Exploring the Island Map ASA for Best Base Locations! Soloing the Ark Ascended EP8

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all right let's hop off here all right thank you Mr Wiggles appreciate it I'll take the rest of those you can have the rest of those berries have some lunch that's right all right hey how's it going everybody welcome back to soing the ark I'm flinger and we're actually I'm really really enjoying the fact that we now have uh a much quicker way of getting narcoberries all right let's see how much two on you thank you all right uh there we go SE how much do you have on you nine and you don't have any ready to spil here give me that thank you see there there we go all right but today what we're going to be doing is we're going to be getting a saddle on Speedy because I want to go take a look around the island at a few different base locations and stuff like that and yeah matter of fact um while I'm doing this I'm going to be pretty open and honest about this I'm going to be recording another video while we're doing this of uh my favorite base location so stay tuned for that one so as we're going around we're looking I'm also going to be uh making another video that uh so where people can have a onetop shop to go there because honestly I love doing that and I think it's really helpful for people at least gives them different ideas all right uh let's see uh we need uh trodon PT oh that's right Raptor has a PT in it fine pte yeah all right outsmarted you oh oh no we we've got that we got that do we need more oh no we have just enough okay uh let see and then that nailed it all right let's get rid of that also one thing we are going to need uh takes 18 I think we have just enough for it how much is it going to take to repair that all right there we go but yeah um for my own personal base I'm looking for one that's kind of close to metal it doesn't have to be like super close but yeah cuz we are going to get like ankes and stuff like that so I don't know why I was going to you Mr Wiggles maybe I'm just so happy that we finally got a trike I mean then that little B wigg of yours is just hilarious dude all right let's see there we go and there we go all right and also one thing I wanted to take a look at yeah uh right here on the crossbow if you're just holding this uh you can actually just freely just hold R and you can just freely switch between the different ammo you have you don't longer have uh to unequip your uh TRS but um the reason why I'm actually using two crossbows right now is because that's where I have double the durability but that's really the reason why I'm doing it all right Speedy you ready to do this let's get out let's go take a look see how much stamina you got 453 yeah oh man it feels good to be flying and Speedy's wings look great oh my gosh all right uh let's get over this way let's go pop up here because a lot of the different base locations from ASE coming into ASA are really really different because granted at one point in time you know people would be like oh well this is a decent base location or right up here right up here this is a great base location you know oh let me put that down where I need this right here used to be just a big massive ledge now there's a lot of jagged rocks so it's not like a super amazing base location I mean you can build a cool base there it's just not one of the ones that at least not right yet until I get over to take a really good close look at it but and then you get stuff like this which is just awesome I mean you could seriously build a decent sized base right here and then if you uh came over like this and you had just a spot for your dinos right here that's cool let me spin around spin around all right trike 15 never mind never mind let's get some stamina all right let's get over here and let's take a look at this I mean because this is still pretty cool matter of fact this could be a decent spot for a base being right here because you could have like a multi-tiered level base just right here on the corner and then you could uh funnel up water from down below especially with the new system you can uh track your water and everything or you can extend the um uh the area it goes it's kind of cool without any pipes mind you yeah you could have just an awesome base like right here and then have like I mean if you were the type that likes to do walls I'm really not that type but then you can have it come out like this all the way around there and then you just have just the main base here with another level up here and maybe another level up here if you wanted to and then even one up here that has your Flyers that's actually not a bad base yeah and then I mean come on The View that you get from this I mean forget about it oh yeah that is great so yeah uh here let me punch this up on the map that's actually a pretty decent base location all right let's get over towards the next one and another thing that I want to do is I know that uh one of the first things a lot of people do when they uh hop on to Arc is here let me show you double click this have the mouse I love this function so much all right uh right when the servers first come out and you'll notice I've been doing