Asmongold Reacts to INSANE CRINGE CRYPTO ISLAND | by KiraTV

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Not sure which is more cringe, him or the island

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/elegant-jr 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
how can so many people be so stupid this is crazy like i feel like i'm i'm watching the development of like a a new cult real world crypto island it's worse than it sounds somehow it can't possibly be worse than it sounds well let's find out about that and you just huddle you just huddle and huddle auto people are paying 50 million dollars plus for a plot of land that's what i'm thinking when you thought it couldn't get more ridiculous guys it just did if you watched my video from yesterday talking about crypto land uh becoming an island boy i'm a just island but [Music] we're all going to be island boys when we when we it seems that way the moon uh rocket emoji buzzword buzzword yeah we're going to talk about this today i've been i've been looking into this a little bit further is this real it's worse than what you thought we were thinking this might be satire and then when i watched the video which you can go check that out i'll link it in the video description it's not satire it would have been the funniest video ever made if it was but this is real and that is the scary part that is that you can think this is a joke but it isn't and i've been looking into cryptocurrency i own cryptocurrency have done for a long time i'm not a what they refer to when they're cult speakers and no coiner not a hater of the technology no corner i guess and what this company is using to detract from like any form of valid criticism uh essentially these people are selling plots of land on an island that they don't own then why did anybody buy it like this like selling real estate on the moon but why would anybody but why would anybody give them money like this is what's so crazy look at this guy's shirt he's got a shirt instead of coca-cola it's cryptocurrency is this [ __ ] like how can so many people be so stupid this is crazy like i feel like i'm like i'm watching the development of like a a new cult this is nuts like how can anybody believe this i can't believe it's unreal uh which you know you should immediately be turned off by that idea but there's there's even worse elements of this so they've stolen assets from people for their promotional video would have never expected them can you not use my asset in this video please yeah instead of saying yes instead of saying no let's have a conversation maybe we'll pay you for it yeah yeah just block them on twitter because apparently that's how they operate i've never had them on twitter never spoke to them never mentioned them on twitter i'm blocked on twitter so they've actually watched this this is always a very good indicator that a uh a project any sort of like ideological perspective is a uh is solid and strong is if you block anybody who questions it so it's that simple yeah so if anybody questions the ideology you get [ __ ] blocked i wonder if it's really a good idea or not it's crazy at preemptively blocking him and so that's how insecure they are and then retroactively went and found my twitter account and blocked me for just no reason whatsoever oh my god um so anyone who says anything to them is being blocked uh there's problematic tweets uh if you watched the video yesterday which i suggest you do unless you like your face being normal because this video is so cringe it will literally suck your face into an [ __ ] like a black hole of cringe so i don't suggest it looks like that man and so like this is a trailer it it's so sad that they actually have like to me it's not sad that they're doing it because like it's just a bunch of [ __ ] that are trying to scam somebody right it's like okay yeah whatever but like what's really sad to me is the people that believe in it that's what is [ __ ] scary is that like i'm fine like okay scammers are trying to scam somebody it's a new nigerian prince now you're the prince of your own island you're the nigerian prince now and it that's fine but like how does somebody really believe this how does somebody go and they see it and they're like this is a legitimate way for me to invest my life but it is if you can handle that level of cringe then it is quite illuminating in this video they say kitties now uh whoever's reading the script makes it sound like crypto kiddies i just want to specify they're not talking about owning children although that's there is a problematic tweet that we will now look into that's good as you can see here somebody added them what will be the age of consent in crypto land and they responded their official twitter account responded and said mental maturity should be it's like even if that's what you think you should at least have the social awareness to know that everybody will disagree with you you should at least know don't say that you don't say that you know what i mean like yeah this is epstein's island it's just yeah 2.0 but that's what i mean it's like at least if you [ __ ] think something crazy like this how can you be so [ __ ] delusional that you type it out they know their customers that's a lot winky face now who was running this twitter account it's a small company there's a handful of people who work there it's got to be one of the [ __ ] founders they don't have pr people why are you responding i can tell tweet number one number two how the [ __ ] is this your official stance uh obviously a lot of people have watched the video and then heard crypto kiddies and they now just reading a tweet when you're talking about mental maturity in terms of age of consent this is like how do you how do you do this like i don't understand like because they're dumb and scamming our people it's a climate cult strategy you go full [ __ ] to filter out anyone who has critical thinking oh yeah yeah that's how like nigerian prince emails are like intentionally misspelled yeah i know about that it's actually a good technique but like i mean this isn't filter like who's this filtering out like it's just it's