Can You Eat That?? World’s STRANGEST Animal Organ Dishes!! | Full Series (Sonny & Calvin)

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what do you what do you what do you do with it you grab it what the really in the world of butcher shops and meat markets some tasty animal parts get overlooked whatever you eat makes you do that if you eat a brain you'll be smarter ah this series is an homage to the offcuts body parts that in the west get thrown in the trash what kind of a what kind of dog is this [Music] [Applause] in this video it's all about animal heads i don't know about you i grew up in the usa for 24 years i don't think i ever ate an animal head you thought about hot dogs ah then yes i did there you go today we're taking on a new culinary mission showing that the unlikely is to proteins have the power and the potential to rise above it doesn't work that much compared to the other parts of the animal so you do get a lot of great grazing meat in the face foods four chefs cooking up something that's not just tolerable but crave worthy and delicious so how will they do it let's find out since leaving the usa i've head ahead quite a few times i've had it in the philippines even when i was in iran there's a lot of good head meat out there i had it last night that's a bit too adult for our audience how dare you my dad my eating partner for this entire nose-to-tail dining series calvin last time we got busy devouring four types of animal testicles today we're at it again as a chef what do you think is good or redeemable about animal head i love edible head i love the jowl i love the cheek bone the eyes are great to suck out of the skull is that you being for real though i mean for real you ready to do this let's do this let's do this let's go yeah let's go don't just okay let's go i'll go with you today we start by heading out to here a syrian restaurant run by this man chef bought it put her there with computers i think i ruined your rubber gloves is that change yeah it's been seven years since he lived in syria now he started a new chapter here in vietnam did you shake his hand yeah no that's the thing should we change it okay all right you speak arabic yeah speak a bit of english yeah and vietnamese too yes you do nothing's good huh wow [Music] what are you guys talking about this sheep heads right here are three musketeers in the u.s head meat would normally find its way into a non-distinct ground-up meat glue or it might even get tossed out completely but for folks in syria absolutely nothing goes to waste what is it about the head in particular that you like the tongue in iran i tried a very similar dish known as kalepache meaning head and hooves is there any special occasion where people would eat this i mean is this like a wedding food or valentine's day yeah that nikina moon and and very powerful power hold on fairy power i know power but a syrian version of this dish must be stewed in a pot for five hours with a seven spice blend what kind of power i can get all my shopping done to run a marathon i can satisfy my lover including bay leaves cinnamon dried lime clove pepper nutmeg and ginger nuts when the heads are served and they are served whole they're eaten with pita bread veggies and the chef's good intentions you ready for power i think i helped calvin let's go i thought maybe just two would have been enough five heads five of the hooves too the chef did tell us all the meat is gonna like drop from the bottom oh that's an ear i thought that was a ponton leaf it's kind of stretchy like a duck foot almost i'm ready all right [Music] texture is really nice the flavors the spices the spices are fantastic i mean it's just wonderful flavors of the middle east sure wow this is nuts this is like an anatomy class yeah i can just peel off this cheese look at that insanely fatty soft tender cuts of meat bread the bread is crafted in-house made from wheat flour and baked up at a high temperature this is called pita bread make a little sandwich hit the garlic sauce cheers that's crazy good the bread gives it a little bit of balance nice infusion of flavor with the garlic sauce here it's like the wagyu of sheep the wagyu of sheep it's so tender this is his favorite the tongue it's warm it's soft i think we should just bite the tongue in half ready all right [Music] one mmm freaking amazing it's really delicious really delicious my mind is blowing and um his mind is blown too uh oh through the back you go out the back of the head with a button oh you peel the skull back and that's the brain it is not that big i'm gonna put some on this pita there we go a little bit of lemon [Music] it changes the flavors with the lemon and the garlic sauce it really amplifies the gaminess and i thought it would taste pretty good but i didn't think it would taste like this good this is one of the best dishes i've had all year long all right fantastic a good start first head location very good 10 out of 10. let's see what the rest have in store can't wait to step up our head-eating game calvin and i are headed to a one-of-a-kind vendor [Applause] a place selling the highest quality fried animal parts at a very affordable price [Music] in ciao how are you doing hi hello she's doing well miss you was here before any of these buildings existed how long have you been here she started selling her 20s and now she's 75. holy cow food is all pre-cooked so folks can pull up grab it and go you're serving chicken you're serving tuck we're just here for the head but why is that even on the menu economical a chicken head will be 5 000 but a chicken thigh would be 25 000. upon request she'll give them a chop and bring them back to life with a few more minutes of frying calvin sunny i bought you this so you could go duck yourself food here is usually just takeout yeah this is not actually a restaurant right here we're just sitting at a table oh yeah we're just on the sidewalk yeah so all this has just been fried that's it raised and fried raisin fried cheers cheers all right smells up i like your spicy pie spice it's a prevalent spicer yes exactly here so this is fun the tongue on a duck actually has two bones that go way back when you pull it out it's gonna rip out these two bones as well oh that's good it's got some kind of fun chew to it it's fatty but leathery like eating a juicy well-spiced duck wallet here on this plate this is the top of the head i believe here when you open it up duck brain suffering duck brain i'm gonna scoop my finger in there it's a duck brain [Music] that flavor is special it has a fog raw texture to it that's right my overall take on the duck head i could see this as a drinking food sure it's not really like a sunday brunch food no it's not uh next to the egg's the counter right i love that she found a recipe she found something that works and she's like i'm just gonna stick with this because it's working long time real long time real long time real harry put it there harry ang was a professional builder in singapore you just told me when we walk in here we're in singapore yes 20 years ago he retired and moved here to vietnam what do you like living in vietnam compared to singapore very relaxed i can say and i found my the other half here but he still had one problem one demand the current market couldn't meet during 2006 i couldn't find the real singapore taste that i missed so i opened a restaurant just to make sure i have the taste that's awesome that's amazing now he has seven restaurants across vietnam and malaysia one of their standout dishes this singaporean chili crab but we're not here for that is it heavy oh it's about 2.2 kilo can you hold it there for 20 minutes it doesn't hurt me today's heady lunch is known as fish head curry featuring red snapper can you point to the parts of the head that you like oh actually tell me where to point yes the cheek okay i'll point to the cheek first fry onion and curry leaves where should i point next the ice i don't want to do that then add curry paste the fish head and cook until it's cooked there's an eyeball here it looks like it has a little bit of glaucoma there's something they say is that when you eat the fish eye you have a better eyesight ah but aren't you wearing glasses yeah now remove the head then cook okra and eggplant in the curry sauce fish head was uh invented by the indians and before that fish did not have heads not at all club around aimlessly never exist add coconut cream and cornstarch before putting the head back in its new home why are you using the head and not other more meaty parts of the fish many people doesn't know how to eat the head because they fill with bones but they are wrong oh they are very wrong a couple things i noticed right away in here the styling it's really that crazy rich asian meanwhile here one of the most humble ingredients you could find anywhere just the fish head so when he said head i thought it would be that part of the region head and neck yeah at some point you know the neck becomes the body becomes the knee they still have ankles and then they have a back fin it's a lot more of the fish than i thought yeah i'm gonna just scoop this whole big bad boy on my plate first we should try some of this curry out cheers whoa that's amazing rich deep ends spicy pretty intense here's some roti oh it's gonna be so good this bread is so dense putting some fish in there some curry ready here we go [Music] wow the meat itself is super flaky you kind of just push it with your tongue and it fans apart and breaks down so he said first we should dig into the cheek oh there it is right there this bite looks amazing it's got some skin some fat and some protein full of this collagen oh delicious now he said the eye now he said the eye i don't love eating eyes it's not my favorite thing you sure this is good he said it's awesome yeah all right eyeballs eyeballs there's a soft orbital socket and then there's a small hard kind of bone what do you think about the flavor yeah so that texture threw me off that was a little weird the flavor is probably fine it's just in my head i'm like oh it's an eyeball i mean it's just gooey final thoughts about fish head curry first of all you need a big fish you doing a big fish next you got to be patient true it's not going to be like a big fat filet you got to kind of work with it yeah you know you got to you got to lastly cheek meat is the best meat there's two bites of cheek if you're me next time i try to get them both in southeast asia when the sun finally retires for the day the people come out to play you'll find the masses eating and drinking at thousands of spots around the city spots like this a place where you'll find a dynamic cross-section of society who all have one thing in common the love of good ass food calvin and i are some such people sir put it there everything we've done today is built up to this moment our final destination hey head what is your favorite head dish pick your salad pick your salad salad [Music] pork cheeks steamed pork cheeks grill and pork cheek stir-fried with mustard greens lots of ways to make the pork cheese today we're going to try two pig headed specialty ear salad never have i had a salad just completely made of pig ears how does this work so takes the ear and he boils it then he slices it thin mixes it with vietnamese herb peanuts and then he makes a salad that sounds damn good actually much better than caesar salad our final dish pork cheek though instead of carefully removing the tender jowl the entire jaw is also included it's marinated with garlic lemongrass and chilies then using the oldest cooking method known to man it's roasted over hot coals until it's perfect with any meal you usually want to start with the salad the appetizer so in vietnam sometimes you'll find these kind of thin slices in a spring roll yeah the cartilage is in there right the ear itself is very gelatinous it's almost like biting into remember those jello molds with little fruit in there not like this all right let's try it out right cheers really crunchy the skin is a little more gooey and chewy and then that cartilage is just super hard but there's no really distinct flavor coming off of it i mean we did have some sheep ears but these ears are just a completely different world good right good news i've had i know over here [Music] what do you what do you what do you do with it you grab it what the really yeah are asian people just like really good at an enemy yes oh that looks fantastic it can kind of just peel right off the bow end this is a great bite ready ready cheers oh all right a tough battle today between sheep and