it a little bit too is just kind of congregating around the outer parts of the island and that's that's pretty normal um I don't want to uh dedicate myself too much to a bunch of the outer stuff because a lot of times going Inland is generally sometimes better but then again also you can get some really good uh base location on the outer bits but on the outer bits if you build a base out here just know that say if you're uh based right here which is a beautiful spot in order to get anywhere over on this side you're in for a trip it's a journey every single time so yeah that's one of those times that uh where I just say hey just find a spot like over here or over here maybe even right here or something like that this is actually a pretty dangerous place though and just uh build a base there because that actually puts you a lot uh closer to a lot of different uh really cool spots so yeah stamina here oh also level up the stamina [Music] thanks all right we will get your stamina up there pretty dang honestly all right let's get over this way I want to go take a look at one of my favorite spots on the island because I love it and I love a good waterfall so yeah we're definitely going to go take a look at this one over here oh my gosh uh yeah I have some really fond memories of this place I love the fact that they built this path now coming in because before in Arc survival evolved this was just a big open field with some rocks and patches of uh Forest bits with another field in the middle of it and they kept the field right here kind of but it is a little bit more overgrown than it used to be and the trees are a little bit sparer which kind of cool all right let's get over here yeah right here oh would you look at hell man that that is just gorgeous oh man all right let's get [Applause] some there a lot of activity in there a lot of ducks lot of fish B get away from me be no no no no no no all right so this is happening right now Speedy okay so bees yeah they suck you land next to a beehive and oh my God they will knock you off your that is great oh I love that that that adds a whole new level of uh just challenge if you accidentally land next to a beehive oh my go all right now that I've got my WI back about me and a little bit more coffee in me and let's talk about this all right and this down here this little Lagoon wow just wow this is right here on the map right there yeah this is absolutely gorgeous you could I mean you have natural protection from right here on this side and you come up because they have to hit this right here and then you can have just a really big open area right here as well and then they have to come up that ramp and if you wanted to you could do walls come up like that or you could just have spot up here next to all the bees um because that's always fun right up through here and right here is actually a really nice flat bit of land that you can build on but this has always been a really good spot so yeah and coming up right through here I'm surprised they didn't add Beaver spawns to this this would be a perfect spot for beavers right here I mean this would really really really be good for beavers what are you there a dow okay but yeah this would be an amazing spot for beavers and then up through here I mean look at this and this was always the uh um the dirty tannin field Lake um that they uh that was really really hard to see inside it's nice to know they kept it deep I like that right up through here least no Bees all right no Bees we're good least for the next second until a bee comes up and eats me it's like oh you thought I wasn't here yeah I'm here sucking finger right you know the views in this just don't ever fail to impress you look at I'm Just Landing for stamina right here and look at that absolutely that is just gorgeous all right let's get over here I want to go up through Raptor alley mostly I want to unlock it on the map right up through here we got to go through here and this right here normally when I uh I mean I would say that this is actually a pretty decent spot right right here now this is just right here on the other edge of the lake not bad also you have access really close access to the swamp over this way who hello oh they have alows down down here that's oh that's a beautiful aloe oh [Music] man this is cool right here lots of alows right here D i' love the pathways through the woods oh [Music] hello no it faded dang it it took too long all right that's fair enough all right but yeah I love these pathways through the woods and right up here oh there should be some runes right here we could get a quick XP buff from yeah right there can't sit and look at it too long all right there we go there's some XP 40 Speedy nice then right over through here we get into what I lovingly call the Raptor alley because back in Ark survival evolved there was a little path that went from right over here all the way through that just Raptors above to spawn absolutely love to is that a saber [Music] too I thought I heard Sabertooth like a growling Kitty kind of you know thing here we are I'm getting a ton of these by the way I actually think I'm getting a bit too many right getting we're leveling up really fast oh the parasaurs