Asmongold Reacts to ALL Shadowlands CINEMATICS in Chronological Order | World of Warcraft

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this is when arthas is gonna come yep [Music] [Music] light save my soul this is good so far this is good so far [Music] oh there it is where am i luther now wow welcome to bastian [Music] you led a truly selfless life and for that you have been chosen chosen to shed your mortal burdens and join the ranks of the ascended oh serving to ferry the souls of the dead unto the shadow lands i serve the light and my work is not done there is an evil that must be there is no evil here the darkness was sealed within the maw long ago you're wrong that that's true destroyed my home murdered my people and my king he must be punished you are an aspirant now she's high you must accept your new purpose and purge yourself of this desire for vengeance what i desire is justice this is really good davos why are you true this is really good it is beneath your station as a paragon he cannot let go he continues to demand retribution for his death and this concerns you many souls take eons to ascend yes but this one seems broken thanios unlike any soul i have seen i have begun to wonder whether he was deemed worthy of bastion by mistake what a [ __ ] i would not let the archon hear such a thought he will forget trust our ways trust the path devos damn how long must we train until you are ready to ascend and what is keeping me from ascension nothing but the memory of your mortal life how can i forget when i can still feel his blade [Music] your soul is wounded who did this to you he was my student he betrayed us all show me wow [Music] [Applause] holy [ __ ] the runes on his blade were unmistakable this dark agent runs free on a mortal world with the power of the moon if he had purged his life we never would have known of this calamity the path is flawed enough the order of the shadowlands depends on the execution of our eternal charge you will abandon this course jesus as you command my archon why would she why would they do what the [ __ ] so is this how she turns evil the time of your ascension has come i thought i was not ready do you wish to see him punished i do then prepare yourself oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man oh my god [Music] the moment he falls we will claim him wait did invincible drop [Music] i see only darkness before me what [Music] return him to the darkness he served his eternal suffering awaits oh my god my student remember what he did it's your fault luther don't you drop him not vengeance don't you drop him justice [Music] [Applause] holy [ __ ] that was good holy [ __ ] that was good man okay whoa okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no oh no the veil between life and death where are you serper sits on a frozen throne but no king rules forever oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ha ha yes [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh wow oh [ __ ] remorseless winner hmm it's a pretty badass fight scene dude you are unfit to wear this crown is this really gonna happen oh [ __ ] to wield so much is this really going to happen that power will be your prison this world is a prison do it oh oh wow what the [ __ ] that's not good what the [ __ ] that is bad [Music] and i will set us all free holy [ __ ] okay pre-patched cinematic kind of scenes oh that looks really good [ __ ] you you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] god damn it i knew she would come one day to seize this power for herself instead she has done the unthinkable this is this looks good she will come for them all oh no to finish what she started [Music] then break all who opposed her oh [ __ ] [Music] this is a good cinematic anduin looks older too i like this damn that's a nice looking horse not like that [Music] [ __ ] man what [Music] what that's how she gets him oh mom here we go oh [ __ ] oh no what the [ __ ] oh it's tyrande nice [Music] okay [ __ ] finally no it's getting interesting you're gonna die [Music] please show the fight nathanos is gonna get his ass beat oh [ __ ] your power has grown along with every single oh no in your precious tree with him where is she go why does she have vampire teeth kill me you'd send me right to my lady beyond the veil she shattered oh toronto high priestess night warrior completely powerless to stop the count thank god thank god [Music] [ __ ] yeah dude this looks really good lies the shadow man is this the archon who is that every soul has its place little wings dude that she looks really good i think she looks good too honestly look at that she looks kind of weird i think i think she looks kind of weird maybe it's just me but i do think though dude this this is [ __ ] badass yeah i think oh dude this is my place dude that's my house right there this is my covenant right here boys [Music] you know who he reminds me of um [Applause] has such a narrow vision yeah you disappoint me no matter we will find what we seek in another anduin how badly are you hurt i will live i'm relieved you're all safe these bonds are too strong to break by force we must find a way to free him okay god damn god damn nothing escapes the maw oh this is the last [Music] run the light is with me turtle turn around go champion go [Music] and then he saves you and you run away but he gets chained up again god damn this guy [ __ ] you have failed no i have precisely what i need okay i haven't seen these sex dungeon you want i will fight you you will not break jesus this is intense i didn't even know i missed this so these are all the tour our eyes are everywhere this nuisance will be dealt with [Music] look and one's a new jailer [Music] i do hope you've settled in the accommodations are of his sparse i know where are the others are they safe safe no i wouldn't say any of them are