pig is true literally going head-to-head the cheek meat is the perfect blend of fat and protein it's like tender but not overly soft oh whoa dude that is the bite of the century look at that it's so tender it's unapologetically piggy yeah oh oh wait is this an eye yeah we are so in luck right now doesn't feel that lucky that's an eyeball oh no oh yes it looks like it's got cataracts people eat this in vietnam right all the time really yeah this series is about not wasting anything notice the tail let's do it contact lens it may not be as good as the cheek but it does have its own special characteristics to it yeah it's like that guy in high school who's nice but no one will date like you last time we discovered tasty heads wow this is nuts this is like an anatomy class and now it's all about tails this isn't even something americans could be freaked out by because they wouldn't even know where to start nobody's sitting at home making memes about animal tail foods until today until today joining me today california native and esteemed taco chef calvin xin chao em how you doin oh you are tall how tall are you a meter fifty almost as tall as you i know with a little bit of help meet the very sweet and the vertically challenged miss home owner of this here food stall the street side eatery that sells over 175 pounds of pork per day your height has absolutely nothing to do with what we're here for today today is all about animal tales and you are serving some animal tales here the pigtail what is this dish she simmers the tail for two hours and that makes it tender and juicy then she adds it with a copious amount of special noodles which gives you today's magic dish pigtail noodles it starts with blanched thick rice noodles oh is it the one in the picture no what's that huh chopped into medallions out of all the delicious and yummy pig parts that we all love why the tail in our case they've even included some whole tails thoughtful oh she goes nose and tail on her dishes but the tail has the best flavor she says then scallions fried shallots and finally the broth [Music] the color of the tail itself is a little disconcerting i mean it looks like a cadaver right can i be honest with you i am not looking forward to this dish really yes but this whole series is about proving to people that these off cuts can be truly yummy which i think after eating this i might change my mind okay i hope can we try this broth first yes you can oh a lot of flavor comes from the fried shell is that what makes it a little bit sweet you see them floating around all over the place let's try these noodles we're working our way up to the tail yes we are all right that's a good noodle that's a good noodle i'm changing my mind right now the broth is great the noodle is great how could the tail not be great now usually people are just going to eat these thin slices but we have big fat tails i mean yours has a nice arc to it very desirable this one is chipper like a puppy that's happy to see you oh let's go for it okay here we go that's pretty good changed my whole mindset for two hours she cooked this and it got to the silky savory consistency it's got a little bit of protein fat and then thick skin so the ratio of textures is interesting it's like a rolo but with bones in the middle bolo molo today we're gonna be witness to some recipes neither of us have ever seen before but here pigtail it's a great start i'm feeling very optimistic i'm pumped i'm pumped i'm pulled i'm pumped i'm pumped i'm very pumped i got the last word though oh look who's that pot our second tail dish brings us all the way to spain gentlemen cheers cheers cheers well at least to a spanish restaurant serving traditional spanish foods sangria it tastes like spain it tastes like apples and oranges yeah from spain cooking for us today chef toronto thank you for being here today he acquired his cooking skills in spain and a colder version of spain known as canada right now we're doing a series that's focusing on nose to tail dining this episode today is focusing just on animal tales so far we've had pigtails here we're gonna have oxtail but can you even think of any other animal tails that could be eaten period i would say horse thing horse tail i think you can make a violin bow out of a horse tail i don't know if you can make food out of it but not think of anything it's a tough category because there's not a lot of edible tails out there but one of the most famous edible tail dishes out there is the oxtail soup did you grow up with oxtail soup it is a very common dish in this thing linked to bull fighting history so you go around any city with a bull fighting plaza so you can find them there very easy and they're amazing you went to canada yes so i'm curious do you notice a big difference between the types of meat people are willing to eat in spain versus north america totally there are some cats that you help people in north america that they don't even know what is that they're evolving i'm not saying that it's not us not involved just remember mcdonald's started in america yeah most of the world outside the usa and canada does eat nose to tail so i can't figure out why this hasn't caught on as a mainstream trend in my own country food distribution in america it's a very big box business it takes a lot of time for these companies to pull out those pieces so they much rather just get the prime cuts throw the rest into the mincer and say hey i can get more product per hour that's an old school butchering where you go in and you get different cuts from different muscle parts i think he solved the mystery damn that made me hungry i'll starve you let's eat some oxtails too off the tail still start by dicing onions carrots and celery then the tail cut it at the joints those get seared on high heat to lock in the flavor then add in the diced veggies then the tail add tomato sauce rosemary red wine and water cook that for four hours until the oxtail reaches a fall off the bone level of softness it looks beautiful it smells phenomenal i could understand someone hearing ox tail soup for the first time being confused and possibly put off but when you just see it just looks fantastic it looks like braised morsels of goodness we just had the pork and of course that was cooked for a couple hours but it wasn't nearly as tender as this i mean this is like coming off the bone revealing the vertebrae oh look at that cheers i just went to heaven right now really good the sauce is glistening i mean do you see how sheen it is it looks fantastic the tail is tough it's untenable and so it needs time and it needs love and after four hours of raising all this connective tissue has just kind of melted down into the meat and it creates like this wonderful sticky texture it's one of the most satisfying beef products i've had in a long time when people think of eating animal tails this is usually the first thing that comes to mind there's a reason for that it's legendary it's delicious you just have to be a little patient and know how to prepare it properly yeah food takes time and love takes time food is love that's right before we can try the biggest tale you'll find in vietnam we need something else to compare it to so we've come here to get a little filipino tale mr dodong sir put her there how are you doing meet mr delong he comes from cebu in the philippines how do you say hello in tagalog you say hello hello hello hello hello hello this restaurant specializes in all things chicken roasted and prepared the filipino way how do you say chicken ass chicken food well that's what we're here for today chickens do they have a tail in the ass of the chicken you can see that you know really tiny yeah a tail of any size is a tail the chicken butt what is good about that the way when you eat this something that's different from regular body so it's some variety yeah yes i grew up in the usa i didn't come across any butts of chickens my whole life do you think americans are missing out should we be eating more buns yes i think so all right sir i'm excited to try your ass let's do it thank you thank you so much mr chicken's chicken butts are cleaned and marinated in their super secret distinctly orange marinade and grilled for only a couple of minutes more secret marinade and serve and okay here we are so here it's been grilled he's put his own signature sauce on top what do you think is in here i think there's gonna be a bone he said it's boneless well he said just eat the whole thing all right what she said she said enjoy your meal oh that's nice it's not even her food i'm gonna take a bite very cautiously i'm afraid there's something hard in there but let's see cheers just kidding it is so fatty yeah very rich fog raw is similar in that richness so when you eat fog raw it just melts in your mouth this melts in your mouth in a different way in a more aggressive hostile might i say violent way there is some bone in there but it's soft enough you can like chew and kind of crack it up and get through it not a big deal i've had the chicken butt before in cebu the land from which he hails and it was much bigger and not cooked down as much as this so i don't know how long he's grilled it for but it's been long enough to kind of make it soft you know you can just eat the whole thing chickens have one butt this took a family of chickens that's tough to think about huh it's like 20 chickens right here we lost 20 bucks today you're behind me finally it's time to eat one of the biggest tales you'll find anywhere [Music] for that we've come here a crocodile farm that has over 5 000 of these meat eating reptiles right now we're at the crocodile farm we're about to enter the crocodile cage and he's gonna help protect me luckily he has a big is this a sword oh it's just a stick it's a piece of wood crocodiles hate wood right right okay let's go i've encountered crocodiles in the philippines can i kiss him yeah oh my god in cuba we don't know and even this tube-shaped crocodile in florida no no no they might look slow and docile but they can be incredibly quick sprinting your way is freaking huge and taking a bite out of your thigh before you know it biting down with the force of a t-rex it's one of the most dangerous predators in the world i was right behind you all right you cleared them all yeah all right next time can i get a piece of wood too tom what's up my man meet my protector his name is mr todd the crocodile slayer oh never mind he said we can't call him that so we cleared all the crocodiles and now we can be here have a civil conversation with a little bit of danger is this a species that's native to vietnam this is indigenous to them kevin do you think that by talking more softly the crocodiles won't hear you i don't know but they might how many people die a month here yes yes yes five how long has there been a crocodile farm here how they mothered in 2003 he started with just two now they have five thousand that's a lot alligators are sold for not only their skin but the vietnamese now use the alligator bones to cure bone ailments ah look at covert health [Music] start by removing the tailbone [Music] the trick is to avoid all the fat so you don't get that gamy crocodile taste if you're out of crocodile powder season with chicken powder when you give me and throw it on the grill before this croc feeds us it's only fair that we also feed the crocs here i've got a chicken head on a stick they said don't put your hands out because it will bite off your hands [Music] i don't know if i like this idea that much do it for youtube [Laughter] i have the manliest scream after 30 minutes it gets coated with their homemade marinade [Music] fight it do they're so fast i know and back to the grill it goes i don't know how you win this game mainly by keeping all your limbs oh my god that bite is vicious finally it's scissored down to manageable pieces and that's it it's ready to eat sorry guys no more chicken hedge we're gonna need some crocodile tail a few i never mind that's awkward should we go eat we should let's go it's ginormous i've never had this before i have a few concerns on what this is going to taste like i'm not that concerned because the chef looked super confident he used a subway mayonnaise knife to play this they also eat the skin but i think we should eat the meat first and kind of work our way up to that when you look at a piece of pork you can't hold the skin of the pork the way you can do with the crocodile it's like string cheese the way you can peel the meat back you know that crocodile it's in this murky dark dirty looking water but then the meat is