Asia's SCARIEST FOOD & Where to Find It! (Full 2018 Wrap Up, Best Collab, Most Unique Food and More)

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good morning everybody and welcome to the first annual best awards for 2018 in this video we are going to recap this insane year plus find out the best collab best local guide most unique food and so much more this was an incredible year of growth you know people ask like why do we go to certain countries or certain places again and again as this channel grows gets a bigger audience gets more views we're able to go out more to far-off places to flip in Madagascar check out this kid Sal a lot huh that's incredible this next year 2019 we're really looking forward to getting out of our comfort zone even out of Asia we have a lot of surprises coming and I can't wait for it but 2018 was a huge year of growth perfecting our craft getting better at learning how to tell stories around culture and food and I'm so thankful that so many of you watched and are interested in our mission here to hunt down and document the most interesting foods from around the world but enough of that let's get into the categories for the beste Awards of 2018 category one best collabo the nominees are held in lay of Helens recipes we will eat a lot of special food only dedicated for this special occasion TJ Lee of cup of TJ she's been doing this for 40 to 50 years she's got this down she makes me feel like I could do it one day maybe maybe not Erwin you soft together we took on hamburgers in Manila so we're gonna see what we can get for less than 50 cents right here at burger machine again I'm pretty sure BuzzFeed of this like many times and finally mark Wiens of migration ology mark Wiens is the winner with the 50.7% of your votes congratulations to mark we're gonna send you out a windbreaker I know it's a big moment for you thank you to all of you I love meeting other youtubers in the space picking your brain talking about YouTube it's a lot of fun category - best local guide the nominees are many of the read young people how do you say cheers zone Cheers yes Michael in North Sulawesi will be under the rad party oh it's like a rear thigh I'm just gonna try to peel the meat off of there well you just do handsy am i offending the local people quite a bit hi look at these kids they're just hanging out it's where they live that's her house right there Harshit done in jodpur india different places have different stuffing please people I the mashed potatoes boil booted V from Saigon Vietnam you just host my show for me already I just wanna eat ok guys so we have here two bit of a bowl of tapioca noodle and Pech of Bangkok Thailand have you seen our fish heads before the week one oh that's a huge fish head and with 33% of the vote the winner for best local guide is V from Saigon I usually don't trust me but when there's a local here telling me it's good food that I know it's good food congratulations V we're gonna send you out a windbreaker we don't have any windbreaker the next category is for most unique food and the nominees are Indian fire pond in New Delhi India it's lighting a fire on Seavers crocodile latrone into vow Philippines taking off the hindquarter to eat the pole the crocodile pulse is so gnarly crocodile arm the back wall like the back leg Thai jumping shrimp and Chiang Mai Thailand sorry oh I missed it Oh got it dal baati in Rajasthan India are you sneeze with no oven available we're using the next best heat source burned cow dung and no I am not joking around it is now time to dust it off this is how they're getting all the ash on the ash and whatever that is nifty I'm gonna break it open oh it's so hot oh wow and last bubble in soup in dalat vietnam this buffalo skin it's like an inch thick it's dry it's super tough and he's putting it in the fire and he's gonna keep doing this for like an hour and the whole process is meant to kind of soften it the buffalo skin has been boiling in a veggie stew with a savory broth and it's finally become soft enough to eat this is quite amazing because this is the buffalo skin and the winner for most unique food with over 42% of the vote is Duvall Crockett outlet shown ripping off this other piece of skin here from the hand let's just jump into it Cheers I'm a hundred percent sure that people carefully thought about each category at each food and they did not just go vote for their own country's food so thank you for that after the most unique food we move on to the most scariest food of 2018 and the nominees are fried dung beetles in northern Thailand they find some back in the Buffalo booth and what do they do with the bug him this one is like a freaking June bug all my dear Lord freshly roasted bugs first of all do you have any ranch dipping sauce oh the whole thing okay it has a gooey inside I'll tell you that crunchy on the outside it is gooey on the inside time we lock in the Philippines the woodworm that lives in wood oh it's so it's slimy but the skin feels kind of thick it's like a foot long that is the mouth that looks bizarre one two three oh no gun next worm pancakes in Hanoi Vietnam that is really exciting and there look guys they're all so excited these worms in this cake look like a little fossils I thought everything was gonna be mushed up like a hamburger worm cake next Rob pig's blood soup in northern Thailand they first clean it and remove any gamy flavors by squeezing it with a bundle of lemongrass add deep-fried pork skin fried garlic shallots opals and pickled garlic juice oh it is chunky wow it's actually good finally bat meat in North Sulawesi after ensuring our bats are fresh they get it quick back oh can you see the teeth oh just getting in the gums in with the bat oh it's not putting any oil yet because this is the natural way to actually cook it after the bat she tosses in green onions herbs including basil lemon grass and pandan leaf cooked for 30 minutes and you'll have the favorite local treat ready did you know you could take rabies shots that prevent you from getting