40 NEW Features In ARK: Survival Ascended...Every Player Needs To Know!

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hello welcome back for another video today we're looking at 40 new things features additions in Arc survival ascended let's get straight into it and to begin the video we have a super awesome feature so in this video clip you can see I've got all my shiny industrial structures on top of this ceiling the only thing supporting the ceiling is this singular row of walls and back on ASC if I Demar these walls I would lose every single structure placed on top of the ceiling including the ceilings but if we demolish this wall or pick it up it goes straight into our inventory so we've lost none of those expensive structures and we haven't been shafted for making a mistake of demolishing the wrong wall moving on which probably doesn't come as a surprise after placing down any structure you can now pick it up whenever you want to whereas before on ASC you'd only have a short window to pick it up before having to demolish it this is a very welcoming change you can now access any shoulder pets inventory while they are perched on your shoulder this is done by holding r on PC or beholding X or Square on an Xbox and PlayStation controller this could only be done with the Coba crops in ARX evolved so this change is amazing most structures built inside the snow biome will now be covered in actual snow just seeing this makes me want to build in the snow pretty simple but sometimes those simple things can make us happy Auto turists can now be placed upside down underneath ceilings or on the side of walls I don't play PVP but I'm sure this could be beneficial in some sort of way tree platforms now have snap points where you can snap your walls around the whole circumference of the tree platform making it looks super nice and flush dumb Beals now have an ability where they can collect feces for you and to do this go up to your dumb Beal and hold the access key and enable feces collection every time a nearby tame creature poops the dumal will collect it in its inventory but you will still have to enable wandering for it to convert it to fertilizer as of now it does appear that they can excessively over enumber themselves with feces I'm not sure if that'll change either way this change was a much needed change the OB Raptor also received a mini TLC update just like The Dumb Beetle where it can now automatically pick up fertilized and non-fertilized eggs this works the exact same way as the Dumb Beetle by enabling egg collection where you have the option of selecting both fertilized and non-fertilized eggs or just selecting one of them be sure to have raw meter in its inventory otherwise it will be gobbling up your fertilized eggs and you don't want that a Tre sap tap will now produce up to 30 sap before capping out whereas in Arc survival evolved it would cap out at 20 you can now pretty much paint anything and everything in Arc for example a lot of the crafting stations like the fabricator Smithy just a name a few beds or generators you couldn't paint any of these before but now you can with their own selected regions all contributing to your base looking rather colorful and cheerful when placing structures we now have the option to either freely place them wherever we want or by using the snap option this is extremely helpful when placing certain structures now we can place rows of storage boxes vaults and refrigerators without have to worry about them being off center or sticking through the wall there are now less building pieces to learn via your engrams for example when you craft a wall you can now scroll through the variety of building pieces so with the wall you can convert them to window frames door frames or just the Standard wall itself making building a whole lot easier quarter walls and quarter ceilings have been added to the game I'm no Builder by any means I'm sure they will add a nice touch to any building project these new building mechanics and pieces are going to be so helpful for me when dropping items onto the floor or using a method known as Pop Cor in items your character can now throw those packages much further these packages when thrown down on an uneven surface are very well known to roll all over the place but now you can literally throw them down a cliff and they won't budge one bit wild dinosaurs and creatures now roam around with babies and these can actually be tamed which is a massive Game Changer as you don't even need kibble or preferred foods to tame them once the parent of that baby has been killed you can instantly tame that baby and claim it for yourself now this is one of the best new features of as say in my opinion the ammo switching wheel while having your weapon equipped to access the wheel hold r on PC or X and square on Xbox and PS4 controllers this will bring up an ammo and attachment wheel where you can quickly access the ammo types and switch to them straight away you can also use this wheel to craft certain ammo types in your inventory if you have the resources to do so and of course if you equip a weapon with a variety of different attachments the pistol is a perfect example so you can switch to a flashlight a scope a silencer ammo typ anything you want it's a beautiful feature when facing or accessing any device which consumes fuel over time for example the campfire requires a burning Source we can now view how long that Source will burn for and another example being the generator once you stick your gas inside and turn it on you will also be able to view how long your electrical appliances will be powered for with the amount of gasoline inside the generator so electrical outlets and cables they're completely gone all you need to power your electrical appliances these days is a power generator on