Worlds First 0 Hits Taken Bow Only Run - Dark Souls 3

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and it cut when it gets to the hard times or the the harder situations all right so the winner is Olaf GG man you got it I'm gonna let you pick who do you want to be do you want to be the Bulldog or do you want to be the bug eye dude or the or the mr. bean looking dude whereas someone said what's his name was it Richard Hammond there was something like that or someone someone Hammond I looked at the picture of the guy by the way and he actually does look extremely similar to this character it's pretty crazy Don Fiore welcome back what's up ah don't even what's going on for sick ring what's going on dude Javiera welcome back Richard hammer Richard Hammond or something like that it is Richard Hammond okay sweet bug-eyed mr. bean you want to be this guy okay perfect it does look like him I just I didn't I didn't know what he looked like and then I saw and I was like [ __ ] it's pretty true wheeze what's up guy from Top Gear yeah like that's what someone was saying I've heard of Top Gear before as well but I don't think I've ever really watched it and if I have I just I don't remember I you have a joke to make but it would be wildly inappropriate okay well I guess it depends like if it's against the chat rules then I would refrain but otherwise jokes are funny it might be a pretty good one game and watch welcome back Nathan how have you been dude I haven't seen you for a while how's everything going how's your music going as well what's up Brian peppers who's Brian peppers same bloke from Top Gear and that Amazon climb trailer yeah I haven't seen any kind of trailer with with the guy in it like what is top you're good is it a good show or something tank crew Darin welcome back I know you're gonna say if I if I miss like one extra thing from you that I didn't say hi and I did see you I just was thinking of something else and didn't go back to that thought I apologize but welcome what's going on man there's no way that you can say that I forgot [Music] [Music] [Music] is Top Gear good the nerve on the sky I'm sorry dude I know it spy must be popular I just yeah son Ryan what's up how are you doing today American Top Gear avoided all costs top gear is boring edgy tabs haven't had me say hi to you in five days I even jumped over your hello a second ago I'm sorry dude I was probably fighting gun-deer like by the time you said it like with the delay and me just catching up on other stuff like I'm not even up-to-date on like things like I'm probably over a minute behind right now myself want to give you the ride to the pharmacy to pick up some tissues no edgy honestly I apologize dude it's not my goal for that to happen I got a I used to scroll chat for a while until it became the case that I was doing speedruns then I knew that I couldn't scroll unless I was on a quit out and if I had caught up with everything on a quit out then I didn't want to wait to catch up on stuff that hadn't happened yet it's so like I would just go back in then a bunch of stuff would happen when I couldn't quit out and then I'd have to scroll up but I couldn't and by the time I wanted to it would be gone so there being a way to see it you know even if I did scroll up they would be gone so it's like that's kind of got used to that from speedruns and now I just don't scroll up as much anymore but I also kind of just it's it bothers me to not constantly be like moving through the run unless there's something that you know is more important to explain at the time or whatever like there are times where I'm just like I want to I want to just keep going to get through stuff because I feel like if I take too many breaks in the run it's gonna throw it off a bit current best attempt at this pretty much the entire game and then we have a one-hit PB as well which was but 70% through but best run in terms of zero hits was most of the game pretty much like almost the entire thing for stick to I speak French I do not speak French no I know some French words but I do not speak French Smith Woodward what's up how're you doing man I feel like I've seen that emot-- from somewhere before who owns that read the title is beau like in the as in the gesture a bowing only run I gotta go watch danganronpa three with some friends see you later all right Valley enjoy man I'm not sure what that is but I've heard of it before I didn't think I thought that was a game I didn't think it was like a movie or something or like a show yeah I remember I think I had seen that like a long time ago Mike not just recently this is a while ago I could have sworn maybe there is a game of it I don't know I could have sworn as a game dr1 into our games with anime adaptations ok so it was a game it's from exp channel that's why it's familiar so I have that a mode I just haven't used it before but I've seen it I see French Canadians are rude in your experience all the French Canadians I know are really nice actually but I mean there could be other reasons someone's rude not just because they speak French it could be a coincidence that like there's people that are just mean but they also happen to but I don't think like being able to speak French is the canadiens enough to dictate you as anything other than just that you speak French I guess I'm lucky haven't uh haven't had any one that is particularly rude that is French that I've ever talked to or known so that's good or at least french-canadian not just French Creole what's up second best Canadians humor right after Lobos is Lobos isn't Canadian Lobos is uh is from Texas and pretty sure but I appreciate that though thank you burrito welcome back have you been Mayfield what's up what is this Chris Cole that's a baby dude you think it's French people not french-canadian even French people I mean I don't know I've never been to France obviously that would kind of help with that but I don't know I feel like when you went if you summarize something like that it's kind of like not really given it a chance if you kind of place those stereotypes it's like it's probably a lot of nice French people this there's just people that are [ __ ] everywhere you can't avoid that like the demeanor of someone alone shouldn't dictate I guess if they actually are intentionally being like rude to you maybe I feel like maybe sometimes things come off as a way that you perceive it but it's not like the way it is it's just like maybe the vibe that you're getting from it so maybe like with just the the way that some people say things maybe it seems like that's the case but it's not I don't know well I guess I'm lucky in that way I haven't had anybody that was particularly particularly rude that was French that I've had to deal with Texas is the 14th province of Canada oh my god are you gonna actually start coming in here and spilling all the secrets of the country don't tell anybody that man there's only so many people that know that right now that was just discovered recently to like I can't believe you're just breaking into the stream and saying that kind of stuff who even let this guy in like come on you're spilling secrets not killing the lady onion anymore old Thunder welcome back dude I am killing her later on just to save a little bit of time I mean sometimes I still kill her at the beginning if I if I start shooting her at the beginning I just continue to finish it sometimes I accidentally fire like one arrow and then I just gotta finish it off but most of the time we'll just skip it so we can do it later because it actually is faster to kill her later and the 1,000 souls are not the most important thing but it helps a little bit [Music] Matt wore buckle what's up orphan of cost is about five times more difficult than anything else in blood-borne you're getting destroyed he's pretty bad I agree with you there I was impressed too like I played the DLC with a level 60 character and I think I was like I'm not gonna put any more levels into it I actually put like another 10 to 15 levels in just for that fight so I was like you know what I'm gonna do anything it takes just to win because I am tired of getting destroyed on that and it was pretty hard it took like five hours and everything else took like less than an hour at least is my PB one burrito it is yes yes - you can have an arrow ready and still walk ah you can do that in this mod star thank you for the host dude welcome back how is your stream off to a good start off to a start in general I don't think it is I mean as nice as that is for you to say I feel like there is no such thing as a nice start in this in this run it's just like there's a starter there's nothing and nice start is just not applicable because the starter this run is not nice at all it really sucks what I mean like I but I don't have like the high wall syndrome I know a lot of people that do where they just they hate high walls so much they refuse to play runs any more or just they they just dread having to start runs because of high wall I don't mind high wall I just the bat fight on this run sucks come on get wide what are you doing just attack me Jesus that was weird beast pellets helped you against orphan see I didn't really want to I didn't want to dip into the Beast pellets on on the first time through the DLC so I was afraid they like that make it harder ever had Starbucks before caviar you asking me that or somebody else a hero of Canton what's up by the way I read what you said but it's a high to you so I'm gonna say hi - hello love big sword as well yeah I think I think I used the cane I used thread he can PLC is pretty bad and then what I did was I saved Lawrence until after I completed it then I went back on another care for this level time to the clause and that was ridiculous hi Daddy I'm thank you for the two months in a row man welcome back continue to enjoy your remotes and being a skeleton monster you finally beat sl1 Congrats what are you what are you planning now what's the next the next thing crow what's up I wasn't even that bad the game starts to get more mundane red run Cathedral in your opinion that's also another place that I feel like a lot of people don't like either I I can appreciate Cathedral but it's kind of annoying for four runs it's definitely not one some some cases I guess mostly just because the dog so it's not really anything else is okay maybe the dogs and the dogs and the Grey Wardens and the thralls and all that and but the dogs are the worst kelwick a thank you for the host dude Maximus what's up welcome back side know what's going on leave gray pose only immobilize you when you draw yeah the regular beause you're able to walk with on this that that's like one of the things they adapted from ds2 how do you kill dancer sl1 kal-el what rings for us all one if you're not gonna be trying to use our TS are I recommend Boyd's sword ring and then depending on if you have armor on or not you could use Lloyd shield ring but there's no point of using it if you don't have armor as well I feel cuz then you can just use our TS R instead if you're gonna be practically getting one shot anyways so Lloyd sword ring would shield ring optional chlorin the-- probably a good idea Karthus blood ring and Flynn's that's what I'd recommend and then that's if you're using a weapon that doesn't require any rings to be able to use this so if it's just a regular like broadsword and stuff here you pretty good with those rings ever want to stop by the tree balls and say hi sometimes I feel tempted to but then I'm like I know what's gonna happen if I go in there only bad things can happen what's the great bow that looks like a normal bow bow slightly bigger I don't know but I want to guess Millwood because people told me you could like move around with Millwood bow and not have to worry about planting in the ground so I feel like that could be what you're thinking of I have I haven't seen it though so I don't know that's it's a good question you're in a queue to log into a game 2k 18 people a queue to log into a game wait for what for which one Kasia thank you I appreciate it our T star isn't available by dancer anyways but you do recommend Lloyd rings yeah RTS starts kind of a decision that you either go with that and then you sacrifice the armor and all that stuff or if you do armor you could just add even more defense with Lloyd shield and then do Lloyd sword instead of our theists are what it kind of depends also the ring that gun deer gives you the prisoners chains pretty good too you have no clue why it's so difficult for you to kill for it hitless as for example wait as for example Sullivan or cinder you think Karthus blood ring makes it much easier ah maybe you just have a hard time on board man there could just be the case that you just can't grasp it as mush or something I wouldn't Karthus doesn't make it that much easier only gives you two frames and two frames that have 60 frames in a second in an animation that only has white like us like just maybe 1/5 just between a fifth and a sixth of those frames and a second a fifth of a second like that's not really humanly like comprehendible or comprehensible it's not really something that you would notice that much I think it really just saves you on the tax with the hip boxes that are broken so like on Prince's you can roll a time that looks like it works and it works but if you roll when it looks like it works and you don't have the ring it doesn't work as the hitbox on one of their attacks is just absolutely it doesn't make any sense right you cannot be touching them at all and you get hit so basically it helps with those kinds of things is one attack on dancer as well I look at it as literally that ring is helpful for two attacks in the entire game that's why sometimes I don't even really use it on certain stuff in this - because it's not really like that important but I guess if you were like a really really sloppy with certain things like you could get away with doing something super early if you're still getting better at it and it might help like by a tiny bit but it's only two frames though so it's not really like huge right like maybe if the game only was you know half the the frames or the animation was like half the frames or something and it was where everything was double I don't know Kirk what's up dude how are you doing so what what particularly about for it is uh is the trouble that might that might be a better thing to ask popper monstrous tank on SL one with full armor Lord shield prisoners chain and steel ring plus three the tank so we'll cinder without any issue that's crazy man it's crazy prisoners chained better than favor and protection I haven't used favor in protection so I don't know it's pry it's probably similar but obviously one would have to be better than the others so it's good question I don't know like what is present pursue Shane does the same thing doesn't it like what's that what's the downside that fapping breaks maybe it's the same thing as prisoners chained but it just breaks because it has better stats than prisoners Jaden I grim blast what's up how's it going dude Matt I'm doing well how are you all so vandalism welcome back at gurke if I didn't say hi to you I might have already I'm sorry if I did I apologize I usually just double check on that incase cuz honestly man the way I reach out sometimes I feel like there's no way I couldn't have said hi to somebody but then I might have cuz it's not an order so P it what's up stygian black what's going on triad you're one boss away from favorite protections so you'll go with it for now yes it's probably really good but there must be some sort of difference with prisoners jinx is the same kind of effect heinous things are going well so far managed to not murder anybody yet how are you doing the lost we've drawn from balsa let strength be granted to the world by the landing as a tiki or is a is a techie as a techie thank you for the brand-new sub M for the first time and your feeble cursed life's a techie you have discovered the secret circle of the school loominatee joy remotes enjoyed being a skeleton man woof how are you doing today how do you talk so much this is something you were born with or something you had to teach yourself when you start streaming cRIO I have I have a dull Tadhg man I just can't stop like my brain doesn't I usually can't stop it's just one of those things man it's not really my choice I'm not trying to talk as much said II have a very very high rated attention thing so my brain is just like [ __ ] all over the place but I also just I'm streaming too so I mean I guess it's an advantage I said that a long time ago I mean I feel bad for someone that isn't able to converse as much I mean you can be someone that doesn't talk much and be successful streaming but it's probably harder though well yeah it's not practice literally just I don't have a choice myself unless I took like drugs or something to stop but I don't want to do that riff what's up good luck in perfect accuracy on headshots for the runs tonight and thanks Matt I need