notice this twitch streamer is hiding something but he finally slipped up the visuals are graphic what i feel like i'm watching like a i don't even know what the [ __ ] this is creepy [Music] it's like a ufo video or something like that remind you of anything so the implication is that i'm a reptilian overlord okay all right i can explain this i i can explain this um basically the reptilian overlords are trying to get me guys i'll be on in just a minute okay i've got to make sure that i put on my shungite meteor things okay we're good how to hammer by asthma on gold i'd end up in a crore i don't think that's how to hammer man dozens of craftsman got it all right we're good well yeah i see everybody acts like i'm crazy and dumb i don't think that's how to hammer man so i look at look at my form by the way you see my form you see how i'm sitting like that and then i have like i'm bracing myself for impact with my legs as well and i'm holding i'm counterbalancing the wood with my head and then i'm hammering into the other wood at the same time watch see that like i've done this so much that i know for a fact that i would never get hit in the head i'm sorry for reposting but asmond didn't see it the first time why you put a wrinkle on my head why you put it why you put a wrinkle on my [ __ ] head like i'm an old ass goddamn man because you are old yeah right this picture is [ __ ] amazing i love it uh minus the hands the hands are a little bit a little bit much but you know what everything else i think does look pretty [ __ ] good man i like it a lot uh this is amazing i'm a 44 year old man shut the [ __ ] up okay let me see here looks like a character and scooby doo that everybody thinks is the villain but it's just a misunderstood weird ass much like asmond himself that's actually really good that is a that's a great [ __ ] analogy i love that asmond sculpt [Music] what is this holy [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] bro i look like anduin lothar look at me man i'm a pop boy pause it dude that's dude is this the same [ __ ] thing dude that's gonna be me that's me right there man like because he's all it's okay to be like bald if you're old right that's completely okay uh so what are these other pictures here oh my god it's actually me so how did this even get created how did this get made i love this it's [ __ ] awesome oh it says the literal god bro this is [ __ ] incredible let me go on to the next one mount duty what is this is this what i [Music] what the [ __ ] this is amazing holy [ __ ] [Music] yo that's good dude holy [ __ ] what do you guys think about this new starting screen well it wouldn't really fit right but uh this is [ __ ] awesome like of all every picture they could possibly use they had to go with that i bet you're in the middle of saying [ __ ] there here we go [ __ ] like that you know how you do it yeah a life spent as a farmer in a humble jrpg village [Music] what is this oh no [Music] god this is disgusting who does this [Music] bro the [ __ ] the left side of me like the left one right here but i look like the human version of a pug my eyes are popping out of my [ __ ] head uh chat when asthma gold has an opinion this bald man has no idea because this is a joke i'm not alone oh [ __ ] he's telling us how to run the plant he doesn't even have hair okay okay okay guys i see what can you even say to that uh [ __ ] like uh you know uh [ __ ] like uh [ __ ] i don't know this is just [ __ ] another simpsons prediction no this is not listen is this me like am i homer up there like [ __ ] writing hey guys look at me you know like [ __ ] man didn't know asman's mom was doing minecraft what is this he says that is so cool holy [ __ ] that does almost kind of look like a mom in a way holy [ __ ] oh my god that's my husband playing the flute and i'm on the piano oh my wow holy [ __ ] that is incredible took her six years to make it wow that's actually holy [ __ ] dude [Music] wow that is [ __ ] insane [Music] i don't even know what to say about this beyond i'm just very very impressed this is pretty wholesome too okay let me see how we need to shave your head from a bald man's perspective what the [ __ ] is this asmond wait what the [ __ ] asmond bald the destroyer hello everyone this is your man inius and today i wanted to tell you all why i think as mango needs to shave his head number one he is clearly going bold nothing is wrong with that but he needs that that's that's so that's the worst picture you could have found though like that's so that's so not oh actually it's not the worst one but it's one of the worst one like that's okay that one i can see why you'd say that wrong with that but she needs to take the next step what's the acceptance and remove the hair oh god number two bald men come across as more dominant than those with hair bruce willis jeff bezos michael jordan there's been studies that prove this and he will be able to better lead a pack of 12 rep paladins to the horde and defeat his enemies and his team members will take every order from him and truly accept is that true as the leader oh my god number three and most importantly he just keeps going to accept that he is bold and remove his ego other people's perceptions of him saying oh as one gold or you are bored or as men bold what other people's perception of you no is total ego and you need to remove that