Asmongold Reacts to "Top 10 Things To Look Forward To In Classic WoW" by MadSeasonShow

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[Music] we got timing that's racnoss hey guys the winner of this month's poll is a top ten list it's the first one I've done and the subject is the top things to look forward to for the upcoming 1.12 official classic servers for World of Warcraft I've had plenty of videos about classic kind of talking about this stuff one by one let's do this one I'd like to take a moment and share my top ten list of logs I'm personally looking forward to miscellaneous RPG elements look at all those the bullets starting with number 10 first up we have the general RPG elements over the years for the sake of convenience a lot of the stuff in the game has been simplified as we used to have weapons skills for each weapon type yeah the more proficient you were and the more you level them you had a better hit chance and whatnot so it was always important to keep everything leveled in case you get a big upgrade of a different weapon type another RPG element would be different weapons speeds everything is all normalized now back in the day different web points and different speeds and what you wanted varied depending on your class and specialization yo is this guy on a [ __ ] private server look at his dojo though show don't show don't show don't show I don't know if he is or not I have no idea we'll get this he he's got corrupted ashbringer might have Menethil the sword I don't know if this is or not is no way for me to tell he's got the ash conde grand marshals claim or the [ __ ] sulfur on Zen Rock this is insane this guy's got like the like every good weapon in the [ __ ] game but back in the day different weapons had different speeds and what you wanted vary depending on your class and specialization typically you wanted slow weapons but for the rogue for example you wanted a fast off hand for poison application maybe you had a weapon with lower DPS but a higher damage range it introduced two choices that made you think of it other stuff would be the hunter ammo skill ranks Shaymin totems rogue poisons lock-picking in general just the complexity of the game is something I'm really looking forward to again and I turn to the number 10 spot in my persona has right traits next we have keys or keying in general another adventure king of the past to zone into the raids and even some of the dungeons and zones you needed to collect keys all of us anything concrete from actual keys to more abstract stuff like buffs than a to new to a raid that's the next ramas they were all over the place so much so then players even got a special bag called the keyring to hold them all because they were running out of inventory space and if you had them you're the man and it guarantees you a spot in a dungeon just for that alone so once again all just like breaking on walk and become the key masters the door the key masters I was so good man with your [Music] music dude I don't know what to say it's just beautiful in 2010 we of course got the Cataclysm expansion and in his pre patch came the Sundering where the world of Azeroth was changed forever not just geographically but each sone had all other quests reworked and they always said never thought it was gone forever I wish they never did this the changes also reached into dungeons include every works such as the den mines and shadow fen keep and even raids such as the old bosses this was also when they added flying in the old world as well so it was probably the most volatile changed have ever happened with the game over the course of a single patch traveling was much more difficult in general as you'd imagine but more importantly the world felt much larger if you weren't able to simply fly over everything this was back when idols had that dreaded gauntlet through the wetlands to reach Ironforge fewer flight paths other boats and Zeppelin's to travel between the continents mages were in high demand that's for sure it's like loading up an old RPG even if it has flies it's an experience that's timeless and many of us look forward to revisiting the old Azeroth that left us eight years ago I used to point out whenever I was a kid I used to love that book the leveling that you can't mention the world without knocking about the level is so good the journey to the max level was just that a journey not just the raw amount of experience needed versus the amount you get via questing but things such as no flying mounts like I mentioned no dungeon finder no questing waypoints and so on made it a much more daunting task to go all the way from level 1 to 60 the difficulty of the mobs in general will also be something that'll take people by surprise I think some people say it's vanilla leveling was just more time consuming and not harder which I completely disagree with the game is now so Lobel back then we had things such as elite quests that required a full party to complete and even some of the 90 lead quests were rough for certain classes this was back when pulling more than one enemy as a low-level warrior meant certain death really I had no idea I'm buying all of this with me to eat and drink after every other fight the no flying or dungeon finder like a measured dungeons being guarded with elite enemies so you had to go through the entrance together mounts being obtainable at level 40 and 60 instead of 20 and 40 and being insanely expensive in general having to actually a quests to find out where they go I lead quests having to train skills thus having no gold and I can go on and on it was a journey and quite the accomplishment and alts in general were much more rare because of the extreme amount of time required where the talent points so what the old talent system in World of Warcraft worked like this he had three talent trees one for each what the [ __ ] just a random forking on 100 stops holy [ __ ] yo thank you bro Beth