those headshots I talked to myself no I don't talk to myself I just mean like you imagine like the way your brain works like I mean if anyone has like an attention or disorder even no but like I've been tested I have a very high rating it was a 70% adult ADHD which is surprising so I thought I only had a TD but yeah like I've known for a while like when I was little I didn't take naps as a baby I usually just like rushed my work in school when I was a kid to do other things and stuff like that so just one of those situations you know it was like always on my report cards that like I just finish my work too fast and then just like the other [ __ ] so I just I don't like the effects of the medication they'd give you for it because I had a really good friend that turned into someone that I didn't even want to be around because of that stuff so icky he even knew it was kind of depressing it just turns you in like a zombie so I'd rather not but uh oh yeah as long as no one's like straight-up like annoyed or anything pretty different though you know which you had if you knew you had one the problem is though that's the thing then like maybe it's not even really maybe maybe they're to a degree there's some of that there but maybe there's not really knock knock they're a team a kind of stuff cos like p.c like I have an uncle and he has he's had a to eat a THC like to a degree that's like beyond like he can't even like be in one place like he has to always just do something and he's like you can tell like he he literally tries to like rush you to the end of every conversation I've had to like practice over time trying to like not interrupt people as much and not like instantly stop listening to somebody after the first like three words and think of other things like I have to focus on trying to not do that stuff and I've gotten better at it but like he's still like that where like he'll he you can tell he's like literally about to like explode like because it's just it's there and I always thought the difference was like okay like that's hyper disorder and like I don't have a hyper disorder because I've never like didn't that like that but there's still the same signs there for like other stuff you know I guess I don't know I don't I don't know if I agree with the hyper part that's the thing but it said that on the test so I don't know I don't know man that's they told me but it could just be like over diagnosed in silly I just know that again when I take a [ __ ] it's usually a lot of stuff at once and it's hard to pay attention unless like I'm really really invested for certain reasons you know tender thank you for the the bits man I appreciate it thank you very much Kamehameha [ __ ] who's there ha pew pew pew ah you got me have you ever done the glitch that makes you run sideways until you roll out of it I've had that happen but not intentionally though and I was running like backwards or I was running like towards the camera but moving the other way and it was on gun-deer too I think that's the only time I've seen it happen to other people Feynman what's up welcome back dude never been tested but you and your family are pretty sure you have 88 well it's pretty easy to see depending on how like severe it is like I don't know there's been a lot of people I've known before that I like let's just say like when I was not acquainted with them as much like they would instantly say like you know like I can tell like you're like really just you know you're always ready to say something you're just like ready to like you know move to the next thing like really quickly and it's like just in conversation and that's why I tried to work on that cuz I know that it's it's probably annoying for someone to talk to somebody like that and I have other friends that have that same thing too where like my one friend he's really just like I guess he has a lot to say at once like not necessarily that like he'll he'll like rush to like the next thing like it's like a tiny thing here and there it's like he has a lot to say at once that could be said like you know in a lesser amount but I can appreciate that to understand what the what it's like and it's like I have to wait a long time for him to be ready but then if I say something to like he'll have a lot to say about all about two and it's the same thing and it's just like I I know for some people that aren't like that it might be hard to like you know discuss things with people because you're like [ __ ] can't have a conversation so yeah probably will never be completely you know good but I don't want to take like ritalin and [ __ ] we're at a roll so we will avoid that rather not be like hating myself or anything like that TV welcome back what's up friend of yours has been on ADHD meds for half his life or so let's not let me scroll chat right now yeah we need to get out of here quickly scariest ds3 character you've seen ever it's pretty bad yeah you seemed normal to me but you're weird oh I mean like there's nothing that's abnormal about having attention issues it's not like a like a bad thing necessarily like there's a lot of good things that you probably could use it for but like it's just I don't know is what it is I don't like I said I put it I put time into trying to be more tolerable over over the years like especially since I was a kid okay those meds are awful better go for sports to put the energy to something and then be a zombie yeah but it's not even like that though that's the thing I don't like feel like explosive like that way like I've for example like when you take like a pre-workout or something like that like when you feel like that that's what I would imagine being like truly truly hyper you know that like all the time you'd feel like that and that's not how I felt never at any time it's been like that it's more of just in my head you know that's why I said I disagreed with their their rating that they gave for me with the stuff because I was like it's it shouldn't have an H there should just be like a TD but I don't know maybe it's the same maybe he doesn't you don't have to actually be like super super like ready to like break things and stuff and jump around can't tell a story Rex you talk so fast yeah that's another thing too I can understand that but uh hey honestly I I wouldn't worry about it hyper focus is a thing okay so what's the definition of that your friend takes adderall to help him study in college and he doesn't have ADHD you tell them it's bad yeah a lot of people do that stuff it's not good at all this is a weird situation I don't know if this guy's gonna go back or not you have to wait and see there are very different forms okay yeah and that's and that's kind of what I was I was confused about I was like why would it be hyper you know related bone he'd welcome back what's up dude you're not cut out for a little so you're not here for 20 minutes while you're back hey you know what then that cuts out 20 minutes later we're even further on the run there you go even better yeah we ran after homeward bone this it's not safe enough this guy's just deciding to wait so you have to do that again as you yeah the DualShock for I'm just done with the whole trying to get it to connect and reconnect and fix it and stuff like that so I'd rather just have something that works immediately Gela Quinn welcome back what's up dude how are you taking meds for schizophrenia bipolar anxiety depression and sleeping that's a lot dude holy [ __ ] you feel like there's any like downsides that you would like kind of you know say makes you like worse in certain ways with all that like from from from taking the medicine for it can't complete much of what you started it is physically painful to try to do so like the flu yeah yeah don't you mean I don't know I got like I said like there's some things you can definitely work on but there's things you can't really fix what the hell just happened their house crazy I was absolutely crazy come on thank you as you know it's wired men well it's like plugged in so all you do is plug it in and it works for the DualShock for it is not just like plugging it in and it works you have to like have a driver that makes it work so the inputs are registered and the software for it was give me a lot of issues wobba Jim what's up how are you doing I'll trouble coming up with words to say and you think it's turning you into a partial mute which is really scary to you hmm have you talked to anybody about that like a professional that knows about you know things that can you know relate to those those effects and stuff or just relates to those kinds of things you're going through how much time you have been streaming since for a stream Hal Riker since the first time I ever tried to stream in general probably like three years oh [ __ ] this is stupid I like three years since the first stream maybe a little bit longer than that but I don't know you can't really count like when I started streaming it wasn't really starting streaming it was just like trying to like learn how to stream like I actually technically started in 2015 so it's like I should have basically tried to somehow research and and test all that stuff beforehand but there wasn't really a way for me to do that because I didn't know like how you would test it I didn't even know I don't know anything at all I didn't know anybody that knew anything either so I just had to do it myself and I was just by failing a lot so wasn't really a stream because there was there wasn't a way to watch it it was literally just something like a signal that would go up for like a minute then it would crash and it would just be dropping frames constantly just and I just kind of like go back to it every few days to see if I could get it to like work better and stuff it wasn't really like I was able to stream I was like trying to a sense of OBS and all that I wasn't equipped to though I definitely shouldn't have even tried but I somehow got past that wait why are we trying to kill this dude again oh no oh my god this is stupid okay got to go back were you having issues because you're trying to have the inputs to show use the DualShock on PC because steam supports it I wasn't about the input showing it was like the controller actually connecting to the computers wasn't making the connection like it would just it would work and then it would stop working and then the device itself wouldn't even register in the USB port but other USB devices would so I had to like delete the information in the control panel of the device then reinstalled the device then reset it up with the driver software again and do all these things and all these different orders trying to troubleshoot exactly what component in what order was the problem and then it would solve itself but there'd be no clear answer because I could fix it in different ways but there's still no easy way to do it and then it would end inevitably just stop working against there just be no fixing and anyways and I listened to every suggestion everyone gave I tried that people made suggestions that I'd already tried I looked it up I put a long time into it it's not worth it 100% not worth it's complete trash and it's good cuz I actually did need a DualShock for ps4 but I will never use it on PC again it's there's too much time wasted and I mean like I already wasted enough time with you guys trying to go over it and yeah I don't know I just I I owe it to you to not use unreliable stuff so I can't uh can't be doing that pride what's up dude aren't you on steam steam has native support for ds4 Cosmo I had trouble with that as well man even before the fact of using ds4 tool or anything like when steam support came out in in beta all the way till the full release I tried it over and over and there was problems with that as well so I kind of just went with the driver software that I was using before that and it was working for a while then ds4 tool itself didn't work with the newer version of the DualShock for at all it didn't it didn't register there was anything going on at all for some reason but then other people said that there's work into his newer so i have i i i troubleshot every hardware possibility and every software possibility and it just in it was able to be fixed but it wasn't clear and then it would just stop so it's like I don't know is this still the Olaf run it is actually the Olaf run still yes it's possible to survive only from stream in ds3 or just the most popular like pub G most popular streamer is like really really popular I mean like you're you're really doing well like I don't know on the upper end of things you're like I come anyone that's like a top streamer right now probably could retire and they'd be fine for the rest of their life they wouldn't have to worry I'm obviously not able to retire right now but I mean I'm also in a position that's like there's no point of like giving up the opportunity to be absolutely stupid I would hate myself forever if I somehow I mean like I'll obviously if I wasn't enjoying what I was doing and I didn't want to make streams to you guys and all that then I wouldn't but if I'm if it's you know if everything is going wild and it would be stupid to to not do that but um but no you could you could full-time stream with a lot less than than what we have going on I mean just it depends on your life as well I mean there's people this full-time stream that aren't partnered either or like bitter like they go into streaming to make it full-time right away or something so I mean there's some people to pull off some pretty miraculous stuff I wouldn't recommend that I would say like no it works for you first you know if it if it's supportive enough what you need been good but it's all case-by-case I don't know okay ah trout what's going on dude today's the tape for the zero hit run I hope so hope so man good evening Faris chat what's with this Faris unanimous what's with this Faris stuff he's these things oh JLP I see now your name's Jack LP okay that's easy to remember though because it's still a JLP so that might be the easiest name change or just one of the easier ones what's going on man okay every knee gets where's the bow to have no idea but like we just apparently didn't have enough souls for that probably need to sell the stuff that would make more sense voice-overs for lore videos I got offered a thing for Witcher 3 but I turned it down man but if there was a Souls related thing that was cool I'd probably say yes depending on how how exciting it would be to do like if I was really really into the idea what I don't think I would do my own I would never like create a channel to do that myself cuz it's never been like a thing that I've been interested in I can appreciate like other people doing them well but yeah I don't think that would be my role do you want a stream but you're only 60% water was your name change easy no it wasn't I thought it I thought you were so you could have been anybody man like I wouldn't have known that's why I still have to call you string to keep keep you close keep your original self preserved but ya denied your caddy sleep on your lap right now it's wonderful that's nice yeah and almost a pretty cool man I mean I love when people are like they dislike like so they they're they're selective of certain animals especially when they're like really similar animals to it's like unless you're allergic or something I feel like it's weird to be selective with like like hating certain animals versus not hating others like when they're very closely comparable so I just like pretty much everything I don't care I mean there's some insects that are pretty weird but like I can appreciate any kind of animal I exist what's up dude you made it for abyss watchers also we have no levels for the the strength this time because I apparently didn't have enough Souls I think it's because I didn't put on silver serpent ring earlier and I should have put on a little bit sooner ya know what's up the Spooner's who okay who has that torture mode I've seen so many people use that off the deck one okay I see I see you'd be so so immersed call up body a fatty asked me to do something for one of his things honestly because I just like the stuff that he does have I've liked the stuff that he's done for a while depending on what it was I probably say yes but if it was like something that didn't fit like you know what would I have interest in or what I would be good at I don't think it would be worth it like he'd probably do a better job than me so I wouldn't I wouldn't ever do anything that would fill his role if he was asking for help with something but I'd guarantee you he wouldn't ask me for help I don't think he needs it trout lake that was just the the first psn that I had and the reason that I chose that is because I wanted it to be something that was really hard for someone else to already have taken so I just did that and I don't remember why like specifically there was something to do with like like the word itself was like used with me and people I knew for something but I have no idea I