Bali's Most DANGEROUS Food!!! EXTREME Balinese Food Tour in Ubud!!!

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we're doing here we are looking for something extreme we have a very famous date and we're gonna try it later on [Music] our tour of Indonesia began with extreme street food in moccasin then never before documented tribal food in West Papua now our final destination Bali Bali is world-famous among travelers in fact 80% of its economy is dependent upon the tourism industry Molly couldn't live without if there's no tourism for sure but it won't be like this right now but behind the Instagram will be backdrops exists a unit Balinese food culture no tourist has ever seen before oh no today we're exploring one of Ali's most dangerous foods looks beautiful right touring a countryside factory kicking out roasted delights on a massive scale oh my god you guys have so many pigs here this is crazy so come for the paradise but stay for the food this is Bali like you've never seen before my patience [Music] today starts us off in Ubud the more slow-paced scenic uphill center of the island dotted with hindu temples and surrounded by lush green rainforests and rice paddies at its centre a morning market packed with locals buying and selling handicrafts clothes and food I had the feeling this lady has been right here under this staircase for like some time like this is her spots it's been here for 25 years that's incredible this is dipped up local Balinese who's gonna be showing me around today what food are we looking at it's called Diwali wake up early in the morning have this judge of Bali have coffee on the side and also cigarette that was made your day it's a great way to start I like that today's jaja bali includes special appearances made by coconut and black sticky rice sweet cassava green rice flour cakes filled with mystery fluids it's gonna pop off and your eat it you have to eat it in one bite oh and I fist up this stuff and chewy wheat flour cake that looks like beans glazed sweet potato all of it topped with coconut and thick palm sugar syrup and bottom with a banana leaf I like the spoon is also green me yes you know it's like nature yes your headband game is strong what do you think of my headband game we can modify it to make it look like this yeah he's like it could be better it needs work so there's like 10 different things in here and what I like about these if you think it's a green bean but really it's like what pounded rice with pandan leaf or something yes this is actually made out of wheat flour with wantonly yes room I love it the fake green bean it doesn't have that much flavor to it it's like kind of palm sugar infused with fun textures to put in your mouth let's go to the most interesting one is this green balls I think we have a lot in common so there's a trick in a way of eating it you have to eat about it as a whole because it will pop off the palm sugar let's try it out boom and you feel the explosion yeah an explosion it's like a gusher and to balinese gusher was it this black sticky rice make sure that you have enough coconut and palm sugar oh is it mixed with it mm-hmm oh man I love that fresh coconut it blends with the palm sugar they're best friends they're playmates and they're having a playdate in my mouth it's like we're having an orgasm in our bowels right it's exactly like that - no they don't [Music] we're doing here we are looking for something extreme we have a very famous case that has raw pig blood in it and we're gonna try it later on and it's beautiful right breakfast was cute but lunch is serious this dining establishments layout is a common one around here half the sit-down restaurant half home and it's not always obvious where the home ends and the restaurant begins what I do know for eight years they've specialized in making the dish that utilizes one of the most potentially dangerous ingredients around raw pig's blood of all the restaurants you could have started why did you choose this food because this food now our that we're gonna try is the unique Balinese food the Loire is everywhere in Bali super finely minced meats herbs and veggies long beans and young jackfruit almost always make an appearance especially to this region they use some raw blood and also raw pork meat Wow oh the meat is gonna be Rother yes Big Boss is starting with raw pork meat mincing it over and over until it almost becomes a paste next up boiled pig skin and pig ears hello can you hear me growing up I was always taught to cook pork to 160 degrees Fahrenheit but here we'll be adding raw pig's blood squeezed with a bit of lemongrass to improve its taste and aroma oh that's it oh come on that's not that much blood we can make you more neither now it all comes together raw pork raw blood chili oil fermented shrimp paste garlic fried onion palm sugar and white pepper when you look at Indonesia largest Muslim population in the world and that definitely affects that a cuisine that because it all has to be halal food this is the opposite of halal it has pork it has raw meat has blood the only thing that can make this more Haram is if you like dump a vodka on it like this is the antithesis of what you would expect to see when you come to Indonesia I feel like we got to work up to the blood here we have kind