Asmongold Hosts FIRST EVER Classic TBC Arena Tournament

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It's great, and it's nice for Asmon to have organized this. This footage also adresses the discussion about Alliance racials quite well, since as we see Alliance teams are actually the dominating here.

Hydra in particular in his last video on Youtube showed how he was just doing great against undead teams as dwarf priest/human mage (playing against the strongest TBC PServer players at that), and he does it again in this tournament. I hope some hesitant players won't reroll Horde and deepen the faction unbalance because of racials. The Classic crazy min-maxing culture around racials is really annoying.

I like what he said after winning at the end (1:59:00) too:

To be fair? Most fun I had in a tournament since Wrath of the Lich King easily.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Swobodny πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

You can think of Asmongold what you want, but the fact that he can use his (massive) platform to promote the PvP scene like this is just amazing for everyone involved.

I really like the format of healers being the team captain and choosing their teammates in a draft system, this made the games a lot more interesting.

The tournament also showed how stupid the tornadoes are to a big audience, Blizzard please, there is a reason why they didn't even last through S1 back in the day.

PvP is still really buggy, Chas's team lost two games, because Mir sat in a nova and got Ice Lanced 4 (!) times in a row without the nova breaking, Blizzard Deep Freeze is a WotlK ability. I'm worried half of S1 is gonna be a buggy mess since it's "just PvP" doesn't get the time and attention it needs.

Overall though it was really fun to watch and I hope this is gonna be a more regular thing down the road.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 97 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unsaintlyx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was pleasantly surprised by the tournament. Well done Asmon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gatortail6929 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Meta looking somewhat less solved than I'd have expected (I'm sure it will still be pretty orthodox and stable in the end, though, but for now...)--pleasant to see!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChaosGivesMeaning πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What gear are they using in this tournament? Just curious what level of resilience they have.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mattcurreh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh all right yo what up boys hey how you doing so listen uh last time i was sitting here on this sofa with these two gentlemen right here we were just three young idiots getting ready for world of warcraft classic and today we want to do the first ever for burning crusade classic 3v3 arena tournament and today i'm of course going to be joined with the amazing s fan tv and also rich campbell he got amazing and and also yeah yeah well all right rich rich is good guy too he's got a mullet i mean come on what what more is there to say so rich you want to go ahead and take them through how it's going to work we have 18 captains all of them healers and they're going to be going snake style to actually pick their dps so they're going to be able to pick out which dps they want to use because yeah obviously guys we've got some people here who have been playing we've got a number of uh different interesting people we've had people that got rank one back in burning crusade we've got some of the uh current level private server legends you know the dark horses many of you guys might not know about and then a ton of people in between retail wow players people that are just in the classic community et cetera and we don't want to have any super teams so we're going to just make things a little more exciting and we're going to let people pick their teams and we're going to let you guys watch and see how it's going to happen now you guys can see a team captains if you uh watch my last arena stream you'd see a few of those names where the people farming me and keeping me at a gladiator range which ironically actually were people that carried me to gladiator as well in previous seasons so it's good to see them here and let's go ahead we'll go down the list very very excited to be here uh we are going to talk to chas right now chaz can you tell us real quick what you're uh who you're going to be taking hello um yeah i'll be picking mirror first mirror the rogue okay so uh for the last pick i'm going to pick um a warlock named klimp a warlock named clamp why do you want to go with warlock sir um it was either between a mage and a warlock but the mages that we wanted were taken and uh mir told me this guy will do really good so i went through him and uh we'll go on to the next pick okay so toes who uh who will you be picking with your first pick of the draft i think i'm gonna go with channel channel why do you want to go channel he paid me a lot of fairlina gold to not let him get picked by metaphors there you go a lot of gold was on the table for this pick i think i'm going to pick aleksi leeksie toes will be picking leeksy why is that i think leeksy is a very good player and i also think chas and mir had their eye on leaksy i don't think i can let that happen a counter pick situation chas and mirror might have had their eye on leaksy so you want to go with the counter pick okay so for our next pick we'd be talking to hydra what's up dude how's it going i'm doing great who are you going to be picking for your first pick river yep there you go so river will be the first pick of hydra uh i'm gonna pick tazza we'll be picking tazza why do you want to go tazza uh because i was told to buy multiple people because he was told to very exciting yeah very very exciting great pick for the team okay very exciting thank you so much man let's go to our fourth pick oxtain how are you doing dude i'm doing good man how are you i'm fantastic our only shaman in the tournament i love shamans and burning crusade as much as i hate them in vanilla so who will you be picking for your first pick this is tough but i think i'm going to go with van murky van rookie will be joining oxtain congratulations to van rookie but i think i'm going to go with my boy lazanta okay very good we got shaman rest of shaman mage shadow priest comp next pick will be mr super tease what is up dude how are you doing [Music] i completely agree so uh mr super tease how uh who do you want to go with for your first pick all right i'm gonna pressure him because he owes me 500 gold in classic and hasn't paid up and it's been months and he thinks i forgot uh i'm going with bean there you go mr bean mr bean is getting picked who will be your second pick i've got a hunter so i my best option is picking a priest veen is helping me to make this decision i think we're committed to it because we practiced it i think i'm going to pick lol qq lol qq will be joining super tease and bean so zyuni who will you be picking with your first pick all right i will be picking gucci and i will assemble the greatest rmp of this generation we'll be picking gucci for the greatest rmp of this generation you wanted to go rmp who will be your second pick i will pick saza mizzy sazamizi very good let's go to the next pick which is going to be metaphors i think his name is gang i'm sorry gang i think it's gang g-h-i-n-g he will be picking up that's okay it's a warlock that's a warlock why do you want to go with warlock um because druid locks are really good comp that is a good comp i gotta pick my homie flabbers we go way back there you go he's picking flowers out of history with him a lot of history what can can you give us a glimpse into that history oh we were boys in canada and it wasn't cata yeah we played rls and stuff and was fun awesome mvq uh beck and saul he will be picking beckon soul so um who will you be picking second i think uh jigsaw jigsaw there you go so back and soul and jigsaw so why why do you want to go with this it's it's not the same it's not the same no it's not that one it's not yeah so so why do you want to go with them i think i need a lock to play druid so and i think is i heard he's good so there you go we're going to go ahead and take it back to the couch and then get the game started soon thank you guys so much yep we've got ourselves the brackets here and uh it's not on cardboard this time that's crazy isn't it and uh guys we're gonna have the first team uh going up against each other we're gonna have uh metaphors and chass going up against each other for this first comp i don't know how this is gonna go man alrighty boys so we've got uh we've got a warlock uh a rogue and a druid against a priest warlock and rogue all right and to produce different abilities as well we've got the gates opening up and the rogue is just getting on his poisons and now they're getting ready to get into combat man it's so nice to actually be able to see this ui as you did i actually mentioned you have a really good idea of what the trades are going to be and if they got a favorable trade or not we do expect it to go by relatively quickly so you might only see each of these abilities actually used one time now it's going to be really important to see how the rogue is going to be able to open here whoever does get a better opener is obviously going to be on a really similar what's going is going in dude here come on i think that doesn't the fel hunter give you a ability to see stealth so it's like paranoia or something right and also the fact that mira is playing a human right yeah oh he gets to sap on flabbers he opens up on metaphors this is not looking good from metaphors oh my god really really good open yeah keep in mind mirror also the first pick in the entirety of the draft and he is just going in on this fair for him right there he's trying to get away he got spell walk they used all of their cc on a metaphors is gonna be able to just barely get away but he's feared the fear is gonna break and wait is he gonna die oh my gosh i mean they already pulled a cool down oh my god really good right there metaphors goes down and that's what happens whenever the other rogue gets to sap first game you just got opened on and then also on top of that that fear dude that fear was dis it didn't break like yeah it was so bad it was so feared him into a wall oh my god this is what i would suggest for this game i i wouldn't be surprised to see if uh metaphor's team goes in on the aggressor aggressively oh dude he's popping off they're moving in really because i think they need to they need to move in if they're playing on their heels like that then they're going to get uh they're going to get beating that's smart oh dude there it is flowers is going in crazy he's getting wild all right just barely got away there he's interrupting the fear on the warlock and then actually while we're getting into real combat now you can see the priest is trying to align the site metaphors as much as possible to avoid those cycles metaphors is just sitting out there making sure they're getting hot on as many people as possible and as you can see also obviously chas has the advantage of having fear ward which did help them a lot in that opener and now we're seeing flabbers in his stun going down to half health trinket it out of that full-length kidney and then he turns it right around and he gets back on that warlock taking a ton of damage we see pain suppression go out on the warlock that's gonna reduce damage by a huge amount and then they don't even care they're just going full send on them no matter what it was i think that might have been exposed armor i'm not 100 sure there flabbers is getting really low they're doing whatever it takes metaphors is getting their wheels out that's a full stun and he already used his trinket and he goes down and i do want to just remind everybody right now this is not an elimination match it is going to be double elimination so we're all right we're going to see metaphor's team now drop down to the other side of the bracket but look there was really there was a little bit of pressure on klimp but inside of this entire series we did just really see chass's team able to put out so much damage and a lot of the strength speaking of speaking of chaz as well i do want to mention coming in at the end there with that psychic scream just it was it was an aggressive play but it allowed them to finish and uh chas was played very very very well offensively that game as well uh i think i saw him throwing out a little bit of damage thousands of damage as a as a priest that is insane so we obviously see uh chad's moving forward into the next round and we're gonna be looking at the second team here we're looking at team hydra versus uh team zuni uh i think the warlock team is gonna come out ahead man i remember warlocks from back in the day that [ __ ] made me mad like i made a warlock because i lost to a warlock so i'm expecting the warlock to come out ahead especially because hydra's team's got that fear award that's a huge advantage especially in these fast games like that to negate that first fear and so you see people already going into combat gucci opening up on the warlock right there trying to get that polymorph out it's pretty hard to do we've got interrupts trying to align and sighted as much as possible that warlock just getting locked down in the middle already at half health pain suppression goes out gucci going down to half health as well and trying to do everything that he can they don't even care about the cooldowns it doesn't matter and sas almost dies randomly he gets mass dispelled i think that could have been a master spell on his oh my god he pointed away i thought he died and uh and does a massive spell on his block and he's at one percent health saz is gonna be surviving oh warlock the master class round two they went to lord yeah so they went to wardrone wardrone is a great map for melee because you can line of sight you know how [ __ ] that tomb is and it was even more [ __ ] burning crusade so they're gonna have a pretty big advantage to making sure that they can line to sight these casts and gucci we're gonna see them probably playing really really close to the tomb with uh the warlock team hydra's team playing much farther out that's what i'm kind of expecting i'm excited to actually see like what the hitbox of the two actually looks like i'm pretty sure it's as big as my forehead but i i honestly cannot remember what the size of it is but the dance around it is going to be huge throughout the entirety of this tournament and also jumping over it or running over it there's a lot of times he rooted all three of them yeah that was a really good frost number right there we've got sas already going to half health he's running around trying the line of sight gets right on top of his healer trying to get those heels out as much as possible gets a polymer core has already blocked hasn't he no no excuse me uh he didn't block sas is just going down immediately with that okay there's a master spell they double master spell was that a resist it was a double resist on a massive spell is it even gonna matter oh my god he's going he's got one percent oh my i forgot all about resisting master spell that's the dude that's how dominant they are the master spell gets resisted twice he's like [ __ ] it just cast it again keep going i'm not massive yeah it doesn't make a difference but i'm very excited for this next match-up supa versus toes oh my god this is actually i i i don't know who's going to come out ahead here because this is uh these are two really really strong teams wait what the hell are they doing double healer what they're investing that much into bean oh my god oh my god with with specifically a priest that priest is going to be able to play very offensively right it's a distance oh yeah oh yeah that's a good point and we're gonna have more cyclones this could actually be i'm expecting i'm expecting animals team to win i i am but honestly we could see what happens that was the thing i mean yeah just come out and try to burn and uh keep in mind too even if for some reason you were able to stay alive for a very long time the cap that we have in these games our version of dampening if you will is you're not allowed to drink after that 10 minute mark so having