ARMA 3 | The Military Sandbox Experience

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[Music] have you ever wanted to participate in highly secretive covert military operations do you feel the need to assert your dominance on the local populace and wildlife would you like to set your military boner at fulmars if you wants it yes to any of these questions I have the perfect game for you welcome to armed assault 3 a game built upon intense militaristic call and the rejection of simple-minded primitive concepts like morality empathy and the Geneva Convention ARMA 3 is a modern military simulator that sells itself on high realism and accuracy in Arma you play as modern military male number three thousand three hundred and eighty two complete with piss-weak cardio skin tight diving suit and intense nightmares from the war crimes he has bad witness - of course it's not necessary to play as a military guy as there are plenty of mods for changing a player model - whatever you want I find that the Lego player models strike a good balance between realism and psychological torment the game is set in the fictional nation of Greece a barren dry suspiciously debt-free the base game takes place on to scaled-down islands in the Aegean Sea Altice and Stratis ARMA 3 is a true sandbox experience each server you join will have a unique community mod set game-mode and mental disorder the game is what you make if you want to pretend to be a bunch of Delta Force commandos brutally eradicating every door you come across go for it maybe you would like to participate in a combined arms exercise as a fast jet pilot flying high above the battlefield with larger than average morale separation from your terrible crimes perhaps you would like to role play as Jedi Master Yoda and run people down in your 2001 Honda Civic all of this and much more is possible in ARMA 3 in my many hours of playing this game I've only spent significant time on three main game modes king of the hill exile and on occasion I'll hop into another game mode like ultis life but I've never really seen the appeal of mining salt for six hours only to get dropped by some bandits with high-powered autismo rifles two kilometres away alma 3 has a single player but you can play and then immediately forget about i'm sure plenty of people have found lots of value in these single player experiences but in my experience the Friendly AI has undergone total nervous system breakdown and doesn't seem to understand how to move their legs in the correct direction while the enemy AI has possession of the world's greatest super soldiers capable of spotting you from several hundred meters away without even looking I'm not saying that the single-player campaigns are bad but reloading the game several times because if you removed the lower half of your body beyond land mines isn't the most fun single-player will never be replacement for the true specimens you can meet on multiplayer servers remember the game is a modern military simulator and it sells itself on its very high realism something it does quite well here are some examples one there are approximately seven thousand eight hundred and twenty four different positions your character can occupy standing up standing up but standing up into the right leaning to the right while standing to the right crouched but up a little bit crouched crouched and standing to the right while leaning to the right crouch low to good seal movement sitting down for a nice chill time and so you can scrape your ass along the table lying down prone lying down prone while leaning to the right and finally looking for something under the couch your character can also perform incredible feats of acrobatics and strength oh look at that core strength mmm the Holy Spirit said to me just manifest the power of the blood to really piss sweet Katya come on dude just hurry up it's not even that heavy just hurry up Jesus Christ dude hurry my man and his standard-issue military boots struggle immensely when the grade is over 15 degrees on the other hand walk in a big rock or other prop and you turn at a Delta Force with spider-man 3 the ballistic system there's this really good video from like 2016 about the bullet mechanics in this game that summarizes everything you need to know basically the devs decided to make their lives more difficult by introducing heaps of factors like bullet drop wind resistance penetration depth material penetrated the energy of the bullet deflection angle and the sound of bullet makes depending on velocity for bullet damage ie just about every gun in this game will kill you in one shot the game suffers from some pretty extreme balance issues when some players only have access to 556 rifles which are basically automatic beanbag guns while other players have access to high-powered sniper rifles that can go through six buildings and exit out the other side don't let the weight-reduction fool you anything below 7 6 - kinda sucks 5 the big and very nice map for a game released almost seven years ago it still beats out modern games like pub G and was owned the main map Altis is around 270 square kilometers and every single one of those is well detailed and nice except for these fences these fences can [ __ ] right off 6 the advanced helicopter flight model there are two genders in this game standard and advanced much like driving an automatic people who use the base flight model are perfectly reasonable and are using their helicopter as a means of getting from one point to another then there are the people who drive stick and they use the advanced helicopter flight model to flex how much of a Milson operator they are and how wide their scrotal tissue is I couldn't tell you how many times some complete and Dumpty in king of the hill believes he is the greatest helicopter pilot on planet earth only to smash it directly into the telephone pole they were trying to go under 7 the big list of optics do you like seeing deeply into the soul of the life you are about to extinguish do you feel the need to be able to precisely pinpoint the location and distribution of an enemy's nasal follicles via No More with this wide array of weapon optics no nose hairs will remain on maybe you need to precisely locate and terminate local wildlife with assistance from heavy