New ARK, New Builds: Crafting a Starter House | ARK: Survival Ascended

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hello everybody and welcome to Ark survival ascended we're going to be trying out the new building mechanics today I'm going to take you through some of the new building mechanics we're going to try out building a new starter house like the one you are seeing now so if you do like this video do sure to give it a like and thumbs up subscribe if you want and let's get into the video so here we are on the starting Beach where every Survivor usually spawns in now I'm going to build all the way over here in this lovely little cave sort of rock face formation looking very nice reason I'm I'm building here I want to build a starter house uh a house that you're going to be able to build from the GetGo if you took a picture of that you just think that is real life somewhere like it looks very realistic it's kind of nuts so I have had a tiny bit of a play and I'm really excited by some of the new features now you can actually lower your foundation so if I put a foundation down you can raise it and lower it which is amazing and added bonus when you place it it gets rid of all the leaves going through it look at that all the leaves will magically disappear so pretty epic everything's like really good at snapping now or just everything's so much better and it really excites me the only thing is with the ceilings they don't do the same thing as the as the foundations unfortunately meaning the ceilings don't get rid of the foliage we're going to just do a little small starter house nothing too crazy be very easy pillars are so much better because you can also put them sideways now which is amazing look at that love that feature so let's get this on some Foundation support other thing is is you can pick up all your is it's basically like if you ever played the s+ version of Ark um the mod that allowed you to build um and pick stuff up it's basically that version you can literally pick up all your structures which is such a welcome change there's no excuses anymore to have ugly ass builds so if you're doing an ugly build shame on you shame on you now I am not going to use any Greenhouse glass or anything because I'd love to but I think um or maybe I will for the window little Windows to go in the window frames but that's a bit of a it's not really a starting house build if I do that so going to stick with the basics here probably go for a thatch rof and I also may hang on a minute you can also oh my God you can add down here as well so good I love it um right all right how tool the other thing that I know that they added was that now one tool if you just want to do a house that's one tool if I put a wall down here it literally is taller than me remember before it was so clust to but you couldn't see anything but now oh my God it's so much easier so uh let me uh pick that back up so the other thing is um you don't have separate ingrams for different things like doorways and window frames you just have the Ingram for the wall and then you're able to use r on keyboard to just switch through the different sections so say door frame um uh window frame and there's a really cool one at the end that I didn't know when I was testing it out I had no idea but uh this wool here that's a secret doorway and if I put it in not so Secret at the moment but if I put it in and press e you can open it look at that open close open close open closed so pretty awesome honestly I love it but the only thing is with that is when I was testing I didn't realize and I was building the whole house at a secret door these secret doors so you can literally go up to any W and just open it it was quite funny um so yeah more to test though I haven't tested a lot I've just tested a little bit I just wanted to get to grips before making this video okay so we got our starting structure here we got a lot more to do to make it look glorious and pretty so I think I've already cocked up because I want to make a pointy roof so if I put one of the sloped roofs walls in yeah so I've I need to go out an extra one to make this right so if we extend this out by one we should be able to get that pointy roof we're looking for so just extending the house here now one of the things that is a bit annoying is in the old Arc you could just replace a wool with the wool you currently got can't do that anymore unless you're holding a door frame or a window frame then you can replace it or even a different material like Stone you can replace it but yeah can't do that at the moment which you know bad I don't know if it's a bad feature or a good feature I don't know if it's intended or a bug but it might be intended because I used to replace walls all the time by mistake uh I don't know about you guys and it used to annoy me honestly but it was also useful so I'm not sure on that one I was going to do an overhang here with the thatch roof i' I've used patch because uh obviously starter material star a house you're not going to be using Stone roofs at this stage or you might be if you're hardcore so I'm just going to add in a corner wall piece here to see if we can get it to go at the top of the roof and see if we can do anything fancy with it I doubt it but it's just going to be fun to experiment haven't really experimented with this yet we can indeed place it there so if we use these triangle roof pieces we're able to create some really interesting wacky designs I mean I don't expect this to look good but let's try it I I just think this is so exciting like so many people are going to be building building like the most wackiest designs and like the most intricate designs I mean look at that I know it doesn't really go