so it's so weird man holy fully like i'm not even gonna say the word because the video will get demonetized but you know exactly what i'm talking about age of consent directly relating to consent for for sex yeah these those individuals you know you can draw parallels to this to other people have owned an island recently uh this is [ __ ] up and they obviously who other people who have owned an island recently i wonder who he's talking about deleted the tweet as soon as people started saying what the [ __ ] is this yeah and now if you mention it on twitter blocked mention it on their discord band and if you actually get to see people respond to you when you do mention this their community which yes they have a community of 12 000 or something people strong already trying to get white listed there's no way there's 12 000 people that believe this like i would expect 12 i'd expect maybe even 1200 but 12 000 no i will not accept that i i will not accept that i think that the only reason why it would be that high is because they're faking it they're faking it with accounts in order to uh create the perception that there's more people to increase the perceived value right there's no way there's twelve thousand people that believe in this [ __ ] uh i know no shot get their [ __ ] grubby little paws on some more uh [ __ ] dollar do some some fake nfts so they can sell them and make some money because people will literally try and make money from anything now yeah of course selling entities of dead people totally fine uh without the permission oh yeah they did this um did you guys see this before it was uh you guys know the guy uh what's his name uh stan lee actually came back from the dead to promote nfts would i would not have expected that i really mean this like i would genuinely not expect this it caught me by surprise but they used stan lee's account like let me see if i can find this on twitter yeah so this is what it was there is nothing sacred to to these kinds of people okay from championing diversity to embracing new tech stan was one step ahead of the curve to honor his innovative spirit stan's first indian hero chakra the invincible debuts his own nft parentheses digital art collection from 7pm sign up here on the chakraverse so they used a [ __ ] dead stan lee's account to promote this kind of stuff and this is the kind of stuff that you see uh these people doing is there is no there is no shame is that whenever you start buying jpegs for thousands of dollars there is no low you cannot go lower than that like it doesn't get any worse than that so like if you would do that you do anything you do [ __ ] anything man not even thinking about the the family's uh emotional state when literally they're having their [ __ ] relatives uh images being sold as nfts without their permission of their dead loved one absolutely pathetic [ __ ] shambles but uh people obviously bring this up and say you know what about this and in the community turn around and immediately dive on them oh grow up why don't you move on move on from what it was yesterday it was january 5th it was yesterday this is absolutely madness and it just gets worse from here so as you can see this is the twitter account of the person who is adding them hello you've been using my segal rig to advertise your product this is not authorized can you please remove it from all your videos and campaigns and you've been blocked problem solving blocked so there you go there you go website for their seagull rig you can go find that on their twitter that's pretty cool they do say here this project was so fun i've decided to make the seagull rig available online so other artists could work with it it is such an amazing feeling seeing you getting life in another's adventures now obviously they've released this for free and then somebody's used it and they've decided we don't want you know i don't want you to use my thing releasing something for free is not a license to use it in uh commercial products that's not how that works you need to have the actual uh rights by the person who holds the copyright for said thing you can't just take somebody's free stuff and just monetize it and even if you could if they turn around then and say you don't have permission to use this in this way this is not what i intended for my work to be used for this is how the uh yeah i i'm as i said before i'm very much not a fan of the way that copyright works i think if you put something out to the public there's a certain amount of like ownership that you just no longer have and ownership and autonomy over something you should just no longer have however uh it's like i would never do this you know what i mean like why would you take somebody's stuff and even have this be an issue in the first place you know what i mean like why would even yeah that's not how the wall was yeah no that's the thing is that i i disagree with it i don't like it but that doesn't mean that that's the way it goes there's a lot of different copyright licenses you can use yeah i just i think that the entire like this is what i've said before i think the entire u.s copyright system is [ __ ] stupid i think that it's way too overbearing it's too draconian and i think that if you release something out to the public to a certain degree you lose a an amount of autonomy over that kind of thing i do not like the unnecessary licensing and like control that people have over something especially retroactively it's weird you release something to the public and now you can't use it it's just weird um you should obviously have some kind of dialogue with them but they should the thing is like also my opinion on this doesn't really matter you know what i mean like it's not like i'm not writing the laws i can't [ __ ] do anything about this and they're still breaking the rules right so like it doesn't matter like this is just this is my two cents on it i hate this [ __ ] and i always have but like still like they didn't even credit the person like you would you should credit the person man at least but they're not even doing that if this is your position how is anybody going to trust you to buy an island