Asmongold Reacts to Nixxiom's Thoughts After Two Weeks of Playing The Elder Scrolls Online

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hello everybody my name is Onyxia okay so known as Ural and thorium and welcome to another exciting video where we are going to so he has a tavern that schools online so like you look at that armor I want to go ahead and just pause right here you guys love it whenever I pause on video so I'm gonna do that again you look at this armor it looks pretty cool now there's this armor look badass enough for me to want to waste a thousand hours to try to get it no not really but it does look good which is a start [Music] not some games I know what you guys are thinking you guys are thinking to yourselves Nick siomay played that game when it came out and it sucked and you know what yeah you're right it [ __ ] sucked okay so maybe now let's go Klein had an absolutely terrible launch and hey we all know that but since then Animax Entertainment has put a lot of time and effort into patching the game fixing issues adding more content and so I decided to give it another chance and I've been plugged right over the past few weeks so I wanted to do a video where I would share my thoughts on what I like about the game and what I dislike about the game and maybe offer you guys a potential new MMO to explore if you're in the market to explore another MMO so let's jump straight into the positives about the game shall we the first thing we need to talk about in this game is the character customization now I'm not talking about you know adjusting the nose and the mouth and all that crap that stuff's fine but I'm talking about being able to create any kind of character that you want in this game Elder Scrolls online is more of a true RPG in the sense that you can really make any kind of character that you want do you want to be a badass wizard who uses staffs oh yeah where's heavy on yes wait what do you want to be a rogue that heals people while wearing a light armor and like a robe or something you can do it the game really lets you be anything even some weird combination I think that's cool right that's obviously cool but let's be honest there's always people that play a meta so if you see a rogue that's healing you're like oh wow that's like a survival hunter now I just won't invite them to my group so I think this is like a very certain this is a surface level good thing but in an MMO like I think it's a very unique thing that happens in MMOs that is not really as present in games like like Diablo we're like path of Exile whenever there are obviously like the best builds but you don't necessarily have to play those the difference is that in MMOs you have to play with other people and whenever you involve other people the group's needs come before your own and even if that's not something that you feel the other people won't invite you to play with them if you're not going to put your best foot forward to make your character as good as possible so I don't know really if that's going to work and it's the same as like Wow right we're like if a character or class or respect has a bad like perception in the community then everybody's going to [ __ ] hate it even if it's not actually that bad things that you wouldn't expect and that's really cool I mean he'll if you want just be a crafter just a pure 100% crafter that actually is really cool well I like that and I like that having that freedom in an MMO I think makes the MMO a lot more colorful and rich and it makes the replayability a lot probably right a lot better at least I think so anyway the second thing you're probably gonna notice as you play the game is first-person mode now first-person mode in this game is really cool but it's not something you're gonna be using all the time I mean if you're pvping or doing a dungeon or something you're probably not gonna do it in first-person I would hope not really big dick okay which I don't so I don't way that's right yeah I'm gonna do that if you wanted for some really personal roleplay game pong but I really want to get into the world going into first-person mode can be an absolute treasure pillow it Hill it an exam to the game and I wanted to put it on the list the third thing I want to talk about is the lore of the game this is the elder scrolls that we're talking about anybody that has studied Elder Scrolls lore even a little bit knows just how rich the Elder Scrolls lore is the universe is teeming with information information about various characters and gun I played oblivion for like 200 hours aside from knowing that there was a king that talked to me after those 200 hours I had absorbed zero war if you were to ask me anything about oblivion like where did it take place anything I have no [ __ ] idea all I would do in that game is go around and kill people and let their swords and put them in my house that's it I didn't do anything besides that that's it odds and events some of which contradict each other and you gotta you got to sit there and think man what what is the truth behind this world how do I interpret all these events in these characters in these actions and it just is a very rich and compelling world that sucks you in and even for someone like me that's not a massive fan tips out shirt lore I found myself reading a lot of books in this game and paying attention to the quest lines and just I just really got into it so the war and how expansive it is an S oh that's that's a plus for me while playing the game I have also found that exploration is heavily rewarded you'll be walking through the world and you will find quests as you travel you'll find sky shards which are used to unlock more points that you can spend to customize your character unlock the water in treasure chests and a whole lot more locations world bosses and just a lot of stuff and that's a real pleasure when it comes to an MMO especially for someone like me because I like to explore I like to go off the beaten path and find my own way so having an MMO