once equipped and ready to place a range radius will now be visible on screen this indicates the power range of the generator anything placed inside the radius will be automatically powered once placed down all you need is gasoline to run it of course once turned on everything in the radius will be powered leading this on perfectly to the next feature which is the majority of appliances do not need gasoline to run anymore so back on ASC you pretty much needed gasoline to run everything the fabricator chemistry bench industrial cooker just to name a few but now all you need need is these to be placed within the radius of a power generator and they will all run without gasoline I'm one of those people that would leave my appliances on 247 and just waste gasoline but there's no tomorrow oops now Captain fat do knows who left the fabricator on during Mony season 3 scored Earth well I'm not going to have that problem anymore am I irrigating appliances has also completely changed in ASA as in ASA you would have to place your intake and build a load of water pipes connecting to your appliances to fully irrigate them all you need an ASA is an intake placed in water it works the exact same way as the generator once selected you'll see the irrigation radius when you've been placed within the radius will be irrigated without the need of any extra pipes you can also add a number of water tanks within that radius to extend the range of your water supply giving you a larger range to play around with you can now cook meat inside a fireplace which might not seem like a big deal but you could never do that in Arc before the movement speed St for players and creatures is now long G it can however be turned on in your single player settings if you are missing the Need for Speed I'm honestly loving this change though surely this means that when we tame creatures we aren't going to get a bunch of points wasted into the movement speed stat Wireless crafting is a brand new feature where you can craft items from crafting stations without having to run around your base grabbing all the resources to do so to do this you will need tech dedicated storage boxes with all your resources inside all you have to do is access them and make sure you have wireless crafting enabled you can see them with dedicated storage I've got cementum paste in one and metal ingots in the other so I'm going to now use the Smithy which has nothing in the inventory at all I could just click on the metal walls and craft as many as I want which will automatically pull it from the tech dedicated storage boxes and this will work with any crafting station the Smithy fabricator Tech replica and many other crafting stations when tapping into the command console it now has a predictive text feature and might save your fingers a little bit of punishment when typing out those annoying admin commands chiby pets no longer fill the hand slot in your inventory so in Arc survival evolve this was never a thing if you wanted to equip yourself a shield and a chibi at the same time there's just no option to do that the chibi was always equipped in the off hand slot and so was a shield for example the chibies now have their own slot to be equipped to which is found when accessing your inventory you can see it at the base of your character screen this is a very welcoming change I must say you can now track up to free recipes at the same time to do so access your inventory hover above the recipe or engram that you want to craft this will tell you if you have the stuff in your inventory to craft them or you can just use them as a reminder to what you need to craft certain recipes instead of constantly hopping onto the art wiki page to check the recipe ingredients underwater vacuum compartment have had a massive cosmetic change adding many more customizable options you can either fill the compartment with water empty it of water or even make the panels invisible which does look pretty cool I must say there is now an option to kill yourself instantly and be able to respawn this is done by hovering over your specimen implant for 5 seconds I can see this being helpful in many different ways and finally we have one of the things that make Arc so much fun which is mods and now they are available for everyone including console once they get this game no need to use steam to download your mods anymore just go onto the mod section on the main menu and you can download your mods there so far we have a bunch of creatures and cool dinosaurs to choose from and also the Sparty map created by nocus I must say I haven't played it yet but from what I've seen it looks amazing and activate the mods go into your created game clicking on mod settings and this is where you can activate or deactivate your installed mods so a new feature was added where you can quickly access the whole of your inventory on your hot bar this is done by holding Q on PC or holding lb and up on the dpad on Xbox controller and I believe L1 and up on d-pad for a PlayStation controller and now you can use the button prompts to skip to the next page of your inventory items of course by Nature not every item can go onto a hot bar and when you're done with it press the same Keys which will revert you back your standard hot bar struggling to see clearly now in ASA well there's now a new belt slot option where you can equip your torch too and light yourself up like a Christmas tree I'm not too sure that's a good location for an open flame and while on the subject of torches you can now customize the color of the light emitted by a torch to any color that tickles your fancy which can be done by coloring the correct region inside the cosmetics and paint menu in your inventory how cool is that in turn this also works the same with standard torches w torches and lamp posts everyone's