The Full Story of ARK - Before You Play ASCENDED

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there are few games that have managed to craft worlds build upon deep compelling lore and create engaging depressing tragic yet Beautiful Stories on the level that the Sci-Fi sandbox dinosaur game Ark survival evolved ultimately reached I'll be the first one to tell you how many good and bad things have come out of the game as a whole but in this video I'm here to do only one thing and that is to explain the entire story of Ark survival evolved in the most comprehensive video that you'll find on YouTube the story of Arc is an incredible nod to several stories across Sci-Fi movies games and books that focuses on Survival Evolution and Ascension of not only Humanity but life itself the lore of Arc has always been very difficult to understand because of the format it's delivered in which is exactly why this video exists if you find it entertaining subscribe to my channel below to support future content just like it now to help make this Gauntlet of a video digestible it'll be broken up into seven sections we'll start at the beginning of the timeline providing a deeper look look into what sets the ark Universe apart from our own then we'll talk about the arcs themselves where they succeeded and ultimately how they failed Humanity when left on their own we'll then move on to the Past survivors the many characters that left journal entries on the arcs and later Earth from there we'll explore the aberant arc and how the events that took place on it would go on to shape Humanity's fate which will lead into the events of Extinction the survivor's journey and finally ending with the Genesis expansions so without further Ado scratch those implants grab your spirit and let's dive into those Explorer notes to uncover the full picture of Ark survival [Music] [Music] Evolved first we're going to go over two main things that make ark's Universe a little different from our own if we directly compare the ark 21st century to our 21st century first there is something called an and gamic Matrix inside a part of human brains which take a long time to Decay particularly if preserved correctly this fictional part of the brain allows people's memories and personalities to be stored for as long as it exists second there is a sentient resource that is later dubbed element that exists in the arc universe but obviously not our own that we know of and this element is capable of reshaping itself being a seemingly Limitless power source and much more now that we've gotten those two pretty major differences out of the way let's talk about why they're so important and how it Segways into the ark story at some point around the 21st century a meteor crashed onto Earth containing element and humans discovered it it quickly became obvious to humanity that this was an invaluable resource it was self-replicating could provide Power and was an incredibly durable yet Dynamic material if we discovered something like this today we'd probably call it a scientific impossibility around the time element was discovered there were two main groups or nations of humanity that had emerged in late stage civilizations the United Republic of Earth and the Teran Federation these two different nations had different ideologies the U was more free-minded and found human augmentation to be acceptable which would eventually lead them into cloning humans and modifying them with element on the other hand the Teran Federation was generally against these ideas and they were more focused on creating Technologies and perhaps weapons with element to push Humanity into the future without augmenting or changing humans themselves eventually this difference in ideology started an outright war between the two Nations and conflict was sparked caught in the middle of this deadly war was a man named Santiago he was an engineer that was especially good at creating element-based weapons and the Teran Federation ended up picking him up to work for them he designed many different weapons of mass destruction which were utilized in the war and created extreme element pollution as a side effect eventually by the end of the war Santiago was killed and this may have been why the war itself ultimately ended after both sides agreed that the destruction was not worth it they generally made peace at least squashing the allout violence but things weren't just going to magically be okay because over time the pollution that was caused by the War Began to spread around the planet decimating species and killing off entire ecosystems the UR and the FEDS both scrambled to figure out what to do and ultimately decided on launching a project called Genesis which would involve a giant Colony ship to preserve what species they had left and humanity and send them off into space to find a new world the UR though while being supportive of the project decided to create a plan of their own called the arcs which similarly would act as habitats for different forms of life including humans to eventually orbit around Earth until one day they could recede it hoping that the element would just leave they didn't exactly have good evidence that that would happen but the UR especially didn't want to leave Earth behind so both Nations worked tirelessly to quickly build the intergalactic life raft and the arcs as last ditch attempts to save their entire species this is when it's a good idea to bring up those enamic matrixes I explained before see both the Genesis Colony ship and the arcs would end up taking advantage of the human cloning which had already been happening by the UR the ones who didn't have a whole lot of boundaries with scientific discovery and human augmentation this human cloning combined with the fact that the matrixes basically preserved a person's brain for hundreds or thousands of years meant that people from across history after being dug up and analyzed could be placed into new cloned bodies and effectively brought to a new life with the same memories this capability was a core focus of both projects as on the Genesis ship all these long lost dead people inside databases would be tested inside a simulation while barreling across the Galaxy to one day inhabit a new planet and the ones on the arcs would be tested directly on the stations themselves acting as subjects for an eventual receding event on Earth and to top it all off on the subject of cloning not only did the Teran Federation and Ur figure out how to bring back ancient people they also figured out how to bring back ancient chickens namely dinosaurs along with a host of other prehistoric creatures like reptiles mammals insects and fish all to be tested and preserved on both the Genesis Colony ship and the arcs ironically so much of these Technologies were powered through element but the important takeaway is that this was refined element which was able to be used safely compared to the raw element that was slowly taking over the world and destroying everything and to add insult to injury the one who caused so much of that destruction was brought back to life as a clone with augmented memories help the colony ship during construction Santiago was respawned but his mind was filled in with fake memories to make him believe that he'd been alive the whole time to forget that he even died at the end of the war his project partner Uma was a transhuman a person augmented through brain modifications in neuroprosthetics Santiago's goal as decided by The high-ups Who had brought him back to life in the first place was to Aid and lead a project to help decide which life forms to take with them on the ship and also Aid in recreating everyone that lived on earth Santiago went about things as he was told overseeing various decisions and putting together a team one of his members in particular named Yoni started to get fidgety and when Santiago finally cornered him about why he was paranoid yon explained that he had heard rumors about Santiago having been killed and how he had a bizarre security file after investigation of his own Santiago realized something was off all the stuff it said he had done after the war was Fuzzy to him he didn't really feel anything about it