don't remember what it was for it was just something there's something really stupid probably but I was I was trying to think of just original things cuz everyone that I knew that was on PSN they all had like really cool names and I was like I want to have one that's not limited to numbers or you know anything like that so that's all it was probably could have came up with something a lot better or stopped you know still using that but I honestly don't care I think the most important thing is don't associate yourself with branding that you have to escape later that's the that's the problem that's why for the emotes they're not heavily souls themed only like some references the badges could be applicable to anything even though they have inspiration from souls doesn't really matter channel name graphics and stuff like that some of the stuff would have to go but not everything I wouldn't have to change my name if I decided to play like a different thing in the future and like grind that instead so I'd I would never wanted to associate myself with a certain game or a certain time in in in like the streaming and stuff like that I'd move away from so that was important too because people that make their name like you know like Ryan dota 2 for one or something or like lol like Matthew or like counter-strike like csgo this and that it's like if you put like in the name of a game in your name that's cool if you playing that game people might like that but when it comes down to it who really cares about anyone's name anyways I mean it's just a name so I mean at least for your own sake try to like not put a game in that name so you can at least be a little bit more consistent with that name through a time oh and that's that's the case like and the funny thing is I mean like I chose that and the first person I ever PvP with in blood-borne was someone that I knew before I streamed in ds1 that I used to like play like PvP with a lot and this wasn't a case where we set up a thing to P be a PvP I hadn't talked to the dude for like so many years like at least I don't know like three or four years and he was just randomly the first person that invaded me or I invaded him or something like that on blood-borne ever and it was live and there was no way to like fabricate it I even had him on my friends list still from when I had a ps3 but like and it was him and we tracked him we went through and everything was the same and the chances of that happening you know it's whatever but I was thinking I'm like maybe he still recognizes me because you know the names still the same and then maybe he like will find the stream or something like that and believe it or not he did so this is like things like that are pretty cool but yeah we're getting really unlucky on these dark graves House sucks mosquitoes are universal hate animals mosquitoes are kind of scary but they're also cool the way they were did you know that there are spiders that can fly the daredevil arachnids seem to steer themselves through the air with movements of their outstretched forelegs have fun with open windows string thanks man the daredevil arachnids seemed to steer themselves through the air with movements of outstretched forelegs a fun open windows that's that's terrifying why'd you make that sound so terrifying you definitely copied that from somewhere why are you Masek massacring them remind you of facehuggers so I don't even know that's what I mean like the word itself was just used in ending like conversation with me and like other people when I was younger but I don't remember why I don't know how it was made up and I honestly I think it was literally just a word that sounded funny because like there's like some sort of theme that we were discussing like me and like a couple friends and we're like yo it's like if this person said this and then we just said that and we thought it was funny and it fit the situation or something but I remember what it was specifically it's just some made-up thing and it doesn't mean anything at all to me really other than just easy to you know use a name Lex what's up how's it going cats welcome back happy Friday jack am i hyped for deus 1 remastered I don't know if I'm gonna be getting it yes so I can't get excited yet but I will be looking forward to it if I if I see that there's changes that are worth getting it for but I don't know yet there's not there's not any more information that's new on what specific changes they're gonna be making aside from what's already been stated and that's mostly just PvP related stuff and the obvious things soggy socks what's up dude iPhones are beginning to break one side works better than the other Olaf that's what happens with mine all the time because I always buy the same ones so basically and it's always the right side literally I've never had one break that the left side break first and I check for like a short in the cable and then there's no the thing is like sometimes that's the case but then the last time it happened there was no short in the cable that was making it happen but sometimes if I like wiggled my ears the sound would come back on the right one and I checked like the connection right beside where the like the actual bud is itself and there's nothing where if you like move the wire it'll it'll like fade back in or anything it just sometimes comes back randomly and it's really weird so it must be inside the actual like the the piece that goes in your ear something like that must have [ __ ] up but like I would say I take pretty decent care of them instead they just they just seem to break like really faster cheap and I like them some cursed can't really commit to the fancier earbuds for caviar rabbit bones thank you very much for the brand-new sub man for the first time in your rabbit bones life you have discovered the secret circle of the school loominatee enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton rabbit bones thank you men say hi to your girlfriend Cora Deena she has a crush on your voice hello Cora Deena did I say your name right don't don't trust uh don't trust Lexi's bringing you to a place it's gonna corrupt your mind with evil things it's not worth it you're gonna ask you start having dreams of like creatures and stuff and and you're gonna wake up like salivating like biting things and crawling on all fours crawling on the ceiling like The Exorcist and whispering under your breath it's not good bad things could happen Lex how dare you man you can't you can't bring loved ones family or friends near the stream it's gonna it's gonna take them like it tainted you this is a danger we've already spoken of before fula fast skin what's up dude all right is a pretty bad start [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no way Reggie's still alive dude this guy's hasn't even died yet how is he still alive holy [ __ ] he's only he's been on one life and he's still alive holy [ __ ] man he's got like a third of health left oh my god this is a crazy fight that was insane that was insane I thought it was gonna start off really bad a man just kind of continued that way but that was pretty nuts [Music] [Music] [Music] regi greater than salir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right GG pig Schmoke why do I hate you I don't hate you man come on so that's not a lot of arrows the ones that I have yeah we have enough to finish that fight big Schmoke get wait what oh wait someone gifted you a sub before I guess I don't remember who it was fat man what's going on Joe Kramer what's up boosted welcome back keep waiting until I say hello to be honest okay there we go hello Kay welcome back how are you doing today how's your Friday going 92 damage is that much of his HP pretty much yeah they're well they're pretty early boss they don't have a lot of health I should sing abyss Watchers team while fighting them creo I feel like we already went over this before unless unless it was someone else that mentioned that that was something that was brought up before amazing how much damage the Botes The Watcher yeah that's also with like the best arrows at this point though we got the feather ones right they're really expensive so we can only get 40 and then we can't even level after that I'm not sure if it would be better to just level and then get the regular arrows for this part it might be better I don't know string thank you again every boss is calling each other saying and watch out for naked man that looks like a clown with the Bowie's wrecking ship be ready Kelo welcome back staggering him before he can cast get into a good rotation or sage Osman welcome back where you say what's going on thank you for the GG Joe kicks ass what's up man lucky what's going on this is disrespectful to watch you two suck at this well man I'm trying to get this run right now and I mean I put a lot of time into it so far not like in like a ridiculous amount but quite a bit quite a bit of time in this run so it's kind of got to be that way it's not really like we have a choice like if I'm gonna get zero I have to do everything perfect and I have to do most things perfect all the time so for me it's literally just standard procedure it's just like how it is I appreciate that though zero what's up Reggie's the real MVP I can't believe he pulled that off I have never seen him survived that long I've seen him take people down quickly but I've never seen him survive that many rotations of the other guy yeah that's like he was alive for the entire fight but like it stretched out a decent amount so he was he was just really really aggressive maybe the shots that I was throwing out there kind of helped him a bit but it's interesting [Music] and that definitely is all for right there so we're fine am I gonna no hit ds1 remastered NYC I'm gonna be redoing a lot of runs that I enjoyed before on ds1 if I do play the remastered one yeah I don't know if it would be a specific no hit run that I've done before I'm I don't think I would redo a no hit run but other challenges definitely and sl1 no hits all bosses if we get the 80% sl1 on ds1 then we'll probably be doing the all bosses of that on the remaster I'll be like one of the first like big things on that because that would be just out of this world and it is it is possible it's 100% possible so I'm excited for that that would that be a run that'd be really fun to do the the issue is how fast can we make it we need to make it fast because all boss runs of ds1 with no hits can be pretty long so taking away the bow and taking away the or I guess not taking away the bow taking away the save quits wondering how that would be done I'm sure there is some sort of ways probably it's gonna be really hard so we'll have to figure it out a bone he'd sheet rhyme ESCO hidden what I'd rather just uh you know it get [ __ ] by Miyazaki instead of uh eskalene mescaline Lynn's gonna try to no hate this one remastered crawdad what's going on man and welcome back okay I'm not gonna be doing a stream like that probably maybe maybe in the far future like for like one time ever like just like a one-time thing if I can't find something to do but I don't I think it's just like an idea of like even if people liked it I don't want to mix the content and I don't want to make another channel for that I want it to be very clear of like what's what's expected here so don't think I'd want to do that but yeah I don't maybe maybe at some point we'll figure out some middle ground I like I was talking to stay plus about a run that is controlled by like any instrument and that would be pretty cool and then there you go did you ever go B I still don't remember okay you guys told me what go B was at one point I don't remember that what what it is now but I remember it was one of those things where it was like I was like a left out of the loop and had no idea what you're talking about mescaline is mushrooms okay yeah I don't think I'd be able to play the run then but I mean we could try and we could try to go for like a 900 hit PV hey guys look it's gun deer meanwhile I'm just like running into a tree limited gift welcome back thank you for the good luck dude although gift if you guys have not seen a stream before you must be there it's pretty damn cool dude apparently he likes my shenanigans I don't know why but he does so you must be appreciating that I think it's safe to say if there's a checkmark in the chat like I heard another streamer say this before and the way they put it out there I guess I could kind of see from the perspective of you know the off being in the audience that like it might have seemed a little bit like oh like only follow people that are that are partnered but like if you see a checkmark possess in his name I wouldn't hesitate to check them out just in case cuz they obviously did something great to be able to get that opportunity so I mean and anyone that's here that I already know that this is a partner to be awesome I'm addicted to you less than three and there's also a lot of other awesome streamers that aren't either but that's almost like a guaranteed like way to to know like someone else has already given you a stamp of approval before you've even had to ask on that so that like a rule with that I'm addicted to use string that the kappa makes me feel like you're not though and it's like just a joke and I know I'm gonna cry cuz like I thought I was I was really happy for a second I thought you're being sincere I guess I guess the ballista loves me still even if you don't the ballista will comfort me with it's gigantic arrows that demolish my character I love you Tilda ruthless mother on the run is ruthless when do we get another am okay we literally just got one if you mean the next one it's gonna take honestly i don't expect to get it my if we didn't get it this year i would be okay with that that'd be fine but i don't have any kind of like tricks or any kind of like little things that are planned to to try to go for it if there's something that comes up where it's a good opportunity and it's like a themed like promotion or there's something going on with it to get discount on subs maybe i'll do a special kind of stream for it again but i i I don't know we'll see if we said we'll see how long it takes to get there I don't expect it to be instant because it usually should it should take you quite a while at this point to get emotes but we'll see you guys have just been insane so I don't I don't really have anything other than just extreme thank-yous for everybody that got us this far but I don't think that it's important to worry about the next one yet I don't even know what it would be actually that's that's the even funnier thing I think I think I'm at the point of where I usually don't have any ideas for the emotes now I like ahead of time and like at the last second I might I might think of something like this time I got an idea just it like out of nowhere at the last second I was like you know what that actually that actually seems like it would work for the next slot and maybe one of those will will come up again but I don't have any plans right now for what it would be I don't even know like I don't even know what I'd want to replace at this point I feel like everything's fine alright we're gonna go for the arrows Alisa tries to reach you but can never get to you Bible phone yeah it's always just like reaching out there being like notice me senpai and I'm just like no do I remember all the lurkers of the channel there'd be no way to remember every lurker especially if like they didn't say much at all ever because the way I remembered people was based on how active they are in chat or situations that can associate them with that or easy to remember so like maybe you only said something in chat one time but it was just like one of these standout things that you couldn't forget like I might remember that anyone that's lurking that's been around for a while though I probably probably know of you if I if you've never said anything or you've said something once and it was only like you know like a Hello or just like entering a raffle I don't know if I could remember that like I can't look at every name and just remember the name that way it would have to be with associated with situations and stuff I think at this point though to be fair I think I think I've remembered it like a giant amount of people a lot more than I thought I could ever so and and not just like remembered names but like I said remembered like like other things that are important obviously like you know who the person isn't [ __ ] but I think at a certain point it's kind of hard depending on that person's activity I mean if you make yourself like very active in the community that's as easy to to remember it's not gonna like make it like harder over time if if like there's more and more people that are part of the community because I mean like then everyone that was part of it before probably is still part of it's not like I'm gonna just like forget right like there's people that haven't been here for over a year haven't been here for two years but because