Asmongold Gets EVERYTHING in WoW - Completionism Week SUPERCUT

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guys it's been a long time many years ago a young but not that young asthma gold stood at the very top of the achievement ladders of the mount ladders of the pet ladders of the transmog ladders all the ladders over the course of the years that position has gone down one step at a time on pretty much every ladder i've traded away mount positionings transmog positionings i've traded it all away just for stream content for [ __ ] like that but apparently people still want to see it because somehow the posts that i made 18 minutes ago has over 5 000 updaters which means that on tuesday we will begin the one week completionism stream i will go after collecting every item in the game every pet every mountain every achievement every transmog every single thing that i don't have we will get for that entire week i am nervous i am worried but apparently there are a lot of people that want to see this i warn you it will be a rough road oh i have one thing to start us off with no matter what i forgot about this boys i bought this last night aquarium champion this is an extremely rare blacksmithing pattern from burning crusade it's a very rare drop i bought it for a premium price over only 50 000 gold y'all gonna be hearing that a lot recently it's time and this is a free pet for me right here there it is boys easy [ __ ] game there it is there it is dude there it is nezra for the achievement adventurer of voldoon oh i think this is actually the last one i need to kill where's it at it's in the cave i'm assuming it's in the cave yep easy [ __ ] game already dead boom there it is boys there it is boys okay where's this next one uh the hell is it there it is right there got it jason's oh there it is boys there it is is this an assassin's creed origin stream obviously with how fast i'm moving you know i mean come on look at this oh i got another one bro did they take me off the game i'm getting too many achievements all right now we can play the game again all right let's go wait so what do i do here okay where is it there it is boys and i think it could be funny for the stream to watch me like you know struggling and [ __ ] doing my best to make sure my hair doesn't fall out and then you know i just keep losing more and more oh there it is boys there it is easy [ __ ] game another goddamn [ __ ] achievement man easy easy easy got that one right there pc is really struggling i can't wait to throw this piece of [ __ ] garbage in the trash i i hate this piece of [ __ ] okay oh there it is adventurer of nazmir already got another one boys it's just that simple okay where's this one at is this the end of this one where is it oh it's inside ah there it is where's this cockpit service finally someone found my offering to bon swanbee use it well all right what do you got for him miss place funeral often oh it's another one it's another [ __ ] achievement voice that was oh it's this little cop ass this little [ __ ] ass we gotta go kill them all right there's another achievement boys uh there it is another [ __ ] achievement uh 32 470. so let's go ahead we'll pull and um yeah let's go just pull and i'll start picking up the little critters so i have to pick up five of these right okay so where are they there's one right there helpless critter i see it okay i've got him it's a little duck okay there's one everybody stay focused stay frosty boys stay frosty there's one there's number four okay toxic waves in 20. i can pick this one up now all right let's go after this one so this is four right i just picked up four okay one more one more where's one more it doesn't go this far out does it it like despawns right yeah it does okay uh where's he at where is mr duck markers oh there he is you're safe now you're safe it's okay okay uh i think we can kill the boss now kill the boss kill boss boys this is only the beginning we're going on up there we got 10 points so far today 10 points okay uh are there any of the pets down here that i still need to get let me just double check okay one one oh i don't have a junk heap roach i did see like there was this one thing where like they said that uh if you have like a a roach and it can lay eggs in your ears and because of that i would see i slept with headphones on for like a year there it is boys i wear the same t-shirt all the time it's just what makes sense and it's very efficient i think that's the big reason here it is boys i'm pretty excited guys i am i've been waiting on this for a long time and i'm glad i'm actually so glad that we're doing this uh uh we're doing this event thing because i would have never had time to uh to get all this [ __ ] done if i was just spending all the time [ __ ] around and here we are and we're getting so many achievements we're getting so many pets man i've already gotten three pets today three [ __ ] i screenshot that dude [ __ ] yes dude [ __ ] yes dude so i there it is dude there it is dude we got all the [ __ ] pets out of mechagon wait what's he not he's not even doing anything he just sat there and died while my crab sold him and that's there it is boys i'll say that for sure all right give me the [ __ ] gloves give me these [ __ ] gloves please give me the gloves i want to see it give me those [ __ ] gloves [ __ ] wait you got him bro there it is dude there it is dude [ __ ] yes thank you so much man i really [ __ ] appreciate