or properly remember it while searching through the database as to not seem suspicious he discovered an anomaly a combination of two people creating a jointed personality which will come in much later in the video nonetheless all this human database stuff was freaking him out after Santiago went to Uma about his concerns she coldly told him the truth they gave him false memories to cover for the time it took to back up his personality and grow a new body to put in it her response that he should be Greatful didn't exactly help either after overseeing more of The Genesis Project and getting glimpses of the arcs which at the time existed as a prototype called the farm Santiago accepted his fate and came to terms with reality unfortunately his subordinate Yoni was doing the opposite he had discovered that without their consent his husband and daughters had been uploaded to the database essentially meaning they could be put into new bodies on the ship this was a disturbing realization for the young guy and he went to Uma to say that he wanted to resign and live out what few years he had left to live on the dying Earth with his family the next morning Santiago saw y walking through headquarters pale as a ghost his expression was all too familiar to Santiago having only recently discovered his own situation not long before yon was headed towards the archive room before Santiago pulled him into his office but when Santiago gave him a hug yon whispered something to him as they were both pulverized into superheated plasma by an explosive in yon's vest Santiago lived out this explosion again and again as Uma watched and analyzed a digital rewinding of his memories to find out what y he had said before blowing them both to Pieces Santiago was reintegrated together again and again the pieces of him flying across the room and coming back together a seemingly infinite torture Uma talked to him in this memory thanking him for the work he did for Genesis as he told her don't worry about me I'm a Survivor after Santiago's second death and once Uma stopped infinitely torturing him in the simulation it wasn't too long after that that the Genesis ship launched from a station on Earth called a rot Prime blasting off into space to find a new world on the other hand the arcs set off into Earth's orbit to stay right there with the planet and hopefully wait out a long lonely Extinction event while testing survivors in a plethora of different environments to force rapid Evolution on them and prepare them for new lives on Earth but that plan sucked because it was built assuming that the element ravaging Earth would eventually subside which it didn't the plan was that after it somehow just magically went away the arcs would come down and reive the planet with plants animals humans and so on terraforming the landscape and purging any remaining elements simultaneously but that never happened because the elements stayed on Earth and spread ever more through conscious hive mind networks that created gigantic creatures of Pure Element later called Titans the ark project was made without taking this into account or they just didn't realize that the element would easily adapt and spread in this way so for any humans that either did not become crew members on the Genesis ship before it left Earth or didn't want to just wait out their days on Earth before dying from the corruption the last solution they thought of was to ascend into homod deas escaping by detaching from their physical form and becoming beings that existed in a different plane of reality while many became homodeus and helped not only developed the system with the arcs their intangible nature combined with their skewed perception of time decayed their Consciousness and memories destroying the person they originally were over long stretches of time all that's left of a homodeus after that process is a shell of who they once were only able to perform their core tasks in the system and once they no longer have a task to complete they seemingly fade away and cease to exist this caused them to become the shells that allowed the arcs to deteriorate into hostile environments but more on that later on so here is where the story splits first we have the arcs and what we could call the Mark sasin or Legacy Saga which covers the island followed by the first three expansions then the two Genesis expansions which explore the simulation and the ship itself this Saga or final part of the story was actually written by another person Peter freeze but where do we go next chronologically we continue the story of Ark survival evolved on one of the arcs that has a desert-based habitat commonly known to us players as the scorched Earth DLC which is where we get our first taste of the flawed ever looming system that ties the arcs together so go grab some more snacks maybe a drink and when you're ready let's get right into it the desert ark or in other words what we call scorched Earth was a station not unlike the potential thousands of other stations which orbited Earth for a large stretch of time after their launch and the colony ship took off scorched Earth was previously run as a Genesis simulation during the Genesis ship's construction the UR even tested the magmasaur on scorched Earth before relegating it to the Genesis Sim this goes to further connect the arcs to The Genesis Project in the lore we don't know much about the diversity of the Ark environments themselves because we only see three of them up close throughout the story but they could be wildly different we do know that scorched earth like the other arcs had at least a somewhat harsher and drier environment different from the island in abration both where we see lush green vegetation inside the ark has a self-sustaining environment but not by virtue of something as primitive as nature now no no the ark created its own creatures that were fabricated in cloning Chambers like what are later found by survivors on aberration the ark could also adapt Landscapes if it needed to through the use of power structures called obelisks contained inside these capabilities affected the ark's primary labrats those labrats Homo sapiens survivors would wake up with memories of their past lives those past lives at least what they thought existed spanned all the way from the era of the Han Dynasty in ancient China to the moments leading up to gruesome deaths during the late Tech and element Wars this meant that the arcs had access to a database of people from such drastically different time periods that it could test a near infinite number of scenarios and differences of ideology or understanding of technology to find the most Minds that built up the most hardened bodies and willpower I feel like here is where I should bring up the dinosaurs why even put dinosaurs on the arcs or in the Genesis simulation and Colony ship though the UR and feds tried other combinations of humans and creatures it's later said in the Genesis 1 DLC that the human Dino combination worked so well that they put dinosaurs on the arcs too Santiago 2.0 even questioned the the idea saying stuff like what if terrasaurs were still around when hominids started domesticating animals maybe that could have led to a civilization better equipped to survive Eco disasters and say things didn't work out so well for some Warrior Queen what if she'd been born with better eyesight or a stronger immune system what if she had a pet Mammoth essentially it was one massive hypothetical executed in the hope that it would give the cloned survivors the previously mentioned Harden bodies and willpower and in the end it worked what didn't work is the arcs themselves see in time possibly hundreds or thousands of years after they were launched their overarching system was in complete disarray the ark's gull posts were constantly adjusted by the system as the element back on Earth prevented their touchdown at this point the only remaining directive of the decaying system was to perfect human Ingenuity speaking of which let's talk about those humans which the arcs were trying to perfect specifically some of them were intent on telling their stories and they did this through leaving Explorer notes scattered around so without