ARK Survival Ascended: TOP 20 PVE Base Locations | The Island

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how's it hanging people we're back for our first video on Arc survival ascended the ASA version of The Island map is quite different from the ASE version of The Island map and has welcomed us with a bunch of new Cool Base locations so what better way to Showcase it then to show off my top 20 best PVE base locations and in no particular order let's get straight into it first base location located at 61.6 latitude 19.1 longitude here's our location on the map very Central on the left side very large flat spot great area to build the only downside this spot is it's not right next to water it's not too far as you can see there's the swamp water there tasty swamp water and there's the base so it's not too far away you have a quick look at the map in relation to what resources and stuff are around this area you got the Redwoods and swamp cave right here to the West you got the camons of lost faith and you are located in between the volcano and the Redwoods Mountain which are full of rare resources if you're looking for a large spot for a base and a flat one this is a great spot for you next base location is located at 68.1 l itude 32.7 longitude we're in the heart of the Redwoods here I like to call it the Ewok village there's a bunch of redwood trees that you can place tree platforms on join the all together build on top of them build underneath them it's a pretty cool spot and if we look at the map of course you're right next to the two mountains again so you won't have too far to go for your rare resource Gathering next base location is going to be located at 74.7 latitude 31.2 longitude here's our location on the map as you can see it's quite a nice flat area it's a real nice spot to build this location is also nearby to the same points of interest as the previous two locations is located above the swamp so it's not the most friendliest of areas but it is a nice area to build once you get established next base location is located at 96 latitude 20.1 longitude here's our location on the map we're right at the bottom left and this is Craigs Island as you can see it's a noise area to build got your little cheeky exploring note right there on the corner of the cliff and as you can see it has changed a lot definitely make a cool water base here downside is it is kind of far away from resources as you can see but it is very close to the red obelisque and it's also a very beginner friendly location next base location is located at 43.5 latitude 81.4 longitude not the friendliest of areas by any means and if you want to create a large build and need a large flat area this is the spot for you and this can definitely be made a lot bigger than the box I made there the only issue is it's a bit far away from water but you can see water right behind us there it's a bit of a mission you might have to get a hefty pipe over there to get your plummet in but if we look at the map you have these threee mountains that you can farm for resources that are very nearby car Island at the top right and the Cavin of lost hope is very close by to the east so you have some great pois nearby next base location is 63.7 latitude 82.8 longitude here's our location on the map and this area is usually covered in loads of trees and rocks so it's pretty difficult to know this gem actually exists of course the only downside is is a bit of a mission for water so it's one of those Hefty pipe jobs once again you can see it's not too far but it's still pretty pretty far it is also a little bit of a mission to get to your rare resources there is actually a small Mountain here where you can find some metal and Crystal and if you want more than that there's always the Redwoods Mountain across the way all righty next location is kind of a wild card pick and it's located at 34 latitude 7.9 longitude and this is what we're looking at here I do not recall this feature being in ASE and although it might not be an ideal location I feel like you can make something really cool here you can make an awesome looking Pier or something and I don't know I'm not a builder so I don't clue but location wise right next to the snow biome and the mountain there right next to the volcano so you got rare resources coming out your ears and if you just exit the map look at the base head towards the mainland looking for this island here you can see there's a bunch of Crystal on here there's also silica pearls in the water they are hard to spot on this game though oh there you go think that's one there there you go silic pearls so there's a few in this war here so you got easy access to those it's a great area to build and heading towards the mainland you'll see the edge of the beach here which is what we used to refer to as the beach party and you can still see on ASA it's still a beach party there's loads of cool creatures that you can tame here that spawn on this Beach next base location is going to be 88.8 latitude 79.9 longitude here's our location on the map we're at the bottom right of the map it's this quirky little spot here in the ocean you can build a really cool base here great place for a water base and all that stuff for rare resources you'd have to go on a mission to find those however it is a beautiful base location look at that next base location is going to be located at 11.8 latitude 73.6 longitude we're right at the top of the map here as you can see it's a very nice area to build got a nice little pool here for your water access it is quite a nice location in terms of resources and how close by you are to them you got three metal Mountain surrounding you you got the Snow Mountain there on the right obsidian mountain and the mountain opposite caral Island which is just there it is also a very beginner friendly area you probably only see the oddd Raptor around here that's going to Ambush you consider it's next to caral Island and these fre mountains it's a really good area to build next base location is going to be located at 60.7 Latitude 11.6 longitude and after clearing out all the trees you can see it's quite a nice area to build very nice very nice you got easy access to water and obviously you could build a potential water pen down here also and once again living here you'll have easy access to the mountains that are very close by the cam of L Faith cave and the swamp cave next base location is going to be the iconic Stonehenge 9 4.3 latitude 58.6 longitude right at the bottom of the map and it is beautiful I must say look at that it has changed magnificently lots of quirky ways to build around here quite far away from rare resources and anything of real interest but you can't deny it's a great spot to build plus you can build a really cool War pen here let's be honest all righty next base location located at 45 latitude 76.9 longitude here's our location on the map it's a nice little spot very flat bit skinny but uh a nice spot spot nonetheless got a very large lake right next to it so you can house your water creatures here and the location itself we just go up from here redwood's nearby volcano is pretty nearby obsidian Mountain very nearby and of course that mountain there is pretty close to and also to mention in the lake below you will have some nice little bits of uh rare resource in it you got some Crystal lovely and there is some metal here somewhere