it pam vip and i'm look dude i suck your dick but i'll just suck your dick man let's just let's just get right down to it okay azmon gold uh uh glory of the body raider okay gentlemen what's zone in okay so first achievo uh let's go ahead and look up the first glory of the desirable raider and we need this one here can we get a heck yeah after defeat champion light and battle to zaroor after stealing three shinies from each of the crusaders disciples and champion of the light so basically what we have to do is there is a garbage pile right here and i think every single person has to click on this garbage pile and this will allow you to have janie's favor nine as a uh so i unders i misunderstood guys i thought it was nine from each individual player but it's actually nine total alrighty listen this right here is from one of my achievements let me tell you something this is my week the new world order has tried to shut me down but you know what we rise above it we're going to get these achievements we're going to get this mount we're going to make it happen gentlemen pay attention listen up and let's [ __ ] do it when does somebody turn into the cat oh we got one we got one oh my god okay good job keep it up boys read the chat read the chat to decide which one to get i got one okay there's two right there keep it up boys we're doing great oh there there look at him look at him he's right there he's a cat come on come back over here come over here where did you get to get the buff you stupid this is why you went extinct alright here we go oh we did it we did it kill boss kill boss kill boss is this it boys got him boyce nice [ __ ] job guys nice [ __ ] job all right let's go to the next one for this achievement um you will have to pick up the hidden jade serpent egg from the boss area protect it from fire sources and have the monk cast dragon's breath on it you should pick up the egg after the first set of living bomb has been dealt with that way you don't risk losing the egg make sure to pick it up before phase two starts as phoenix fire will break it the monk will transform into a jade serpent at 100 energy after dragonfire breath holds the player hitting the egg you can kill the boss to get the achievement the locations of the jade serpent egg are different for horde and alliance so just go ahead and put a marker down where it is and i will i will hold the egg i will do the egg so i'm gonna pick it up so i have to stand in front of the breath all right everybody get ready so we're gonna pull the boss i will stand here i will get the egg myself i am egg boy i am egg boy how do you there oh it's right there i got it okay no dps stop dps okay now i can't take any damage here i have to make sure that i avoid every one of these right i wipe it i'm not gonna move why would i move over there good no i'm not moving all right good 900 focus zero percent losing the egg i do not lose the egg i will not lose the egg okay we're good there it is dude just wait for her to go up to 100 and i'm gonna get in front of her and drop the egg oh it's enraged kill it kill it kill it kill kill kill it kill it kill it kill it it's enraged okay hopefully it casts it again maybe yeah there we go there's no way it didn't hit me yeah we got him nice job e z okay give me a second let me go to the next one so we got barrel of monkeys so there's a bunch of barrels and we gotta bring it next to the monkey for this achievement you'll need to carry and play six barrels on the floor before the fight against groan oh here it is all right any barrel boys any barrel boys oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] for the achievement so he has to destroy six barrels so how many barrels do we have now um yeah bring all the barrels over to blue and we're going to tank grong on top of blue what do you do now just let him smash it yeah tank him on the barrels and he has to destroy all six of the barrels i will track this achievement so we know which one we're doing okay we're about to have another destiny slam right here get ready guys it doesn't matter like this damage in this game is cosmetic so don't worry about it oh [ __ ] all right kill bot that deep dick boss deep dick on boss deep to come boss deep to come boss deep dick on boss that's a big boy that is a big boy he's going eight guys we have to kill him he's going ape he's uncaged there it is that's he got no shot man there it is boys yo nice job nice [ __ ] play boys nice [ __ ] play all right next boss here's what we need to do uh let's go ahead and get that linked in and uh we'll see what we need to do uh to get this achievement you will first need to uh make sure that at least one player has a singing sunflower pet the achievement is personal and requires the player to slash praise command on a singing sunflower pet while under the effect of brilliant aura the pet doesn't need to be your own to get under the brilliant aura one or more players should pick up a topaz brilliant of sunlight the jewel will grant the player a stack of incandescents while they stand alone upon reaching 100 sacks they will gain the grossly incandescent aura for 20 seconds granting the player in all nearby players brilliant auras the buff will take about 100 seconds to appear and once it's active slash praise to sunflower pet to get credit for the achievement okay that's easy um can dps get the topaz i'll just do it myself so we need to get toe passes toe passes and then we wait with