Asmongold Reacts To "6 Tips To AVOID Getting Ganked In Classic WoW" - Platinum WoW

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I'll tell you what laddie I fear no hoard okay that thing it scares me ya know I ain't talking about that no wife okay he's not here is he [Music] one shudders to imagine what in sneaky mix there behind that monitor what dreams of funny and sustained cruelty [Music] [Applause] that's about right got him some dumb [ __ ] kid dude horrifying right I think we can fine you decide to plan a PvP server because well PvP is fun but well isn't fun about PvP servers is the ganking that's why in this video we'll be going over six tips on how you can avoid getting ganked okay number one is a big one try to slightly out level the zones you're going into this is probably most of your stranglethorn veil because this zone is really well known for its world PvP not someone who goes are stranglethorn bail as a fresh level 30 is going to be fresh meat for everybody else that's about something going into less contested zones beforehand so when you enter the war zone at around level 33 year 34 you get ganked by six years old sexy view as a threat rather than a free kill I'm not saying places like Hills Brad are totally safe zones but there's a difference between hey there's some alliance in that cave and oh my god there's 15 Alliance had Messing where he camp if you're going in as a low-level try and group up with other place was that was that a McConnell's character just a second was that McConnell's character I think it is they do to actually put McConnell's character in there holy [ __ ] we'll get that yeah it's the tempura it's our tavern what the [ __ ] so this is this is McConnell ganking everybody what the [ __ ] man those 15 Alliance had messing where he camp if you're going in as a low-level try and group up with other players yep ganking to people is a lot harder than ganking one all right even if you're a high level shrinks twice as hard a friend to watch your back is always loved and uh I guess that's tip number two huh so uh tip number two is to group up with other players tip number three is to use your positioning and your camera to your advantage now this is pretty easy just don't be clueless in these densely packed zones you should always be look like that make sure you don't see any red nameplates in the distance if you do keep track of them and make sure those damn road coming out of nowhere various yep positioning to help break l OS of any evildoers so they can't see you in the first place is also a good idea killing a mob when you're hugging a wall is much safer than just standing in the middle of a field where everybody can see you yeah number three boys your class abilities to ward off enemies first off try to not use your big cooldowns fighting mobs and zones where you feel like you're in danger of enemy players this is the way I see I do all this [ __ ] right even though my current Wow I'm still in like PvP mode cuz I played on a PvP server for like over ten years right and so I never used any of my big CDs yeah pop OC doesn't rush yeah the tip for don't stream yeah big true but also on top of that yeah you save everything you can and like there's another one for this this is remember I would do timeless Isle every single person that I would fight I'd size them up I'd say look at you you dumb [ __ ] in throne of thunder gear you probably don't even know what the hell is going on I don't need to use any cooldowns on you I can auto attack you down and you're gonna die but let's say I see somebody who's in full [ __ ] mythic siege of Orgrimmar gear I say [ __ ] okay all right I gotta pop some CDs and eyesize every single person if I look at their health I will get their gear I see how much HP they have I make an evaluation on how good they are and then I [ __ ] fight them based off of that that's what you do in ganking being away from a botched poll and saving those big cooldowns and using them for PvP yeah will be much more helpful oh I am scum wait why are also certain classes that are absolutely great at avoiding PvP why do I attract humanoids they have aspect of the cheetah they now using chap and flare that they can place on themselves just in case of presence and they also have feign death but you know that never works dudes are also basically designed to avoid getting ganked because of travel forum nature's grasp and tangling roads and most importantly stealth and Kitty for stealth is probably the most powerful ability to engage or disengage from combat and there's also some cool tricks you can do with it as well let's take this random Canyon and desolace for example the quest for [ __ ] that the mace the [ __ ] the thing with the Southshore you have to go do the thing you kill 20 of those guys or 30 way you can still throw all these mobs so that anybody that is trying to kill you will actually have to fight through these mobs to get to you you can even if you that's a really good point kill the mobs and stay in that area killing mobs and that's a very big Mars as a barrier for other players while you focus on killing mobs in this area but really there's a little bit of something every class can do that gives him the upper hand to stop them from being ganked even if it's minor except for warriors you can just die just it's just like I mean what the [ __ ] man like what the [ __ ] well I I play the worst class like what what's wrong with me like ever I got played at the worst class how did I pick the worst class this is crazy tip is actually to kill their players but it will save you yeah I'm getting killed by those players in the future in a study from Harvard University it was proven that 90% of ganks happen in questing areas I remember the reading you'll find lots of brawls happening in big areas where both factions need to for quests yep so for example it's higher at covent tenaris there's always this tense moment when