The Top 10 Best Metal Locations in Ark Survival Ascended The Island Map

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this guide will show you the top 10 best metal locations in Ark survival ascended the Island map The Island map has changed a lot since Arc survival evolved in a lot of the best metal locations are totally different now this guide will give you map and GPS coordinates for all of the safest easiest to access Metal locations that you can get within a minute or two of spawning into the game and show you some more Advanced Metal locations where you can get thousands of metal in just a few minutes really easily for Ark survival as and as a bonus at the end I'll show you how to get plenty of metal without ever leaving your base please remember to like share comment and subscribe and let's get started now this is by far the best place to get metal on Ark survival ascended here's a metal node in case you don't know what they look like they're silver now but this entire island is loaded with metal this is herbivore Island as most people call it because there are no Predators this is the absolute safest place to get metal in all of Ark and as you can see here there's metal nodes all around the top of this island there's probably 10 to 15 metal nodes up here and you can easily walk around and grab them all without anything messing with you as long as you don't accidentally hit a bronto's tail or something like that and this island is loaded with ankylosaurs it is the best place in the entire map to tame an anky you don't even have to have a saddle to get metal from them you just park one next to a bolt it'll smash the metal automatically and get you all the metal you need right off the bat you can do this at level one if you want so herbivore Island is located on the Southeast corner of the map I'm here at about 8889 and this whole island is an amazing place to build a metal Outpost the only kicker is you have to get to it you're probably going to want a raft to be able to move the metal back and forth occasionally lead SI these will attack you from down here but if you have a decoy raft you can find out if there's any whales coming for you and if not you can get yourself safely to the shallows on the other side and move to wherever your base is located now this metal location is one of the safer ones and close to the coast but it's really hard to find so let me start by giving you some coordinates so I'm going to start from this little Island at 92 60.8 and we're right at the edge of this little Peninsula it's a great starting base area I put that in my other guide but if we head to this little island where the Beavers are located you get lots of beaver dams right here so you can make it a One-Stop shop for tons of good resources but then just to the north of this island you can see on the map there's this little uh there's this little mountain right there to the top right and if we head to the very center of that mountain Just Right Through the Jungle we're going to wind up at the top of the hill and at the very top of this hill is a tree and it's surrounded by metal now it is really really really hard to find this metal it's very well guarded back here and I haven't seen too many dangerous predators out here but I'm sure some of them spawn around here and if you run into something nasty you're not going to see it coming so be prepared for a fight if you come over here but check it out we've actually got a pretty good amount of metal all around here and let me zoom up just so you can get a better feel for it if you look around this area there's one tree sticking out higher than all of the rest and that's at the very center of this mountain on the map and that's where you're going to find the metal almost exactly 861 66.3 and it's a pretty good supply of metal almost as much as you'll find on the very top of metal Mountain but let's go there and I'll show you how much easier it is to spot so another one of the best starting Metal locations in Arc survival ascended is metal Mountain we call it that because it's loaded with metal and we're going to start at at about 90 and 46.6 there is this little stream that comes out just to the west side of that Peninsula that I was showing you South Zone 2 is a spawning Zone that'll get you right over here you do sometimes find Saros and spinos down at the bottom of this River it's a much more dangerous spot than the one I just showed you but if we head north up along the river here and then go up towards the top of this mountain take a look on the map this whole area is what we call metal mountain and it's loaded with metal you're also going to find Raptors Alpha Raptors carnos Alpha carnos and uh some decent thees but if we head just up from the coast you're going to start to see metal nodes out in these open areas you do have a lot of raptors out this way but uh right around here you're going to find a couple of metal nodes that are pretty out in the open and relatively easy to spot anything coming at you so if you want to grab a little bit of metal and then run back down to the coast it's not far from the coast but as we head up closer to the top of this mountain we're going to find even more metal nodes and more dangerous stuff and then at the very Peak there's actually a lot of Crystal and some concentrated metal nodes we are right at about 80 and 46.7 and this is one of the best starting areas to do a metal run you can get tons of metal and carry it back to the river onto a raft and then as we head even further north there's this open slope that's got quite a bit of metal down the slope too quite a few metal nodes over here and you're going to find a lot of raptors around this area so be warned be careful and be ready for a fight but if you can handle everything you can get back to the river pretty easily and uh right here this slope is about 80.2 52.1 and it's another great place to just pop right off of the coast and grab a bunch of metal right here just be careful of things like spinos and the's and stuff like that down here at the bottom of the water and pro tip this flat Plateau is an amazing spot to build a base you can just see right over where all the metal is