so pure and white i was gonna say supreme i need to stop saying in this climate it's not appropriate yes it is the meat is so white and privileged enough talking cheers [Music] for an animal that uses this muscle consistently to get through the water this has to be the most tender piece of meat i've had a long time and for being super lean it's quite moist there's certainly some porky notes in there i think it's something between pork and a fish that tastes like chicken i think that's what crocodiles are we're on the same page here we have the very tip of the tail we built up to this moment all right crocodile skin let's go for it [Music] it doesn't have a lot of taste to it not at all it is thick it's very chewy super chewy hard to get through almost like a gummy worm a fishy gummy bear yes overall very pleased in the world of animal eatery some tasty body parts get overlooked these look like hard-boiled eggs but these are definitely the testicles they're not testicles are they really yeah in this video it's all about the stomachs i remember growing up i would go to the grocery store and there would just be one little tiny section of beef tripe it looked so bizarre i made note of it and i thought if i ever make a career in the future of reviewing odd foods i'll talk about this joining me again today vietnamese american taco connoisseur calvin our first stomach of the day dates far back in chinese history before cookbooks or even tick tock calvin this is guan he is the owner and chef he speaks chinese this is num she speaks chinese and vietnamese you are you you speak vietnamese and english i speak english can you tell us about what we're eating today yeah i knew that because our video is stomach related maybe we could ask what animal is it from and how do they prepare it this is the thanksgiving special okay it is a stomach of a pig stuck inside a chicken oh wait are you sure maybe the chicken's in the pig yeah why would you put a stomach inside of a chicken i thought about turkey i thought about thanksgiving i thought you're turkey it's a darkened oh like when they take a turkey in a dirk chicken he loves that jug the preparation starts with the chicken being stuffed with a variety of traditional medicinal herbs that's eight things he just said this stuffed chicken is then also stuffed inside a pig stomach this strange looking sack is simmered for four hours with caterpillar fungus and barley seeds this combination of pig stomach and chicken is believed to bring great health benefits to women after giving birth sounds perfect for me pretty much this is the universal sign for eating right okay we should go that's a stomach it's been stretched out it's like elastic we need to cut it up this bizarre cooking method has an even more bizarre name reincarnation of the phoenix it was first made by the hakka people and grew in popularity in the chinese province of guangdong the chicken itself i mean it comes out just super tender soft the joints just break apart like nothing come on you're embarrassing me before we try the meat you always try the broth first oh yeah cheers [Music] you just taste that love the chef put into it deep flavorful rich the umami factor is just wow but everything is so well balanced it's like an orchestra instead of instruments they all had a bowl of this chinese soup try some beets cheers it's soft tender sticky it's a pretty mild flavor to the chicken we still need to build up to the main event right here on the outside it looks like canned and leathery on the inside it's kind of fatty just a whole different layer [Music] this is one of the best stomachs i've ever had but it is really soft though the stomach has really been cooked down so it's not really bouncing back as a bite but it is really smooth pink stomach can be really wild but he's completely tamed it i think the chef's idea was to really show the natural flavor of each ingredient and usually when people do that they don't do anything he's done a lot here but balanced it well i'm going to guess we don't find anything this often there's honestly no point for you to keep watching and this would be a good time to kind of get out watch something from mr beast or pewdiepie all right bye guys [Music] put her there i just assume we all have fishy hands i know calvin does i always have fish mr tin is the head chef of tuilin restaurant he is the s-h-i-t they're considered one of the best fish restaurants in hanoi i saw you have a tank downstairs they have a lot of really fresh fish here they specialize in crystal-eyed catfish what was that he's happy to be on the show crystal-eyed catfish it's among the most popular fish eaten in vietnamese cuisine you felt that it's famous for its sweet and tender meat but what about a fish stomach it's a long stomach this is intestines leading to the stomach oh okay that is the stomach and that is intestine what is your approach are you putting a chicken in the stomach maybe a pigeon gonna stir fry to be crispy do we just throw this in the trash of course not i was joking guys calm down the remaining fish is made into two dishes that will accompany our stomach first blanched fish fillet mixed with onion shallots and parsley in a spicy sauce second seasoned filet coated with toasted rice powder and deep fry can you guess which dish is the stomach calvin if i had to guess it would be this one yeah that's right okay anti-climactic i think we could build up maybe you have a fried piece and then i'll have one of these and we can describe it at the same time and we're really being efficient actually [Music] so this one's sour fried it's medium it has salt and pepper almost eating a shrimp it's almost like the skins [Music] this is what we're here for fish stomach and a bit of intestine too cleaned with salt to remove any fishy smell this long organ is then chopped into pieces and the taste is elevated with one of vietnam's most powerful flavor enhancers m s g also don't forget some fish sauce and spice paste mix them up well now fire that stomach off toss in pickled mustard greens then dill and chili give it a stir and serve when you hold it up it all oh you got the wrong one there what i think that's a flower oh yeah you're right my bad so calvin this is the intestine from the catfish utilized beautifully here let's try it out the texture is like rubbery like a rubber band that word rubbery in the u.s gets a bad rap but you know seafood it's allowed to be rubbery and still delicious because they cooked it perfectly they really kept the texture the natural texture of the intestines i'm going to mix it with these greens all right that dill and microbessel green really brings this freshness to the dish so far this is the best dish i've had today but is it as creative they didn't put any chicken inside of it they could have put like a small quail maybe inside common card please put a small quail next time in our fish [Music] this journey has led us to an unexpected place a czech restaurant with a 70 year old owner who looks like 50. you look great dude you got more hair than me what's going on he has no bald spot he pretended to look at something when he was showing it's all filled in mr nint spent nearly half his life in the czech republic five years ago when he returned to his hometown in hanoi he decided to bring along the cuisine he'd become so familiar with are there any similarities between vietnamese food and czech food besides using fire as a cooking element everything's different nothing is the same the czech republic is a landlocked country in central europe their cuisine is considered heavy and filling with meals centered around meat and starch today's animal cow the beef tribe is clean by boiling it in a mixture of water ginger and ginger wine then it's julienne and boiled once more to make sure the gamey taste is eliminated is this something that's commonly eaten in the czech republic it's the taco bell of the czech republic then minced onion garlic and julian tribe are stir-fried until golden seasoning is what brings the czech flavor to this dish a bevy of spices only found in republic sweet paprika and an herb called myorenka i'll just use hispanic here's a mic we'll use that one okay the protein is finished by pressure cooking it with pork stock for 30 minutes now the sauce melt butter and mix with wheat flour add water and beef tripe stock give it a stir then serve with the trifle boom here we are at location three and we're really doing stomachs around the world today how does it look to you first reaction it looks like a bowl of warts yeah it does look a little bit wormy on the side crustless bread the folks over in japan would love this why do japanese people hate breadcrust so much there is a crust on here it's just the same color as the inside of the bread oh it's like some kind of albino bread these are very rare you know only one in a million loaves i think we should start by dipping the bread in and tasting some of that some of that some of that goodness really rich so far ingredient like try you would think that it'd be like a dirty taste yeah it can be super like hostile violent unforgiving vengeful even so i thought it would be that way we don't know yet we didn't try it the sauce who knows how much of this sauce could possibly penetrate the stomach we have to penetrate the stomach right now with our teeth this is a stew that makes you feel good oh you're keeping it ringing i smoked paprika really brings a dish to a whole new level there's a bit of kind of oily animal essence left there but it's supposed to be that way this has that stewish using lesser price cuts by making something beautiful it's simple it's straightforward but cooked intelligently it's like it's got some attitude right what attitude yo it would have been nice if you put a chicken inside [Music] i'm not giving up on looking for another stomach stuffed with goodies and i hear that's exactly what we're doing at our next location yo yo yo thank you for having us and for cracking a beer with a couple of unusual blokes especially calvin and that's me you look weird hey it's the mustache must be okay is a new restaurant in town but they've quickly gained a reputation among food lovers for their creativity here they're specializing in one ingredient [Music] a sheep or lamb i'm sorry goat our dish today is going off menu with this special invention from the owner he starts by heating up these rocks why did you go with goats he loves eating goats the goat's stomach is then stuffed with goat meat and root vegetables he wanted to make something special for the hanoi and so he chose goat as being that product now for the wild part he's going to insert hot stones inside the stomach and that's going to cook the stomach so he's cooking it from the inside outward oh okay okay this food sack is squeezed and massaged so the heat evenly spreads and cooks all the ingredients inside and if that's not enough to get you excited maybe the ice cold beer it comes with will do the trick and it's bubbling up because the stones are still hot inside of there yeah and then he's dumping out potato goat meat lemongrass capsicum carrot garlic lumps of coal calvin that's what you're getting for christmas i want to be super honest there's something a little off-putting about the smell and it's almost like kind of rancid it's very gamey it smells like stomach acid it smells like vitamins there's some places around southeast asia people really love that intense forceful flavor not in here it's something i'm not quite used to yet see how diplomatic that is in the stomach he's also cooked some of these other items which we should try first [Music] it seemed through it has a little bit of the zing from the stomach so now we're going to try the goat goat meat it's chewy it just cooked all the way through though he said beer makes it taste better come on beer where are you we should grab some stomach no sauce we need to go pure stomach there we go maybe this dish is for some this is not for me right now the owner is filming us with his eye telephone so i'm just going to keep this kind of a neutral optimistic face oh that's a great great look let's try it with some sauce i'm gonna dip it in a little bit of this fermented soybean sauce i'm gonna dip it in a little bit with the tofu sauce and we'll see if uh well i'm ready here we go yeah i don't think that's meant to be eaten alone to be honest because this sauce is very powerful it's a powerful fermented nutty flavors coming from there what is a little off-putting about the stomach is like it has just that kind of biley flavor in there that doesn't mean that they