there's two enemy parties in the same area and are just on the brink of competing for mobs everybody knows there's a brawl that's about to start it's just a matter of one see this is the this is my secret right is I never [ __ ] attack them because everybody in there is trying to level right like nobody really gives a [ __ ] like if you're a level 43 the only thing you're thinking about right now is getting 44 like you don't really give a [ __ ] about PvP so if somebody I never attack them I don't [ __ ] with them like if somebody [ __ ] with me I won't even attack them for like three seconds because let's say they do like three attacks on me and my health doesn't really go down and they realize oh [ __ ] right I'm like okay now you can leave but sometimes they'll stick with it and then we'll have to kill them but usually I still don't even attack them then I don't want to [ __ ] with them at all same here okay [Music] yeah I be Flossie shut the [ __ ] up I will [ __ ] laser you with alien [ __ ] eyes and explode your [ __ ] head what the [ __ ] [Music] okay the tip here is you can engage in combat just know throughout your whole time questioning in this area it will continue to be yeah they're gonna keep [ __ ] would love to keep grudges you got me wrong PvP grudge matches can be a lot of fun but just keep in mind that you'll be questing a lot slower because of it that's why I always follow an ancient Pandaren proverb don't [ __ ] people don't [ __ ] with people one does not [ __ ] why they quest hey fat-ass hey you're in the wrong game oh yes sorry sorry if you're gonna murder the action wait til you're done with your quest then you can murder them and get away scot-free as he ran off into the distance exactly this is the thing right it's like I used to play I used to do all my world quests on war mode until I actually did like an analysis of how long it would take me to do each quest and I realized that I was spending like 45 minutes in one zone where I would normally finish it in 15 because I would just be killing people for the other part now that that's all there would be and it's insane cowardly yeah probably smart definitely absolute tip because let's be honest you can run from it but you're gonna get killed by the enemy faction at some point probably alright and you're gonna get camped by another player so I'd recommend just logging off for a couple of minutes and doing something else some ideas include sleeping yawn during life's problems yep pretending classic still isn't out yep cry you could subscribe the Platinum Wow please please please or you could play retail well hey there you go dude maybe I went a bit overboard at that last one what are you doing if I run into a camping problem is I'll just play at all a bang cult specifically bang Colts are typically level 1 characters your main character can mail all their valuable materials - yes he'll bank on your main character after run all the way oh thanks it's all about this instead you can just mail all of your goodies over to a bank all when you find a mailbox on your travels well on my own I can organize all my mats those stuff up on the auction house and eventually after 5 minutes or so my mortal enemy will probably be gone our ancestors be praised so just save your first ensuring that that's usual town for a bit and try and do something else productive our last tip is unique to how classic Wow is going it's also like I mean if you're a streamer right it's different because like people you know it's a different thing like if you're just like a normal player right if somebody's killing you over and over and over literally just don't razz for like 5 minutes they're gonna get and leaf like that that's it works like every time they even with me right it was like I will I will sit there and I'll be invisible I'll be waiting for some guy to res and if he takes like like eight minutes I've got to sit there and wait for this dude to res and it's like there is a certain amount of satisfaction right because if you know somebody waits out there res for like ten minutes and then they rise up thinking that you're gone and then you cheap shot him and you [ __ ] kill him again and they're like surprise [ __ ] I'm still here I'm waiting for you all day I mean there is a certain amount of satisfaction you get out of that but having to wait ten minutes for that I don't know if it's really that much it's really that worth it I mean I used to do this all the time on my rogue I would literally just go over to hellfire peninsula you know I have a bad day somebody calls me bald and stream chat I finished the stream I get some Wendy's I come back and I just kill people in hellfire peninsula for about I don't know an hour and I have like I've literally recorded myself there is this one guy this is probably the best ganking story I have right there's actually second best there is this one guy this was during the Legion invasions and at the end of WOD and I was killing him on my demon hunter for like 45 minutes I was actually like an hour and 45 minutes it's a huge long period of time and I found all these like new inventive ways of killing him right so I would stand right next to him and then I would do like a 180 and then just like felt rush at him and kill him and then he took rez sickness but I knew he'd take rez sickness so I followed him to the graveyard and I killed him at the graveyard so there's no way that he could go anywhere right so he was stuck at the graveyard with rez sickness and he couldn't do a [ __ ] thing about it and I know fake story no you can say this all you want right but I I [ __ ] have a video of this I recorded myself doing it because I had so much [ __ ] fun I was amazing I I will have to post it demon hunter and WOD yeah they came out during the pre patch and basically I dared it out wouldn't like Hellfire peninsular Hellfire Citadel and I would just go around and do this [ __ ] it was [ __ ] amazing show it alright I'll find it I'll show it now find it so in phase 2 the PvP system will be out meaning that people will be killing as many players on the opposite action as possible to bring up this wouldn't be a problem except for well there's no battlegrounds in phase 2 yep so that means that world PvP will be absolutely insane yes zones will be better blood baths is it the gate level 60 before phase 2 I would say so exactly when phase 2 will start but my guess would be 3 to 5 months but that's just a total guess yeah the most intense zones are going to be the ones where players are in their 50s because max level play I'm gonna be honest with you guys I'm looking forward to phase 2 more than any other face I think the battlegrounds will make it boring like I'm not even looking forward to battlegrounds like I don't even like I don't care about playing battlegrounds at all like who gives a [ __ ] like I mean if I want to play battlegrounds and like have that be fair I could just play retail wow like I play war song gold true whatever like would it be fun to play one every once in a while like yeah sure but I would rather have only world PvP and no battlegrounds then have battlegrounds and have world PvP be made kind of irrelevant because like once battle grounds come out nobody's really going to do world PvP on the same level that they will it will happen in Phase two like phase two I'm gonna tell you guys phase two is going to be the golden age of vanilla Wow right they changed some rule sets and and made them terrible well wait they changed rule sets for what I'm not sure what you mean that's fun but like in general I love 20 I feel like it will be the Golden Age of classic well you have no idea what you're talking about woah woah in retail Bee Gees I don't know I mean like it's like dude trust me like if you did RBG's back in cata and are back in like mists of pandaria whatever before they implemented the [ __ ] the 25 minute limit on Warsong Gulch and you were in a Warsong Gulch and it was 0 to 0 and it's 2 hours and 17 minutes into the match and both of the teams are too [ __ ] autistic to let you let the other one win because they've got some grudge match that started back in Burning Crusade then they [ __ ] hate each other because they've been ddossing each other for the last 5 years and nobody will quit and you just have to sit there and [ __ ] endure it because you know that this is gonna be a stalemate for like 6 hours until the server's go down then yes Mike maybe you might address but in general I don't know I do think that you're like where were we I know we had this conversation respond about like how in in some ways like not having the timer is like good it makes it interesting but in RBG's I can't say that I I miss not having a timer now that being said though like I love the idea of the face to like I really really love the idea face - I'm very very excited I think I think RBG's are just kind of like a different I think RBG's are like a different animal but like yeah how the game feels in general like whatever I'm just like randomly doing BG's and then it's like oh okay we you know somebody got the flag and then it's just a turtle until like the 25 or 30 minutes or whatever it is for Warsong it just makes it really boring like I think retail battlegrounds just like absolute night the only battleground that I really like in retail is temple of Como that's probably my favorite that's that might be my favorite BG right now I actually like I'll be honest you know might trigger classic people I actually like twin peaks' more than Warsong Gulch because it just feels like more dynamic but overall like I would say that like more song and Twin Peaks having the BG timer it's not really that bad in retail Wow in my opinion because everybody that plays random Bee Gees sucks so bad that they never even think to run out the timer unless it's like three minutes left so I do think that's at least kind of a positive but you're right where you don't really have those comebacks in the same way that you would in like classic I'm where we had a few games right where we came back from like a two one [ __ ] two one cap yeah no I think I think it's good I think battlegrounds are gonna be fun like Phase two I think phase two is gonna be nuts they're gonna be wrong it's gonna be an absolute bloodbath it's gonna there's some things about it that actually could be kind of bad like what be honest I think all those people that are trying to avoid the streamer server are gonna be in for a rude awakening why that's what I think because basically like a lot I think phase 2 is going to be the most competitive rank that anybody has ever experienced on private servers and real and in real life whatever retail vanilla whatever phase 2 rank is gonna be incredible competitive if you're not level 60 by the end of phase 2 especially on a big server like Herod you were gonna get every single flight path camped chill wind like and anything that's high-level Morgan's vigil thorium point any of those flight paths they're all gonna be camps because people are going to try to do whatever they can to get whatever honor they can and get the highest ranking yeah I think that's definitely true I mean like maybe that'll be the case but there's always gonna be people that are gonna counter camp that right it's like if I know that there's people that are like it's like in pub G for example we're like if you're outside of the edge you go to the edge to kill people that are waiting on the edge to kill the people that are coming in from being outside you know yeah and so like there's always a Mzoli's a bigger fish in a way there's like there's like a rock-paper-scissors thing it's like hard for me to say but in general I think that phase two is gonna be [ __ ] awesome like not having I do think that the game will be better without BG's and I mean I think I think Bee Gees are good too I think I like