of a meat lollipops yes and it tastes way better than the lollipop this is my new favorite candy meat lollipops both pork liver and my favorite a piece of pork fat wrapped in more pork Jersey all very juicy when you can taste the goodness of the fat it is very giving of flavors oh this one looks like a liver it is a liver nice spicy sweet well seasoned liver what is this one this is lower if you cannot handle the blood you can go for this this is the low war starter pack for beginners all the same classic veggies but no raw pork blood try it out wow that is spicy most of the Balinese food are very spicy yeah it's very rich it's a nice it's got like incredible fresh herbs inside but man has got some kick to it what was happening before we eat the grandmother who was doing something with the altars here so before we eat as an appreciation to our God so we make a little offerings of what we eat and then we've made the offering for the god so that's an act of appreciation Bali is a hindu-majority island Hinduism came to Bali from India in the 1st century AD and it's one of the only places in Indonesia where it still remains today are you in Duke yes Balinese Hindus worship the same gods and goddesses and perform similar rituals to those in India but certain practices are unique to Bali on the way of getting here it got adapted to our own culture so it's not completely a duplicate or the same thing as Hinduism in India so we do eat beef and we also eat pork I just like it because there's so many differences so I made a difference everywhere you go on this archipelago can you tell me the name of this again this is Allah water play ok you have to stick your top okay yeah is that really right no just kidding Wow the residue is yellow it looks pretty good I think I'm just gonna get a big bite of this alone I want to feel the real flavor of it raw pork ear like everything you can imagine is in there Cheers mm-hmm soft and gooey texture low irony crunchy ears super aromatic fresh herbs and then insanely spicy that's good would you eat it ask your everyday lunch no why not oh I don't have like a pig blood dealer you can't just have this pork Bloods uh super fresh it's from not even a week ago yeah you can't have that do you know anyone who's gotten sick from something like this no lot of local people eat this in their regular basis and I didn't hear any complaints or any news well you know I won't know until until tomorrow yeah but for now it tastes pretty damn good [Applause] next up perhaps Bali's most iconic dish a symbol of togetherness and celebration guys we understand each other we've to eat almost anything they called it babi Guling don't know I'm in yes take it so mother for having us this is incredible if I had to guess I would say this is the beginning of the babi guling making process right here everything's began here from the farm through the plate babi Guling what does that mean in bahasa babi is the peak and cooling is like the way we cook it is just like turning on the fire everyone says that pigs are like geniuses you work with a lot of pigs what do you think the biggest super smart because they're good for us make money one thing I can't help but notice it's everything is hand rotated yes hand controls much better quality no matter how big we roll it with him that's very cool oh this is like you're a heat shield yes and then you've got your copy here as you can keep good focus and then the cigarette - huh maybe you just need like a shot of Jack Daniels next to that [Music] right here we have one that just came off the fire freshly roasted and we're gonna see where they're delivering it to oh my god you guys have so many pigs here this is crazy [Music] there's a wedding tonight and so they have ten pigs that have been ordered just for one wedding are they gonna notice if there's an ear missing we have to make sure that everything is still attached ah okay fine what about a tail all these pigs have been claimed already I guess I'm gonna have to make my own before getting a test already the pigs been dispatched you remove the hair everything from the outside and then the metal wall yes now we're gonna start with stuffing the bumbu inside it so much this moo moo is mix of lot of herb and chili ginger turmeric lemongrass so we blend it together and fry we want to get this thing poor of spices [Music] all right so now we're gonna sew it up in Bali we have belief of reincarnation so if we kill the pigs we pray for them to be in a better place if you were reincarnated what is the worst animal you could come back as big really because it was slowed over any time yeah you've seen it too much next is the basing with the turmeric in stock you don't use any soy sauce no is I've seen other places like Philippines they use soy sauce and that brings SML on so the turmeric will bring out the color the color man let's talk when it has the liquid from the stomach would not go away good all right let's stand put the coconut or coconut water why is it brown example Cola the combination of Balinese an American coca-cola I like that yeah buddy here we go yes bring it on over let's put it on comic books all right there we go dropping it down perfect it will be turn around for two and a half hours to make it very tender and all the skin very crispy