and and build infrastructure for a whole island for thousands of people to live on you can't even have a discussion about stealing the [ __ ] seagull just rigging for an animated video just absolute garbage but once you start getting into the details of the actual product this is this is crazy uh so obviously when you watch the video it it reads it watches like satire but it isn't it's a real project that have had multiple people actually design and sign off to this absolute cringefest that is is the funniest piece of satire you could make about cryptocurrency people and yet then cryptocurrency people come in and they're like oh this is the best thing i've ever seen look all these epic memes like it it's crazy when you start looking at their community they're literally it's like a cult uh they're saying stuff like i thought we were only going to be using our crypto lander names here like they're living in an alternate [ __ ] dimension so these are really i just i feel so bad for people that get into this stuff but i don't though like i don't because you should know better you really should know better like i'm sorry but like if you are over the age of 16 years old and no i mean 16 not 18. if you are 16 years old and you buy into this you are a [ __ ] idiot and i don't care about oh well the brain isn't mature [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up i would have known this [ __ ] was fake when i was 12 and i bet you would have too this is completely [ __ ] crazy how can anybody buy into this it's nuts holy [ __ ] old rich people are getting conned yeah i know firefest 2.0 yeah i know the thing is that um with a lot of this crypto stuff and a lot of this nft like these kinds of things what they prey on and this is something i talked about before this is the true american dream the true american dream is not to earn a million dollars it's not to uh it's not to become a millionaire or billionaire it's to be a millionaire or a billionaire it's to have the money while doing nothing like that's the true dream because you think about this and you see all this stuff you're not watching and seeing people like celebrating how rich they are by working no man they're out on a yacht partying and this is the idea the fantasy that these people buy into is that they're going to buy into this incredible amazing thing and because they're so smart they're going to become millionaires and billionaires and crypto while all the other people are working slave jobs underneath them and this is the fantasy that people buy into this is a fantasy it's a narcissistic fantasy that people especially in the west buy into because it's a good alternative to actually trying to create value in the world it's an actual great alternative to trying to improve people's lives even in a small way to create a product to be entertaining to do anything and instead of that these people are hoping and praying and betting on the idea that because they're so smart and they understand things better than other people they're gonna be the ones that invest in some [ __ ] that just happens to make them a billionaire it's it's just this narcissistic delusion that these people have and that's really what it is it's a narcissistic delusion and that's why it's so powerful is because you have a lot of people now and they've got no [ __ ] money they've got no status you're 23 years old you're a [ __ ] loser you have a degree in theoretical physics that got you a theoretical job you're working at starbucks now living at your mom's house and you used to think that you were smart you were in ap classes in high school and guess what now you're a [ __ ] loser and so you go into something like crypto island and crypto land and you think to yourself this is the way that i'm going to right the wrongs in the world and i'm going to claim what i feel like i deserve and that's what this guy is right here that's that that is the that is the quintessential person that gets taken advantage of like this and guess what it's their [ __ ] fault because they're stupid and narcissistic and delusional and that's what happens i don't really i feel bad for them for being taken advantage of but at the same time i [ __ ] don't because it's it's through a self-centered perspective that they are allowing themselves to be taken advantage of i hate this [ __ ] you're killing me man yeah sure have i gone too far yeah have i gone too far on this you get what you [ __ ] deserve i hate this [ __ ] i hate the people that buy into it i hate everything about it the thing here in their white paper if you read it they have this thing called soft cap so they say that the project has a soft cap of 50 ml that's great aka 30 sales of crypto landers which is million dollars of land and the same the reason they do this is so that if they don't raise enough money through the king crypto and the sales of the nfts it will simply return the funds back to them which is all well and good right of course to keep it safe so that if they don't have enough money to complete the project people won't lose their money now riddle me this do you really think people are going to get their money back like i mean they're already stealing somebody's art why wouldn't they steal your money it's just like how can you be that stupid because it's a very good here's a very good indicator right and this is what i said before about like this is especially important whenever you're dealing in things that are illegal but especially if you're dealing with things that are under the table illegal not fully covered in the law if anything is off immediately pull out immediately [ __ ] pull out because if somebody is trying to do a legitimate [ __ ] job sell you something legitimately they will do it and everything will be a hug above the board but the moment that you see any kind of [ __ ] like oh but i thought we agreed on this price ah [ __ ] i'm done i'm out you even mention another price i'm out because why would you do that why would you even [ __ ] do that and the one thing i've learned is that if somebody is willing to scam somebody else they're going to be willing to scam you and they will [ __ ] you