you can actually watch for when it respawns using a spy glass and just come back and get it whenever it comes back if you live up here just a couple of gates and you can protect this whole Plateau so keep that in mind and uh here we are back at the river at the mouth of the ocean so you can see here you can come here on a raft with the river River get a ton of metal loaded up and then carry it back to your base by C now if you don't mind the cold and you want a great metal Outpost up in the Arctic there's a spot right here right where the Arctic meets the tropical area we're at about 30.7 7.1 and this actually is a great spot to set up a really small metal Outpost up on this little plateau and then if you head just to the north over here you're going to run into a bunch of really good resources so this whole section with all of these dead trees is actually full of metal nodes they're just really hard to see cuz they're covered in snow but check it out that's a metal node most of these rocks over here are actually full of metal they're just really hard to see the metal and you're also going to find a whole bunch of rocks full of oil and obsidian right down here at the bottom these are obsidian chunks and uh a lot of these rocks actually have a lot of oil in them the only problem is this place is very well guarded so you usually have a lot of really nasty creatures up here on this Plateau but if you get a flyer get them to chase you off the cliff down to the beach you can bring your anky when they're done with all that and get a ton of really good resources right up here and then just a little bit to the north of this spot by the way this is about 23.6 10.3 just a touch North there's actually another little spot that's got quite a few metal nodes here once again very hard to see but if you just smash every Rock and see which ones have metal in them you're going to get quite a bit and there's also a good bit of Crystal and you can tame ankylosaurus right up here if you need one so great place to stop by and there's Penguins for organic polymer now this mountain is another of the most concentrated metal deposits in all of ARCA survival ascended there are probably 30 metal nodes all around this area at the top of this mountain and we're actually kind of right on the edge of the swamp close to the Redwoods it's actually a very dangerous area as you can see we got rexes stuff like that tons of nasty things in the swamp but it's not a terribly long distance to get to the river and then out to the Sea so uh we're right here your river access is about 74.1 64.3 and the mountain itself is right at the center of 67.8 and 62.1 and if you can make it up here if you got a couple rexes or something like like that you can get a ton of metal out to the ocean pretty quickly now one of the richest and most concentrated Metal locations in all of Ark survival ascended is the volcano go figure right so there's actually a ton of metal scattered all around the slopes a lot of these are relatively clear areas but you're going to find some nasty stuff around here like spinos and rexes down in the water and uh it's real hard to navigate up here but if you do manage to make it up to the volcano there are tons of rewards like just metal scattered all around the base so we're here on the Southern Slope at about 50.3 35.2 and basically everywhere along the slope of this volcano is covered in metal nodes all over the place and then if you can take a flyer up to the top inside the volcano actually has a ton of concentrated metal nodes right inside here too also piles of Crystal and obsidian most of this is harvestable there's a little bit of a problem though it's incredibly hot you're going to be baking to death and uh gigas will spawn inside the volcano crater so there's a lot of things to look out for but as you can see here it is just covered in metal Crystal and obsidian here is the exact center of the volcano 41.7 37.4 but if you can successfully get in and out of here there is a little path bleeding down and there's lots of metal all around the edges and all the way around every single slope of this volcano so this is a great place if you are decked out with some serious guard dogs on your team if you bring an anky up here with a lot of Firepower you're going to be in great shape for tons of metal if we head here to the very middle of the Redwoods in basically the exact dead center of the map at about 58.4 4 9 this mountain in the middle of the Redwoods is loaded with metal there's tons of metal up on the top lots of Crystal lots of obsidian and lots of Ankylosaurus which you can tame and use to farm the metal but this mountain is covered in ankes Sabertooth scorpions args all kinds of nasty stuff and you're going to need a really good flyer if you want to fly over the Redwoods and uh not have to go through the middle of them cuz they are incredibly dangerous and you're often times going to get pounced by a thila that's just sitting on one of the trees so you most likely are going to want to bring an RG fly it way up and over the forest and bring your anky down here but this is a great spot to get tons of metal if you are able to go airborne and you're near the center of the map now this is another really dangerous mountain but there are tons of metal deposits all around this mountain and uh as you can see here there's a lot of RGS lots of of uh you know rexes allows things like that that spawn up here but if you want to grab a ton of metal and Crystal there is a whole bunch right on the peak right here and any land creatures if you take an RG with an Ankylosaurus up here you can lure them to jump off the cliffs and have a nice safe area there's also a bunch of ruins that you can build on and some of these are actually pretty decent pre-built structures you can put together a little metal outpost on just make sure you build a roof so nothing drops into your house while you're not paying attention so here's the coordinates right here we are at just about 32.2 83.3 and uh this is a great spot to get metal on the northeast side of the map also down near the bottom of this mountain there's a whole bunch more metal deposits like there's a whole bunch scattered