airborne ordnance for this job my money is with the thermal and night-vision helmet the most effective way of locating and terminating members of the local ecosystem for only seven easy payments of $49.99 $99.99 this revolutionary product can be yours so what are you waiting for eight the constant feeling of impending doom I'm not gonna pretend I know what it's like to be in a real war zone but between the documentaries and footage I've watched I would imagine that you're either constantly being watched or feel like you're being watched and there's nothing you can do about it no other game I've played truly captures the feeling like a pair of beady eyes watching you like arma 3 that could only be you and one other human being online in the 270 square kilometers of altars but I'm still checking the hilltops listening out for disturbances and keeping a low profile I think it says a lot about the realism in the game when you subconsciously realize something isn't right before spotting someone welcome to king of the hill and exercise an extreme mental endurance as you withstand your teammates best attempts at causing catastrophic intracranial hemorrhaging in cough there are three teams each fighting for control of the zone each team starts around two kilometres away from the zone and needs to stand inside to win every 45 seconds a point goes to the team with the most players in the zone your team wins once you accumulate 100 points pretty simple and very enjoyable cough games will last around three hours and run at a much faster pace than other game modes the objective of cough is very simple collect money get guns destroyed vehicles now how would one go about doing this well like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] remember Daisy well exile is a little like Daisy that actually fun instead of zombies there are soldiers that occupy missions and drive around the map in vehicles you play as a prison inmate sent into exile from the sky euro you begin with a very stylish orange jumpsuit and on occasion are given access to the most deadly powerful vehicle in the game the bicycle just like in current circumstances loot of different qualities can be found inside buildings and other structures unlike dayz finding a gun is pretty easy but finding powerful guns takes a bit more searching several missions with various difficulties are dotted around the map for you to complete completing missions will award you with a crate filled with loot and sometimes a vehicle the quality of the loot and vehicle depend on the difficulty of the given mission which can range wildly some missions have AI that kill you the instant you are visible while other missions have AI that don't even need to see you to kill you pretty much all AI is constantly on and do not mess around once they find you the loot collected in missions can be sold in the safe zones on the map these are areas where players are invincible and can go to buy and sell stuff exile has some rudimentary base building features but lacks any real main objectives other than collecting debt cache and murdering other players in the server which is fine murder is good exile is much more infantry focused and usually restricts the vehicles to just transport this is probably a good thing for balance but it removes a lot of the fun and getting really powerful vehicles and abusing them exile adds a few vehicles which range from completely pathetic to mostly useless and just about all of them will explode upon tapping a tree branch now I used to play on this pretty kooky server a couple of years back the server was a PvE only server meaning you couldn't go around whacking other players but really removed a lot of the fun it also had several notes like changing the map adding more weapons and enabling some of the really opie vehicles after completing a few missions my friends and I went back into the safe zone to sell our game aleut and buy some stuff Oh yep I distinctly remember a modded sniper we had picked up came with a scope already attached inside the cell menu you can directly sell the scopes off of weapons without needing to take them off so I did only problem was the scope didn't go away hmm I tried again and the scope remained but I still got the money for selling Oh No pretty quickly my friends and I had all bought the same gun and we're selling scope after scope after scope all was well and we were slowly but surely gaining some serious gainer cash each scope sold for around 50 pop tails which is not a lot so to gain any decent amount we'd have to sit here and sell for many hours we then realized that there were other weapons that came with more expensive scopes so we used those to boost each sale to around 100 tabs this was pretty good but still quite slow then we made a real game of discovery the thermal weapon scope this one sold for 500 tabs each truly some good money but then we made an even more real a gamer discovery I don't really understand why but when we sold a scope while it was inside a vehicle the scope remained but it also duplicated itself on norm this meant that the first sale would sell 1 scope and turn it into 2 the second 2 into 4 the third 4 into 8 you get the idea naturally we have used this so extremely hard that we rapidly became the Saudi princes of this crappy exile summer like any Saudi prince would we immediately spent all our money on a large quantity of military equipment I distinctly remember having a friend fly around in a Harrier Jump Jet while another friend and I fool around in a Russian attack helicopter we pulled up to a mission to enact cruel justice upon the lobotomized AI and began laying down the law only thing was the air was not lobotomized and we got doomed by air Chris Kyle after about three seconds well bang naturally we thought this was some [ __ ] and complained profusely to the server admins this was a terrible mistake I don't really know what strain of pork they was mobile but they got it in their heads that the friend flying in the area had killed us because this server didn't allow PvP he needed to be banned but they didn't ban him they banned a different friend who wasn't even in the same area then we all got out Dixon or not and continued arguing until they banned another one nice going days later the rest of us