that doesn't hold your hand and you can just go out into the world and see what you can find I like that the crew that is [ __ ] amazing I want to say that right now there are a few quest lines and like little quests out there in the world and like if you're a vanilla wow player you might remember these there was one in winter spring whenever you crossed the frost whisper Gorge there was this weird guy his name was like The Lorax or something and he would give you a quest there were other quests in like tenaris where you had to help a turtle get all the way back over to gadget san or whatever the [ __ ] right all these little quests were that they added a certain amount of vibrance and life to the world and now I don't really think that we have any of those like there's a few quests that are just like you know like maybe we can go out of our way to do this but I don't know if this is just like an outcome of data mining or whatever but I do feel like there are a ton of like yeah yeah the the mechanical chicken was another one excuse me sorry I usually have a lot of I don't have like weird stuff with my throat going on which is why I talk oddly sometimes I do apologize there was like this thing over here where if you killed the yetis you would get like this magic [ __ ] a chicken item that would like summon a chicken and it was just all these little things and wow it's like oh oh another one an easy one that a lot of people probably remember from the Wow classic beta is if you type slash cluck or slash chicken at a chicken at the farm here eventually you'll get a quest that gives you a chicken like that kind of stuff is really [ __ ] cool and I wish wow had more of it crafting in the game is very interesting as well now if you've watched any of my other MMO videos you know that I'm a big fan of crafting Nixon who is a big fan of crafting yes I am the crafting in this game has a curve to it because you can do things like research new like traits and you can also upgrade your items and it requires these potions and the point is there's a bit of a learning curve but the crafting in the game is interesting and it has an actual progression feeling especially as you put more points into crafting because then you'll be able to see nodes lit up in the world you will have that actually a smoker that will work for you and they'll deliver stuff to your mail every day delivering like crafting Susan Harrison yeah okay really cool things to unlock as a crafter and you can even make furniture for your house as a crafter and yeah speaking of houses player housing the player housing in the world has a lot of depth to it I love going into a dungeon killing the final boss and then mounting their head atop my fireplace that is awesome a lot of the stuff wow that seems familiar with is gonna be things that you find out in the world or they're going to be things that you craft at a crafting bench there's also a lot of cool stuff you can get off the crown store too which is the Elder Scrolls Online's version of that's they're like cosmetic shop thing but if you're not big fan of player housing you're probably not gonna be interested in that there's just a lot less appease to find all throughout the world like the player housing and everything that's something that's exciting to me but I'll be real whenever I did put whenever I had my stash in path of Exile that [ __ ] was a rat's nest like I just literally like I took an open space and I was like you're standing here you're here you're here you're here here's my bench here's the enchanting thing here's the map tool here's an ax here's the stash and it's just a big [ __ ] rat's nest of garbage let's start I mean my stash impacted exhale specifically old and there's lots of different ways to decorate your homes and there's tons of different homes to choose from with many different themes located all across the world and it just uh the game just has a nice variety when it comes to its player housing the world is also very interactable and what I mean by that is you can pick up you cut down Trace you can search in barrels you can sneak into people's homes and steal things you can pickpocket and people and kill NPCs if you want I like that's just some really interesting gameplay that makes Elder Scrolls online feel very different from other MMOs that I've played for example you can play as an upstanding warrior who does no wrong and you go around and you smash bad guys heads in with your axe or you can play the game completely different you can be a backstabbing rogue who sneaks into people's homes steals their stuff assassinates them while they sleep and then have a bounty on your head where you have to sneak around through your towns and you have to dodge guards and then you have these underground thieves guild Eska bases beneath city it's kind of weird whenever he's talking about this kind of stuff because you think about all the different parallels to wow like wow used to have all of these things you killed Onyxia Onyxia x' head went on storm wind you killed Nefarian same [ __ ] thing if your hate by a city after you've killed a bunch of stuff you've got a sneak by that are all the time all of these different things like I really wish they still had more of them and like now it's just not the case at all it's very disappointing he's good and you can also get bounties cleared off your head so that guards will not kill you on sight and it just it really makes you feel like a rogue makes you feel like an assassin and a thief if you go down that style a game playing that's really cool there's a lot of replayability because of how interactable the world is and I love that in regards to PvE something that I've been doing though this is why I care about tanking yeah yarol and thorium and tanking for me in this game has been a lot of fun the tanking for me has been really cool because of the fact that it's not this Auto AoE taunting nonsense that you see from other MMOs it's a lot of single target focus and it's just a lot of