Hey Steve: Adjusting to American Dating

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hey Steve so I just moved to Los Angeles from New Zealand a couple months ago and I'm finding it a bit of a culture shock mainly the dating because back home the legal drinking age is 18 and you pretty much from a young age mainly meet people kind of out of parties and bars and things like that it's very unusual to like just see a woman on the street and approach her and ask her out on a date like she would be completely shocked you might think you're pranking her or something it's just not something that we Kiwis really do but in LA I've noticed that it's women seem more used to just kind of being approached wherever they are but unfortunately I'm really not comfortable kind of doing that on this I'm in like a large social gathering so my question is Steve how do I get the confidence to kind of do that without coming across as some kind of creep you probably probably go how to move back to New Zealand the mansion is can ideally tell me the age of a woman you're looking for ideally about about my age about sort of early early 30 late 20s early 30s late 20s early 30s in that range what type of woman just somebody with a sense of humor mainly yeah yeah you've dated an evil woman before we're no match that day so when a man first what you looking for I need somebody to hardly yeah I understand where you're coming from May he said no sense of humor yeah all laughing have a good time exactly so why don't I do this man so do you live in LA now I do yes I got a visa and everything how about I bring you I swear what do you say you got a visa [Applause] we will edit that out to show a man I'd like to do this why don't I bring you on the show why don't I find you three great candidates on your way out ladies if you would like to be one of those candidates Candice's slyly just slide a note to the producer say I'd like to see if I could get to meet this guy how old are you man I'm 32 what do you do for a living I'm an actor you're an actor yeah okay go so you gonna be who like likes washing leg or somebody yeah one day man one day yeah I think you gonna make it man I thank you very much thank you so we'll do that let's set that up let's have you on the show we'll be right back everybody hey you made it to the end of this video I got a lot more that you're going to enjoy so just click to watch the next one and make sure you subscribe to always know what's happening
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 419,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey
Id: DJpn1cyBSdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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