The Final Fantasy XIV New Player Experience...

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hello everybody today i bring you arguably one of the best mmos out in the market right now final fantasy xiv if you enjoy the opportunity to become a chiseled and agile slim dragon man and these guys that look like thanos that made it with shrek in order to make a smurf that lived in the jojo universe then this game is perfect for you with literally so many customization options available you really could spend an eternity on the creation screen before you even hit the enter world button especially if you're making a bunny girl your feelings for her are not they are real to me okay now let me say this before i start the video i have not looked up any reviews for this game nor have i watched any videos all of my opinions of this game are from my personal experience from the last three weeks of me just simply taking a break from world of warcraft and now grinding final fantasy it's a similar situation to a chinese prisoner that's been forced to farm gold in world of warcraft for the past 15 years of his life who served his sentence and is now free to now farm gill for cat and bunny girls as their tier 1 simp my lady i'm a grown ass man now when you first enter the world of final fantasy it can be a bit overwhelming you get long cutscenes that are a little front loaded especially if you're a stranger of the franchise navigating through the city can be a bit confusing as you figure out how to enter the upper decks the inner city or the other wings and you get a lot of front loaded information and tips that you might just left click through recklessly certainly not me though i've never done something like that ever the quests also are a legit godsend compared to world of warcraft most of them are super quick to head to and from the quests that i've done so far the mobs have a 100 drop rate for quest items do you know as a wow player how much of a game changer that is that's like spending hours on end mining in zanger marsh for gold until you discover that there's a gold website selling like 500 of it if you just skip out on mcdonald's for lunch ah that that one is a joke by the way this is gold that i have earned and made i do not buy my gold i earned it look here's a picture of me next to a uh aquarium van for proof anyways one thing that is amazing in this game is the aetherite system these blue crystals popping out of the ground that walter white generously donated to the ff universe if you don't know what they are don't worry i'll give you an in-depth explanation of it right now they're blue ring pops that levitate above the ground that when you right click on them will allow you to teleport to other blue crystals this is how you get around the world quests that you get will send you on goose chases and adventures all over the place so making sure that you use these teleports is vital otherwise life would be pain and you don't want life to be pain otherwise you'd be doing tour gas let's talk about the cities in the base game there are three cities and all of them are designed beautifully only downside is that for a newbie they're kind of easy to get lost in sometimes i feel like a kid who got lost in a walmart but eventually you learn your way around ulda is one of these cities and it borders sort of a desert region the city itself is designed like a layered fortress if any urukai come marching this way this is the place that you'll want to be in i've also found some of the strangest looking people in ulda i don't know compared to the other two cities uldua really brings out some of the more unique individuals on the pathway on route to the inner city of ulda you also have street performers i see plenty of people afking here all the time gee i wonder what they're doing sitting down watching these performers is a very very enthusiastic man who's pretty rowdy with his gestures while also spamming shaky ladies in chat all the time you also have a kid here observing so yeah this really isn't so different than the strip of vegas the next city is elimsa la menza and this place is beautiful amazing like stormwind if it was a beach resort but first we have to talk about the name i've heard it been called lumia lavinosa limsa lagertha yeah what was the name of that city again list what would you call it i follow oh i thought this was lumasia every one of this pronounced that name lemosa okay now i've pronounced this name wrong for like the first two weeks of playing this game too but you know we we don't talk about that with the central plaza that's constantly active and filled with players talking dancing and playing music and a restaurant located on the balcony with a perfect view of the ocean limsa is probably one of the most impressive cities i have seen in a game but unfortunately even the most luxurious of cities is not impervious to degenerate infiltration as a lalafell thigh-biting fetish possessing individuals are apparently a plenty in this hub somebody call chris hanson new gridania now this is the final hub of the base game that i haven't mentioned yet and i have to say originally i thought it was a freaking really good really good city but after playing the game for weeks i have to say it's actually probably surpassed elimsa and has become my top favorite city it's practically the shire in final fantasy with such a catchable theme that you can't help but want afk here and also this is like the one hub where i haven't seen any degenerates yet i'm sure that with more play time that is destined to change seriously gritania is so peaceful and happy that i'd even argue that you can just go here put your music volume to max turn off your hud and it would be a perfect remedy if you're suffering from stressful bouts or anxiety riddling moments it is super calming a really cool thing about this game too is that you also get quests that constantly send you back to these three cities meaning