From The Depths | Somali Pirate Simulator

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finnaly sseth reveiwed this game!


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Futerstupidretarded πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video is goddamn art.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Noobponer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Unironically S tier content

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SirGhallahad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Excuse me where's the shooting through 3 layers of metal Bulwark armor to kill the AI praying your own ships don't kill you just so you can scrap it later?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MetallicaDash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wait are you a fan or the actual youtuber

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/one-red-head-boi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
greetings my fellow land haters today we'll be looking at from the depths a game entirely focused on the construction and combat of boats planes and other interesting vehicles you play as a young robotic Somali pirate after the great automation revolution takes place as prophesized by Democratic Party candidate Andrew yang all piracy operations have made the economic decision to replace humans with cheaper machine labor our bull is working in collaboration with Lockheed Martin and has successfully lobbied the United States government into endless naval warfare just like the other welfare much more expensive our brave Somalian will use his unequaled knowledge of david beckham studies to construct a fleet of functioning vessels to spread his influence and expand his empire the main campaign is set in there are eight factions fighting for control of neeta's water the deep water god a run-of-the-mill pirates in small shitty wooden craft their ass gets beat by every other faction the onyx watch lots of their ships resemble fortresses so basically see dwarves white flares sorry who twin guard a couple of sentient AI with highly questionable definitely not incestual motives lightning hoods they like lasers steals traitors objectively the best faction with some very well-made cool-looking boats great Allan's sky dwarves and skull at dawn the very definition of a [ __ ] [ __ ] faction that won't get down to brawl although they do have this pretty cool satellite that sits above enemy vessels still [ __ ] [ __ ] but like you know pretty cool our brave militant Abdul starts with a state-sponsored Somalian assaulting estado fortress and grande East African ambitions your goal completely controlled the Gulf nation to impose a heavy tariff of twenty US dollars per vessel enough to retire to a life of luxury in your great nation [Music] I'll be covering the campaign today because it's definitely the most interesting part of the game the goal of the campaign is to destroy all of the factions and completely control the map to do this you need to build and pilot vehicles that can locate fight and destroy the enemy whether they be in the air land or on if you want to start playing this game I would recommend first sitting through an undergraduates degrees worth of tutorials press right bracket by pressing alt and open the inventory by pressing left click open the inventory by pressing left click to put the wrong block has been placed most from left click replace open the inventory by pressing this will allow you to build a boat that theoretically wanted capsized yep that worked well the game isn't one of these finely crafted masterpieces that builds on aspects you've learned throughout the playthrough slowly introducing you to new mechanics and features only when you're ready for them instead from the death stakes the Darwinian approach of just killing you over and over until you learn the game has less of a learning curve and more of a learning cliff on fire and covered in beds as it's probably obvious by now from that Γ«this is about building vehicles mostly ships but others are definitely possible the difficulty in mastering this game is in how you build a ship's various subsystems how they synergize and making them cost-effective firstly we need a hull for a first ship wood will do power I have no idea how to build an engine so I'll just get a prefab one and select that boy in the propulsion and control get some propellers and cook the ship in speed I'll add a rudder and a temporary wheel to give our creation a quick test drive next up we'll add weapons targeting components AI and ammo storage turret yes missiles yes big missiles also yes much more small missile turret most definitely this is all great but the weapons need an AI for control and targeting so we'll build a mainframe and some local weapons computers alright let's test our attack beam yep he goes can he shoot yep can he do it on his own our [ __ ] he's drunk we've forgotten ad targeting components so we'll add some rangefinders and some spy cameras we'll make some redundant targeting systems because they're pretty vulnerable really good finally we need ammo storage and production so we don't run out of shoot shoots too soon just like your own ammo production the ammo and from of the Depp's is particularly vulnerable to sudden violent explosions so coated in armor and your love there we go we've made our first boat the attack beam it's very likely that things are still very broken so I'd recommend giving it a thorough testing in the creative editor our brave bean can dispatch unarmored deepwater Guard ships quite easily very good once you're satisfied with your very hard work it's time for [Music] the time has come and our brave Somalian is about to embark on his great crusade as you can probably see the map is very dark around our territory yeah we can either accept this fact and use your boats to explore manually like a peasant or make use of your Lockheed connections and lobby your local governing body into granting you a giant spy antenna make sure to build this antenna as high as possible this is the big brain move and is highly recommended now that you have successfully launched your privacy violation surveillance program you can see where they're all hiding and you can infiltrate them mildly compromising browser history from