Asmongold Plays Dark Souls 3 Cinders Mod for the FIRST TIME

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two years have passed and today we return today we return to dark souls 3 to attempt the cinder's mod i've heard it's a lot harder well that means it's gonna be that much better to beat him gentlemen are you ready yes indeed it is called lothric where the transitory lands of the lords of cinder converge i'm so badass dude that's a little little venturing the pilgrims discover the truth of the old words [Music] the fire fades and the lords go without drones there ain't no fire anymore [ __ ] that's it that's a dead ass turtle they can't all make it this game is so good man [Music] when the link of fire is threatened the bell tolls [Music] it's so good guy's a [ __ ] i'll kill him easy i'll kill him easy it's not a big deal at all that's a joke boss undead legion easiest boss in the game you just kill him easiest boss in the game not worried about it at all badass [Applause] [Music] only in truth the lords will abandon [Music] that's me that's your boy [Music] nameless a cursed undead unfit even to be cinder that's me and so it is that's the good [ __ ] right there now what okay um i'm gonna do uh my name my name is long dick johnson gender male age young mature age okay we're gonna go with young i like that class deprived okay so we have all the different these are all the different things that you can do oh my god there's so many of these holy shits all right let's go up to the top let's start the top deprived okay we're not going to go with that a knight i like the idea of being a knight that sounds really good to me i'm a big fan of knights uh thief this one's kind of stupid i don't like thief uh sentinel this one is oh he's even using this y-hander already so he's got dude i might actually go sentinel bro but he's literally he already has the sword he already ha i mean he already has it and we've got mercenary as well this is a little bit stupid i don't want to be a mercenary wayfarer who seeks riches upon the roads uh this is kind of dumb i'm not a big fan of this i the armor is cool but the shield is too small and the sword is not long enough ass asin we've got intelligence and dexterity with luck nobody cares about that samurai level 18 this is decent enough i kind of like the way this looks but it's not really my type of thing let's go ahead and look at warrior now this is obviously the main one that i would probably go with but i don't know if it's really the uh the right decision um bandit do i care about bandit he has attunement i don't even know what attunement is for a stat so i'm not gonna go with the tournament soldier a forgotten soldier left to rot after the war ah this is stupid i don't want to be that acolyte this is for losers okay let's go to the next one harold a former herald who journeyed to finish a quest undertaken this is really cool except for the fact that he has points in faith which is a complete waste captain this guy's got a spear i kind of like the spear can i can i spin this around oh i can't uh peasant okay we're obviously not gonna be a peasant he's got 19 luck that's stupid explorer uh he's got a whip okay like i don't i'm not into any of that bdsm [ __ ] so we're just not gonna go with him a brawler uh this guy literally doesn't even have a weapon that's embarrassing we're not gonna go with that a hunter uh guy doesn't even have a pet either uh if he doesn't have a pet there's no reason to to to play with a hunter that's stupid um let's see here sorcerer no not it's not my kind of thing pyromancer i know pyromancer was really good in dark souls 1 but i don't care about it because i'm not a loser uh cleric this is also uh this is a loser class uh priest another loser class uh heretic another loser class is wearing a dress uh outcast okay this could be good oh dexterity and faith okay yep that's loser class uh skeptic this is also loser class paladin now it's really hard for me not to want to pick this one like look how big the sword is number one you see how big the sword is it's really big however i think that let's look at that that one's not uh these for some reason are not uh these are not working i don't know why it doesn't matter they're both uh caster uh one so it doesn't make a difference i think i should go with sentinel i feel like this is the right decision big dick uh let's see yeah is this big dick okay good let's go with it burial gift i'm just gonna go with a oh wait there's new ones i thought i could just get a life ring okay i guess not tabret tablet of legends enables hard mode okay [ __ ] that skeleton key that will open almost any door that's good young white branch i don't care about that soul of a crest fallen knight that's just more souls does it matter black firebomb i don't care about that radio oh this game has life gems like in dark souls 2 holy [ __ ] i think i should just go with the master key the master key seems like the right decision isn't it i say i just go master key yeah [ __ ] it face presets let's go and look at it uh physique let's see musculature uh standard i'm gonna be very muscular of course body hair oh dude i do i'm a bearer of a man all right let's see here build detail head uh let's see i'm gonna give him a little bit of a bigger head that way he can see what's going on and chest is gonna he's gonna have a big chest too he's a big boy abdomen