yeah I guess so but to me personally it's like if somebody the plays retail a lot I guess like a difference to me would be not having Bee Gees so that seems more appealing yeah I think yeah like I understand what you're saying I think I think having these battlegrounds balances out the game a lot more and while like I didn't particularly think that they should put in battlegrounds of the honor system there's definitely some concerns about not having the battlegrounds in with honor system yeah I'll be very curious to see how people cuz like so you could have like death squads if you're a streamer of people of the opposite faction that are just feeding you kills no the thing is is like yeah the 25% thing but it only goes down to 25% right I don't know I don't know yeah I don't think well here's the thing first off it's like it's like it's actually win trading right so that's one yeah but then like so regardless of like TOS or whatever yeah I don't know I don't know how worth it would be even even if it wasn't against us I'm assuming he's against us cuz to me that's like when trading I don't know I'll be curious to see how they do that because there were people that did that at the beginning the pre patch between be FA and Legion and a lot of them did get their stuff roll back so they probably will mm-hmm I think Stella is gonna be the best server for people who want the authentic vanilla experience because it's like the new server that people didn't pick with a bunch of like different like I don't know prejudices yeah basically I think I don't know that's just what I think I think you got like Herod which like is much like the I think it was private server people want Herod yeah I think you have for Alina which is a streamer server you have Stalag which like you said it's it's kind of like the the rollover server but really you don't need like a million people playing there for an authentic vanilla experience right but if you have 3,000 people playing on a server then that's like that's what the old vanilla server cap was and then you have white main and that's the 4chan anime waifu server yep Oh what yeah why yeah it's the 4chan anime waifu web server oh okay all right that's all right thank God we're playing on Farah Lena that that's amazing okay good Fairbanks yeah I don't know about any of this [ __ ] dude like I'm just glad that I'm I don't need to worry about any of that weird [ __ ] okay I'm gonna finish this video see what else they say you just can still get money from them okay you don't need a speed level just realize that if you're on a pvp server you kind of have a deadline before your life is going to be a miserable experience yes now when battle grounds actually come out this probably won't be a problem cannot wait to do a view in the phase two it's just going to be a really really rough time so those are my six tips to help you from getting murdered while on your adventures in Azeroth but there are a lot more tips I can make in this video and some of them include playing on a PvE server bribe the enemy player base don't be a streamer be a streamer don't play at all and never leave the starting zone that's some of these game hope you don't get gang problem solved and if you do please refrain from punching your monitor I know I dared I'm [ __ ] dad dude I'm [ __ ] that dude oh oh yo what up thanks for watching my little video and thank you to my patrons and you already know who they are it's B Cohen it's a steal it's mixed bag it's Milwaukee its Juden Laster it's Caleb will sit there it's happy Tron it's half Fitness it's Kirk a blue moon it's fkp mods and it's for the Horde and thank you to all these other people too oh okay all right you know what I appreciate it and you can support me alright link in the description thank you for watching this video there's gonna be one more video before classic release it's 9:10 so stay tuned subscribe and then I like this one too and I will see you soon why am I just a minute I want to go ahead I'm gonna link you the video that I just watched and I'll watch this real quick okay look at that comments yeah just give me a second I will look at the comments there's the video right there I think this guy put a lot of work into that video that he did and I'd like to give him some credit here so well let's go ahead we're gonna give him a sub and make sure that we give them a like - let's see what the comments aren't here the great send-off scene is probably funny shits in a while Bravo my guy okay pretending classic isn't out this guy just made jean-claude Van Damme square with blackjack kid and tenaris who would have thought our face - everyone's gonna stock up on consumables and engineering gadgets welcome to the meat grinder soldier yeah I'm [ __ ] excited don't stream wait what don't be as Minh gold son of a [ __ ] and he liked the comment - look at this wrong week that was the wrong link wrong link oh [ __ ] okay what I linked in alright just a second there there's that video instead there you go there's the actual video sorry I don't know why what other [ __ ] video I want yeah can you [ __ ] believe this don't say in stream you're a good doer okay I'm alright guys I won't you understand I'm not a good doer until I get 60 and I get good gear then I'll probably be okay alright so like you're not able to gank me until I hit 60 do not do not hacked me until I hit 60 and at that point do it everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 169,029
Rating: 4.8727465 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold channel, asmongold youtube channel, asmongold classic wow, asmongold classic, classic wow, asmongold platinum wow, platinum wow, platinum wow classic, platinum wow wow, platinum wow classic wow, asmongold platinum, asmongold gank, asmongold ganked, amsongold classic wow gank
Id: 9Bo3IUs8i9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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