prepared it in a way that's incorrect because there's people that really like the bile flavor when i was in namibia i ate some stomach with them and oh my god it was the most intense gamey powerful thing i've ever eaten and they loved it animal stomachs they have a great chewy texture almost like calamari but the best part is you could put things inside it's kind of this perfect container perfect fleshy organic bag that's tough it can withstand heat biodegradable go yourself last time we discovered tasty stomachs this is one of the best stomachs i've ever had and now it's all about the brains this is a food that in the u.s you don't see that often it's gooey gushy and then the flavor itself isn't something that people are used to right handshakes for everybody and then niall shake your hand too joining me today chef and mustachioed friend of the show calvin this here is a pakistani restaurant do you come from pakistan yeah i knew it mr mahmoud grew up in the city of islamabad in islamabad where he learned to create the flavors of pakistan from his family now he specializes in traditional pakistani dishes calvin you may not know this but india and pakistan used to be one country called hindustan and then some nice british folks helped them break that into two countries what i'm curious about to you what is the big difference between indian food and pakistani food despite their shared history indian and pakistani cuisines certainly have their differences india use more land spices pakistan is using the fresh tomato and less spice generally speaking indian cuisine has more vegetarian options some of it is geography ingredients that are available some of it is religion whereas pakistani cuisine is more meat-based today our mission in this video is to try four different types of animal brains here you've got a goat prank how are you preparing the goat brain here like we call in pakistan [Music] kadhikat or takatak is the name of this special pakistani meat dish they're two chops and then they chop it up the name is an onomatopoeia meaning it's named after this sound you could also call it the clickety clap they're making music this dish is made of a mixture of goat organ meats delicious today it's all about the brain in eating the brain do you believe there's any special nutrition or you just like the taste cooked in butter then put aside mostly the taste there's not much nutrition next up onions tomatoes and their secret masala masala that was my stripper name add green chili coriander ginger and mix it up you know that's all that means finally add the brains it just means the spice blend oh i have to cut and serve sir let's do this thank you i'm excited let's eat some bread thank you thank you location one brain one would you take a smell of this that smells good on the side check out this bread it's either like the world's best non or the world's worst pizza along with our main dish a specialty of this place a pakistani style naan bread topped with white and black sesame seeds then given a finger massage and cooked in a tandoor of it giving each piece an extra fluffy texture all right try out some bread great pockets of air if music is the space between the notes this bread is the air between the bread i gotta admit the brain on its own it's intimidating it's overly rich and fatty and jiggly but how they did it here they made a masala they added spices and you'll see a good mixture of flavors and textures that being said let's try it out so we got this delicious pillowy doughy naan and i'm just stacking that with tons of brain cheers cheers mmm oh i am blown away by this this is less curry based but it's more fresh it's more herbs it is it's delicious that's what it is it's really good it's interesting because the texture if it was too much brain it would be too creamy too rich it could be too much but the way he's mixed it up it's well balanced we were supposed to go to pakistan and then all this covet stuff happened we couldn't travel so right now i'm being teleported to pakistan [Applause] our continued brain quest has brought us here sir how you doing greeting us now the chef himself mr dad it appears this is some kind of a drinking establishment i can see you've got beer kegs on the poster and the actual word beer in the title sambia what's that mean the name of the restaurant ah dude i was wondering what that meant where the name of the restaurant would you zombie yeah in this drinking establishment they've got more than 80 dishes on their menu but their specialty is sheep so they're serving everything nose to tail sheep is that right everything everything everything i've seen a lot of people eat like pig brain in a big brain soup in saigon for example but how common is people eating sheep brain is it just a hanoi thing is it just a you guys thing in the north it gets really cold in the winter time so eating that fat rich brain really kind of goes with the weather and so it definitely is a northern specialty i'm so curious about the recipe the way you're serving it here is kind of just ident soup why do people like this soup so much and what are they getting from it mugwort lamb brain starts with fried shallots water msg and seasoning powder it makes you smart then the brain are you sure it makes you smarter is that scientifically proven mugworts a type of medicinal herb popular in european and asian cuisine there's an old saying that whatever you eat is the nutritional value so if you eat brain you'll get smarter and that's it cool huh how does that work for other organs if you eat eyes can you see better of course if you eat skin will your skin be better yes if you eat penis can you penis better yes location two of brain two this is what i was worried about so the first location he did a good job of like incorporating the brain as an ingredient into something bigger than the brain itself yes here they added mugwort i'm gonna be honest with you not a fan of mugwort first of all it has the word wart in it second of all muggy isn't doing much of the work either i think the chef really wants us to taste the essence of what we're about to eat as far as brains go it's almost identical to the brain of the previous creature but here it's much more present all right let's get a little bit of the mugwort cheers [Music] bit of green licorice not much to it no but that is like the one-dimensional flavor that is here i really want to taste what this brain is all about i mean it is the star of the show hey i'm the star of the show not anymore cheers cheers you feel smarter no what he said was he corrected yeah i think so i feel like a fool for just buying this big bowl of bread seasoned with a leaf flavor-wise it is not much it is really just brainy but the brain itself i don't mind the texture it's creamy it kind of coats the inside of your mouth and it has a nutty finish i don't know what bread you got but what i'm getting right now is bitterness bile flavors my sheep took ap classes i was on a short bus to school cool well we will get a to-go box for this and move on to our next location you could have mine thank you so much my shirt's too tight it's lunchtime so calvin and i are headed down to chinatown [Music] here you'll find one of the oldest restaurants in this city sir hello nice to meet you here the head of this operation mr vin how long have you been doing this since 1945. now with over 50 staff they've been serving traditional cantonese dishes for more than 75 years your grandparents started it then your parents and then did you have a choice or it's like hey guess what you're running a chinese restaurant my producer showed me a picture of the food we're going to be trying today something like a pig brain in an omelette so when it's a young child this is the dish that's already been part of his life he thinks it originated in china what is the purpose of mixing the omelet with the brain [Music] whatever you eat makes you do that if you eat a brain you'll be smarter but with the omelette the kids will eat it so the parents will say hey eat the omelet before you take a test it'll give you the brain power you need to achieve your greatness although brains do contain huge amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your nervous system they're also very high in cholesterol so even though you may be tempted try not to eat too much let's do it let's do it our iq is gonna go from like 70 to 99. i was gonna say 78. okay let's go [Music] this brainy dish starts with sauteed minced shallots garlic and pickled radish then steamed pig break [Music] [Applause] this brain matter is added to the eggs then seasoned simply with salt and pepper [Music] right here we've got the omelet i thought this was going to look a lot more like this picture here instead it looks like this video here much more palatable and then here not something i usually have with an omelette a big bowl of rice not only any rice it's chicken rice the renderings from the chicken fat been cooked into the hainan chicken rice sounds real nice sounds like you rehearsed that i did scrambled eggs kind of feels like brain already yeah so i don't know if we'll be able to notice a difference but let's find out really good that's a juicy omelette if you feel with your tongue and kind of press you can feel some of the fat squeezing out the brain really kind of melts with the egg i do feel the brain a bit but if you gave it to me it didn't tell me there's brain in it there's a chance i would just ignore it and keep eating yeah i got a nice fatty piece of brain here and then after that we should hit the rice to create balance [Applause] [Music] i like it it's a good combo rice it's done so well it's not clumpy every individual rice kernel is separated yet they're cohesive the rice is delicious it's taking on some of that nice chickeny flavor chickeny goodness chicken essence [Music] for our final serving of cerebellum calvin is introducing me to the secret dark side of tacos comments interview luis put her there the taco lord of this taco shop mr luis do you want to say the two words of spanish that you know he comes from mexico city what just kidding he brought with him 25 years of taco crafting experience what i'm learning from calvin calvin is also a tougher every time we eat some weird animal part he goes oh that could go in a taco in mexico city can anything go in a taco all the whole the animals brain i don't know i had no idea i only know in taco bell taco bell in the u.s we're like straight up ground beef without beef chicken chicken just really a lack of variety why is there so much more variety in mexico because people understand that poor meat have more flavor we're here today for something i had never heard of before something called cesos cesos tacos or brain tacos is a real and very popular dish in mexico when he talks about it you see his face it lights up oh yeah i have no doubt that it's delicious usually made from cow or goat brain does it make you smarter it's loved for its soft custard-like texture in mexico the people think you eat liver do you recover the liver maybe do it brain maybe you're thinking more luis thank you so much okay let's eat some brain tacos says those tacos start with the cow brain boiled with bay leaves cook it through then put it on ice in another pan saute garlic and shallots in butter add tomatoes and the brain season with salt pepper and a squeeze of lime finally add some greens then the tortillas now the build a layer of guacamole cesos finished with a fresh touch of shallots and cilantro and clink location for women this is super exciting because i've never had this there is a cambrian on my taco there's a little bit lime for the acid there's so much richness in the brain the lime really does cut it i got some fresh citrus on there and then for you you're a taco guy is this like two bites or three bites this ideally be two bites i'm gonna go for two bites cheers wow the texture it's different than any taco i've ever had it's almost marshmallowy there's so much brain he really slipped it well but there's avocado too you can't really tell like i said is this guacamole yeah but the whole time man the spices are delicious they are cumin paprika garlic onions they really do create a symphony of flavors oh i just had a big piece of brain burst in my mouth and the fattiness just came you know dripping down my side of my face it's like a big solid chunk that hadn't been like crushed yet it is amazing how many different preparations of rain we were able to see today i didn't know what it was gonna be like i gotta say i like it thank you last time we discovered tasty