very very thin now i'm looking like a [ __ ] pimp arms absolutely dude absolutely [ __ ] massive dude this guy that that's just like me in real life exactly okay good and legs uh let's go ahead and make this let's skip this down a little bit we're gonna make it a little bit more realistic good all right this has been accepted base skin color i'll just do my skin color i guess uh this is probably about as good as it gets let's see apparent age uh we're gonna go with a little bit younger uh i'm not that old guys not that old facial aesthetic uh the literally the most i am the most manly [ __ ] there is form emphasis uh we're gonna go with extremely strong form i am an aggressive wild animal okay let's go back and then face shape let's fix this around oh my god i don't know how much i'm gonna do this jaw i gotta fix his jaw jaw protrusion okay he's gonna have a big jaw and he can't have a narrow jaw either that's gonna be that's so weird i don't wanna go with that okay good and then we're gonna give him a very very wide jaw there it is perfect okay i actually look so good right now uh i need to do something with the nose though the nose is a problem okay give me a second we've gotta fix this and wait it's going longer again it's making his nose longer again jesus i look like a oh god how did i do oh my god yeah dude i look like a guy that's had too many [ __ ] plastic surgeries what's uh it's getting smaller bro this is literally like it i've got a beak bro like aren't there like default noses that i can use like what is going on oh my oh my god this is just i guys i'm this is really embarrassing i can't dude i can't get the nose right it looks good at the side but like if you look at him from the front bro it looks like he dude this guy can't smell [ __ ] what is the thing that makes it wider what what makes it wider because there's obviously something wrong here it's under the nostril tab or wait there's a nostril tab oh my god nostril size okay okay now we're fixing it all right that should be a lot better wait oh my guys i'm i'm not good at this i'm jesus i just i'm about to just give up on this nose thing like i'm actually about to give up on the nose thing it's so bad nose protrusion can we make it protrude less thank you okay now we're making it smaller he doesn't tell as many lies now i swear to god if this looks stupid never i turn him around i'm not gonna do his nose anymore all right dude oh we gotta play the game look this guy this is about as good as it's gonna get okay let's be honest chin protrusion chin size all right i'm gonna give him a big chin okay let's see how it looks up [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it man okay now let's look at hair okay all right this is just this is [ __ ] sad guys this is absolutely [ __ ] jesus christ bro like the bosses are gonna die just because they don't want to look at me anymore all right my eyebrows let's do let's do eyebrows oh i think i should go with this one here unibrow man come on man dude come on like what the [ __ ] like you're really trying to give me the unibrow jesus this is who is this guy okay it doesn't even matter beard all right let's give him a beard i think that one that one's basically oh this one's pretty much like mine i like that yeah why don't we give them like this one here what do you guys think does that look good and then beard color i'll do my beard as reddish because that's the color of my beard i look good i look like a light bulb man shut up no i don't i look [ __ ] good dude i am a fierce warrior i will i'll save it okay bro dude i look good dude what oh dude man tell tell me you [ __ ] with this guy there's no way i i do i'm a monster man i'm a bat dude the mall walker yeah this is long dick johnson right here gentlemen we're going with the sentinel with the master key all right okay let's practice okay good one two three all right good and then this is control for the knockback alrighty company of champions what the [ __ ] is that let's go back over here it's a covenant item okay nobody cares about that covenants are for losers oh i'm head i'm fat where wait wait i gotta change some [ __ ] okay this is good all right i just take off the shield okay guys let's go 70 yeah it should be fine all right let's go all right where are the enemies is this what i think it is it's already playing boss music okay first boss let's go [ __ ] suck my dick suck on my dick suck on my dick got him come at me what holy [ __ ] this is the first boss what oh my god dude maybe it's my wet maybe it's my weapon that's broken it's my weapon that sucks it's not me it's my dude i can't believe this weapon sucks so much okay let's go let's go go again why does he have the back [ __ ] on there okay dude he he dude all he does is shield all he does is shield all he did bro dude he oh he does his shield [Music] i gotta i gotta make them run at me [Music] [Music] jesus [ __ ] okay all right focusing focusing focusing no deaths bro i can't [ __ ] get him [Music] this is the worst weapon for me to possibly have on jesus christ okay who do i have to take the hit i don't even understand [Music] stupid stupid shouldn't have done that huh yeah that's right can't beat the literal god overleveled i swear to [ __ ] god guys i swear to [ __ ] god are we really gonna do that already over leveled jesus okay let me just check over here see if there's anything good all