Asmongold Reacts to "WoW Vanilla - Was Old Naxxramas Really That Hard?" by Hamsterwheel

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[Music] this is a really popular video I never got a chance to watch this before hey guys hamsterviel gaming here and I'm here to talk about what these so-called veteran wild players are calling the hardest dungeon ever to be conceived as a red lizard old naxxramas naxxramas has long been considered to be the hardest dungeon and for a good reason it wore on the whole guild and while black mclaren astronauts were tough as hell naxxramas was unforgivable before I start explaining how hard it was and my personal experiences in knacks allow me to share some numbers with you okay warded Burning Crusade there were around eight hundred and ninety five thousand level 60 characters scattered across a hundred and seventy nine us servers there were only nine hundred gilts that managed to kill only one boss in naxxramas and take a guess at how many gilts actually cleared naxxramas on US servers wait nope you're wrong twenty-three that's right twenty-three guilt managed to clear the entire rate that means that an average of around 1,000 players got to kill Kel'Thuzad that's [ __ ] ridiculous is less than point one percentage of the entire u.s. player ban people I think there one like that percentage that is a number that has never been achieved with any other dungeon in the history of Wow hell no uh no other dungeon even it's very close to that number so why would are so few gilts and players that cleared the entirety of next rammus because BC was the year needed to be able to step into next rammus shall we yeah first of all the absolute minimum requirement in terms of gear was waiting C tier 2 or tier 2 point 5 40 sahir and nothing lower than items that were on par with tier 1 if you didn't have that kind of gear it was back to farming black from there or aq 40 so even before we here you had to run molten core to get tier 1 and then Blackwing black male heir and a q4 to get your hands on the tier 2 and tier 2 passing through rates and keep in mind would always race I just mentioned mentioned were 40 man raids and every boss dropped an average of 3x putting official epics 4 or 5 Heuer lucky but definitely three on average three for 40 people those three items on average had to be split over a 40 man raid group what I don't get not every rate had the exact same people so there were a total of around 60 to 70 people in that's why USD KP needed to be geared up in order just in order to enter naxxramas okay so after months and months are farming blacking lair on ex-cia q4e and such you finally had 40 people that were geared Fornax does that mean you're ready for this instance nope of course not because not only did you need some of the best items in game to start grading we had to get a turn you also needed 8 ton of consumables the encounters index 40 were actually so hard at the best possible gear you could get before next 40 was not good enough for next 40 if blazer did that now in miss the Pandaria there would be an outrage forums of people screaming in terror above the items but in wild vanilla that was it you had the tier 2 into 2.5 and that was it there was rhinos thing better before next 40 most kills attempted next 40 on weekends so during the weekday 62 Sean will force farm consumables such as potions food flasks and other stuff and this is where one of the things that really and this was one of the things that really wore on me as a healer if you were a healer and you had to farm consumables you were really [ __ ] because you did next to no damaging gold there was no spell power back then oh here - as tier 1 only gave you bonus healing which meant your offensive spells did no extra damage whatsoever so farming was extreme slow and extremely painful not only that there was no dual talent option where you could simply switch from resto de Ferrol and even if you could you probably didn't even have to put my gear for that's why because all the items that had agility and strength great game went to warriors and ropes who needed it for their main spec of course even if you somehow got your answers with decent Ferro gear respect cost a total of sixty gold every time that's right if you were to farm with your off spec you basically had to spend 60 gold to switch to that to that spec and another 60 goal to eventually switch to your rating spec that's a total of a hundred and twenty gold which was a lot of money back in those days a lot of money I was wantin like add some context for this so back in the day fifty gold was worth something like I would say the amount was I gotta go tonight the amount that was worth add like four or five zeros or add four zeros to any number in vanilla and that's the equivalent gold that it would be worth nowadays okay so if it's 50 gold add word that five hundred five thousand fifty thousand yes yeah somewhere around there maybe even more than that honestly in some cases it would be even more than that it's insane alright now we got 40 people who are geared and have a crapload of consumables are we ready to enter the instance now nope the final step to actually getting into the instance was the attuned quests which was a [ __ ] on its own first of all you had to get honored with it was abandoned you had to either farm now imagine if you are if you've just done Blackwing Lair you got a bunch of tier one you got the a bit of tier two gear and all of a sudden you have to jump into level 60 blue five man dungeons just to get honored that was extremely annoying because obviously you're not getting anything out of those dungeons apart from rabbits on of me I don't you get there are pretty useless unless for some kind of decent off spec items maybe maybe but that was really frustrating and after you get honoured he still had to throw down five arcane crystals one righteous orb and two Nexus crystals those regions used to cost an approximate of at least 200 gold if you were if you were revered it only cost ninety gold and if you were exalted the quest was completely free but getting accepted was extremely time-consuming so you to get past to get your pass for next maybe I'm wrong but I feel like even I was like revered okay so now we can finally enter the hardest instance in the entire game so I guess that now it's time to talk about the difficulty of the actual bosses there we go now there might be people here watching this video saying well I've cleared max and Brad Lich King and that was pretty hard well maybe but it was none compared to nexium Oh vanilla said that let me give you