they were active in the commedia one I can't associate the situations with them properly why I can't remember everything no definitely not you knock - I remember you nah man you were wait I thought you're only here today like I thought you just followed man my bad no I'm kidding you you're you're remembered I goddamn we gotta gotta go back gotta get the all we have we have the dark sign though and we only have 350 on this part but yeah we got to go get the ring cuz the ordering of all that stuff is screwed up still apparently Jeff what's up be fun to sub for years and never say a word plus streak notifications empty there's been people that have done that man there there has been cases where people have been subbed for a long time and they've just never been in chat ever like they'll just say things and the sub messages or they might just have the messages and that or the notification and that's it and I I'm okay with that if you enjoyed the stream you enjoyed the stream but I mean it's nice to sometimes know a little bit more than that it's not needed but it's nice though all right so where we go we're going to wall near and I need I need at least one homeward bone on them or it's kind of risky so this is like not a good situation this is bad because I don't know if I can actually manage to get a homered bone forum mmm like we could sell these Titan Knights that's a little bit still need another 200 all right we're gonna kind of Yolo it just a little bit all dark sign on wall near if I need to I mean that's not really a big difference either way cuz we don't have a lot of souls anyways a deleted sir welcome back dude communication is the key that's true it's very true battleship they this is the first one man this is literally the first one so we haven't done any other run than this this is the Olaf run northerner van how have you been dude it's good to see you again how is life going for you it's going well over here I usually you you have posted a lot of stuff about the division before on your Twitter and like you thought you've had a lot of like really cool like screenshots and stuff that'd be like really nice wallpapers or backgrounds like that game that gave us some nice little Lala like scenes in it and stuff like that or like little like landscapes all that can't you just save quit if you get bad rng there's no safe wits allowed in this run horsy I don't do any safe quits on any challenge run for ds3 unless it's like a thing where it's a it's like a shits and giggles challenge if it's a no hit a deathless or any kind of like like thing that's kind of an achievement I wouldn't I wouldn't want to save quit if it's something where I'm [ __ ] around like oh I'm gonna use uh you know like this only or if I was gonna do like a item randomize or something I probably would quit out once in a while and it would be fine if it was just gonna make something go faster cuz that's not really a big deal it's just kind of like a for fun run this one I wouldn't say is just for fun this is definitely like you don't just do it and then it happens you have to like grind it so yeah Alec or Ben welcome back I am glad Auto culture welcome back what is the current PB it's one hit the PB right now and I still didn't [ __ ] get it okay well at least we have the the souls after wall near that's the good news we don't even really need the ring for Wallner itself but man it's so hard for me to like do the ordering this way cuz again like there's just been so many iterations of going through smoking like that right - dancer it's like it just overpowers me all the time wait what the hell is that what the hell when he said he's like cancelled into the slam I've never seen that before that's a little bit ridiculous I going to esa in sweden this year with some other streamers hope it'll be fun to Kohaku that's awesome dude are you doing a speedrun there are you gonna just be watching people that are speedrunning there yeah ESA it looks pretty cool man definitely definitely uh let me know how that goes no hit run while drunk lucky I don't think so I stick with you know being able to have it somewhat of a chance I are already I already could probably sabotage myself enough without being intoxicated I feel like that would just make it like just embarrassing constantly so I don't know if someone did know that'd be amazing I mean I would I wouldn't hesitate asking some other people that do know hit runs cuz I would I would actually enjoy watching someone do that and pulling it off it would be very impressive I feel like it would require a lot more locking than normal but it would be very impressive to see so I can understand the interest yeah that was only two rats I believe do a safe quit every step for maximum safety you know that to get out of catacombs backwards at the beginning of ds1 I actually had to save quit like 20 to 30 times just to make it across the pit of bone wheels because the character kept just dying instantly every time it touched one and I was locked at that bonfire so I basically had to reset or just somehow make it back over there backwards this is the best no matter what time it is you always tune in on watch near it's a miracle ha ha oh wait that's gonna be coming from this way there we go yeah that's that's good being able to get here right after Watchers that's a pretty good way to start off the run because the very very beginnings a little bit I don't know I mean it's bearable I'm fine with it but I know for some people that you might not want to watch gun to your divorce so it's kind of a bonus I mean I would be hyped tuning into a run at this point or after this point strimmer isn't playing Moss under salt ah yeah I'm sorry I'm not a mainstreamer a lot of mainstream flavor of the month oh he just got knocked over when you're drunk you invite means into your household this is a meme freestream yeah right dude meme free have you even been here before Jase have you even do you even know me don't answer it it's too painful to hear you're the truth in your voice when you admit that yes you do you know no memes you've seen no memes here you don't care you don't even want to be here you just you you just you're here for the free juice boxes that's it man otherwise you know you don't care about any of the memes you don't appreciate them the same way so to you they mean nothing but it without the means I can't live it's not possible I need those the molecule m in my DNA to be able to live pride welcome back I think I might've said hi to you earlier hunt what's up a firebomb yeah you can use fire bombs man their items okay yeah that guy's this weak to fire since a bit faster to do it that way let me think we already got wall nearest now we can actually go back to here and we should have enough arrows so I'm gonna level up first are you allowed to hit yourself in a no hit run ah I don't know how you would hit yourself in this game because fire bombs don't hate yourself like off of walls and stuff like that how dare you insinuate such nonsense there's juice boxes you've not received one you probably drank the juice box and then threw it out before anyone notice and then ask for another one I bet I bet you're like one of those those zippers you just like to sip real quick and then throw it away be like hey I didn't even get one g-dog welcome back it's been a while yeah it has been a while man how's life going for you this there's been so many comebacks it's actually insane it's one of the most joyful things no no pun intended no no memes it's pretty it's pretty exciting that people turn and kind of you know get caught up on what's going on and just you know tell me stuff that they've been doing especially if it's been a while too so I appreciate you making that effort man no monster hunter world skia wait wait why aren't you playing Moss sooner well I feel like you would like that for some reason I could see that fitting your your interests so you explain yourself why you better be at work right now and planning to play it immediately when you return because like I feel like that's that's something that you would like maybe I'm wrong edgy name welcome back is that a spoon biter welcome I don't even know what that is I can't I can't see it it's too dark maybe you need to be on white mode for that let strength be granted so the world kinda looks like a spoon you heard PSN imploded with the traffic from it oh yeah I'm sure like that they're gonna be very successful with the sales ah ps4 masterrace guess one mustard Rice number is Nikki for the four months in a row man welcome back continue to enjoy your emotes and being a hollow welcome to bench breaking simulator oh yeah by the way guys has anyone heard of a game called skate on Steam that's like an indie game it's called sk8 that's it wondering if anyone has any interest in it or it's like been keeping an eye out for it or something I said Karthus Blood ring doesn't do much alright adds two frames two iframes and then it makes you take more damage so the downside is you become weaker but you have two iframes on top of the existing 12 to make 14 in total I think it's all maybe maybe it's 11 I know it used to be three frames but I don't know if they took one frame away from the Royal animation itself or they took one frame away from the bonus from the ring I think it's 12 and it used to add three to make 15 but now it adds two to make 14 alfredito thank you for the host dude how was your stream man try the beta you're not amused it looks pretty good but I feel like it's a really particular type of experience I feel like it would be really good for someone that's been a fan of it for a while because there's a lot of different releases of it like there's a lot of different versions of it quite the same monster like 20 times just to get its armor games like Maz hundred diablo exes that are very grindy yeah the thing about items in those things I don't I don't like grinding for items I like the items to just be something you can like earn from like progression moreso than like read like redundancy of killing that enemy over and over again or like you know killing very very similar enemies just for like a material thing it's like I'd rather I'd rather just like enjoy the gameplay for like killing the thing in general like just being able to commit to taking it down you know not like the other stuff but because the other stuff plays so heavily into it that's also an issue I want to have to think about like the gear and all that anyways yeah so I don't see any responses about the skate thing maybe I missed some of them but I got offered a key what's it called like a code for it so it looks really funny I was actually laughing looking at it it looks really funny I think it would make a really good mean game that we could try out one time but it would only be for like a later half of the stream or something so I'll show you guys I'll put a link in chat for it tomorrow or something or maybe later today I can find a video for it it just looks like it's really frustrating and really funny and just full of memes so they basically told me they saw me playing this stuff and they thought it would work well because I like things that are frustrating and stuff so I might try it I don't know just wanted know if you guys had heard of it I think it's new don't get stuck don't get stuck to be drawn from its [Music] so the world might be [Music] [Music] Lag yeah there's some lag in this fight I get that too like on my game it also slows down quite a bit I don't know why changing the settings doesn't do anything is this fight for some reason with the cpu with the current hardware I think it's just the state of the game like I said they make a little tiny changes that ruins the game every once in a while in certain ways where it was fine before and then they just do something and it makes it weird what this fights been pretty much like frame drop a depending on where I'm looking in the room since like think one of the last updates or since I like to change my PC stuff up whereas before it was consistently just like slightly lower frames all that's on mesti oh thank you for the 5 months in a row man welcome back you have one month until you are a human and you get a new badge thank you for being sub for that long it's super crazy they grow up so fast Oh swish welcome back as well how's it going are you going to be starting Last of Us because you I remember you mentioned you're gonna play that I was thinking of getting the second one you let me know when you're at ESA and you'll give me status updates nice man let me know if you get to meet anybody cool cuz I know that I think Elias goes there so I think it'd be pretty hyped getting to chill with Elias and maybe even like Vic nem said he might have gone to one of them at one time or like he was planning to or something I know he's like within reach of it who else I guess anyone that's just a gay european speedrunner or like uk-based or anything like that anyone that's on that side of the world but uh you see anyone cool you like yo i said hi particles particle effects can be turned all the way down hunt and it doesn't do anything then I tested all the settings and it doesn't change it literally will drop frames in the lowest settings everything can be turned off so like I don't even necessarily need to have the game on the settings that is now I can have it maxed and it would probably be pretty much the same but not really for the case of like that fight but for other things where there's a little bit of slowdown like changing areas just to kind of like mitigate any kind of frame loss even in the smallest way just in case it's a danger I try to keep them kind of on like a medium level but we were pulling it off on max and it wasn't really that much different but I noticed there was some things happening on the speedruns and I don't know if it was cuz livesplit was open because I haven't had those happen now could have been running the older version or something I don't know but there was like some some massive stutters in certain parts that were really annoying the Veil the fire they tend to work the FPS yeah and that's the thing like even with the effects turned down man like it doesn't make a difference plus my hardware is well beyond the capabilities of the game so it's like it's a [ __ ] it's weird that it doesn't change anything but it's but it also proves I guess that's not really hardware but lateis just something that you know I've been told anyone with a good CPU and GPU still have that issue on that fight so I don't think anyone's lucky enough to be out of that situation unless your frames are just consistently low then maybe you'd be fine now it's your best guest that's what I was thinking too originally when I first learned about that worked out kicked your ass today I installed last of us you haven't decide if you're gonna start it today well if you do play it anytime soon I hope you enjoy it BCM squad what's up it took you so long to beat this boss and he beats with arrows you feel bad Stenberg you're welcome back dude I'm doing good how are you yeah I got to be quick on this because I think this dude oh he doesn't he doesn't start walking down until after I turned so I guess we would have been safe why is the other dude running oh he fired the arrow at the bottom and it like went through the wall and hit their cuz I could see like a little thing right there something thought it looked like something hit the corner like I saw the sparks slothy not welcome back dude how's it going Update splits LZ I will update the splits I promise you I mean let me get out of the dancers split quickly I will do that streamer you need to update streamer [Music] please remember to update streamer hey streamer could you do the little dudaev thing and just update it just click that button and then just skip a few of them them splits right there and this here this here lothric souls of murica please appreciate it I go lon thank you for the good luck Lewton bully you heard Pharaoh fixes framedrops okay okay now this isn't good we have no homered bones on this part so I got to go around the sketchy way and I've done this before I practiced it but I haven't practiced it for a while so this might be rip I'll set darksign 69,000 which is a little bit out of the question so we're gonna have to be careful this one dude that is right here and then we're basically trying to not get hit by him after and then we're basically trying to get back to the bonfire again and sit at it there we go yay we did it all right that's why you practice things that rarely ever happen just so you actually don't get [ __ ] up because if I had never if I hadn't gone through that way since my first playthrough I wouldn't remember what happens there so I mean that's the value of practicing [ __ ] that you just will probably never have to do and I mean that's all my fault sitting of the bones but definitely have gotten reset there before that's why I was like you know what we need to know how to like go that way as well makes a suspiciously convincing redneck oh no