A͏s͏mongold Ranks The Best WoW Mounts From Achievements (TIER LIST)

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[Music] so guys this right here is going to be my list of the top mounts that you can get from achievements okay all right first mount here is the antoran gloomhound now the antoran gloomhound in my opinion is a really cool looking mount it's very unique but it also shares an appearance with a cooler looking mount which is the antoran char hound which available which is available from lfr and almost anybody who gives a [ __ ] about this is going to already have it i'm going to say it's somewhere around a b this is a b mounts okay like i it's a b mount it's okay it's nice but is it really that much better than just nice no not really it's a [ __ ] it's unique it's different no the thing is like sees no we're gonna wait for we're gonna trust me we're gonna get to the [ __ ] seas okay just shut up and and and just listen to me okay like i've spent a long time looking at these mounts i know what the right mounts are i know what the wrong amounts are now let's talk about this the armor and sky screecher this mount right here the p pterodactyl is from glory of the thundering raider now at this time it was in patch 5.2 that this was added into the game this was the only p pterodacts in the entire [ __ ] game it was completely unique i'm gonna say that this mount based off of the fact that it was a completely unique model the achievements were actually challenging and the reward was really cool and in line with the actual gear in the in the raid this is a [ __ ] s this is an s t or mount like it's not even close like these are st it's a hundred percent an stml all right so the blood bath blood bathed frost brood vanquisher now this came from glory of the uh of the icc raider on tin man i think this was an a now the reason why i think it was an a is because it was the first frostworm that was added into the game that was available to all players and not just gladiators and i think that does matter a lot it's solid it's a solid a-mount i like it a lot i think it looks really really cool i'm a big fan i even ride this mount regularly if you guys here's how much i like this mount okay see that what can i say i like the mountain that was a battle station right there and i rode on that mount into battle uh in that battle station right there anyway we'll go back to the next one so this mount is a personal favorite i like it a lot but i would say it's about an a now this one right here this one is the um let me see can i actually see this yeah this one right here this is the uh blood gorge krog now the blood gorge krog is from glory of the old war raider now i'm gonna be honest guys i think this mount's not really that cool the reason why i think it's not that cool is because we already had one of these in the game back in uh at the beginning of bfa because you could get it from under rot so you had the exact same amount in the game this is just a recolor this is simply a recolor i'm sorry but this is a [ __ ] scene it's not that great it's not that exciting it's just you know it is what it is now the next one here it's a [ __ ] sea now the next one here is the corrupted fire hawk this comes from glory of the firelands raider now this mount whenever these came out there were two mounts in the whole game that looked like this i would say that this mount whenever it came out see these are effectively proto drakes if you look at the way these behave the fire hawks behave and the proto drakes behave they're the exact same thing and i think that's completely fine it doesn't matter like it it the fire hawk is an example that i use of why sometimes using re-skeletons are completely fine because it looked [ __ ] amazing i love the way that it looked i would say this one is again a solid b okay like it didn't really uh it didn't really it didn't break any boundaries it didn't do anything crazy but it was there and it was good so the next one right here this right here this right here boys is the volcanic stone break this is a beautiful majestic amazing mountain and i remember i was one of the first people on the server to ever have it it was an incredible mount now the stone drakes in the game were one of the new mounts that was added in cataclysm and back then those mounts were kind of cool because there weren't as many mounts in the game so with the stone drakes being in the game that was great but ultimately they weren't really that interesting the achievements for getting this mount were pretty cool i like the achievements a lot i would say it's in between a b and a c and i would say it's a low b because the other ones are just better because if i compare it with like these other two there's no way that it's even close to as cool as these are the the this drake was just whatever the only other break there are two other drakes you could get there was stone drakes at the beginning of cataclysm i believe uh which was the phosphorescence stone drake which came from anax and then also the vitreous stone drake that came from slabhide in uh in the stone core so this is this was certainly a rare amount and at the beginning it certainly was a flex mount now the next one here the drake of the east wind this right here is from glory of the cataclysm raider this is the amount that we did on my first achieve alone that i ever did so there's four drakes of the winds right there's one for each cardinal direction the drake of the north wind came from vortex pinnacle the drake of the west wind came from uh getting exalted with toll barad's buried in wardens and then buying it from the vendor drake of the south wind came from alec here and drake of the west east wind came from the glory of the uh there's five there's fi ishaq is in the game now but back i'm talking about in cataclysm right ishaq of the four wins is in the game but ishaq is basically just the drake of