fight back against the Dills I mean it's going to lose cuz there's five of them but it's because there's a baby oh that is great I mean it sucks that you got eaten and your baby's probably going to get eaten too but you know what it it's nice to see a parasaur fight back oo quitzel let's get a little bit closer all right is this heat wave going to die down anytime please thanks 60 okay I mean you would think that I'd be okay I mean I've got oh you've got 16 levels holy crap okay I mean I've got 30 fortitude and cloth armor you would figure that I would be a little bit resistant to heat enough where I'm not taking you know 100 or 90 points of damage okay that was cool noise that that's awesome all right but here's also another really good base location here let me get a little bit of stamina there's Alpha Raptor no no oh you're okay you're the other ones all right granted there is a titanosaur right here but there's also Alphas stuff like that uh but it's right across from the Redwoods which makes it really really good also it's right down from the uh Volcan right there and this is located right here on the map this is actually a really good spot for uh basing and then if you want you can type water from down below here and then have an intersection right here that comes up to another one where you have water right here and then you kind of funnel it through here so yeah um yeah it's a little bit tricky to get the water up here but once you do honestly this is a really good spot also very very uh you know safe uh once you get a wall put up and then you kind of clear out the area cuz when you're living in an area I mean you'll you'll you'll clear it out so um yeah you won't have as many spawns to come up here it's just the initial little clearing the bit and then every once in a while you have like the straight alpha or something but then again after a while of being here a stray Alpha is a good thing because this is like a little experience boost for whatever you're breeding right and this is located I'm not sure if I showed it yet but right there all right one spot I want to take look at is right up here because normally back in Ark survival evolved this was just really overgrown but now this is this actually really really good and this is nice I mean look at this I mean it's flat land it's up High I mean running water up here is going to be a chore but I mean you could always just build a whole ton of uh of water reservoirs that's actually kind of cool let's get through the foliage here oh wow this is a trip oh and by the way this is located right up here so yeah oh man look at this this is cool there's a couple other spots I want to take a look at over here o a Rex level are you level TW oh you're main boosted [Applause] though oh you got a baby oh level 20 Baby Rex oh man that is so cool need to figure out what or if there's anything I can do about these the Shadows on the trees that are in the shadows of the trees it's like they're really really confused on how they want to render yeah this right here this has always been a really good spot especially right up here on top of this right here I I on uh my Sol in the arc season 2 back in AR this is actually where I had my base that came down like this cuz there's so many River Rocks just hidden in this little uh Creek down here that you never ever run out of metal there's so much metal right here the key thing is just you build up here so where those rocks down there will always respawn yeah it's really good this is located right here on the map pretty good spot also I want to go take a look at the mosh pit I've been hearing a lot of people give me uh tell me about how the mosh pitch changed holy oh wow all right here we go let's go see how the mosh pit has changed all right so we've got a bunch of really big trees I was not expecting the large trees I was expecting the smaller trees but not the large ones ooh but then you come through here and oh man this looks pretty good and then there's the The Little Pond right there the tiny Lake okay all right oh and Pride Rock is gone Argent right here we may have to uh come here for our Argent but yeah it's really really overgrown now oh holy crap all right so the mosh pit remains I wonder what the respawn timer of it is uh we will definitely have to prise that see if it has a faster respawn than usual oh man that's cool oh hey look at this I mean I know I'm freezing right now give me a sec I am taking in the sights holy crap this is cool and then you got the uh the Ice Flow oh man this is so cool Argent 75 okay another Argent right here oops wrong button 20 oh man this is amazing oh I'm love my first time seeing the uh Mosh Pit in Ark survival ascended I have a feeling that place that I are going to be good [Laughter] friends oh wow right up here this is super cool all right we're freezing right now but yeah this looks awesome safe to land for stamina right here wow this is gorgeous all right there's another spot down here I wanted to take a look at right down through here I mean if you're into a more dangerous area this is absolutely a decent spot right along this River there's several different waterfalls and stuff Hello something just got eaten several