ARK: Survival Ascended | Tree House | Build Tutorial

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okay so um thank you to everybody that liked and um up voted commented on the Treehouse I uploaded appreciate it um got a couple of quests to uh do a video tutorial on how to make it so going to give that a go um so I've picked out a treaty that is suitable um I'm in the southern Zone of the island uh this is where I am here this is the main Treehouse which I've sent which I've put on Reddit um this is exactly the same tree as the one I built it on so it needs to be I think any tree will work um it's quite a tall building um so so ideally sort of a thick tree that's pretty tall that I mean that wouldn't really work it needs to be um thick but not that thick so this one's perfect um so the first step is I've actually already put these down it's just Foundation fence foundations um in a square around the base of the tree um so that's that uh next step is pillars these are too high on each corner I apologies if the frames drop quite a bit cuz I'm recording at the same time don't usually do that so that's the pillars done then it's uh ceilings I realized that's actually lower than the other ones that's because okay so there's going to be some slight differences because it's obviously on a slope whereas the other original Treehouse was on a flat bit of ground um so you have to excuse that a little bit um this will still work fine that's the the principle is there so hatch frame in the middle not a ceiling sorry this is it's not going to be a and long long star quality I'm afraid this video but it'll get the point across that's so three ceilings hatch frames are both hatch show in the middle just because I like the realism of leaving room for the tree that's all you can do what you want then triangle ceilings along the edges which gives you that sort of rounded base uh that it's got uh the next thing we'll do is the railings so grab those these could be a bit finicky it's probably the worst part of building this um but uh the new building system is is really good so it's not too hard um you want to just aim at the middle of these pillars and and keep going until you get the quite steep one and then flip it and then go the next snap point up flip it the right way up and then snap till you get it not quite as steep but the upward angle and that's that's how you do the the front facing supports and that's the same on the rear as well so I'll just go ahead and do those I love there's so many snap points but it can make it hard to be consistent I might actually struggle here cuz this put is lower than the other ones yeah I think we might have to settle for that being a bit off I don't think you'll notice it too much though once the pillers are in uh same on the back like so and then on the sides it's just one flipped upside down and at the steepest angle so it usually intersects with the ceiling like that again I apologize for the the pillars being uh wonky obv on this side that's going to have a bit of an effect I think but that's not too bad like so so that's that that's the base um almost done just the last thing is uh these uh wall pieces in here and the last thing on the bottom is going to be the Rope ladders and there so that's that's the base and supports pretty much done now um starting with the lower platform you going to want to do double doorways All Around The Edge I apologize for my camera work here it's super quick I'm probably going to make you feel sick I'll try and be slower snap points come on there we go that's the walls done and then it's ra feelings all the way around I love that there are so many snap points but it can make it a bit tricky to find the right one sometimes okay so that's the the bottom half done um sorry we want to do roofs next for the stairs so I didn't get any of those ready I apologize so we want one staircase at the back and a railing go with it and then it's all ceilings up here if I can get it too snap there we go again I'll go with a hatch in the middle it's your preference but I like to keep that sort of realism I guess leaving room for the tree in the middle so that's the bottom of the sort of the living section done uh the next step is doorways three along the front and then it's half ceilings along the edge here the front edge I should say uh and then railings along the front of this and these intersect with the walls and there's no half railing unfortunately so this will have to do uh and then we'll do the walls uh so for me I only again it's your preference um these are inverted and then I've done windows at the front just a normal wall in the middle we'll we'll just continue with the the windows for now uh again all inverted or flipped sorry uh doesn't doesn't work so well in this example because there's a big bush there but there were Windows here on the original one um and then fill the gaps with with normal walls I thought I'd crash there I haven't I'm going to save this just in case because I can resume it uh I'm sorry one more at the back okay so that's the base Parts done uh and then it's doors these are flipped along the front uh in case you want to know how I have them open they all open inwards like this I did have them open outwards originally but um sort of blocks the balcony like that I like the effect that gives actually on the inside um the next step is uh half fall all the way around uh sorry these are flipped the other way around apologies I'm going to have to I'm sort of winging this a little bit it's probably going to shut up obviously in the recording in fact sorry I apologize it's only on the sides that the walls are like this um there are some half WS on the back but not the whole way along sorry and [Music] then it's a ho like this and then we [Music] do uh half walls but you need to do the other option to make them to fit together either side of this one and then the slope to roof pieces like so this basically gives you that overhang with the roof um same again on the front I will'll keep tabs on the time of day for you so you can still see what I'm doing like so and then the SL roof pieces here um now unfortunately I haven't yet found a way of making the roof sit on top here without needing some kind of support um I've seen Aaron longstaff actually do it in a YouTube video I don't know how he does it yet I'm sure he'll do a video at some point um but for me I have to use one of these pieces and because I have to do that I do it on both sides just because I'm OCD um and then I go ceilings through the middle again hatch frame I just like the um you know it feels like the The Treehouse is actually rooted around the tree it's just personal preference again with that um and then to complete the roof it's going to be fatch again sorry should have had that ready first and you're going to want to snap it like that so you get it overhanging on the back and the front that way again snap points are going to be you're en me a bit with doing this but it all works out in the end I found that if you aim your cursor at where you want it to attach to it usually works pretty well and then just use Q to snap it accordingly from there so that's the effect you end up with so you've got the overhang at the front and then the overhang at the side as well and same thing on the other side I hope this is uh fairly easy to follow I will add at the end the resources um or sorry the the building parts required uh and that's more less The Treehouse done uh let me go ahead and change the time of day so you can see a bit better so that's pretty much it done um in its base form um the rest of it is more details for sort of my own liking so it's got ladders on the outside of the Windows like so like that um and sorry and then pillars on the edges here CU they hide up the horrible connection between uh the walls so if I can see that other one that' be handy I've not built this in the best spot I again I apologize um and you snap that one halfway up so you can do it right on the top I believe but you want to it I think it'll default to going halfway up so there's no need to worry about that um in the middle then halfway same thing on the back like so and then comes down one more here again there's two angles here um it faces the forward most one on mine change that however however you want to I think that's it yeah and then same on the back like so and then the very final bit is going to be changing that to a beam and just going around the perimeter or the comference of this lower level yeah again I apologize about this placement that tree is really not helpful um and yeah that is the Treehouse done but okay well there we go I've tamed I pick up MX as well lovely um but yeah that's it that's how it looks um there is nothing else to it other than that again thank you to everybody that up voted this and and loved it thank you so much he really does mean a lot um what I'll do now for you is I'll get rid of all of these just let me just drop the whole inventory um and I'm just going to basically pick up the base and then you can see exactly what it entails I love that nothing's demolished anymore so incredibly handy feature cuz I see him now we're just going to get a whole load of things yeah there we go and one floating pillar let's make sure I've got everything picked up there and we will do the fence foundations if I can see them um perhaps uh what I would do just to counter the lower pillars on one side is to use um uh the the wall foundations I forget what they're called the fence supp ports instead cuz they will they will all snap level and you can get then the same the same snap Point um they were facing out as well just to clarify on that I don't know if that matters too much um yeah that's probably that's probably a better way of doing things so yeah we're learning um pick all those up again uh so there we go that is everything uh you need to build uh my Treehouse base um I hope that is helpful uh and I'll leave it here the link will be up to YouTube very shortly uh but yeah thanks again to everybody that's liked and give me such great feedback I really do appreciate it it means a huge amount um and hey maybe I'll start doing more of these in the future if uh if yeah these get a lot of likes I appreciate it thanks
Channel: DAN Burtini
Views: 185,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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