well let me tell you I didn't even get into that NASCAR though like once I get that NASCAR man I'd rock out the beers and I get the NASCAR's going once once Jeff starts revving the engine on that Chevrolet on that track right there I guess so fired up it's it's quite the quite the situation we got going on I get those jumbo hotdogs and I get them beers with the NASCAR oh it's me going Deacon's of the deep Cathedral remember when I was a little boy and daddy took me down there and I tried to try to jump on to the racetrack over the gate and he was telling me no Timmy don't jump over the guardrail it's too dangerous and I was like but Dad I want to go fast and he said he can't go that fast all right I got to stop when was that amount added Ricker's we unlocked it like a handful of days ago like a few days ago maybe how I tried fury great game for no hit run like you said frustrating answer your thing wabbit I kind of watched theory man like I've seen pretty much the entire game so I I would read be replaying something up and watched almost the entirety of but I was close to getting it at one point so I remember seeing this one boss that was really fun like and I was like you know what even if this is the only cool thing in this game I want to try that but uh I think I just watched too much of it to want to play it now why not level up right there leop ah there's no there's no levels that would really matter for this parks I can't put endurance yet so while I could level I'm not killing anything for the second part of that and I have enough to kill everything for the first part so we usually just go through all in one go the reason that I had to make a trip back is because the homeward bones I just didn't have any extra ones which is really stupid but a good reminder right stop bad accent it's to one holy fish Lee NASCAR stream don't think anyone's done fury no hit someone was working on fury no hit when I was starting one of the really older no hit runs them I don't remember who it was but they told me about it they said they were at a PB of like twenty-something hits maybe so there was someone working on it I don't know if they actually got it though burrito what did I miss white light fire pit to deal with winters cold even though we have electric heaters in half an hour ago your mother collected the ashes from yesterday's fire pit put them in a plastic bag house was full of smoke and everyone freaked out cuz no one knew why all turns out the ashes were still burning wood and it melted the plastic that's actually pretty funny dick that's hilarious that's actually really funny well it's kind of dangerous too but how long were they burning for how many hours after the fire was was done like we're not talking about the next day are we like I don't know if that is that even possible it's like right after sounds like at George Bush stream oh man I don't think that'd be a good thing okay we got to go right to gray rats already have enough homeward bones I'm gonna get like two more just for the chance that you know maybe I can like not buy them later and save the effort [Music] Guillermo welcome back dude you know what's weird man honestly I don't know if it was that read chat and I thought I saw your name in it earlier but it's almost like I expected that you would be here like soon soon after I had that weird kind of realization that you know I thought I had seen you in chat and maybe it was like meh my mind playing tricks on me just you showed up dude came in clutch Steve what's up then Friday feels what is a Friday even feel like like what is what is your what does everybody's way of describing a like Friday itself and not particularly this day but just any Friday on the calendar like what what is your Friday feel how does that work oh I don't know the only time I ever got the Friday feel was like in school or if I had a schedule at any of my jobs that was Monday to Friday instead of like two days off or a day off like randomly because uh I mean obviously with like shittier jobs and again it but like yeah I don't think I've had a Friday feel since like it was either Monday to Fridays type thing or anything around that that kind of schedule otherwise it's whenever is just like you know everything's the same otherwise or whenever you have a break it's maybe different Dec what's up dude are you doing sounds scary to be honest what the fact that I had a feeling you were gonna be here well I thought okay I read something earlier and I thought it was from you but it wasn't and then it and then you just popped up like I don't know 15 minutes later so coincidence I think not donk donk duh now I definitely was a coincidence that's not even close to that surprising it's very very plausible a Friday is a day you know it's becoming the weekend and that Monday is two days away so you feel bad and good on that day okay you think that's like a generalization of it like it's just the the majority of people would be like that freedom till Monday sauerkraut welcome back what's up dude also follow deck if you guys don't he just got partnered and he needs the follows cuz he's desperate and one follow for deck a day keeps keeps my orangey at bay so you're gonna help the orangey of my runs and you're gonna help deck and it's totally not a paid sponsorship for for follow farming and stuff some stuff give him now he's actually a really good streamer he's really good at souls speedruns he's the best player of souls I've seen that plays at the keyboard and mouse as well and to some people that don't do that you might just find that impressive as it is but he seems really good what the hell man this guy's like trying to sneak away did you try to get an early sotc copy no I haven't actually I shouldn't do that man I should actually get on that right now I when I when I ink when I inquire about games and people don't come to me I usually do it like two weeks before and that's usually not good enough like for some cases I've been accepted like for evil within two I found my my press copy a month after I'd already beaten the game because I just it was sent to a different email and it was sent like last minute and I don't know how they sent that it's that email it must have been something unlike the Google Mail that used for like Google Documents or whatever but I sent them another email and they didn't send it to that one so I had a code of evil within - like for a long time and didn't even know and there's other cases where you're just too late and you're not able to get it on it so it definitely is good to enquire ahead of time unless like you're already approached and like you know and you don't have to well yeah I don't know I'm fine with with buying Shadow the Colossus is not a big deal but if they gave me it that'd be pretty cool have you played the surge I haven't no I have not played it I've seen it though I know lethal right now he's doing or he just completed base level so like sl1 pretty much and then he also did no rolling on top of that and now he's doing that on neo as well and it's scary brightens me as AI become too advanced ask-ask Elon Musk man that's all we got a all we got to know you know he'll tell us he'll probably say no man like everyone should have their own rocket ship and a Tesla and in a toaster that that calls you cute you're having a bad day where's the barrel guy today he's in the regular spot I don't need I don't even know how he moved into the doorway it just there's so many things in this game that I wish you could figure out but like you'd need to have somehow be able to see places that you're not existing in like while you're elsewhere be cool they like house some sort of like way to like spy on the rest of the game when you when the money you're not actually in those parts just just to see how things end up the way they do because there's this unexplained things sometimes and that guy is definitely the most x-files ask thing that I've seen in that part and same what the firebomb too was so creepy that it worked just right away and I didn't even like aim it properly that was too good to be true did you like evil within - you hated the first one so you didn't bother evil within - is one of the best horror games in my opinion especially for like the psychological aspects it really it is really good very very good it takes a while to get started at the beginning because it has to acquaint you with like what like the place that you're in and why it works the way it does so it does it makes it really easy to understand the story that's that's what I liked and it it starts off very slow but then when it gets going it's like you honestly just can't stop like you have to figure out what's what's gonna happen next then you're always surprised and there was even some really good throw backs - the first one - so I mean if you didn't play the first one you wouldn't lose out on it but if you did you'd like there would be an extra little reward there's a couple things that you would get even more value out of if you played the first so I thought it was very good we're definitely gonna play it again on the stream someday but maybe not to like around Halloween again I was gonna speedrun it but then when I realized you needed the keyboard for it and like the glitches required like 300 frames per second I was like I don't even know if I can like reach that framerate and I don't want to like play a game where I have to change the resolution and like forced it to go overdrive on the frames just to like do skips and it's all keyboard based and all that you know so I kind of asked around with people that were doing them and they just said like there's a bunch of stuff you got to do for it that I wasn't really into so decided to not speedrun it but I was really I was really wanting to kind of sucks but that's sometimes the case with certain games just things that you don't really want to have to do in them so right now we have plus 9 right and I think we got leveled up too so let's I bought 19 out of the feather arrows though alright that's alright we're gonna we're gonna just talk too great right really quickly [Music] goodbye shadow of the colossus remaster chevron that's gonna be cool man ah let's see wait watch my cursor sometimes disappear that's so weird you'll play some dead by daylight right now be right back Olaf that's a pretty good game too I really like that game and that's another one that I wish I could have kept playing but does the keyboard aspect was an inevitable like corner that I'd reach in it's like do you want to take the path of always sad being satisfied with not being competitive on it like not being able to actually be better than certain people even though you might be better just because the input method or do you want to like learn it all over again on a keyboard and it's like so keyboard kind of ruined that one but it was really really fun though it was such a fun game all right let's see gotta see all right can't beat Silent Hill too stop no way you liked it that much I really liked the first one those swish like people I know why people didn't like the first one I can understand but I really liked the first one so I liked the first one so much that I played it like way after it came out and like streamed it and everything and this was still hyped on it I got it's had this feelings I'd seen it and I was like you know this just looks so good I gotta do it and I was really satisfied with that one too but I can say the first one starts off better than the second one but the second one just ends up becoming way cooler and like it changes so many directions that you just you can't really predict what's gonna happen it's really nice a non-space things are going pretty good how are you dude trying some new sage strats that worked out pretty well yesterday wondering why I thought you'd be interested in monster hunter world I don't know I guess like I guess like I thought you would enjoy the item grind cuz like you were into guild wars and stuff and you like souls and there's some souls people that like Monster Hunter and I don't know I felt like he'd be the type of person to be okay with that it looks so repetitive yeah that's well it's not even the repetition but the type of repetition it's like do you want to have repetition free gear or do you want to have repetition for others stuff as yeah forgot to update the splits on oh yeah man I got to do that I'm sorry alright we'll just skip stage right now you were ranting on how you're waiting for sotc to come out two weeks and as some people on youtube have already finished it oh yeah those people that probably already have it but if you have it that early I think that would be like a review copy that's given to someone that might be like very close with the studio or like close with feel like people affiliated with the studio a lot of PR companies or anything like that they would give you that represent you and give you like games early they probably wouldn't be a well to even get that game that early themselves so like I think they probably get it directly from a different source if it was two weeks ahead or two weeks before no it's seems like a different kind of case scenario like I'm sure that there's no PR company right now that's like it a common one that people would use that actually has access to a come on [Music] alright that wasn't too bad LaRon with the truth bomb you know what's better we've been keyboards knowledge keyboards are cool oh I can I can totally see the advantage I just I never played PC games and I was little so and the any of the ones that I had done they're really simple so you don't really need to know how to use keyboard uh unicorn bunny coffee welcome back thank you for the good luck the grind is less evident on Guild Wars and the PvP was a lot of fun I'm not even trying to like compare those games though cuz I know they're different but just like anyone that would play an MMO for items I feel like you would be tolerant to the system of something like Monster Hunter because like it probably isn't as bad as some mmo's for the item grinds and that's that's personally why I can't play on the most they're very focused on the the level grinding and the item grinding and like there's some that have really cool-looking PvP but to get to that point you need to put in so much time and it's like like four souls with PvP you literally just have to beat the game and just like you know you might spend a little bit but you could make a PvP character in a day you know it's not like it would take like a month or something I can't stand granny games at all especially mmo's yeah there's some that are really cool and it sucks that like I just can't get into them for reasons like that like I tried a little bit of blade and soul like probably like a couple years ago or maybe like whenever it was a little bit newer and I could only play it for like a day cuz I was like I instantly started feeling the grind the aspects but there's other stuff that was really cool and the PvP looked nice it just oh wait before we even get into shenanigans with this guy I think we're screwed unless this guy doesn't have throwing knives let's see does cool that was close that was very close oh so we didn't have enough skills most Dark Souls players can make a pvp build in the day yeah yeah man and there's also the low-level PvP - one thing that I saw that was really strange there's like this this thing on main page one day and it was like a tournament for something and then they switched over to like it was like a competitive warcraft PvP or World of Warcraft PvP and I was wondering like how is that even possible like how do they make a balance how is how is it competitive or whatever somethin I had never heard of it before it's really weird yes now we could skip the scum on that guy or we could just use it again and have to for Deacons I'm probably gonna have to settle with that I can level beau can level a little bit more mid-range PvP is the best PvP I like the low level PvP is really fun like the I guess I don't know it maybe it would be kind of his mid-range but it's like around level 50 anything from like 35 to 50 while PvP is all about crowd control you hate PvP in any game couch hockey what's up while PvP is balanced per season players at max level in the best PvP gear so like do those people that like compete for it have to spend their own time getting ready for it or like are they just is there a way to just instantly like be able to PvP on it without having to do all that stuff because I'm wondering like it seems weird cuz every everything else is just giving you the tools to compete with it you don't like have to like make a character or anything on anything else you just player that's it so I feel like the format of it's very like weird for an eSports kind of thing honestly sometimes dude I have no idea how that dog [ __ ] gets over here I honestly don't while PvP you have to grind your gear Wow so anybody that's that's participated in any of those things they've had to spend their own time trying to get ready for it like not practicing