brains i asked for boneless i got some skull fragments and now it's all about having a little heart breakfast today is a bit rough it started by taking a bite of me first oh dude those are fingers [Music] ostrich it's our first animal candidate of the day you wanna hug what about oh you guys can sit but before dining it's polite to get to know your dinner guest so far it feels like my childhood a lot of rejection calvin i'm trying to give one of these a hug i'm so lovable this is calvin entrepreneur chef bar owner and my eating partner in today's video hey y'all want to swipe right this one's making eye contact let's hug [Applause] you guys [Laughter] if you didn't know ostrich is a fairly commonly eaten protein source around the world and the animals themselves are raised on farms just like this are these full-grown ten months he says this is the correct age for them to slaughter oh well that's why you signed the waiver ten years ago mr nam left a prestigious cow-milking career and made a gamble vetting on these flightless birds now his farm is home to 400 ostriches at any given time why did you make the change he said the risk level is zero really easy to raise no steroids no hormone injection 100 organic profitable there's a higher value in ostrich need right now than it is for milk ostrich farming in vietnam is becoming more and more popular i've eaten this beauty of a bird before i feel like a caveman but i've never tried an ostrich heart how big is an ostrich that's pretty big is it yummy because the ostrich is such low cholesterol everything is delicious these hearts are served up in quaint countryside drinking spots want some wings to go with it they can make that happen thank you so much let's eat that's it super short dad doughy restaurant a place specializing in all things ostrich this is an ostrich heart is this about what you expected i thought it was going to be gigantic i think we should weigh it right now and then find out one kilo my ass we came here expecting a two pound heart we got a one pound heart i'm not disappointed not at all oh no i am disappointed the heart's not as big as i expected but it's still big enough to be made into two different dishes in the list of popular items where does the heart rank in the number south out of the list of one to ten heart six number six and that's why we're here that's over here first grilled ostrich heart half of the heart is cubed and seasoned with ginger shallots and chilies skewer the heart why do people like the heart so much warm up the charcoal grill for seven minutes exactly an ostrich only has one heart talk about yolo right yeah ostrich has one heart i'm ending this interview thank you [Music] it smells of garlic try it out [Music] i can't believe that's number six on the list this should be number two or one i would say number one that texture is so buttery it's like a well marbled filament i find it to be more like dense and just have a really fun chew and it's lean right i mean ostrich is the most leanest meat out there there was some fat on that heart you saw the heart right it was really fatty on the outside mine probably looks like that i can't believe i haven't tried this until now i had to come way out in the freaking country in the middle of nowhere to a random drinking restaurant to try this it is like the wagyu of oxycharge so now we know we're working with a good ingredient here at the stir-fry season cubes of ostrich heart stir-fried with garlic add some onion and carrot stir it about add something green in the form of celery stir some more and serve let's try it out she is she is that's yummy simple peppery it is still soft and buttery but you definitely do taste that minerally livery flavor to it a slight amount but not too much it's not gamey or anything what is this part is that like an artery it looks like squid but it is not maybe it is squid hey do they put squid in here no it tastes like squid same rubbery-ness same mild flavor i like the texture that's like crunching on captain crunch oh here's another one a blood valve it's similarly chewy but it tastes better here try this one how'd you gonna feed me no i'm not that's so meaty it's such a deep rich flavor i've had ostrich before i loved all the meat i did not have the heart so having a heart alone it deserves its own platter its own day in the sun but not in the literal sun because it'll rot and that would be disgusting [Music] put her there you look really sharp i'm feeling a bit underdressed this well-groomed goat enthusiast is the owner of two goat restaurants oh there's a goat statue over here too is that the goat from shrek here they specialize in this underrated protein turning every body part into a plate full of yum how big is a goat heart around here run a fist it's pretty big that's a filipino size today we'll take down a two-course goat-themed meal when i eat the goat heart how is it gonna help me first up the goat heart and as a bonus the kidneys are sliced up and it makes them more horny they saute garlic in a hot pan throw in the well-seasoned heart and kidney then hit it with some carrot onion and celery you'd say it's in aphrodisiac and then we don't get demonetized a man eating goat it's an average yeah so it gets you horny now i messed it up make sure it's all evenly slathered then send it to our eating seat this is goat heart but they threw in kidney as well for texture for medicinal they had him laying around so yeah throw it in i think that's all i want ready yeah i'm ready cheers interesting texture because it's not only gelatinous but it doesn't have a little bit of spring to it your piece is gelatinous mine is just meaty and dense i like that they cut it kind of thin so it's easier to chew through them it absorbs these sauces beautifully it's a little sweet a little salty can you describe the saucepan to me the sauce is the sauce well if you can just say no our second dish is packed with nutrition it starts with a broth prepared by simmering nine traditional medicinal herbs and goat bones for two hours then the goat hearts take the plunge into this bubbling hot tub and to the table they go oh this is great dude they have entire hearts we gotta get him back here put your fist right here smaller thank you i believe there are two hearts so we're both going to be able to have some i think we should do it like an old school vampire i want to eat a whole goat heart let it cool down right we're vampires but we gotta be safe still three two one oh it's chopping my mouth but oh my god this tastes so much more intricate than the stir fry it has this metallic taste to it there's a bit of iron from the blood it's dense meaty irony hot it's juicy why do you have a big dark part guagalated blood is it really a natural blood cake from the blood that was still trapped in the heart it sounds weird but there's tons of vanilla in my blood cake oh my god you got blood all over you our mission of eating animal hearts from around the world has brought us here thank you for being on my little internet show my pleasure like wait mr ryaki was a chef in morocco now he presides over marrakech riyadh restaurant an eatery serving the flavors of his homeland what would you say are the top three animal proteins eaten in morocco beef lamb and goat another is common camel yes oh are we eating camel today we don't have carbon here it's probably hard to import but i know a guy who knows a guy you do not morocco is a north african country because of its unique geography moroccan cuisine is an incredible blend of flavors from around the world spicy herbaceous sweet and savory today we're gonna have the beef hot the preparation starts with this gigantic heart of a cow being cut into thick slices how often is heart eaten in morocco guys they like to go out and they have some barbecue these slices are grilled rare and seasoned with salt and pepper what do you say to people who are afraid to try these internal organs try at least one time everything in life you should try once yeah like drugs you know if you never try it i don't think drugs is disliked before removed from the fire proceed to cube the meat then the actual magic occurs each cube gets wrapped in call fat skewer and grilled again for marbleization to give it nice rich so you're bringing the fat to the party like when i go to a party the party don't start to suddenly walk in now they're seasoned with cumin and plated with an extra pinch of salt and pepper to go with it a traditional moroccan bread and sweet mint tea this is a ton of food not even one whole cow heart one cow heart can feed a family of 62 yeah yeah that's right he put coal fat on there once you net a protein in cold fat and you grill it the whole fat then disintegrates and then it gets these little char bits the way you're actually supposed to eat it is with the bread what's it called uh what's the breadcrumb wood i'm sorry what blackboard how dare you what'd you call me making this unpronounceable bread is simple the dough is a mixture of flour salt and dried yeast after the dough rests for 45 minutes it's cooked up and served hot you peel off a little bit open it up then you grab the piece you want one piece in the middle you just i suggest an end piece give it a smell so it's nice and charred smokey meaty the cheers makes it so juicy though this is not a multi-dimensional flavor salt smoke fat all turned up to 11. that char just permeates through the sinuses i imagine opening a smoker right now putting my head inside closing it for six hours at 180 degrees fahrenheit and that is the chart that i taste right now yeah you would be dead but if i wasn't this seems like a good social food a bunch of skewers a bunch of friends and mint tea mint tea shall we we shall clink oh that's like a mojito without alcohol a warm one so i was kind of looking for the balance here i'm like oh there's no yogurt there's a couple herbs here but not really and then i think this is it this is our palette cleanser i'm ready for more bites let's go all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let go oh my gosh what a pleasure meeting you thank you so much you have amazing teeth sorry i'm just hard to look at you because it's the teeth mishwa started this place only four months ago but she's quickly gained a great reputation thanks to her unique culinary invention steamed blood with assorted pig organs how did you come up with this recipe she loves creating she has no culinary background she one day wanted to have this and she created the food here is so tasty that her place is always packed in fact she's crushing it so hard copycats using the same name have already sprung up next door do you want me to go talk to them i will provide them with stern words no no no yeah check out this oh backslash sonny's muscles move does it bother you that they're there i like it abundance mentality don't worry about them let's focus on what's happening right here time to put the dish together it starts with assorted organs including plenty of pig heart is there anything special about this organ in particular or is it just tasty when customers order the organs are tossed in a bowl they're the same what you eat helps that organ you eat a lot of heart it'll make your heart good what brings it all together is her homemade broth a perfect dish for a rainy day [Music] this is a vietnamese dish neither of us have ever tried before there's some ginger on top but underneath it's just a very rich broth with just tons and tons of layers of different animal parts i think we should start with some broth one two three it really warms your inside this is like chicken soup for the soul pig soup for the soul sweet peppery gingery consistency and the flavors are just really well balanced let's take it away with the blood so we have some coagulated blood it's not sexy but it tastes good cheers minerally it's so savory but very tender the mouthfeel like a tofu silk it's just floating in your mouth i think we should try to find a heart this is pancreas what do you think this is an adam's apple this is the brain she didn't mention brain we got a special dish nice this has got to be hard very dense and very thinly sliced you can even see others say the the the wrenches in there but you can't sorry thanks for wasting my time calvin welcome out of all the other hearts we've had that's such a different consistency it's kind of hard in this soup it's a little bit dry but i think that makes it work because it's with all these other components components oh my god calvin you complete me oh if i was the mf or who stole this idea and opened up my own place i don't think i