favorite part of Ark and that is creating ourselves and making ourselves look beautiful or in most cases as deformed as possible and in this new game there are plenty of customizable features that can achieve this for you ranging from even customizing every single muscle on your body to make yourself look buff or absolutely weak you can now customize your hairstyle and hair length and even change the sound of your voice just in case you feel like you need to make yourself more intimidating there's now an option to customize the camera zoom levels when in third person riding a creature by holding the left ALT key on PC or holding the back button on Xbox and I believe the select button on PlayStation controller you can now zoom in closer or zoom out further adjusting it to your liking the tech binoculars have received a massive update kind of making it like the awesome spy glass mod while having it equipped you can now view every wild creature stats and any information you need to know about them before considering taming them this way you'll know if the creature has good base stats and if they're worth taming or not you can also track these creatures which will show them on the mini map of course they're great for scoping out areas that you don't want to get too close to with the ability to zoom into great distances you could also use the binoculars in the exact same way for structures being able to scope those out in detail too being able to see the hell from a distance or track structures the same way that you can with creatures Bowers and chain Bowers now have a visible icon indicating whether that creature can be bowed or not bowed the green icon means the creature can be bowed the red icon means the creature cannot be bowed and once you have a creature bowed it will show up yellow once that creature is free it will still show up yellow indic that there is a cool down until you can Reb of that creature there is now an in-game Waypoint tracker system and ping system it's really nice to see that Arc has finally caught up to the numerous amount of games that Implement features like this to use a waypoint you go into your inventory and then go on the map icon at the top of your screen there is the option to pick a waypoint this is where you can customize it to your likin give it a name change the coordinates or customize the color for example click accept and the icon will show up on your map you can then click this icon to enable the tracker it's kind of like how the taming tracker works but you can do it with any Waypoint that you pick adding on to this The Taming tracker has also had a nice rework but you can still track the creatures that you're taming but you can also track every creature that you own in your tribe to access this go to the tracking tab in your inventory and to track any creature find them on the list of creatures then select to add POI you now be able to track your beloved creature from wherever you are on the map which also includes your tribemates if you want to figure out where they're off to I cannot stress how good this feature is I know we've all been there you've lost your creatures and you have no idea where they've gone well with this feature you ain't going to lose them anymore or your trib mates for that matter we also have a new in-game ping system to access the Ping commands click and hold the middle Mouse button or if you're playing on Xbox controller like me hold left bumper and right bumper together and this is the wheel selection once you select a ping from the wheel it will show in game while your trib mates can also see this ping and they know what you're up to if for some reason you don't want to talk to them that is Supply beacons and loot crates have changed immensely first of all they look completely different and second of all it seems the loot tables have completely changed when compared to ARX ofal evolved the majority of them tend to drop High tier loot Blueprints and consumable items the loot quality currently seems to be pretty op so I'm pretty sure that's going to change very soon however if you like a glimpse of what drops give certain items check out my previous video where I explore them in depth there is now an awesome new feature that is photo mode which can be accessed by the start menu which when selected will completely freeze the game for you where you can freely move the camera around and take yourself some beautiful screenshots I'm still on the fence about it I loved using Nvidia Anil with ARX ofile evolved and I feel like this one's a little more complicated but for people that didn't have access to Nvidia ano this feature is amazing there's so many customizable options to choose from but have no fear my mate voo has made probably the best tutorial you could ever see on this feature so if you are struggling to get to grips with this feature be sure to check out that video it helped me out massively I'll stick a link in the description of the video and in a ping comment and that's going to be the end of the video I hope you all enjoyed it these videos do take me a very long time to put together an edit I'd really appreciate if you'd hit that like And subscribe for more art content like this and I'll catch you on the next one take care goodbye he
Channel: BEYPlaysGames
Views: 700,444
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Keywords: ark, ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended top 10, ark survival ascended new features, ark survival ascended new creatures, ark survival ascended all new features, ark survival ascended tips & tricks, 10 new features and new things in ark survival ascended, ARK survival ascended everything you need to know
Id: kP8kH1NO70c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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