PvP but literally just being able to have a character that applies to it Montee watch me on the bus ride home how long is your bus ride typically creases damage and such by 1% for 10 lakh to level 10 or something an hour of playing okay WVW so what's that stand for here doesn't matter if you're at the top level okay scary dog yeah I don't know how that dog somehow saw me it must have been like the amount of time I spent after the bomb not doing the tiptoes or something but uh that's kind of weird cuz I could do the exact same thing next time and it might not even be the case of the dog has interest so it's weird usually usually about once not in range to even know you're there no matter what you do but try to be a bit more careful Zach what's up dude almost got memed right there - that's funny good thing my stamina was not enough to like just watch that part where I probably would've gone just on there been up for 36 plus hours 17 3 there's no way you've been up that long man please go to sleep like don't be up for this if you're gonna be up for that long it has to be I would prefer to be for another reason or just not at all because that's way too long to be awake man I guess I I hope that's not a normal thing for you Kong what's up dude why'd cloud welcome back to tournament realm if you place the tournament throughout the season you get invited to Blizzcon the biggest tournament oh that's what Blizzcon is ok I've heard of that I know I think who went to Blizzcon there's a streamer that like I've watched for a while that went to Blizzcon I forget who it was but like it went and said it was really cool yeah I've like I've heard a lot about it but I just I didn't know that there was like tournaments stuff there is Blizzard doesn't usually make like competitive stuff it just they just make like Diablo and Wow and I guess all like well maybe they do have the dota right maybe they I guess dota accounts I didn't I keep thinking that dota it's not associated with that so nevermind I'll take that back right now before you you you go off on me or something or someone does shed what's up yeah dodo does valve okay my bad our stone split heart stones the blizzard one my bats sorry there they all are like kind of the same to me in a way I know I know they're different but sometimes they just seem the same Starcraft is competitive Starcraft isn't Blizzard is it and overwash okay okay well do ya they've done a lot of stuff that nevermind wow I need to I need to brush up on my Blizzard lots overwatch and hearthstone Sampson hey at least we pulled some lurkers with that maybe I should just say something stupid like that more often there we go it's gone Sampson it and create what's up so don't ya DotA's valve that's that's good to remember now I know our stone Starcraft 2 while pvp and now they have the competitions do they have PvE competitions how does that work that's really interesting to me that they could do that hunt what's up lurking is nice hey lurking is completely fine with me I appreciate everybody that's lurking continued to even but it's just funny that once in a while all I have to do is to say something really stupid and then every lurker is like or not every lurker but there's some some people just pulled from their shadows they're just like hey you're wrong okay now I'm gonna go back to lurking but you're wrong though I love it house keys what's up overwatch equals overrated I can I can understand why people like it it seems very balanced and well-made I don't know I'm not an expert with it but it seems like it I haven't heard a lot of complaints from people playing overwatch like I do from others stuff like it doesn't seem like there's anyone ever saying that I know that plays overwatch there they're never like oh like this character needs to be like you know removed you're like this weapons sock sir like this person just exploited this like it seems like everything is fair like no matter what and you just have to play well I'm sure there's some sort of complaints but I just I haven't heard nearly as many as other games which is a really good thing Hanzo is ready Hanzo gets brought up the mostly I'm assuming he's like a really good person to play or something or easy to play or whatever or he's strong I don't know onca must be removed yeah from someone that's an expert at overwatch or plays it frequently like what would you say is the state of the game is there anything that needs to be fixed ok so now that I've wasted more time here now I won't get meaned here we go I was way too fast on that part yesterday I need to be slower so I can't I can't sprint pick up the item that's sprint after like jog to the item once I get to a certain point pick it up jog for a second way from to rotate then run your run got mean by Frida so hard today dude actually didn't say anything in chat but right before like I left for a bit and like I remember I saw you at almost the end and I was like [ __ ] dude that's a really good run like I wonder I think you were coming up on a flight you'll get it soon you'll definitely get it really soon like I'm impressed though sorcery only no hits all bosses plus the LC if you guys want to see something like that or sorry this one was pyromancy this time but I couch jockeys trying to do both pyromancy and sorcery no hit with all the content at the moment I think he's done pyromancy with all bosses in the main game and any percent and I think he might have done sorcery 80% at least so if you like that kind of stuff you want to see some unique no he runs that's that's really something you got to check out it's crazy it's very different than this or just any of the regular ones like your deacons set up honestly looks so painful like it makes me appreciate deacons more on this run [Music] well I probably get like just the best orangey on this and then like then I get afraid for the next part cuz I'm just like oh if it's gonna be good RNG now then the second parts isn't gonna be ruined but there's no way I can get just a consistently fast fight [Music] onso skill one shot one kill is that what it does Edgar Allen Crowe what's up dude redstone ring increases your damage by 20% [Music] penguin welcome back what's going on dude I'm gonna stop reading shot in the MoMA house want to make sure I've caught up on everything I di go what's up robot welcome back all right yeah I'm safe I'm safe looking if I'm just like on the move right here but I don't worry I'm not gonna reach out after this perfect [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was so scary with two skulls and it wasn't even like I was making that big mistakes it was like the heel kind of caught me off guard there they healed them really early right there it's not good at least router they're praying for memes early how about we just pray for no means that would be cool strimmer you missed the message natkho what's up I'm gonna end up making in makeup for a week I can't wait to see that dude he has to go shiny bold if he does the makeup like I'm Lila I'm telling you it would be a hit like you it would be super funny people would love it and it'll be like the world's first no hit run done with makeup on unless someone else wore makeup when they did theirs didn't tell anybody but I guess you'd never know but I would assume it's the world's first no hit run completed with makeup as a stressful trying to keep up creo no nah man this is what I do it's just I mean like if you were if you were a streamer and instantly you just had a channel that was established yeah you would you would not be able to do it like it would be hard you'd have to adjust but I've like kind of gradually done this over time so it's not a problem now if you just had like you know a channel out of nowhere like which just wouldn't happen obviously maybe it would be hard or mate okay let's just say it for an example maybe for like a youtuber and then you just made your stream but you're like established on YouTube and instantly just had your YouTube viewers that could make it pretty difficult that could be a problem if you had never done a stream before I've seen some youtubers try to live stream on YouTube and have a hard time or and with like not even that many people but I guess it also just depends on what you're doing to or who you are all nice miss I love it having a completely consistent day deep odd I hope so I hope so you always know what to say you always come in with like claims of things and it seems to fit the theme how do you do this I feel like you're observing the stream a little bit and then you're saying these things there's no way you're just coming it like straight off the cuff with this it's positive a [ __ ] with the bow Zico pontiff is annoying yeah not one of my favorite fights on this run I would rather Perry pawn to four times in one fight and risk not getting a parry than do it the way that we're doing it now but I the way we do it now is just the best way you can do it so it's fine it's not it's not like it's not bad of a fight it's just really really annoying because what happens is you just have to wait for him to keep spawning the spectral dude because there's not really any time you can hit him other than like a very very in a very particular situations you can but he just healed dodged all your arrows if he's not doing something else how do you level four bow only gesture we got let's see 27 strengths and 31 decks everything else is untouched I'm pretty sure baby bruh fight for bow only or gay on this run hmm I don't know it's a good question man I think Slayer has been the most rewarding because Slayer typically the problem with it would be that you wouldn't really know how to deal with the fight it when it extends itself like past the point of phase 2 for a long time so I think I've learned how to like deal with phase 2 really really consistently over any stretch of time which is a really valuable thing I'm excuse me but yeah Dragon Slayer armor I don't know if it's my favorite fight to do now but I think that what I've improved on on it is the most valuable out of a lot of stuff in this run because now I could do any run with low damage and I don't feel I don't feel as low in the confidence of winning without getting hit especially unlike the longer fights because I mean it's one thing to kill them fast but if you kill them very slow that's where the difficulty is so princes princes are pretty fun on this run I like I like the idea of like the first phase and stuff like that skull monkey what's up how are you doing dude Aldridge is pretty fun on this run too I don't I just it's hard to like call certain fights fun I guess because there's aspects that are fun but then some of them are just like I don't know there there's like an equal amount of good and bad the idea of it overall like the the final product is what's worth it but like in the moment like some of the fights are kind of terrible what part am I stuck on mad manatee me wait what do you mean really interested in how you're gonna take down your arm hope you get that far me too man that'd be really cool that we would already be doing better than any of the runs yesterday if we can reach that point so I'd be happy to see that it passed as soon Zico I hope so man like I'm ready for it clam it's going pretty good how are you I've been fun in his souls game yeah what is it what is it Souls game anyway sleeps more like [ __ ] entrapment well like prison Callie dog what's up hardest boss in this run in the most annoying Oh most annoying this probably like vort or weird answer maybe nice in der cinders the most annoying on this cinder heels sometimes that's the worst so probably probably cinder is the most annoying artist would be cinder or dragon slayer armor because cinder could give you a fight that's way easier than even like you know an average Slayer fight it just really depends on with rng is like but then again i thought it's been very very infrequent when it comes to like how many bad Slayer fights I get like with really bad rng there's there's one case in the beginning or I had like the worst rng where it's like there's a chance that you would get hit and there's nowhere you can be that will not result in a hit but for that to happen it's also such a slim chance because it doesn't have to do with like the attacks it just has to do with like two of the same attack happening at the exact same time and the likelihood of that is very very slim it's like the when when I was playing ds1 I saw one of those dudes through the spears like staggered by half a second like at that exact like timing for each like that probably you would you maybe never see that again it was just so particular that it's possible that it was you know just a one-off it wasn't something in common because you'd see it more often then but if both pogrom butterflies do the big explosion at the exact same time it might be unavoidable depending on the state of the bridge itself and how many parts of it are still intact and all that because sometimes if the bridge is broken they though even if it's shooting from the right side it can cross over to the the far left side so like it doesn't matter what side you're on and if both of them come from either side I can't stand like on one side of the statue then move around unless there's like a offset with the timing but if they're if they're synchronized somehow which has happened before a few times overall like out of my entirety playing this that I can remember it's like they will build one one will hit something and then the other one will probably get you well it's not common though alright great rats all sad and stuff we're gonna we're gonna just skip on him for now I think we have enough oh I was using stick a feather arrows for deacons - that's weird okay home was up until the TV one of the more assured and timely battles then this dreamer in all his hubris failed to react predictably and the result is before you today this hot mess of a run lovingly crafted from garbage presented to us at nasse a.m. until either streamer crooks or we Wis presented to us at nad ad nauseam what is ad nauseam until either streamer croaks or we'd wise up and demand you perform a lubber befitting of this champion Thank You Subaru for that what is ad nays IAM though what's that supposed to be so cal what's up welcome back dude can you make skill points like a p.m. to the one that's asking I can do that yes I can do that and we probably should do that by now so Coulter had a suggestion for it a while ago and I don't remember exactly like what the way was to set it up but I will ask him very nicely if he can explain it to me again or I'll look into just how you do it cuz when it comes to the bot it's kind of weird there's not really like a like the instructions for the bot don't necessarily say this is how you do everything you ever want to do is like how to make certain types of code that turns into like you know targeting certain like values or whatever and it's like if it's something beyond just a setting or like a thing that's like a feature in the bot then it becomes a little bit more complicated so if the skill points showed up in a message like a whisper message then it would it would actually help chat so Rutgers basically that means that people would be able to still see that their points but it wouldn't show to everyone else so it would keep chat like a little bit cleaner but it's not the biggest deal I think for raffles maybe it would it would work but now I can definitely I can figure that out that'd be a good idea all right we're gonna go for three of these and then we have the ten skull so you have ninety two standard arrows everything some level chlorin the-- ring is on let's do it you want one bit to equal one thousand skill points haha oh boy what kind of tree could you fit in your hand a palm tree it's pretty good one aDNA ad nauseum basically over and over till you puke okay I see so an unending cycle of memes basically to the point of nazo is that actually a word like is that like to say is that to be nauseated like what just in general like nazo or is that a set of spelling this day you're in a pickle if you should continue ng3 or play for at night fortnight looks pretty fun man I can understand why people would get into fortnight actually it's I feel like it's that easiest thing to understand that's like popular right now because pub G was like kinda easy to understand but this one's like definitely an even easier version understand than that so I wouldn't I wouldn't hate on you for playing for at night man right [Applause] so all the issue is when the pontiff fights this close he just keeps sprinting right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna weigh from the back off because if I back up to the fog gate and touch it he could hit me even later on in the fight not just right now so how dumb hit me like after the fights had started for like 30 seconds or so put this on and I guess we're ready [Music] 27 damage no way [Music] if you can get really good at headshots on this like you can really benefit it's pretty crazy