an example such as the locust swarm of a new pre-con the effect of locust swarm in Wrath cost a dot debuff that did around 1300 to us right here nature damage every two seconds what about it and it silenced the targets the effect of locust swarm in vanilla caused a dot debuff that date around 1200 damage yeah every two second and it silence a target that's right even though an average gear player and we're in Wrath had at least ten times more health yes the damage of the debuff was almost exactly the same as in vanilla yeah back then a proper geared cloth we had about 3,500 health and best which meant three ticks of that debuff and you were dead six seconds and you were dead you were done another boss that comes to mind is my pause that right there what the reason that they didn't change the numbers is Blizzard intended on players approaching the mechanic in a different way at level 60 Blizzard intended for players to kite a new merkon around the outside of the room and at level 80 they expected players to have the tank use cooldowns and tank the damage so that's why it wasn't changed because the mechanic was intended to be dealt with in a different way yeah but knacks was still hard one second guys I want it can somebody can two people queue up and do these islands if it can I'll each islands off of anybody just real quick if I can just leech this stuff if anybody wants to queue up and do Islands whyme afk that'd be great but I mean like if not that's okay too cuz like I'm really not doing anything I just figured I'd ask because I mean [ __ ] it you gotta take your chances enough rates and wrath could actually ignore the curse and didn't even bother to D curse however if there was no D cursing going on in a max vanilla it meant an instant wipe for the entire rate yes that's all it was now even the four horsemen fight you needed eight geared tanks eight not one not two not one main tank two off there's no eight gears tanks oh yeah that's absolutely insane compared to today's standards I remember in my go we actually had to try and steal gear tanks from other guilds to help us out because a we didn't have enough to tune tanks everybody did that they weren't all properly everybody obviously did that that's how far we had to go to even stand a chance against an encounter that wasn't even one of the last bosses in next 40 it was [ __ ] outs right it was that freaking brutal next 40 had almost the exact same damage damage values as next in breath wishing which makes Nasdaq sin breath look hilariously easy was just for a curse to be easy next in wrath which I was fully cleared in less than a week after its launch that's true let's take a look at Nexus when that's including leveling the patch for next rammus came out on the 19th of June 2006 and it wasn't until the 7th of September before kel'thuzad was finally killed that's right tire playerbase almost three months before one deal actually managed to clear the entire instance that is something that has that is just extreme if you compare that to other refunding months I mean instances in Burning Crusade came kind of close but this is a numbered has been unmatched stars was around years it was numbered thousand times right now yeah I'm sorry though years and there's there hasn't been instance that came even close this number that is absolutely insane crazy not only that in order to actually survive insane damage like this you needed resistance gear something that has become obsolete into this is the fun part of it yeah I wouldn't even I wouldn't even be surprised that people don't even know what resistance gear is for anymore I wouldn't be surprised but you actually need that it's eternal frost resistance nature resistance shadow resistance while fire resistance gear in order to properly withstand all the damage in this instance and resistance gear especially for frost was extremely scarce the elements were few frost items that dropped from bosses once again every single guy in that forty man group needed to get needed to have that gear so it could take another month before we actually had some frost decisions here which you absolutely needed for the fight against saccharin and it wasn't like you could just go to the auction house house and buy a green level 55 of the frost resistance gear no that was not enough you actually needed purpose-built frost resistance gear frost resistance gainer with fight with spell damage frost resistance gear with increased defense and a lot of stamina and that took a long long time if your rate didn't have any frost versus gear you could not do saffron if you couldn't do saffron you couldn't move on to kel'thuzad so basically if your guild didn't have any frost resistance you were stuck at saffron there are so much like that's the far the frost resist eight tanks if your rate didn't have any shadow or nature resistance gear it was an absolute [ __ ] to get through the beginning parts of the plague spider and abomination I don't know Louis Thep you need it resistant dick sucker himself alright let's recap a bit before we move on so like you know check out what aspects we have that make that make next forty really hard so far so so far we have the gear in terms of farming tier 1 and tier 2 and tier 2.5 yeah and now we have dealing with scarce loot while rolling against 39 other people in your raid that's the fun we have consumables which cost a crapload of money or took ages to farm if you didn't have a DPS character we have that freaking a tomb of quests which also costed a crapload of money the insane damage values and finally the mandatory resistance gear so now so now let's move on to trash don't forget about that as I just stated above you needed resistance gear - clear - clear out trash in several wings but not only that some trash actually respond after 30 minutes that's right you had 30 minutes to try and kill a boss until you were stuck at the start like to pause to kill all that trash over and over and over but you can really wear on you if you keep wiping on one boss that would [ __ ] making any progression whatsoever oh it definitely saw something else I want to bring up the drama next 40 was brutal and it wore out guilts one by one it was basically farming consumables during the week days which cost a lot of time and then wiping over and over again during the weekends all if he gets stuck on trash after 30 minutes and having to start all over again it was only a matter of climate where people in will started getting frustrated and started pointing fingers blaming other people etc many vanilla many vanilla tribes have said that next 40 was the