safe i am so tired of your games no more secrets no more lies you are a weapon we will use to achieve our ends i will not become an instrument of death so you favor life is that it that momentary flicker every cruel second spent delaying the inevitable in an endless war that you like every rim before you will not survive you know the truth nothing is fair not life not death so we're going to tear it all down and what purpose would that serve everyone suffers sylvanas but destroying everything will not take away the pain oh you misunderstand we're breaking a system that has always been flawed and remaking it into one that is just do you expect me to believe that all this time you've been fighting for justice how can i convince you from our first breath to our last every decision is made for us then the afterlife decides what eternity we must endure we can't even choose who we [Music] we couldn't control anything but through the jailer control of our fate will at last be possible what do you mean man that dude's been in chains forever that's the last dude i would say okay let's have this guy be in charge of [ __ ] around you and what and who you've joined what makes you believe you're not just a weapon to achieve his ends you have a choice to consider join us willingly or be made to serve i thought you believed in free will sylvanas we've never had free will little lion but that is about to change [Music] well that was probably the most cryptic cinematic we've ever had for uncounted eels the shadowlands was in perfect order infinite afterlifes with oribos the eternal city has the shining heart okay that's nice every mortal soul came before the armature and she ever wise experienced all that had shaped a soul in life [Music] until what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god that dread moment our perfect order was shattered no she got the karana violence and so it is that every soul kind and cruel alike is denied its rightful afterlife wait that's argument is damned to the inescapable torment of the mall that's a danger bear i'm sorry oh damn malfurion looks good i return at last to the long slumber to the great forest beyond all fought until i may serve the wilds again that's so [ __ ] badass those are the trees [Music] that was a tree [Music] yeah dude [Music] that guy looks like a [ __ ] so is he like in an incubator this is a matrix friend night girl my queen oh [ __ ] i shall protect these souls through their winter i shall see them reborn in their spring no matter what trial i face i swear it my queen i swear it does she speak wow and dream he's not a simp chill i like that fade out that's really good season after season of this drought oh [ __ ] here here it's so little i know this is good i like this so far this is good changed the battery on the front reclaim everything from this grove everything wait they're gonna oh no they're gonna kill this is my growth you will not destroy them holy [ __ ] aerolon we are not your enemy anyone who threatens my grove is my enemy i swore an oath damn oh no my queen i kept faith all this time that you would save us and now you send scavengers to my grove why oh [ __ ] [Music] surprise it must be saved the queen is called the wild hunt oh no we have culled your grove so that others might live will you sacrifice one's soul that's like my favorite bear your heart is pure i will honor your choice oh [ __ ] save the bear don't you [ __ ] give the bear away don't you [ __ ] do anything one last time you serve the wilds you will not be forgotten no [Music] forgive me friend [Music] [ __ ] man [ __ ] [Music] i will hunt for you my queen for arden wield and for the souls we can yet save i swear it [Music] i swear it walmart he's so [ __ ] big man this is of my sister why have you brought it to me okay this one is slipping away our duty is grim many have been lost why would i save her pet those who have dreamed by its side awaken with a joy and peace that whispers of wonder if she dies then all that is emerald dies with her that's yasira some must be sacrificed but some must be saved if we forget that we'll remain will be empty shells and sorrow [Music] so [Music] oh [ __ ] damn [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] that's [ __ ] awesome man holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh in life i was draco of the frost wolf clan yeah swallow's mom a warrior who gave everything sure to protect what mattered most [ __ ] but i was not done fighting that's good we're the armies of the five houses once stood side by side to protect the realm of death oh their ways were not mine she goes stealth dude that's good eventually this life afterlife began to feel right the house of plagues lies in ruins one-fifth of maltraxis perhaps they weren't no matter what happens now maltraxis must stay true to its purpose for if we fail in our duty the shadow lands will fall say believe the house of the chosen still stands with us and i trust you to deliver this to margrave crexus why does he have a dickbeard go he's gonna die be watchful okay so there's foul play at stake look at that oh that's [ __ ] badass my brothers i am on urgent business my lord hurry there could be survivors oh [ __ ] they betrayed her oh no i love that they use the sound man that's so good that's not good damn so these are the traitors you spoke of i would not let such aura prevent me from delivering my lord's final message wow ordeals such as this either break the sword or strengthen it i offer the key to saving maltraxis how cock's badass i am sorry margrave he gave me no key an unyielding warrior with the skills of a master spy a key to many things come our enemies will strike openly soon we must prepare once of the frost wolf clan now baroness of the house of the chosen damn and most of all a protector of maldraxos [Music] okay what is this new witch