how important they can be look at that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's kind of funny there's a little bit funny don't be split pretty close it's not good attack attack attack thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that fight is so bad so bad so bad so bad running low on arrows pride oh we have a lot man don't worry Angry gamer welcome back what's up dude why does he not shoot at him and only the shadow because if you shoot at Pont if he dodges the arrows there's no point only in phase 1 he's not he doesn't import reading phase 1 for your arrows and to get the shadow to die is basically to make him respawn the shadow again so you get the shots cuz otherwise there's no other way to really rely on anything else because it'll just dodge your attacks and then if you wait on that one of you other opportunities you'll find they're pretty hard to punish especially being close range don't really want that you want with a bow Maki that's we're gonna try to do man it's the plan see how it goes Kosmic thank you for the gee-gees by the way and welcome back dude sir gun what's up walking failure what's up man no skulls strats interesting no I've never used skulls on that I think dopamine was the person to make that or hob or maybe or maybe dopamine got it from Harbor for us or something I've you never really need to use skills there at least I don't waste them there poop in a hoop what's up how's it going don't run into fire this time yeah I'll try the thing is that attack can happen and like there won't be fire in that spot that was there before if he's not near that wall like he can do it anywhere else and he would be fun that's why I made the mistake in the first place but yeah I'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for that most annoying boss he asked me how hard is gonna be for this run not as hard as pontiff in my opinion but uh I definitely harder than a regular Aldrich fight like it takes a bit longer I don't even think we're gonna have the large arrows for him in time cuz we talked to gray wrap but we didn't send in a pillage yet so that's a problem we could do your first but I don't know if I want to do that that'd be the only way to guarantee getting heavy arrows for Aldrich hope aren't you God's favor you day me to Leon I agree Nephi yeah he changed his name back to normal finally you've returned to us the original Mick Hall what's up dude or Michael my bet why didn't they see me they can see you they usually you're just walking outside of their line of sight right they have they kind of have a tunnel vision or like a certain point of view that they can see but if they don't hear any sound then they're not gonna turn towards you as you can see the one at the very end turned once you could hear the sound so you stopped to make sure you're not in their line of sight and that you're not making sound so just walk a very particular route in your final Update splits I will update the splits I promise you let me let me at least go back to fire links so we can see what's going on there cuz I need I need the the large arrows still it's very important to my opinion read thirst what's up thank you for the good luck or some reason Aldridge is kind of like I don't know he's sketchy on this run even though it shouldn't be sketchy but it's cuz there's so many situations you can have where if you don't think of the best thing to do really fast can easily just be be done right that's only because you prolong the fight so yeah I sent him the pillage right there but we still don't have the arrows we need so we're going standard on this fight which is fine but it's just a little bit sketchy so in that case we'll try to see if we can get some good levels maybe which boss is the hardest one for this run howl wrecker it's a tie between cinder and Dragons their armored cinder can be worse if you have the worst cinder fight that you could probably imagine but on average they're probably both around the same for me a36 is probably the best to do the stats need to make a great rap split I should I showed you rape maybe I'll add one the thing is we've had like a weird way of doing gray rats sometimes I'll do all this stuff for him like super super late sometimes I'll do it like normally like now and then other times they'll be early on it where I get the arrows like before pontiff but I technically can't use large arrows or positive what I should have done though is right after right after sage or deacons gone to him like in between the wall near bonfire and and deacons would be a good time to do that so for your mute just use storm breaker and what's good kuda Matata welcome back and now we're this there's no storm ruler on this run Stormbreaker sounds pretty [ __ ] cool man I think that's even better than storm ruler Stormbreaker it is him he is using the +10 crystal infused Stormbreaker oh my what a what a fine weapon indeed a storm breaker shall break all the storms and not break all the sunshine because it's only for storms but yeah is this the old lava this is still the old laughs man still the old life a little bit slow but getting there it's walking into the poisonous from soul of cinder count as a hit if it doesn't build up fully now it has to build up for you to actually be poisoned in damage so any bar building up before it's fully at the top is just a warning it's showing you that you're about to have a status effect happen so because it wouldn't stun you or do damage before it actually activates then there'd be no way to say that's a hit although I find with cinder the way the poison works I you don't have to be near it for too long it builds up very fast so if you touch it even just a little bit you see that bar you better be like a foot away from escaping the range or you're you're probably gonna get poisoned even if it doesn't seem like it it's very very easy to have it build up in like a snap of a finger just being around the outside of it and stuff it also I've even gotten poisoned by him once the cloud has been gone like as it's fading and then it's like completely gone it built up built up the bar so that's also a thing an ice-cream welcome back dude [Music] need a better attack right now I've been away for one hour 20 minutes and you still haven't beaten the run yet scrub [Music] [Music] [Music] that's really unfortunate em dude ah let's see this string thanks men thank you very much yeah that fights extremely annoyed this is a really annoying run right now I'm not really liking this one it's just so annoying man so many reasons I mean like I could have killed them but then I would have felt like I was making mistakes and overstepping on like the rules that I have so I would never want to like try to go aggressive on that and then die and then feel like an idiot so I I did what was right but it just is so annoying to do that and I hate it toast what's up right had a theory that you are in the low gang is that true in the low gang what is the low gang I can you explain why you teleported because it wasn't worth it once he starts doing arrows you have a very low chance of surviving it's based off of just I getting lucky at that point Nessus what's up find you as great tool right at the end the world might be mended I just I don't know I just it's frustrating that I I mean I could have killed them already school uh not the right decision angry gamer thank you for the five months in a row welcome back continue to enjoy your emotes and of being a holo apparently for the next month until he were a human you g-man how have you been dark a Carew's what's up Logan Pollard's playing the fool about the low gang what I didn't say hi you're busy memeing good luck with the run toast oh that's completely fine man don't worry usually it's the other way around okay we got to get back in there again omentum see that's that's okay that's an okay attack but not the direction this is good [Music] completely not worth it the whiff was not worth it that that recovery is longer but like his idol is shorter though like there's ones that have like quick recovery but the idol is like super slow if you're not right in front of them so I think I need the u-shape attack that's that's the one that's the the longest Idol so you guarantee you have three shots and possibly a fourth if you're like just really really give a stamina Nicholas what's up dude already a better fight yeah the thing with all dressed on this one it kind of sucks you just put yourself in a bad position if you're not very picky about it so you're probably gonna see a lot all Jewish on any of these unless he just gives me like the best possible fight and the best possible fight on this isn't just good RNG it's like other stuff too so it depends on how many shots are landed and what type of shots and positions and stuff like that - why is the weapon or the weapon art decreases the damage a lot a run should everyone do at least once right now you're doing sl1 I don't know that's a good question man I would say that's not one would be cool to do but I don't I know it's not for everybody I think item randomizer is something everyone should try once that's really fun at least it was fun on ds1 that was really good this is practice Itamar this is a real run man I mean I'm getting practice from it but it's definitely not the intention of practicing almost the same with the sorcery strats except for with sorcery you deal 400 damage per shot but the shots are slower okay yeah that's why I was noticing like there's some similarities with what we're doing on deacons on our runs but like yours is just it's more damage but like slower though so it'd be like using an even slower bow with just a really big hitbox on the arrow when we do world's first is zero meme run I let that be pretty hard to do man I'll - sure about that so that's a request that I don't know if I could fulfill also by the way Tony what's up man I don't think I said hi yet a dare I the recovery on the slam might be okay to this one this one this one nice and to close I think that might be fine that's good that's perfect don't [Music] all right just get out of there get it out please update the split Fox I just did dude what'd he tell you didn't even give me a chance I literally just got through it come on that's a little bit crazy how that miss I don't know that's another thing too you got to account for misses on this stuff there's some fights in this run where if you miss you you're looking for trouble hey so 99 of these there we go waylaid pakka corgis welcome back to do the world's first zero hit dump I only I don't think you can do that though you'd have to like cheat the dung pies in the game rent you started blood level for skull monkey how are you enjoying it so far have you done like sl1 and the other games like had the other comparison of both yeah so we're gonna try to go for 39 decks Sonia or am i thinking then we're gonna just get the rest of the stuff or the rest the souls will go towards the dark arrows I'll need 40 those were fine to be good [Music] [Music] phox you gotta get some sleep though good night that's a good that's a good call I'm I can appreciate the fact that you recognize that you need sleep and you're going to bed that's good [ __ ] flocks have a good sleep man I will see you next time don't worry you're not gonna miss anything too crazy I will I'll make sure to fill you in on anything if there is crazy stuff we were drastically behind on time now for although because of that efficient anagen so you got to be fast I didn't did I ask this or did I not ask this for this I got screwed it up I didn't ask this okay sweet why I [ __ ] up there did not like their spots there that was pretty bad I never tried I saw one runs I only saw the first part that give me a second man killed a mimic forgot resin for selling wait resin for what Lia welcome back what's up Murphy I don't know man good question is the jailer bug still happening there's no bug on them right now it's just that I screwed up so I I was lucky with their placement but actually one thing that was weird is that Joey didn't hear the sound cue of their over the head the first time which didn't make sense but after that I screwed up a couple times never tried sl1 runs blood-borne is the only game you played through enough to try it super fun though yeah that's that's good man I'm glad you're enjoying it it's it's harder than I saw one in my opinion my gonna be using the bow for your Leifer key yes it will be also did I sit at this or light it I did its yet boy whom the earn destroyer coming up my keen for the remastered ds1 read thirst uh I will see I'll have to see what they change on it man I know I know what's been mentioned so far but if there's any other stuff that's mentioned that that piques the interest I will I'll be getting it Lachlan welcome back helvi what's up I don't know good question yeah you can't you can't sit at that bonfire I kind of just meant lighting it but uh you technically can't sit at it it's of Alba alright we're gonna have to switch this back [Applause] what arrows Lachlan reason the large arrows amar using dart Garros on this death God what's up man welcome back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my internet broke so I missed the last 40 seconds please restart so that I can see the whole run storyline [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] about time we keep up and in all right should I grab storm Rua to sell it I think I I don't have enough time all right we it's kind of funny that I think I'd the situation where I was one arrow short for the dark arrows before the frame rate on that fight was trashed it was like dipping in like 30 FPS for some reason so I was really worried at the beginning I don't know why I'd have to lower the settings again or something for that it could just be like a like a random case but it was the frames were going pretty bad so not good drawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended JJ oh gee listen three ah Super Buu thank you men by the way I heard those words and it kind of give me some sort of jinx string thank you we shaded man dead pins welcome back for the second month in a row thank you for choosing to resub I appreciate it continue to enjoy your emotes and being a skeleton as I continue to ask gray rad to give me arrows while he probably is tired of seeing me so I think we're just gonna get the bare minimum on this will just keep getting like just the bare minimum so we can get more levels because I think that makes more sense you can sell the oh no you can't sell the storm really that's right you can't you can't do that my bad okay so at this point because we just really don't get that much more damage I think it's more valuable to have some endurance like we could just do the 40 and then just put everything else into endurance midnight welcome back dude yeah [Music] I think we got everything silver Merc you're gonna have some rescued luck thanks man I'll try my best k witty welcome back what's up I can't drop or destroy it either yeah I think it's cuz it's like a key item so they didn't want it to be the case that you couldn't complete your him without having storm roller in your inventory just just so there's no way you could sell it before you kill them and then like get stuck or something what is the furthest run shadow on this game or on this challenge like literally just the end ment very last split today this would be the farthest though direct rocket what's up miss watching the streams welcome back man you have caught them you run it they run pretty fast man they run pretty fast but sometimes you can catch them and I mean after that that yours aah I bought ps3 for PCC wanted speedrun and you can't on ps4 go to buy the game so you're Alex all excited you get the receipt you got charged for two codes and you can't get your money back where did you buy it from sir Maui Tim what's up you have for storm losing your inventory one day you can make an ante giant army with the storm rollers and that'd be a funny run like you just summoned the max amount of people and then everyone uses storm ruler and it's a like weapon art only or something I don't even know if that'd be possible look funny though how long is this run penguia it's been a while man it's a very slow run I think checking the time at this points not even important it's definitely not as fast this should be but it is what it is all right we're in a point on the feather actually we'll do standard on r2 just in case all right let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that would have been like literally if that fight persisted another ten seconds that would have been the example that I was gonna give of the worst rng it wasn't necessarily they completely synced like the attacks were happening roughly in the same time though and that would have been like pretty much rip I don't think I would have survived that so definitely got out as soon as we could I missed some shots on that and I definitely didn't kill him as fast as I could have so it's still a pretty bad fight but right