over just like they [ __ ] the other people over it's again it's narcissism people think that they're special they're different oh that won't happen to me it'll especially happen to you they've said on their discord it's going to cost at least 100 million and i don't think that is including the 10 million to buy the island to get this infrastructurally to the point where people could live there and of course 30 months on top of that so if their soft cap is 50 ml from purchasing these plots of land yeah and their actual required amount is 100 the sentence of there's no risk of course because if we don't reach the soft cap we'll give you your money back yeah completely irrelevant because 50 mil is not 100 if you don't raise that or the 50 why do they have a scuffed eminem man here does anybody know why this is like what what why why is he even here like this is it's the mascot it's the crypto mascot wow this looks like the worst version of mr potato head then you can just get halfway through development run out of money and then not have the money to refund these people how can you selling people on the idea that this is safe because we'll we'll you know we're not going to continue with the project unless we have the money but then you're only going ahead half cocked with half the money yeah then on top of this they also state they are not going to use the sale of land parcels to buy the island because of course that would be ridiculous right selling people a plot of land that they don't own and then using the money that they get from that to buy the island so where's this other 10 million coming from and then where's the other 50 million coming from uh to actually finish the project they don't say the nfts that they're giving away are not sales they don't get transaction fees from those either so where are they generating this revenue this month look what it says the blockchain stein yield farming silk road oh my god does this say nft army debt well that one's accurate how is this like how is this real oh my god it's like turn this [ __ ] off already i know this is just it's like i'm actually just speechless like i don't even know what to say it's definitely not a scam yeah it seems that way this is this is what a 12 year old thinks money is about yeah yeah it's like how could you be over the age of 16 and and see this and think to yourself this is my free ticket we're going to make it guys we're all going to make it look we're going to go to crypto i like how is it even possible nefarious element of this is going to come into play so this is also where the ponzi nomiks comes in and the pyramid scheme esque advertising that all of these cryptocurrency projects use and what they're saying is basically we're not going to charge people for these nfts yeah but you do need to get 20 000 coins to mint and nft so basically the premise here is do these things for us and it's tit for tar it's quid pro quo if you do these things wait so it's like a reputation in wow it's like you're trying to farm out for exalted to get a mount but instead of a mount it's an nft you can't even ride it yeah these guys are doing dailies for us which will boost our signal uh be a signal boost for our project right in front of more people's eyeballs we'll give you coins and then you can use these coins to get white listeners and if you're whitelisted you can then mint your nft of a crypto lander and you can become part of this 10 000 strong club to be a crypto lander to get in on this you have to follow them on twitter turn notifications on on twitter wait so this one gives 2 000 reputation this is a thousand reputation the uh so i guess uh crypto lander to your username on twitter so that's that's 750 reputation points and what are these crypto lender of the week the most helpful fun active user invite a total of 20 users 2 000 reputation points they're actually rep farming oh my god like i swear there's a list like this on wow head to how to get exalted with death's advance and corthia this is it's the same [ __ ] thing man twitter raid which is you need to like retweet and write meaningful comments only they're 500 coins each so basically turning their community into a megaphone to tell all their friends and family and people that they interact with on social media hey you look at crypto land guys come come join the community of crypto so they're effectively creating a way that they can pay people without paying people to promote what they're doing this uh you get 500 coins each time you do that change your discord profile picture to your own crypto lander nft of course or choose an individual unique screenshot from our video literally change your identity to being part of our cult is is basically and it's only it's it's only a thousand rep i i feel like changing your identity to become part of the cult i mean that should be at least like 3k 4k right i mean like [ __ ] seems like a big deal leads change your twitter profile and again guys i want to make sure you remember um that all of these rewards the grand uh the grand prize here is uh an nft this is the exact same thing add crypto lander to your username example my username dash cryptolander on discord on twitter uh add the link to discord dot gg4 land to your discord bio invite a total of 10 users 20 users crypto lander of the week the most helpful fun active users elected by the modern team fan art contest every day we will ask you to comment on a specific tweet here and the top five best comments will get three thousand coins each and then we have trivia and when you have twenty thousand coins open a ticket the biggest whitelist spot this is the marketing that these companies make so you need to gather 20 000 reputation and then after you get 20 000 reputation you have to do a quest and then the quest makes you exalted and then you get the amount from the quest okay yeah uh i've i've seen this before you want something for free well you have to turn yourself into our [ __ ] literal billboard for our product to go out there and basically sell our product to other people who will then come in and we will monetize them later on we are going to monetize these