different waterfalls and whatnot and then the volcano is just right up here oh man then the side of the volcano is that obsidian right here nice I love the look of the obsidian in arval ascended and then the metal nodes so many metal nodes right there I love the look of these Arin up here I love the way they kept the veins on the side of the uh the volcano this is super super cool look at that look at that that is just [Music] gorgeous yeah that's a lot of idot this is cool do we have a Cara inside the uh a level 15 C in side by the Tet cave and I have to remove it before I can do anything in there that's going to be great all right good luck dude all right let me see if I can poop on you you're supposed to poop all right all right let's get back down here let's go look over here at metal Mountain all right looking up here right above the kitan cave right there's the kitan cave and this actually looks like a pretty decent spot this is the new Pride Rock oh oh look at this and it overlooks the redwoods in the distance oh that is great all right let's take a look down here at this little uh bit right around 50/50 very very curious to see how this got changed oh waa this is even better than it used to be oh oh wow this is nice you a micr Raptor hello is that a bear trying to eat my butt dude but yeah this spot right here has always been good and honestly I think this is a really good spot for a base this is right around 50/50 right here so much going on right now I feel like I have to just stay very attentive this is really cool though I mean look at this just right through the Ravine ooh hello beautiful of course right next to the Redwood yeah those would be good oh we've got twin baby rexes down below us 10 bronos down there as they start just thundering oh man that is great I think this may be the new Mosh Pit my God or at least just another Mosh Pit now so much is going on here this is cool all right let's look over on this side by the fallen tree here's the fallen tree hello oh yeah this looks like a really good spot too plus there's beaver dams right there is right here this is great just waiting for a thler to come barreling across the top this tree at [Laughter] me oh man they added a waterfall I just might lose my mind this right here is where I used to harvest all my metal and they added a waterfall oh my gosh I'm in awe and shock and this is a they added a pathway that comes up here and a waterfall the M this is so great oh man I love this spot now what about over here let's go take a look really quick cuz there was also another waterfall over here see right over here right here is where I used to have my BAS and then I would have I would build a ramp going across that up to here but that's no longer necessary holy all right and then there should be another river right over here oh that is a Loot drop it's a purple oh this is so much more intimidating now this is looks like what you would Envision a Rex Den to look like oh that was blackluster this is so cool and go through here oh here's the other waterfall I can hear it oh man this is gorgeous should be beavers down below us as well Barry onx Oh this is so cool there's this this little Overlook there used to be loot drops that come down here is that I thought I saw something right there this is a really nice flat spot too oh wow this is great and this is actually located right here's this flat spot right here up above everything and then the other one is down here I can hear the allows wow am I already lost oh i' love it oh that's so cool right over here yeah right here is the other one oh am I Lev 55 I can open that we'll wait for that to come down and this right here this one's located right there absolutely amazing spots this is so cool all right I'm going to wait for that to come down all right is it safe duck leave me [Music] alone Speedy thank you this looks gorgeous right here I absolutely love this spot this is great all right there's a couple other spots I want to go take a look at uh right over here remember the old uh stones that were standing over here I'm going to go take a look at those really quick I definitely want to see these oh this is gorgeous this is just following the river Inland oh this is amazing oh man remember when uh gigas used to be able to uh hide inside of the tree lines you'd lose them in there that was nothing oh man this is great all the way alongside both of these you even got that happening this is right down by the green OB [Music] too this is cool how flat is this up here not bad actually ooh crevices oh wow oh wow this is cool nice little location all right this is located right here on the map oh my gosh they redid the standing stones this is so cool another XP buff right there I think from now on I'm going to start saving the XP Buffs just so where when I start breeding dinos I can just go grab them here's a look at Giga mountain is this kind of safe it looks like there's just a big drop right there I mean a gigas can come up here but this is really really cool I mean water would be a problem this is right here this is gorgeous though holy crap this is amazing I love what they did all right Giga Mountain certainly looks different that is super cool very