Ark Ascended Best Base Locations - The Island

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hey how's it going everybody uh yeah so today with Asa with Arc survival ascended um being out I'm actually kind of going around taking a look at which base locations I think are really really good there's quite a few of them especially with uh how they did all the changes from ASC to ASA with the like the terrain features and uh the foliage and such uh so they're ones that are just absolutely amazing and breathtaking views and then one there other ones that're just really practical and they just make sense uh and today we're going to be talking about some of my favorite ones uh the ones I would consider the better um base locations on the island and yeah I hope you guys enjoy them all right the first one we're going to be talking about is one of the old tried andr ones right here on the map uh way down here uh there's actually some water right down kind of close to it and I'm talking about the area right in between here to kind of end out like this because a lot of the stuff with Asa it's really hard to find just a really solid flat area that has water right next to it but they are there um you may have to clear out some big giant rocks or you may have to actually build multi-tier style builds but it is really really effective plus also you have the ability to have certain uh there's a walk that comes right up here which actually gives you a little bit more kind of Defense from like T-Rexes and stuff like that mean you probably would have to build a wall coming out like this all the way around but uh this little Nook right here is actually a pretty decent spot I really like this area all right another really good base location is right around here on the map and let me show you right here in between these two waterfalls uh up on top of the waterfall is actually really good but honestly I would say that down here in the middle like right on this tree or wait over here on this uh flat area is another really really good spot and there's I mean there's some really good flat areas here and that's kind of important when building you know a nice solid structured base but also uh if the when you come down here you're going to have just a ton of River Rocks down here so you can take your ankes down here gather a whole bunch of metal and then just not really have to worry about it yeah it'll take you a little bit longer to get your uh metal than you would if just smacking right reg metal nodes but it is there and there's a lot of it so you've got all that covered and that's probably one of the more important parts about uh uh in the game is you know making sure you have access to all the different materials then right here I just cannot understate this or I I can't overstate it just how much flat land there is just right around here for really good solid building it's really good all right and another really really good base location is right right here next to the uh redwoods right over on this side uh there's actually very very uh there's a lot of flat land right here plus also uh you have I mean only one entrance to it so you could seriously just like wall off this section right here and have this whole area right here and then mean you can even keep the most amazing tree right there if you wanted to I mean it is actually really good but also uh you'll just have a really open area up here for uh your dinos your base whatever and then a really easy access over here to uh the red Woods uh the volcano right up there and yeah that's just located right here on the map all right another absolutely amazing base spot I mean this was good back in the original arcs Sur of all but now honestly I think this is even better because not only do you have a quick and easy access to all of the dinos uh that spawn around here because right there that's that's Black Sands um that's where one of the best concentrations of high level rexes spawn there plus also you get spinos you get bionics you get thas over here in the Redwoods um there is just so much stuff plus also there's the volcano up there for metal and obsidian there's metal mountain right there this right here and here let me show you on the map right here close to 50/50 at this little uh bit right here this is absolutely amazing for a base location uh yeah I'd have to say this is probably one of my top three this is just really really good spot all right so as you uh get to listen to the wonderful sounds of a Diplo uh eating behind me this right here is another really really good spot that's honestly I would really recommend there's a bunch of flat area down below quick easy access to water beaver dams right there there's a bunch of metal on the hill behind us also if you are brave enough to go into the Redwoods there's a ton of metal right up over there and this is actually located right here on the map an absolutely amazingly good spot just look for the fallen tree that you can run through yeah dude yeah we heard you all right that you could run through to get to the Redwoods yeah this is is a really really fantastic spot plus also yeah uh lots of beavers down here and oases ankes all sorts of cool stuff all right now there's two other base location that I would like to mention one there that has this path that comes up like this and it even has metal that spawns right up here so if you build appropriately like over here on this side right here you can actually not cut off all these metal spawns where they will just naturally respawn on you this is absolutely amazing plus there's beaver dams right there there's rexes there's gigas over this way over by Giga mountain and there's also metal mountains right up there inside the the clouds and this is located right here on the map now also there's a couple other amazing spots right in this location all you