people we're going to try and sell them something like this nobody does anything for free which essentially means you can never ever see conversations about this project online just as with most other crypto projects that are legit right you can never verify that somebody doesn't have some kind of uh financial inducement to be saying what they're saying well this is how it is with all the new crypto things now it's because uh it's because the government is full of a bunch of uh dumb [ __ ] that don't know how computers work that they're about like 15 years behind 20 years behind technology so what you have now is you have a bunch of dumb [ __ ] that work at the government you're like oh it's boomers it's boomers no there's young dumb [ __ ] too and somehow they made it into the government as well i don't know how this keeps happening guys i really don't um but somehow it does and uh anyway they they don't understand the way that people promote these cryptocurrencies that they have a vested interest in and because of that the sec the ftc all these other governmental agencies aren't able to figure out how to how to pin this [ __ ] down and that's why you have all these influencers and all these content creators promoting these uh these cryptocurrencies that they have a vested interest into it's because they don't have to disclose that they have the vested interest in it that's why they do it it's because they can scam people and then pretend like that's not what's happening it's insane i think government people are bad now let's wait till generation cancellation gets here good luck anything done no the thing is it's just gonna be the same listen whenever guys that are my age are in charge like the odds are they're gonna be [ __ ] too and they're gonna be dumb and then whenever people that are younger than us like the zoomers get in charge they're gonna be [ __ ] dumb and it's just i don't know what i don't know how this keeps happening i really don't but somehow it just [ __ ] keeps happening every single generation every year it's just [ __ ] all the way down yeah it's crazy wow you gotta admit though if you are not a streamer you'd be mincing these crap tokens all day long scamming people oh yeah yeah 100 100 [ __ ] percent absolutely i would be doing that i would be dmca in these videos i would be uh [ __ ] making fake accounts and like telling people about how how much the pricing is going up i would be doing this all i would wake up in the morning and i would think how the [ __ ] am i going to scam somebody today how am i going to get somebody else to believe this stupid little chuck e cheese [ __ ] knock off mr potato head stupid little circle and get them to scam them out of money yeah it's just it's so [ __ ] perfect man it's so absolutely [ __ ] perfect uh literal guidelines potentially be worth thousands of dollars tens of thousands of dollars if in the future this becomes a reality maybe millions of dollars to be able to have one of these 10 000 nfts which guarantees you a spot to be able to come to the island to be able to go to the exclusive club the people who are making these tweets and having these conversations and have this in their profile picture and and making their identity about this jesus they've got a financial inducement to do so they've been told yeah you have to because they're making money you have to talk you're doing it for money to be able to get whitelisted and be able to have access to this so to add on to this what they're saying is they need a hundred million dollars and they need a thousand employees to actually get this this island i'm sure that's gonna take them around 30 months which is crazy did they even say that this is a virgin island this is a complete blank slate it's just an island with nothing on it no infrastructure at all and in 30 months and 100 million dollars which again they they don't specify where they're getting the other 50 million from they're somehow going to turn that into an actual local ecosystem with with infrastructure for people to live there year round and to support the lives of thousands of people and they're doing of course with people where you go on their linkedin or whatever if you can even find them and none of them have worked in any form of you know nobody's got any qualifications in regards to doing this so they're already breaking their own terms of service by the way of course if you read their terms of service which is attached to their white paper their why paper as they call it it literally says three or four times throughout the terms of service you are not allowed to buy or mint the nfts if you are a resident of the united states but because they're doing no kyc they do no verification of who anybody is and even so it's like a porn website oh you can't enter unless you're 18. uh when were you born uh january 1st uh 1900 well come on in yeah this is the same as a porn website they know you are a resident of the united states they are still selling you things because they do a video with who they're calling one of their advisors which as far as i can tell is just somebody who made money from cryptocurrency and makes videos on on youtube talking about how he's a millionaire and he buys expensive things and what cryptocurrencies you should buy not financial advice not a financial [ __ ] advisor so they know he's a resident in the united states you're probably not allowed to do this in the united states we've explicitly said yeah why would they not attack the u.s and yet they know this guy's in the us there's multiple people are you realty investments have been white listed apparently so they're just whitelisting anyone regardless where they're from even though you can't be from the us so is a quick recap guys before we end the video what they do see these are the kinds of guys uh that these are the kinds of guys that really get taken advantage of and it's a certain subset of guys and i think generally it is guys that are between the ages of if i had to guess like 15 and 35 and it's mostly guys i think they get taken advantage of in this regard and it's because they are mediocre uh boring or just in general lack