rabies I didn't know that I just almost got rabies instead by eating bad in Indonesia did I get rabies nah I'm still here winning the scariest food for 2018 with over 31 percent of the vote raw blood soup in northern Thailand this is the most dangerous food I've ever eaten but it tastes pretty good next category best spicy food reaction 2018 was also a year of taking on insane spicy food challenges from around the world first up ghost peppers in Delhi India what is the best way to eat this the best way is the in company today's ghost pepper chutney includes five peppers each is roasted than their ground up with some salt I just scoop this up I looked at the owner and she just won Cheers oh I'm on the precipice of going down the rollercoaster of spice Oh the heat is building me but it's not stopping it won't stop oh I do have a tums no you can't cheat next level five sub-block in Jakarta Indonesia that's all for one Bowl oh my god you're gonna regret this so much mmm it's really yummy though I don't think that's how I see okay yeah why are you asking me that don't my face depicts a warrior brave and unfazed at this very moment my insides are being ripped apart by this level five spice next level three spicy ramen in Seoul South Korea I taste the chili because cutlet is like hmm I can't even subtitle that Rydia join me as we both suffered almost died and then ran to the bathroom holding our butts this is what Satan's toilet looks like after finally spicy horseshoe crab egg salad in Bangkok Thailand after I eat this I'm gonna be running and screaming do it alright this is like the normal version it's so hot and the winner for best spicy food reaction of 2018 with over 31 percent of the vote is ghost peppers in India look good it's not the world's hottest chili but it's the world's hottest chili that God made I don't want to eat the one made by men cuz that is blasphemy and it sounds painful next is the category for most awkward moment now we all know the show really isn't about the food or the culture it's about how awkward and and how not normal I am and how I don't know how to interact with people properly moment one handing shovel instead of hand shaking I think I need some guidance today amen are you doing this is your next awkward moment not cheersing with jum with the worm pancake Cheers worm cake Cheers worm cake the next moment Indian man tells me to be quiet what's making it so crispy half of this thing is just huh just eat and enjoy it alright well now I feel self-conscious about reviewing this food that guy told me to pipe down a little bit so what's making a really crispity crunchity is this is all of trisys guys it's a puffed rice that a lot of sauce and chutney on shaved you gram flour on top which is punchy to the onion has a nice crunch it's a texture sensation can you see that I'm reviewing it next moment kid accidentally gives middle finger at the end of video oh no next Kevin doesn't think I'm funny from Jakarta Indonesia your show is funny but sometimes like you just trying it to look funny well actually you just let it go okay just let it go and the winner for most awkward moment of 2018 with over 31 percent of the vote is Kevin doesn't think that Sonny is funny Kevin congratulations you think I'm too much [Music] next category most mouth-watering meat of 2018 meat number one seafood stuffed latrone indigos Philippines it's so interesting seeing shrimps inside arrange the crabs we're gonna blow it up yes oh god the crap being boiled alive inside of a pig that's a unique way to go meet 266 pounds of seafood in saigon vietnam ladies and gentlemen I present to you the 30 kilogram seafood boat challenge next meet desert lamb cooked underground it's not even burnt all the way through the gunnysack who day removes the wire burlap sack and leaves leaving us now with just the moment of truth Cheers mmm that is so delicious next meet $600 Korean barbecue people would go on than me guys this was completely unexpected they have an edible gold not that last meat Mountain beef noodles in Taipei Taiwan I love it I know I'm like scared to touch it because it's so beautiful it was huge amount of meat what's really interesting is with some of these parts like for example the trip' are you talking about it's not just that it's tripe it's like a special section of the tripe and from each cow they can cut just this small piece of the tripe it's like the most fatty delicious piece of the cow's stomach and the winner of most mouth-watering meat of 2018 with over 29 percent of your votes is the 66 pound seafood boat challenge I could watch him eat see hi I'm sorry I could not watch him eat seafood allgäu it's disgusting one minute you got one minute I need you to eat 5 kilograms of food I'm eating 10 it's not pretty back here man now we're about to get a little more serious as we discuss the most enlightening video of 2018 but stick around because we're also gonna be talking about best balls soon first the golden temple of Amritsar India you are standing on a deck this which is a land of Buddha heads which is a land of code Oh that'd be sad off that court the recipe from God himself thank you so much such an honor to learn more no matter your religion income gender nationality as long as you are a human with a beating heart you may come here sit shoulder to shoulder with others and enjoy this meal at no cost the second nominee Toma hone market the Khan of normal here may be very different from your own but I'm not traveling here to condemn the local way of life I'm here to learn more about the Meena Hasan people of north sulawesi tomone market revealed a side of Indonesia Asia or maybe even the world that made a lot of people uncomfortable we did our best to cover this difficult topic in an even balanced unbiased way and I'm really proud of the job my team did next for most enlightening May of the read young people in my culture if I want to get nervous my parents are concise will help me but I don't like that I don't want to get nervous not only but if you're looking for a guy do