guilt per acre and I quote if you wanted to tear your Gill apart you should do next 40 I guess now is a good time to tell you about my personal experience it's about right I was one I was in one of the top rating gilts on the frost main server called Leggio XE Co we were one of the first gilts to kill Nefarian and in a queue for tea we got to cast on before next 40 came out we had a great time in Mordor like Lehr onyxia but when we started doing next 40 we watched our own girls crumple apart we got sick and tired of spending hours and hours like teachers only to waste him on countless wipes finds him and which which meant fights in Ventrilo started happening people not wanting to do next ramus and even imagined spending three hours spending a hundred and sixty one hundred and twenty gold Therese back over to DPS to farm out consumables spending the sixty goal to respect back to healer using all the consumables going into naxxramas clearing all of the trash pulling the boss having one person [ __ ] up and losing all of that progress and having to reek ill the entire trash again god I cannot wait for Vidal it's gonna be [ __ ] great oh no nobody's gonna play nobody's gonna know I mean everybody will be burnt through the contents gonna be done it's it's over dude yeah [ __ ] more to us not getting any further and that eventually led into our guild eventually breaking up we managed to kill instructor Rosario and a brick cone and patchwork but after that we pretty much reached a dead end he were tired of wiping wiping pointing fingers we just gave up we left the guilt and we went her own way and that was pretty much the end of our guilt that's despite all the great times we had in black malaria molten core and the fun great times and women core next 40 just destroyed our guild I know it sounds dramatic but is it it really happened that way that happened in trust me it happened for so many guilts and so many people will tell the exact same story I'm telling now it destroyed kilts because of because of war on you so bad it was as I've said before brutal it was a cockadoodle move that imagine the lag and the horrible framerate players had to deal with at set manual a raid with 39 other people throwing around spells and killing tons of mobs I mean my computer background was considered to be a pretty decent game computer and even that thing struggled to get more than 25 frames per second compared that with while today we're even the most basic gaming PC world while vast range running Wow at 60 frames per second on medium settings it was and that that just made it extra difficult not being able to respond chaos just like that you basically were just always half a second behind because your frame rate was terrible and then there was the lag help some people actually disconnected from the server during fights such as Thaddius oh that is fine it would be unacceptable in today's Wow and it happened in vanilla in next 40 I've heard people say that next for me can be hard because the mechanics are a lot easier than today's mechanics from that sorrow and yes you are absolutely right I mean the mechanics for Garrosh on heroic are a lot more complicated and lot more advanced in WoW vanilla but keep in mind that back then we also didn't have nowhere near enough flexibility in terms bells and longevity almost every single spell was man expensive I mean you had healers going out of mana tanks lacking rage and almost no AoE aggro abilities and hunters also going out of mana that's very true yeah you heard me right dr. Santana back in those during those days and needed to carry around mana potions if they were to last during a long fight Huntress with man is way better the game no exception it happens I have a real-time and especially in naxxramas you needed to have consumables just to be able to survive just to have enough mana just to continue on healing or throwing frost balls or whatever you need it is well I guess that's everything I can tell you about next 44 now um I hope you realize how brutal this instance was back then and I'm pretty sure there are a few more arguments to explain how to you know convince people how hard max forty was back in well vanilla despite that I still had some glorious times in naxxramas and I can't deny I feel somewhat proud to be part of that you know that that handful of guilds who actually managed to kill some bosses in that godforsaken place yeah that was just yeah lots of memories there but not all of them were really great oh I hope you enjoyed this video and I want to know your experience in next 40 so if you want to share that then leave a comment below this video okay folks that my experience in max 40 was I zoned in and I got too close to the abominations in the construct quarter and they ran over and they killed me in one hit and I legitimately felt fear and I never logged back on I never went in there again like that was the first that was the only time I ever did that I was worried about that watch the follow-up video alright did he do it yeah let me see if he did a follow-up video I think that he did and not only did you have to farm the flasks you had to farm the potions you had to get the world buffs all this stuff you got to get the profession stuff you also had to get Yetta form the twitch bombs you had to form the twitch primes right now everybody in the chat take a break take a moment and go ahead and twitch Prime right now oh we don't mind just go ahead and click that button right above the stream and twitch Prime thank you very much okay all right thank you dude thank you oh wait why would that work well why I don't understand why that would work just a sec all right knacks where is it here review - I'm seeing if I can find this naxxramas trailer revisiting my old video wasn't actually that hard that's a 50 minute video like I'm not gonna watch that cap the ambulance take your honor to the ten gifted subs holy [ __ ] thank you thank you thank you dude thank you everybody for the twitch Prime's McConnell that one actually worked really [ __ ] well holy John yep that one work wow my god damn dude holy [ __ ] thank you so much man I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you wow that's [ __ ] insane thank you thank you thank you oh my god
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 492,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, world of warcraft, naxxramas, vanilla WoW, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, twitch chat, hamsterwheel
Id: xI7bYscqjEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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