the buff and then we'll be able to praise the song flower alrighty good job really great job on damage too guys i'm really happy all right get your get your gems not everybody has to get a topaz just to probably a few people okay so okay so i need to go by myself i see so i'm gonna stack this up right now yo i'll just stack it up right now everybody else go just stay away from me okay good perfect okay just do the fight normally 95 stacks i'm gonna go into melee with this got it okay all right slash praise got it now making sure i have the buff make sure you guys do it get your buffs you lavish put praise upon the singing song flower okay good we got it boys just kill it good job excellent skill very proud of you where do i need to go here all right go to the czar or raider so this is walk the dinosaur defeat conclave of the chosen and battle desire war without killing all the initial raptors someone from goings direct just don't kill any raptors like it's kill kimbo kite the raptors around kite the raptors don't kite them through the the melee pack please i already had it everybody else got it e [ __ ] z wait oh yo matt yo matt can i get that no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] there it is dude okay let's see what we got here next achievement to summon the orca blower you need to click on a fishbowl to the left of the docks after the boss has been engaged ideally you want one player staying behind on the docks to summon it that player will have to deal with a few minutes for two a few mechanics for two minutes after clicking on the pool the player will start pulling a rope out of the water and it will start to slowly get pulled towards the water walk in the opposite direction to stay on the docks but won't don't walk too far away from the edge of the rope will break shortly after sea swell will start falling on the player and we'll have to dodge them to stay alive alright that's fine i will do it let me do it okay oh that's a big boy oh that's a big boy that's a big boy stop damage stop damage boys i've got two minutes on this that's a big boy let's go yes that's how it's done boys that's how you do it okay all right let's go there it is got it he's up he's up he's up boys let's go all right everybody uh just kill the ads and then we're good hydro blast don't let that push you off the edge don't let that push you off the edge it does a lot of damage this is actually [ __ ] hard this guy takes a yo stay out of that kill boss this is [ __ ] cool dude why didn't they have this in the game to begin with this is awesome oh [ __ ] oh no it pulled off like 10 people yeah this should be an easy [ __ ] kill an easy [ __ ] kill dude the easiest easy kill of my life look at this dude boom there it is now gentlemen there is one achievement that remains there is one left all right here's what we need to do so this is what it says to complete this achievement you will first need three players to collect snow mounds during the fight against jaina proudmoore the snow mounds can only be found during the first intermission the snowmans will be evenly spread around the circular area so you will need at least three players on a fast class to start running as soon as the phase starts walk through the snow mound and have a little snowflake will appear next to your character once all three have been found interrupt the boss to start the next phase the players who have the snowflake should stand near one of the barrels to create the frosty snowman use broadside to remove the refractive ice from the barrel next to the frosty snowmon and then attack the barrel the explosion will cause the frosty snowman to melt which completes the achievement got it uh who's who's got a big enough dick to do this bash cutter okay me varkey and bash cutter gentlemen is it time for the [ __ ] achievement is it time for the goddamn [ __ ] mount do it do it so again it's me and bash cutter on the right and uh naruto wherever the [ __ ] the druid's name is and varkey on the left okay let's go let's do it all right uh let's see if we can find these oh great good job bash cutter really proud of you okay where are the snow mounds is that one right there it is okay i got one right here good now let's find the next one so find the next snowmound here where's the next one we found all three okay go start it start it and converge on on the one that i placed a marker on we found him we got him all right interrupt jaina interrupt jaina okay converge on this one here converge on this one here that's close to her right here converge here converge on me converge on me okay yeah converge on me again converge on me did we make it we did that's our snowman we made our snowman and now we're gonna kill it look at the snowman frosty snowman goodbye you served us very well your sacrifice will not go oh sh that was that was dramatic bro that was dramatic god damn go sword there it is dude there it is voice there it is [ __ ] yes dude [ __ ] yes dude remember announcements is gonna have a whole week focus on completionism shut up reddit voters got scammed what do you want me to do like i'm literally farming for something and i'm literally doing completionism what do you want me to do why thank you very soon you know what i can do there's a yeah i'm gonna do this just for you if you guys want there is a special poem that is available only in the scryer's quest line that is available only on horde that i have leveled a character up specifically