there at the very end that was basically the example of the worst rng you can get' or at least that I know if I don't know maybe there's something worse or maybe there's a way I don't know all right we got to do archives so I'm going to put on eeek Lauren the--again and I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna eat this blossom before we do the ladder and then I'll use the other two if we have two homeward bone back just in case also for some reason I feel like should I use the halt the firebomb on the gargoyle I don't think I should not on the gargoyle on the UH on saige I feel like I could just use the arrows on him it'll be fine but the firebomb might help for the second part so I think I'm gonna keep it on there so many meatballs much clenched what we're gonna stop and we're gonna rig it up really under stock souls that in the universe they'll say it's the run you'll disappoint yourself Monti you're starting to learn oh my god no one would fight but is this re al ly the urn streamer there's plenty of RNG coming up yeah that's why we need the endurance that's a good point thank you very much for the reminder string if you fall off the bridge and that fight does account as a hit you cannot die in this run T dude so there's no there's no deaths a lot so any any kind of death in general assists and no but uh you make a good point though it actually is pretty easy to fall off of there okay now strength is scaling me for damage to maybe maybe I don't do endurance cuz I'm not gonna get more Souls through archives or at least not that much it's gonna go like that what's harder princess or cinder definitely cinder man draw what's up how's it goin dude how are you time for brothers of agony and frustration by sticking with the same bow for this run avenging I that we start with the short bowing let me buy the composite bow good luck thanks man try I'm doing good I'm doing pretty good alright we got a got to get a good timing for this blossom okay so this gargoyle right here unless he gives me the best situation and you we were probably gonna bring him back over here los Fox I'm doing good man I'm doing pretty good how are you oz oh what's up see we don't have the gods here orangey this time but I am gonna kill this guy what no way okay that's the okay that works but that's really not good though it's really not good at how the [ __ ] did he make it through the space there was that just like a random chance he just did the perfect height jump like right over it or something oh my god all right well I was sketchy alright that wasn't too bad of an archives although The Gargoyle I have no idea how he made it into that spot he like had the perfect [ __ ] height like usually for things that have like a collision on them that are like a low to the ground the collision still is there like up in the air so I'm surprised he actually was able to make it over that boundary making you monk ass yellowest that's unless among cast renewed its whole run is mud gasps map talk what's up definitely more safe than what you were doing before do you know that's not what I was talking about though that's see how like when I waited at the corner he comes down to that part usually I if he goes down to the corner and he does anything where he flies you can just go back but you can run backwards and he'll get stuck on the wall then one run back but if he doesn't attack that's good like the charge you can pass and you'll be fine so that wasn't what I was talking to you about though that was just like I was trying to go back and bring him over there to get killed but he didn't get stuck that we just like jumped he he somehow attacked and then like landed over the the boundary for us so I'm not sure how that happened I guess I guess there's just the chance that he can get through there why oh well it's just something that worked like worked for me so I decided to try it again but it hasn't been tested enough so it's not worth it return the slab or suffer my curse babyrage yeah we do need the slab I I was on my way to do it Elzy don't don't be giving me a hard time then thank you though okay so for the rest of this let's just think like I guess I said we're only gonna go bit by bit so let's only get thirty two arrows austell not enough to love are you kidding me and flare doesn't have a soul does he Dan and sell anything alright well guess we're kind of stuck in between the levels wouldn't worked anyways unless unless I had just leveled first and then like on like a really shitty amount of arrows after cuz I had one extra level I could have done before I went through there what oh wow beat by a beat that sounds fantastic bit by bit it's going on Seabury god damnit what are you doing Jesus slayer does have a soul well he doesn't drop one to you I don't think or did I sell it oh no he does have a soul never mind [ __ ] I guess I got rid of it already damn that's that's really bad JDate he's fallen asleep over here coffee addicts what's up i'll steny one that might have tuned in that I haven't said hi to yet welcome trying to stay relatively focused I'm kind of just weary right now cuz both the Orman's Slayer had really bad frame rate compared to the usual and I know that Slayer can't have bad framerate sometimes but not not yours I was kind of a little bit annoyed with that but I'm sure it'll get better usually princess and cinder don't have that bad of frames well I wouldn't want like an extra risk red it's good to play with Xbox one controller drazi you can play with whatever you want dude I would recommend this or a Dual Shock for one of the other or a 360 controller or a ds3 controller any any Sony or Microsoft one is good otherwise I don't know you might just be getting into something that it's impossible but if you're just going for something standard there they're both good Jenna said hi Steve wait Jenna no offense I mean like I'm sure it's a very important Jenna but like who's Jenna though I know of more than one Jenna and I don't know if you know the Jenna's that I know so I don't know I've been completed zero hit Bonilla Bonilla you mean it's super difficult it seems impossible but you have not completed it yet a national oh yeah DEFCON thank you dude good luck princes jenna jameson who's that am I supposed to know is that like an actor or something all right uh what are we doing I think we got everything ready it's gonna get rid of all the shitty items [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nearly gave me a heart attack check out his dream I gave you a Havarti attack oh man that's a pretty good cheese Thank You Man thank you update split why Kate Leon you're getting like too advanced on the splits we just did it calm down radiosity honestly man I used to deny that but now I'm starting to kind of agree with that honestly I think you might be right it could be potentially how are we going to sell this and then Steve what do you doing dude Jenna still says hi okay so Jack okay is someone is the Jenna person someone that I know Steve thank you thank you very much for that that's absolutely insane but who like how'd he die I was hitting lothric the entire time so or well some shots didn't hit him but if you kill lothric then they die because he's the one that can can revive them right okay so we already have plus 10 first time I've seen princes on this run that was amazing first time you saw Prince's really yeah they're not that special on this run but it's I like the first part of it a lot it's fun a fighter thank you for the host dude how was your stream what's up the guys don't follow a fighter PL check him out if you like pvp he's a great PvP player very entertaining very chill as well awesome community grandma so he's a theist might have seen his videos if you haven't seen them check it out Braham associate so Sofia says good luck okay now there's a name for this lady too used to just say grandma now so Savita oh boy all right let's see so we got strength actually coming through with with like three points right there it's not bad or we could just do the endurance again but endurance isn't really gonna save me much in this wait can I get ya one more [Music] leg soon thank you for the the prime set man for the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the school Illuminati joy remotes enjoy being a skeleton dude thank you very much and yeah fighter thank you again man everything I didn't even expect that that caught me off guard how was your stream how did it go anyone coming from fighter pail streamer trying to do and no hit run with the oldies in the bow so if you want to know any of the rules there's a command called exclamation point bow rules and I'll tell you all the stuff about it and again if you haven't followed Fighter plu you must do that especially if you like PvP in this game it's like I would say he's probably the number one person to watch for that right now he's made some pretty good videos too no timer equals perfect skips yeah now the funny thing was dude I never practiced those like specifically I only like went over them when I got to that part in speed running and then when I made file so them in practice it dude they just became so consistent it was like I mean I just assumed that there would be no point because it's such a simple thing but it became really consistent once I made files for those all I had to do is go over for like maybe like five minutes and it was fun trusty gesture what's up what's the minus one on your mean difference is just comparing my best run versus this room that's the minimum called middle column climb oh what's up welcome back dead pins thanks for the good luck plague I'll see my I'm not playing any music for this verse listen to the soundtrack I don't think that'd be the best idea even though gals see my I actually really didn't like it and then I kind of grew to like it after listening to the the Street Fighter 5 one enough like it actually is pretty good ok let's see I think we're fine for everything uh yeah we're good [Music] [Applause] that state the underscore says general says hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take hello youtubers rubs [Music] this is going on YouTube rely on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the lost withdrawn from the vessel let strength be granted so the world my good job Lisa hahaha drawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended so the lost we've drawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended let's go J to the j-man you achieve what's up good job streamer now do it with one arrow do it with one arrow oh my god sorry guys I'm just trying to take everything and I my jo JJJ fabulously Oh God good jobs updates bleat man I was getting mentally tired towards the end of that cheese [Music] okay I'm gonna lower the the volume a little bit on this these credits they could take it down a notch all right there is a lot of stuff that I have to catch up on give me one moment gasps holy [ __ ] that was the hardest any percent run I probably have done or will do I know it's definitely the worst 90% I've done I should say that straight off the bat it's that was that was rough that was really rough that particular run was rough - Jesus man Oh laughs congratulations you got some points man I'm gonna give you your points once everything calms down just a little bit but hopefully everyone enjoyed that I'm glad if you did get to catch especially fight or PL thank you for coming in clutch right before the end to show some people what's what's going on there is a lot of [ __ ] oh my god okay right god dammit what is happening right now you guys are absolutely you're not from this planet you guys are aliens everyone here is an alien you've got you're all Teletubbies that's the only way there's no way this is ridiculous this is too crazy my god alright so gimme gimme one second to look at the stream Labs dashboard holy [ __ ] man well anyone that called it was the run today you guys aren't jinxers you've done it so we got let's see my god okay so I am so what has happened I don't even know if I can see all this stuff I don't think it's even showing up okay wait how how man what the hell I don't know what's more crazy to run or this I don't know what's going on I don't even know if my stream lab shows everything that just happened I might not even be able to see it like I'm trying to find where it starts I it's like blending into the previous day wait let me see okay so if I okay there's spider plpl so so Matthew says man thank you for dropping the host subpolar thank you for the the host as well man sub polaric I appreciate that camps a lot thank you for the follow last guardian thank you for the follow Murph thank you for the thirteen months in a row I appreciate it welcome back Matta Tom Tyler susurrus doable snail nap int gold trombone Steve Michael noctus YRF big bulge Gazza on acid Jerome five one five frosty Gorgon gray matter darkness smiles thank you for the subs the brand new subs toxic jr. thank you for the follow Steve thank you for the five thousand bits string thank you for the four hundred bits tad pinch thank you for the 2500 or yeah twenty five hundred bits holy [ __ ] Cal oh thank you for the thousand bits tender thank you for the seven hundred bits lemonheads thank you for the five hundred Zach thank you for the six hundred bits king is dead thank you for the 245 bits death God thank you for the hundred bits Miata thank you for the hundred bits Griff thank you for the 300 bits big fast thank you for the thousand bits some TAF thank you for the five hundred bit everyone else that Faldo thank you as well holy [ __ ] man what is happening there are things that are popping up this say they can't be displayed yet because they're like they're literally just they're happening before you even seen them some of those didn't even show up on the alerts yet oh my god dude this is insane death God dude thank you this is too hype all right so basically if anyone's confused of what's going on we got the first ever ds3 bow only no hit run so definitely definitely a learning experience definitely different kind of Ryan's but I don't know man I'm satisfied that was that was ridiculous I can't even like my brain I can feel my brain like I physically feel my brain right now it's like sliding around in my head no my god Fidel Castro that's a really funny name thank you for the brand new sub man welcome 300 thank you for the bits dude now what that's a good question I didn't think we're gonna get the run right away at the beginning um we're gonna have to figure something out strength fear what are you doing dude all right the credits are still going but just this is just gonna prove to you that we've beaten the ng so I'm gonna begin journey to and I'm we're gonna quit out and look at the time I'm gonna turn the sound back up again because the credits are really loud and you cannot mute them from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so no one go deaf please don't go deaf I almost went deaf right there I got two different two different balances for the sound for you guys and for me so I wasn't sure if you were going deaf during anything alright here we go let's uh let's just give one last speech with the mr. bean looking fellow whatever whatever the the Richard Hammond guy you gotta wanna succeed as bad as you water broom alright that's it that's it that was just over three hours for that run too which is a little slow but usually when it comes down to it on the important runs they end up being way longer than you expect Anthony Starke thank you for the brand-new sub man or again thank you for the tier three sub holy [ __ ] fitzy Jasperson thank you for the brand new sub as well this hype is just dumb this is like silly I don't even know what to say the subs and dinos man Congrats on one of the most intense things I've ever seen Steve [ __ ] dude you already you're doing too much you got to calm down seriously thank you but seriously man that's like enough that's that's insane this is like Jesus man now I got to do DLC ah yeah we could do a run of everything with the DLC if you guys want to try it I don't know if we'd be able to finish it before the end but what should we do it's a good question like I I wanted to do item randomizer right after this and I wanted to do the ball run with all the DLC so we could try the bow run with all the DLC but it's
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 2,363,492
Rating: 4.8192568 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, Livestream, Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Lets Play Dark Souls, Lets Play, FromSoftware, Namco Bandai, Sony, Steam, Microsoft, Xbox, PvP, PvE, Action Role Playing Game, ARPG, Hardest Game, Speedrun, Moments, Reactions, Reacting, The Ringed City, Ashes of Ariandel, How To, Walkthrough, Playstation, Legolas Dark Souls, Bow Only Dark Souls, Dark Souls Archer Build
Id: 41oAan2O9Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 42sec (13302 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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