any sort of uh of reason for people to give them money and these are the same people that retweet uh or uh repost fake elon musk quotes on instagram about having a side hustle uh these are the same people who follow uh motivational speakers that don't have any credibility uh this is the kind of stuff that you see and it takes advantage of guys like that and it's like he's got a he's you know sitting in front of his car that's probably worth uh 13 500 msrp right and this is just the uh this is just the beginning for him right and as soon as he gets into this that's going to be a ferrari and it's again it's the fantasy that these people buy into it's the fantasy and it's so pathetic you can't be from the us so as a quick recap guys before we end the video what they're doing is selling people on a dream do i think they're scamming people no i think that they're probably dreaming i think they're selling their dreams to other people who have more money than cents and this is not illegal as far as i'm aware however selling actual plots of land on an island that you don't own and also having to outline that you can't buy them if you're in the us probably means that they are skirting some rules here and there probably are going to be some ramifications yeah as well as the fact that actually handing over titles of land to people is an extremely uh difficult process and this is why you need verification and anti-money laundering and things like that which they don't appear to be doing any anything about if you can just log on their website uh click a button and mint and buying nft for hundreds of ethereum this is an issue obviously because they're not checking who people are or where the money's coming from and that makes it extremely shady i don't care the thing is like it doesn't matter because that's not part of the goal the the goal is not to it's not to make a product it's not to improve people's lives it's not to have any degree of integrity it's just to make money and if you look at everything from the perspective of they're just trying to make money everything else makes sense everything else comes together just fine you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what's going on here and how they're manipulating people into a predatory fear of missing our uh marketing mechanism yeah so nobody does anything for free as i said earlier and if something is free exactly you are the product exactly so you're not buying a product people are going to become the mouthpieces and the megaphones for this project and then they are going to bring in an alternate way to monetize so obviously the nfts that they're giving away are free this gives them value to some people because if the project becomes legit that means they're going to get money and the way you get these free nfts is to turn yourself into a crypto lander you become yeah this guy right here they're marketing the people that are just like this guy uh just boring blank slate people that just want to make a bunch of money and they have no real value proposition to the world yeah they're basically soulless npcs that's it uh jerry blanks yeah there you go john does you know john smith's is boring as [ __ ] man crypto lander and then they're going to sell something else so the people that you rope in with these pyramid-esque uh mechanisms and turning yourself into that billboard then going to raise money from this is in my opinion a terrible way to do business and then when you add in the fact that how they're acting on twitter how they're banning people silence in any form of criticism which to be fair if you go watch my video i didn't call them a scam i wasn't even extremely critical i just laughed because the video was absolutely cringe-worthy it looked it read it sounded like satire and i didn't really have anything that critical to say i just made jokes and apparently you can be a millionaire you can own a plot of land on a piece of an island that you don't own but you can't take a [ __ ] joke this is crypto lander baby this is the future uh welcome to the [ __ ] metaverse i guess and yeah i'm still waiting to hear back from them i asked them you know why have you banned me what's the issue and hopefully they come back with it the easiest way to silence criticism by the way is to prove somebody wrong time proves everybody right or wrong it's actually not true like if people if like the if the public believes something that's the only thing that matters yeah no i i don't believe that i i think that if you the idea like truth is convenient but it's not necessary if this is actually legit and if you do it congratulations i'll be the first person to admit that i was skeptical and i was wrong and and you did a really good job but the things that you've done blocking people on twitter for no reason which is is not a big deal but then blocking people on twitter that ask you to stop using assets that you've used that they own that's a big deal uh comments about age of consent being emotional or mental maturity sorry it's a little interesting absolutely insane and this makes you seem completely untrustworthy if you can't take a joke if you can't actually have any kind of conversation with people without blocking them without silencing any form of criticism and if the mechanics by which you're using seem predatory in nature you don't seem trustworthy and that is the problem where you are literally operating on a system that requires people to trust you i'm not saying you won't be able to make money from this which seems to always be the crypto bros uh ethos if you can make money it's fine it's not it's not a problem that isn't my point uh i'm open to having a conversation with these people and seeing where i'm wrong and see if they can address criticisms without trying to silence it but i won't hold my breath i'll let you know how it goes and i imagine we'll be keeping up with crypto land as things move forward but yeah that we will discord them looking into how they can deal with this because they believe this is a targeted attack so yet again more people in the cryptocurrency space uh or the metaverse space that believe any opinion that