quack coming in hard with the [ __ ] 100 gifted community subs holy [ __ ] man I really [ __ ] appreciate that oh my god thank you so much quack wait why Oh cuz he was called me like macaque last time he was donating no no he no I think he apologizes a [ __ ] loser loser [ __ ] loser [ __ ] yo dude thank you so much for the hundred gifted subs man what the [ __ ] thank you so much man oh my god I really [ __ ] appreciate that thank you so much Beth quack Wow I haven't had that happen in a long time thank you so much man I really really do appreciate that thank you very much do you have a chili stain on your shirt right shoulder no that's dandruff okay let's get back to the video specialization even including druids because at this point they had Ferrell which was for both DPS and tanking restoration for healing and balance for being laughed at at every level from ten to sixty we got a Valentine which she could spend in any one of these trees fire mages were just people who had most of their points in the fire spec they still had frost bolt arcane missles and whatnot but their fire spells were the most powerful and some people opted for hyper expects as well so they were a little skill not the most powerful for sure and you didn't see it a lot at next level but the choice was there as I said you unlocked the ability to view these trees at level 10 and each low block you had a choice of how you want it to build your character some people say then these old talent trees give you the illusion of choice and at the endgame there's maybe one or two that are viable I have to agree with this but in my opinion you should take more than just the endgame into consideration yeah the endgame will always be the focus of MMOs and that's the way it should be one of the things that people miss about vanilla like I said is that adventure to level 60 over the years that level experience has kind of been neglected its improved further and further how to focus to now where it's just kind of an obstacle to get through instead of its own thing I think about yeah these trees weren't very flexible idea next level but when you were leveling euros well before next point because we became just a bit stronger maybe it's just another crit percentage or maybe it's a big level like 40 and you actually get a skill that's it served as a carrot on a stick and it did a good job of making you feel like you're slowly but surely growing in power and to give you that long-term character investment so feel and totally get it from the end game perspective isn't the fairest criticism in my opinion very true though old talent trees number six [Music] I need to take a pencil grab Mac about take a piss sorry guys PFA loveliness playing see stars one twitch prom to twitch Bron three twitch prom for twitch prime fast twitch prime sixth which prime seventh which prime a twitch prime nine twitch prime tenth which prawn 11th which prime 12 twitch prime 13 twitch prime 14 Twitter prime 15th which upon 16 twitch prime 17 twitch prime I don't I don't actually get paid for being on the stream to say guys now I just do it for fun and for free he does it for free okay sorry I'm back we're 5 we have the old skill system once again kind of going hand in hand with the talent system here over the years the skills in the game have also been pretty simplified today with the exception of one or two spells arcane mages have all inclined spells only frost mages have the frost spells and so on it's what I mentioned earlier with the talent system Beth quack donated $1,000 he's a [ __ ] loser he said he said never called him a kook they didn't well I mean he gave me $1,000 to say that yo dude thank you so [ __ ] much oh my god thank you thank you thank you man what the [ __ ] oh my god man thank you so much Beth quite put $1,000 oh my god thank you so much man I don't even know what to say except for thank you thank you thank you it really means a lot nice to see you watching Mad Seasons vid he's one of the best classic youtubers in my opinion his Wow memory serious is the absolute best loved xxx thank you very much john-boy's silver - holy [ __ ] man thank you so much like can we get some hearts into chat for Beth quack oh my god thank you so much man I just want to say that right now thank you thank you thank you everyone had everything and what you were good at just depended on where you put your talents yeah today action bars look like this bahding classic it was more like no you're still a [ __ ] loser come on nobody gives a [ __ ] you're still [ __ ] losers just busy doesn't mean he's not a [ __ ] loser what why I mean like come on man like give the guy a break like I mean just give me a hundred no you give him a [ __ ] break you obviously are anyway [Music] I'm sorry for McConnell man I don't know what he's doing what got into him today thank you so much bro I really [ __ ] appreciate that thank you dude else to play around with some of them are as critical as they are now and others are dumb little things that you can just mess around with for the sake of fun eyes of the beast for the hunter dampen and amplify magic for mages detected visibility for warlocks all of the palette and seals and auras the shame in total and I could go on forever for extra there were so many abilities in vanilla it was ridiculous and combine that with the fact that every skill had different ranks that needed all those this is one of those RPG elements I mentioned earlier as you powered up these spells and to learn these new ranks you still kept the older ones yep what's the point of that you may ask well it depended on your class if you were a mage you would always want that lore drink frost bolt on your bar and had a faster cast time yep it still had the same speed slow so it was handy for cutting enemies more easily healers I believe used to lower rank healing spells stuff like that I'm sure there are more examples that I'm not thinking of too