Asmongold Can't Believe There's A "How to Gank Asmongold" Guide For Classic WoW

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my guide on the tips and tricks to gank Esmond gold and water Warcraft classic on the fairness server including his reactions to the ganks for the Horde by the way I wasn't that mad this is a clip from me being mad about something else I wasn't that mad about him hello everybody tonight what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through each of my clips absolutely dominating this watching him further and further into Maltin as' so let's go ahead and roll the first yeah he did pretty well I start chicken did very well too alright he's been getting a lot better the amount of bonuses he's able to give the other hewers iyx our chickens been popping on had a a really bright future in argument cuz I knew it was gonna happen okay you know what alright let's just stop right here at this point I am dual wield tanks pecked there's nothing that I'm really going to be able to do about this situation right I it doesn't matter it doesn't make a difference at all like I'm dual wielding I was gonna lose no matter what shut up I'm not ready I'm not ready just I'm not ready for this I said I wasn't ready I'm not ready for this [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll use the grenade grenade on me are you [ __ ] serious and look I don't you don't even kill me like the warrior kills me right here 672 executed by the warrior I need to find respect but look at this epic music I hate Shadow Priests so goddamn much now at this clamp I had actually just got done and killing star chick and a number of times the assertion that star chicken is somewhat forming well in my opinion is baseless it's rather easy to dispense of no being sent here I was minding my own business and I see minding my own business that's the biggest lie I've ever heard I leap and watch what happens yeah you fear me we know I fear and look what happened I caught a boys I absolutely destroyed him and what happens next is simply embarrassing I should just run away I really should have just run away I went into range of his intercept but as you can see I quickly disposed of asking gold this [ __ ] edge of you he has no [ __ ] scarf eat a shadow priest yeah cuz you can't way nobody tells him in fact two of them get on me alright yeah the level 50 watt warrior though I'm sure that's really bad course hitting 442 of asmin gold as if he were a fly and his butt buddies per usual try and take me out but I also dispose of them not even an issue I not an issue at all now this next clip is one of my favorites stop I'm not ready for you I what I didn't even wanna I didn't even want a duel I I didn't even want a PvP I'm fury man I'm fury and he does this [ __ ] good good thank you now I can stop the other Shadow Priests it's coming down to them don't worry about me I'll be fine no this is good I I wanted him to do I wanted him to do that I wanted this to happen wait I don't have my potion up no I didn't want this happen what no no no no no no no no no no hey this is a guy [ __ ] wait he's sapper charge he's Savin or you know [ __ ] so many this is a guy well yes well right there he actually [ __ ] Safford to kill me he's a bird just for the kill right there and it was a to be one I didn't even know that was gonna happen I should have had my final our person yeah that's the way it goes he had no idea what happened to him now let's give an overview of what just went on there seeing him on the chain yeah okay I see him on the chain I know I know I every time you see an asmin gold there's a train of but buddy pocket healers right behind him yeah and right behind all my druggie [ __ ] dream snipers what am I supposed to do what oh what am I supposed to I've got I've got all the [ __ ] stream sniper because I do love it you encourage it you say oh guys come over here kneel me come on guys come on Lucas what else am I gonna do my just gonna get killed by three v1 over and over at more [ __ ] YouTube videos made about me like cooking this guy I'm in half help I'm at a half help I must get emceed down into the lava MC down into the lava and there's a Thor who got kicked out of my [ __ ] guild who's here - your best bet is to isolate him I see him fighting this mage and just of course his yep he gets healed up and there's more healers coming behind us see if there's another one so I I just quickly dispose of him they are into lava complete okay so she says into water would simply running past me doing nothing to prevent the situation absolutely being dead and he thinks he is escaped he thinks he is in the clear but in fact I jumped down levitate to get into position and quickly fear him deeper into the lava my fear Howard breaks early that is not my fault anyway he is quickly disposed of as soon as he pummels me I simply switch out of shadow form and start healing here's the thing here's the thing is it all of these clips that he's showing is me with my dual wield tanking bill my disposed oh I'm not even playing I'm not even playing a ppb old meanwhile this guy's following me all around [ __ ] Azeroth like a battle pet and I have to deal with this [ __ ] constantly it's like if I if I left if I live if they catch me slippin just for a second there's a youtube video about it easy fog pepé hands etc etc in a sapper charge to finish him off and completely disrespect him but I do not let them do it disrespected then there's that dick sucker there's that dick sucker all right you know get his ass cos he's running away he's running away go after him now go after him now this is fine we're gonna be okay now here I use one of my most infamous strategies the IRL mind control and it helps me escape this deadly situation okay killed yes IRL mind controlled into the lava easy babaca I've been really kind of lazy with my reactor and e-content and I do apologize for that oh my God he's using a [ __ ] invisibility