with the squire's reputation in order to obtain on another server and if you guys want i will go through that [ __ ] quest line and i will get that exact [ __ ] thing right now do you guys want me to do that is is that is that enough completionism stream for you well then let's [ __ ] do it you can ascend to a higher level of enlightenment stop jacking off view this as a gift from god and try to actually focus on things that are not kitties that's basically it like as i said i mean like i there have been times for me right we're going to go over here i've got to go find work i can't believe i'm doing this what we're doing in here so no i know titties well you just don't here's the thing right he's like have you ever been so focused on a video game that like a girl or like you've seen like a really hot girl and you're like i don't have time for you like this isn't like this is like a waste of my time i don't want to think about this you know like yeah it happens to me all the time this is what we're going for guys right here this is the completionist stream like you guys wanted it you're [ __ ] getting it right now you better pog in the [ __ ] chat because this is exactly what we're doing like this is the most completionist [ __ ] that you can possibly imagine leveling up a second character and building up a reputation all the way up to exalted in order to do a quest in order to get a pole arm that you'll never [ __ ] use uh but i just want to finish this questline and get it out of the way okay there oh boys we're doing work we're doing work all right that's what we like to see we got something okay so i have to wait what the [ __ ] i don't have this an ethereum prison key so i have to go through and loot aetherium prison keys just to get this special pair of boots is this real life like that's a lot of work for me to do what the [ __ ] man i'll see if there's any on my warrior and i'll take a look and see what i need to do in order to get those but uh let me do this one right now okay there we go return to theodin all right we're gonna go back over there we're gonna turn in this quest and then i should be able to get my quest done in order to get the items like the thing is that like an uncut dick you know what it looks like it looks like those monsters from tremors like i see an uncut dick and that is the least attractive thing that you could ever imagine it's like grave mind in halo 2. [ __ ] no i don't want to see that's disgusting okay let's see over here boys jeweled halberd was added to your collection let me get on oh let me get on all mr yak there we go damn man damn dude that was worth it so i have to use these ethereum prison keys to open prisons in manaforge ultras in netherstorm there's a chance that one of these mobs will be released whenever you open a prison so i have to release a special prisoner only from the right manaforge in order to get this item these are super [ __ ] rare oh my god okay uh let's see what happens here we go where's the prisoner i will tell you the tale of my heroics to harambe himself all consortium will know your name wait do i have to do it again random chance so there's a random chance that i won't even get one oh there's no way that's a bad guy all right let me get my boots right here oh my god i i i gotta take a piss guys i'll be right back like okay try again bro there's no way we open every single one we don't get it there's no way that happens like a literal zero percent chance way no [ __ ] way actually impossible for that to happen i don't believe it no no it's too rare like we'd actually like if we opened uh it doesn't matter we're gonna get this one right here this is it please [ __ ] drop please [ __ ] come on man wait i see it wait a minute let me loot these let me loot these let me loot these i didn't have these before i'm going to make sure that i get both of these there it is there it is dude easy [ __ ] game all right wait man i this leather look leather mail and cloth all in the same loot table this is in this is insane like uh how does this not happen like what are the odds of this well i know the odds it's 1.4 but like bro that's [ __ ] wait he just got it he can't trade it i'll do media sure maybe in like two weeks i think that okay yes dude there it is boys that's the boost right there i knew it was gonna drop dude hundred percent hundred [ __ ] percent yes dude there it is boyce i was observing from a distance and notice you looked like a hero ah i applaud your uh your observational skills how did you get these once upon a time a youtuber made many years ago made fun of me who was it he laughed at what it took to be a hero of shatwrath july 15 2014 since then i've been farming what what but now my mission is completed this is twitch prime wait a minute let me go let's go back over to shattrath wait a minute go go back over to shot wrath with me is this actually about to happen oh my god hero of shattrath achievement guide as been gold eighteen thousand views six years ago what's up what's up y'all it's me it's your asmingold and today i'm gonna be fulfilling a few requests and we're gonna be doing the feat of strength the hero of shattrath now obviously this is an outland and basically what you have to do is in in outland if you guys don't know there's like two competing factions in shattrath there's the aldor and the squires and what you have to do is you have to get exalted with one of them like you get exalted the aldor like