LEGENDARY Day to Night THAI STREET FOOD Tour in Chiang Mai! | The Cowboy Lady + Noodle Ninja

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[Music] today we are in Chiang Mai hunting down the most delicious Street food we can find I am hungry and I hope you are too actually it doesn't matter at all if you're hungry he's probably worse if you're hungry cuz this video is gonna be so yummy I mean just you're gonna be looking at the food and your mouth it's gonna be watering it's gonna suck I mean be great right now we're in a local market here in Chiang Mai and it's cool because you can get your meat or your produce but if you don't want to cook they'll cook for you and right here all over the place you see tons of food laying out and people cooking food to my man here he's got something to frying let's see what it is it's got 2 cup rice I really like the the introduction in Thailand everyone usually does one of these it's very respectful it's such a nice tone for the following conversation or interaction that's gonna take place here you can see just like dozens of trays full of food it's cooked it's ready to order but people aren't eating here they're grabbing food and then they're heading home Oh Roy alright oh yeah alright that's how you say delicious I know like five words we're having fun what is this prawn sausage Oh Ron sausages it brings it over here I only know the number of one so I can only order one I don't know if he's gonna give me one order or just one piece oh he's going one order there we go Oh success we're doing it okay that's probably good I'm eating like 80 more foods today how much 16 all right looks like two dollars huh doughnut don't like dude who um Donald Trump I've mixed emotions on that statement he said I look like Donald Trump thank you I didn't have any intention of ordering this but I just saw it and the guy was really convincing when he said it was yummy so here it is we've got some prawn it's kind of like a sausage but it's from it comes from a paste I'm gonna try it without any sauce Oh mmm that is so yummy they have this type of thing all over Asia where it's some kind of pace that congeal together and then they create this kind of fried thing out of it I'm gonna put some sauce on here this is some sweet sweet sweet palm sugar oh yeah I poked a hole in it I don't know if that's the best way let's give that one a try oh so hot I did it amazing flavor salty shrimpy very greasy and oily I mean it just came right out of the fryer let's keep moving gang let's keep doing the thing let's keep doing the show all right all right yeah all right he doesn't really care he knows he knows he's been doing this day in and day out for years he's like hey I know what my food is our ROI and my food is all Roy and right here and we got something else that's looking very delicious I sweat teacup I love it it's like heartwarming every time she's cooking some of these they're like little coconut cups they're made with rice batter coconut and some sugar they're sweet they're topped with some spring onion right here you can see the edges have crusted over she pours in the batter she cooks these little guys up there they're simple but it's a nice old snack and I'm gonna try ordering some now mmm oh no problem so she puts a little banana leaf on the bottom she scoops on some of these little tasty treats go boom crop mmm okay I'm working on it she doesn't know what I said I tried to say thank you create this kind of structural integrity she puts in the rice batter first and that crisper Faiz and after that she puts in the coconut it creates like a crispy shell that holds the coconut in they have three different toppings one with pumpkin corn and what we have right here this spring onion let's try it out now oh it's creamy it's salty it's more salty than you would think it looks like a desert but it's kind of sweet and savory at the same time mmm all these are dangerous you could probably eat a hundred of these crunchy on the outside and then kind of soupy a little warm coconut cream on the inside so yummy oh she has a giant pan full of whipped sugary fluff egg white fluff and she's putting it on these little pancakes presumably made with some kind of oh sorry there's gonna be some Commerce here the base I think is probably from some kind of rice better thank you open come on she's such a sweetheart Oh hmm oh okay sure I'll just take one listen I don't know how to say give me one order I just know how to say give me one and she literally gave me one here it is Oh the outside already is that crispy like exactly like a fortune cookie that kind of sweet Chris penis the other one is made with shaved egg yolk let's try it out yeah so we crunching it's like a marshmallow a fortune cracker with a little bit of an egg shred that you cope come come let's keep going honestly this market has freaking everything we could do a whole video just on this market and right now we're on a bit of a desert kick and that brings us to right here swati crop nice here this mango and sticky rice and you would think that would be it but no they're gonna top it with the coconut cream coconut cream it's like the best deserty flavors of Southeast Asia all in one cream it is the essence of Southeast Asian sweetness in my humble opinion okay so I'm trying to order the mango with the sticky rice unveiling the coconut cream and she's gonna dump it on top right on top of the rice oh do not tell me you're putting another thing on there some kind of scene you know I think it's mung beans I mean coconut cream it's so unbelievably rich delicious and sweet and we can go just dig right into it scoop up some of that sticky rice some of the mango put it all together