potion noé and envision oh my god oh my god dude wait he put me in the zoo well he put me in the zoo man okay sorry I don't want to be in the zoo [ __ ] dude so here on alright now we get the play-by-play of it listen well here's what happened is I was reading chat I wish I was just simply reading chat and that's the way it goes man dude your worst what would even pissed about that one keep watching okay alright that's fine I'll keep watching am i noticing wait we'll get we'll get yeah look at his [ __ ] whispers I'm watching and then says I'm waiting for though I'm waiting for the right moment lol look at how disgusting this person is I mean they're literally sitting there in in party chat talking about how they're gonna [ __ ] stream sniped me I mean I'm coming along and yeah I can outsmarted I pop an invisibility potion pretend as if I don't see him by looking ahead I quickly hurt him like there was any sort of a possibility in my mind that he wasn't he didn't see me strafe left he thinks I'm running straight but in fact I have gone behind him and despite him being surrounded by a crew of Special Olympics who don't even see me I get the mind control and throw the ninja olympos member into the zoo where he belongs now I hope you all enjoyed my video these videos are not easy to make as you can see it takes quite a few consumables to get past as Minh and his special group so if he wouldn't mind sending me some gold in them are you [ __ ] serious are you [ __ ] this is ridiculous hey what the video is not over ill to advertise on the fair aleena server I would appreciate it as I can not afford an epic mount and having an epic mount would help me continue to dominate his guild as you can see in this clip I dominate his heel or Paladini who McConnell is 100% correct about his complete garbage McConnell is much better than Paladini in my experience McConnell actually killed me months Paladini is just as awful in every possible way and in my opinion should be the guy's is he's holy wait this guy's running him down as a Shadow Priests Paladini is [ __ ] holy and this is he removed from Olympus and replaced by McConnell and is beyond me as to why as Minh goals gave him the tier 2 helm over McConnell that helm is clearly a ret paladin helm with spell damage that the as McLaughlin and let alone that Paladini would roll on that over McConnell please send me your gold so I can afford an epic mount to continue my domination over the ninja Olympus guild additionally follow me on twitch twitch TV slash advertised SP SP of course being an abbreviation for Shadow Priests for the Horde legend for the horn well listen this guy has a bunch of clips of him mind-controlling me off the edge or something that is the best thing that he has in his name and then also randomly running down a pound and in my guild in full PvE quaff gear that's it nothing else besides that III don't want to hear about this [ __ ] right now if he's hooking his voice a for the Horde that one yeah I can do that too and the best part about it is that there's another [ __ ] video I know exactly what video this is to like III remember this this happened yesterday or two days ago let's go ahead and let's do the eyes of shadow I think that's a good idea where's this guy going every day every [ __ ] day I read this dick suckers name that's right there's not a single day that goes by that I stream that I don't read that [ __ ] name that's right I don't know what it is that's right I really don't but you know for whatever reason they just love to go after me let's go down to the dock whisper you know what it is what dude he's advertising himself okay but it's gonna skip ahead okay guys actually it's just 10 seconds [ __ ] it we'll just watch it same shirt well yeah of course it's the same shirt there's three days ago dude like what the [ __ ] do you expect me to do should I do a epic mount stream oh yeah what oh I did say I would do that no what is it should I do an epic mountain stream or not yeah how about happened how do I get him seed I thought I couldn't walk over those no I I'm honestly confused like how is that even work yeah how do I get him so obvious you know what this is you know how like you know how sometimes if you like own a restaurant and you you think everything's going good you just do your day-to-day business yada yada yada sometimes you have those dudes come in that they don't announce it but they're reviewing your your restaurant and your food yeah that's what this guy is doing he's reviewing Olympus and you and guess what buddy you're not getting a [ __ ] Michelin star here yep yeah how do I get him seen there and what the [ __ ] mind-controlled know I know that I got mind-controlled but I just don't know how I got mine controlled that's what's so weird like who mind controlled me MC helmet and I thought you can't walk people off the edges but simply though I don't know why it's confusing to me look at his title look at his [ __ ] stream thing look at us right here as Mon ganker yeah as Mon ganker I mean this is keep up the god work what the [ __ ] is this dude how to get nine [ __ ] posts just not all heroes wear a cape ooh disposed mongold disposed of mcconnell what are you what's up what's up you're tell--you're your [ __ ] telling them what to do and what to say hey hey I mean that's what I do it's what I'm good at man I'm good at creating content for all these retards on twitch I want something to do something to watch yeah I guess so [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 569,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, wow classic, classic wow, classic world of warcraft, asmongold gank, how to gank asmongold, asmongold classic, asmongold ganked, asmongold how to, classic how to, wow how to, classic wow how to, wow guide, classic wow guide, asmongold guide
Id: -GG5QPCx6Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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