king slay the mortal bring me that rune blade raise your sword champion formal practice so this opens up where the primus is right yeah so this is after you get all the items and you unlock the door the foes of the worthing shall be vanquished god damn [Applause] god damn dude he's not even moving yeah he doesn't even move his hands i am the primus oh your presence within myself means a darkness has fallen upon maldraxas and all the realms of death ages ago the eternal ones punished our brothers over for his treachery he was bound within the inescapable more to be forever so they punished him for wait what now i fear that zoval did not act alone i suspect he had ancient allies and that's danatherius seek to win others to his cause yeah that's denaturious but you are hearing this message means my suspicions prove true zoval has forged his chains into a weapon and brought about my defeat there is but one hope to save the shadowlands the eternal ones must stand together once more before the jailer escapes the moor bring my warning to the archon the winter queen and the sire they must see to our defenses do not let zoval reach the sepulcher is lost that's garrosh bro that's gotta be garrosh no [ __ ] way dude oh god damn there he is boys that's some bdsm [ __ ] down in the basement wait what [Music] to the good people of raven draft is this sire tonight it is with optimism that i address you today though these aren't i assure you that our holy mission to help the most violent and wicked souls atone for their sins is and always will be our utmost priority that's good our rituals are effective our judgment keem but fair this is the deal remain committed to bringing eventual redemption to all who desire it it is through your faithful world but even the most evil and prideful beings may ultimately be spared an eternity in the more unfortunately of late the flow of such hubris written souls has virtually ceased and as a result anima our most precious resource is in dwindling supply even we the faithful who extract the anima have not been spared the effects of this mysterious drought oh no yes we still have our old reliables our workhorses yet i fear they will not be enough jesus we are doing everything simply put we must all rich and poor alike make sacrifices for the greater gold it's california therefore i have decided to implement a strategy of conservation and rationing which should keep the animal flowing to those most in need they give it all the rich people [Music] just like real life in this manner we will keep our people strong and our land healthy despite the efforts of those who would use this crisis to further their own ends and rebel against the rightful structures of our society rest assured we shall bring these miscreants to justice with fairness and mercy of course i am after all nothing if not compassionate and then we are doing all that can be done to stimulate animal production and fulfill raven dress honorable purpose remain devout and resolute and know that i will lead us all into a brighter future that was [ __ ] badass dramatic orchestral music he's running dude okay oh god weaver we've been behind that's badass okay i'm kind of tempted just to jump in there [Music] what an idiot don't talk the dream let's do this so it's not damn was your valiant last stand jesus oh my god for so very long you've punished arrogant souls oh my gosh the [ __ ] bone crackling suffering to witness the splendor of what is about to unfold i can get you too oh boy precious drop of anyone so painstakingly run from the tortured souls of lesser beings paves the path for the banished one to reclaim what was his and once his liberation is secured it shall be by his will that all is washed away the only power that will emerge from this torrent of change is death death and those who shaped its victory someone will stop you tonight i wonder who that's going to be do not speak jesus observe oh [ __ ] so that's how it happens oh this i heed the call of the eternal ones how may i serve okay another cinema the more grows surging with power how did this come to pass wow the evil we believed forever bound has conspired to distract and divide us the primus realized the truth but his warning came wait that covenant's a flag i fear he paid a grave price for this march imagine going mall draxus through a flag where is your sire where is dinaprius yeah isaiah has betrayed us all the drugs why he is doing he stole the very life blood of our realms starving his own people and yours as well yeah but his lies were exposed daenerys unleashed his vast coffers of anima into the more to fuel the might of his true master long ago we stood as one to imprison that monster with the primus gone and anaphyrius a traitor our pantheon has been broken [Music] oh no there is yet hope this mortal saved me from the moment yeah i'm going to take care of you revealed the sires i'm gonna just solve the whole situation man they're kind of yeah i know you guys are like massive [ __ ] you know aeon's old enemies and you know like allies as well for the good of the shadow i will see it done eternal ones with her voice okay have i spoken come mortal the hour covenant it is a covenant yeah is 100 some covenant 100 percent [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 496,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, wow shadowlands cinematic, shadowlands cinematic, shadowlands all cinematics, shadowlands cutscenes, shadowlands cinematics in order, all shadowlands cinematics, wow shadowlands, shadowlands, asmongold shadowlands, asmongold cinematics, asmongold shadowlands cinematics, shadowlands all cutscenes, wow shadowlands cinematics, all cinematics shadowlands, shadowlands trailer, shadowlands reaction
Id: 3TNHv-X0xkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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