the north wind with a slightly different color okay like let's be honest um this one right here i would say is a scene there were already three other mounts in the game that looked like this and by the time that people were able to do these achievements people already had another version of this mount in the game that was readily accessible to anybody on a solo level now while the achievements were interesting and pretty fun to do overall i don't think that they were particularly amazing next one this is the mount from the uh the world is a draenor five-man dungeon achievements i don't remember what it was called okay i don't remember this mount like a lot of other mounts and wards of draenor was not worth the time it really wasn't like i remember whenever i got it i was super happy i was so happy whenever i got this mount but at the end of the day whenever i did finally get it never seen that one before yeah it's not because people don't have it it's because people don't want to have it nobody gives a [ __ ] about this [ __ ] mouth show it in game okay yeah let me show it in game yeah so this is uh this is the mount okay uh obviously kind of a uh kind of a cool mount i like whenever it jumps up that's really really cool look at that that's awesome right it's a great mount it used to run way faster his legs used to be on steroids they're not anymore very disappointing here's the problem with this board this is the problem with the board okay so uh there are so many of them in the game it was um boring it was a boring mount what can i say guys it really was okay next one this is a ship mount the ice crown this is a the ice brown uh frost brood vanquisher this is from uh this one right here let me go ahead and pull it up uh this one right here is from glory of the icc raider on 25 man in my opinion i feel like these are about equal i like the 10 man one better than the 25 man one personally but i think each person likes a different amount based off of you know like what they enjoy okay so like i would say this is a reasonable uh this is a reasonable rating for it uh it's a decent looking mount not necessarily amazing but not necessarily terrible either so yeah that's pretty much where i'm at with this mount right here uh 10 man is better i think 10 man is better as well but whatever grove defiler yeah we don't have grove defiler on the list uh i'll rate grove defiler and any other ones that i missed after this so the this is the infernal direwolf now i used to do a lot of these runs back in the day on stream for people on the streams to get this mount now this mount is definitely the most unique wolf and i think that it actually looks really cool and that's why it's not going to get a d i think that this mount really deserves a c because at the end of the day it's still just a [ __ ] wolf and with how many wolves are in world's draenor this was not really that unique but in terms of its model but of any wolf that could ever exist in the game i think this would probably be the most unique wolf that i could possibly expect so that that's pretty much where i'm at so this is the mount right here i remember whenever i got this i was pretty happy obviously it does look pretty cool it's kind of unique and so like it does have like kind of a unique appeal to it it is cool right yeah sure this is a cool looking mount but it doesn't help that it was sharing the model with like eight other mounts in the entire game it's like look at this right uh well like there's like one uh [ __ ] oh that one's wasn't it two three four and there's like other ones too that are called different things so there were two [ __ ] many of them i'm not gonna rate it very highly at all so we're going to go ahead we're going to hit it with the c and i think that's more than enough the next one here the iron bound proto-drake now this mount came out at a time this is for older warmth all the war 25 men or the older raider 25 man at this point there was not really the expectation of like what do glory of the whatever mounts look like because this was right at the first tier a sec first year of them doing it regularly i think that this mount was one of the coolest mounts they've ever added even nowadays i really like how it looks it looks [ __ ] awesome so i'm gonna say this mount is an a i believe that it's not as cool as the uh as the the icc mounts but i do really really like it i think this is a badass looking mount and i think that's really cool and a yeah this this seems pretty fair to me this mount was really really cool because you have to understand like at this point there were no other proto drakes in the game that looked like this at all except for the boss in in old war and this actually was a boss in old war it was like a razor scale and so this mount right here was [ __ ] awesome and it was one of the brand new proto drakes in the game so people really like the way that it looks for a lot of reasons this is a really really cool looking mount and i've always thought that it looked awesome so that's where it's going to go now the next one i'm just going to get on it right now before i rate it the gore strider grom one right here this is from glory of the draenor raider red podo was first no it was the first one that was like looking like that it was original like all of the other proto drakes were just recolors this is the first one that i armor on it now this mount right here i like this mount it's it's pretty vibrant in terms of like the way that it stands out as a gronkling but it also shared a model with the pound fist mount that wasn't really very rare at all and i i don't really think that it was anything that was like super exciting but i did like it and i thought this was a cool looking mount i'm gonna be honest with you guys i think this mount based off of how original it is and you know i do think that they're pretty cool it'd be especially because the coal fist was