running around and it requires a lot of paying attention and a likes a nice shield has a tank I'm also buffing my allies all the time making sure that they're protected with shields and whatnot and the tank really the tank experience really makes you feel tough it makes you feel like a tank like you're running around and you're actually a part of a battle that's good I enjoy that now I know not all of you care about PvE you don't give two shits about PvE it's all about the PvP man and the PvP in this game is absolutely [ __ ] incredible going to serie dill and doing sieges fighting with your friends like timing abilities off of each other see that's what really matters is like those so you know this is what I've been waiting to see is that like all these other nice little goofy [ __ ] [ __ ] things as oh wow you can eat a [ __ ] chicken leg and break into somebody's house and go do bounties and all this other [ __ ] like I mean like yeah that's cool but like really like whenever you log on and you've played the game for a month like what do you log on and what the [ __ ] do you do and like this is what I care about is like the emergent player behavior this is what [ __ ] counts oh cool fending keeps and attacking them I love it and I've even crowned an emperor in this game over on my stream on Twitch yeah we got together and we capture all the keeps around the Imperial City and we crowned an emperor the point is the PvP is interesting it's fun however there's still a lot that could be said about PvP and I'm gonna talk about that later now the final thing that I want to talk about is the combat point system or the champion level system oh that's for Elvin well here's how it works when you hit level 50 which is the level cap in this game you continue to level but you level by getting champion points you progress to power essentially you can then take these points and you can spend them in these various trees where you can increase the healing that you receive or how much damage you do with your attacks and well that's the now just make your character more it's a powerful actually a [ __ ] bear you get now the cool thing about this champion point system and the reason why I like it is you get these points by doing anything you can get them through crafting you can get them through doing dungeons you can get them through pvping or my favorite is you can get them by leveling alts you see once you unlock these points this champion level system it also unlocks on all your alts as well it's sort of your reward for hitting level 50 that all of your alts you can put these points in where you can make your alts even more powerful so that your alts can smash through the levels even faster while at the same time gaining more points so that's like so uses except for you guys like Nautilus Romano grounds in yada-yada-yada which also applied to your mane okay I sound a little confusing but here's a chart look at it that's how it works kinda okay alright let's get back to the yeah that makes perfect sense those are 10 positives that I have chosen from Elder Scrolls online I could have chosen a lot more but it was kind of keeping things short and simple for the sake of the video I don't want to go into too much detail otherwise we're gonna be here all day but we can't just talk about the positives of the game we have to talk about some of the negatives as well that I've noticed about the game that I don't necessarily hate but they're definitely worth mentioning as cons so let's start with that number one the first thing that stood out to me as a con in this game was well it's really cool how you have this super in-depth ability to customize your character in any way that you want but sometimes what happens is certain classes can create these builds that are incredibly powerful incredibly powerful to the point that it takes like 20 plus players just to kill one guy because their build is so opie also there's no way dude like no I'm telling you like yeah I can stream them someplace guys are absolutely unkillable like it takes an entire army to kill them it's insane it's insane they're just like massive like buff people and it's crazy and when a bunch of like people run around in a group together constantly buffing each other sometimes you can't [ __ ] kill anybody and yeah some some people are just a little stupid opie and that that stands out to me on the PvP front but yeah [ __ ] awesome I think so Hey the second thing to talk about in regards to PvP is this isn't really like a con it's just more of a criticism it's just the fact that I really want to see more come out of the PvP system you know that's a con like you shouldn't be able to one be twenty people like that that that's a con and you couldn't do that in classic that that that's a [ __ ] con and why not well it's like okay so it depends on why is somebody that powerful are they that powerful because they've put ten thousand into the ten thousand hours into the game whenever everyone else is put in like fifty or a hundred or a thousand maybe then yeah maybe we can have a conversation about it but if somebody is just playing a certain build that makes them innately this powerful then yes I would consider that a huge [ __ ] con absolutely there scrolls online right now in cearĂ¡ do you have the whole you know siege in keeps and burn down fortresses and so on and so forth and that's really cool but something that I want to see going forward is more bases more ways to siege castles and stuff I want to be able to like scale the walls with ladders so I know that in the next expansion they're gonna create things where you can get these legendary weapons to destroy walls and whoa oh wow I just want to see more thing okay that's cool to see Radel PvP scene because yeah I think there's a lot of potential there that is yet to be tapped and I want to make a video talking about that more in depth and the final thing that I'd like to say is a con and it's not really a con it could be a pro depending on who you are but we'll