from your life as long as you can go into the mirror every morning i am a sexy ass [ __ ] oh my god all that matters asthma and bald three reforged handsome alpha look my hair looks great okay i think my hair looks good right now i don't know what what do you got like this did you guys think my hair looks good well i think it looks good like i don't think i need to shave my head right now i like having long hair and i think it looks okay now it doesn't look good from this angle no it doesn't well i always look at this angle so that's fine and i just have to change it a little bit if i want to make it look that way too but it's fake no it's not fake dude like my hair looks really good and i like having hair alright i'm not sure if i'm ready to shave my [ __ ] head i feel like if i shave my head there will be like i'll never live it down the literal god what is this here holy [ __ ] wow that's me and woah we were about to go to school i think it was like our first day of school in 10th grade same shirt yeah i still have those pants too i'll wear those pants regularly [ __ ] man yeah those were that was a i was like [ __ ] that was literally half my life ago man still didn't get it oh wow this is this is disgusting like this is absolutely degenerate like i don't even know what to say about this absolutely [ __ ] degenerate buff rat paladins wait what when someone shows the president rep paladin dps oh no dude so the president reptile dps is fake damage well i mean it is a fake picture i'll say that for sure the current stream cycle featuring a familiar shape bring up a topic read troll comment defend topic to throw to troll for 30 minutes mcconnell says to move on bring up a topic read troll comment defend topic to troll for 30 no no is this really true guys no this is not true i [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] man here's here's what you do i [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] here's what you do just don't reach out for a little bit play the game yeah i i hate this [ __ ] man i get that are you listening yeah i'm listening just don't reach out for a little bit don't read don't knows because they're all going to be about this okay just play the [ __ ] game and don't worry about it just [ __ ] move on yeah no no it's not true okay listen i like to go in depth with things okay and i know a lot other people aren't really as into that as i am but i do okay okay move on let's move on okay all c or asthma gold by me yo this is good yo this is really good what the [ __ ] wow i don't have i don't have alliance pajamas okay this is [ __ ] amazing i actually look like a wizard asthma and friends on a scale of asthma to ian bro this is like me the guy next to it looks like a guy that's trying to sell you cigarettes at high school the guy next to it looks like he's trying to sell you ketamine and the guy at the very top looks like he's trying to find out what year it is wait that's me is rich what the [ __ ] oh my god me is s fund and then there's me as ian bro i look like a randomized dark souls 3 character what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude wow that asmon asman won yikes wait but that's just me you yeah that's just me like what do you mean oh no no i it's just me asmin gold the sage by me oh this is pretty good where's my hair though what do you mean it's already on top of your head it's uh it's like yeah it's an n64 controller oh wait what oh no i didn't even notice that yeah oh my god that is a nintendo 6 oh no give me a minute oh you should not have gone full cam oh no oh no with the pepsi logo of course and i just [ __ ] look at his hand look what he's holding man i swear like this is [ __ ] the thing is you can't you could show this to a normal person and they would just think oh it's some weird warlock from some video game but it's actually just me with a bunch of stupid [ __ ] reddit memes we appreciate you guys all so much what the head of the staff is the mechagon mount that i got and you didn't get that's good that that that is that oh asmond and mccool what is this [Music] where did that come from what the [ __ ] why what why did he do this man [ __ ] this okay chat whenever asman gets the muncher it's real funny guys real funny uh that's that's not gonna happen this is in like 50 years or something okay it's not gonna happen uh i don't feel bad asthma gold mccool is mccold now jesus wow okay what is this here asmin after seeing the mailmuncher joke for the ten thousandth time oh really oh he does give his forehead a lot of attention what the [ __ ] yeah that's true always caressing it petting it oh yeah you are holding it whenever you hold it roasted by someone or is met with unfortunate circumstances someone should make a compilation of how many times he face palms oh and by the way just so you guys know i have clean hands so if your hands are really dirty and you put them on your face all the time you're gonna get acne look at my face literally zero [ __ ] acne at all like i have perfect immaculate perfect skin wait what is this here is this one safe he knew his career would inevitably lead him here someday because i can see in the thumbnail it's like a girl pretty risky is it okay or not uh there's a lot of cleavage yeah but i mean this is twitch so that's okay it's up to you man it's safe okay what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] basically