Anthony Bourdain Tribute Tour in Vietnam (Owners reflect on Bourdain's visit)

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from the very first minute that I came to this country I knew my life had changed you know my old life was suddenly never gonna be good enough in December of 2008 Anthony Bourdain and his film crew came to Saigon Vietnam to shoot for his Travel Channel show no reservations season 5 episode 10 titled there's no place like home was his only time featuring Ho Chi Minh City I know that every restaurant he went to in any city throughout this whole country inevitably becomes a tourist attraction in some way Bourdain had a special connection to Vietnam featuring cities from south to north and always praising the people natural beauty and especially the food he has a very special love for Vietnamese food we are so grateful to be featured by the butene we are so thankful for his love to Vietnamese food and Vietnam in general today we'll revisit all four of the restaurants he featured in that episode vom and I will talk to the owners she has a very good impression of Anthony put in for the very first time to hear their heartfelt memories of Bourdain [Music] we'll see how time and Bourdain's impact have changed these places over the last nine years since then Missa tonight has a huge impact to our restaurant and we'll eat some damn good food along the way so our mission today visit all these places retrace his footsteps also we're gonna eat some damn good food so you can hear when when they cook in a list of life Vietnamese delicacy I can't say that like been Co is something really stand out I'd venture to guess that the top widely known Vietnamese foods are ba bun me and spring rolls but if I could tag one more item onto that list it would be bun to these ladies right here they're just calling non-stop cooking this food how does she handle the heat all day I'm not a geek year because it number one tomorrow night yes is that if she gets you to it you're a hero Ilan hope on Co exists primarily in the central and southern regions in central Vietnam they're tiny about the size of a hard shell taco but here in Saigon they go all out stuffing the rice flour shell with pork shrimp mung beans and bean sprouts in the end it's nearly the size of my head which is pretty dang big everybody knows my most popular segments on this show the bond sale reveal you saw the cooking shots already you probably know but look at that joining this crispy beauty the heaping mound of local herbs and the mandatory fish sauce with the inclusion of pickled carrot and radish I love spicy paste me too oh that's a lot yeah dude are you sure it's gonna be super spicy I do it for the fans after Anthony Gordon come here lots of people ask me Anthony Gordon worse there okay yes meet miss tweak the now manager who's been working in this family restaurant since age 11 and they're preparing the bond sale same recipe the recipe were passed down from generation to generation never came naturally to our finger our hand advance whinnies vegetable of course this big leaf we can call it Queen cabbage and then another appears green lettuce some Thai basil chlorella and last raw fist me the taste it's kind of crazy right yeah it just slide off a little bit of shrimp a little bit of pork all right and some bean sprouts then roll it up it looks really perfect let's go get all I usually have a roll stunt-double a second crew that comes in and they'll get better at close-up shots after this was on TV did you have more customers coming here yes I loved it after penis meal and they told me at the Burton was here that the reason they operating since 1945 this restaurant was already dishing out fresh high quality goods to hungry patrons long before Anthony pulled up a stool here but a little bit of airtime on the Travel Channel certainly didn't hurt their popularity today still travelers can be seen eating alongside locals and there's good reason for that mmm I love the texture so much it's really there's perfect balance here you know a lot of greens herbs with the heavy bond sale a great texture combination my favorite part is just crunching it sometimes I'll even go wild I'll just get like little bits and then just crunch on that it's so crunchy is it good it's amazing to think a quick one-hour shoot here nearly 10 years ago is still having a clear impact on the restaurant today and with food this good they'll have many more years to come [Music] come to Saigon it's all about mom Gow so I I don't know what it's gonna be like without her but but to not come would be unthinkable [Music] before no reservations Bourdain had a two-season run on a Food Network show called a cook store which featured madame yelps restaurant boom new in the year 2000 the two quickly bonded madame yelps daughter explains mr. Anthony who lots of discovery will give me food and cultures and my mom Madame who loved to create in buna food and noting that passion rub them together but when Bourdain returned in 2009 Madame now had passed away I'd remember the second time he came back in is what a time in my my mom pass away and he came to a temple he came to visit my mom no Madame Yelp is no longer with us her family run restaurant is still here today and now it looks like this [Music] since then mr. Anthony has a huge impact to our restaurant since the broadcast gum you had a huge uptick in international customers customers after the same unique food that drew Bourdain here in the first place and I mean unique [Applause] the new is famous for their clay pot rice see all these clay pots there's a reason they need so many we are in the kitchen we're starting with the rice yes every single pot like that we have a little walnut rice like that how many pots did you order for us cuz I I can eat maybe two pots at most no fluffy white rice cooks for 50 minutes or does much rice it takes up entirely one hour and a half we have to direct it to get a whole rice out right the whole thing out crunch if I'd smash rice takes an additional 40 minutes the only remaining problem is getting it out of the clay pot they actually break the pot yes they will oh I think she's gonna throw that Wow look at that oh this is like a magic tennis she's throwing the rice she okay she broke the rice she's handling the rice like a frisbee zero points she's gonna bust the pot again boom Wow throw rice master yes look at that Wow once the show is over they drench the rice with fish sauce scallions and sesame seeds we just eat a plane like this yes hmm-hmm-hmm lettuce skin is really crispy you know but in Siberia stop great flavor too little bit sweet yeah and we don't mix us with anything else that is a dramatic some of the less dramatic yet equally delicious foods include the fluffy white rice topped with clay pot roasted river clams and fried pork fat just watch out for the red chilies [Music] whoo you're mine I lied a spicy taste that is super spicy yeah you need a whole TV I ate a whole chili on accident I mean the flavors are outstanding it's sweet and salty I mean it just tastes like it's kind of caramelized in there a bit and it some iced tea to cool you down so I can handle