right it looks like there's not all right let's let's actually move and we're gonna go do the first boss first boss is a joke and where's the where's the guys there's like no npcs around here there's nothing here what kind of a mod is this yeah there's nothing here okay fading soul and a green blossom okay that's a big deal for me with these ones too there we go awesome okay now let's go for the first boss what an easy game okay and there's nothing here i hear a sparkle what huh what purchase items what is he gonna yeah what's he selling okay this is just ritual incense this is all for companions i don't really care too much about that okay um let me go back yeah this is a very interesting vendor we're gonna have to keep keep track of him let me light the bonfire okay level up let me go ahead and do this real quick and i'm gonna just get more points into vigor there we go nice okay let me go back and i'm gonna leave all right let's keep moving let me go over here i think the the the katana guy used to be over here and now i guess they moved him i wonder who's over here yeah literally okay let's go the four what the [ __ ] i i couldn't see anything holy [ __ ] i didn't know i thought he only did three okay let me try that again i'm gonna just try to sneak up on him he's doesn't know a [ __ ] thing dude he's so stupid okay see whenever you you have to learn how to you have to learn how to get them okay now let's go back over to firelink shrine let's actually start playing the game now now that i've been goofing and [ __ ] around where's this girl welcome to the bonfire unkindled one what up [ __ ] i'm a fire keeper i tend to the flame and tend to thee oh you tend to me okay i like this under there the lords have left their thrones and must be delivered to them so we gotta put them to this end i am at thy side we gotta play musical chairs let's level up very well okay then take nothing touch the darkness inside of me i will do that i'm gonna get two points in vigor obviously let me see here so i can warp around travel i think i should do this one right this one seems easier let's go there let's see what we're doing where we're going here uh it seems i i've been here before i know what this is this is not really that hard should be very easy to do and this is just the first area in the game see this guy thinks he's gonna come at me he's not okay neither is he okay oh wait wait we get some free damage okay g [ __ ] g dude good mod good mob by the way really good mod uh do i even want to go for this i feel like i don't i feel like i don't want to go for this okay kill these guys kill these guys come on please okay there we go good kill them oh no i had to do that myself dragons are actually friendly bro this one's not friendly i guarantee you or something i'll go after this one wait that's fire okay so i can't go through the fire right because it's fire i don't know how i get across there oh this is fine i can do it oh i thought the fire was gonna hurt is this what i think it is please don't be what i think it is please don't be what i think it is please don't be where i think it [ __ ] [Laughter] outplayed once again boys out played once again this weapon's so slow man it's so [ __ ] slow let me see if i can go down here there might be something better down here okay it seems like everything should be clear up here at least that's good and then lift chamber key oh oh okay i can use this for the for the teleport wait what huh what are these this is such a mistake i should not be doing this this is so stupid okay oh wow what the [ __ ] oh my god what did i just get damage against demon who the [ __ ] cares about demons dark damn who cares about dark damage either this is all garbage whatever okay well i if i have dark damage i guess i can use it cracked red eye orb oh who cares demon slayer asthma gold yeah i know okay that wasn't too bad i'm hoping i can get another bonfire soon spend my points we'll see if i can do that though i don't know where the [ __ ] it is oh nice okay actually i did get a bonfire holy [ __ ] i didn't actually expect to get one uh lots of strength i'm gonna get two more points of strength okay that seems fine to me oh this is good i guess i'll just keep going down this way okay just go through here i can't [ __ ] see anything dude okay there we go we got it all right who's this dick boy what up ah you know jayla are you no this isn't shadowhands you're from far away yes and judging by the bell you must be some of that unkindled ash yes i wait remarkable what happened to my helmet if that's true then i have a favor to our what is it what do you want below the high wall is a musty little town okay not the home of any lord just a very old settlement of undead all right an old woman loretta lives there please give her this ring uh it depends where's the statue i'm not asking for charity in fact if you do this for me i'll be sure to repay you in kind i may be a petty thief but i have more wits than most royalty what do you say then uh yeah very well i'm gonna do it i humbly place my faith in you i am gray rat of the undead grey rat what a dumb name an idiot promise to assist you give this ring to old loretta at the base of the high wall okay do your part and i'll do mine wait what's your part who's your stone ring all right and let's see damn thanks bro i appreciate that okay i guess we'll go up and try to oh [ __ ] i can't