Ask Steve: Thank You Jesus!

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says she and her daughter can't get along hi Steve hi Laura I started an event staffing company 20 me services in part so that I could have my children work along with me make a little money and eventually have a thriving business mmm I cannot get along with my daughter Shameka because we're always arguing about how to promote the business if we should use social media versus face-to-face the traditional way now I know that you have your children working along with you for my kids work I was wondering how do you handle it when you disagree with the way that your children are running your business now you said something your question you said something to the effect that they want to promote social media oh I think it should be more traditional face-to-face well I'm old school so I like the face to face shake your hand gets agreed to people do I go to the biz I promote the business but you can reach far more people with social media true true so why you fighting that because I think I'm the boss and my daughter I hired my daughter so I'm the boss but I do listen but won't see okay you still the boss but don't you hire people who know more than you yes yeah except your daughter is that your daughter yes it is well alright what do you think the problem is um I agree I mean there is you definitely have to have some face to face I understand them but being in the social media world like I've seen people boom their business just on Instagram alone mm-hm so I feel like maybe if we just kind of get the word out there Instagram Facebook Twitter it just like you said it'll just reach firm or people so I don't mean to argue with her but she's not on Instagram so she doesn't know so mommy you don't want your business on Facebook of nothing me I want my business on everything but you know just being mom it's just hard to take direction from my baby girl so well see she's your employee - yes and you gotta figure out if you want to beat a mama or you won't be rich my children bring a different scope to my businesses I got to listen to them because it's a new day I'll really I'm old school - I even have a cell phone in 1977 I even know I read they got cell phones they got phone cameras but you know the mistake I made can tell you a true story I went to 18 t last night because I'm looking for the new iPhone 6 plus and I heard they had one so I figured that my guys couldn't get in because they had a line a two-hour wait I'm a star let me go down here use my star power walk right in I walk right up to that door then the teenage girls say excuse me sir you have to sign the list I said excuse me she said what is your name I said Steve Harvey how you spell Harvey har v ey that's Hardy I said no har ve why oh I thought you said Hrdy I said yes ma'am I said how long how long is this way about two two and a half hours luckily for me this little girl walks back I said thank you Jesus you come right on in mr. Hogg I walk past that little girl then I got nothing to do with your question but it just happened to me last night and I just wanted to tell it so thank you for coming
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 968,462
Rating: 4.9315481 out of 5
Keywords: ask steve, tv, iphone, harvey, Harvey, iphone 6, Apple, steve, steve harvey daytime, Jesus Christ (Deity), Steve, steve harvey show, comedy, humor, funny, steve harvey
Id: SxdERerb6YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 20 2014
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