got understandably banned for all the legally and ethically acquired gamer kashish and such was the end of our scuffed duplication adventures welcome to the wasteland truly the best game-mode wasteland is the natural extension of exile where the entire map is open for missions and murder there are several types of missions in wasteland each giving you either weapons cache or both wasteland tends to focus much more on vehicular combat which I find more fun than just strictly infantry there are no safe zones and nowhere is safe money is collected by completing missions and gently convincing other players to stop living money can be spent in several different shops dotted around the map the shops sell weapons vehicles and extra equipment for your team voice on missions tend to give lots of money and the weapons and vehicles are fairly cheap this means the players gain access to the kooky [ __ ] of ARMA 3 pretty quick in wasteland there are two main teams and several independent teams fighting independent is really fun if you like dying over and over again so unless you only go alone I would suggest joining one of the two main teams similarly to exile there isn't really a goal in wasteland collecting lots of cash and performing lots of murder Waste Land separates itself from exile and the creativity you have in performing sad murder in exile the flexibility you have in approaching a mission is limited and the weapons you have access to all tend to function the same drive or fly up to a mission or bad guy and then shoot them with a gun in wasteland there are a much larger number of ways you can tackle a given challenge let me explain on the map there are several gun stores for buying weapons these stores are good for gearing up to take on missions and other players but whenever you go inside one your location is broadcast to the entire server Oh No so let's say I'm over at the airport and I see an enemy has entered the gun store I now have several options maybe I should quickly buy a cheap car drive over set up on a hilltop and gun them down to collect their cash this could work for driving around on an open road is quite exposed and fairly slow so how about I get a transport helicopter and fly over helicopters are much quicker so it's more likely they'll still be inside the store once I get there this is good but it's loud and still requires you to locate and kill the enemy with a handheld weapon this wouldn't be good enough if they brought a vehicle which is very likely in waste how about we go to a separate gun store and buy a rocket launcher this is a good option but the other gun store is quite far away and he will have likely moved on by the time I get there okay how about we get a tank and drive over well this is really slow but also extremely powerful so instead we buy a tank unlock it and go buy a helicopter then we can sling load the tank and fly it over to the store this gives us significantly more firepower in the event they have a vehicle but is also expensive maybe instead of doing that we buy an attack helicopter and deliver heavy ordnance from the air this is also a ballot approach but is also expensive and you can quite easily buy an anti-air launcher from the gun store to shoot helicopters down hmm how about we buy a jet and deliver even heavier airborne ordnance that would work quite well but now you have a jet which is expensive and very tedious to keep around we'd also like to get his cash and having a jet around really complicates them maybe we should buy a simple armed car drive up and shoot them with the minigun this is cheap and probably quite effective well maybe we should buy an artillery piece and deliver a gun store eviction notices from the comfort of plushy warmed seats or instead of sharing him high explosives we send out hundreds and hundreds of mines around the perimeter of the gun store well how about we purchase an entire Air Force worth of attack drones to completely cover the entire map I like this option because it makes me feel like Barack Obama each drone is quite cheap and very balanced the drones have these thermal cameras that can basically see everyone on the map pretty good we'll choose this option and fly in with a helicopter simultaneously once we delete his soul from existence we land and collect all his money all 14 dollars good staff now I love wasteland but there has always been a lack of servers available to play on in the OCE region there aren't any servers at all anymore this ain't good I looked into it and most people seem to think it's because the vehicles are far too powerful for far too cheap I agree if only someone would do something about this so I decided to make it happen and I've taken it upon myself to solve this terrible problem welcome to the bean zone wasteland this server is now available for playing on I'll probably keep it around for a few months and get rid of it once I'm sick of it it's got 20 slots which is probably not enough but I'll keep it like that for the time being I've made some balance changes in the price of vehicles and made the game generally feel a bit more balanced powerful weapons like anti-aircraft and anti-tank launches are a little more expensive armed vehicles are also now more expensive I've made territory capturing much more lucrative so people will actually go for it I've added the really fast powerful Jets and I've added proper spooky artillery now I'd love to get some custom missions and properly integrate mods into the server among some other things but my experience is basically zero so we'll have to wait and see if that happens to accompany the server I've also set up a discord this is a place where you can profess your love of all things being related much like the AMA server I also have idea what I'm doing so bear with me while they get things sorted the join links for the discord will be in the description so come on down and tell me my videos smell bad so there we go I'm a three a great game join my server become a member of the blue for Republic and enjoy the Obama lifestyle Obama [Music]
Channel: martincitopants
Views: 585,708
Rating: 4.9622436 out of 5
Keywords: ARMA 3, ARMA, Military, sandbox, gun, plane, tank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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