could deconstruct this recipe out of all the hearts we've had it definitely is different this was delicate this is a very complex bra we could try to explain it to you guys but it's probably way too complex so just don't even try it too complex yeah it's too complex complex if there's a more simple broth next time we'll break that down for you last time we discovered tasty hearts oh my god now it's all about the bone what you can't eat a bone i don't think that oh okay so today today we're eating a lot of different bone stuff yes a week but there's also some bones that you can eat whole i got one a trombone no i don't have one i'm leaving my show [Music] sir put her there mr laup was a furniture designer before becoming a pork bone dealer so this is our first bone location today we're doing a lot of bone related content can you see me yeah now he's opened a restaurant serving only one food laying sat a thai dish with a vietnamese twist why just the one food on the menu is it that good yeah god i love this answer before this is the easiest dish for him to make he's not a chef cooking lang sap is pretty straightforward which part of the bones are you using it's the pork spine the bones are boiled in water for two hours until the beet becomes soft and tender aside from the boiling what is it that makes this dish really come together he is a one word that's a kind of guy you know what do you say chili's [Music] is this going to be spicy you know i love chilies right not a teddy bear that's what we're getting the sauce is a combination of green chilies scallions and lime juice cooked in the same stock the bones came from on a scale of one to ten how spicy is his food mine my bae is what my is i buy a plane ticket out of here this is a bad idea [Music] oh so pungent that don't put your nose next to it sorry last time i had a glove put on you don't hear that story do you no okay [Music] that was good no don't tell me just leave it like that oh that's heavy on this side you can see the whole spine this is a l4 l5 l6 do you know your vertebrae actually looks like an air like we'll see l1 l2 l3 no that's good you're doing good i can't stop recording this meat is peeling away very easily cheers mmm juicy so tender and juicy unbelievable how much do you like chilies in the morning i think food here is not that spicy it's not anything compared to thailand it's a little bit of heat but nothing too intense before watch did you get here here it comes out of the socket dip it into the sauce that's a delightful blend yeah but the lime when he early he had said he had gone to bangkok and had this dish he was so inspired that he created this dish here for saigon which is really cool yeah i love that he he took i love that i love it i think the best piece of meat is inside the spice you push that meat upwards and sunny that is for you oh it's just like in this hidden crib awesome oh this pig's going places there's melt in your mouth delicious melts in your mouth delicious satisfaction guarantee satisfaction guaranteed good start good stuff but we have a lot more in store [Music] holy cow oh my god oh you speak english later cool why am i here for get out see ya this is a bone i did not expect it's inside this animal what kind of cat is this my dude nam has five years experience serving this unique specialty okay that doesn't help this is a sunbeam snake only found around southeast asia locally vietnamese folks know it as an onion onion snake it's a little oniony really it's look at that baby's bottom oh look at home uh put your finger in there he says it's not unusual to find snake meat in vietnam it's believed to have special health benefits when combined with eastern medicine like snake one do you know anything about snake wine it's supposed to be good for stamina and they don't mean a marathon nam's recipe loved by the drinking crowd doesn't waste a single part of the snake now snakes you could have opened up anything out here you could have had a taco stand oh cause he makes really good snakes today he's cooking up three different dishes all from one snake ah the top ten top ten top ten in ho chi minh city there's only nine places i'm one of the top five rappers that live in my house first snake salad that's right made with boiled snake meat and onion seasoned with msg salt sugar pork bone powder fish sauce chilies and lime juice he eats a lot of hot pot places and he goes home and he figures out their secret really yeah next snake hot pot boiled snake parts get boiled again but this time with lemongrass and calabash would you say it's top 100 in vietnam how hungry very humble he said yes now this final dish is what we really came for the bones seasoned with condensed soy sauce msg fish sauce normal soy sauce and chili sauce boom location two snake number one first snake of the day probably the last snake of the day i hope so here snake hot pot this is literally the butt of the snake the anus of the snake yeah it says there's tons of body parts in here big pieces of meat skin the testicles testicles oh snakes have crazy testicles should we try it out yeah well i mean yeah oh texture of a wetsuit it tastes good it tastes good and mine's bursting with flavor over here you just gotta like bite into it and peel it back skin salad oh my favorite word gelatinous it's very lean animal because there's no fat between the skin and the meat right that's a good point have you ever seen a fat snake and you were disappointed on google images right now can we pull up fat snake no that's a snake that just ate something recently can we look up like obese snake see that's funny in the end this is what we've come here for the bones the bones he kind of peeled away all the meat that he could and there's a bit of protein left between the ribs and as they fry it it becomes crispy brown doesn't seem like your typical meat cheers chips can you hear that delicious deep savoriness kind of thick you have to really make a concerted effort to eat all of it and not let it kill you ugh i think it's creative i respect it i appreciate it this snake if it had thumbs would definitely give it a thumb up it doesn't have thumbs though yeah but just like theoretic i [Music] this streetside restaurant we're about to enter is one of the best in southeast asia but this fact might not be so obvious upon first that glance her there here if you pay close attention subtle signs of success will reveal themselves is business good or is business good as always the best indicator of quality is the hordes of folks lining up to sit down and grab a bite here you're making hutu calvin what is wudu hostil is a dish known in the south region of vietnam rice noodles a bone broth and it's usually made out of pork miss fungus is so popular she's now able to employ her entire family but people aren't just here for the noodles they're really after is this fun this is one order this flavor packed skeletal soup helps them sell over 900 pounds of pork bones each day you're going to eat the tenderness and then you dip it in and then you take a shot of it that sounds fantastic fresh herbs and fried garlic are a must but the broth the broth is what really makes this place stand out among many many others one of the secrets she said is that the sweetness comes from the bones does it come from sugar or msg it's natural flipping a mam i just realized you could have probably taken the mask off in the beginning of the scene but that's okay the chin diaper i know it looks nice oh calvin sunny this place runs out of bones quick yeah they're sold out already holy crap 400 kilos a day it should be open for an hour that's far i can't believe that that's amazing is it still there okay don't let anyone steal that we have one on the side for close-ups so it's not a huge amount of meat no it's just a few millimeters that's right next to the bone that would be impossible for the butcher to cut cheers oh man the meat next to the bone is always the most flavorful this is the life arm oh look at that i've never been so jealous in my life that bite looks amazing okay i hope i have something even close to that on here [Music] wow i feel like i just locked lips with god it's god male or female a little bit of both no exaggeration it's one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten just tendon cooked down perfectly you know tendon is not a piece of the animal that a lot of people eat no which is foolish it's so good this is something that's hard to get your hands on you got your answer right now yeah it wasn't easy i had producers at work we had to coordinate with the owner so that's just the outside of the boat looking into the bone you can see the marrow come up come to papa yeah come on oh oh there's no way that on camera this doesn't look disgusting a slimy pile of warm bone marrow oh it's like buttery and smooth it's like a cloud oh my flower that's good i think we found our top for the night it's gonna be really hard to beat this we have one location left but i mean this was an experience from heaven you can pay hundreds of dollars go to five-star restaurants and you still are likely to not get something this amazing it is breathtaking i stopped doing the show for a second hold on we should have washed our hands huh [Music] needy yes i'm a huge fan of your work thank you so much is this something that happens in india namaste or thank you we always greeted each other [Music] namaste i feel like i just finished a yoga class indian food delicious but admittedly notorious for its extensive use of oil often making it incredibly heavy i love indian food but anytime i eat it i need a wheelchair and i need someone to cart me around for two days what we are doing here is 80 less oil even if you see the oil it will be more from the meat itself right her culinary approach has paid off resulting in a popular chain of indian restaurants let's get down to the real reason we're here because of the bones you're serving the dish here is lal mask translates to red mutton it's a curry made with yogurt and spices however it's not always made with bones we need a very special part of the goat's leg that is a type of a land curry from rajasthan how many different spices are in this curry 17. for india that's a bit light and after that chef cook it with spices or hurry paste and then let it simmer for as long as it softens the when i was a baby i remember we had brother sisters so when dad used to cook this kind of lamb curry so we used to fight among each other who gets the bone marrow what'd you fight over well i fought over cupcakes maybe not bones oh i caught over a pillow like a pillow fight not just a pillow just walked somebody's like to sleep on it oh it's just poor family i stopped depressing people okay beneath this lid something amazing delicious check it out whoa that looks nice that does look nice i'm gonna dish myself okay will you dish me uh yeah after me oh i've had lol musk oh i remember now in my spicy episode okay in india and it's red and then it's smoky is smoke part of the thing kai do they put smoke in it at the end i don't remember i think we should taste the curry first i've got some naan here that's garlic naan on your side that's true i get a nice bite just of the gravy oh yeah the flavors are dancing on my palate the meat is incredibly tender you could cut this with a one-year-old's finger i'm not sure why you try that something that's not very sharp [Music] that is a delicious morsel of meat it's been braised so long it's so soft it's so tender with the fat rendering down it becomes kind of sticky that's a great thing you're right sunny it is sticky she's saying that inside there's bone marrow and this is how you're supposed to do it if the mirror is going to come up let's pop it out oh yes i see like the umbilical cord keep it going oh my god mine looks like a little tadpole gelatinous gillette [Music] [Applause] was so good the flavor creamy buttery it goes perfect with this soft chewy naan bread oh to die for tonight for today when we started out if you asked me hey can you eat a bone i would have said probably not sounds hard but after today today we've seen bones prepared literally hundreds of ways but this fork each of those ways was unique and interesting and special in its own way sometimes we're eating the inside of the bone sometimes the cartilage and little stuff connected between the joints and sometimes eating the whole bone itself and they're all across the board what i noticed for sure is no matter what bones you're eating it all requires a lot of time and love and that's why we've seen all these restaurants who have been able