a strong burn strategy might be cuties already like look at his mana he's already at 30 percent mana super t is going into bear mode he's getting low health already animals just getting dots on everybody we see pain suppression yep that's pain sep that goes right out there and they're just trying to get together and recover they have a very strong amount of disengagement that was a very good recovery by them leaky's at half health we see pain suppression go out as well and bean is just popping off he's got pretty much everything on cooldown besides feign death and so we're probably going to see channel and lexi really start doing a lot more damage here because bean obviously lost all of his cooldowns and this is where we're really going to see uh see them losing health but we'll see what happens i mean bean's already at half health but he does have two healers so uh his health is going to be going up and down real fast and there we go beans already oh my god there's spain death he pops he's got nothing left he doesn't have deterrents anymore and he goes down toward death i am so curious to see how much damage supa and uh and lol you know my favorite thing about being on a comp with two healers what you have two people to blame at the end of the game that's true you got two people to yell at instead of just one again versus these like big caster teams lordaeron is such a great map to play on it is such an amazing map because water runs gonna give them those advantages to just get those really quick line of sight options while also being able to move in and get those quick casts off with cyclone with mana burn with the fear etc there's tons of advantages they're going to have going into this we are going to ruins of lordaeron which would be a final fitting resting place because it is a cemetery and this can be the map that drops it down to the lower bracket yeah we see super t's already going to bear form getting super aggressive dots going outside he's trying to get that cyclone out we obviously saw that fell hunter interrupt and i think the foul hunter up was like four or six seconds back in burning crusade it's a long time that you're locked out we're probably gonna see cyclones going out right here they're getting super aggressive super cheese goes automatically oh my god he didn't even watch it he didn't pop a single coil dude that's what i'm saying death coil oh god he couldn't do anything weeks he didn't even use icy veins yeah he couldn't yeah he couldn't he didn't even use it that's it the war look at the warlock and that's hey that's something what you just said is something that you're gonna see a lot of in burning crusade especially if you've done a lot of retail arenas you don't have haste affecting your global cooldowns so you have it you gotta plan it out yeah that was insane dude these guys got got deleted and i've actually i think it's such a cool match that we got to we got a chance to watch that because we were able to um we were able to see two healers i remember back in the day like two healer and warrior was a very popular comp back in wrath and so seeing that even in this i was really curious to see what was gonna happen we've got such an insane lineup here like both of these teams have in my opinion some some of the best players i mean like i am i am so excited to see like what happens whenever beck and sale on warlock goes up against the shaman in bc like what's what's going to happen here because do oh do we have the totem stopping macro from the pets or they get rid of that i wonder remember that well well the api the api is different than it was back in the year so there's a lot of different little uh uh little intricacies yeah that's a good way all right so we'll we'll see how this all plays out now uh something else that i do want to mention yeah you said it's talking about good players good comps oh yeah there's a lot of i mean everybody in this tournament is really there's a reason why they were invited here very very good players so going in with this draft and maybe you're playing with people you don't know or you go against a certain match-up it like it it's never a case really of like oh like you know bad players or whatever these guys are all very very good we see obviously venruki got a i think that's a few casts out on them just keeping them slowed as much as possible we see just trying to play the pillar as much as possible getting dots out on him so there's a potential open for them yep they're trying to just move in very slowly and uh obviously we've got uh people trying over there in the back to keep them slow desantis gets pretty low already moves back as much as possible we see wizard versus wizard team there's going to be a lot of pillar play right here and yeah this is the this is the be serena experience we're going to be seeing as much as possible and um ozanta trying to get that's oh my god jinxo going really really well goes right around the pillar they should go in on this oh no he did not use his block he's got every cooldown available that's really really good for him everybody's healed up as much as possible beckinsale already he's on position he's gonna have to mana uh he's gonna have to use his uh his life tap as much as possible to get as much mana back as he can and i think he also if i remember i think i might have seen the animation of his health stone being used as well so this is already they've got them on the back foot and uh we've got that fear going out mvq gets all the way over to the other side of the pillars that is insanely lucky for them we see uh was that a death coil that goes out as well yep death coil goes out it didn't really do much of anything and jinso is still getting down pretty low in health too though it's not looking good they're i mean they're they're right around the corner to be able to push for this there here's the push oh my god he's doing on both ends actually on both ends oh jenso the offensive ice block into i think that was a fire blast to kill him and that's why he [ __ ] saved it yeah really really smart play by jigsaw what a play just just cause you have a defensive cooldown doesn't mean you always need to use it often defensively that's true very very very true so really really smart play to go ahead and throw that off and uh and be able to knock off all the cc any debuffs anything he has stop stop some incoming damage then turn it around and flip it on them so let's see that yeah it was really so yeah i was about the warlocks um yeah it's my uh my favorite class yeah just trying to really uh map it out my head to try to figure out what we will actually see but the question is are we going to see something new here are we going to see ourselves get all the way to a game three or are we going to get that lower bracket completely settled obviously benrucky i mean these guys these are many blizzcon winners and everything like that so they're not going to get flustered they're going to go in here and uh and try and go again so vinrookie just automatically moving in super aggressive immediately opens up with that uh with that sorry that uh that ice nova as well we see death coil go out immediately onto oxtain probably followed up by a fear it looks like that did not happen and oxtain is already at half health healing himself up as much as possible being a shaman so we'll see how this is gonna go there's the healing wave and they tried to uh obviously bait that uh that kick as well oh my god bloodlust and oh geez that interrupt what is so crazy about this what is absolutely so crazy about this and they were trying to counter pressure a lot i mean like genzo and mpq were very very low health but like in burning crusade i cannot emphasize this enough one [ __ ] up you're done it can snowball pretty hard you're done like yeah these teams are so good like it was such good players that a lot of times it's it's like spell is gg yeah it's like it's like you have like these two heavyweights going on each other and there's just one little thing will snowball really hard for the rest of the thing wow then rookie what is up man how are you doing how are you doing after that uh after that series uh you know uh team morale still good you know a bit of a rough loss but you know in the lower bracket we still got a shot you were part of the mlg draft tournament that happened back in like 08 or 09 uh do you have any sort of like insight like is it uh do you have kind of like that same sort of similar uh was it like a similar experience back then uh yeah yeah i think i think it was um that draft was really fun um i played with toes and nuts cole brown we you know we found some some great success there but it's just nice to have things kind of mixed up get to make some new friends i know for myself playing with oxtain and lozanta you know even if we lose every game it's still going to be a you know treat a real treat competing with them right yeah for sure for sure veneruki thank you so much for joining us let's go back to the couch uh then rookie has been competing in world of warcraft for such a long time that it's totally a lot of them have come out today to show their support i mean that's great it's really good to see uh so many people that are interested in a world of warcraft arena it's a growing community it's a growing community very it's growing very fast so as you can see right now all the teams that lost they're not eliminated yet we have not eliminated anyone yet but when we do get to the the lower rounds it's going to be metaphors versus uh zuni and it's going to be super versus oxtain those are going to be the first elimination matchups those are going to send those one of those teams home in each of those matchups as we touch down right here and now we see it is going to we're still getting the players we're in the lower bracket gentlemen this right here is do or die these teams right here are competing and the loser of this goes home as we touch down under grand arena we're going to see two rogues going to be fighting for that strong opener but keep in mind here one of these teams will be the first to be eliminated from the asthma gold invitational we'll see what's gonna happen i'm actually really curious to see who's gonna come out ahead here and we see the warlock just jumping around hopping around doing whatever he can trying to bait something out he's trying to probably bait out a cast by that mage and it's looking like it might work there and he gets the dots out immediately starts dotting them up we see that frost bolt go out just to keep him slowed gucci moving in right there to try to get the stun stuns immediately opens up on mr warlock they're going around the pillar as fast as they can flabbers turns around and gets there he's hits gucci takes to paui as well flabbers is trying to get out of stealth as possible you see will the forsaken happen right there and then they're turning around looks like zuni's taking a ton of damage too they use exposed armor i believe she has no fear but she's getting away right now well that that was a death coil right there that was going flabbers oh my god flavors going down like two percent elf now flabber still does have the shadow step as well uh yeah he didn't make a plan he didn't use that to open up station up he's going to be able to disengage if he wants to you can use that shadow step either offensively or defensively uh based on the position so there you go oh man it is just so crazy i remember doing that to so many priests i remember i would get five stacks of sun to armor and i would be like boys it's time to play the game yeah you just used to pop a man uh so as we take a look right now keep in mind first elimination match up and s-van what are you expecting to see in the opener here now that we just saw the first one get played out well i i think it's uh when you have rogue versus rogue you're gonna have a situation where uh getting that opener first is really important but you also don't wanna end up out of position and i think that's why we saw neither rogue in that first game even use a shadow step at the beginning was because they were trying to make sure that in case something did happen they could still shadow step out of it by going to another party member for oh yeah the opposing team uh it's very similar to like how a rogue or sorry a warrior would intercept away from somebody yeah shadow step is incredibly uh no uh in bernie crusade they had it intercepted predictors huh they had it intercepted that intervene uh well i said anderson okay i know i know what you mean i know s fan knows my class better than i do apparently i'm an idiot well no no you you misinterpreted what i was saying yeah because in vanilla before intervene you could yeah you would intercept back and forth yeah yeah he's trying to disengage exactly and uh okay we see genghis move in right there is trying to get dots out on everybody and then we see obviously gucci opening up on him with the stun flabbers turns around and stuns him and gets him with the gouge hits him again with the kidney gucci's turning around getting deleted and then turns all right there's all the stuns flabbers i think that might have been i don't know if that was a poly or not but it looks like flabbers and gucci are just sitting there rp walking around deciding where they want to go and uh yeah crippling poison at 70 was super fun by the way yeah really good yeah we see tons of damage going out there obviously genghis seems to be their target right now and um trying to stop as many casts as possible metaphors almost gets that cycle now yeah gucci stops at the last second metaphors this could be a gg he's gonna really just realize that he tricked it out of the uh out of the stun and he goes back in there out of line of sight trying to heal himself up get as much hots as possible gucci over extended in order to go to metaphors he trinkets out flabbers tries to take advantage of it gucci is getting really low we see pain suppression go out they don't give a [ __ ] and they're going to kill gucci at two percent health and now he's at zero that was that the way it goes that was a really good play i think in the beginning putting metaphors into a bad spot and then metaphors uh choosing to go into the uh the starting area that's kind of like a uh it's kind of like a last-ditch move like if you can you know if you can get there and you can be safe great but if not it's like you know what this is the this is the hail mary and look at that look at that dude oh my god that damage is just absolutely insane and like honestly priests in a number of these games like especially without having like priests are extremely good in some situations and not in others and these are just it's one of those situations and i think as we're seeing right now warlock really is uh really really dominant second series here in the lower bracket we got beans team super teasing them up against oxtain van rookie and lazanza so uh i don't know what this is gonna be obviously we've got the two healer team i feel i i'm feeling like this two healer team i guess they don't have a warrior man i'm not ready for it i used to say this very line while sitting on a casting desk with super tease and ven rookie yeah uh and it was never true and it's not true now but oh man did it jack up the ratings super tease and then rookie two commentators an old casting duo now fighting against each other in the grand arena this is a grudge match this is a revenge match they hate each other and whoever wins this will be able to this is this is drama oh they're gonna get all their somebody call keemstar they're gonna get so mad at the end of this match oh my god vanruki moves in immediately we see an arcane shot go up for beam venruki go ahead and gets the uh he gets the root on bean stands right inside that dead zone and he's just sitting there chilling finrouki blinks out of the stun he's going to try to do as much damage as possible he's already pretty low health though staying right on top of being as much as possible hard casting a pretty or hard casting that's the only way you could do it back then i keep forgetting uh getting some casts on frost ball on bean as much as possible trying to just damage as much as they can and well are they wait a second well yeah see i know he's dc to you you didn't realize he was afk because it looked like he was probably like talking to chad or something yeah uh but he was just waiting well like i was i'm so used to being all qq and having super t's win the game for me and getting