that no city really stays irrelevant and there's always people running past you doing something making the city feel alive so every few quests or so you can vibe in gridania eat at the best restaurant on the coastline or stress detox in other ways [Laughter] you'll also find yourself just straight up hanging out in cities for longer than you intended and no it's not because of the half naked bunny girls or is it this game allows a lot of creative freedom to where you literally see bands performing and people watching them play their songs for hours on end they can even play the freaking star wars theme the best way that i can describe the vibe of this game is imagine if a dev team designed an mmo with the intent of fun being the forefront precedent no pretty common sense in what should be considered a video game right but hey here we are like you can just simply be chilling a bard comes up to you and starts playing music and now you find yourself sitting back in your chair listening to this dude play osu in beachfront stormwind now this is what i call the perfect mmo experience now how is the leveling like most mmos the journey starts off slow the first 40 levels or so may be a bit rough and it may take a while to hook you into the game yes i did say the first 40 or so levels that's because most classes work in the sense of where you start as a base class like a rogue but when you hit level 30 you take on a job or an extension of your class so when for rogues they hit level 30 they take on the ninja job or in other words you evolve like a pokemon once you unlock your job your rotation spices up a lot as you unlock a bunch of new skills by the time you hit level 40 you will have unlocked a few of your job specific skills making the gameplay much much more enjoyable like honestly this is how i fell in love with the game overnight being able to role play as sasuke and spam cast fireball jutsu and demon win shuriken is amazing plus the added bonus of running with your weapons out in naruto like fashion and also doing a guaranteed flip every time you hit spacebar is also a huge plus in my book now let's steer away from class design a bit and go back to the leveling process like i said the start is a bit slow however i was fortunate and made my character on the hyperion world while the xp buff was out this was like leveling at mach 12 akin to a 1940s german soldier storming through a country while high on methamphetamine leveling was a breeze and if you just continue to do the main scenario quest which is like the main quest line that you have to do and advance in order to unlock the later content then you will inevitably unlock the dungeons where you get to fight a giant clam yup the beginning dungeons are a bit underwhelming to say the least fighting a giant clam doesn't exactly scream out a fantasy world to me however like i said the game really ramps up later on and the fights get crazy crazy fun like this game can make fighting a book hectic and fun as hell as the book can roundhouse you turn the floor to ice essentially transforming you into a tom and jerry type of character and if you fail to ice skate like me right here this book will actually one-shot you oh [ __ ] hell dude i i could not [ __ ] slide to the other side trials now let's talk about trials do you like general grievous do you like your photoreceptors dying well i have good news for you because if the answer is yes to both then trials they're for you in one of the trials there exists a four sword wielding bug like boss who we'll just call general grievous now imagine trials as like the tougher version of dungeon bosses but there's no trash leading up to their encounter kind of like trial of the grand crusader see what i did there i thought that was kind of clever the thing is however is that these guys typically are harder than dungeon bosses and sometimes have more mechanics however most of the mechanics are pretty smooth brain as in you see flashy effect you then step out of it the real hard part of this encounter however is preventing destruction of your retinas from viewing the insanely over the top flashy effects some of these mechanics are actually so bright that not only do i have to look down from my computer but sometimes i also straight up run into a wall in game to diminish the intense exposure of light if you play this game and start raiding or you're just simply leveling through these trials i highly suggest that number one you turn off other players spell effects and number two you invest in some ray bans unless you doom your rods to constant intense light exposure inevitably resulting in apoptosis i should also go into the gamma properties and tweak it to the don't make me go blind before i hit 25 setting it's as if kamino from the recent battlefront 2 collaborated with a flash grenade in order to speed run your next emergency visit to the optometrist really square enix should actually collaborate with optometrist it would be the perfect business scheme but asides from that trials are pretty fun some of the ones tied to the main scenario not only have incredible fights but also have such a compelling cutscene following the encounter that it's like you're actually watching an anime and no i'm not exaggerating it's that good and unlike a certain other game i know these in-game cutscenes are actually of rather high quality i'm just teasing please don't fight in the comments or you know maybe do it could prove to be pretty entertaining speaking of fighting the combat in this game is freaking amazing now i will be absolutely honest as i said before i have done very little research as everything i say in this video has come from my personal experience of a casual play style i mainly just rate log in tbc wow and play this game in my free time that being said i feel out of all of the classes and jobs that i play i can only really judge the combat of one fairly and that is the ninja because it's one that i