here we go oh my god listen this is amazing this is one of the top five dessert I've had one bite of this in my life and already I can say one of the top five desserts in Southeast Asia holy crap mmm the rice just soaks up the coconut cream and it just becomes super sweet but they also put a little bit of salt in them there's a little salt will bring out even more sweetness want me to holy Sh if this lady knew how much I was swearing over with my enjoyment of her food I don't know she'd be proud or sad all right cut oh you got to eat this alone we have four locations remaining and I'm already getting like pretty stuffed unzila dangerous I'm worried about it we have one more place in this market I want to show you and that is this lady right here making these amazing Thai sausages swathi copy okay we did it she's gonna slice it up this woman is legendary each day she's selling more than a thousand around a thousand five hundred of these sausages go boom copy thank you I am my Chiang Mai pork sausage and some sticky rice it's important to pair it because this is actually like a complete meal we're gonna shovel it right in mm-hmm little bit sticky rice mm-hmm how long are you hungry you want some no not okay she's she's full this sausage is intense and I just mean the flavors are so many spices seasonings and herbs happening here all right so it's so fresh it's obviously a pretty fatty sausage but with so many herbs and especially lemongrass coming through it feels like more fresh light aromatic and awesome combination here they have some pork larb we've had a few different types of law already this one is cooked and it's pork and there's pork blood in there too I know you guys worry about if I'm having enough blood in my diet it's still in there it's definitely in there here we have a Burmese curry and what's special about this is actually Burma occupied Chiang Mai for 200 years and now only they're Korea pies Chiang Mai the remnants of Burma now known as Myanmar I'm gonna go in I'm gonna attempt to order all known John wrap it oh it's working she's doing it I'm guessing you're supposed to eat this with rice thank you Oakland cop her rice container she's here at the lid securely attached we don't want these getting separated or someone walking off with a lid they do it with their hands you make it into a ball you pick up the alarm and then you put your thumb on the meat and you kind of throw it all in like this I got some in my eye from how Oh doesn't matter the flavor is amazing you've done all these nice little like herbs and greens to chase it with it's beautiful hmm I've had a few different types of larb now mostly the wrong one so the wrong ones tend to be a little bit more like gooey sticky but I really like this one with the pork it's spicy it's got a ton of like lemongrass flavor I think if you come here they're not gonna get mad at you if you try using a spoon mmm I'd like to get a lot of volume in try mouth it's hard with just my thumb that's not enough volume for my big face but here we have the curry and I'm told you're still supposed to eat the curry with your hands and what you do is you dip it into the broth here and you soak up all those nice juices now let's go for it all rich spicy fatty that is one of the best things I've had on this trip that is outstanding I mean look at that that's just a chunk of actual fat with pigskin on the outside it's a full chunk of fat Oh like butter and I kept looking around in this in this pork for like a pillar for a potato no it's all pork this is a great start but let's keep moving day is becoming night which is perfect because we're going to a legendary night market now where they're making a classic northern Thai dish either others so friendly here she saw the camera and she was like oh shoot what kind of weird show am i on we're coming up to this night market here to this legendary stand this lady called the cowboy hat lady it's super busy already you can see people lined up waiting for some food she's serving the food here but what's legendary what you might not realize that first it's not just this we've got pork knuckles we've got pork feet there's some pork intestine but you see the food it's been cooked in here all day in this huge vet that's a lot of food just right in there cooking for seven hours with the Chinese five-spice it's not just that though it's like these ten pots - we got this one we got this one we got these two we got this we got this all this they're selling tons of this stuff each day and I'm gonna go next to her and say hi and see if ha she kicks me out or not let's do it SWAT - cop thank you this looks magical over here bye you guys it's got a hard-boiled duck egg and so they're serving the pork with egg with rice there's some intestine here if you want it out um Jon drop mmm thank you when she takes the bones out it just comes right off it's nothing she's putting some of the juice on there she's gonna dice up an egg here we've got half a hard-boiled duck egg some boiled greens oh and some of the sauce on top I'm in love this is amazing all right go pink up that's so smooth thank you thank you this looks so beautiful there's no more beautiful seen than right now the Sun is setting there's a coolness in the air there's dew on the leaves and there's pork in my hand we're gonna take a big fat bite I want some rice first oh he's got that Chinese 5-spice and it's got some sweetness in there too and that was just the rice and juice that wasn't any pork yet right here right from the pork knuckle let's give it a try oh this is not a practical place to be eating at all sorry just make it a show the beautiful fatty pork is just falling apart mix it with some rice