even do that because i'm all the way down here now whatever i'll i can beat the other guys it's not a big deal the big boy is not that hard big boy is not that hard his backseat uh not allowed the pursuer wait what what what i was not expecting a quadruple there can i go up okay i've got to go up now quickly quickly quickly okay yeah i i don't know what he's gonna do so i wasn't sure i'll use my last life gem and i think i'm gonna use my flask too i'm gonna use everything i have i'm gonna use everything i have to beat this guy yeah it's not looking good boys okay okay all right let's focus okay that was a miss that's how it's done right there [ __ ] okay i'm gonna try and get him to do the overhead again i literally could have hit him there okay i couldn't do anything there look at my health okay we got him all right am i gonna get anything good pursuers ultra great sword is physical 184 to 73 and it requires 50 strength yeah 50 yeah it's a garbo it's complete garbo okay um okay can i heal yeah okay that might have hit me i have to wait for the overhead how do i get out of here oh i can't okay okay okay okay i can lead him through the fire maybe uh alrighty so i just i think i just need to expect i need to expect three or sorry i need to expect four swings it feels like every [ __ ] um it feels like every guy that i go up against does four swings wait wait wait a second wait a second wait a second oh my god are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me like i are you [ __ ] kidding me and he's got a two-handed sword okay what does he do i could have hit him there is this all he does he just jumps he's a hoppy boy okay what an idiot dude imagine using a big two-handed sword that every single time that you attack with it it just leaves you massively vulnerable to attacks like what a stupid [ __ ] imagine that like he's so dumb like you should definitely use like you should use some sort of like other item or or whatever else i mean imagine that where the quick step easily i don't really use quick step but i might as well put it on and this is where there's a there's a lot of knights up there i need to get all the way down there [ __ ] okay this is not looking good yeah i don't know why i just i i've never really been good at dealing with them wait what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] was that yeah i don't even know what the hell that was okay um yeah the kick of doom yeah i did i didn't mean to do that uh what should i do here i guess i kind of have to fight these guys now [ __ ] okay i've got to heal up again this is so bad this is oh wait that's bro that's auto aim that's 100 auto aim everybody knows it jesus what is going on holy [ __ ] god damn i'm getting my ass back bro he's auto-aiming what okay okay all right focusing i can't see i can't see okay uh i i'm just gonna run in i don't want to get backed into a corner with like eight different mobs like it's not that's annoying now i'm just gonna try to run down this time okay i'm not gonna waste my time with any other [ __ ] i'm just gonna run down and get to the boss nothing's going to hit me or attack me or anything i'm gonna be totally fine i probably should try to get my souls though okay all righty and okay all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here where's the boss wait where's the boss wait what oh okay all right he's dude he's got my mace he's got my [ __ ] mace man let's see it come at me [ __ ] come at me [ __ ] i want you to come at me you should watch the part about norway it will give some perspective thank you he's so dumb he's so big fat and dumb man why do you do this fort you think you're gonna beat my ass you think you can beat my dick mort get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] i don't have time i don't even want to look at you check if you need to oh well look at you get into software trolls probably one of the best career paths in terms of roi right now and it won't stay that way forever thank you i appreciate that that's easy that's a e that's a easy ass [ __ ] i just [ __ ] killed his ass dude where's my bonfire i need to go back up to the top now that was easy what the [ __ ] boss is super easy oh this is a bug this is the most judgmental stream in history oh really never seen so many pepeggs put in their place in one day it has given my soul life and you thank you osman also i am in the u.s and took six weeks off last year try working hard worry can i bug him out he can't follow me in here kenny it's a bug he's bugged out it's a boss area turn around turn around turn around baby vort turn around it doesn't matter what build you go you're going to die to my guards the first time you fight them you collect brothers but i collect tears pontiff's right eye we got it thank you okay cheating dude cheating i you know what i like about cheating is it makes things so much easier if you guys ever noticed that why would i die wait oh my god how much health does this thing have what the [ __ ] [ __ ] turn around okay come on jesus oh this guy is lick it no why would i want to lick it it's disgusting got it okay good oh that's why it was it was so powerful it had the buff oh i didn't even realize that yeah i had the [ __ ] buff okay that's not good that's a big boy all right let's turn back around here did we actually aggro any of these no i can kill this guys because we super easy to kill come on bro