only added later on i think i'm going to give this a beat i think the cold fist grondling is going to get a b that seems reasonable to me cold fast growling at a b and this is a personal a certain point it is like personal opinion so if you look at the groundlings i think that for example why do people like the red karaji battle tank more than the other karachi battle tanks because it looks better like the colors are more vibrant people see you riding on that mount and they're like holy [ __ ] you're peacocking around because it's red and it's rarer yeah of course it's rarer but on top of that it just looks cooler because the colors are more vibrant and more clear so i think that for example when you look at this i think it looks way cooler and also like the other the cataclysmic drake was red too but there's four of in the four of them in the game and with this one there's only two and so i thought this was really nice and for anybody that didn't have a chance to farm pound fist which was very very hard to farm back then uh this was the only mount that you would see and because it was so original it was very clear to tell who had the glory of mount and who didn't next mount the range [Music] of the hippogriff from the five-man dungeon legion event i forgot what it was called [Music] lay feather hippie i was late i thought it was late woven lay feather hippogriff i really really like this mount now for those of you guys who don't remember there was a special achievement that was almost undoable whenever this achievement came out whenever legion came out it was bugged out and it didn't work properly and i remember mcconnell and i and everybody else in our group worked our ass off to try to kill this uh kill the boss and get the achievement pre-nerf and we actually [ __ ] did it we were the first people on the entire server to have this map it was so [ __ ] badass and we did it on stream by the way look that [ __ ] up on the google and you'll find it it was amazing that was back whenever i was still good at the game so you know there were a lot of things like that that would happen so regardless i think this mount does look really really nice but the other issue is that there are a number of other mounts that look exactly like it so if you look at it right you have this hippogriff yeah this hippogriff this one that one uh this this is the one that looks most like it uh the emerald hippogriff the emerald hippogrip is my favorite uh to be honest i like this one the most but layla open is my second favorite there are a lot of these mounts that are all in the game so you have a number of other hippogriffs that are in the game and where does that make this one place i think that all right here's where i'm gonna rate it okay i'm gonna put the lay feather hippogriff right here so it's clearly not better than any of these these two mounts uh the antoran char hound and the uh the corrupted hippogryph were way more original they were way more original and these other two mountains were less original i think the way wayfather hippogriff this is a perfect place for it to be this right here is an absolute perfect [ __ ] place for it to be so that's where i think that it deserves its slot rather which king bias dude what the [ __ ] no i don't think so at all so like for example like want me to make you happy i think this is a c that's a c like it is a c like maybe like a high c it's like right here [Music] like it's a c so we'll get to that and i'll talk about that but let's go ahead and get to the rest of these first all right so uh yeah it's i don't think rather lich king's not biased but the reason why rapidorching is to some degree like rated higher is because it came out earlier and the mounts were more original because there were less mounts in the game so it made them more special so your right wrath is going to have an advantage that is kind of structural okay so this next mount uh this is the glory of the pandaria raider um heavenly crimson cloud serpent from glory of the pandaria raider now i do think this mount like whenever the game came out so there were there's obviously four different colors or five different colors i believe of the different cloud serpents so the black heavenly cloud serpent came from uh the black heavenly cloud servant came from shaw of anger which was a one in two thousand chance so that [ __ ] would basically never drop and then you had the glory of the uh [ __ ] you had the the yellow one came out in time was aisle the uh the blue one came out with three thousand drakes or sorry three thousand mounts i mean yeah 3 300 now it's not 3 000 and then uh let me think uh is black red green oh the green one came out with the miss pandaria time walking and the blue one came out yeah yeah okay i got the blue one so anyway sorry i'm getting myself confused here the point that i'm making here now i know that was thundering not heavenly that's different so this mount was probably the first the first one of these mounts that you would ever see and it was one of the more available heavenly cloud serpent mounts and because of that i do think that it deserves a pretty high state a high rate i like this mound a lot and i think for its time it did look really really cool so i'm gonna go ahead and give this one right here i'm gonna give it a i'm gonna put it like right maybe right here like i i don't know like maybe right here i think this is probably the most fair way to put it and maybe it would be over this one but i think it should be somewhere around here okay okay this next mount right here so this mount right here this was the five-man glory of the pandaria mount so this was for the dungeon this is gory of the pandaria hero so i'll go ahead and show you guys what this one looks like okay [ __ ] this is a snake that's not a serpent like look at that look at the [ __ ] emblem man it doesn't even look like a serpent this just looks like a scuffed