a gladiator yeah so like as soon as i saw that i was like oh wait it was a dupe whoa dude it's back in the fray uh now i'm going to be stuck inside of that polymer game yeah we'll finish the game we'll just play it out and we'll we'll figure it out afterwards um okay so here we go and uh obviously there's the fear it goes out and uh they're turning around trying to pick it up as much as possible bean gets talked up to full and uh super t's already getting pretty close to being out of mana while qq is pretty close to being full mana because it seems like there's something going on at the beginning of the match and uh been ruki's just trying to do as much damage as possible and i think really what they're doing here is they're playing against they're playing against those mana bars and it's almost like fighting against the boss and those their mana bars are the health bars it's gonna be really hard to get a kill early on i'm gonna be honest i'm surprised this lasts as long as it did with uh with the dc situation well it just goes to show how good super t's is right yeah you're still in a situation where you still had a healer there uh at that time uh said maybe sneaking away for a drink at some point to be able to get back up on the manafort oh innervate was uh used there you can see that massive spell going out the pressure going to be on that rookie he's will he go down here he's trying to do whatever he can he's staying on top of being as much as he can he's trying to get a polymorph out try to get any sort of cc as possible venruki recovers he gets his health back however ox is almost completely out of mana wizanto is pretty much completely out of mana and they've got to turn this round on bean really fast and it looks like they are bean went down to yeah if they don't finish right here it's going to be bad yeah this has got to be this is do or die bean oh that was a tornado oh it's not looking good for them it seems like fin rookie might go down here he used i think his manager right there oh my god no way no wonder they took the [ __ ] out of the game the tornado knocks him out of line of sight gets cycloned right afterwards so the elements have betrayed the shop and then rookie just got done like the wicked witch of the west okay i want to make sure that that the competitors are good with that though because like not not with the tornado right tornadoes that's just part of it part of the game but like lolq was out of the match and so uh are they good to have that game count because obviously lol qq won the match and so i would assume that they want that one to count but i just want to make sure it's all good with the competitors and everything like that before we move on to the next game okay they're good with having that match count all right all right let's see how it's going to go obviously gates open and we're over here on ruins of order on and looks like they're moving up as much as possible and i'm really curious so like back in the day you guys need to remember this too like finrouki's mana bar matters like mana was an actual resource i know you guys might not believe that manna was a resource back in burning crusade so it's not like he can just spam frostbolts all day long they've got to be smart about the way they play and that's going to be difficult we see a cyclone going out early on and obviously there's the opening right there there's a fear going out they get out of that fear as much as possible we've got bean he's got bistro wrath rapid shot he's just literally popping off he immediately goes in the block we're gonna see uh probably a master spell there's the mask to spell and uh bean is just doing damage right there next to the pillar that is such a good position for him to be in and then bean is trying to get back and forth trying to get away from wasanta now bean is separated pretty hard from his healers but he has that doesn't matter it doesn't make a difference because obviously there's nothing else roy that needs to do he's at full health the healers are just chilling there in the back and then obviously they're trying to stand on top of being as much as possible to reduce that damage and we'll see if that's really going to be able to do enough for him because obviously bean was doing a ton and then oh we've got we've got bloodlust going out they're deleting bean goes down oh my god ben rookie spin rookie pops off it is our first bloodline the first game three gentlemen and uh looks like here we go and uh they're getting ready to looks like we're over in the grand arena as well and i think that um what do you guys think is gonna happen here i i don't know who's gonna win i actually think i think bean's team they know what they know they're lose condition now they know they're lose condition and they're gonna play this game so so scared they're gonna play so scared man like these are the games that are probably going to make dampening this is why we have dampening it's probably the way they're going to play this game i will be very surprised if that's not the case we're going to be looking at mana burning trying to play it out as much as possible and they're moving out there and they know that so they know that so they're going in as fast as they can since this is the first game three yeah i want to mention the the losing team always gets to choose where they go and they chose to go back to the grand arena so if it is a long game we could see another tornado situation oh no it just comes back to being able to have i i agree like you know the tornado situation would be crazy but having those pillars to play around with it it just can be a very advantageous thing and we'll definitely see them do that dance of the pillar quite a bit he's already got his paints brushed out and that was a pain expression before bloodlust i haven't seen bloodlust go out at all yeah so they uh ben rookie did do an icy veins so uh other than that they haven't released a whole lot of cooldowns over on oxtain's team uh and super t's team they've uh they've used quite a bit already and beans actually got a lot of his stuff up right now so with his uh with his hunter pet and uh with rapid fire too intimidation he's got a whole lot to go uh scatter shot too but that's why they're trying to play on top of them so we can sk so we can't scatter shot the attack and beans just trying to play back as much as he can trying to line the side as much as he can he just narrowly line decided that rank one frostbolt he's just trying to get that slow off he's getting a quick sip yep yep they're trying to drink as much as they can we actually think it's really cool to see drinking now in the game too like as i said this is going to probably be a long game they're going to point this out as much as they possibly can and i think this is definitely going to be a burn game yeah i think i said they're going for some burns some burns 100 van rookie immediately goes to half health oh my god octane trying to get the heal banuki goes around line aside some of this and then oh there's the one they're popping off as much as they can let's see what's going to happen been rookie uh oh this is not this is actually and then this is the damage here this is vinrookie has to go for a kill right here and oh he just narrowly missed the line of sight yeah bean is playing line of sight as well as he possibly can and uh they defended that perfectly as well as you could that's what i was saying that's what i was saying i knew they're gonna play it like this and this is a hundred percent what's happening so right now vinruki's team oxtain is sitting down to drink because he knows that's gonna happen yeah and that is certainly a thing for shamans they call a ceasefire they call us ceasefire they're like all right guys all right let's take five take five yeah it's a full reset but beans going to be ending that piece ends the cold there's a pop oh that fear was not good for oxtain at all he's completely out in the open we've got the oh god dude it's coming man oh it's caught it's right down the middle oh no please turn around please turn around here comes the tornado they're looking at that tornado flicking their heels oh no no it's actually coming for them it's actually oh my god oxtain it's really oh lazada oh it's a 4v3 oh my god oxtain is going to do whatever he can this is not looking good at all he's trying to just spam heal as much as he can we see bash going out from super tees a uh an improved counter spell as well and they're just running back to heal as much as absolutely possible with santa's trying to get he's almost out of mana van rookie's got a little bit left and they're trying to again play the pillar recover do whatever they need to do almost any of the game there if then rookie didn't get the peel there for oscar would have been deleted so big shout out to them has done an amazing job uh with his mana management resource management yeah i like you yeah getting those drinks out especially like being smart enough to get a drink out at 40 rather than five yeah like you don't need to wait yeah yeah you as soon as you can do it you do it because all mana is gonna oh no oh [Applause] this is possessed man it's possessed so they're going around trying to play the doors possible we got five minute game oh my god this is actually going on we see obviously low qq's got a not really haul on a mana super t's drank all the way almost up to full this is looking pretty good for them and we're probably not going to see another bloodlust or anything like that because that's a pretty long cooldown so basically they've got to just look at trying to drain them out i feel like i feel like supatisa's team definitely has the advantage here uh one way or another because obviously octane has won here and they've got two and they don't have the big cds yet to really bring things home rosante's at 20 percent health and uh oxtain's getting them healed up are on the side i think actually they're going to be able to get this over and uh supertease almost gets that cyclone out decides not to turns around pretty much everybody's just stacked on top of each other is uh bean maybe dc i'm not really sure what's going on there oh there we go yeah yeah i'm not sure what that was it's it's a funny thing that you can actually do though uh when you have two healers like this super teeth though in a very dangerous situation there's no nature swift that's going to be able to save him in no time lazar going to be able to put out a drain but when all of this is happening you know qq can get in there can try to put out the heels but you can implement the same strategy that my family uses during the holidays when you have two healers you can take turns drinking so super tease might be able to get away get a quick drink low qq might be able to do the same thing when the pressure isn't there you get some nice cc maybe throw out the cycle and then all of a sudden you have one healer at 100 percent when oxygen is slowly falling behind oh yeah i mean i yeah these longer games this is a hundred percent where the two keyword teams really come out ahead like at the very beginning whenever you've got your cds up that is the highest probability whenever you're actually going to be able to knock out one of these healers and donoki again used his ice block sorry his icy names a second time so he doesn't really have a whole lot of cds at all so you do have a well i would say about a one minute window here where if you're uh if you're ox tanks team you want to try and push they still have the silence up for lazanta and innervate comes up in another minute for super tease so right now super teeth is low on mana uh i don't think i would focus him right now but uh if if he gets his innervate up in the next 30 seconds or so then uh that's probably i would think it flips the other way i'm good for a wizard out of position there beans team is going to come out there's no way there it is yeah you got to say very well done bye then ricky's extended all the way back seven minutes seven minutes surviving against that a two yeah that's incredible man yeah i'm actually really curious to see what supertease is going to do and what he's going to say about their their decision to pick without yeah we're going to we're going to have a word with super teams what an amazing series easily the best series of the tournament so far how do you feel dude uh i feel good i gotta say at the start of the first game ten seconds in i was like being our priest isn't here so what so what happened so what happened what happened there uh i don't know if he has computer problems um bean knows him has played with him but he he was like restarting his pc in the first series and then oh no this one we didn't and then it looked like he had he's been having a problem with it but it was fine maybe maybe it worked out you know like yeah maybe it was like a little distraction technique it made it kind of made them overconfident and then it made you guys capitalize or gave you guys the ability to capitalize and we uh we switched our builds like i was expecting this game to be very slow right like in tbc i was explaining very slow games that's why i thought get the double healer play a slow game but they're actually really fast so we switched all of our gear uh from like spirit mana regen gear to like unused heal and if i didn't do that i would have died 100 100 yeah cause like because you got really low at one point too but no it was great awesome series great job congratulations you guys you guys are going to continue to move on and we are going to go back to the couch thank you for joining us supa peace out thank you and with that we're going to be taking a look now at the teams that have not seen a single defeat we're going to be going back up to the top side of the bracket to see who's going to jump down to the lower bracket to face elimination and i believe the first matchup i could be wrong about this but i believe the first matchup most likely will be that chas versus hydra match-up oh i'm actually really excited to see this again the the thing that's really funny for me to see at the beginning of these matches is how many things the warlock has to do like there are other times warlocks will sack their uh their void walker to go into the match with the shield as well it is insane they have to make health stones for everybody they've got to do a whole lot of work so looks like they're pretty much ready to go they're on their mounts they're ready to ride out uh this is gonna be a pretty interesting uh pretty interesting match is rogue greater than mage i feel like honestly this early on i could really see especially if this road gets a good opener and he's going for it if this oh he immediately goes for the shadow step he goes on hydra immediately stuns him as well jumps off goes over to taz immediately starts going on taz just damaging him as much as he possibly can just to try to get that initial pressure out taz uses death coil berta trinkets right out of it merch drinks right out of it and then just keeps popping off on him we see pain suppression go out on murr chas trying to make distance as much as possible he gets right back over on top of him merge just going down though even through pain suppression he's still getting destroyed and i guess this mage is just hard casting right directly on to him over and over and over this is a lot of damage we see obviously evasion yeah shadows and uh and vanish go out he leaves he comes back he's opening back up again now this is going to be a pretty good amount of damage for murr because he just did exposed armor and that's going to be a ton of damage he's going to be able to do on this rogue there's warlock i mean he might actually be able to kill him here this warlock doesn't have anything left he just barely oh my god wow and think about just how much wow asthma had pointed it out before yeah all of the pressure was on murr at the start absolutely stays in this actually could still be a game this could still be a game murray is a tornado okay now it looks like they're able to recover and i've seen games the 2v1 2b3s to turn around i've absolutely seen it happen yeah they thought it was going to happen but apparently it didn't murr i think played that like a legend uh blade's edge is extremely good for uh for obviously the other team like for hydra's team it's a pretty big advantage that this team's gonna have so we could actually see this going into the third game and i think there's a pretty good chance that it could happen