further Ado let's talk about [Music] them John DEA was an Apache Native American man from the late 19th century turned Outlaw in his past life and Ria was an ancient Egyptian Priestess from Luxor in her past life these two characters had the willpower to progress further than some survivors did and even document it but their stories progressed with tragedy like most when Rya awoke on the ark she took to a group and became their unofficial leader because of her High compassion and problem solving abilities she was able to communicate with the people from so many different time periods and regions of the world because survivors in the ark were beamed down with scratchy implants in their arms that gave them an incredible ability to hear any language translated into their head to what they can more or less understand though context across languages isn't necessarily translated anyway this ability with the implants mostly prevented any language barriers while Rya was continuing to lead her group to Prosperity at at some point John DEA woke up and quickly took to his old ways creating a small band of robbers and scouring the ark's inhabitants for supplies he was basically John Marston from Red Dead eventually he found Ria's settlement but grew fond of her and her empathy he reformed his group to do only good in the name of helping the settlement be prosperous and over time John helped ran nourish their growing Village into a thriving city called nsy you can see the city in game here but as you may notice it's more than half buried this was because the arc system required survivors not grow too complacent the goalposts and expectations for survivors were so high that the system had no mercy for when they wanted to prosper and live comfortable lives on the arcs and scorched Earth was no exception it started by sending various types of creatures to nasty including giant mantis eventually getting to the point of sending wyverns to attack the city Riot and JN disagreed over the meaning and warning signs which culminated in the obelisks using their power to sink nasty into the ground swallowing the city and many of its inhabitants this is why when you go there in game you can find tons of buildings inside the cave underneath what little of the city actually pokes out of the ground after the fall of nosty Ria and Jon escaped with the aid of one of their tames and John LED them to where he thought they would be safe a settlement to the West when they arrived they realized it had become a nesting ground for wyverns but it was too late the two lovers were stuck inside a building and the wyverns didn't give up eventually JN and Rya both faced the cre 's head on and Jon sacrificed himself in the process thinning many of their numbers in his final moments Rya still alive and breathing surrounded by dead wyvern was distraught going on to find the nest's Wyvern eggs which the previously kind and gentle leader was tempted to destroy she didn't though she knew she could use them to her advantage and so she raised them promising her beloved that she would survive for both of them Ryan knew at this point what the ark was capable of doing to its inhabitants so she hid herself away in the mountains not to be disturbed bed for a long time through her experience with weapons she learned from JN followed by the trauma of losing someone she loved so much Rya had the skills and willpower to live on after his death but she was afraid to get close to inhabitants at the same time she couldn't help silently aiding settlements when they were attacked just like her City had been many years prior this gave her a mysterious reputation of being some kind of God by the local inhabitants who called her W Al aswat her black cloak adding to the mystery and Intrigue she lived like this for decades until eventually Rya would go on to meet someone to allow her to open up once again within the following decades we pick up the story on an entirely different Arc this one being the arc you play on in the aberration DLC aberration used to be an arc with a relatively normal ecosystem similar to the island which we'll get into later like other arcs apparation had a barrier creating the illusion of a vast stretch of either land or ocean and far above was an overseer control center of some kind probably a lot like what we see on the island but on the aberration Arc a population of particularly Advanced survivors lived including Diana alterus the strike fighter pilot I mentioned before she ran into multiple other survivors that she actually knew including the one she died with Kaza and freaking Santiago yeah the one who made weapons for the Federation that caused so much destruction the thing is though this Santiago only had the memories leading up to his original death so it was technically not the same guy as the one who was previously revived through the cloning Tech to help build the colony ship he's so different in fact that his personality is arguably more authentic to the original since he shouldn't have had any augmented or fabricated memories nonetheless he teamed up with the others and both the UR and fettes connected over both sides being quite literally stranded this Arc was specifically tossing in survivors from similar time periods and who potentially knew each other the common theme they were Advanced and they knew Tech at first these survivors didn't realize they were on an arc because hell from their time arcs hadn't even been invented after scrunching up enough resources the tech tribe built an off-brand Tech suit and sent Diane into the Horizon to find rescue but then she hit a wall after crashing into the ark's protective barrier she reported back to the others with bad news they were trapped the tech tribe assumed that for whatever reason they were being held captive in some kind of prison on Earth so Santiago devised a plan to bring a modular Tech bomb to one of the obelisks hack a Teleport into a presumed control center high above them and then blow up their captors or at least their Tech once they got inside somehow getting themselves out before the explosion that's just like him isn't it so they built the bomb teleported in and to their meant surprise they were in space their quote unquote captor the overseer on aberration immediately began to kill the survivors pretty quickly in response these survivors desperately set the bomb on a short fuse diving down to the ark below as the pillar or Mega structure the overseer platform was attached to shattered causing significant damage to the ark's protective barrier just uh lots of explosions and [Music] stuff after causing this catastrophe some survived the fall back down into the station some also didn't but those who lived immediately had a horrifying realization the sun was going to cook them alive very quickly since without the fourth field barrier they blew up keeping them from being exposed to space the radiation from the Sun would eventually burn everything so they all ran underground into some caves which had already been there in fact these were some pretty huge caves that just happened to exist on this Ark the whole time the survivor's hunch was right by the way the surface got cooked so bad it looked something like this and later on as you know this and that's pretty much how aberration got the way that it is the first catastrophe so now you're probably wondering okay where does the island come in all these characters on the DLC maps are doing all these cool things like becoming edgy wyvern Nomads and blowing up but what about the dossier lady over on the island what a great question allow me to introduce you to an ark with a habitat that mimicked the conditions of a multi biome Island this is where we meet four important SP Helena Walker an Australian biologist from the 21st century sir Edmond Rockwell a chemist of the 19th century Lee mayin an ancient Chinese warrior all the way from the Han Dynasty time period and gas marcelus nurva a Roman Centurion who had previously lived during the conquest of the Roman Empire these survivors over time established friendships and bitter rivalries meeting many other tribes on the island such as the painted sharks iron Brotherhood and the black thumbs though