for me and then i would have to go and turn in a bunch of items and 1344 to be exact to get back up to neutral and you have to get i was like 23 or 24 whenever i made this video one of them at a time and so uh obviously you get solved with one and then you do all the stuff that i'll be talking about in this video oh my god the other one and that gives you a feed of strength now the fear of strength is uh doesn't matter uh it's a complete waste of time that's why i haven't done it but i don't i don't even know why you guys i don't know why you guys want me to do this like yeah i feel bad for you guys really this is it's scary that people want me to do this because i i just i i didn't know that it was this boring i i feel almost bad for making this video for you guys oh no here's the question though do i want to do this on my warrior because if i do it on my warrior i've never i've been aldor for 15 years and i would be moving over to squires for the first time in my life it would be like the biggest change for me like i've always been aldor good luck farming have have have fun have fun farming and that's pretty much it so thanks for watching and like comment subscribe wow and here we are six years later it's time before you can begin swapping your reputation there's one step missing points additional not what do you want me to do oh i have to spit on her let's go i i feel like i'm like gaining citizenship in a new country this is crazy i can't believe it's about to happen i'm about to lose all my rep okay here we go so i is this is this about to be it oh my god i'm getting it it's time boys oh my god can you believe it the ethereal deserve a single basilisk guy on him that's it i finished it here you can have the rest of these i don't think i need these anymore no [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] man i'm gonna go into the scryers area for the first time on my oh my god i'm defecting vipm yeah sure what's your name holy [ __ ] man you got it man you got it i'm i'm in the squires area oh my god and it's got wow look at this oh my god it's the guild vault look at that this is incredible so i guess now i have to go up to the terrace and we'll see where our new area is wow there it is dude there it is dude oh my god man the actual new burning crusade content and this is the new area here and i have to i think i turned them in at the top and look at this it's different like wait oh my god it's little this is crazy look at this it's like a bunch of books it teaches you like all the skills and everything that's crazy like has this always been in the game bro they've got a [ __ ] library here have you obtained an arcane tome yes as promised wait what the hell oh so okay so this what do these arcane runes do so where do i turn in the rest of them it's outside okay it's same quest giver i believe okay oh i think it's this one here yeah it must be this one here yeah yeah this is it okay firewing oh there we go got it there it is boys there it is here we go all right boys is this about to be hero of shatwrath bro i don't think i'm gonna make it uh oh it's okay it's okay it's okay everything's fine this is i planned this i i i scripted this guys this is part of the script i i i totally i totally planned and scripted this whole thing out everything's fine all right let me go over here to my bank where's my bank i've got a bunch of these in my bank where's my arcane tomes i have eight arcanes i knew it man i knew i was [ __ ] ready for this okay i've got eight arcane tomes and then where's my son fury cygnets uh there they are right there boys right [ __ ] there boys all right here we go oh my god i don't think i'm gonna make it oh my god so i have six tomes left please please the last [ __ ] tome dude the last [ __ ] one let me go outside here there it is boys there it [ __ ] is you did it dude he did yeah hey it is one of this [ __ ] yes man dude everybody's are you [ __ ] kidding me look at this everybody's getting the bow except me you got another one well you have two oh there it is dude easy [ __ ] game easiest game of my life okay uh lightning scenario yeah this is electromancer right here alright go ahead oh there it is boys there it is okay yeah it's right here okay come on over this way i you can just summon it whenever it's a dinosaur so just be aware of that right here i'll tell you guys something man i'll tell you guys something man dude dude i tell you something man that's how easy it is that's actually how he do you just go over there and you just click on it and you get it like it's just that it's that easy that's [ __ ] right boys and uh there it is please [ __ ] spawn please spawn please give me the item please give me the [ __ ] item man two people are you kidding me yes dude yes dude that is a [ __ ] pole arm boys there is one more to do one more item until we have every single transmog from all the throne and thunder super uh the rares man three more summons we have three more chances boys three final chances final chances first try boys first try there it is boys there it is dude and i got four hey i only needed one you guys ready is it time we got him boys let me see how much the battle pet is rot breath is only 190 gold i could actually go and buy that should i buy this i think i should buy this like i should buy this this offhand and just say [ __ ] it because i don't have it and it's only 25k no reason not to yeah let me log back over i'm gonna mail the money