here we have a few options option 1 wait for them to come to attack this is inevitable but also very boring pros it's a self defense similarities and is fully protected by international law if you simply say cons why wait option to launch an ethically dubious first strike against their assault dingus pros big bold move cons violates international law but really that's more of a pro option 3 run away I choose option 2 violence is always the answer [Music] our tech bean is victorious and a courageous sailor has won his first battle it will not be as lost as we can see our widespread surveillance program helped locate and eliminate the terrorist threat tax dollars well spent moving on from our starter fortress we will now go expand our territory to the next materials node and extract the highly valuable black gold because our enemies didn't use incognito mode they're highly sensitive data and whereabouts are precisely known with this information we can launch an attack this time we're gonna build a specially designed ship for under various Somali needs I'd like to take it back to our roots and directly board the enemy with a small pirate vehicle now getting close to hostile boats with weapons is very hard in the classic Somali assault technique so we won't be using them instead we'll take a page out of the Navy SEALs book and stealthily infiltrate via the water I'll build a tiny submarine that can quickly cruise up to an enemy vessel and get inside so we go into battle use our attack [ __ ] bait and launch our piracy operation [Music] this is wildly successful letting us a great bounty materials and hostage a is excellent another victory for the beam what's next another group of enemies this shouldn't be the problem Oh so now you get the general idea from the depths make boats kill [ __ ] and then make more boats however there is also the very important topic of perks the game allows sharing of vehicles and as a result many many people have made some truly wild [ __ ] on the Steam Workshop this guy made a scale replica of the USS Iowa this dude made a very solid replica of the USS Missouri this [ __ ] guy made a giant goddamn robot and this guy made a Titan from Warhammer 40k jesus H Christ and these people all made replicas of the Imperial Japanese Navy's battleship the largest battleship ever built now these are quite cool so I decided to build my own kooky contraption considering just how many people have made replicas of ships I decided to give replicating a historical ship a shot rememba the bigger the better so the final decision was on the Imperial Japanese Navy's battleship yamato the big lad but I wasn't just gonna make any run-of-the-mill Yamato a replica no no no I had to show up all the plebs who've built Yamato replicas before me this had to be special this had to be unique this had to be large so I made it twice as big and here she is five hundred and meters long lot of blocks whole lot of cubic meters three very big guns and many many side guns it may not be as pretty as all the replicas it may not be as accurate but it's a truly large lead you may be asking why build this thing that's a great question for comparison here is the HMS yeah the one built by rollers here is the tear from the steel Striders and here is the normal-sized yamato yeah pretty large eh in fact as far as I'm aware this is the biggest replica ever built in the workshop and as of recording possibly not just the biggest replica but the biggest boat - I could be totally wrong but I think that's pretty cool okay there were some concessions in building this thing one the cannons are definitely not to scale trust me this is a good thing the real boat had three four hundred and sixty millimeter guns per turret doubling this would give us three nine hundred and twenty millimeter guns which is really just disappointing for a ship this Lodge instead I went with nine guns per turret each of which is two thousand millimeters much better the real one had no rail guns as you can see historical accuracy was my number one priority - the interior is left for interpretation just building the outside of this thing was painful and off so I didn't bother especially because the interior isn't really that impressive three the big boy has some control and instability issues sometimes when I spawn it in it decides to go full power and reverse and drag yourself underwater for the back is a [ __ ] [ __ ] but it's underwater anyway so I don't care seriously I'd like to make it look correct but I lack the will power to tear it down and try again go ahead and try for yourself but you'll find that it's quite difficult and very very large five because it's powered off of giant steam engines and fires a truly stupid amount of shells it is very very very expensive to run serious props if you can get this thing running properly in campaign mode six lasers were not present on the real Yamato 7 the ship is basically unusable because of its absolutely massive internal volume every time a block gets destroyed the game will pause for half a second while the air pump calculates the new force on the boat it also just decides to completely crush my computer randomly and will drop fps down to two very nice eight the guns are cool-looking and shoot pretty good but a single Hesh round can delete the entire side of the boats guns again this is internal problem I can't be bothered fixing it end of concessions all right now how about we take it for a little test drive starting off small big Yamato vs. Marauder the superior combat vessel okay that was easy big Yamato vs. Onix watch bull walk there larger ship yeah it was pretty easy too big Yamato vs. tier the most powerful conventional boat in the game already big Yamato vs. flying [ __ ] not too bad finally big Yamato vs. scarlet dawn flying [ __ ] everything except the giant lasers miss but they're so powerful that they can kill the ship on their own very good so there she is the big Yamato downloaded improve it please God let me know if you've made a pedal so there we are from the depths the greatest Somali pirates simulator to ever exist [Music]
Channel: martincitopants
Views: 509,442
Rating: 4.9446039 out of 5
Keywords: From the depths
Id: m8EtcOtsLhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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