nura's Army the new Legion was by far the most important setting into motion The Adventures of the four survivors speaking of these survivors they represent these sort of symbolic pillars of arc's gameplay Helena Walker represents the discovery of new things at a basic level sort of as a blank slate much like players when they're starting out Rockwell represents the sort of experimental and sometimes unethical scientist that are maybe in some of us particularly when we sacrifice our dinosaurs mayin represents the taming and protecting of creatures and various settlements and last nerva is a man who represents what could be considered the embodiment of the psychological engineering that is the appeal of the knock down someone else's sand castle game design of ark's PVP before we get into the prim meat and Sav of these character stories though keep in mind once you finish this video you should check out my series Arc of the survival stories for a cinematic film-like representation of the story of the game with that said Helena and Rockwell The two scientists discovered at a pivotal moment that the arcs were unnatural Helena grew to be fascinated by the creature imbalance and strange environmental abnormality such as the obelisks among the islands abnormalities inside caves scattered in various biomes were tokens Left Behind which they called artifacts Rockwell focused heavily on these said artifacts the artifacts were put on the arcs to act as Keys allowing survivors to take on the different Guardians through the use of the obelisks these Guardians are in fact what we fight in the game as survivors ourselves on the other side of the coin mayin and nerva are the two characters who become enemies after they cross paths in battle mayin was a mercenary on the island who tamed creatures to Aid in her protection missions of convoys and Villages nerva was a tyrannical leader that carried over his values from the ancient Roman Empire and wanted to conquer the entire Ark by means of dominating any tribes who opposed his own at some point Edmund Rockwell was recruited to nura's Army which offered favorable benefits for the chemist fast forwarding a bit Helena was with mayin negotiating with her for help to take down one of the three Guardians the megapithecus nerva after catching wind of Megan's whereabouts marched towards the blue Obelisk and and caught them offg guard right as they were teleporting back from the fight his army slaughtered all but one of Ban's creatures and captured Helena in the process Megan's Raptor wutu was the last creature she had left and he carried her to safety away from nerva and his men dying shortly afterwards in a valiant attempt to protect her from a sailing dinosaurs Megan's Raptor WSU was the last creature she had left and then he was gone too filled with rage mayin swore to kill the man whose actions resulted in the death of her friend and she Pro Ed after mayin arrived at the red Obelisk nerva had just returned from the dragon arena after he promptly killed it Rockwell was doing a great job but manipulating nura and his army to seek out the power of the obelisks falsely promising him that they would give him some sort of grand power it was at that point that Helena was forced to guide nerva to the cave in the volcano which she suspected would take the artifacts retrieved from defeating the Guardians as tribute for opening its mysterious door Rockwell still with nerva hid his presence from Helena amongst his army seething with Fury that his fellow friend a scientist and colleague had supposedly betrayed him by studying the oblisk with May Yin instead who he had significant prejudice against as he was under this false rumor that may Yin was some sort of cannibal Barbarian after arriving at the volcano nerva and his army including Rockwell ventured into the cave making their way to the ark's hall of history and subsequent overseer Arena the observation deck hovered over the ark itself being a top one of the three gigantic pillars bordering it nura's Army was completely depleted in the following battle against the overseer leaving only him and Rockwell Left Alive as nerva mourned the loss of his men an apathetic Edmund Rockwell was fixated on the metal lining of the walls of what he later called the Starlet Sanctuary the place was made of element healing from the 19th century though he had no clue what element was Nor what it was capable of or the fact that it was the very reason he had been placed onto the island itself waiting to learn more about this enamoring resource he attempted to investigate one of the nearby terminals but ended up ascending to an entirely different Arc in the process shortly after nerva and his men entered the tech cave Megan still stalking the group found Helena tied up outside the cave entrance and rescued her insisting they follow suit after him when they teleported into the station from inside the cave they discovered the bodies of nerva men and creatures but no sign of Rockwell or nerva himself this caused Helena to try and persuade mayin into showing him Mercy but may abruptly knocked her on ious to prevent her from interfering after abandoning Helena she searched for nerva further eventually finding and wounding the Centurion with her blade for once he ran causing Mayan to give Chase and attack him once more it was in this confrontation that she accidentally damaged a terminal which caused both her and gas to ascend Helena being the last survivor in the control station who hadn't ascended was faced with a multitude of questions and answers she eventually found her way to a console and started messing with it I don't have the answ to any of these questions or the dozens of others that kept popping into my head but somehow I mean to find out somehow I'll find the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] truth Rya decades after losing her lover John and living in the sweltering desert heat alongside her wyverns long enough to look like a raisin saw two differently timed beams of light in the distance these pillars of light were a result of both Rockwell and Helena's ascensions Rya arrived at the first pillar too late to track whoever came from it Rockwell but was able to successfully track Helena from hers Ria was curious since even in her old age she had never seen this before all the while Rockwell and Helena both in different locations of the desert did whatever they could to survive in such a drastically different environment M from what they were used to on the island Rockwell in his old age almost fell to the intense heat of the desert but he found a nearby religious settlement that nursed him back to health Helena also found a group specifically a convoy to keep her company and help her stay alive after studying the local fauna and Flora of the desert Ark Helena came to the realization of how the arcs kept people in their borders besides the giant force fields of course she theorized that like the island scorched Earth had a natural deterrent at its borders on the island this was the ocean which mostly stopped people from trying to escape scorched Earth's deterrent was the endless Dunes which were home to deathworms these things would devour anyone trying to leave the central desert now while Helena was thinking about the borders and everything Rockwell on the other hand was focused on the element He had seen in the Starlet Sanctuary which he dubbed Ed mundum cuz he's a complete narcissist spending most of his time on Scorch Earth deceiving or outright murdering anyone he had to in order to get Scorch Earth's Hall of History he robbed the previously mentioned religious tribe which had helped him stealing the their three artifacts which they were particularly obsessed with these people literally worshiped the artifacts but didn't actually know what they did artifacts in hand Rockwell got as far away from profets rest as he could and promptly discovered that the obelisks only required the three artifacts he now had all he needed now was to find someone strong enough to defeat whatever Beast lied in store he eventually encountered another settlement though this one was being raided by another tribe the burning Phoenix which resulted in his capture while