is against theirs is hatred and a an attack from some shadowy figures and not just the fact that other people can have different opinions so there we go welcome to the metaverse welcome to crypto land i'm an old boy let's be an island boy 1.5 mill crowd from me guys let's buy a plot of land and we'll move in and and go to the moon uh yeah thank you very much for watching as always hopefully you enjoyed the video leave a like leave a comment let me know what you think and i'll see you in the verse baby what i've also found to be like so surprising about this whole thing is how just absolutely completely unoriginal it is like if you look at the island every single house looks exactly the same and if you look at like all these the nft art and everything like that it's just one image that's just slightly altered a hundred different times it's like there's no originality there's no creativity in this it's just we're gonna copy paste the same thing over and over and over yeah it's like a suburb on an island yeah that's a good good good way to look at it i think it's a really good metaphor for how uh how interesting these people are too it's really funny to see this happen and to see people buy into this stuff but it does make me mad that people can be this stupid but i mean we're living in a in a new world boys i'm telling you that man like it's just like the stuff with gamestop and amc and everything like that is everybody wants to be the person that makes all that money everybody wants to be the guy that is rich because they're smart without having to work for it that is the american dream that is what everybody in the uh in the western world wants that's why uh the top the top jobs that people want to have here in america kids want to have it's not a doctor it's not an astronaut it's not a scientist it's a youtube influencer it is a social media influencer this is what people want and why do they want that as streamer yeah there you go and why is that because they perceive it to be a very prestigious and you know like cool job that is easy to them right they think that it's super easy and so that's why they do it everybody knows being a doctor is hard everybody knows being an astronaut is hard but if you're just a youtube person you're just making videos yeah of course it's more complicated than that but it's not harder than being a [ __ ] astronaut and that's the reason it's the social status people are are so they're so status conscious now i think social media has made people way more status conscious than they used to be and you see this all the time everybody is judged across these different metrics everybody has like uh different matrixes matrices that they're uh you know evaluated on and judged on and then placed in the pecking order for uh it's crazy man it really is watch the new league cinematics shut the [ __ ] up how about that how about shut the [ __ ] up let's go ahead and watch this one right here let me link this video too i forgot to link the video uh give me one second let me go ahead and do that there we go and that should be it it's funny because uh my grandma cares more of her social status and the whole family does add it together i think that young kids especially now that like social media is like a very prevalent thing and everything like that young kids are very very social socially conscious because i think a big difference of it is that there's not like there's a lot of there's a lot of components to like why kids are more socially conscious now now i think that a lot of it is like back in the day like you would have like a religion or something like that or like a society of societal fabric that somebody could fit into and then they could be part of that societal fabric and gain some form of self-worth through that but now we don't really have that anymore so you have people that just get attached to social media they get attached to other people liking them and they don't have a a north star for their values as much they don't have a and if they do have a north star it's always changing it's always moving and there are some positives and this is something that i know some people might disagree with me on but i do think that it's true there's there are some positives to having a uh you know a very old religion in a way because that type of thing gives somebody a way that they can just look at that thing and say like this is what gives my life value this is what matters i'm not saying it's necessary i'm not saying it's even really good but the purpose that it serves is positive in that regard and it orders people's lives i think that's what it is and now you don't really have that same ordering of people's lives and so now the ordering of your life is then given to the individual how does the individual order their life and some people do it in a very healthy and a very good way but there's a lot of young people i mean like i think especially for like imagine if you're like a 12 or 13 year old girl right now like imagine going on instagram and seeing all these instagram models that have uh you know nine different plastic surgeries and three different editors before they post a picture seeing a picture of this girl knowing you'll never look like her and then hating yourself because the only reason why people look at pictures like that is because if a girl is hot or not and it's like you're judged so strongly on that at school and by your friends by boys everything like that yeah i'm sure you're [ __ ] suicidal after that because you're not all you're old enough to know that you're not going to look like that but you're still young and naive enough to not understand why and it's the same thing with guys too and this is not like i think girls it's much more the case because uh girls are judged i think more harshly on their appearance uh than men are in general in society and um but guys it's the same thing it's just a little bit different it's like you don't have all this money uh it's like these guys have a lot of these different advantages and um a lot of guys don't realize it's like wow well yeah this guy got a huge advantage because his dad owns the company or