with this build at the moment but you can see it working with another different type of build so the level of detail you're able to achieve in the new arc is just Second To None honestly so what I've done instead is i' I've got the thatch on top but I've kept the the roof the wooden roof below CU it actually gives a really nice effect from down here it's really nice so I'm keeping that so another amazing feature of the new arkc is that you can literally you remember before you had to pre-plan with your fence Foundation uh post that you had to stick into the ceilings and then you could then put your pillars to support the building now you can literally just go in in and it just snaps look at that you don't need anything it will just snap it's so good the other thing is you don't have to uh pre-plan for your house you used to have to put the pillars in first for your house and then later come in with the walls you don't have to do that anymore you can literally go in add in your pillars now if you would like which I'm going to definitely do hell yeah add them all in so good there's literally no excuses anymore with art building it shots that good now add one there one here one there perfect and on this side we have one down there one going up there oh my god I've forgotten about this you can also do sideways yes so if I want I can go in and add some cool sideways features to the house side beams oh yes that is dope as hell had it going that way so let's add them in here and on this side as well oh love it this is the MVP of the the new arc it's the railings you have a choice between these little quarter walls um I don't know what the difference is between that one and that one just opposite sides I guess and you have the railing now the railing is the most valuable player by by a long shot you can do so much with it you can put it underneath you can put it over the top you can stack it you can go up diagonally with it if you find the right stn that point look at I mean look at this it's absolutely nuts and even better than that you can now add it on top of your roofs on the side of your roofs oh God it just makes me it makes me so happy I am definitely going to add it to my roof to give it some added detail oh it's beautiful it's honestly so good um if I flip it I could probably make a little design here here look at that I mean you don't get much better than look at that you could do that in Ark now it's just remember all the days of my frustrations in ARC building and now it's just so easy to build I love it uh let's see if I can get it up to go up diagonally here to to meet this this one I don't know if I'll be able to but we'll try did it look at that look at that oh my God let me get rid of [Music] this oh yeah wow oh God I love it it's so good the details that you can add now in Arc are just so incredible um right let me and you and maybe I can get one going down into the roof so if I flip it oh my God look at that look at that and then if I get rid of that one so this is a little bit finicky oh my God and it just stays there it just look what I just created here look at the intricacy of that just from a few railings oh I love it there's so many cool things you can do with this people are going to go CR I mean I can't wait to see what people make in Ark now I think it's going to be so good uh right let's get this can even put ratings on the side like this H so good not sure about that line I just added but sure we'll go with the flow for now definitely on the sides here so far this is what we've achieved just using that and wood um we still got a lot to go so let's continue our adventure uh so we're not going to be using Greenhouse walls like I said before we're going to use Windows uh wooden windows so let's put those in the two up here let's add the door here there we go and then we need one right here this will be a double door though so let's add in a Double Door version perfect so we really need to work out how people are going to get up to this uh to this beach up I'm thinking either these stairs or let's see if they still got those spiral stairs and see how far that takes you doesn't really work cuz you you end up having to walk all the way around to get up so let's get rid of this and let's try uh the other type of stairs so one thing I've just found out is uh they don't have pipes anymore so no more pipes going to your house from the sea what they've done instead is that they've got a wireless mode so you put a water intake him and this blue sphere pops up if you do show range so it shows you where the wireless range goes to unfortunately if you're this close to the water it does not reach your house and there doesn't seem to be any pipes if I just type in pipes in crafting yeah no pipes so you can't even extend this signal so for a lot of people the only solution is going to be a water tank unfortunately um which sucks I don't know if I like this change I definitely like that there won't be any annoying pipes anymore but the alternative of all these water tanks people going to have you know you got to hope that it rains now yeah see this is going to reach the house absolutely fine so let's add in and you can stack them at least so at least that's the thing so as you can see it's pretty much done I I've done as much as I can uh what have we got we I I had a little experiments with a few things including this roof so you got triangle roofs you can do these kind of nice little shapes with very nice I should have probably changed the thatch wood roof to uh wood but I did say this is going to be starter house so you know um didn't want to go too far of that I've only used wood and thatch and a little bit of stone I did do some Stone pills I feel like it