ass snake i remember whenever i got this i remember we were like some of the first people in the entire world that got this achievement look whenever we got it [Music] where is it uh i i scrolled through it pandaria dungeon hero we got this two days after the expansion came out like we were one of the first groups in the entire world to complete this [ __ ] so yeah i was pretty [ __ ] excited about it yeah well you know we'll scroll down yeah it's right there yeah two days after the expansion came out we were already max level and we completed every single achievement in the entire [ __ ] game i'm washed up now but you know what i've still got the trophies on the wall but you know what for the work that we put into it and the time that we put into it i'm gonna be honest this mount sucked dick this was a dick sucking mount not good we're gonna go ahead we're gonna rate this mount a solid [ __ ] d like this is i don't know like it might even go into here but because there were other cloud serpents in the game these were still kind of hard to get we will probably put it somewhere around i don't know maybe it should be a d it's so oh man let's go with the c yeah let's go ahead and just go with this c that seems fine to me you guys think it's a d uh okay yeah it's a high d yeah i would say it's a high d i know you guys probably have some experience with that yeah it's a high d now the next one is a desire war wind reaper this mount right here now at this point i would say this mount right here is it's trash it really is trash like i i'm sorry i think that it's trash here's why i think it's trash because there are like five other mounts like this in the game at this point like especially for horde there's a bunch of these in the game so whenever i look at this mount i think to myself oh wow this reminds me of all the other mouse so it didn't really seem like too exciting or too crazy or too cool to me because we'd already seen it before and multiple times at this point like this is the same amount that they gave us for throne of thunder but the difference is seven [ __ ] years it's going to it's going to be a heist i say it's a it's it's below it's below the croc i'd say it's about right here it's it's a medium level c mount uh not particularly amazing not particularly exciting it is a strong solid c [ __ ] mount okay i think that's what makes the most sense all right so the red proto drake the red proto drink it's a big [ __ ] now this is a big [ __ ] mountain boys this is a big old long dick man look at it it's a nice looking mountain here's the problem though there was already the blueprinter drake in the game that was super easy to get there was already the green proto drake in the game that was super easy to get now this is a red mount which automatically makes it better but even with it being a red mount i don't think that it actually deserves a placing beyond like a [ __ ] c maybe a b i think a b is the highest that i could possibly give a b is the highest that i could possibly give this mount i think that's what makes the most sense now the rusted ass produ now the rusted ass proto drake this is the mount that you would ride around if you weren't very good at the game this mount right here is a beautiful mountain this is an incredibly beautiful mountain that we've already seen before this is literally the scuffed version of the ironbound proto-drake this is the ironbound proto-drake if you leave it out to rust for 20 years there it is this is not that great of a mount i don't like it a whole lot and i don't think it deserves a very high rating i actually think that it deserves a rating below the red proto drake i i really think the russell birthday is is worse than the red proto drake like at least the red pearl drake was more vibrant the rusted one was just like hey look at me look at me dude i got the rusted no dude okay let's go to the next one this one right here the asari boat ray [Music] i don't even want to think about this now okay here's why i don't even want to think about it i'm going to get on it real quick you guys will be able to see it and then we'll go from there this mount right here was a mount that was added in patch 8.2 for completing all of the glory of the eternal palace or glory of the ashar raider achievements now i want you guys to just take a look at this mount now in my opinion i think this mount it's piss yellow and this mount was added at the exact same time and this is gonna i've been mad about this before at the exact same time as a silverian dreamer so this mount we could have got from the glory of the whatever the [ __ ] raider glory of the eternal raider but instead of that we got this [ __ ] of a yellow piss colored piece of garbage like stupid-ass stingray mount this is disgusting i hate this [ __ ] mount it's completely unoriginal it's incredibly boring and for defeating mythic or sorry for defeating queen ashara for the glory of the ashara raider we got this stupid [ __ ] stingray get the [ __ ] out of here no i'm sorry man that's not gonna be good enough for me i'm going to rate this piece of [ __ ] mount as a [ __ ] d the reigns of gallacrass this kind of had the same or sorry spawn of gal crest so this is the mount right here this mount is really cool to look at it's original it's unique if you see somebody riding on this mount you know immediately that they're not on one of the other proto drakes it's like one of the only armored proto drakes in the game at that point it was really really cool well regardless i would say gala crass is probably somewhere around here i think galax is it's about right here i don't think it was that original it was just another proto-drake it was a proto-drake with armor on it and we had proto-drakes in the game ever since wrath i don't think it was that exciting it wasn't that cool of a mount it was kind of like whatever i don't know man you guys think it was an a i don't think