my days are numbered like my days my days are numbered and i think that number is one uh i'm kind of nervous right now i'll be honest oh there's a bonfire right there there's a bonfire right there oh don't don't don't don't don't don't aggro please don't aggro please don't aggro yes can i actually just go around these guys can they can they follow me through here they can't right okay nice they can't okay i've gotta go talk to uh this girl ah the wait has been long kindled one it has been i am emma high priestess of lothric castle hello emma allow me to speak frankly okay frank you will not find the lords of cinder here they have left [Music] through the great gate and raise this banner to proceed okay this farewell gift is for you yeah it is the insignia of an old covenant is it a picture of it dark spirits drawn by the embers then etch this upon your heart and the old concorde will beckon noble blue sentinels to hunt these foul spirits as for [ __ ] what is wrong i'm kindled one i'm going to tell you what's wrong are you not a lord seeker is this not the calling of your kind since age is possible i'm going to tell you what's wrong you want to know what's wrong grandma what's wrong is my chat wants me to kill you grandma listen she would have died of chronovirus anyway what on earth what is wrong wait why i gotta do it again well now it now it's awkward this is ah [ __ ] man okay uh do i do it or not all right chat poll chat poll 80 say killer wait 80 percent want me to kill her i'm sorry grandma i had to do this to you it's about chad they made me do it what is wrong wait what are you dead now it must be my dear prince lothric all right i had to do all three of them basin of vows i put this right in here wait oh you're guilty this is not yeah y'all made me do this i don't want to hear about this uh oh uh oh what's gonna happen now oh oh no what's that [ __ ] i'm really really really under leveled for this boss okay i'm gonna give this like two attempts and then i want to go ahead and do the rest of the of the game normally okay dude she's a thot man a hundred percent if she was on twitch she'd be in a hot tub all right let's go you're not gonna do that [ __ ] out of here what i can't see anything i'm not used to fighting this boss man okay all right let's pay attention to that next time all right bro i'm literally getting [ __ ] slapped okay all right focusing let's get it let's get it okay should not have done that does this do damage okay all right uh we'll try one more we'll try one more we'll try one more and get so bad i forgot what she does man it's been a long time what can i say okay okay that's the one that always gets me man oh i don't know how i didn't get it by that i'm dead okay get away get away get away get away oh man all right all right let's go let's go let's play the game [Music] all right i can't see her okay oh what the [ __ ] [Music] i yeah dude i uh all right all right i don't want to do it anymore i don't want to do it anymore uh i could kill this boss would take me too many attempts i mean as i said i could do it if i sat there and i beat my head against it 100 i still want to okay so let's get this right here oh that look okay let's transpose where's wart's hammer okay now now i need to get i need to get some souls all right i'm just gonna i'm gonna play the rest of it and i'll eventually get it okay and now we should go to the next level you can re-fight bosses and cinders and get multiple of the same soul oh yeah i remember there was something about that yeah i do remember that use boss tomes for more souls i don't want to use it yet this place thanks for the great streams you truly are one of a kind personality on the internet i try to do whatever watching your stream and videos has become a regular thing for me and my gf and it's a wonderful way to spend time together stay you stay awesome i will thank you very much okay asthma is a [ __ ] listen man like i understand i i know how the game plays and this is like a mid to year boss it's just not worth doing oh wait i didn't even notice it takes me over there yeah thank you okay that's crazy all right here we go and let's go to the next area so how many other extra bosses did they add into the game that's what i'm kind of curious about like did they add a lot of them or is it just like a handful 27. holy [ __ ] that's like dark souls 2 level wow who's this who's this who's this [ __ ] out of here let me open this up alrighty boys let's go it's time oh okay can i walk up on her will she see me no she won't stupid [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here on time for that okay there we go awesome oh i got more gems too [ __ ] yeah okay let's just run and we'll go right to here okay that was actually really bad for me that was really really bad for him i can't see where he's supposed to be man i i can't see them man it's so annoying it's so annoying okay um let's go back over here we're gonna go up to the top let's go right to here let's go right through here where's the bad boy here there he is okay i took some damage it doesn't matter okay and i'm just going to break this around okay good and now we have go over here i'll with this is she gonna be able to hit me no she's not okay looking around focusing paying attention knowing where i am knowing where i'm not fading soul and fading soul great it's just like my health ah [ __ ] can i what