so oh the fakes he just went that way he turned around that's very very interesting but it seems like they're not buying it man yeah i see they see these going to be over there and then mirrors just trying to get that out oh look at that mirror did not get his uh his opener at all and he goes back on to taz uh clamp is already at half health oh my god okay he gets full healed back up to uh back up everything's fine chaz had obviously used power infusion as well we see a lot of damage going out on their team there's a whole lot and then yeah they are really really on the back foot here hydra's team is uh just completely dominating right now and then now it looks like we're turning around and uh they're getting right back into where we're at before mirror just gets there on those armor they're on the heels mirror is low but he just put up he just shadow uh he just put up a cloak of shadows and then also the vanish and then there we go he goes back over to him he gets healed back up again calm under pressure very impressive and uh klimp is pretty low too i mean this is not looking good for him either he's 30 health they got a lot of pressure out really early on between two targets and mirror did a really good job of disengaging then going back in with the shadow step being patient with it uh klimp on the other hand is uh it took him a while to get back in but then i flipped it on taz they flipped it on pass because they got aggressive they get aggressive they come in and then goes back in on him they flip it on taz and oh this is close it shouldn't be a cross kill because of the fear here's yeah here's the thing that i have to call out chas played this so methodically throughout the entirety of the game look at his mana right now he doesn't go um until the very end now they should try to stay on clinton and river both have almost no mana lift so this is very very very right down to the wire mirrors being very smart about this and he is he is playing on ribbon whenever he can uh to try and separate this and reduce as much damage as he can on clamp and that's the game that dude there you go really good mirror mirror doesn't run out of mana that was really really good yeah knowing exactly whenever to use your [ __ ] and everything it's super super important and obviously we're gonna be going down to the next uh the next set of games uh it's going to be channels team and uh not chad with toes team and uh mvq's team as well i am really really curious to see how this one's going to go as well because this is a team they've got a lot of really really good people on here and uh i feel like obviously uh mvq's got a he's got a lot of oh he's already in tree form so beckinsale moving in probably to try to get that fear if he gets a fear on mvq that's going to be a really bad time for them and obviously they're just trying to play the pillar as much as possible channel moving in being super aggressive just trying to get those dots out as much as possible that's a huge amount beckinsale trying to play pillar everybody's playing the pillar it's a burning crusade arena and it looks like they're trying to oh there's a polymorph channel just barely line of sights that he moves back in and it looks like we're probably going to see a polymer oh no there's an interrupt right there from the fell hunter and all he's trying to do right now i think what they're trying to do is they're trying to bait out some sort of a mistake or something to where they can make a play and that pressure is going to be on mvq right now as well oh my goodness holy [ __ ] that was insane and he held his block that i don't know he did not he didn't hold his block on the purpose because he got kicked on frost but mvq now going to be taken oh my god wow dude i'm telling you druids like warlocks delete druids like it it's insane man and so we'll uh we'll see what's gonna happen here honestly like again these uh some of these caster teams are just they're so disgusting man they're so so disgusting especially having a priest there as well and like there's all the little things right because like priests i mean of course fell hunters can eat buffs but you know especially at the beginning right you've got more health because the priest has fortitude and it just helps out a lot in all those little ways and then fell hunters can also as far as i know they can also eat the hots so uh it makes it even harder for druids i've brought this up a few times and i keep bringing it up because it just is one of the most unique things about the tournament that we have today uh with having that draft style uh format mvq was the one team that was the last to go had the eighth pick so mvq picked his entire team all at once yep now in the face of a warlock as good as channel you're in a really scary situation leaksy also a very competitive mage like you're up against such a powerhouse team let's see what mvq's able to do these guys are insane yeah absolutely i mean they're they're the best so we'll see what's going to happen um obviously they're opening up trying to get a fear out trying to bait out those interrupts as much as we see that fear oh beck and sail immediately well oh oh there we go how of terror as well channelball just wants to get stuck he has his icy fans out too yeah he wants to get something cast he wants to get something going already channel a very very early uh pain suppression there too this is not really looking that good for them they're opening up and they can't really get that play to where they can really actually make something happen that can sail gets interrupted and they just go back into line of sight as much as possible so so toes toes and lisey both went ahead and they popped uh power infusion and icy veins early on i think they were trying to go for an early push which is i mean it's a great idea right it worked last time so uh they survived the push so at this point i think it looks like uh exactly what i thought they're gonna be playing a little bit more passively until they can get their cooldowns up and try and go for another strong trade um you can kind of see both teams starting to disengage here you have the they're doing their health funnel on their pets keeping their pets alive to uh keep the soul link up as long as possible and uh it's gonna be a little bit like you're they're playing patty cake a little bit until they get a chance to open they're just waiting for that opportunity that they can just like see the window that they can take advantage of and channel now i mean channels used a lot of his cooldowns he does still have death coil which also heals them it's a very big cooldown but as you can see warlocks are just standing there trying to get cast trying to get a figure out just trying to see what sticks uh jigsaw you see obviously there's the uh ice block he gets right out of it it's not really worth a massive spelling at that point because there's no real game breaking uh play that can happen and then we see a fear going to beckon sale that is really really not good for him at all he's feared all the way in the opposite direction and they're able to jump down and just try to recover as much as possible see mana drains going out too onto i think that was mpq and uh he's got a lot of mana left but he's already used his innervate it's not looking that good for him so obviously beckinsale up at the top able to dot up as many people as they possibly can and i want to mention something about mana right you mentioned mana you also mentioned not master uh i think a lot of times people think of a good priest as like oh they see a bubble or a nice block or whatever and they mask the spell right away i think a big part of being a good priest is knowing when not to mask the spell i think it's a little bit harder to it used to cost a lot of money yeah it costs a ton of money being smart about your management your resource management and knowing uh to not do that i think it's a big deal because you know that it's not going to make a difference there anyway so jigsaw is very very low right now very low he has dots on him he's ticking down and then they go for the finish jigsaw is down and uh team toes looks like they're going to take this one let's see what's going to happen yeah that was there it is great great work i mean obviously like i mean the thing is having a priest on a map like that and especially like look at the damage from channimal like is it is a druid able to dispel magic uh no okay so that's why they won what is up man how are you feeling no he did feeling pretty good so with that comp we see you guys have a lot of firepower right you have the icy veins on the mage you have power infusion how did you guys want to go and approach this one uh we knew that we have the offensive advantage so we plan to basically just i play defensive and stay back and abuse purges and not really going for cc or anything and we just try to win by uh with the with the offensive advantage on the mage right right so what how do you think this is going to go for the rest of tournament do you guys want to keep going with that plan i think it's effective how do you feel well we haven't fought uh rogues yet like our hardest games are next so absolutely i don't know if it will work against rogues i don't really know how that like the rlp matchup is but we'll see okay we will see we will see very soon and uh congratulations on your advancement and we will see you soon but now we're going to see hydra go up against supertease's team have there been any big surprises for either of you i think the way that the uh uh van rookie's team went was was a surprise for me uh i was hoping we'd see a lot more shaman right uh because just because i think shaman is so good uh as far as we're so exciting is what i should say they're so exciting to watch in in uh burning crusade in the arena and stuff like that but uh they also pair really well with melee which we have not seen a whole lot of i know it's quite a shame that that's been a disappointment for me i haven't been able to see my class represented what the hell we haven't seen any paladins no paladins no warriors like this sucks yeah i mean i i think uh it would have been nice to have more more variety of classes and stuff yeah but they wanted to win and uh i'm really kind of curious to see what's going to happen here and so obviously we're now we're in the game yeah there's beans team super tease and uh well qq this is the uh the double healer team going up against hydra's team so we'll see what's going to happen here but um i do believe i think this is probably going to go in favor of probably uh probably hydra's team yeah i think that there's a very realistic chance that hydra's team like i said this a little bit earlier they're one of the teams in the lower bracket where i kind of feel like they could be making that run back to the final but we will see shortly as hydra instantly gets on top of that pillar everybody else gonna be waiting on the mountains now they're gonna move across they're going in dude roll in boys decepticons time to roll out they're going to get the overall going to have a nice opening as well he's going to go for the polymorph and he's going to find it so they know that obviously they have to get that fast kill with a two healer team and they're just immediately going in on bean beans got rapid fire up already taking ton of damage and obviously they're scatter shot as well we had intimidation beans using everything that he can right now to just do as much damage possible to try to push them back while qq already getting down to half health having to get away there fears are going out obviously and then low qq getting down really low we see pain suppression go out right there and also first aiding himself there for a couple of ticks knowing that man is obviously gonna matter and then they just immediately turn around the damage down bean bean doesn't have anything he used to scatter shot that's basically all we can possibly do rival they're using pain suppression offensively so they can just run in there and keep as much pressure as possible terry just went out yep there's uh there's the fear as well uh low qq just got feared too then feared into a polly and now we're just seeing so many dots go out so much damage going out nobody can dispel them because lol qq is being uh he's being shaped as well super tease is doing whenever he can too he obviously used his interventions i think he just used oh we just used nature's grasp to get the pet off of them yeah they're doing whatever they possibly can to zarna this is what i was saying before it started running out of mana and uh warlocks do have mana problems so if they can outmanage them this could actually be bad for hydra especially if you can't find drinks yeah i mean they're definitely uh they're definitely on the ropes right now i think as far as the man our game goes taz being low hydra is getting lower and lower on mana uh and they do have two heels now super tease is getting a little bit low on mana now two and he's already used his innervate so again that's something to keep in mind that was a man of burn oh hi see now they're getting aggressive yeah yeah hydra hit him with mana burn and obviously if you go into bear form before the mana burn goes out it's fine but we've also got coming in there we've got the tornado oh my god hydra gets tornadoed at the same time as bean oh my god but look at that damage that they had i mean despite that i mean both of their dps were ahead of bean and tazarda doing 50 000 damage inside of that while also being able to heal out a little bit too i mean this is gonna have to be i'll be honest until that [ __ ] tornado came in i didn't know who was gonna win it's basically hydra's mana bar versus their health bar that's pretty much what we're playing against here and i honestly think this could be a really good decision for them uh playing on this map especially if they're able to rotate drinks like two healer comps are super super invested into being able to rotate drinks and if they can do that we could see this game going on for uh this could be another seven minute game honestly definitely could be but as you guys predicted it the warlock definitely going to be the thing that can shake things up quite a bit oh yeah absolutely super g's right there in the middle waiting to obviously open up on somebody he runs back trying to supatise is playing super offensive we see the cyclone there and obviously he tried to bait out the uh the lock and then he was able to bait out the uh the spell walk as well and then there was a fear unfortunately so it didn't even really matter and uh super t's just gets feared all the way away and now we're seeing a ton of damage going out on super season's team dots going out also well qq probably trying to dispel as much as they can bean has all of his cooldowns up taking a ton of damage we haven't seen any of uh oh wait we did see pain suppression go out and then also we're seeing yeah oh well q is out wait is this gonna be a fat this is a fast game bean is almost dead and he wow wow not a seven minute game i didn't say that much that was a one minute game there was a one minute oh my god well i mean dude that's the power of having mage locked i honestly think there's so much firepower they can get in big shout out to super t's bean and lowell qq for bringing something completely different to this they did what they could i was actually it's cool that they tried to do that old strategy like i remember playing the two healer comps back in the day and honestly and like it's like one of those things don't really think about a whole lot right but like whenever i saw it i was like oh yeah i remember this [ __ ] yeah and now we're going to take a look at another match up here in the lower side of our bracket mvq going to be going up against metaphors you might notice that i keep calling the teams by their healer names that's going to be because of the format right now having them as team captains we had eight healers be the team captains let's see if they're gonna be able to take it home yeah and i think uh having having that kind of rapport with somebody is really really important like it's not a it's not always just about comp it's not always about you know what you have going in there in the meta uh now when you are friends with someone for a long time and it is a good comp meta whatever it is uh that's always a huge huge bonus so that's the uh that's the dream right there i feel like this match is going to be completely