it was an a i really don't i would be willing to move it up to here that's about it and even that i feel like is a stretch okay that's the best that i can do now the next one here is the obsidian krakowisk let me go ahead and pull that one up this is for glory of the bfa raider now or sorry dungeon master whatever the [ __ ] it is okay um obsidian crocus okay gloria the war-torn hero okay there you go so this mount right here this is for doing all the five-man dungeons in bfa and doing all the achievements in them this mount is really cool okay like let's be honest this is a really really cool mount but here's the problem is there was already another version of this mount in the game already that was a lot easier to get which was the conqueror's scythe mall so anybody who actually cared about this model already had this mount on top of that i don't think that this mount itself was original and colored in a unique way to make it special beyond that so i would go ahead and give this i would say it's probably like a low like it's like probably right about here i would say it's also a b like it's a very very low b amount i'm sorry but i just can't get excited about it at all yeah i just really can't get excited about it it's kind of like whatever okay now we have the worst one um everybody knows like you've been watching my content for a long time you know exactly how i feel about the next mount [Music] the twilight harbinger now this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] was added into dragon soul look at this [Music] look at this [ __ ] they added three of the exact same [ __ ] mounts into the game and this is the twilight harbinger this is the lifebinders handmaiden and this is the blazing drake meanwhile at the exact [ __ ] same patch they added this [ __ ] where is it they added this where the [ __ ] is it where the [ __ ] they added this [ __ ] into the store they added this piece of [ __ ] into the store this is one of the coolest mounts that the games ever [ __ ] have i love this [ __ ] mouth this is way better it's way cooler and you know what it was themed after dragon soul so i'm gonna rate the twilight harbinger a [ __ ] zero because this should have been the reigns of the [ __ ] uh whatever the hell without the heart of the aspects and and you know what we're going to go even farther look at this [ __ ] chromatic champion look at the image on chromatic champion you know what this looks like the [ __ ] heart of the aspects and they put that [ __ ] on the [ __ ] store what a [ __ ] [Music] i'm so pissed i'm still mad about that like i i put salt in my hair whenever i heard about this i was [ __ ] put right there [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] not happy i was not happy yeah i was [ __ ] angry about it i was very very [ __ ] angry about using game rewards exactly and so that's why you lost your hair yeah everybody likes to talk about that regardless it's a dog [ __ ] mount i've never liked it all right now let's go to the next mount the uh which one what is this even called wriggling parasite i'm pretty sure this one is uh let me go ahead and pull it up do you know what this mount looks like you know what it looks like it looks like every single other mount that got added in patch 8.3 it doesn't look original at all it doesn't look special at all it doesn't look different at all it's the exact same [ __ ] mouth that we've already seen it's the same [ __ ] thing like who even gives a [ __ ] about this mount i think this mount sucks it doesn't look unique or special at all and there's like a bunch of other ones like the best one in my opinion the awakened mind borer is probably the most vibrant and unique looking one and it's like in the future i think this one's gonna be the one that stands out the most the male muncher is like you know it that's like our mount you know what i mean and so uh you know you've got that one and uh uh what where is it here the black serpent of the zoth this one's from the visions i think the vision mount is kind of okay but if i had to rate them i'd say the awaken mind borer the male muncher the black serpent of the zoth and then the wriggling parasite so i'm going to put the wriggling parasite as a c grove defiler is not on the list i'll talk about the grove defiler in just a minute let's go ahead we're going to just look at the grove defiler real quick and you guys will be able to see which one that is i actually think the grove defiler i always thought the grove defilers expression is the same expression that your dad would give you whenever you told them that you wanted to quit the football team to become an artist i don't know like that's the funniest [ __ ] thing about the mount is the disappointed dad moose now where would i put it i would say it's probably like a high b the grove defiler is a high b uh somewhere around there because uh it was the first uh moose mount that was added in the game actually no it wasn't because we had the one uh from juan actually that's not true uh but you know that one also was added i think it was original enough to where it was kind of cool and like wait wait what since when can it fly [Music] what [Music] [Applause] what no it was not always able to fly [Music] no i i know i know it was not able to [Music] what the [ __ ] is this i'm still raiding it the same but i didn't even know this oh my god [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 189,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold tier list, asmongold ranks, asmongold rates, tier list, wow tier list, world of warcraft tier list, asmongold mounts, asmogold raid, asmongold best mounts, best wow mounts, asmongold mounts tier list, asmongold ranks mounts, wow achievements, asmongold achivements, wow mounts, wow mount, raid mount, zackrawrr
Id: llFfghNScz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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