to over time just perfect the recipes one bite it's really good though so good for real good this series is an homage to the offcuts body parts that in the west might get thrown in the trash that's an eyeball people eat this in vietnam right yeah last time we discovered tasty bones oh my lord is good and now it's all about animal skin today we are on a skin mission starting here at your fine establishment this restaurant specializes in all things buffalo including the skin he grew up in a region of vietnam that was near thailand i think what he's saying is he grew up near an ethnic group known as the thai people and there eating buffalo skin was a tradition is that right yeah you speak english this whole time what's going on yeah what's happening what am i doing i speak vietnamese vietnam's thai people have a special technique used to preserve buffalo skin they start off by applying salt to dehydrate the skin and then they flamethrow it to get any small hairs off this dehydrated skin can stay good for months when it's ready to be eaten it gets soaked in water until it's rehydrated it's still kind of hard you can see it's absorbed or taken on a lot more water this is still too hard to eat so in order to make it edible you'll need a very sharp knife can we try eating this yeah [Music] oh wow that is gamey af with the capital g it smells like um manure it has a manure aroma the taste isn't there for just a little guy that is powerful yes he's in agreeance that this is similar to a buffalo field for an ingredient that tastes this foul transforming it into something delicious will be quite the challenge they start with julienne carrots herbs and shredded banana flower then the buffalo skin that's topped with garlic peanuts and chili powder pour in a bamboo shoot sauce mix it up and enjoy the most important meal of the day so now it's a mix of the original smell with some nice dressing what we smelled earlier was very off-putting and i don't mean to be rude no no not at all it was like next level and even the owner of the restaurant admit itself let's take a big whiff and see how much of a transformation has taken place [Music] it has a new car fresh smell yeah right there's a profound amount of skin in here we're literally eating a skin salad right now you ready yes cheers cheers mmm they're so crunchy there's so much to crunch through felt like the gayness is gone this has been toned down at the same time they served us this they served us this at that point everything snapped into focus this my friend is alcohol because this my friend is drinking food together it's a match fit in heaven right this is a spirit made of rice and jungle fruits no animals were harmed in this video it's cleansing my demonic soul now that we're a little buzzed we should try some more i think it's going to be completely different cheers cheers better much better it tastes like tendon it's a different crunch than peanuts there's two parts to this transformation transformation one is everything they've done here for the meal transformation two was our transformation after drinking a little booze at 10 a.m i feel pretty good about it i feel really good too a risky start for location one but well done to the folks here and well done to the folks who have been doing this for hundreds of years let's go let's go why are we shaking hands all the time i don't know another culture another skin we're heading to a korean joint where i'm planning to give calvin a little surprise today we're eating pig skin what boil grilled pork skin is pretty commonly found in south korea it's not at the top of most menus but somewhere listed on the back page waiting to be discovered by true barbecue lovers how do you make it it was then he realized he reached the limit of his korean language ability i got this luckily me from the future is here to save the day first they prepare a boiling marinade of scallion ginger garlic chilies and korean soy sauce does the skin give any health benefits oh yes there's a lot of collagen it's good for your skin when this flavorful brew is ready the pork skins take the plunge soaking in that korean flavored goodness for 20 minutes who's eating this pigskin everyone everybody grandma grandpa these pieces get sliced and then intricately scored on one side creating this beautiful network of flowing fat canals now they press out the excess fat and biggity boom is ready for the dining hall you gotta be really careful when you eat this this is hot right now you just put your hand over hot fire what are you a circus act the communal aspect of korean barbecue sets it apart from any other dining experience have you ever cooked bacon yes naked no it's dangerous this is like that should i here i can really show off my chef's skills i'm gonna put it on and i'm just saying be careful the oil is gonna come flying though vibing with the ingredients ready here we go [Music] you know i think it takes some time and utilizing the tools given to me to create something perfect [Music] true happiness well almost perfect it turns out we cooked it wrong so now she's gonna do it the right way pushes it down and then rotates it quickly she's trying to get all the moisture out of the skin that's causing that crispiness it's kind of puffing up a little bit the underside is a little softer and then it gets a little harder on the top cheers bit better oh my gosh so much better it's like when you're biting into something that's springy it's soft it has a little and then that skin on top it really brings another dimension of flavor to that dish it almost becomes like a maple bacon like that kind of oiliness but with this great gummy sensation i am a big fan next we're gonna check out the three skin and then the horse our third location is a quaint streetside food cart that caught my eyes and my heart with these bizarre looking skin gongs do people actually eat that or is that just to entice the patrons to come in it really is for the aesthetics but you can't cut it and re-fry it this place started as a photography business for folks who need a quick passport photo but miss swan realized the real estate in front of her shop was going to waste so she created this food cart her skin is the best skin you have great skin actually now youtubers like me keep filming and keep promoting her shop in her six months of operation she's had four youtubers come by and film already once and the picture business is still kicking along just fine too [Applause] coming for a photo and steak for the sticky rice and fried chicken skin first a healthy scoop of sticky rice a spoon of homemade pate then a delectable unhealthy dose of deep fried chicken skin what do people love so much about this skin views love eating things that are crispy and also rich and fatty oh me too i'm rich and fatty ladies a dash of condensed fish sauce a shot of tamarind sauce then pickled veggies on the side time to dive in i think we tried just some skin never okay they're smoky but i like it this isn't batter all you're getting here is just the chickeny skin goodness when you bite into it there's full of air pockets that just disintegrate i'm going to try just some rice with a pate so the chicken presumably has a liver it's been made into pate this is like full circle fantastic let's try it out i almost like that more than the skin it's true it's really good the skin is fun sticky rice is such a great chewy texture the pate is like salty and sweet are you down to do the sticky rice and chicken skin combo we have to there's no choice [Music] cheers they're better together it's a marriage of flavors and textures all of them together is better than the skin alone oh sometimes no no yeah no no yeah no yeah no no it seems animal skin has no limitations right now it's taking us from a humble street food stall to a full-on factory we're doing a whole video about animal skin and this is our final big triumph finale here at the fish skin factory what do you do here a powder a pizza you're the one powder i thought she said flounder i thought she's talking about the fish fish skin this snack first became popular in singapore a few years ago but enthusiasm for this unique treat spread quickly throughout southeast asia fizzy company combines cod fish skin with some very unique flavor combinations but coffee skins not smell appropriate for eating and being seasoned and turned into something else this production line starts with tons of raw cod skin imported from europe here the beginning part of the process is to remove the scale they use a knife they carefully scrape each piece of skin then cut the skin to the appropriate size success next skins are coated in a special flower then deep fried twice once to cook them all the way through and once more to make them crunchy they're plucked from this oil-filled cauldron and tossed into a centrifuge to spin out the excess oil this is what i call a skincare routine quality checking and breaking the skin into bite sized pieces at the same time how many flavors do you have the original spicy love for scientific egg young twice the egg yolk twice the fun two times two times salt today one hundred percent you can't do it diet diet you want don't let me i don't know time to rip the packaging away oh i'm so excited and take away [Music] it doesn't smell fishy it almost has kind of a neutral smell to it even salted egg doesn't have a strong smell i think we should fish a piece out of here i see what you did there cheers i can imagine sitting at a movie theater munching on these first thing i noticed is the texture crunchy but kind of airy like eating a potato chip or doritos you wouldn't imagine it's a fish skin though if i did a blindfold test and i said hey put this in your mouth could you guess what it is yeah please don't we're never gonna play that game i don't trust you why so i've actually eaten this before oh thanks for the invite before we came here they shipped us a bunch of these bags and i eat two or three of them it is very addicting once you pop one fish skin you cannot stop time to turn the flavor up to 11. the perfect ratio of salted egg powder paprika curry leaves and other secret seasonings create their signature quadruple spicy flavor it has a ton of chili powder in it four times spicy and that's why it's gonna be a little bit red it's getting into that hellish realm of spicy looking let's try it out [Music] i don't taste four times on anything it tastes similar to the last one but it's warm it's more like a paprika than it is a cayenne yeah it's not intense it feels pleasant it just feels warm as if in here it's not warm enough this is a very delicate food item the foie gras of the sea do you want to take a stick last time we discovered succulent skin it's like gummy bears but pork flavor oh that's the best kind of gummy bear and now it's all about the liver in the 80s peter crocker made a huge campaign about liver and onion i'm not that old sorry how old are you 22. all right i'm 21. today we're starting out in a coastal city in vietnam famous for its fresh cod seafood chef first of all nice to meet you uh is it okay if i move these yes do you just tell them to say yes yes at this restaurant they specialize in one very distinguished sea creature it's a flat fish it looks like alien right i mean have you ever had stingray i've never had stingray in my life i don't have any idea what it tastes like well after we leave today you'll still have no idea because today we're going to be trying liver oh yeah the liver the liver liver great what is it that people like about this dish in particular yeah did you know that is the number one destination for stingray the reason why people flock to his restaurant because they take such good care of the product stingray livers can weigh up to 10 percent of their total body weight all that area is for those dripping dude okay i'll put it away this stingray comes in at 15 pounds that means we're looking at a pound and a half of liver that is a lot it almost looks like a foie gras it's big it's flat it has some seafood essence to it for sure the liver is cleaned and sliced into more manageable pieces it's seasoned with msg sugar and pepper add fresh green peppers and julienne ginger on top all that gets steamed for 10 minutes when i was in japan i had the monkfish liver whoa that was awesome that's phenomenal this it looks similar in some ways so we'll see how it is let's see what's what i mean calvin i am happy because we're trying something really cool especially for our first location that is potent get in there with your spoon is that cooked all the way through i don't know do you