have to do is follow the river a little bit to right here and there is a couple more amazing ones like this one right here on the left an absolutely amazingly flat spot this right here will give you a really good size base plus also you have the extra added benefits of having rexes beavers waterfall and access to Giga mountain right over there which is absolutely amazing and this one right here is located right here on the map super super cool spot all right and another really amazing base location is one that honestly it was kind of like hit or miss for me in the old Ark survival evolved but in this in Ark survival ascended this is a super cool spot and it's this Lake right here all along it honestly on the left on the right you can have some really awesome base locations and then you can come down through here you have all sorts of these little caves that go down through here so where if you want you could hide a base down here and have quick and easy access to water dinos right there or I mean just come up like this and then you have an extremely flat spot for building whatever you want this is a really good spot um yeah I don't know what else to say about that spot this is a this one really took me for a surprise with how just how good it is now very impressive all right oh and I'm if I haven't shown it already right here all right and if you're looking for a base location that is out of the way from just about everything you can't get KCK much more out of the way than Hidden Valley I mean every once in a while you will have the occasional Alpha Raptor Raptors come through here but if you build up your base your uh uh your base appropriately or properly so where you don't have to worry too much about um you know uh Rapters and stuff coming in this is an amazing spot and this is actually the Hidden Valley located right up here absolutely phenomenal spot it's even it's actually in my opinion gotten better since uh Arc surviv the evolved it was good in arse now it's better in sa so yeah this is nice all right and another really nice spot if you are interested in being able to go over to Carno Island that is just located right there or if you're also interested in uh going up into the Frozen areas for really quick polymer and such like that uh it's located right here this spot is absolutely amazing plus also there's a really awesome looking Reef down here really nice spot here let me show you on the map this is located right up here on this very top right hand corner of the map right across from carinal Island really fantabulous spot all right here's another really good location and it's located right here on the map it's right down below the green Obelisk right here and and you can just build right up on top of here and there's kind of free form on the side well there's you'd have to build a bridge going up to it or just exclusively uh you Flyers but other than that it is really really good it's a decent spot also there's a river right down below so you can pipe up water from down below pretty dang cool and when looking for really good base locations you cannot go wrong with the tried and true herbivore Island this place right here it it's just safe it's safe it's out of the way uh it has metal on it there is all sorts of cool stuff on this Plus in infinite supply of well a bunch of herbales and so yeah and you're never going to have to worry about building up your base defenses if PVE on PVP yeah that's not a thing you're going to have to but it also has its own water pen right out here and for anybody who doesn't know it's way down here in the very bot in the bottom of the map here let me open that up way down here in the very bottom right hand corner another amazing base location is uh located right here down here in the very Southern bits yeah if you want to go to the um snow biome it's going to take you a little bit but you're actually decently uh close to the swamps a whole bunch of cave systems over here also the Cave of the massive over there and then also uh you got access to uh beavers down here as well and a really good source of metal right up here on this hill right up here there's just a ton of metal inside the trees up on top of that Mountain it's just a lot of it and then also all the way along this little side of over on this side of the lake it's just amazing for uh all sorts of different Base building everything like that it's just it's a really really really good spot all right so that's my list of the best base locations granted there's probably going to be a few more I mean honestly on the new map it is absolutely amazing things that you normally wouldn't have looked at prior are really cool and you may see things in a little different light than I do and granted this is just my opinion at least all the ones in here are just my opinion I know there's some really good ones but then again they still are just my opinion you may find something that you like better so hey uh I hope the list actually helps you out if you haven't already make sure you hit that like button I really appreciate it if you're new around here subscribe and until next time this is flinger and take it easy everybody
Channel: Phlinger Phoo
Views: 41,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Solo, Ark Starting out, Ark beginning, ark beginners guide, beginners guide, ark new player guide, ark gameplay, ark playthrough, ark solo guide, single player guide, ark guide, ark survival, Ark: Survival Evolved, starting in ark, Soloing the Ark, Phlinger Phoo, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark how to play on pc, ark how to play on xbox1, ark how to play on ps4, ark mobile, ASE, ASA, Ark Survival Ascended, Ark ascended, ark ascended base, ark best base location
Id: RNWCcy22Qbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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