captured Rockwell tended to the other prisoners injuries to stop their whining the guards took notice and as it turned out the leader of this tribe's wife was pregnant and they were going to make Rockwell deliver the baby whether he liked it or not now while Helena and Rockwell were doing all this crazy on Scorch Earth you might be wondering what happened to May Yin and nerva let's talk about that briefly before we continue with scorched since it happened roughly at the same time like I said earlier May in the process of slaying nerva activated one of the terminals which caused the Ascension process which sent the two survivors both to the aberant Ark the one Diana Santiago and the rest of the tech tribe royally screwed up luckily Mayan and nerva landed on the surface at night so they weren't immediately cooked not that this mattered for nerva though he was dead Mayan sustained a pretty dope Scar from her battle with nerva and while she was bandaging it up the sun began to rise she looked over at him and noticed he was cooking more than cooking though his corpse was on fire saying this she ran for her life somehow despite her armor smoking she survived and and stumbled into a nearby cave alone again Mayan explored the caverns of aberration taming various creatures like a shin horn she named xia a ravager named Shi which later died while May was knocking out a rock Drake with tri arrows and said Rock Drake which she named Al after tment look The Arc story isn't always consistent with gameplay it kind of does this a lot but the Beast Queen is in fact a beast time passed after Bean tamed a and she realized she wasn't alone in the caverns someone had left unnatural footprints and after investigating them carefully she was discovered by members of the tech tribe she didn't trust their intentions at first but they offered her shelter and she eventually agreed to come to their camp with some convincing from a certain Ginger pilot after arriving at their settlement May discovered their Tech City and was in awe particularly because May is from ancient China and these people were wearing glowing armor mayin stay was initially reluctant since she felt extremely disconnected from the others and their technology not just because she hailed from a Time long before her peers but because she had convinced herself she didn't belong due to her beast-like nature ever since her time on the island she had synergized more with Dinosaurs than people being unfairly pushed away and feared by other tribes this gave her a sort of identity crisis which the orange haired woman Diana helped her break out of she was the only one may really felt a connection with in the tech tribe and she taught her how to use their armor in an effort to get her to stay it worked so well in fact that may soon began to surpass Diana with said armor it's safe to say the two two grew pretty close so when Diana was in danger on an impossible mission to gather element shards from the deepest parts of aberration May dashed to her Aid the mission to get the shards went really bad and everyone except Diana and her friend holed were killed quickly May met up with them and joined the Excursion towards the element shards causing them to eventually rest in a nearby camp in the middle of the night though holed had a baby congrats oh sweet Mother of God what the so with May and Diana being the only ones left alive they made one last attempt to grab the shards so the mission wouldn't be a complete failure they got it but aoua died because there were just too many freaking Reapers man they made it back to the base and Diana gave Mayan a necklace totally out of appreciation not a massive crush or anything totally leaving aberration for now and on a high note trust me it won't be later we catch back up with the scorched survivors Helena was Finding even more bizarre and unnatural creatures such as a rock Golem that split her from her initial group a little jboa friend she named radar who could predict the weather and giant mantises that she helped fend off shortly after joining up with a larger settlement that taught her how to shoot guns amidst the battle Helena saw W Al Aswad from afar an enigmatic entity considered by most in the desert to be a sort of heavenly Guardian sound familiar Helena was curious so she left the village with a melops and radar in search of wall since she had a hunch the mysterious person would be able to answer the questions she had about the arcs around the same time Rockwell was also in search of something godamn element which he finally got a sample of after convincing the burning Phoenix tribe to fight The Manor just like how he more or less convinced nerva to fight the dragon back on the island he secretly stashed the element sample and then poisoned the burning Phoenix tribe before sneaking off into the night his actions here probably killed the wife of tamur the leader of the clan and the newborn child that Rockwell delivered rockle could kill as many babies as he needed if it meant he could have some alone time with his n anyways Helena climbed a whole Mountain to find the legendary W alwad and when she finally collapsed from exhaustion Helena heard a woman laughing with The Muse Wally alwad or as you should know Rya the woman whose story I told previously was waiting there for Helena the two of them discussed the arcs and when Helena told her about what she knew about the arcs Wally wasn't surprised it was as if she had seen a whole lot herself Wally told Helena about some of her experiences on the ark even letting Helena study her wyverns eventually Wall-E and Helena found Rockwell wandering around in the desert having just grossly inflated his kill death ratio and Helena was just like oh my God it's my best mate and rock was like holy this lady's a devil she betrayed me both of them were completely off from the truth obviously w-e didn't trust Edmund though mentioning the fact that she saw another beam materialized sometime before Helena's farther away Rockwell somehow not only played this fact off as some sort of time travel but he also convinced Helena that he heard she got captured back on the island and went out to negotiate her release with nerva eventually Helena and Rockwell convinced Wally to take them to where they could Ascend and escape the desert Ark it turned out that said place was in the Coliseum of another long ruined City the same one Jon sacrificed himself in please a moment of silence for John DEA Helena left radar in Wally's possession knowing she'd be in better hands and with a heartfelt goodbye Wall-E finally opened up and told Helena her real name Rya I have seen so much since we l spoke John there are secrets in this desert that you would never believe know that I will carry on yours always Rya within the ark Helena and Rockwell couldn't decide where to go next Helena wanted to go back to the island seeing as they knew people there but Rockwell was interested in going somewhere else an arc containing pools and rivers of molten edium for his taking Rockwell was like oh that one is funny at mum on it should we go and Helena was like we should go back to the island people know us that wasn't a question Helena after Helena and Rockwell ascended to aberration from the scorched Earth Hall of History they were originally split up Rockwell took note of the fascinating caverns and potential of vast quantities of Ed mundum that were then just within his reach it did not take long for Helen and Rockwell to find each other and they survived making small camps and fending off what Helena referred to as flying squid bat murder monsters eventually the two were caught off guard and fled from a pack of seekers that nearly tore them to shreds but before they could a woman in glowing Tech Armor interrupted the attack and obliterated the creatures this woman was none other than Lee May Yin Helena was ecstatic from seeing someone she knew in such an unfamiliar place but Rockwell was Furious if you recall he thought of mayin as a barbarian woman her clear Mastery of Tech Armor element infused equipment made Rockwell especially pissed Megan introduced Helena and Rockwell to the Tech tribe at a small Outpost and this got Rockwell's attention Big Time