want to lose weight okay let's eat it that is delicious i love these flavors this is like waking up in the morning and just finding a stingray cutting out the liver and biting into it why aren't you sharing my enthusiasm listen i respect the chef i respect this animal sure that is one of the most disgusting things i've ever been on in my life it's like all the worst flavors combined fishy bile it's like acid i love these flavors stingray liver is also used in european cuisines do you think by putting it on a cracker it'll taste better i do not for some it's the most prized part of the stingray so i guess some people like it can die oh there it is again oh i don't like it well i love it at least not yet let's try it in the hot pot hot pot hot pot i think by boiling it all the flavors are going to dissipate right so you might be able to mask it a little bit i hope no oh so much more softer much more delicate i definitely think that the flavors have washed out into the pot and can i say something of course this one not for me i found my limit i've eaten a lot of wacky tiny things yeah and this is one step too far i can't handle it i can't handle the consistency the kind of pasty gooeyness of it and it's like really earthy and which i love we finally found something that grosses you out this is really out there man but can i tell you what i do like what's that the stingray meat this is dessert for me cheers cheers that's delicious we're heading back to the bustling city of saigon for a livery lunch meals put her there nice to meet you here at union jacks they're serving up an old old traditional treat from the united kingdom let's call it a welsh meatball first of all what creature does this liver come from traditionally it's made from pores you may be shocked but pork liver actually has little fat plus compared to a pork chop it's much more nutritious as organ meats usually are the meatball is one of the original sort of fast foods designed basically a working class for a healthy nutritional meal the welsh meatball is made with a base of minced pork belly and liver cubes a blend of liver and onion then more onion these days people are less likely to eat these parts do you think they're missing out oh definitely i grew up eating liver onions and bacon stuffed lamb's house stuffed i want to taste your childhood season it with thyme nutmeg parsley sage salt pepper garlic and ginger mix in breadcrumbs too shape by hand to make perfectly round meatballs that are ready to hit the oven so you've already made a bunch of meatballs here i mean this is i can't um there's so many here did you count them yet i haven't counted them yet uh we need to know how many there are for the show you give an idea [Music] send in so idea got my body in a cold sweat thank god he's here we need help man there's all these meatballs but we don't know how to count them can you help us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 yeah yeah yeah [Music] brother thank you so much you've done your work here thank you such a good job thank you wait a second it's 11 meatballs but he kind of 55 huh it sounded beautiful but that was not accurate not at all all right the welsh meatball is bathed in onion gravy then baked for five minutes finally it's served with mashed potatoes green peas and even more gravy on top talbot coming off that stingray high does your tongue still work yes all right so i think first we should try some of this sumptuous gravy classic you're ready to cut into the meatball yeah so it's pretty tender i didn't know what to expect when you open it up you can see there's little different layers of sections of ground up fat not a huge amount of liver here we go [Music] oh oh i'm in love all the flavors here are just up home the pork really stands out there's a little bit of mineraliness from the liver in there it really does remind me of a meatloaf yeah the texture it's very loafy we're eating cheers mmm you love this don't you i kind of feel like i'm cheating does this really count for this show it does contain liver the way he's cooked it up he's hidden it really well yeah you can't even tell and then the gravy on top it's just like the great social lubricant between the food items the social lubricant i'm just gonna do one trifecta here peas potato and then some of that liver meatball this is a winner i'm ready to venture out and try something a little bit more insane than this meatball all right well let's do it let's go open for only two years this place is serving a one-of-a-kind specialty that hails from vietnam's central highlands meet the owner mr young am i the first youtuber to come here it's been a lot yeah what type of food you serve here they specialize in one dish called a steamed rice sheet dish with a variety of add-ons including plenty of these chicken livers oh it's delightful you've had this before i have you think it'll be better than stingray i think you'll love it just as much love stingray the livers are simply boiled with lemongrass ginger and salt this is so much liver how many livers would you say are in here he's estimating 60 pieces in here so nobody counted the exact number nobody counted yet this is just an estimation it's just this show we pride ourselves on numbers on accuracy on proper information we have to know exactly how many livers are in here oh five bitcoin i have an idea i have a friend to help with this let me call really quick hey we need your help you got my body in a cold sweat oh yes thank god you're here look at this man there's so many chicken livers but we don't know how many can you help us count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven [Music] you said around sixty 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 all right so 60 oh city 1 million 191 102 113 1004 [Music] [Applause] he got a million he counted 60. i mean uh get it together please i'm gonna go with this guy he's got over a million followers so the liver together with gizzards and chicken meat is drenched with a diluted fish sauce add on top of the steamed rice sheets then finish it up with fried shallots and two very impressive soft boiled unlaid chicken eggs i mean what the heck i've never seen that ever it's like something you would expect to see on a fine dining menu it's rare it's cooked with skill and proper technique yes it looks actually gorgeous let's have it cheers [Music] but it's so silky it's smooth creamy yummy delicious on the side fish sauce fish sauce get everything nice and wet mix these bad boys up a little bit of chicken liver let's go [Music] um what a mix of flavors the herbs the fish sauce and that liver is very strong it's like a bad taste that's why pepsi made up really yes i'm going gizzard i'm wearing chicken this whole dish it's so fresh everything is being used from nose to tail but the chicken and the liver really stand out for me as far as using liver in a clever way what really brings it together for me are these eggs on top extremely delicious and skillfully made it's wild that you could get something like this for two dollars three locations three different livers and three dramatically different experiences now we've got one left let's go let's go let's go let's go [Music] our livery adventure has led us to this man chef sakal of the corto restaurant chef yeah let me tell you in this video we're just eating animal livers it started a little bit rough this is uh the wild wild east i loved it but now we're here as a cambodian frenchman sokol embodies both eastern and western gastronomy in his culinary styling i'm cambodia guy but i'm learning from the technique french museum he knows taco technique [Laughter] what's really interesting to me about liver is it has such a range it can be just boiled up mashed or it can be something that costs hundreds of dollars per pound like what we're trying today that's what i said foie gras is the liver of a goose or duck that's been fattened through a force-feeding process if you ever see a normal liver from a duck it's about 10 of that size really dude this is like the size of your liver they force-feed them and that's why it's controversial and everybody has to draw their own line somewhere and for me my line etches right around that and that stays in my diet wonderful so call's recipe for the foie gras is a work of art first a pigeon is filleted get seasoned with salt and pepper a layer of filling is made with diced green apples spinach raisin sauteed mushroom paste truffle oil truffle paste and pine seed before we continue there is something really important we have to do we need to know how many foie gras do you have on here only one what do you mean how many i just feel like we should confirm with somebody you got my body in a cup sonny there's one here so we don't need help we got this we got this we got this one foreground the foie gras is cut into thick slices and pan seared is it hard to mess this up yeah it's difficult to cook if you less outside like that long term you're overcooked it's not good now the assembly start with a base of pastry dough add the filling pigeon and the foil wrong next a drumstick then more filling then roll it up apply an egg wash and last send it to bake for about eight minutes this wraps up our whole series this is the 30-second dish the grand finale is upon us and it's starting now take a look down wow wow that's beautiful look at mine look at mine they look quite similar so we have foie gras here you put it in the pastry on top of it what is that that's a pigeon breast ooh above the breast duck cell i believe guys actual culinary school applebee's waiter for three years that's right oh the puff picture is so light and airy so this is so rich i don't think the rich people actually smell their food that way let's go big let's go big cheers cheers [Music] don't you dare swallow your mouth and feel it isn't it a symphony it's so remarkable yeah that's the best of everything together the creaminess of the liver is filling my mouth with a smooth tidal wave of flavor that tells me everything's gonna be okay don't worry about the future you have some really good words [Music] this speaks wonders of how talented the chef really is you know he had to envision it what pairs well with the foreground it could be anything and he chose pigeon breasts french cuisine is superior it's hard to portray french cuisine in videos sometimes because it's less flashy and more technical and it's just so neat where people would rather see just huge cauldrons of boiling broth on the street because it's so visceral and energy packed where the kitchen maybe it lacks some energy but i think i'd like to try a lot more should we do a series on only french cuisine should me and you go to france today we ate at four different restaurants calvin i want to know which food was your favorite i know you didn't like the stingray but everything with liver today was delicious i really can't pick my favorite one what about you for me i must go with location for duck walk rock okay everybody was oh gosh it was so good well sunny i gotta say this is the last episode we're bringing on together and i can't give you a handshake i need a man hug bye bye taxi best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace this is the last dish of this series i can't express any more gratitude to you lecorto for hosting us for having this dish we're probably gonna have to cut that for time okay so let me call my friend hey we need your help and then take a right and then straight and then straight and then take another left and then go straight yeah then i'm wearing a black shirt and then come sit next to me sit down yep okay perfect that is so much i know i love this i can't even believe that are you real touch me a little closer i think i smelled truffle too did you go to some like i'm like a golden retriever over here i found truffle okay 10 million 10 million guys that is the show thank you so much for watching we will see you next time [Music] oh that's icy i thought that really in the gizzard area
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 7,710,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, vietnam, south east asian food, asian food, asia, nose to tail, 24 hours challenge, offals meat, off cut meat, animal body part, exotic food, bizarre food, unique food, eating animal's liver, Ostrich heart, Foie gras, sheep head, crocodile tail, soytiet, Bones, Pig brain, Goat stomach, Buffalo skin
Id: jddtN2VFgjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 38sec (6818 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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