around over here you just have to look real carefully among the trees and you'll find quite a few metal deposits right on the bottom like 35.3 80.5 so the barren Mountain to the east of the volcano actually has a lot of metal on it too it's very concentrated but the problem with this spot is the slope is so steep it's going to be really hard to bring an anky around to the different metal nodes without somebody carrying you on an RG or something like that there's some decent metal towards the bottom but this is going to be another really dangerous area so it's going to be real hard to get to all the metal but there is a lot of it at this mountain and here's the coordinates here we're at about 35.5 60.2 now if you want some metal in a really dangerous freezing cold Mountain there are a couple of metal deposits up here but they are incredibly hard to actually find most of them are covered in snow and you can barely see them so it's going to be much harder to get the metal up here there's actually a little bit of oil too but it's a real dangerous spot usually covered in fog but it's this broken Peak up here I don't really recommend grabbing metal here but you can find a little bit up here and some anies to tame so let's say you've spawned in a nice safe Beach and you want to get some metal to get some metal tools things like that but not thousands of metal you just want a little bit you can actually get a lot of metal from these smooth rocks if you can find any of them it's only the really smooth round ones and it's a very low chance to get them using a stone pick but once once you can get a metal pick you can actually hit these and get a pretty good amount of metal straight from these little round rocks like I just got about 10 metal just from a couple of these rocks and it's actually a pretty viable way to get early metal if you just keep grabbing these along the coast and just keep an eye out for any smooth Stones make sure to hit those with a pick and even a stone pick will eventually get you a pretty decent amount of metal it's just going to take a while for it to add up to anything significant see that one only gave me one metal with a metal pick you might have to smash 20 or 30 rocks to get one chunk of metal but you'll eventually get enough to build the tools you need without even going to any of these Metal locations now if you don't have any rocks at all that can produce metal but you manage to tame an Ankylosaurus of any level they can actually get metal from every single Rock doesn't matter what the Rock is it's a much much lower rate like I would probably have about a 100 metal by now if I was smashing metal nodes with this guy but this will add up over time and you'll eventually be able to get all the metal you need if you just smash every boulder around with an Ankylosaurus they will not automatically Harvest anything but metal nodes if they're standing right next to them but if you ride one once you're level where you can actually put a saddle on one you can get all the metal you need just from smashing regular rocks anywhere in the entire world so the blue Obelisk used to be probably the best metal location in all of Ark survival evolved the Island map but in Ark survival ascended it's actually not that great at all they've removed a ton of the metal deposits like all of these rocks used to be metal in Ark survival evolved there are still some metal deposits over here you can get a few metal rocks but honestly there's so many nasty spawns now I don't think it's really worth it you can still find a lot of oil obsidian Crystal it's probably a better spot to get those resources but as far as being able to come up here and get 20,000 metal and then carry it back to your base I don't think that's really viable anymore I got peroia the moment I got here and uh nasty stuff just keeps spawning right at the podium here you can upload and download an anky and just carry a saddle with you because it won't bring the saddle with it you can fill up a a box with you know know some metal and some other supplies and then carry it back with an RG later to your base but honestly blue OB I don't think is worth it anymore so rather than an honorable mention I'm going to give this a dishonorable mention it's just uh I'd recommend avoiding this for metal alog together but here's the coordinates just in case you want them 21.4 21.7 so let me know in the comments what do you think is the best metal location in Ark survival ascended on the island map and if you know of a really good metal location that I haven't mentioned please drop the coordinates in the comments I'd love to hear about it and let me know if you're using one of these Metal locations and how that's going for you if this metal guide helped you please give it a thumbs up so it can help more people too and make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell to enable all notifications because we've got tons more resource guides coming out really soon to help you maximize the fun in your own Ark survival ascended adventures and we'll see you in the next video thanks for watching this video video from the ark Survival Guide please give it a thumbs up share it around and leave a comment that helps us so much and we love hearing from you make sure you subscribe to this Channel and ring that Bell for all notifications so you don't miss our next video full of tricks that will help you win at ARK while you wait here's more videos you can watch right now and we will see you in the next video
Channel: Ark: Survival Guide
Views: 50,302
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Keywords: Ark: Survival Ascended Best Metal Locations, Ark Ascended Metal Spawns, Best Metal Spawns in Ark: Survival Ascended, ark ascended metal farm, ark survival ascended metal locations, ark survival ascended best metal locations, asa best metal, ark ascended metal, ark ascendant metal spawns, asa metal spawns, metal ark ascended, ark survival ascended metal, ark ascended metal location, ark asa metal, metal spawns ark ascended, ark ascendant metal, ark ascended best metal locations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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