intimidating very intimidating now just because you know that on the side of this mountain or somewhere down below there are gigas here they will eat you it's not and there's no guesswork in that they are there that's super cool oh man that's gorgeous I may actually take a screenshot of this all right let's get over here to the Hidden Valley the Hidden Valley has always been a good one but I want to go take a look at it and see just how it was changed okay and they maintain The Ravines on the outside of it which is good I like that come through over here that looks good it's pretty deep water I mean they made the lake a little bit smaller but they maintained just the whole valley around it area that's pretty cool plus also there's beavers so yeah this a Hidden Valley is actually located right up here here really good spot oh I didn't even realize I ended up looting two Iguanodon Saddles 45 and and they're weighing me down so I'm going to have to throw one out that's unfortunate let's see can I trim the [Music] weight that should be good all right we get to keep both of gondon saddles all right and of course you have this spot right here oh this is amazing just this big open planes right here coming up right here that's just screaming for a lighthouse oh man can I get this without aggroing all of the steeling birds not worth it no out of here oh dude you stole my jerk all right but this is located right here way up here on the map actually let's see right up here nice spot all right I want to go over and take a look see what happened to Carno Island I've heard stories I love the new trees on here that is a Gorge Sergeant five so many Argin that's great oh that Loot drop didn't come down or it came down but just now there's a red one over there this is great oh they even maintained that and then the little oh they made the jagged rock over here not so Jagged ooh and they made the center a little bit not as safe you used to be able see this is one of the things I used to do a lot when I was uh doing Arc survival evolved is when you're over here farming the Cardinal Island cuz you spend four five 6 hours over here just getting XP that there was this peak right here that you would just go AFK on if you need AFK and nothing ever came up here you you were fine not so much anymore there's Arin up here that's going to add a nice little twist to it I like that all right now normally in Arc survival evolved I never would have said hey this is a good base location but this is a good this is interesting you're right here you have access to uh um be able to build like a water pen right here plus also up above here on this side as long as you build multi-tier you're not going to have a worry about anything I mean no gig is going to come mess with you nothing and this is actually off the side of Giga mountain and there's another one right down here which honestly it looks like it's just as good if not better these little rocks they added to the edges of the island are super cool I love these things they are so great this one right here is not as good because if there is a gig in the area he will just come right out here and eat your base and your face and your Rex's face and all your other faces that are you happen to put inside your base but yeah that's cool this is just right alongside the beaches there's a whole bunch of these all the way around the island that honestly if you just want a really easy base spot there's some really good ones out here yeah they look good ooh Green Drop of the [Music] Ring what you got for me oh wa no give me all right Speedy we got to go run by base yeah you're going to be encumbered all right give me a sec though thank you all right let's unload this stuff oh I forgot Speedy's following me Speedy stop following me Speedy stop dude you're messing with my vibe oh are you l oh oh okay you're over there all right all right that's cool dude uh let's see um Bob how are you doing on berri hold on to my carrots okay Bob I guess we'll give you some hit points thanks dude all right but yeah so we went all around the island we missed the uh the upper snow bits but we will eventually get those I just don't have the armor for it today but yeah honestly we went scalped a whole ton of changes I found some really amazing spots uh yeah all right so hey I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you haven't already make sure you hit that like button I really appreciate it if you're new around here subscribe and until next time this is flinger and take it easy everybody
Channel: Phlinger Phoo
Views: 23,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Solo, Ark Starting out, Ark beginning, ark beginners guide, beginners guide, ark new player guide, ark playthrough, ark solo guide, ark single player, single player guide, ark guide, ark survival, Ark: Survival Evolved, starting in ark, Soloing the Ark, Phlinger Phoo, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark how to play on pc, ark how to play on xbox1, ark ps4 walkthrough, How to, ark challenge, ep1, episode 1, ark ascended, ark survival ascended, asa, ark sa
Id: ybk6HrtdRmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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