what jesus okay [Applause] jesus i was almost bad oh okay boys it's oh time god oh my god oh my god all right let me let me put it on oh i've just got i've got to put it on yes and then i hit him right there and i do another one and then oh my god this is just like how it used to be because i would go one two and then they'd be dead oh my god do the special uh it's control for special right yeah uh the special uh just uh it increases your poise i'm pretty sure watch this watch this stupid [ __ ] oh my god now the way this boss works is he's a boss and you have to attack him it's basically the way it works let's go okay good start very good start okay please kill these guys for me just kill them for me mr tree save me mr tree so i can kill you thank you what i'm literally hitting it [Music] always he's he's dropping birds give me a minute i gotta kill these first [Music] okay oh i didn't know he did damage that way okay yeah that was a mistake on my end [Music] what he's gonna roll backwards no okay how dude how bro what bro what [Music] there there you like that huh i'm gonna get right in your [ __ ] dick let me beat your dick off i'm literally gonna beat your dick off right now wait what i thought i was going to go was going to knock me down okay knock me down wait what the hell is going on oh there we go there we go okay we're good got it okay let's go around through here let's get out of there good that was my fault i shouldn't have done that so was that that was really my fault that was like super my fault oh he puts that down so it's harder to hit him i see okay when's this gonna go away okay let's go around through here okay a little bit of a learning curve there for the fun got his ass i got his uh got his [ __ ] ass got his [ __ ] ass soul of the rotted great wood nice and i got amber nice okay that's a easy clap boss yeah it is let's travel and we're going to travel over to the which one do i go to i go to this one right yeah cause that's the one i have to take the thing are you using controller uh no i don't like using controller map i actually really prefer using uh a mouse and keyboard uh i have much more control over the way my character looks and moves around what the hell are you doing dude what are you doing bro you want it you want to come at me too [ __ ] bad i don't want to deal with you let me alone let me okay okay dude okay dude there we go we're fine i guess i'll kill this guy too might as well since he's gonna try to [ __ ] with me anyway okay now we have to deal with this guy okay he's not going to see me he saw me what are you doing dude what are you doing what what's happening what's happening what's happening uh what's happening where's the boss i'm so scared okay what is going on we go up to here maybe i should be safe up here right yeah i'm safe [Music] okay let's trade that guy he's dead got him come here sparky got him nice okay and now i guess i'll just go ahead and look around before i do the rest of this the music is kind of funny what what how do i get out of here okay let's go i don't know how it didn't hit me no no no no no okay dude that dog [ __ ] me that dog actually [ __ ] me wow that scared the [ __ ] out of me let's go ahead and just go through this way actually should i go down there what do you guys think yeah should i go down there okay yeah let's do it i've got to use the life gem first though don't go talk to the guy okay hmm another one of those unkindled are you yeah it's me it's me oh you faces undead behaving as if you deserve respect what now you're poking around in people's cells how very noble thank you that's a nice guy ah taking an interest in her review i don't know who her is but yes but she's a lost cause couldn't even become a firekeeper she should have stabbed out her eye since she'd be able to i thought i brought her all this way and got her all ready she's beyond repair i tell you damaged goods yo yo whatever woman's a lost cause couldn't even become okay do i jump down or not do i jump down or not gentlemen yes all right i'm gonna do it let's go jump roll bro i'm not i'm not taking any more risks i'm not taking any more risks okay and there's no way he can go in here right okay come on siegward bro i'm i'm so sorry that almost happened [Music] [Music] pardon me i was absorbed in thought i know that i am zegvert of katarina to be honest i'm in a bit of a pickle have you ever walked near a white birch only to be struck by a great arrow yeah about 15 minutes ago actually well if i'm not mistaken they come from this tower what whoever it is i'm sure i can talk some sense into me too i'm using the thing that i talked since but i have to find a way up and that's just the trouble this lift only goes down you see and yeah well that doesn't get me anywhere true i've played the game before okay there it is i need to go to the middle area first though can i talk to him who are you what up i help anytime wait what oh so we're boys now that's it we good bro we good now all right awesome let me just get my heel up and then we'll go down to the middle area where are you at where you at big boy there it is [Music] yeah ah oh don't disappear like that you had me downright worried it's okay but thanks to you an epiphany has struck me square in the head i've unraveled the riddle of this inscrutable lift really what is it he's a funny guy he really is a funny guy on some days i begin to