say the end game is very grindy because once you hit level 50 it's just a grind to get those champion points and although I think the champion point system is interesting and cool and I genuinely like it for some people it might come off as being very grindy because you get these points by doing quests and PvE and PvP and maybe you just want to be max level and have all your points and that be a you don't want to grind 700 champion points you know what I mean so what the [ __ ] that could be a con to some people I mean I wanted a exploring the world and continuing to progress your character I don't think you're gonna see that as a con at all overall though I have had a ton of fun with the Elder Scrolls online I've been playing this game every single day almost playing as my Dragon Knight playing as my sorcerer and just having an absolutely frickin epic time playing with you guys on Twitch I hit level 50 on my Dragon Knight I'm currently grinding out the champion points I'm doing the veteran dungeons I'm excited to do trials and although I'm still relatively new to the game I think I've gotten a nice good taste of it and I felt like it was time to make a video like this where I would share my thoughts so hopefully you guys enjoyed this look into the Elder Scrolls online and into my mind now what I recommend playing Elder Scrolls online and giving it a chance yes definitely if you're someone like me that played the game back when it first came out and you didn't like it dude like right this is a boss was there to see I get it but I played it again and I gave it another chance and honestly I'm having a blast and I think you'll have a blast - so guys I hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts on the Elder Scrolls online if you'd like to see more Elder Scrolls online content from me leave a comment down below in the comment section because I'd love to I'd like to talk a little bit more about the PvP and the PvE and some of the systems and more depth down the road and share my full thoughts on them but you know in this video you got it you gotta kind of gotta keep things like short and simple otherwise this is gonna be a long-ass video but just leave a comment down below and maybe say like onyx and maybe you should talk more about PvP or I don't feel free to leave a suggestion but either way guys thank you for watching thanks for listening I will see you all soon with my next project and I guess I'll see you in in Cyrodiil [Music] okay [Music] Wow uh I don't know what do you guys think oh wait wait look at his guild name his guild name apparently I guess assuming that's green right and it's like a combine thing that people are talking in warlords of draenor it's oh boy alright so wow I mean I'm thinking it's like I played Resident Evil I didn't think I'd ever really play that and I did that because people wanted me to play it so if a lot of people want to see the game I could try it I mean I think that would actually be really interesting because there's a person that's played Wow and I played other MMOs - but like mostly Wow right I mean like let's be honest that's pretty much what I've been in to do a strawpoll I mean like here's the thing and I want to talk about let's curb our enthusiasm for just a minute and talk a little bit of reality here number one whenever I started playing path of exile I loved it it was my favorite game in the entire world like I made a video talking about how good the game was I bade the game a hundred hours and three days I've used I told the story before I spent I had 20 dollars in my bank account and it went out of closed beta weekend and so I had to be a supporter to continue paying the game playing the game I spent my last 8 or 10 or 15 dollars on my bank account to continue playing path of Exile and that was in 2012 hundred hours and three days you're goddamn right yeah you ever played a game that hard probably not get good listen here's the thing so I thought it was the most amazing great game and I [ __ ] loved it then I got up to merciless mode which was like the equivalent of like Inferno mode for Diablo and I fought against this dog it was an act one I forgot the burning one or something like that and he literally killed me in like two hits I watched like I lost like 20 30 minutes the burning menace yeah whatever the [ __ ] yeah I got Clapton merciless and I lost experience and my enjoyment of the game went from a 100 to a zero like just that fast because I feel like I was literally wasting my time had literally been wasted I was like okay well you know I'm just I mean I just literally lost like 30 minutes of time because I died right and I understand like you can make like any excuse right okay casual bad whatever etc doesn't matter to me cuz I just didn't have fun I stopped playing right I stopped I don't like it right I mean and like that that's just me and I'm not saying that I'm right for doing that or I'm you know like this is the way everybody should do or the game should cater to me right and I and I've said that before right because I'm not a big like I play path of Exile but I'm not like a hardcore player in the same way it's like you know somebody like Zee's rain or mathil is a hardcore path backs up where so I don't want to go out there and just start talking about what I think the game should do better whenever I really don't [ __ ] know the game as well as the people that actually play the game and know what they're doing right so the point is I enjoyed the game and I could have made a video like that I actually did I'll tell you guys something I have a video from 2012 talking about how good path of Exile was did I never released on my second channel I found that a couple of days ago and I'm just sitting up there talking about the game right that's all there is so I don't really know like to me I'll wait to see how Nick see'em feels about the game in about two weeks because he said he'd just hit level 50 that means that he finished the leveling process like the leveling process and