just adds a little bit of uh looks like it's got more support as the as a foundation rather than just using wood wood it looked fine but it just gives a bit of variation on the pillars that makes it look just that bit nicer let me take you around properly so you got the stairs coming up to this area again this is just on the starting Beach as you can see looking like a lovely view to wake up to every morning and it's nice cuz it's a bit higher up so you know dinosaurs shouldn't be able to get you maybe a T-Rex could uh but and a broncosaurus probably probably his neck would be up here but it's a it's a nice height it's a nice height you got your plant pots here now I don't know to irrigate these I think if if they're in range of your water tanks they should automatically irrigate which is a nice feature I have to admit uh I put loads of torches everywhere so that it light lifts up at night um oh one of them just went out uh another nice thing you can stack up your storage boxes I can't remember if this was a feature in the original Arc but you can stack them now which means you can make these nice little sort of displays of storage areas uh yeah I didn't do much out here another thing that's changed which looks pretty creepy is the dummy the dummies had a complete rework and you can also change it to a female dummy if I can change it so overate overrate with female and there you go there's a female tummy now so it's uh that's a nice little change coming in here we have a little fireplace seating area uh a bench for eating looking quite nice I found out that you can put canvases on the cave walls which is amazing I mean on the mountains so yeah definitely utilize that I don't know how that could be utilized but it's really cool that you're able to put stuff stuff on there I I just I love that only canvases and probably the map as well as far as I'm aware got a nice view of the leafage out here uh coming out to the main area here close the door we've got um ah yes so another amazing thing about the canvases is you can spin them around so I thought this was a good idea you could use them like diamonds or any you can make patterns out of this you could probably make a really nice wall design with all the canvases so that's like a nice way you can utilize those uh really fun to play around with all of this honestly uh I really like that though that really like adds a nice detail to your build if you want uh bookshelf looks amazing the new bookshelves again I added some storage stuff here no rugs that is a shame there aren't any rugs in the game as of yet I did try to use the spawn command for it didn't work tried everything couldn't find it so not sure if it's in the game yet we just got a little kitchen cooking area here nothing too special the map's been redone that's exciting uh again I use those canvases that I really like that feature it's so cool uh up here just got a bed nothing too exciting I should have probably put some storage boxes here didn't have uh time by the time I'd been kicked out of the game like four times I just forgot there there was originally storage boxes there and uh yeah they're just not there anymore because I got kicked out and things went back in time like so many times the railing is definitely as I said earlier the best feature about the building so far so yeah it's looking fantastic and that is what you could do for a starter build honestly so if you are starting out do consider just utilizing those uh pillars and the railings to add some extra details to your build I think those are like the biggest tips honestly you can use the storage boxes stacked up to give you some more nice Furnishings look like you got like a nice stagey area really just for decoration I wouldn't think that these would be utilized you could make a proper storage area somewhere um yeah looking fantastic I'll show you what it looks like at night as well because with all the lights on right now look really cool let's show you that another tip guys if you're in creative mode you can just go on to the photo mode which is in your settings and you can change the time of day and the weather here I didn't realize this until later but if I change the time of day now and then I'll to go photo mode off look at that beauty it looks fantastic at night as well [Music] so yeah guys I really hope you enjoyed this video of me building in Ark I used to do a lot of big builds in the old Arc never recorded it though but I really want to recreate some of my old builds in this current Arc to see how I can improve them um this is definitely a nice start to it was really just me playing around to see what is we're capable of building in the new ark and so far very positive I hope that they bring back the vases I would I'm sure they will with time and the rugs then we just got a little bit more decorations to add to our builds it will look fantastic if you did enjoy today's content please smash that subscribe button and give this video a like love you all to death I'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music] [Music] I
Channel: LolsAtLance
Views: 56,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival evolved, ark, lolsatlance, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival ascended ep 1, ark survival ascended trailer, ark survival ascended mods, ark survival ascended building, aaron longstaff, how to build ark base, ark base guide, starter home ark, ark survivial asa, ark survival ascended release date, ark survival ascended xbox, ark survival ascended epic, ark survival ascended syntac, syntac, gg fizz ark building, ark building mechanics
Id: sKhi1gXCRqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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