determined by if flabbers is going to be able to get a good opener like if they can get a good opener they can really put that team on the back foot early on obviously they know that he's spamming hellfire which is a lot of a lot of damage beckons taking but um he's willing to do that just to make sure that opening doesn't happen obviously flabbers goes immediately opens on top of him tran gets out very very fast turns around gets on mvq mvq's at half health already we haven't seen nature swiftness go out there's this stuff drink it right out of the stun are we is he going to see oh yep there's the nature swiftness as well and that's pretty much all he's got the war stop too he's running away as much as you can that was a really really good way of getting away there like and then obviously dots are taking him down though like look at his health even though the warlock isn't attacking him the warlock is still attacking him and uh beckon sale just trying to stay there in the middle flabbers sitting there trying to do as much damage as possible just getting healed up and taking damage at about the same rate and uh obviously flabbers is going to be able to oh there we go we see the exposed armor now last time that happened obviously the warlock died very soon after that we'll see if it's going to happen or not here beckinsale trying to cast some of that fire spell to bait out an interrupt or anything like that flappers is going pretty low he's getting away as much as possible trying to damage the pet trying to kill the pet dude pets back and burning crusade oh no it's the tornado knocking beckett sail around oh my god and if they're able to kill the bike wait it actually helped him are you kidding me a tactical tornado and then oh we see the fell domination fell hunter right there and then you need to keep your fell hunter up that is such a huge mass amount of damage basically if flabbers gets an exposed armor on him with that fell hunter being dead beckinsale is deleted he is a hundred percent dead he's also completely out of mana too so he's gonna have to play this super super defensively yeah i wouldn't be surprised to see them try and go for mbq again because they they helped you early and they got such a strong push on him i think they're probably going to keep pushing on beckon sale but if they have a good opening on mbq out after this blind's blind is going out right now into a was that a sap did he steal sappy i did oh so that's so that's really really so bad yeah really really strong play now uh they're going on youtube i was able to recover from it though i'm surprised and uh even keep him back right there with the uh the blizzard because he doesn't want to uh he wants to do whatever he can to try to make sure flabbers can't go back into stealth because if flabbers gets another opening there that could be really really bad for them obviously trying to uh oh he just barely just barely got that cast off we see obviously the fel hunter going over there to try to keep flabbers in combat as much as possible this is a risky play because beck and sale already used to spell domination and you can only really use that once a game if beckon sales fell hunter goes down that's really really bad for them it's a huge weakness if that goes down so they have to play this really well and there's a number of things they all have to mismanage or manage perfectly if any mismanagement happens it's really bad metaphors drinking up the full i think i think they're going to truly yeah they need to try and stop this right oh yeah they're pushing in right now because they've got full mana right now mvq is at zero mana i feel like this you need to take advantage of the fact that they haven't yet that drink that drink is just so impactful for them i really feel like this is going to be gg for them but we'll see what's going to happen flabber's team they just they've got full mana full health and like mvq's out of mana it's over like flabbergasted oh wait no are you kidding me the tornado knocks flabbers away oh my god but doesn't even matter that feral charge is awesome yeah feral charge right there oh there's an interrupt on the oh that was that was an interrupt on his shadow spell mbq is located everybody is slow everybody is dying mbq got hit right there oh wow there was so much look at how much damage uh genghis is going to do by the end of the game oh this is just look at this look at that this is going to be there was so much pressure going on look at that 68 i remember there was one time i rode by a warlock and you know like that long field like with like uh in like rap alterac valley where there's like the water below where you feel the fish in yeah that dotted me up on one end of that road and i remember his [ __ ] helmet was a tier three helmet this dude dotted me up with [ __ ] the three dots by the end of the road i was dead yeah i was [ __ ] dead and i was in like half epic gear at that time at level 60. and at that time i was like oh it's just got to be like a i think it's like a [ __ ] or something yeah for me something wrong it's one of those things where you actually look back at world of warcraft and you know it's a valid work experience when you actually look at i i remember when i was raiding on a warlock having to master such a complex rotation is one of the reasons that i've been so successful in my career yeah absolutely absolutely intuitively yeah i mean you have to do shadowbolt well the thing is like sometimes you have to remember to put on cursor elements at the beginning of the fight no i didn't do that we had another warlock yeah we actually had that somebody had to be the curse of elements pitch yeah yeah it's just like hey [ __ ] can you get the curse up yeah come on man i'm running agony get the heck out of my lane that's the same thing that we're gonna see them say as they're fighting on the bridge trying to assert their dominance is it going to be another two game series are we going to see it go the distance keep in mind this is an elimination matchup we're starting to get close to that prize money and it is taking away really really low there but they were able to cover defensive cooldowns and then also yeah he held on to everything there were no others nature swiftnesses up and flabbers is almost oh my god he is living life on the edge obviously he had to use uh coca shadows there as well and also uh use kolkata to remove the the buffs and debuffs and then also vanish so flabbers is going to be getting ready to do another opening right there and mvq they're just trying to recover as much as possible beckinsale just trying to keep his mana up trying not to let what had what happened last game happen again just getting those dots up as much as possible and trying to move in right now they're being super aggressive i don't know if this is the right call for them the last time we saw a team get aggressive on this match they got punished for it really fast so we'll see if they're going to be able to do damage to flappers as well i think that might have just been that's a huge thing that was a death coil yeah that was the death coil flabbers is running away and oh my god is he actually gonna die from the dots he hibernated and he hybrid there's no way he's gonna no dude all right i'm re-rolling right now dude i'm re-rolling right now man oh my god yeah so oh my god nbq just going to need to change his name to mvp after that one because he got in with the hibernate and then i believe he followed it up with the passage it was just so such a good cc that was that was a big play that's really really really cool it looks like we're going into game three versus so obviously we're going into the next game i i feel like obviously this is a definitely a map that's in favor of a metaphor's team i would say especially because you have the rogue you can play that pillar and i think that really what happened there in that last game is uh i think beckinsale blew his uh his death coil on flabbers knocked him off the platform flabbers tried to run away and he tried to bandage but it just wasn't enough yeah and he just died and then also uh jigsaw hit him with that clutch ice lance and it seems like it was only probably going to do like two you know 200 400 damage but that was enough i mean whenever you're at five percent it takes you down to two and dot finishes the job yeah and and you start to see when we get into the third game more and more that first win advantage of you know if you do lose that middle game at least you get the final say of where that last game of the series is going to be played and you can see that hellfire coming out trying to stay away from the rogue as much as possible flabber's moving around that fire just edging and edging trying to not get caught into the heat he's playing it slow he wants to make sure he gets his uh he gets down he's opening yep he's moving right here yep and then oh almost almost and there we go he's trying to find mvq it seems like it can't really quite happen mvq is probably going to come out of south oh he gets to stun right there on flappers farmers immediately trinkets out of it blinds mvq and they're just going crazy on beckensale we see obviously wow death coil go out as well oh my god metaphor still hasn't even used he hasn't used nature's swiftness yet oh my they they got away with that wow that was holy [ __ ] yeah they did use that was really well played flat flavored is such a madman just hold oh my god it's like nobody else he didn't use cloak either he does not sweat at all and then he's instantly going to use now that shadow step to get aggressive again onto the warlock he does get caught up in the cyclone very good cc coming out there gonna buy them a little bit of time and allow them to shrug off that ons a lot of pressure that's coming in once again he's going to be able to slow up the warlock just a little bit more trying to connect and is an awesome lot of fel hounds as well following a tale okay there we go there's kolka shadows as well he's just moving out as much as he can trying to just wait and try to get more damage here uh metaphors now is actually the one with a little bit low mana and uh he's got his innervate out but i don't think it's really going to heal him up as much mbq has got a lot of mana left mvq has the mana advantage here but he just got caught out of form he went out of form oh my god and then there's the death coil it's over wow wow that was not good and like look at the damage this is very interesting here right uh back in salem jigsaw did way more damage but um you know that first team they did damage whenever it counted right exactly again yeah it goes back to that same thing we were talking about they took advantage of that situation they just see about how much damage you can do in these little windows of time the next elimination that we have is going to determine our top three teams who are all into prizing yeah so we're going to be seeing who's going to be getting the cash prize here soon we're going to be taking a look at the semi-finals now that's going to be chas versus toes whoever wins this gets the best seats in the house they go straight to the grand finals the loser drops to the lower bracket where they will face off either against metaphors or hydra but let's see who gets the first spot in the grand final everything's still gonna be best of three until we get to that grand final when it's best of five we're gonna kick things off on the grand arena it's chas versus toes what's going to come out on top is it going to be the rogue or is it going to be the mage i think it's going to be the rogue man like i it's got to be the rogue unless the tornado yeah i think tornado could be a factor maybe the tornado yeah you have no idea and then mers obviously already moving in immediately gets that sap opens up on on oh my god yeah this is good channel opens up on channel already murr is just immediately initiating pressure doing as much damage as possible he's trying channel is trying to get that fear out we saw the kick go out to stop channels cast and uh right now obviously trying to do a little bit of damage murr uh shadow step back over gets back over to animal we already see oh my god we're already seeing the uh the pain suppression go out and there hasn't really been hardly any damage on chazz's team whatsoever they're just trying to play so much defensive i don't know if this is even going to matter channel all right it looks like that might have been the hellstone right there murr doesn't give a [ __ ] he just runs right behind there he doesn't care about his healers line of sight doesn't matter they just dropped the dispel a mass to spell too doesn't make a difference drain life channel is just trying to drain knife do whatever he can but it's just it's unstoppable it is unstoppable is almost dead too murs got always got oh oh my god that was the slogan of shadows those qualcomms they might try to play it out dude that was myrrh controlled that game so they didn't they didn't peel him at all right well they tried here here's what i'll say it's a wild animal a good player is able to they might kill mer yeah yeah you're right you're right they might because he uses no no way it's down to a 2v2 okay all right all right all right there's no way i i don't i honestly i have no idea who the [ __ ] went i have no idea he's getting the email out okay is getting those mana burns out on legacy just to shut down his damage so they can just start pushing out and then look at that scenario oh toes oh my god yep there's two mana burns that went out on league c and i don't know if he's got his manager up or not oh my god and then chas is just chasing toes as much as he possibly can and then uh klimp is just trying to get dots out as much as possible now tows can get a number of dispels out this game is probably going to go on for a little bit of time i would say but we'll have to wait and see what's going to happen there's going to be a lot of pillar playing there's going to be a lot of just goofing around as much possible but lexi is out of mana completely using those rank one blizzards to kind of just keep them rooted keep control and then try to make sure oh we got oh that was almost a mana burn did that mana burn hit chad's or not i saw they interrupted but chaz is almost out of mana tows does have the mana advantage and leaks he was able it seems like either to uh i think he was able to get his uh his mana crystal too this is not looking good but honestly this could be anybody's game like right now i i feel like i don't know what the [ __ ] is gonna happen like what is gonna happen oh look at that that rank one blizzard to stop chas from running away look at the look at that movement from weak c but toe is almost out of mana completely he gets a fear chas gets that fear out get toes away and then klimp is just trying to get dots out as much as possible draining mana on league seat to just keep leaksy as useless as possible so chas being out of mana like klimp is basically the one oh that double fear from toes that is not looking good on top he passes over the tornadoes oh not again and uh look at that or chas is getting the drink because clinton's got huge big dreams that's so disgusting toes is gonna be able to do something here but chas just has so much mana now that is not good at all and then klimp is going to be able to just keep them both under control he gets a fear on giant man oh my god oh no look at leaksy look at the warlock doing warlock things oh my god there's no way interrupt on the polymorph i'll be shot on to the death coil that got dispelled by toes that was a good play by toes leaksy is on oh my god he's running on fumes leaksy is going down wow what a [ __ ] game and then there's one again with the shadow word death what a [ __ ] play that is the best game that we've seen those games are what makes wow arena fun to watch uh that that's really the way that i feel like games where just like crazy [ __ ] happens like the tornado comes through somebody dies and then they're able to even it up and it looks like okay all right it's looking like uh animals team they're going for uh for blade's edge mountains this is a pretty obvious pick for them i would have assumed because clearly they're gonna have the advantage because now they uh they can go back and forth and that's a pretty big disadvantage for murr and we'll have to see what's going to happen here chaz mir and clip are they going to be able to close this out on this map as the gates are about