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enemy car behind us so by the way i just hear it take it down i can't take it down because i can see it then how do you know it's there i hear it fair we made it to america america [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] goddammit i'm standing next to science he's in the buildings oh jesus walked out he [ __ ] out i killed him okay he's gonna get on your left coming up on your left sorry whatever just go just go oh [ __ ] oh oh by the way james everyone here on the server has probably in their a like some kind of [ __ ] thermometer of you saying that the timing [ __ ] off yo james i'll pick you up or at least i'll try to why do well you don't have to i'm coming to you i'll just uh oh wait hold up you've got to be kidding me she was wondering how you can actually land this thing can you land already i hit my light you know if you fire it at the point blind distance it doesn't explode really you want to see this i'll put it down eric i'm not sure if it does now because the guy who has one thousand hours i'm to the right that's all right okay this looks like the scene from the good the bat and the ugly except i have a rocket launcher and i'm not afraid to fire it put it down or i kill both of us three of us put it down or kill all of us two plus one of us two that's three what does that mean okay we're not going to explode are we okay you okay i guess where's your head at oh wow what do you mean where's my head no did you see what happened someone just fired a rocket in our building and they just didn't kill it you were killed by g rape fruit well i like it we're having a serious conversation about us almost getting killed and you're just like oh but you just got killed by jay rayford [Laughter] you want to go on a date not with my [ __ ] car it's my car well i'm the one who's driving it one second let me get all zoomed up and ready stop it i'm gonna kill us all right we're in the town all right i'm in the back of this red car he's taking it wrong what about [ __ ] there is a helicopter just spinning around in circles can you see a trend oh yes i think he's having a really good time there just look at him he's just spinning go to video options go to uh idealizing and post process settings yes and turn contrast to zero the best way to play this game oh no it gives him ptz when we try to start our own bug oh no you you remember that [Music] it was so terrible in a good way i loved it one two three [Music] everybody double click your mouse wheel really quick no no no just drop yourself in so you don't fall out when he he does the thing press v twice press v twice to put the structure v is a check [Laughter] you're all safe to come here now i even removed the wall for you oh nice i'm not sure how much oh i killed them well i didn't think i'd be uh swimming across the mediterranean sea today yeah i mean either so who wants to dive in i'm gonna play everything everyone yell why don't yell but everyone say what you're uh what you did on rock paper scissors yeah three two one paper scissor he's in the building underneath you dude this this guy sounds like a teriyaki what who smelly yeah he's a god man oh my god he does you sound like sergeant terry yo james i have a question for you do you have a donation for me sorry do you have a donation for me just put it in this box behind you i'll bring it to myself wow i'm very proud of myself right now let me call my mom okay check this out i can do a cool trick okay i can balance it this is like when you would have like a three-wheeler as a kid like side drifted well let's see how long can i go oh and okay there's you feeling that um what's going on [Laughter] here comes jesse with another helicopter not anymore yeah that's my jam this is so loud james do you happen to know a youtuber called jameski what's up i'm saying you happen to know youtuber called james because you said that yeah yeah i actually know him i actually know him you sound a lot like him i watch his vr videos i knew it wasn't him because you never see james keep playing on the three especially king of the hill yeah i know do you think you will you say i sound like james keys a lot like a hell of a lot really look it up and you'll see what i'm saying how do i land on the blue giant uh helicopter thing good question this is pretty hard to explain you have to try it okay real talk how do i land this thing you're gonna turn auto vectoring off and you just get a vectoring or increase what does that extreme do okay invite me or i'm going to crash i already i already invited you i already invited you it's sent it's listen here you piece of [ __ ] oh vehicle refunded i got one thousand dollars back oh god damn it i it's fine wait i'm telling mom i'm telling mom he broke the wheels what can drive don't kill me [ __ ] i knew it just remind me please okay i'm going to revive you if you keep shooting him i will not be able to rest him oh my god one of the clouds looks like a dick why do you have clothes enabled oh wait you're right okay james what up just look at this look at this like you're so flexible oh my now god some really weird yoga i don't want to take a part of that just imagine someone going up the stairs like this it is like one of those portable chairs what did you say to me uh you look like dogs wiping their ass on a floor let me get a bit closer um so yeah about that [Music] um i mean i'm still inside i'm reviving you right now oh so did you jump out um i survived the crash because i just changed the seat i guess and emmitt is still staring at me while being dead can someone pick me up please thank you how are we supposed to get in there okay a tank of animal profile picture approaches me and the naked man walks out of it all right great oh god looking at me oh thank you for yeah thanks if i'm gonna get killed i'll be injured your friend and only you run stop looking in the window sit down okay yeah if you stand up i'll put a bullet in here i'm coming towards you oh [ __ ] the grenade button i told you i was coming towards you oh i i already know what was probably [Laughter] what are you laughing at oh what the hell [Music] [Laughter] thank you so much for sending it god i love this community the stuff you guys sent to me is just incredible thank you so much you
Channel: Jameskii
Views: 2,315,122
Rating: 4.9516182 out of 5
Keywords: arma, funny, moments, random, twitch, highlights, compilation, jameskii, hilarious, funtage, gameplay, comedy, battle, royal, when, idiots, play, troll, trolling, banned, angry, girls, chat, win, best, try, not, to, laugh, challenge, girl, fails, vr
Id: lhVtFEOdNO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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