Asmongold Reacts To Classic VS Retail WoW Raiding - Platinum WoW

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rating and classic vs. rating and retail Wow World of Warcraft has been out for a very long time there's been hundreds and hundreds of changes to the game but there's one aspect that has remained an important part of end game and that's raiding oh I don't know about that in retail okay okay since the game's inception there has always been a point to gather all your friends together and throw yourselves at giant bosses for hours and hours in hopes of getting some fancy new gear trust by trading being a core concept of the game you'd be surprised it's changed I mean after saving the 144 times there needs to be some generative innovation to keep it interesting Oh radical yeah just that rating has gone through has never been more apparent than now now that classic WoW is out so let's compare contrast critique and criticize what it's like the rate in classic Wow and the modern version of the game okay okay so before the preface by saying that when I talk about retail rating I mean normal heroic and mythic I'm not talking about no far because it's just far too easy in this just this a joke ass [ __ ] game so since my channel is about classic it might seem like I have a hardcore classic bias but I actually really enjoy rating at retail and it's basically the only reason why I still play retail ok so well we don't want a sense out of the way let's actually talk about some rating okay before we start rating well we're gonna have to get to the raid and we can already find distinct difference in this between the two games in classic getting to the raid is an event in itself typically your whole guild will group up in one big death valley for traveling to the instance this is because you want one I get the Onyxia buff at your main city or any other world buffs or because you're on a pvp server and entering Blackrock Mountain alone opens you up to being jumped by the opposite action so you I think that's cool like in classic Wow like the the fact that that kind of happens organically is really [ __ ] cool like I I don't know I just really like it a lot I think it's like it's one of the cool things that the game has that they've done yeah it's a sense of community and well it's something that happens it's not like Blizzard makes this happen it's what players do and it's how the game is evolved and I think it's just really cool to see like all 40 people coming into the raid all at the same time I think it's awesome you got a roll out with your whole guild cranking Led Zeppelin as you kill anything younger path exactly to the entrance oh god here they come in the modern game it's a lot more streamlined as of recording yes you get to the current rate by taking a portal from your main city and then flying to the entrance of the raid the addition of summoning stones also really hopes because everybody has that one guy that shows up five minutes late every raid night that guy that's me that's me that's what I would do all the time you show up five minutes late to a boss you don't want to show up for you wait for them to set groups and you join you right oh I'm here guys I all you don't need me okay bye you know and that's it I used to the exact same [ __ ] you know and I I think in retail while right what do you do to get into a city simple you joined a group anyway for summon if they don't summon you [ __ ] it dude quit that group join another group who cares well you can summon people in class yeah it takes up a rock soul shard and you can't summon people outside of the raid get into the raid that's the big let's say you're a gross and you need to summon a new player they have to zone it all the way back out of the instance the summon them so one kept hearing the two in the monitor version the game traveling to the raid is an afterthought that makes little to no difference while in classic it's an important hurdle you need to jump to start reading because well you need to travel to the raid to start killing boss yeah it takes like 20 minutes Sudoku so know that we're at the raid listen check out the raids themselves ok the obvious thing to mention is classic has atonements basically meaning does that you are required to do to get into the instance this can be a hump your guild needs to get over before you even start killing bosses and for molten core there's an additional hurdle you need to get over which is getting the water to dust the rooms and the raid the fight the final boss just doing the raid is hard in classic way that's the things they just do it's like getting through just getting in there is a pain in the ass or is like in retail wow it's like a [ __ ] lighted red carpet please come down here and join the raid oh boy come on come on come on everyone's invited you know and that kind of [ __ ] right but with with classic man there's like all these different ways you can [ __ ] it up there's all these different ways like oh there's a raid lockouts and everything like that I'm sorry I just can't [ __ ] get behind I don't like it I think that making the raids hard to get into makes them so much [ __ ] better man it just does it feels better to be in the raid after you know that you put a lot of effort trying to get into it the first place this involves a select few Raiders grinding elementals for hours and you don't want to forget to do this like some streamers majordomo [Applause] trash also plays a big part of raids and classic to the point okay here's the thing I have that only I did that on purpose I was worried that our group was so unprepared and not ready that we wouldn't kill the boss and so I intentionally didn't summon the last two bosses or prepare for it so that we wouldn't have to face the disappointment of it in order to preserve the group's morale and I took the fault on myself you couldn't you can cap that all you want but that's what it was where trash is far more difficult than the actual bosses and you'll spend a majority of your time killing trash trapping bosses there are some but clenching trash pulls in classic because they can go south really quickly and wiping waste size or hunt if you wipe you off to make sure one of your healers has a soul stone or any other type of wipe affection and then they'll slowly res everybody that's 