Helena was curious too but she was especially fascinated by the people and how they were from the future of her own time the tech tribe took them back to their main base and Rockwell and Helena were shown around the city Rockwell immediately took to Advanced Technology and was enthralled by the villagers laboratory where he began to study their tools elsewhere when some of the villagers took Helena to the portal the Gateway project they' been working on she suddenly remembered what had happened with Rya and noosy back on scorched Earth frantically telling the tech tribe to Halt progress in advice because the obelisks of the station could destroy them her pleas made it through to the tribe and Diana alterus one who had particular influence listened intently the tribe agreed to ha progress for the time being to be safe after experimenting with charge in the villager's laboratory Rockwell himself traveled to the Gateway project and thought it was rather bizarre considering he didn't understand how they could possibly want to leave this Arc one with so much potential for power he saw through the presence of Ed mundum Rockwell continued to manipulate and persuade the tech tribe and especially Diana to see to his every whim for that ultimate goal meanwhile Helena and some of the others were still focused on the Gateway project and they decided to send a trio out to investigate the obelisks for their potential danger while looking for solutions to the issue Helena needed to learn how to use the Tech Armor of the others War to survive you know the surface and all that so after lots of training and tripping over herself like a drunken dodo Helena May in and Santiago embarked on a trip to the surface this is when Helena started to become familiar with Santiago who at this point was established in the tech tribe as one of their main Engineers while Helena was worried about leaving Rockwell alone especially given how obsessed and engrossed he was in the element they had a mission to see through needless to say this was perhaps one of the single most important mistakes Helena made that caused Ripple effects for many years to come now this is where Helena and Rockell split up but both continue their notes I'm going to cover one at a time starting with Rockwell after convincing Diana and some of the others to take him to the deep Caverns where element ran in abundance Rockwell's mind raced with ideas he collected multiple samples and returned to the city the villagers had become worried with the amount of time he had spent with the substance explaining how dangerous it was this enraged Rockwell further making him more paranoid that they might try and take it from him he distracted the villagers with a side project though something he discovered called plant species Z which could give off charge as a kind of bioluminescent senty this gave Rockwell more time alone with his ad mundum and in brainstorming new ideas to use the substance he decided he would test it on one of the Villager small pets after kidnapping the creature and injecting it Rockwell watched as the light pet transformed into a disgusting mutated Beast which fascinated the old man of course Diana found the horrific scene and put the creature out of its misery scolding Rockwell afterwards at this point Rockwell understood how to convert solid element into a liquid form that he could use for purposes like what he had done to the light pet in a desperate attempt for power control science but most of all godhood Rockwell began injecting himself with the element the rest of the tribe somehow didn't take notice of this and like many of you have commented somehow didn't lock him up so therefore after cutting off the blood supply to his arm and transforming the limb into a disgusting element infused noodle he was ready Rockwell took a big old batch of AD mundum and shot it up like the addict that he what on this day on this glorious day I [Music] Ascend okay now pause let's see what Helena was doing during all this after she Megan and Santiago had left the tech City they made it to the surface and Helena observed that in fact they would cook if they went outside during the day they camped just inside the cave until it was Nightfall and the three made a dash for the Obelisk where Santiago gathered some data about what the obelisks might do after they got back to their Camp they discovered the Obelisk were highly unstable Santiago reported their findings to the village and promptly came up with a plan to shut down the obelisks which would require teleporting from the Obelisk Into the Heart of the station itself so they waited for Nightfall once again made it to the platform and hacked a Teleport into the unknown the three teleported into the station a dark mysterious and curious place this was deep within the ark somewhere and the survivors made their way through discovering facilities that contained PODS of dinosaurs and creatures like Reapers it was all starting to make sense but after making it to the next major room each of the survivors had a disturbing realization along the walls packed in like products to be shipped they saw Homo sapiens nobody was ready for the cognitive dissonance that ensued and Helena was especially worried about mayin given how crazy all of the Technologies would have already been for her being from ancient China the three continued on in Low Spirits but eventually they found a control room in it they finally shut down the obelisks but something wasn't right suddenly the station sent up warning signs and Unleashed a horde of Reapers after the group while they ran for their lives Santiago hacked a Teleport out and the three barely made it out in time covered in Alien guts their mission was a success in better spirits and coming to terms with the fact that Helena and the others may very well be clones they reported to the Village the good news and began to head back in a sudden and chilling emergency call not long after the three listened as people were screaming and yelling over the radio someone mentioning Rockwell and this is where we Converge on the timeline after turning into a monster Rockwell ravaged the city as Helena Santiago and mayin dashed back as fast as they could by the time they arrived they found an eerie sight the city was in Ruins with fire debris and bodies littered about Diana was found dying on the ground and may rushed to her Aid before dying in Megan's arms Diana said the name of the monster that had done this his name was Edmund Rockwell don't leave me after Diana died in May's arms the warrior became unresponsive she took every weapon and able-bodied tame they had and rushed after Rockwell filled with a rage Helena had never seen before Helena was torn conflicted between the thought of shooting her old friend while knowing that it was her fault for bringing him to the city and The aberant Arc in the first place filled with determination Helena chased after them she eventually found Megan in the midst of a battle against Rockwell deep in the caverns Helena got a good look at that Twisted monstrosity Rockwell had shifted into at this point and the two women work together to bring him down [Applause] a it is Fury Rockwell created a hole in the C floor and with one final blow Mayan forced him through it don't you see without me there is no future [Music] she nearly fell in herself but I managed to catch her around just in time thank God I did if she'd Fallen well I'm just glad it's over after Rockwell caved in the floor beneath him and fell deep inside the ark he began to integrate into the system perhaps at this point because the overseer had been destroyed by the tech tribe in the distant past the ark was missing an Overseer in Rockwell's integration with the ark he became the new Overseer either fully replacing it or integrating with anything left behind of its controls or personality Rockwell remained trapped within the station for many years able to feel everything within it every creature including humans that lived within the ark exhausted Mayan and Helena made it back to the destroyed City still in shock and clearly traumatized from everything that had happened Helena apologized to the man Rockell once was a final goodbye to