it looks different on this game though here you go there you go bit of metal beautiful moving on to the next base location which is right next to the previous base location 45.6 latitude 77.6 longitude this is actually a really cool area for as I know I do not remember this at all in ASC it seems like a complete new landscape feature so you can build on top of here if you wanted to if you just turn around you can see that's where the previous base location was there's definitely a lot of potential with this base location you see there's loads of weird looking Cliffs loads of gaps you can definitely work around all that and if you go underneath there's all these really cool looking tunnels so you can definitely work this into your base as well honestly it's just a really cool base location it's completely different to what we saw from as in this spot and as you can see you've got the mountains in a triangle formation around you you got this metal Mountain here obsidian mountain and the Redwoods Mountain so you've got all the rare resources close by well this is like deja vu all over again here's our next base location 86.4 latitude 87.5 longitude right to the bottom right to the map and it may look very familiar this is herbivore Island I don't think this location has ever not been included in a top base location video and it makes its return in ASA looking better than ever great for war base great for a start location as it is very friendly on here that's why it's called her Island you got nice little starter resources here like you got some metal no here typically most people will build their base inside the Horseshoe area in the middle personally I think it's the best spot anyway and you might be able to save the spawns of these uh metal rocks I'm not really sure but there is a few decent uh metal rocks up here so honestly you probably would be able to save at least a few of them of course the major downside of building out here is that it's quite far from the mainland as you can see they're pretty far away from everything next base location is located at 24.4 latitude 10.7 longitude of course you're going to have to like the snow biome to want to live here but even if you don't if you want to visit this area it's very good for resources and other stuff like it not the FL of areas to build but it is a very nice area nonetheless we got rare resour stand got a bit of oil rocks obsidian and of course easy access to the ocean right next to the blue Obelisk and the mountain for all the rare riches if you want to thrive and survive in the snow this could be the base for you next base location is located at 63.6 latitude 33.2 longitude we're in the Redwoods and this is the Redwoods Lake very iconic from the ASC Island map version so of course the area isn't flat at all but this is what makes this area so good there's lots of quirky areas where you can build and of course you can utilize the large trees and attached tree platform forms to them which is always a good thing there's also a few ruins down here you could maybe build around those as well up to you the possibilities are endless right next to you you got the swamp cave that is the swamp cave entrance right there so it's right next to this Lake why did it just go really dark that's weird the lighting on this game is uh appalling I must say visuals great lighting and shadows awful once again this is one of those Southwestern zones so you got great access to mountains like the Redwoods Mountain which is obviously right next to your base you got the volcano to the north of course swamp cave is right next to your base and the C of lost faith to the West can't complain about that next base location is located at 30.6 ltitude 94.4 longitude here's our location on the map and this is another new feature of the ASA version of The Island map there's a load of these rock formations coming out from the beach in certain areas and I really like this area of course you can build on these Cliffs above if you want to but the main focus is these rocks I think they're just super cool you can build on any of these rocks out here another cool rock formation to build on it is quite flat on the beach if you wanted to build a base with a flat area and looking at the map car Island to the top right metal mountain right in front of you Cam a lost hope located south down the beach once again having a load of popular and important pois nearby next base location 18.8 latitude 73.5 longitude and of course this is the one and only Hidden Lake I've cleared out all the trees so it's not hidden anymore but yeah it's still quite a nice base location as you see it's quite a nice area to build do believe that Beaver Dam's still spaw in here cuz I just seen a beaver somewhere but I don't know where it's gone there he is is that you there yeah little cute little Beaver has mainly Dam so he's slacking on the job it's a nice area to build you can see you got metal Mountain there you got obsidian Mountain there and the Snow Mountain there on the right turn around and there's caral Island so you got loads of good pois around this location next base location is 74.1 latitude 6 longitude I actually buil in this location for a playthrough on the ARs of V Evol and I had a great time it's a really nice spot to build although I did see people in the comments say that on ARX evolve they could not build here it wasn't buildable on official servers it may or may not be buildable in ASA but you can build here in single player it is a really nice area to build cuz it's so flat it's in a nice location right next to the ocean if you want to build a nice water pen or something like that of course it's right next to Red O which is always a good thing cab have lost faith up the beach to the north a little bit far to get your metal and Crystal as the Redwoods and the volcano are slight slly a bit further from this spot but honestly it's worth the flight I love this location and the final base location is going to be 20.8 latitude 83.7 longitude here's our location on the map we're at the top right of the map right next to caral Island it's a nice area to build very flat in the water which doesn't really matter in PVE and the foundations will cover the water so it really won't matter at all you won't be having any water leaks inside your base let's just put it that way and as you can see it is quite a hostile area we got saber-tooth tigers making themselves comfortable in our house and to finish off resource check of course you got metal mountain right next to you Carno Island to the north obsidian mountain and Snow Mountain it's a great area full of hot spots where you can find a bunch of goodies and awesome creatures to tame and that's going to be the end of the video for today hope you guys enjoyed it hope this do I'll catch you on the next one take care goodbye
Channel: BEYPlaysGames
Views: 50,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARK, ARK The Island Best base Locations, ARK The Island Base Locations, ARK The Island Best PVE Base Locations, ARK The Island Top 10, ARK The Island Top Best Base Locations, ARK Best Base Locations, ARK The Island Where To Build a Base, ASA The Island best pve base locations, ark survival ascended top 10 pve base locations, ark survival ascended best base locations
Id: r4uKsueQDFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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