BDO for me was amazing and super fun that doesn't feel like doesn't mean that the game's gonna be fun all the time right I mean no wait why are you guys saying no y-you guys that Y is already spamming no I'm so confused well I'm like I'm just play it you want me to play it right now I mean how do I even do that like I mean isn't that gonna take like like two hours to download the game I mean let me see Ryan okay how do I do this let me just look okay all their skulls online let's see by crown so good what's the crown I want to see this this is their microtransaction stuff mini swamp jelly morrowind collector's pack we can buy amount really let me see includes the bonus content following pre-order digital items okay it's not really a big deal so let's see here news pre-purchase now by now okay so let me just turn this off for a second make sure nothing pops up okay join us so it says standard Edition digital upgrade oh it's on Steam okay one second um library or store let me open this up okay the Elder Scrolls it's $10 does it have like a subscription fee or anything like that's it or not no okay so you literally just download the game okay it's optional ah [ __ ] I know what that means okay let me see how long it's going to take to what do you mean what am i doing what are you doing I was thinking about playing Elder Scrolls but I don't know how long it's gonna take the download you're gonna try something else well I mean it's like I tried Resident Evil yeah didn't you like the game no that was stupid I think it was boring like I'm not gonna want to sit around like oh I don't want to use a bullet or then I'm run out no no like I'm so [ __ ] boring to me I'm sorry it just is okay you want to play it with me if we can download fast enough wait what Elder Scrolls online what are you saying Nick seems dumb did I say that no but I mean like he said it was a good game and that's his opinions yeah I disagree with his opinion I don't think he's dumb why don't you like it I just I don't like the I don't like the Elder Scrolls universe like it's just very just boring to me I've never I couldn't get into Skyrim I couldn't get it up live Ian you know I played Mauro in for like two hours like I just couldn't get into it I just think it's kind of overrated I don't know about this one boys it says estimated download time five hours two minutes you know what what I don't I don't hate everything okay I'll tell you this okay I just got I just got done playing Witcher 3 did every single thing in the game aside from the Skellig uh question marks it's the best thing I've ever played in my life ever so you really like The Witcher I am honestly I think it's you know how people talk about like oh Legend of Zelda often you have time and you know Goldeneye and all these great game yeah I think I think The Witcher 3 is up there like wood they must play you must play Wow how many hours have you put into it 297 didn't you just start like last week yeah I've been playing it every day I played it from when I woke up everything in the game that's 12 hours a day that's it and also going a lot morning like I would wake up at like 6:30 Jesus Christ that's insane yeah it's it's really good Wow I don't think I've gotten to him yet twelve days no it's the twelve hours my friends know these guys so 297 is the amount of hours plate divided by 24 that's the amount of days right so every single day will actually don't know maybe that maybe I am wrong yeah maybe I confuse myself I don't know well either way the point is it's a wide all right it doesn't matter it's it's a lot don't point yes 70 hours a day I don't know told me I was fast every day for 12 no I don't know about every day for 24 hours I just didn't really think about it a lot right that just seemed like it made sense for a second amount of hours you dummy well it doesn't matter who cares but point is you played the game for a long time I mean that that's the way what it comes down to like I don't like I like The Witcher honestly like if it wasn't for kid you didn't get into it dude like it's it's a look the problem is it's yeah it's an amazing game but it's not it's for streamers it's not really a stream game like for each of the virtual person in chat yeah I play it it's [ __ ] beautiful but the stream it it's a little bit different because as a streamer you have to pay attention to Chad and words and all this other [ __ ] you're not really paying attention to the dialogue and forming your own [ __ ] thoughts and [ __ ] with that so it's a little bit it's like it's more of a movie it's like I said it's more of a movie that you get into and it's a slow burn yeah I mean I get you that I mean like it didn't really seem like it was like a super exciting like string game or anything like that just because there were so many times where I like I couldn't talk because they were talking and so I have to be talking over them and it's like if you're if you're not talking the whole time it's like what's the point in even watching the stream you know like that's the way that I see it very hard to play when our chats telling you how to play well yeah that's the thing too is like obviously like chats gonna want you to do everything like their way or whatever which is like yeah obviously that's annoying too but I just think in general like it it's just kind of one of those things let's see so yeah I don't know how long it's gonna take for Elder Scrolls to download I'll tell you guys something okay if the game downloads quickly and it lets me play it before I finish the download and everything I will maybe play the game today okay
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 63,407
Rating: 4.7811818 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, the elder scrolls online, nixxiom, mcconnell, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold watches, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat
Id: RvqHR6c2SrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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