over to pork boy and then pork boy is gonna make the purchase give me a second yeah let's do that real quick and i try not to do that i do that but i try not to i hate this game i hate this [ __ ] game okay whoever the [ __ ] just bought that whoever the [ __ ] just bought that on this server [ __ ] come sell it to me come sell it to me right now over in stormwind i'm gonna be right here in the [ __ ] bank come come over to the [ __ ] bank and you're gonna you're gonna sell this [ __ ] to me right now come on where's my item somebody somebody one of you just bought this item one of you just came and bought this item christiana did you buy it what's your my rp miscellaneous female 24 irl what's your instagram anisia did you buy huh this what the [ __ ] i don't even have war mode on though like why am i flagged for pvp uh well how does this even oh [ __ ] oh come on man man you got man what the hell is even going on here i'm getting destroyed okay we've got to go to dollaram check the auction house for rot breath okay all right let me check the auction house for rob breath right now who is it what's his name bald man mad take that down right now take that down right now let me see the offhand you dress your character like she's going to burning man and you're going to steal my offhand i will give you 26 000 gold for this because that's how much it was up on the auction house for you can take that offer or you can hold this useless pointless item for the rest of your time playing the game 200 and no deal no deal you want to hold on to that you're gonna run away sounds good to me i'll get that later on that clown ass moro okay all right this mount this pet was up on the auction house for 190 000 gold i will give you 191 000 gold for this pet hate spark the tiny says [ __ ] [ __ ] where's bald man mauled where's that stupid ass yeah here you go you have this i'll trade you for it man you have this you have that there you go man there you go hey oh dear man dude now you got stuck with a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] matt you don't need that anymore do you oh you are dude look at that you spent all your [ __ ] money for nothing you you got that stupid-ass pet for [ __ ] nothing you could have made money but you had to be a dick ass and you know what happens you got [ __ ] that's what happens there it is boys the glorious and victorious asmr has farmed out these draining seeds so i'd actually like to let you guys know what my uh what my priority strategy for farming is out was so i started this about three months ago and i had three different characters with a level three garden i had my my warrior my warlock and my mage now because my mage is my tertiary character and i don't really play him a lot what i would do is i would always do this on my warrior and on my warlock and sometimes also on my mage this would allow me to progress through the uh the different seeds in the fastest way possible and because i knew that i would be inadvertently getting more seeds on my warrior than my mage i prioritized going after items like the uh what do you call it uh like the shovel and like the scythe because they had a higher seed count and then i went after the ones for 500 on my warlock and on my mage because i knew that i wouldn't go on them as often so i've been planning on doing this for probably three months and today is the end of that strategy and that planning today is the day that i finish there it is dude there it is dude that has been a long time coming let me say that for sure and i'm going to log on i'm going to get this [ __ ] item it's going to be easy it's going to be easy i'm going to get this coke 100 this is one of the rarest cloaks in the entire [ __ ] game so if i hit this cloak if i hit this coke this is the rarest [ __ ] that you guys are probably ever gonna see so just keep that in mind and and keep some perspective on on how how hard this is to get oh it's up bro is this the two time bro am i about to pull the two time right now yes dude yes dude all right boys all right see i logged out there last night i knew this [ __ ] was gonna be up let me try to capture this one we might actually get this one for free i'm not sure if i do i get my achievement there it is boys there it is no way no way dude no way dude yo bro i will suck your [ __ ] dick man holy [ __ ] dude this is it boys yes dude yes dude that's a [ __ ] coke boys got him boys there it is all right buy the backpack there it is though there it is dude we got one all right great hey there i'm paul in fact i don't play many video games these days so i'm into puzzle solving my friends a friend of mine sent me uh has been telling me off and on about all the difficulties in the wow community is having this puzzle and has convinced me to take a crack at it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this when the song is all chords the melody sticks out it moves queenly across a single staff and it's eight notes if we're placing food on tiles we should also be looking at the food on tiles that's whenever i found that picture right there what the [ __ ] a pattern found in multiple locations of four and four vertical and horizontal to the next piece this is a 22 page document holy [ __ ] note how the first five notes ascend one line slash space at a time and then the next line and space are skipped for the final three notes at the top time to test no look with the blue line thanks paul so we have to go over