you trained these skills every even level if I remember correctly you'd have to stop by your major city and visit your class trainer and usually pick and choose what skills you wanted since there are quite expensive everyone back then it was great to be able to put everything unless you're using the auction house regularly once again making that whole leveling journey that much harder so the old skill system comes in at number five PvP and vanilla was also pretty unique since we're getting patch 1.12 the state of PvP will be three battlegrounds which is the worst song Gulch the arathi basin and L Trek Valley the old al trick Valley by the way will all the NPC's and the summoning and whatnot which will be awesome but outside of then we also of course have world PvP which should be alive and well I'm hoping remember no flying so those old battles at tarren mill on south shore and may see a return or even just screw muscies outside of the big raids the Blackrock Mountain I know was rough on PvP servers and that's not even getting into the bloodbath and on to strangle Fernvale ever since the Burning Crusade and Wrath where we started sharing major cities the Horde versus Alliance team has sort of died down back then seeing the opposite faction was far more rare so when he did it was on keep in mind that this is coming from someone who mainly played a role back then but as for the actual PvP itself it was much more bursty for sure if you had the right setup here in cooldowns you could absolutely destroy people here's the most extreme it can be with the Shaymin named unbreakable who had the sulfurous legendary it was also much more niche if I recall nowadays everyone has everything everyone has a sprint a crowd control breaker shield-wall or whatever everyone has an answer whereas back then it was more of a rock-paper-scissors type of deal roadkill pilates or pretty much anyone for that matter if they had their cooldowns but Warriors did pretty well against them good mages shredded warriors in turn and really good mages trended everyone but a good warlock could counter them and so on yep it made for a chaotic but fun experience and I'd queue up before once again any time of the day one of my favorite things about classic the only reason why it's not number one on my list is because of the rink 14 system which I didn't like because no one gets supported account sharing dad is true actually I can I can attest that very true so if T never got Rank 1 there's nothing quite like vanilla raiding our mystery not the endless buffing the weird Lu DK p DK going back to the molten core Blackwing Lair Alessia and even getting another shot at the old Mex rammus all with a whopping 40 players will be questioned it was a very time-consuming which isn't even if that's your thing just getting 40 people together and getting everyone buffed setting up groups properly keeping track of d KP for guilty uses that and so on took quite a long time but that was the essence of vanilla rating I think the main thing people will like is how epics will be epic again yep nowadays getting full purples is no big deal and it's all about the eye level but back in classic it was a big deal to get a full set you had to compete against many more people and there wasn't a lot of loot to go around two or three through saw a guy with a full tier sent you said yourself dang he really has no life I mean that guy's a beast heck even before everyone started raiding yeah they said the same thing about blues or at least I did I predict that things will be much easier this time around something that I maintain is one of the biggest reasons why these rates were difficult was because we all sucked at the game back then the world of warcraft was the first MMO for a lot of people yeah having add-ons was really not everyone clicked or keyboard turned or stood in the fire you get the picture I think that now 15 years later or whenever they finally release it players will have a much easier time overall and personally I'm curious to see how next rymus will work now that people truly get their second shot at it or how many people know how to do the unexcited mins so they can actually enter her lair so remember make it out there that you VRS rule that sceptre of the shifting sands and say oh no these are just unique muffins speaking of the nicosia two men this was quite the anonymous question back in the day solo group and raid quests spanning both continents it was pretty epic oh wow that leads me to number two ideas and those are the epic quest chains that's another thing I miss with the game there were so many interesting and cool quests back in the day that really took a lot of time and effort to complete the rocket a liar and locked a liar hunter chain where they had to track down demons across the world in solo um the anathema and benediction quest line for priests the 2.5 dungeon set chain where you had to summon special bosses and many more with the most extreme being the scepter of the shifting sands quest line to open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj with only a select hardcore few even receiving a special title called the scarab Lord and even a legendary mount all of a gun ever since the Cataclysm expansion I still have myself it's the pinnacle of the RPG genre you and Burke and these seemingly impossible feats they require a lot of time energy meet friends Gold friends and maybe even a bit of luck no but when you completed them after weeks or months of grinding him out it was quite the accomplishment story-wise the question the current game are far better in my opinion but I miss the skill and difficulty of these old chains too in classic I think the quests themselves were a bit more epic like climbed to the top of a viper knowing the forged skeleton key that grants you access to this dungeon or gather three different color shards each matching a dragon flight and only awarded at the end of a