this comes as a surprise to no one who is not delusional if you are delusional this came out of left field any reasonable rational person could have seen this coming from a mile away that's all there is to it i think i need to go way down it's getting bad yeah i i i think i need to i i need to can somebody tell dr k i might need a therapist soon like this is not good all right fine i'll [ __ ] stand up that's not what i think i'm sorry god i'm sorry guys sorry i didn't i didn't mean that i didn't mean that sorry sorry sorry no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding asthma on the necro cryptek from the maulding dynasty wow really really good job here guys this is a lot like this says oh this has over a hundred up dudes oh my god this hardly is anything he just photoshopped my face under another picture yeah that's it emperor protects i guess so gallywix reacts only what is this here okay [Laughter] [Music] dude i think this pretty much sums up today's stream right and you were doing the accounting for method weren't they a little bit worried about that you didn't even know how much gold you made but they had you do the accounting for method uh i think you got it wrong i didn't do any accounting for method uh i just uh kept the track of the poes that were being purchased that has nothing to do with my personal what do you do you know what a synonym for keep track of this no accounting does that even matter um i guess not so what is this shagmon gold wow um wow okay this is not what i look like okay everybody knows this is not what i look like at all do you know this guy twist trees oh there it is oh come on man like why do you have to do that why do you have two twisting trees man yeah i guess so uh do you know every third person that doesn't have a male muncher i got on my second try me too and then the title was called not a male muncher meme i get it and then they're looking at you yeah it's real [ __ ] funny man uh real real [ __ ] hilarious uh let me see is there any more of these what is this here that actually looks good i look like jesus yo that's badass i look like yeah like jesus man holy [ __ ] i love it okay all right let's see here mcconnell i really need this frog mounts but they are 333 000 gold each asthma just beg chat for the money chat someone give them one million gold mcconnell why don't you just give me the money mo [ __ ] uh oh damn ammo what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it up exactly i don't know that is exactly what happened when i brought it up on my stream yeah i said yeah but why don't you just why don't you just give it to me and then i'll go buy it on your on on that design and he goes uh muffin uh [Music] like cover what this guy in chat says uh tell mcconnell to give you half his gold since he believes in socialism i would take that deal you know what i'll here asmin let's let's do socialism i'll give you half my gold and uh you give me half your gold wait that's not how socialism works i just get your money no no we don't get my money no we get each other's money that's how real yeah so you i give you half which will be 150 k okay and then you give me half of your gold which would be like i don't know three million a couple mil and uh it's equal yeah i don't know i feel like that's just i feel like that's not really like that's not really too good for me man what do you mean that's socialism well no not no no that's not no it's what no you're not guy's not going to send me to the ghoul egg all right that's not it no i'm not going to the ghoul i get take all my [ __ ] gold man i gotta i gotta afford my mount man it's just [ __ ] [Music] hey what's up boys so uh i want to make this video and uh just let everybody know that i'm not gonna be online uh tomorrow saturday and the next day sunday just got done with probably the most painful 24 hours of my life my teeth as you can see i've not gained 100 pounds my jaw is swollen i don't know if it's an infection or just swelling or what but i just got back from the dentist a little bit ago and um seems like they can't pull the teeth out until the swelling goes down so i'm on antibiotics and um some other [ __ ] so i'm gonna have to deal with that next couple of days and i just need to take it easy and let this kind of settle so um we'll be doing minecraft but it'll be next saturday at least hopefully the infection doesn't kill me and [Music] aq i hopefully plan on doing on monday and so i'm going to do my best to be online for that but no promises i just want to update everybody let everybody know because i know some people asked about how i left last yesterday i guess on the q a so yeah um i'm getting the work done as fast as i can but it's just going to take a little bit of time for the swallowing to go down first so any boys just want to make a quick video and i'll keep you updated peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 455,494
Rating: 4.9256535 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell wow, best of mcconnell, asmongold wow, asmongold young, asmon mcconnell, Asmongold fan made, Asmongold fan, fan made, fan made memes, asmongold 15, asmongold #15, where is asmongold, asmongold stream, asmongold break, asmongold deepfake, asmon deepfake
Id: eDhGcMia-ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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