chilies it's not a big deal well it's gonna be super spicy huh next Madame Yao wasn't around to witness the building of the new gum Moo but her adventurous culinary spirit still lives on within these walls the boss as is so often the case of Vietnam a hard-working woman runs the money into things barking orders at a cadre of male employees a [Music] soy had only been opened one year before Anthony paid a visit located on the street known for its hole in the wall eateries serving the perfect beer food and plenty of beer to go with it I think this is enough for me but how much do you guys need this is some of the best drinking food in the world little flavor packed protein filled morsels done up in any way you can imagine I definitely want to get the pincers over here yeah but what else do you think we should get Oh and it's when I go out this way basically nothing's down but like rest waters now but it's really good yeah perfect while our snails are boiling and sweet coconut milk chili salt seasoned crab pincers and other delights are underway the owner reflects on Anthony's visit here nearly 10 years ago what do you remember from that day she said as she see you really honored to have him to visit the place he's appeared to be a very simple I'm very humble person as well back to the time this is a very popular spot that's the reason why it attract a lot of customers right here she assumed that that because I see a lot of people so Anthony like became curious and his staff I like most places featured on no reservations more and more customers and even other television productions flocked here to get a taste of what Vietnamese Street food is all about we've got this delicious seafood I mean especially right here in the coconut milk it's interesting you can see it like the Audion on a snail right they cut it off right right so it's allowed you to suck it from the other end right so the holding and I'm the audience oh come on man it's a lot of pressure you got it yeah you sucking sales and people actually wash off the shell with your mouth yeah like a little dishwasher before you actually get the meat that's part of the fun and I like these because it's just plump and full of meats and then we're gonna put it in fish sauce right this one right mmm a lot of meat very chewy sweet and you can guess I'm like scoop from here as well Johnnie's look at my little cup it's made out of an animal how is it named in class yeah like a lemongrass broth Cheers the guy cheers between every bite all right up next the most iconic foodie collaboration in Saigon this woman Madame Tom goes to marker she comes back here to this corner then it begins she's known as the lunch lady she's a legend most street food vendors I'm talking over 90% get really good at making one thing and serving that one thing over and over whether it's Bangkok fog or papaya salad the lunch lady is really good at making seven days one for each day of the week what is on the menu today given Cancun I have let's say I will not a couple buddy Kevin did not say yeah yeah and you can lose but another that's uh she says what makes her bunk encore so enticing to customers is the perfect combination of noodles broth pork shrimp crab and quail egg yes all those ingredients piled high for only a dollar and thirty cents what kinda those are these you asked me right yeah all right these are Thai soup rice noodles they say a little bit of tapioca and rice flours linked together so right now she's making a bunch of these the broth is almost gone when this broth is gone is she done yes oh all right we gotta hurry up did he just order - no he's working for the place goodness it's a lot of pressure here guys you gotta get here early for lunch after the fat tapioca noodles are blanched they're topped with pork sausage pork belly fresh herbs fried onion crab even more protein and some seasoning it's now ready to be doused with her own thick vibrant crabby porky broth made even more viscous with tapioca starch have you been here before yes and you remember the food have you had this one here so I tried all types of noodles you have any time they make these dishes it looks like kind of a little work of art it looks so beautiful and then like I'm destroying it I'm ruining it there's so much not and stuff in here I really can't believe it he came here nine years ago what was the difference from before he was here - after the TV show appearance Judy got the command window cut people he said I like it was actually I popular before Anthony abuddin visit but of course after his visit he should get more and more customer especially international yes were you surprised by the reaction yeah Bourdain must have been here on a Friday because he sampled her Boombah way but today is Saturday and that means I'm about to dig into my first bite of bonk encore let's try out the broth that is yummy right thick viscous fatty so savory I'm not even messing around Wow and there's not much left when that broth is gone lunch is over she just goats until she sells own let's talk about this gigantic amount of meat in here there's a piece of sausage yeah I'm gonna try out some of this sausage I'm gonna put it in the fish sauce here we go oh I love this sausage it's just some kind of like salty processed porky sausage I mean the pork the noodle is everything that worked so well together she's making this once a week completely different every day by still maintaining the quality and that's what's really impressive [Music] [Music] [Music] seeing the real-life impact Anthony Bourdain had here is nothing short of touching [Music] since that time she's published her own book giving away all her recipes and droves of curious travelers and hungry locals still stop by between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day just don't come late because when it's gone it's gone [Music] with each place we visited and each owner we spoke with the story was always the same this television host and his team unknown to most locals was humbled simple and straightforward he took the time to appreciate every nuance of this beautiful country and he adored Vietnam for exactly what it is along the way he made an impact that for some will last a lifetime if you enjoyed this video please let me know in the comments down below we can also follow up with restaurants Bourdain visited in Hoi An and Hanoi lastly I'd like to say thank you to one trip for making this video possible and for making it their mission to help travelers experience the real Vietnam [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,086,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boudain vietnam, bourdain saigon, bourdain Ho Chi Minh city, bourdain hcmc, bourdain vietnamese food, anythony bourdain vietnam, lunch lady, ho chi minh city lunch lady, bourdain banh xeo, bourdain lunch lady, best ever food review show, com neiu, bourdain com neiu, bourdain oc, a soi, bourdain a soi, anthony bourdain, bourdain react, saigon lunch lady, vietnamese food, vietnam food, saigon street food, ho chi minh street food
Id: LzO9NITmd84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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