her old friend in one of her last notes on aberration Santiago and the others began working on finishing the Gateway project since at that point the obelisks were not a direct threat Helena wanted to stay behind feeling like she didn't deserve to go with them but mayin insisted that they stick together saying that she'd already lost too much with Helena deciding to stay with the group those in the tech tribe who were still alive after the massacre finished the Gateway project and set their sights on their destination Earth no casualties or unexpected complications but the Target location was off by 8.93 m I wish I could correct it long after the tech tribe left aberration and beamed themselves onto the extinct Earth a new group of survivors awoke on the abandoned station these are called The Graduate students which means they were around the ages of 22 and older hell yeah there are six separate graduate students and to ensure this part of the story doesn't drone on too long I'm going to do a little lower speedrun this is graduate student Sky they have one explor note and in it they talk about how they had a Trippy dream in a place that is a direct reference to the terrible asset flip of a game Ark Park VR Sky decided that aberration 2 was a dream and they promptly jumped off a cliff to their death it really sets the stage for the common theme of death for the rest of the graduate students a the other five are actually connected where one after another they each died usually a horrible death leaving the next one with some kind of lesson to take on these include Rusty Amelia Boris Trent and imamu it started with the Kentucky born Rusty Stafford where over time he became very paranoid and while him and Boris were out scouting he fell off the ledge and was immobilized Boris killed him and ate him then Emelia Mueller became the main character she was a timid and socially anxious person who always seemed to feel like she was a burden on the group eventually she sacrificed herself to save the group from pack of nameless that if not for her actions may have killed the others too from there Boris picked up the torch but he quickly became obsessed with exploring depths and heard Whispers And noises in his head from who he called the master which eventually compelled him to betray the others and go off on his own to find more artifacts which eventually led him to his death by something as typical as a pack of ravagers next Trent which is basically ark's own Scout from TF2 Grass Grows birds fly Sun Shines and brother I have a laser gun decided to continue the mission Boris had since imamu the smartest of the group thought it was the best course of action though they were a little bit more careful the two of them found the abandoned Tech City that had been left behind by the past characters and found freaking laser guns teamwork and freaking lasers baby while searching for the artifacts Trent got Reaper impregnated and had his own little baby you should know how this goes by now so with the Mamu being the last graduate student alive he gathered the final artifact and took his pets down to the Rockwell terminal with him to uncover what they had been building up to this whole time feeling like he would rather face what was down there the master than to perish by any of the means that had killed all of his lost triades after he made it to the terminal this happened it's been ages since I've seen one of you those others they left me up here to die ages [Music] ago somehow imama wrote an entire entry in his note and Drew this cool illustration while evading Rockwell an impressive feat of its own until he got crushed that concludes the graduate student stories A Tale As Old As Time one of miscommunication mistrust and ultimately where those things can lead people down in the most dangerous places and with it that includes the story of aberration arriving on the extinct Earth Santiago in the remaining Tech survivors almost couldn't believe their eyes they were on the planet with a few creatures supplies but not much else beyond that they found a large crater and began to set up shop in it Santiago acknowledged that in fact the planet had to be Earth his readings on soil composition and atmospheric pressure were undeniable they also of course noticed the city one which Santiago thought was potentially built on an element vean after doing many readings of the area Santiago came to terms with one very difficult fact he theorized that due to the vast quantity of element in the area what he called a scientific impossibility the spike and proliferation was caused by a century of open Warfare with element-based Weaponry the best of which was made by him long ago this thought spiraled Santiago into digging deeper within his past were his memories even real he asked if they were was he responsible the one that was living breathing and writing his thoughts in his journal entries these thought processes prodded at Santiago throughout his stressful leadership tasks because after Diana had died Santiago basically became the deao leader of the group after establishing Camp Omega the group found monsters in a cave including enforcers and defense units but on the horizon they spotted some gigantic beasts that d anything they ran into at that point this caused Santiago to realize they were going to need much bigger Firepower it didn't take long for Santiago to come up with a wild new idea though a vehicle that took on a humanoid shape giant bipedal battl Nex to be specific Santiago really liked this idea saying some people may call that fighting fire with fire but I call it fighting a small gun with a much bigger gun and so Santiago got to work on the mech project he enjoyed the grind with just how much work it took those blood Sweat and Tears all went into him developing modifications modules that allowed the mechs to shoot Rockets you know use swords cannons and so on these are the types of mechanics you may be familiar with based on the mechs that survivors can actually use in extinction he designed four mechs which together would ultimately be able to fuse into something called the mega Mech by teleporting together into a giant Mech capable of fighting the largest monsters these individual mechs would need pilots and after designing accessibility features for the rather unprepared Pilots he knew would be his only option options Santiago began testing them on the best in the group profile one covered May Yin who is objectively their best Close Quarters fighter clearly a top candidate the next profile covered Helena Walker which Santiago realized could be a huge asset due to her bizarrely High synchronization ratings which maxed out every gauge Santiago claimed it was as if her nervous system is more advanced than everyone else's like they can just process information at a higher rate why Helena was like this I'm not exactly sure but I guess she was just lucky and this aptitude D contributed to a critical moment later on the third Mech pilot was chosen as Takaya Kazuma one of Diana's friends from the UR and who Santiago called a loud obnoxious self-righteous lug head while he wasn't a fan of the dude Kimo was solid with his sync scores and was one of the only remaining survivors they had left with real military training the last Mech pilot was none other than Santiago himself while he was opposed to using his own Creations they didn't have anyone else who be qualified enough so it just worked out that way after choosing the pilot Santiago began phase three of the mech construction project where he focused on tuning the mechs to the primary Pilot's preferences and behaviors to maximize their combat efficiency he trained hard with May Yin but Helena was having a rough time he realized that she wanted to discover the truth behind things that was her tick in an effort to motivate her Santiago mentioned a signal he had detected out in the Wasteland and that really got her going near the end of the project Santiago ran into countless bugs and Engineering errors causing him to fly into a raage while doubting his own skills he tried again and again and after passing out while trying to fix things he woke up being dragged off by the others hastily by the time he