some of that juice let's go for it oh so tender unbelievably tender it melts in your mouth great spice it's not too powerful the rice is there soaking up all the juices that is amazing this lady is a legend you know Anthony Bourdain came here but even before him there were tons of local news outlets food shows coming here and talking about this lady she's got the Hat she started wearing it because the lights above her were too bright she threw on that hat to protect your eyes and reminds me of someone I know who sweat a lot so he wore a bandana and look at me now give me now amazing where are you from you're from Thailand we're in Thailand that's so cool is this spicy but it's good it ought Roy Oh Roy Oh Roy okay I'm gonna get some thank you we have arrived in Chinatown at the biggest market in Chiang Mai we're gonna look for a couple more tasty treats before I explode I've spotted some right up here and they call this noodle salad she's making a salad out of noodles I'll know done drop yes was that right okay I'm kind of getting doodle ya know to me up uh yeah okay yellow she's got the yellow here some sliced carrots cabbage and greens mackerel and pork sausage looks like a little sugar little salt msg some peanut some SPEA spicy a full scoop of just straight spiciness and then another sauce vinegar soy sauce she is saucing this thing down like crazy and then this is the magic right here she gets to mixing she gets her body into it a little bit she's happy she's excited kind of go on I'm happy not excited a monster bowl of noodle salad ah coccoon cup and thank you oh it smells sour it smells sweet let's give it a try hmm what dose is good huh good very sour oily salty hmm and most of all it's a celebration of color these noodles are beautiful we've got the yellow noodles the green the orange all together it's absolutely stunning it's the most Awkward environment I've ever shot in noodle salad I think there's one more dish awaiting us here in this market fish sandals do you want to wear fish on your feet they put an eyeball on the bottom - that's nice the pork falls here the ball section it's kind of beautiful if you look at it it's like a pork ball necklace and that is the kind of bling that I want we have been eating a ton of food today but it's time for one more spot a celebration of flavors right here us watch it cop I guess I keep I'm nailing it guys I keep getting better here they have vermicelli noodle mixed with minced pork and there's some rib meat and then I don't know where it's hiding but there's also some chicken blood cake you guys know how much I like cake especially when it's made out of blood all no meat on crop mmm and here we go I see some tomato I see a lot of pork the blood kick is in there too pouring it right on top that looks beautiful there's like an oil slick on the top it's blazing red just gonna throw some spring onion on there and then she's gonna walk away and then just like that it's gone forever oh thank you a lot of people wonder what my secret is how do you eat so much food in one day and the secret is to just feel terrible by the end of the day I'm so full Wow look at that but I'm still always amazed by the beauty of food and like when they move it around look at this just putting in some giant scoops into the broth there the noodles have just soaking up the rock smells meaty oh and the lime oh thank you so much what a sweetheart I forgot I totally forgot the lime she put it in there for me wonderful this woman has been here 25 years making this food every day she's here at 6 p.m. till 1:00 a.m. in the morning and and I can't wait to try it out let's give it a try nice big blood cake on there oh it is amazing when you look at this soup when you see that layer on top it looks like crazy heavy but the flavors are very light the chicken blood cake doesn't have any strong flavor it is just a nice crumbly texture as you chomp through it that is a good way to end the day a nice light noodle delicious blood cubes and tons of noodle enos guys I hope you enjoyed the tour today this video was actually made possible by one trip Vietnam I know what you're thinking one trip Vietnam but you're in Thailand yeah but one trip Vietnam they are company putting on tours all throughout Vietnam they've helped me make tons of videos there and they've made this video possible as well they're putting on amazing tours throughout the entire country right now featuring food tours and Saigon Hanoi and Danang but they have more than food tours they have adventure tours village tours the Mekong Delta tour tours that really allow you to get close to the culture and experience at the real Vietnam to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I'm gonna see you guys next week a piece we get a piece from you peace Abbey's yeah that's a wrap we'll see you next time in like a two days three days four days six days I don't know I'm gonna need some time to edit anyways ah that's it for today you probably Oscar ask you all my questions it didn't all you better I can you be trusted will you take it [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,442,980
Rating: 4.9086704 out of 5
Keywords: chiang mai food, chiang mai food tour, best food chiang mai, where to eat chiang mai, thai food, best thai food, thai street food, best thai street food, thai street food tour, cowboy lady, Thanin market, mango sticky rice, thai rice pudding, Chang phueak food night market, Sornchan restaurant, Warorot market, Northern thailand food, noodle salad, best ever food review show, sonny side, sticky rice, where to eat thailand
Id: UnrIkaPnl20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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