wow that's a lot of work and I've noticed that the fire is not underneath it's kind of to the side yes and it blows toward the pig why is that so we can cook another pig over there oh so you just keep moving it down the assembly line why are you leaving come back where's crying for me it's just so beautiful why are you frying this pork roasting Factory started 17 years ago catering for special events and weddings but recently dodo opened his own restaurant nearby building his place in the middle of a field with no drive-through traffic but the results speak for themselves [Music] dodo it is very obvious you're killing it I won't just say that because you had this place open two and a half years and it's full of people and everyone seems very happy but you also have branded coconuts that's great we've got everything here let's start with this the pork skins the best part is actually from the belly because that's where the spices is what's it from is this your favorite right here the cheek certainly a lot of fat yeah it's fatty oily when you have it all together it's like a pigskin salad that's my kind of salad man when making babi guling nothing goes to waste the liver intestines lungs and heart are fried until crispy what's your favorite organ this one is the best one father this is Oliver along just like a dry sponge in my hand I'm gonna try it out no chewy no strong taste it's a nice texture you know in the u.s. maybe people will eat some heart and some liver but lungs like that's pretty unique that's pretty exceptional and I love it cuz it still tastes good and it's super nutritious too but that's not really what this show is about I don't care about that I want to eat some more skin in fact dodo is also making his own sausage from scratch long tubes of blood sausage and egg sausage wrapped around steel pipes cooking alongside the paints we call some more there's a mix of blood sources Balinese blood sausage yes all right let's try not mmm it has a very livery taste to it but nice like thick gooey inside ah mommy so this is intestine and it's filled with egg egg sauce I've never even heard of that is this a Balinese thing yeah oh yeah because some people will eat eggs and sausage for breakfast you just put it together yeah oh it's so good it feels a meaty though you could tell me that was some kind of pork sausage and I'll probably believe you it's like a dense meaty feel to it very salty very delicious oh my god that's cool [Music] [Applause] he used to allege home from the Philippines you don't because it's also their kind of national dish and either feeling it's a little bit similar here just the fact that that pig it's a symbol of people coming together is it the same here we are the same thing in something in Valley every ceremony babi guling it must be the most important part actually we have this mound of rice here and normally you're just gonna mix everything with it so as one is the meat just from different parts of the body yes to me you need to mix it with the blue this one is yellow one to add more flavor let a monster bite here we go Wow there's such a mix of flavors perfect balance of fresh spicy especially with how heavy it is is there any coconut in the bundle coconut oil yes mmm that's what's really different because the coconut oil gives it almost a fruity kind of taste when you started did you think people would drive all the way out here to eat I'm gambling as well yes you have no idea no idea I think it's a testament to how much this place is kicking ass like how good the food is and the environment and the ambiance that people are coming all the way out here just to eat that's really cool poly has gained and grown immensely due to massive waves of tourism their challenge now is still catering to foreigners tastes and preferences while at the same time not losing their own identity culture and rituals that make this place so unique from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest-quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly song and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's ok too we're just happy you're here this whole thing was set up by him that you just did it for the level of the channel and the love of cool you can stop by his Instagram and say thank you because he really helped us out in finding awesome delicious unique food here in Bali thank you again you are very welcome and thank you so much for watching I will see you next time oh please alright let's go Oh another food place er go home before you go let me tell you about our new merchandise it's a shirt that says balls but it's so much more than that it's an ode to the wonderful ball shaped food found all across our ball shaped globe evolves follows balls balls balls get your ball shirt or sweatshirt today by clicking the link below and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever for review show for raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,806,680
Rating: 4.8545957 out of 5
Keywords: bali, bali food, where to eat bali, bali indonesia, bali travel, bali tourism, bali babi guling, babi guling, bali bizarre food, bali instagram, best ever food review show, sonny side
Id: xSmzl12R3ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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