doubt myself i don't i went up the tower so i thought then somehow ended up here i'm not exactly sure what happened what happened anyhow do you see that that humongous beast yes i see him i'm no coward and i have a steady hand but that thing makes my skin crawl that's an easy easy boss man how now think twice before you go down that road it's easy i could try talking some sense you're really gonna try to talk to him you're gonna talk to big boy no i think not he's far too overheated he's very hot i've got to use my head and think let's think how about we kill him why don't we kill them why don't we kill the guy i could try i i'm just gonna kill him how do you guys feel about killing him uh yeah let's go kill okay that's that is obviously a very big boy help me bro no you should have waited well it's too late now i seek word of the knights of catalina right by your side attack him bro attack him got him okay there it is and what'd i get a fire seat okay cool that was a good fight man we beat his ass good job bro like he's tired of my [ __ ] let me go ahead and get some heals i'm not going to use my last escus yet but i can use old radiant life gems i bet that's going to heal me for a while uh do i care about killing him not really escus yeah yeah and let's use this here and then this should bring the one up that i need to do now if i remember right there's something at the bottom of this that makes me really upset i could be wrong but i don't think i am let's find out am i wrong no way dude no way dude there it is oh my god yes i want to get enough endurance to where i can get a four swing i want to hit something four times uh with my mace and then i'll be okay with endurance use the flynn ring why is this a bad that's a bad point okay let me try and circle around them there's no way he's going to see me there's no [ __ ] way he's going to see me the case on me all right i hate this boss so much i literally can't see what i'm doing i'm dead i absolutely i hate these [ __ ] things i hate these [ __ ] things so much and this one i hate this one more than any of the other ones this is the one that i hate it gets you up against the wall you can't see what's [ __ ] happening god let's just do it again let's let's do it a [ __ ] again it doesn't matter let's go come on come on just die just die just die just die there we go i hate these [ __ ] mobs so much okay so now we need to go down this way okay two big boys wow holy [ __ ] jesus these things are hard to kill what the [ __ ] and let's go down to there perfect and poison bite ring this one should hopefully not be too much [Applause] oh that's a lot oh that is a lot that is a lot okay that was close boys and do i go down there no i don't okay i didn't see what that was initially oh [ __ ] there's no way this has enough points to deal with me so bad i'm actually so bad doesn't matter to me boys doesn't matter to me boys i do what i need to do oh did it drop anything oh it did butcher knife and a blight ring nope you did not hear me you did not hear me you did not hear me i'm just chilling man i'm just chilling don't worry about me don't worry about me okay let's run away jesus bro that guy that guy doesn't have dude he he was not having any of my [ __ ] okay dude i just i don't know what it is about like the uh those slash abilities or the impale abilities like there's something about my brain that just doesn't dodge them got him okay that was better much better much better that time yeah like no it's just there's something about it like all the other abilities i can do just fine but any impale ability in this game like there's just some sort of [ __ ] like mental block i have against it i don't know what it is there's another one probably coming to me okay gonna ignore him kill this guy there should be another guy right here dodging him okay and you're dead perfect okay that was see dude it's that one it's that one type of ability i swear to god like every other ability in the whole game i have literally no trouble and no trouble with but that's the one type of ability that i just completely shut the bed and i've never understood why either what's this cool oh hello how do you do unkindled like you this is horace a friend and traveling companion are you too insane not much of a talker yes we are well along the road of sacrifices below us is the crucifixion woods beyond the flooded woods lies farron keep home of the undead legion further yet is the cathedral of the deep we seek the cathedral home of the grim aldrich oh we'll kill his ass we may go our separate ways now oh weren't they like kids that got away from aldridge i remember that a little bit across paths one may find the other thing yeah i remember the original game uh if you killed these guys uh it gave you like either a storage sword or like a ring i forgot which one dude these guys are the bane of my existence dude oh oh for a second i thought i wasn't able to one shot him well come on stupid ass [ __ ] what a joke i'm pretty sure it is i don't know where the red guy that spawned is oh wait what the [ __ ] oh no okay i tried to jump on him that didn't work can i break these yeah i can but it doesn't matter oh that does a lot of damage okay let me go down here where is he i can't even see him jesus christ okay okay all right there it is there it is twin spears of the forlorn armor and everything like that okay good so what does this