Ask Steve: Whoa Whoa Whoa!!!

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[Music] Joe doesn't agree with his wife hi Joe how you doing hi wife what's your name Laura okay good Joe what is well basically we're expecting our first child we find out the sex thank you very much yeah we found out the sex of the baby but my wife heard of these reveal parties not sure if you're aware of them yeah I'm not don't really like them I think they're overkill in this era of oversharing I said if you try to do it I'm gonna call everybody up first stop it and then I basically stopped so I wanted my question to you is dealing this is ridiculous or should I give in okay she wants to have a reveal party reveal Oh what were they reveal the sex it a big yeah I mean you gonna do what I was gonna call everybody up first I just say that basically was useless to try to have this party I was gonna call everybody we know out and tell them the Sox beforehand stupid drive on us and Steve why would you not let that happen there's just so many parties you have a baby shower you have all these other things it just seems like you're doing another one of those and I don't want people to think that you're trying to give Sara so you've never had a child so you know obviously all know how to work someone who loves her is going to throw her a baby shower because you have to get all these gifts cause raising a newborn baby is ungodly expensive and people who have had babies before are gonna think a little neat stuff to give you that you can't think of because you've never had a baby before that's one number two you ain't carrying the baby if she wants to have a reveal the sex party I think that you as her husband should support that wholeheartedly see we have nothing to do we're gonna don't we know we got nothing that I stomach ain't stretching we're not carrying the weight we're not feeling the kicking all we gonna do every now I need gotta go get some ice cream some pickles or something like that that's it man we got nothing to do in a minute she's gonna be laying on the table and all hell is gonna break now what you don't know is after you have this glorious moment of holding this bundle of joy then in your life all hell is gonna break loose cuz you now got to figure out everything why is he crying now why is she crying now what they won't now you just woke up two hours ago why is your ass up again what do you want naw I burped you I didn't already changed you out of the fed you what are you crying for now I bet your dude damn top it's gonna keep crossing how many times you gonna solve eased up now I had twins man I changed a diapers man five six times a day so what I used to do with my wife left me at home with him buddy self I ain't putting no diapers on my cutback I spread newspaper thought I save money guess what they don't stay on the damn newspaper so instead of buying diapers I was buying a new damn rug new carpet okay back to the diapers I thought everything man congratulations do enjoy my hope you have a healthy thank you very much
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 2,092,938
Rating: 4.9286971 out of 5
Keywords: Harvey, tv, steve harvey daytime, steve, humor, funny, harvey, steve harvey, steve harvey show, Steve, comedy, ask steve
Id: 65UTgThxJHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Thu May 08 2014
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