to the area oh um and uh in karazhan you have to do all the prerequisite stuff too wait what how much prerequisite stuff do you have to do look at this that is a [ __ ] dude that's a that that's a chunker we know that jennifer is a fluffy feline battle pet that was originally data mined during patch 8.2.5 her unusual old god and void related abilities suggest an intriguing backstory and a secretive method of obtaining her another npc introduced in the same patch is amara lunastar a ghostly night elf who can be found in ashenvale she can be spoken to by either faction and appears to be wandering about our fate of our pet that she left behind which is very likely jennifer the full guide so we have to go over to amara luna star well then let's get on over there all right let's the go now are the days i've been gone from i've been gone from here too long i do hope that someone is watching over my cat i will keep an eye out for it okay all right i've done that so now we go back over to stormwind okay so then we need to go over the crazy cat lady and talk to the dish okay let's go over there here's the crazy cat lady and there's the empty dish so um her living situation profession coupled through the title crazy cat lady suggested the crazy cat lady wouldn't think twice about taking in a cat for the lost cat their stroll by such as jennifer so this is jennifer's lost dish let's click on it inspecting an empty food dish unremarkable except for a few strange gashes around the rim okay that makes sense so we've got the uh we've got the food we've got that all done return to karazhan bits of kibble can be found within the return to karazhan near the opera event you must have interacted with amara to see the kibble two sets of kibble have been found with four cable pieces in each set the kibble is very similar to what was found in l1 forest near donnie and amerithia the purpose of these kibble is to mark the area on the map which is used as a template of stuff to place notes upon each pile of kibble represents the return to karazhan foods after speaking with amara the various foods can now be seen and interact with when the legion dungeon returned to karazhan there are about 20 different items and each one falls into one of the different food categories alcohol fruit bread and meat with five items in each category these items can be picked up and contained in your inventory for five minutes and placed it's uncurrent it's currently unknown what needs to be done with the food items return to karazhan the solution in order to fall solve the final step of the puzzle the foods found throughout karazhan must be placed in a certain way on the tile four of the opera hall you will need two juicy drumsticks fishy bits meaty morsels as well as one slathered rib and marbled steak each gather the foods using the map provided above and then place them in the following locations in the opera hall floor jennifer will then emote with meowing and spawn let's activate mr cat let's go okay water okay and then with the steak got it and we're gonna go over here and loot this right here got it okay and i'll get the fish on the way back it's not a big deal and i'd only need one steak so it's okay and then i would this one right here there's a drumstick and let's go back and we're gonna get the morsel okay we've got everything that we need now so we have two stakes uh yeah yeah we're good all right let's do it okay and drumstick first and then after drumstick we do the morsel or marbled steak and then we do the fish and then we do the i got the wrong one i'm gonna have to go back and then we have this one okay i'll do this one i'll do it later give me a second okay i don't know if i have to do them in order or not actually all right let me see here which one did i miss out on let me just double check i missed out on the other morsel okay all right let's go it's fine it's fine it's fine i missed two steaks okay all right it's fine i'll be able to do it in time i've still got three minutes it's okay it's not a big deal okay so i don't know if you have to do them in order or not i would have placed the other ones but i don't know if you have to do an order or not so we're just gonna ignore that okay so we'll go ahead and put this one down and this is the green one right yeah okay this is the green one all right and then this one is the this is the ribs and this is the drumstick then this is the last one boys here we go so there it [ __ ] is boys there it [ __ ] is holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that is our chunker we got him there it [ __ ] is petting the cat there it is boys there it is that was pretty [ __ ] fun that was actually that was really cool what the [ __ ] was that holy [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude bro this [ __ ] this is a this evil cat you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 834,489
Rating: 4.8863106 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold completionism, asmongold mounts, asmongold items, asmongold transmog, asmongold completionism stream, wow mounts, wow items, wow transmog, wow pets, world of warcraft items, world of warcraft mounts, asmongold hero of shattrah, asmongold jenafur, asmongold achievement, wow achievement, world of warcraft achievement, completionism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 52sec (3952 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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