give me armor of the foreworn uh it seems like it's a lot lighter armor let's see item info oh that's more dark damage because like i'm assuming his weapons do dark damage since they have like you know dark [ __ ] around them i'm just assuming okay i'll go in through here what's in here what's in through here okay there's a bad boy just killed this guy here too got that guy shooting at me from the top okay is there anything over here no there's not oh i didn't think that would hit me i thought i moved out of range apparently not just hit him through the wall okay apparently not that's not gonna happen either i feel like half of the mob kills that i've gotten today have all just been through exploiting like some sort of like weird [ __ ] attacking something through a wall or some [ __ ] random [ __ ] that i figured out how to do but yeah it's all just been like some cheesy ass trash come on let's go up here first isn't there something bad up here yes there is i think i'm gonna use the radiant life gem that i run in yeah there she is okay where she at where she i have a hack that allows me to know whichever the right one is every single time whenever i fight them it's called being 300 iq wait where are the other we're out the other ones wait what the [ __ ] whenever you're an elite gameplay uh an elite gameplay enthusiast becomes very easy i have to show that just because i don't want people to i don't want people to get angry can let's just heal up [Music] i knew that was gonna be the wrong one i knew that was gonna be the wrong one too i know it's the purple one i i know it is i was just showing off that's all i was just showing off ego andy yeah okay easy so let's see i guess i can go down this way amber restored good but yeah i could see it getting harder definitely oh it's godzilla one oh wow that's right i remember this it's okay let's run away come here godzilla oh my god dude my roll timing is so bad what is going what is what is wrong with me let me just move out of here move out of here oh my god i'm so bad i thought i could get out of that okay he's dead elder guru tree okay nice awesome let me go back to the the true weapon has the mace move set yeah so the tree weapon if i remember right you can summon those like red spirits and [ __ ] let me go ahead and show you like this one here it does huge [ __ ] damage like this is a massive big dick [ __ ] tree the problem with it though is that it's a big tree and if you're swinging around a big tree it's going to wear you out really fast that's why it's not good let me go back over here and i'm going to uh s on strength yeah yeah it beats your strength yeah it's good it is definitely good let me go ahead and do one thing i think i'm ready i think i could be ready i'm not sure i'm ready but i think i'm ready let me see if i'm actually ready okay wait a second let me make sure that i know i'm the right spot yeah okay here we go should stocks a gop weapon well the thing is like i'm going to of course use a good weapon like i've never liked the idea like a lot of dark souls players like handicapping themselves i like beating the [ __ ] out of the game and going as hard as i possibly can that's what i like no mistake [Music] that's gonna hit me okay okay it's avoid time i'm stupid i'm stupid i'm stupid i shouldn't have done that i can't see anything i didn't know that was even an attack okay okay [Music] okay i might die here [Music] that was not expected that's really bad for me oh man okay i'll try i'll do one more attempt i'll do one more attempt i didn't even think about the life gem man i didn't even think about it just use a shield yeah i mean i'm sure like playing with the shield does make it a lot easier it's a hard boss it's not a hard boss it's just a boss it's like it's very it's like uh it like it baits you into thinking something's gonna happen and then it doesn't i think that's what makes the boss really hard is you think one thing's gonna happen and then it makes you think something else is gonna happen like i don't know what that is i just keep getting hit by there jesus uh okay let's move away let's just play this safe and move away don't just heal myself up i probably shouldn't have healed there but i did okay [Music] can't see anything [Music] that's really bad i don't know how i got out of that it's a double all right i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm done all right uh thanks a lot for watching guys i really appreciate it uh we had a good time and i uh i'm done and i i'm not gonna i'm not gonna make myself mad thank you guys all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it i'll be back online tomorrow i'm gonna run some ads and then after that we're gonna call the day peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 330,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold dark souls, dark souls, asmongold demon souls, demon souls, dunk souls 3, dunk souls III, dark souls dunkey, dark souls 3, dark souls III, asmongold dark souls 3, asmongold speedrun, asmongold dark souls speedrun, asmongold dark souls cinders, dark souls cinders, hardest dark souls game, ds3, ds3 speedrun, asmongold ds3, hardest game, asmongold rage, speedrun, cinders mod
Id: 7Wc6X08CCsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 37sec (5137 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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