to open uh i think that it could happen i mean this is definitely this is their game to lose i mean they've got a a really big map advantage right here i mean channel knows that he's already moving up i wouldn't be surprised to see like a reign of fire a hellfire oh look at that this draft was that a distract from her that was a really really good distraction so but that might actually give them an opportunity to uh do at least yep there's a little bit of aoe there mers playing it really really defensively and i don't know exactly what's gonna happen here how they're gonna try to move in but right now they're just trying to get as much damage as possible out and it looks like channel on them toes that they're they're spending more mana to do damage than they're really actually doing damage their mana so uh it's not really looking too good and murray's just biting his time he's just waiting for waiting for his opportunity and then oh there it is wait did he just oh he broke up but oh my god that was such a point that major league at least he's in a very bad spot he was in a bad spot but he did actually break out murr from stealth so that was bad but it was good because he also sac he sacrificed that but he got mur out of stealth without having him get his opener murr is taking a ton of damage we see immediately we see the fear go out also a double fear i think go out with pain suppression as well and they're not able to even recover with this pain suppression i don't see how what universe they don't have to use uh cloaca shadows here what you there's no way he's at 10 health chaz is running after him trying to just get any heels as possible doing holy novas doing whatever he possibly can and then myrrh is in such a bad spot right there compared to chad's we're going to see coca shadows go out right there at the last second that he might get away oh there it is god actually it pulled it off i don't know i don't think he did did he get it away he did he did it the chicken went up and he vanished right afterwards i thought the fell hunter hit him and knocked him out of combat okay that's so good so murr's gonna be able to get the opening again all right then chas is getting to mana burns too chazz is out of mana like this is really looking bad for chaz's team i'm gonna be honest it really is like now obviously they could turn it around murr doesn't have anything all murr has is hoping that that chas heals them and chaz is out of [ __ ] yeah they're they're definitely like on their back yeah at least they're understanding mer's dead first dead 100 bursts he has no cheat death either there's no way yeah it's it's done that was a really definitive dub that was a definitive dub now they're gonna get set up for the final game in our series that's going to determine who's going to lock in at least second place i would not want to play against either of these teams i feel like chasing elimination yeah i feel like well like toes team like they had that fear and then also i forgot about the fact that lexi was able to pull mirror out of stealth like pulling mirror out of stealth and that read of knowing that mirror was going to be going to the other side probably and then being able to use that to their advantage that was huge that was such a big thing and like those two plays against the team that's uh like jazz's team you you've got to make those big plays you've got to make those good plays because especially like we see how strong rogue is like rogue is really really [ __ ] good so we're going to see what's gonna happen here obviously chad's waiting there in the back okay it's a little bit interesting i think he's just waiting there to try and not force anything just like kind of let things happen as they go meera is just off there doing his own thing and he's just waiting to get the setup and then they're probably gonna run in we see obviously the staff go out and then oh mirror gets right around look at that he gets right around that holy nova and then there's the fear on mir immediately tran gets out of the fear and they're just directly on top of toes i'm not really sure if they're gonna stay on top of their own channel trying to get that uh that hal of terror out but it didn't really quite happen and uh they're just trying to get they have a damage they can't mirror already at half health we see obviously there goes uh yep both pain expressions toes has taken a pretty good amount of damage but as long as they don't break his uh his uh what's that called the the armor thing that they have uh yeah yeah inner fire i think the toes isn't really going to be that good of a target for them so we're going to see what's going to happen uh mirrors already at half health mira's used all of his cooldowns this could be actually really bad from here mirror could die i feel like mirrors every second that mirror is alive is a second mirror is less likely to be alive like look at that um oh my god okay so this is big this is big because may i be trade yeah this is really really bad they both just exploded there oh my god so i mean hey mage lock versus making oh yeah this is the lock priest i feel like chas has got the advantage i've always thought that he or dps has the advantage over two dps especially here look how much mana he has to very true he's got a lot of leaks he's got to go for that reset but also he doesn't he hasn't don't discredit the amount of control they'll have very true extremely true very very true but he has also a warlock legacy is just ticking down his health is just slowly going down he's gonna have to move back for a drinker for something right now he's moving back away and it's just gonna like climb kind of or sorry channel will do whatever he needs to do here yeah he's gonna evocate into an eat [Music] oh no and he's just sitting there he knows it's gonna happen he's so mad oh my god oh no oh man warlock dude if he if he had been able to get out of combat there and eat it would have been such a big deal that was a good match oh wow two cross kills really really good series and then also the goodest boy the fel hounds able to actually end it's for the finals yeah you got to end this man's whole career that ominous little like walk over you just see the dog coming you're like oh i was i was sitting there watching like why is he not like shouldn't he be out of combat by now and then all of a sudden they're prancing around man that's the best part hey and can we see can we see if we can get a word with uh with uh chas actually yeah yeah i can get away with chas uh if honestly the only reason that i think we wouldn't be able to have a player interview at this point with some of the players is because they're probably busy leveling their warlocks so uh that's the only other thing that i think they might be doing right now but chas uh we might have an opportunity right now for s fan to actually talk to chaz down on the field keep in mind chas is team going to be the first one that's going to be headed to the finals we still have a few more teams in an elimination series about to come up as well and the next game that we jump into we're going to actually find out who's going to make the cut into the top three who's going to be guaranteed prizing and who's not going to quite make it mr chas how do you feel about the series uh i think it's going good the i'm really happy about their performance so far yeah i think uh that i mean you had twice twice during that series where uh you guys got down into a 2v2 situation uh people just constantly like health was it just seemed like it was just going up and down like non-stop it was almost oscillating uh how do you feel about the uh the way that you guys went and approached it whenever it became a 2v2 situation in the last uh in that last game uh well i think we were favored to win the the two versus two but uh uh sometimes when you get a cross skill it can be a little bit of panic and the voice comes you just gotta reset your brain and just focus on the tv too but i really think we were a favorite in the activity right absolutely i don't know what just happened it was like a bear just uh traveled in front of the uh right in front of us that was wild but yeah no i think uh i think it's been really really good so far you guys are now progressing to the finals and uh it is gonna be very exciting to see so good luck to you guys yep thank you thank you absolutely all right we've got this next uh this next game here is gonna be what's gonna decide who actually is going into the final games in the losers bracket yep so uh this is effectively the semi-finals for the losers bracket right now you asked what i thought was gonna happen i do think hydra is going to be able to take it based off of what we've seen today but metaphors this is definitely a team that can take it as well and one of my favorite little anecdotes from the whole draft that's happened today is the fact that metaphors is actually playing with somebody that he's played with all of the way since i think i think metaphors is going to win i feel like the rogue the rogue team is just so dominant it's so strong like i just i can't see a universe where where the rogue doesn't really make the difference like mage has been able to make some plays but it feels like against these rogue teams like mages have just like not really quite been there and obviously he's playing it back he's playing it really really safe all flabbers needs to do is get that opening and uh if you by the way if you try to kill one of those fel hunters with like spell damage it's probably not going to happen like these things have like eight million [ __ ] resist to everything so we'll see what's gonna happen it looks like though it almost did die but it wasn't really quite enough now if that foul hunter goes down that is huge because you can only re-summon it with the speed resembling once every 15 minutes so they have to do whatever they possibly can obviously flabbers is now in in combat here is waiting to try and get oh look at that see he tried to wait for the wreath stealth but then rival was able to just keep him out flabbers is the most important player yeah and the reason for that is metaphors he's already kind of behind so yes so flabbers really needs to make the plays and that's why he is just getting a laser down right now because you're able to control him he's not going to be able to peel and the damage metaphors is on the back foot already based off of how the comp actually does play now flabbers is going to be able to get away for a little bit but this respite isn't going to be too long dances around the pillar but it is going to be his warlock who tries to give him a little bit of extra support trying he just has to re-summon his uh his pet his pet died you saw how fast his health was going down whenever his pet died and also uh genghis is going to have to do some uh some life taps here because he's almost out of mana and we see obviously the uh oh looks like is that a succubus that actually got summoned too as well and so we've got some pretty interesting plays here going on and uh genghis is just trying to play around the pillar as much as he possibly can metaphor is hotting everybody up as much as possible we see obviously nature's swiftness go out and we're just waiting on that big heel now flabbers could die pretty fast here but he is going to have kolka shadows coming up extremely soon which is going to give him that ability to just be offensive again and uh of course hydra's team is doing okay it looks like this could be anybody's game right now hydra's getting pretty low and then we see obviously was that a i think that was a nightfall proc genghis really really low health i don't know if this is going to be enough for him or not see obviously he's just trying to put out as much dots as he possibly can and then genghis goes down geez a very very smart opportunity uh that really did come up there so we got the team looks like we're going back over to blade edge arena and uh this is a little bit of a very interesting choice because uh blade's edge is not necessarily as friendly towards melee but they chose blade's edge so i here's one thing to be said that i think should be set up blade's edge i do think it has a stigma for being like super anti-melee yeah but it's not a hundred percent like for from every every avenue anti-melee because you still do have like two pillars and you can go under the bridge and there there are playing underneath is absolutely a melee's playground like a hundred percent of this so flabbers has already got his uh he's got his stealth out and he oh that's offensive as [ __ ] okay flabbers already opening up immediately gets the gouge out we see obviously the fear from the priest going out on flabbers gets dispelled then the stun right there to zarnia go ahead and use the i think his trinket to get out of that moves back as much as possible and right now we're just seeing obviously flabbers get a polymorph they're moving back as much as they can and we're seeing them try to disengage as much as possible it seems because of after uh just trying to keep that rogue opener make that as little as impact as possible and look at that damage look at the targeting it's all about the fell hunter it's all about the pet and if they can kill that pet that is really really bad two of those pet kills and it's gg that pet i don't know if it died or not i'm pretty sure it did oh it did to zarna's pet already died that is so bad so they noticed that and now they're going entirely on that pet because that pet doesn't have the same level of avoidance as that resilience doesn't have a lot of stuff and especially being able to attack that is melee you can do a ton of damage to that pet as a melee as melee character so if they can end up killing that pet again tazharana already used their failed domination there is like a zero percent chance he can get another pen out and metaphors they're just running metaphors down as much as they can he gets right inside that line of sight spot trying to heal himself back up you see obviously the foul hunters dispelling as many of the uh the dots as possible with the offensive cyclone with the recyclone really what a play by metaphors yeah this is not good for zarna at all even with his fell hunter up i'm pretty sure he's still got his fellow hundreds i think it doesn't even matter this is scary here this is terrible like where's hydra this is oh my god is this aren't actually gonna die hydro oh he's lying to signing hydra oh my god okay oh he just barely got the shield on him he barely got the show hydra's got oh that's prayer amending okay good to use really smart holding over a big greater heel and then that coil comes in the greater oh my gosh but metaphors goes down so while all of that pressure was going in this should be a cross kill but while all that pressure was going in river actually decided to get offensive training i see that and that's why that cross kill happens metaphors has just gone back up the entire time magic very good against the druids now we're in a situation here with two dps though hydra should be able to hang on is he oh i think flabbers needs to disengage he's got to disengage okay there's no way hybrid hybrid's gonna be always got the pet he's got the pet on him oh my god good kidney shot okay that's good oh that's an offensive ice block is it yes it is an offensive ice block there's obviously there's there's always first date he has no one as well oh no they're just going back over them oh my god wait what what is going on here river is still going to be able to win and kill flabbers oh my god and then genghis is going to take oh my god what is this oh my god hydra has no mana if he can get oh my god any mana back he still has a shot hydra hydrazine i think hydra will lose everything if it pulls it off it'll be amazing dude there's no way there's no way the dog is gonna win the dog oh he moved over that way so he can get a get mana as much he drops off the curse of exhaustion yeah that's it take a man out oh geez this is getting a chance with the dots genghis is crazy this guy's a wild animal do the pathing for that fell oh my god get allowed a few times using whatever you can the drain life can't really do much he has to life tap he has to life happen hydro has to be super offensive dude i think this is going to end with them literally meleeing each other yeah oh my hydra the way hydra is taking advantage of the the philhelm's path is hilarious like the way that he's actually getting back up to the