kind of know so let me give you a full in-depth briefing you won't need to watch any other guide after this first as a ninja you weave gang signs or sign language i don't know the difference to unlock magic the first one you want to weave the signs of is hidden miss jutsu or huton it's basically a buff you need to upkeep at all times then you hide so that the training dummy forgets that you were there and so that you can surprise attack following this you do some spins you attempt to mug him and then you do some more spins get behind them and stab them with trick attack very important because it increases the damage the target takes from your attacks then you do this flashy ability i don't know put a dot on them and then start hitting them with this lightning jutsu or something called the rayton and start spamming them with like a bunch of frogs that you can summon this is the best that i could do as a level 63 ninja with sub level 58 spells i'm pretty behind on unlocking my class abilities because i have just been having fun in this game and not really prioritizing anything specific i'm not even gonna talk about samurai i can't even name one single spell that they have and that's not even a joke look listen when it's something like drill or wildfire look no problem but when barely any of the spells are in english yeah i i just look at the flashy signs in the corner and then use this pretty animation into my big attack i'll take the time to learn it one day all in all the classes i have played have been really dynamic and interactive you would think with a longer gcd that that would be the opposite but no the game does an excellent job of weaving in off gtd spells into your rotation making the gameplay smooth fun and fast-paced now all there is to do is to learn raid mechanics since i have absolutely no idea what's going on right now public defensive oh my god okay well [Laughter] when i launch final fantasy i don't feel ensnared by chores or time sinks at least not yet i launched the game because it's actually fun to play my class experience the main story through leveling and listening to my buddy play music in between my dungeon cues the literal fact that so many people sit in cities just to relax and hear bands play music for hours on end is a testament to the fact that other mmos should prioritize more than just end game content the game should be fun all around speaking of which if you know yourself to be a gambling addict do not step foot into the gold saucer why well the gold saucer is kind of like a casino for many games by trading in your hard-earned gill for mgp which is the currency used in this establishment to gamble you can then make more mgp by buying scratchers hitting up the jumbo cactpot which is basically a weekly lottery where you have to guess four numbers and based on how many numbers you guessed correctly it dictates how much mgp you win my dumbass match zero of those numbers you can also hit up the mini games to test your reflexes it's just it's just it's just that easy every 20 minutes or so there's also gold saucer active time events or gates now these are essentially mini games that allow you to earn substantial amounts of mgp so what do you have to do well you gotta parkour up ramps at the center of the casino where massive bombs are being dropped on your head beats me how this is not an occupational hazard but anything for the entertainment of the casino's patrons i guess there's also a certain gate called leap of faith where it literally is what it said in the name you jump from small floating rock to small floating rock thousands of feet high above the ground while trying to collect trophies in hella annoying spots all the while being drowned out by fellow players if you suffer from a fear of heights and are easily driven to anxiety the first few times you do this will most certainly make your hands sweat and your ass cheeks clench but don't worry because it gives you a lot of mgp putting you that step closer to being able to look like someone who would be restricted by the law from being able to be in a five mile radius of a chuck e cheese you see what mgp does is it allows you to buy mounts or glamour gear which is essentially transmog nothing here really gives you xp or gear that gives you an edge in the outside world it's all for fun while also giving you something to work towards i see some of my friends here for hours on end i could afk here and they could be right in front of me when i get back mocking me with how much more mgp they have by engaging in their tribal battle dance and i haven't even scratched the surface the community is really welcoming and honestly just super nice there's so many goofy things that you can do and find by just simply walking through a city gear that you can get and customize are epic beyond comprehension the story of this game floods you every quest that you do so if you're a lore nerd you can eat that up for sure and the ability to play every class on one character makes it so that you literally almost never get bored of what you are currently playing tired of using sign language swap to a texan there's still so much more to this game and i hope to experience it all so give it a try or don't you know this isn't a sponsored video but whatever you decide to do make sure you like and subscribe or else i will wear this bunny girl outfit in my next video oh my goodness [Music]
Channel: Krucial
Views: 606,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, final fantasy, krucial, krucial wow, ff14, the ff14 experience, how to start final fantasy 14, final fantasy 14 guide, final fantasy 14 first impressions, final fantasy online, is ff14 good, final fantasy xiv gameplay, new player final fantasy 14, final fantasy 14 new player guide, new player's experience of ff14, ffxiv, is ff good, wow refugee
Id: Ra2AZzslulo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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