10 minutes von Drake why everybody get up and this whole process probably takes like 7 to 10 minutes a tune in sand mouth biting water and all this stuff none of this applies to retail Wow you think I'm Zone in and start clearing without a care in the world trash and retail can be difficult but it's more or less just used as a mean boss poles I will do using trash to highlight certain mechanics for the upcoming boss is a very cool concept and something I hope they continue to do in the future I always forget about this like you just complete your right like having trash mobs in retail wow that use the mechanics that bosses have that they're you're fighting trash up to the boss and the tragedies is the mechanics that the boss is gonna have I like that a lot that's a great way for Blizzard to handle things also wiping basically has no effect in Reno Wow you just spawned right in front of the boss fencing yeah but hey we are raiding just to kill some trash mobs so let's talk about some bosses okay a child not so much as a single spell can be cast in master thar without my knowledge difficulty is created in two totally different ways between these games Noah classics difficulty comes from the prep and organization and retail Wow's difficult Kanaka skill and the individual responsibility of players that's the one that I hate the individual responsibility part that's that that's what makes retail raids hard is it individual responsibility any fight that emphasizes individual responsibility is hard Star augur ålesund gold dan kil jaeden fallen avatar these fights are hard because one person who's stupid can ruin it for the whole raid it's not about getting carried it's about the fact that you can have one person mess it up if you've done star auger on progression back in night hold you would know that almost every single person probably made at least one or two mistakes on Grand conjunction right therefore I ran into the wrong spot they probably did something stupid so or they died with the debuff or something bad happened where they weren't able to do it the fact is that it just creates like it's really annoying right it's just it's really [ __ ] annoying more than anything I hate the individual responsibility fights they're they're the most stressful and unfun thing for me in that in retail Wow in other words classic difficulty comes from before the poll and retail while difficulty comes from the actual boss fight exactly I think that's probably the best distinction that you could ever draw right I've said that exactly myself before so I totally agree prep is a big part of classic Wow dealing with 40 people is not an easy task and a lot of moving cogs need to be working in order for it to be efficient it's actually asides I didn't meet for a second you've got a raid leader calling out place as the main group to victory that's class leaders managing who does what for each class yep you also need to assign healers to heal specific people yep in you a couple of competent tanks and lastly you need some DPS all needing the focus a specific enemy at times and to make sure they're not pulling threat and to top it all off you have some bosses that have a couple of mechanics that are easy in theory but with 40 people there's bound to be some errors but if all these cogs in your garage are working well raiding is easy it's stupid easy yep you got to keep in mind this content was made 15 years ago 15 years ago people had crappy computers 15 years ago their internet sucked and 15 years ago they sucked at the game yeah I don't even think I was potty-trained here there's also an argument to be made that difficulty of classic grades comes from clearing it as fast as possible no matter what part of classic year and every grade is going to be useful in some sort of way so guilt should try and clear every raid every week that's not slow in this process you're gonna be rating every night so for Guild the challenge young nothing better to do clearing these raids compare this to retail where you can literally raid with 10 people for heroic and normal difficulties the truth is having a small and flexible raid roster makes the organization of a raid team a lot easier of course I mean like if you if you if the fights were as easy as they were in classic and you only needed 10 people to do them I mean there would just be a joke I mean like oh it's three mechanics you have to deal with like yeah of course they have to add more mechanics like you take away players you have to add more mechanics or the difficulty and having more people goes away and if I just become easier even in mythic getting 20 people together is much easier than 40 yeah I believe we're a strength and difficulty comes from rito rating is the boss fights they have had 15 years to perfect this aspect of the game and say what you will about retail Wow trust me I don't really like it either but rating has always been amazing even in the bad expansion raids are still really good hell Blackrock foundry is my all-time favorite raid and Black Hand is easily hands-down the best fight I've ever done I can guarantee you this guy did not play a melee class and if he did it was a rogue black hand okay absolutely completely 100% [ __ ] black hand I hated this gunfight yeah he was for you back whenever we went through it halfway through and you know everybody had a ton of gear and you just got carried yeah it was that's progression man okay I read come on okay you're so kind Blizzard has continued to push the boundaries to make some very close on interesting fact a black founders [ __ ] them and I applaud them for that the personal responsibility of a player is far greater in retail rating because of the smaller raid size yep in the abundance of mechanics during boss fights berry Alba is much more faster paced because of all this stuff going on during the boss fight yep gameplay for each class is much more involved I've mainly been focusing on molten core since it's the current raid and classic as of recording this but it's true that some bosses later in classics lifespan can be a bit difficult but it's nowhere near the polished retail Wow has with their encounters again remember this constant old as dirt so this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone I know look at this footage I can literally count the pixels