top flap look at that and then oh genghis with the first the melee i knew it i told you i told you and then the double fear with genghis purple does equal oh wait he's pissed he's not done he's not done yet running away it it's the [ __ ] pet man it's the [ __ ] pet that's what's really holding him back hydra's trying to run away as much as he can keep running oh god the pet dude the [ __ ] he just oh my god the [ __ ] pet that was such a good man wow well luckily you get a game three and this one show us those excited faces in the chat as we have two of the best teams going head to head whoever wins this one guarantees themselves a little bit of prize money because they get that third place and then they have one more match up until they can potentially get to the grand final they are facing elimination all of the way through though even if they do win this one who's gonna take it is it going to be metaphors team who's literally playing with somebody that he has played with since this game came out almost 15 years ago in flabbers or is it going to be hydra i do think that hydra's team is going to have an advantage because they got caught off guard very early on by having tsar and his pet die and get killed and if that that probably will not happen again so as long as that doesn't happen again and they don't lose that momentum i i do think that uh that hydra's team does still have the advantage but we'll have to wait and see what happens obviously flabbers right there gets to poly gets right out of the poly they're doing as much damage as zarn as possible this seems to be pretty much the same strategy that they used last time i think going for the warlock is a really good idea yeah i think we're a lot of times people disregard warlocks as a kill target because of soul link and how tanky they are oh yeah but i i think they're actually a really good strong target because if you just let them sit there and do whatever they want they'll have a ton of control and a lot of damage output throughout the entire game looks good for metaphors not looking good for metaphors at all getting defensive right now as well trying to potentially end it quickly metaphors sees that tries to create a little bit of space he goes into bear form and moves around the tomb he also has invested his bark skin but he's still taking down the cyclone needs to land what an offensive cycle right there on hydra that is so huge and that's going to help them get so much pressure on tazarna too like that's really really good so we're gonna have to see what happens here obviously he's just trying to get away get around and just do whatever he possibly can it looks like he's probably got his fell hunter with him even just to keep it away and just keep it out of combat we see pain expression go out on him as well and flabber's just attacking right through it it doesn't even matter interrupt go out there flabbers gets feared away that's really bad for flabbers especially with that fear pathing but it could be good if flabbers can turn that into a re-stealth we're going to see what happens here it looks like oh looks like riva just kept it right back in combat and disarno's just playing all the way back there uh we'll see what's gonna happen here flabbers is just super aggressive though look how aggressive flabbers is and flabbers wants them to target him because of how uh how well genghis was but at zarna is already at half health flabber's taking some damage and uh flavors has used pretty much all of his cooldowns so he's pretty much sitting there just waiting to get killed if they want to go for it and then uh genghis just doing steering paint as much as they possibly can and uh metaphors playing there in the back almost out of mana though but it looks like his two teammates have a lot of mana and hydra on the other hand has a lot of mana and looks like they're going to be going down there into the back just to try to focus on getting their their mana back as much as possible and rivo let's see what's gonna happen with him like he's out there by himself that's not very good especially with his ice block being down yeah it seems like a bad position to be in uh hydra's getting a little low on man of a metaphor has already used his inner bait and is very very low on mana so uh i think as far as the mana game goes uh i think metaphor's team is in a worse spot genghis is going down a little bit and they're uh they're going to go ahead and they reset and now they're applying pressure again metaphors trying to get a drink in he did get some good mana he got a good amount of mana there yeah he got a little bit of a drinking inside of the starting area and then genghis ran back to him so he could get healed and then get metaphors back into the fight by taking the fight to him uh now we're looking at a situation where riva is really they're just really trying to take it in on on genghis if river can get a good cc off on somebody here i think that would be a huge play i think he tried to at the polymorph but i didn't see if he actually got that off on anyone that was a good drink on hydra's part that was a really really good drink and so obviously hydra is able to kind of like reposition over there on the other side tazharana feared him away it looks like maybe it's suzarna trying to drink too it looks like they might just be trying to recover and just build up some level of uh of just momentum towards them that's what it seems like to me and as you can see here we're seeing a lot of the two minute cooldown to reviews at the beginning like uh you know death coil etc these are coming back off of cooldown and we're going into a four minute game this is actually going to be one of the longest games we've played so far hydra however is fully out of mana metaphors at bear form genghis taking damage he's completely out of mana he's got a life tap he just life tapped right there genghis is taking a lot of damage he's stuck in a fear we've got to incinerate and then it takes it home oh my god there it is big damage at the end there it is hydra's team takes it home that's kind of what i was expecting and so we're gonna jump over to an interview we're gonna have our reporter out in the field uh go over to the uh he's gotta take his dark portal pass and get over to nagrand and uh then we'll go ahead and have an interview with uh one of the players here so we are here with riva river thank you for joining us man what a game what a series actually yeah it was so close man the first game was pretty like we controlled the first game because i got the rug out but uh we won the first game easily because we killed the pet etc then second game i choked at the end because i removed my block pretty quickly but the last game was more intense yeah let's close though and at the end so uh in that last match also uh we saw one of you guys pushed on uh when you guys pushed on genghis actually i saw that uh was that a blanket cs that you went ahead and put on metaphors at the end there which stopped his healing yeah exactly so i saw that we got a really good we killed the pet right so at this point he has no swelling so i know where him behind pillar he was eloising he was losing uh his heel healer so i decided to know i'm behind and whenever the druid came in line i see him and i killed her we we killed the gingers it was a really good setup actually yeah no i thought that was great i thought it was really good uh you guys have done a great job so far in the tournament and we're very excited so you guys uh how you do as you continue yeah thanks a lot man thanks a lot well boys we're back down to the final two games the last game of the lower bracket and then the winner of that is going to go into the grand finals people are just chill everybody's there to have fun and enjoy themselves and i think the drafts really did make that happen so it's great to really see that and we're looking to go into the uh the final round for the losers bracket that's going to be uh team hydra versus team toes you know you know what i was thinking a little bit is speaking of exactly what you just said like the environment like it's it's it's more friendly it's more like it really re-emphasizes the fact that this is a friendly friendly type of tournament competition it's not like some weird thing that sometimes people try to make it out to be imagine we did this with the 5v5 oh i like the sound of that tips actually had a crazy idea for format for 5v5 i don't know if he told but yeah there's some cool stuff that could definitely be done uh yeah look video games i know that this is a like kind of a controversial take now but not every video game tournament needs to be nascar you know which is the the peak of sports that's why i use that one as an example yeah it's like the top echelon of sports but sometimes it's fun to just have a tournament enjoy it mix things up a little bit like the valheim tournament for yeah and i know personally i want to do a lot more of them it's nice being in a room with with all of you guys and just getting to actually enjoy the games we love and not necessarily making it the most serious thing that's ever happened yeah i think that's what makes it really interesting especially with these first ones you know everything's kind of uncharted territory even though we've seen burning crusade before have we seen it in this way have we seen it quite you know with the players of today and i think that's definitely one thing that's really shaking things up quite a bit that the tornado has shaken things up quite a bit yeah we do have a mirror match here uh priest uh lock mage against priest lock mage so this is a comp that we've seen throughout the tournament that is uh turned out to be very very good so far a lot of damage output a lot of control good uh good defensive abilities so it's gonna be kind of interesting to see how the two teams are going to play each other out the thing is like both of these teams have just made like crazy plays throughout the entire tournament like there's been so many like really cool things that they've done and i have no idea which one of them is actually going to win this i mean this is a mirror match there's no like real advantage maybe it's going to come down to the tornado right i mean and the tornado could just show up and be like hey you know this is this is fate this is what's going to happen now yeah i wouldn't be surprised look river getting it offensive right now even though he is on the chopping block that power infusion is going to be traded out as well uh and ultimately rivers still trying to stay offensive has the ice block to fall back onto if he needs to hydra's going to be able to top him off you see that master spell come out as well both of these teams just trading blows around these pillars here we go and now obviously uh there's leaksy going really really low we see obviously lexi use his uh his ice block and he in i think he uh he resisted the ropes oh my god river at oh my god rivet ten percent weak c at 50 leaks he's able to recover river isn't and then riva goes down wow and toes team takes the first win wow wait a minute wait a minute he's still going down he's still waiting at least he's still oh my there's no way he's getting the heel off here there's no way there's no way i think he's good i think he's good they're still playing it though they're still playing it starting is still playing i i think it's i i think it's over two but still this is crazy yeah are they really gonna win with this oh sarna's right there look at that oh man i'm pretty sure if he had death coil there it would have been a kill yeah we'll see what's gonna happen here i feel like this is gonna be a ruins of water on let's go ahead and see if i was right and all right there we go 50 50. you know and uh it seems like that's probably what they're going to go with and uh i think we're going to see a lot more of those like you know clutch fears people moving in like that and people trying to you know just make those close quarters plays because you guys have to remember like uh mages and priests have a lot of things that they can only do uh very close to melee range like a frost nova you've got obviously a cone of cold arcane explosion and also fear holy nova all kinds of other stuff that can happen so we're gonna see a number of close quarters plays here i'm really kind of curious to see what's gonna happen this is the only mirror matchup that we've seen uh throughout the day as well i suppose so and uh i don't know how this is going to go i i feel like we're probably going to see i would assume pretty much the same strategy out of both teams but i could be wrong we'll uh we'll see what happens and obviously uh weeksy trying to just open up and get at least some degree of of control over there with the blizzard didn't really do a whole lot we see wait is that a pain suppression that already goes out wait no what the hell was that yeah it was riva immediately gets a pain suppression i feel like that could have been a mistake that's not necessarily looking good and then toes used his pain suppression as well on leaksy we'll see what's going to happen rivet there we go goes into an ice block gets immediately mass dispelled out of it on top of the improved counter spell too rivet doesn't really have a whole lot else to go for him man like river could die here i mean like he's nothing else roy that he has he's used uh his he's used his ice block he's used everything he does still have his cold snap though so if he uh if he survives long enough to wear the uh the ice block cool down throughout what it's called the question of four bears yeah uh whereas often he's gonna be able to cold snap and get another block in but let's see because he is definitely definitely backed up oh and he just did you just did his cold snap yeah there we go block and then he got immediately dispelled out of it it didn't even matter that much wow but toast does have to spend a good amount of mana on that you see here is almost dead but hydra has full mana so as long as hydra can get these heels out uh he'll be okay with toes on the other hand is completely out of mana but uh is almost out of health so we'll see where this is going to go and uh obviously it's going to come down to i think winding up ccs on hydra and seeing if they can just kind of finish river off but we'll see if that's even going to happen and uh again we're seeing like good ice barrier yep yep absolutely river oh my god wow that's so low hydra oh my god hydra he's just barely living flash he'll come wow they're gonna turn this around on leaksy oh my god no way dude hydra popped off and hydra hydro was watching his mana you could tell because whenever toes ran out of mana they weren't really really aggressive on river purges uh sorry dispels master spells everything hydra still had a good bit of mana left yeah allowed them to get that massive i thought he was i thought that they were going to land a cc on hydra and it was gonna be over with river because they had landed one cc on him it would have been done and uh that was insane because hydra um like he did have pretty much full mana but then what he did there at the very end i don't know if people noticed that but not only did he mass dispel ribba but he also shadow word death them too so we've got everybody over here on bladetouch mountains the uh groups are set up and it seems like everybody's back inside we had a little bit of a problem beforehand and uh now i wasn't really expecting playing dutch mountains to be honest i definitely wasn't maybe it's because i just absolutely hate this arena because man this is a serious thing to say the least this game is going to be the one that decides the match-up in the grand final whoever loses this is going to go home with third place the winner gets a chance at first will it be hydra or will it be toes i think hydra coming into this one definitely had a lot of fans and same with toes you got some of the best players to ever play the game i've been a chan fan for so long let's see what these players are able to do now as we look to the opener of another mirror matchup yeah i feel like riva is really good at getting those blizzards out like those rank one blizzards just to kind of control the match a little bit like that that really helps them out a lot so i'm uh i'm kind of impressed by that to zarna's just just give [ __ ] wait he's just going he's just uh he does whatever he wants man and uh then obviously we see the uh cc on him he gets dispelled fear on channel channel