you care about if you can build a house what do you what do you care about that's not me I think if I can fight the guys and I love him I could get nervous with him maybe I want to chat a little bit for my culture yes so maybe just find a nice guy yes someone you really like yes lastly our Anthony Bourdain tribute after we learned of Anthony Bourdain's passing we wanted to make a tribute video that showed the huge impact he had on the people of Saigon Vietnam [Music] [Music] the winner of most enlightening video with over 37 percent of the votes is the anthony bourdain tribute seeing the real-life impact Anthony Bourdain had here is nothing short of touch [Music] since that time she's published her own book giving away all her recipes and droves of curious travelers and hungry locals still stop by between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day just don't come late because when it's gone it's gone that video was really close to our hearts we put a lot of time and work into it and I hope you guys enjoyed it there are two categories remaining the next category is the best episode of 2018 and the nominees are cooking dal baati for schoolchildren in Rajasthan India the children finally arrived and they are hungry luckily we've finished preparing all the food just in time the Anthony Bourdain tribute will see how time and Bourdain's impact have changed these places over the last nine years village bat hunting and eating bat soup oh my god sounds like a baby crying well I don't really have anything to say he just he just he just bit the Yak exotic Indian food tour in Mumbai India yes did you see there was a little bit of milk maybe I need Vaseline you guys have vessel een whoa oh I thought one of these nipples was broken it's just me and hunting down filipino wood worms in Palawan philippines palawan is that right we're in have boots we're going off trail with bare feet it sucks so right now he's taking off one mouthpiece and he kind of slid it open and cleaned out the poop from inside he dumped it in the in what I call a Giardia bisque is he gonna eat it now yeah come okay any of it and the winner for best episode of 2018 with over 39 percent of the votes is again the Anthony Bourdain tribute so again thank you so much to all of you who watch that video and enjoy that video he took the time to appreciate every nuance of this beautiful country and he adored Viet Nam for exactly what it is along the way he made an impact that for some will the lifetime the best ever food of you show prides itself on being a ball friendly show and so in these awards we wanted to leave a small slot for the best balls of 2018 nominee one for best balls goat ball saute in Jakarta Indonesia I'm here for a special item that you have to order at least one day in advance it's called torpedo so defend are you like what is it is minutes balls man ball to Indian dessert balls aka ladoo enjoyed for India then they pile on roasted almonds and Rose syrup mix it up follow it up then even more Rose syrup and actual dry rose petals finally it's garnished with pistachio flakes and ready to eat which is my favorite part is allowing me involved yeah do people ever say like you don't have the lot do is to mess with me does anyone say that I know that guys got quite a lot duties finally fill the pea no fish balls in Davao Philippines so here in falls of the fish I like every time I go to the Philippines I try to find some balls to put in my mouth so this is sorry Kai some I'm kind of nervous this is like the biggest one for me the one I care about the most the winner with over 35 percent of the votes for best balls of 2018 is Filipino fish balls so guys that was 2018 thank you so much for the support 2019 is going to be actually insane 2018 compared to 2019 it's gonna be like we have a lot of surprises in the bank for you one we're getting out of Asia exempt Exhibit A we're gonna be going to North America or in Africa already we're gonna really push our limits to see how far we can go hopefully seeing a lot of countries and showing you a lot of foods that no one has ever seen or documented before we're also hoping for a big step up in quality in our videos unfortunately that does not mean a better host is still going to be me but we're going to 4k means four times a resolution in each video that means four times the broth dribble going down my chin as I eat are you guys excited for that I want to take a moment to thank all all the local guides from every country we went to and we've met so many amazing chefs cooks restaurant tours from people making little to sent food to people making like food that cost hundreds of dollars but honestly I love each side I love everything in between and finally one trip one trip has been a huge sponsor for this channel they've worked with me I've worked with them since I had like 17,000 subscribers it's a great symbiosis I love what they're doing they're putting on the best experiences in Vietnam for travellers who want to make the most of their time and get really close to the culture it's a mission I fully support and they're supporting us and everything we're doing - I want to thank my team our team really expanded this year from about three people to like seven now and it's going to keep growing really our mission is just to make the most damn interesting videos for you guys we really just want to entertain you show you things that you haven't seen before and do it in a fun way thank you so much for watching be sure to subscribe if you want to see more 2019 it's gonna be crazy it's that kid here do they want to say peace with me they don't they do not actually a peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 927,010
Rating: 4.903141 out of 5
Keywords: asia food, strange food, bizarre foods, best ever food review show, sonny side, philippines food, asian street food, vietnam food, indian food, indian street food, Philippines street food
Id: d4mhb75iifU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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