on this so we've talked about travel trash bosses but it's time to talk about why we're all here and that's for those professor plums baby ruin raid classic raids barely drop any gear yeah I'm talking only a small handful of items for each boss this makes the young process a lot slower but I'm off forever Hannibal unless your scenarios raid gear is the best gear in the game yeah but when you finally equipped it you're on cloud nine and you look like a badass he's very hot there's no transmog in classic when people see you in the main city with all that gear they're gonna know you're the real deal so not only is there a sensation for a digression of your character but there's also a cosmetic progression of your character and like it or not people like being pretty in retail aggression of your character was like it or not Pete artists I've said this forever cosmetic progression matters just as much as actual character progression if you can go to the city but only if it correlates the character progression if it doesn't correlate the character aggression it doesn't matter right but if you have cosmetic progression that correlates to your characters progression and so like the more badass your character is the more badass your character looks that is the perfect [ __ ] thing to have people like being pretty in retail there is an overabundance of gear you can get gear from multiple different avenues of the game yep and that with the addition of Titan forging makes all these purple items you collect just this blur of gear I'll be honest I cannot name you one piece of gear I have on my character in retail Wow but in classic don't I have the seventh Legion doors Legionnaires Claymore and I have gotoku right I think for my weapons I have the heart of Azeroth that's right oh yeah and I have the coral trinket I think I have a quote from Oregon yeah I could list every single item for you because it was a momentous occasion when I finally got it having a clear best in slot item is a lot more compelling to me at least rather than a hodgepodge of items that I hope get titan-forged I agree okay now with all that information I just speed at you let's summarize the positives and negative aspects of rating in each game the classic it's a huge time investment to be constantly in a rain team it's not very convenient and the bosses are simple and can be pretty easy but gear is a lot more rewarding and you're in a larger community and truly you're a part of something bigger and you're a part of something bigger than yourself I had to take a piss guys I'm sorry be right back pay attention to husband's eyebrows yeah we good detail rating is a lot more streamlined and easy to get into it constantly has new and interesting bosses on a faster pace mechanics but the gear leaves something to be desired yeah gear sucks it's a waste of time both of the their rewards to rating and in retail suck that's why people don't do it if the rewards to rating what's wrong with the eyebrows like what are you talking about his like the bald guy I'm so confused here well it doesn't matter anyway in general a caveman yeah what the [ __ ] you your eye okay anyway let's see here um I I don't know I have forgotten even wants no say it distracted me these games have their positives and their negatives but at the end of the day I love them both and you should too [ __ ] I love you [Music] nice try Regnerus Louie okay yeah okay all right all right occasions people like so do you mr. John Milwaukee okay all right Ian McNeil oh we go on line sucks for the Horde guru bloomin master-hand fishy lawn gnome it sounds like he's reading donations get a rom excellent and Vlad rubella oh my god there's a lot of these guys now and all these other people too hey guys thank you so much coming this month stay tuned like subscribe and see you guys later I think this video is pretty fair I don't know about you guys but III agree with it in general like I don't know I just think it's a it's a pretty good analysis and dichotomy of the difference between like classic and like retail rates the main issue right is that like classic raids like I think we're saying here is right it's like the difficulty in classic raid two curves outside of the raid the difficulty in retail raids occurs inside of the raid in classic just getting 40 people to show up is hard just getting people to do all the mechanics and retail is hard because the mechanics and themselves are hard the other thing in retail that you forget about is the fact that the mechanics on these bosses like it's not like let's look at like what was he doing he's doing this fight right here right what do you really alright this is actually the easiest fight in the [ __ ] dungeon but like let's just use this as an example there is almost same whenever saying for the past year it doesn't new know it wasn't really new but the point that I'm making is still the same the other thing with retail Wow is that the rotations are a lot more complicated the rotations are way more [ __ ] complicated and that's something that I don't think that a lot of people realize is that whenever you're looking at the rotations and everything like that is it I I'm sorry I'm just I'm really what you guys are saying the highbrow thing is really kind of distracting me okay yeah that that's a little bit too much for me man it makes me like self-conscious about how I'm doing things I'm like acting on stream and it just makes me it just distracts me okay anyway yeah it's it's I don't know it's it's words it's McConnell I guess it is men anyway let's see what I was gonna say McConnell said it yeah it's it's annoying anyway doing your classes rotation is hard in classic as well so it's not it's not just the it's not just the rotation and like the the boss mechanics is also your class's rotation too I think that's really the main thing meant [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 275,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold raid, classic wow raiding, asmongold platinum wow, platinum wow, platinum wow classic, asmongold platinum, wow raiding, asmongold classic raid, wow raid, classic world of warcraft, classic raiding, retail wow, asmongold retail, platinumwow
Id: zOueL49KJhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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