super long quest chain that record solo party and raid content both indoors and outdoors boss hey when a quest takes up 40 minutes to explain fully you know that it's quite the adventure so at the quest chains number two for me it's actually crazy think how many other things are like that and like the benediction clothes there are and all the minimal ones too I never even remembered how complex this was [Music] very true and the thing I'm looking forward to the most in blizzards official classic World of Warcraft servers is the community whenever I think back to vanilla the first thing that always comes to my mind is the community and how strong it was this was all before cross rezoning cross from dungeons and raiding and all that stuff all of this stuff definitely has strong points of course and to think with how the game is designed now there overall good for the game but we've slowly lost something important over the years it's something that you really wouldn't guess but being tied to your own server and seeing the same people over and over had such a strong effect you always saw that big raiding guild maybe they were the first in progression on your server there take Dixon or maybe you saw that PvP group that has a few rank for teens yep there would be one or two enchanters that had every single pattern maybe that one Alchemist who always transmutes stuff for you or maybe you see that one guy who helped you out in that group quest on your way to level 60 and combined all of this with those RPG elements I mentioned earlier if you're a mage you'll be asked for food or portals to major cities no dungeon finder nor flying means you have to walk to the instance together and the dungeons themselves were also much tougher requiring some communication and coordination it was a much more team-oriented experience and I think just how the game was over all sort of commanded that interaction and as a result a community was formed this is much harder to come by today in my opinion even in the major cities or I'll be likely to see the same person twice in a month even if we both play every day each time you log in it's a new shuffle of random nameless people from random servers like waking up in a new house every day instead of just on the weekends like normal today to meet friends and connect with people you usually have to go out of your way and find a guild that's recruiting but back then I think it happened more Nazis it was organic if you ran a dungeon with someone and it went well maybe we ran or joined their guild and so on you see where I'm going with this that's [ __ ] you could build a reputation either positive or negative and there are consequences to your actions and behavior it's in the name massively multiplayer online role-playing game that social experience is what makes these games grade and through the combined efforts of all of this crossrealms stuff and ease of access tools such as the dungeon finder and rate finder it's an aspect that's diminished greatly in my opinion and the thing I'm looking forward to the most with classic World of Warcraft throughout this video you might have said well that sounds inconvenient or too tough or too time-consuming annoying challenging or frustrating but it's part of the charm of vanilla with the game being this tough everything felt like such a huge accomplishment like hooray I finally got my 60% speed Mound we felt awarded for all of that time and energy you put into it today I find it harder to get that feeling part of it is because we've been playing for so long sure but you can't deny that the game being more time-consuming and harder in some aspects and also been a part of it it was a big part now as I said I actually enjoy both versions of the game for what they are I like current because it's not such a huge time investment and it's something I can just hop on conveniently doing mythic plus with my friends or whatever without having to plan an hour ahead and just have fun I also find the rating more complex in general the bosses have more mechanics and it's come along with for sure and the technical aspect there's a lot I enjoy in current while but this is a classic video so I won't go into that too much and sometimes I want more complexity like with all of the stuff that we had in vanilla it's undeniable that they both have their strengths and weaknesses and they vary from person to person some people may not like current because it's a bit watered down and at the same time some people might not like classic because it won't ever receive content updates like there's a trend going on right now that if you like current you're not allowed to like classic or vice versa personally I say life is too short to put people down for liking certain versions of the game if you're watching this video and you made it through 20 minutes of my monotone voice you clearly have a love for the game yeah and I think that's something we can all appreciate so whether you're on the classic side or the current side remember that we're all on the world of warcraft side at the end of the day so play whichever you like and I'll see you in the next one [Music] farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video so you will get all started with Mal groups dude remember that member master a monotone voice he clearly haven't been where all the [ __ ] a dark portal the original Dark Portal the blue it's just like it's so so long ago like I hardly you also speaking as somebody who never experienced the original BG's like without them all that's right very beginning like that's right I don't think I did a single 60 BG with them not being cross roam so keep that in mind
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 494,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, twitch chat, mcconnell, madseasonshow
Id: 1ZyWHf9OPfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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