he got a huge advantage because of something that really had nothing to do with him and a young person especially like you know pre-teen mid-teens or so uh is still too naive to really understand all the parts that fit into that and because of that they get the press and they they resent the world they resent themselves they represent their society etc because they're being shown a perspective that doesn't exist so i see this gem rat influencers well yeah yeah it's like you have to work out if you don't you're a loser etc and remember it's acceptable to be rude and condescending to other people now because cloud chasing is truly a thing uh yeah i think that's definitely true sometimes it is it's easy to have a tainted view on the turn on the term successful if you base it on what works in social media yeah i think that's true too and uh i mean everybody should work out yeah you should work out but if you're not fit and you don't have a six-pack it doesn't mean that you're a loser or that you're like inferior or something like that uh most most extremely successful people are probably not not that fit or don't work out that much right they don't look like an instagram influencer for a gym because they're too busy working to have the time for that now obviously it's important to be healthy of course it is and i think you should want to be healthy but it's a big difference between being healthy and being like a you know amateur bodybuilder level right and that's all i'm really saying you know wake up at 5am run 100 miles or do yoga or else you're a loser yeah it's something like that and i see this stuff all the time it's really disappointing and i don't really know what the solution for it is uh there's a big part of me i always ask myself like is it a good idea for people who are under the age of 18 to have social media like is it is it healthy for a kid to have social media and i i think back to like my experience and like what it was like for me with like because i had my space i was like 14 or so and like i i loved myspace it was really cool i had a good time i didn't really have a lot of the same experiences as other people did but i also was very lucky growing up because i had uh you know family around me and i had like all my friends i had my own sense of self-worth and i think especially for somebody who's much more of a blank slate doesn't really have a north star as i said before not that i really had a north star but i had a sense of self-worth it it becomes much more dangerous for a person like that and it makes it very hard for me to say that yeah this is definitely what is definitely what it should be for people because i don't think so i i think that it's it's a very harmful experience for a lot of kids a lot of things aren't healthy but freedom trump smokes things there true but we're talking about kids and uh whenever you're talking about people that are underage people that are under 18. uh it's it's a different conversation than an adult right and i'm not talking about adults i'm talking about like like would i want to have like if i had a uh if i had a daughter if i had a son would i want them being on social media at age 11. answer is probably no probably [ __ ] not and it's weird because like i would in a way i would want them to have that because i got something out of it and i'd want them to not just be like at a disadvantage in the world because this is how the world works and so the earlier that you're able to interface with the world i think in a lot of ways the better but at the same time there's just so many [ __ ] negatives like is it really justified it's hard to say it's it's a really really hard way to it's a hard decision to make and i don't know i don't think it i think it for many people it is a simple answer but um i don't really know if that's the best answer so the pendulum swings back from social media and this [ __ ] up environment we're in and i think well this is the point right i mean this all comes back to like the cryptocurrency and like the crypto land stuff etc uh is that the people that are products of being raised on social media are the ones that are buying into this they're the ones that are buying into this these are the same people that have been trained to be uh uber status conscious these are the same people who are fixated on uh having you know x y or z thing or uh we're all going to make it yeah and like all these different uh phrases that people use to make themselves feel like they're you know more special than what they are or more unique or whatever can't clean your room what do you know about kids i don't know a damn thing i'm just talking you don't even have a stream what the hell do you know about talking yeah what about that huh yeah shut the [ __ ] up i'm i'm saying what i'm saying and if you agree with me then cool if you don't then don't that's the thing is like nobody almost nobody really has any credibility uh to talk about any of this [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] does that do does any of us know about it it's all just it's all just is it true to you or not and that's how it goes i don't agree but i enjoy listening your perspectives and thoughts yeah a lot of people think that yeah for sure that's anything in life that's what combos are for yeah exactly nobody's got credibility yeah there's very few things that credibility and like you know some stamp of approval means so i can clean up my room does that mean that i know more about it whenever my mom's queen really no it doesn't uh it's just uh it's illogical it's somebody that's hearing something they don't want to hear and they're coming up with a reason for why they don't have to [Music] foreign
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 519,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, asmongold nft, asmongold crypto, asmongold cryptocurrency, asmongold bitcoin, asmongold coin, asmongold blockchain, asmongold crypto island, asmongold cryptoland, asmongold crypto land, asmongold rich, asmongold money
Id: 8CCIMzxDmUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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