gets the spell as well lexi going in and blinks back away and desarna trying to get some dots on the lexi as much as possible do some damage probably a fear on uh on let's see who's that was on toes didn't matter nobody even really got it and now they're just trying to play on the side try to align the side as much as possible and uh legacy has taken a pretty good amount of damage like they're definitely getting pushed back a pretty good degree we see pain suppression go out on lexi and uh i see uh icy veins is out on both of the mages too a whole lot of damage happening right now so uh i don't know where this is gonna go a little bit worried yeah i mean it's it's uh to the point now where river does have icy veins up but it seems mostly like well actually they might get to push you on lisey yeah i mean i feel like bleachy is definitely behind right now like he's 100 behind yeah and uh this is not looking good it's a little bit they're playing a little bit of patty cake here but they're definitely they had a chance there to push up that blink that point and then oh look at rivet though turn around the turn around right there and then toes let's see okay riv is out of his uh oh my god league c at two percent with the block and then oh my god what all right hydra dude we're gonna get the rematch we're gonna get the rematch you know so going into this one i i said i thought that we might get the rematch with hydra i i predicted it and then the second that we saw chan and toes actually start to play i was like oh i think i'm wrong but ultimately hydra does come out on top this series was so neck and neck love seeing the mirror match up these are six of the best players in this tournament congratulations to hydra's team for moving on but you got to give it up to toes they made it interesting all the way up until the very end oh they did amazing i think they really did great so we're here with toes toes good to see you man you guys had an incredible run today uh taking that third spot in the tournament uh how did you guys feel about that last matchup uh honestly i feel pretty bad about that matchup i think i played really bad um but it is what it is well a lot of times with these mirror matchups i think sometimes people uh and this goes for both competitors and also uh also people watching people don't realize there are a lot of times where uh stuff can go either way right there's a little bit of rng to it there's a little bit of that and it's about capitalizing on those times whenever something is going in your favor right uh and so sometimes you have wins and losses regardless of that though you guys did an incredible job throughout the entire tournament and uh still taking that third spot in the first tournament ever i think is really really cool to see you guys are obviously like you guys got good players everybody in this tournament's done really really well so far and um i i uh hopefully you're gonna be back for the next time we do this yeah i i would love to if you guys are running more i would love to be invited in the future yeah yeah i mean heck look at all these people look at a little people around us dude people are obviously very excited about this and uh they thought that uh they thought that you did a great job so far so just want to say thanks for joining us dude you guys did incredible and uh we'll see you next time yup thank you very much absolutely we are on the grand finals the grand finals gentlemen it's gonna be team chaz going up against uh team hydra so honestly like we've seen incredible plays by both of these teams we've seen some people that you guys know very well and some other people that are a little bit newer to the scene and at least know where to at least being known in the scene so i'm really curious to see what's going to happen in this last last grand final i feel like if i had to guess i feel like team chaz is going to come out ahead i don't know i'm not sure the the fix is not in but that's just what i think could happen now it's going to be chas klimp and none other than murr who has been one of the mvps of this tournament against hydra river and tazza i i that name has been tricky for me the entire day because of the asthma gold yeah yeah i was calling him cesaria that like the whole time it's a tricky name and an even trickier player to be able to beat and now it is going to be murder immediately it opens up on tazza it opens up on taza with the exposed armor right there we see obviously a death coil going out onto chas chaz immediately goes on to half health we see of course there's a pain suppression that goes out his line is sighting as much as possible power infusion as well is out chas is just trying to recover as much as possible and uh definitely they've got a it's a very very strong early pressure however they did use a lot of their big cc cooldowns they used their fear and they also used their death coil death coil is huge so we'll see if this is actually going to matter for them or not and then murder is just sitting there on taz just doing damage and then so much so that obviously we see the pain suppression go out on taz as well i love i love how murray's played so well that it's it's evolved into asthma just calling him pure murder and that's what he's going to try to do right here he sets his eyes on the warlocks going to be able to take look even at what the shaman team was able to do you really can change the meta quite a bit uh obviously it didn't end up working out for them but they still did look great and we know that there's so much that bc is going to have to offer but the question is what is hydra's team going to have to offer here they don't want to go down 3-0 the first one they got murder out real fast that they yeah they got murder out real fast look at that i think i think mirror needs to be their focus they need to be focusing well yeah mirrors already half oh my god immediate pain suppression right there he hasn't needed to use any of his other cds though and then i think oh my god there's coco yeah there's cloak yeah i think that might have been a perception that allowed him to target mir uh into the beginning of the match and that's why he was able to get tagged and then mira is able to get away and now he's gonna have to reset i feel like he's might actually even get popped out again but we'll see what happens yeah i think i think focusing me is is a hundred percent the play there yeah i think that's something with the uh it was a good good move i think that's something they should do again uh they did not get the cheat death off of him so uh he just started the championship and he also has 30 seconds left on his uh on his cloak which means like realistically he's gonna have his cloak up again like by the time that we have to fight by the time they have to kill him again he's gonna have his cloak up again but but mirror is out of combat for so long and chas is like really going low on mana and so they're gonna have to really hope to get a very great play here and uh obviously you know we've got 10 seconds left on his cloak chas is really really low it looks like we're probably gonna have i think we're gonna see a swap on the mirror really soon here but i guess we'll have to find out and uh yeah there's pain suppression that's been out for a while mir does have his cloak back up rib is getting his mana back too and they're getting ready for the long haul hydra has the mana advantage by a huge margin he's got his cooldowns up ribba's got his block we've got tons of stuff up for all of them chaz's team is actually in a really really bad spot right now because of the fact that muir just almost got deleted at the beginning of the match there so uh we'll see what's going to happen so hydra's uh uses pain suppression on himself uh mirror had to use again as kolka shadows and then we see again the the uh trying to vanish yep we see the vanish right there and now mira's gonna have to get in there pretty fast i mean oh no oh no they're gonna be able to finish them here oh no look at that and three are you kidding me one more three wow how is it how is it possible that the frost nova didn't break after three lances oh my god there we go okay it's one to one i wouldn't be surprised if we saw one going one side the other one going the other side and then just kind of using perception and just trying to pull them out and let's see what's going to happen here and then eric oh my god they almost got him out right there at the beginning and then we might see perception oh see mirror knew that was going to happen any shadow stepped in to get the sap that was really smart and then immediately gets damaged on hydra hydra's already at 70 60 percent maybe and then immediately full-length kidney this is really bad mirror gets feared away with death coil it doesn't even matter and then hydra is still at 10 he can't get mirror off mirror's probably gonna get a fear i'm not really sure what's gonna happen oh looks like they disengaged no he comes back he's coming back there's way there's more it's relentless and then oh my god again rival with that really great control with blizzard hydra able to recover from that and actually not use that much mana and then now he's using his uh his inner fires not in a fire the power infusion exactly and then now he's able to recover as much as possible so we're going to see what's going to happen i mean mirror's now taking a pretty good amount of damage mirrors already used his advantage he's already used mirror could die here like mirror could 100 die here they've used everything besides paints pressure so if hydra can survive through this mira is dead mirror is dead of hydrogen this is really bad that's really bad positioning mirror might be dead here i would be surprised if he lives i think i don't think he has anything right there's no way he loses he's completely fulfilled and they try oh and there's a fear oh no this is bad oh what a fear what a fear by hydra and then there's the oh no he's stuck in a root again oh no he's still in a root but she's dead team last time and look at what hydra squad has been able to get together after a day of play really adapting to the strategy of murr it's really interesting to watch uh two teams play against each other and see the adaptations and now the the real question is how far will this one go and it's nice to see that it's not an absolute blowout but hydra's team can end it here all right but the gates are now open and we're going to be dancing the dance of death here on the grand arena only one team going to be able to walk out away as we already mentioned hydras team is able to win it they are going to be able to take first place but murr and chaz and klimp are not going to look at that look at that sap look at that sap on hydra that was such an incredibly well done sap with murr like that was so so good and then obviously we already see vanish go out uh we've got evasion out right now too from murr murr's already in half oh my god payne stuff go out the only thing he's got left is cloak yeah i'm not sure i think he's going to have to cloak i really do i think he's so oh my god don't yet he just cloaked right there murr has used everything this is really really not good oh look at that he did it he did the thing yeah that was step vanishing that was so so good and mer being able to get out of combat is great for him but the problem is that every second it murs out of combat is the second that chas is going to have to do even more work take even more damage and that's just really not good for chaz because chad doesn't really have a lot right now either he's got no pains up he's got nothing really so he did get a fear off that was really really good for him i think but fight too long yeah mur mur well he's staying at a fight because he's worried of not having shadows that's why don't yeah i don't know why so just think about how different it actually is it's a good thing to bring up because he was so aggressive before but he's getting very low oh he's not going to die he won't die and uh he he's really really close because good fear oh offensive block wait what oh my god is chad's going to go down he's rooted oh my god dirty dog and chas goes down with riva with the play oh my wow god think back to certain moments throughout the tournament as well where riva just watched aggressive like that riven knows when to put it on and sven was the thing that you had mentioned even before the tournament started really looking for those moments where it's effective dps it's not just high dps it's effective dps riva has been the physical manifestation of that very idea well done that's enough to win invitation match what a series what a tournament wow losing the first game of the series and then coming back and winning winning that's dude i feel like every game like we could not have asked for a better series than this like all of the like the [ __ ] 2v2s that goes down to a 1v1 that goes down to casters meleeing each other and then the team that loses come backs and they lose the first game even in the grand finals yeah and they still come back when they win after they lost and they fought their way through the losers bracket to go again all that it's been amazing what a good tournament do we want to get a little bit of a ward in with hydra uh yeah let's do that let's have a word with hydra so hydra what is that man congratulations winner of the very first ever classic burning crusade tournament through the return how do you feel dude i'm sweating this [ __ ] is so much more intense than shadowlands like real really really oh yeah oh yeah so so what is it uh about burning crusade it can can you put uh uh can you put it into words what is it about burning crusade that you're enjoying so much more than shadowlands arena it's just faster pace like everything you do matters way more every single global matter in shadow lands you're like waiting for like 30 seconds for the next go and stuff half the time it's just yeah a lot of like it's like a lot of patty cake a lot of trading and this and that but yeah whereas now it's like if you press a button if you have a global like you don't have like you know you don't have blood lust you don't have like these crazy cooldowns that make your hates really fast when you make a decision you have to commit to it yeah yeah oh yeah this was uh this was intense dude yeah no that's awesome most fun i've had in the tournament since wrath of the lich king easily really that is really good to you guys for putting it on it's been amazing yeah for sure dude we appreciate it and we all we all appreciate you guys i don't ask them guys everybody here uh appreciates you guys coming out and competing and uh everybody's just enjoying it so much and everybody being good sports and and just having a blast the whole time has been really really cool so uh again we're really happy about the whole thing we're excited that you got to compete we're excited that everybody got to compete and uh we're very very excited to be able to do something more like this in the future we hope that you're there yeah yeah for sure man that'd be great absolutely okay back to the couch yeah i mean guys this has been an incredible first tournament and i i want to say that obviously again thank you everybody for watching and i also want to extend to thank you to rich thank you very much and also s fend our reporter out there in the field again we want to say thank you guys all so much for watching today really appreciate it thank you to all the competitors thank you everybody that helped us working behind the scenes and um we will be back or i will be back online tomorrow and uh we have a lot to talk about burning crusade june 1st i can't believe it say the thing oh yeah i never did what's up y'all it's me it's your boy no no the other one what do you say at the end [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 612,732
Rating: 4.8886065 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, tbc release date, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, classic tbc tournament, classic tbc arena, asmongold invitational, wow arena, asmongold arena, wow tournament, burning crusade pvp, burning crusade tournament, classic tbc 3v3, classic pvp, classic tbc pvp, tbc, tbc arena, classic arena, pvp, tbc pvp, pvp tbc, arena, tbc classic, tbc 3v3, 3v3
Id: 1ORCIGxGpzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 39sec (7239 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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