Ask Steve: I Can't Stop Crying!

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all right Roseanna has a question about a song hi Steve I'm returning to teach elementary school oh and I have you thank you I have this really weird quirk though that I could use your help with every morning we recite the pledge allegiance and then they play the star-spangled banner over the intercom now my problem is is whenever I hear that song I just start to cry and it doesn't matter where I am I just get all choked up or teary-eyed and I just cry when I hear the national anthem so I don't want to embarrass myself I don't make the kids uncomfortable so how can I stop okay can I try pinching myself I'm right okay cool okay you're gonna practice fighting through it can they play it now so all it is is all right it's not really really I can't use Kahala cut Acosta are you serious I don't know they know you're gonna start really crying after the okay cool we'll just fight through it this ain't in front of the kids just sniffle up up with all he'll cut it off cut it off nearly that when you hear that I do it cuz to like you know if our flag was still there and um um so so I keep going to a classroom and crying in front of a little bunch of little kids yeah do you what about the end does the Ian make you cry oh oh my gosh yes the land of the free in the home of the brave I can salute Lee was your father in the military yeah he was in the canadian service but I have here I get it big round head oh here's a mouth as an older but we gonna work this out right now the word let's walk to the park okay I guess I knew you and I were gonna do dude okay oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we oh okay let's change the words oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what the Brown is we were just barely worth eating we got to get up some other way okay now if you make it through that part what's the next teary moment for you um and our flag was still there how about this is and oorah kiss regular they don't do nothing tea bombs bursting in there don't nobody cry about that here let's explosion yes that's the whole set they prove through the night Nana flag wolves to you laughs oh that's the party yes yeah okay let's work on that part and the walkies regular comes for bombs bursting a proof through the night through the night that our flag was still there okay don't say that no more gay whoo through the night the head I wasn't there anyway and all the free and go you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 777,329
Rating: 4.9004006 out of 5
Keywords: steve harvey daytime, Steve, steve, ask steve, tv, humor, harvey, steve harvey show, comedy, steve harvey, funny, Harvey
Id: GIMt_Dwt3lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2014
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