came to his censes he found a cake in front of him the tech tribe decided that June 26th that day was Santiago's birthday the sarcastic engineer squirmed but the others laughed got him to take a break from his work and eat some cake that break it turned out was exactly what he needed and not long after Santiago found the solution to the issues he was running into with the Mech things were getting better and after simulating the mega Mech Fusion procedure a few times the four Pilots felt like they had it down but something wasn't right it's too soon they found us too soon the tribe detected a horde of monsters heading right towards Camp Omega mechanized drones and mutated animals more than they were ready for only one of the mechs was ready Santiago's he insisted that the others had to survive and so he came up with a plan to distract the monsters and lead them on a chase while the others escaped into the Wasteland I'd have liked to see it but more than that I'd have liked to experience that moment where we all fused together for real and our bizarre little Squad became the most powerful team in the world's ever seen But if it means giving these idiots a chance to survive this then I'll give it all up because in the end those are my idiots Megan Helena and Kuma finally powered on their mechs and fought off any stragglers who were after them as they fled with the other survivors to the the wastes Santiago was nowhere to be seen as he had dragged off as many of the creatures away from the others as he could they ran into more corrupted and smaller Titans acting as training to continue getting used to the mechs Elena tried to lighten the mood at least with the odd joke coming up with some tag team moves for her and mayin and their mechs mayin was having none of it but they eventually pulled off the may I help you maneuver as they finished off another corrupted creature the group eventually came to a cave where they started to talk about what to do next hide in the cave and try and survive or head to the signal Helena was adamant about going to that signal and didn't like the idea of just hiding out until they potentially met their untimely deaths by more of the creatures mayin while at first agreeing with the rest of the group was eventually convinced by Helena's reasoning and they headed out to follow the signal after lots of traveling they eventually saw a giant monolithic structure on the horizon perhaps much larger than the extinction City we see in game due to the entrances being too small for the mechs after they arrived the group left the mechs outside and and explore the ruins the signal was coming from eventually they found a server room which allowed Helena to finally uncover the meaning behind the arcs she learned about the receed protocol why the arcs were made everything eager for more data she eventually followed mayin into a small room that housed a floating artifact pulsing with energy after touching the artifact it shattered into pieces and in its place was a small diamond-shaped object what Helena called a prism of raw cosmic energy this is the point that Helena's mind started to fade she began to have visions with dark creatures a man made of light an Ascension to mayin worried about her friend was especially protective about the gemstone which prompted her to keep it away from Helena unfortunately for them it was too late the corrupted monsters were coming fast Kaza had spotted them on a scouting run and after reporting back Helena and the others geared up and left as soon as they could while resting along their way out in the waist Helena had another Vision one where she was climbing a ladder of light with Titans beneath her even the largest of them couldn't reach she was carrying someone up the ladder with her but she didn't know who after waking up Helena realized the monsters were gaining on them and this ultimately prompted a battle the largest Titan they had seen was there and with his horde of Monsters the tech tribe simply couldn't stop the attack kmo was killed all of those on foot were brutally slaughtered and Megan and Helena were the only ones left alive right before mean was crushed in her Mech by the King Titan Helena opened up her Mech and placed the prism she had previously stolen back from Megan into her implant when she did that the Titan screeched in agony even causing the King Titan to fall back Helena passed out and may Yin used that moment to cradle her in her mech's hands and flee in a critical moment of weakness that's all she could do I'm sorry Mayan I'm sorry the weights all on your shoulders now there's no one else who can carry it the tomb the throne you have to reach it you have to take me there to the tomb of Ascension I can can show you the path but you have to walk it alone I wish it weren't true I wish I could give you wings but I believe in your heart so believe in mine one last time I need you to believe please please after they escaped The Horde Helena slipping in and out of Consciousness explained that may had to get her to a place called the tomb and veins of light began to creep across Helena's skin Mayan did not hesitate in taking her Helena was all she had left so she continued pushing forward in their only Mech while carrying Helena to the tomb based only on poorly made Maps she had drawn eventually they began passing through an Arctic biome which took its toll on Mayan's nech it ran out of element and shut down this meant that Mayan had to Journey on foot into the surrounding area to find more element and supplies she suspected her arm was broken on top of that after getting her hands on element mayin returned to her Mech barely Clinging On To Life she somehow managed to survive attacks against mana gers and even tamame some to recruit into an army of creatures that she slowly amassed not long after this may tamed snow owls and thorny dragons to join the team too before long a dying Helena wounded May and her tames made it to the sunken Forest where Helena said the tomb of Ascension would be found ahead of them was a cave and Megan cleared it out before going in with Helena they found the altar a long bed similar to the tech sleeping pods their old trib mates used to use May placed Helena on the central Altar and she stabilized prompting the whole room to Glow May's heartbeat slowed to a Serene steady beat but not for long The Horde was once again on their tail and may left the cave to join forces with her tames with all the strength she had Mayan held The Horde off with her creatures many of her forces lost their lives and her Mech began to break down exhausted wounded and filled with determination May slayed the last of the minions and all that remained were the Towering Titans that had waited in the back the largest of them all one grueling battle later mean slaughtered every last one of them her Mech was almost completely destroyed in the process as soon as she had enough energy to move Megan stubbled back into the cave where Helena had been resting in the Tomb she found a chorus of light Helena's body was glowing like the sun floating above the altar by the time the whole room flashed Helena's flesh turned to light and in a swift movement upward she vanished the room's Giant Crystals died down and Helena was nowhere to be seen Mayan couldn't help but mourn she had nobody left and questioning why she should even still be alive mayin left the cave got in her Mech and marched directionless suggesting that she just wander into the Wasteland and die Megan left the sunken forest and not long after her Mech stopped moving she was running out of supplies bruised and damaged Megan fell asleep she awoke to the sound of Earth shaking footsteps a large monster was looming over her and she quickly sprung into action to fight against its horde of minions but she knew that she wouldn't last long suddenly a Mech crashed into the ground and destroyed the creatures with Force Mayan was in disbelief who could that possibly be when the mech knelt down and opened up may saw a woman with hair the color of tangerines step out it was none other than Diana alterus okay now if you're sitting here wondering how the hell Diana is on extinction let's rewind but through her perspective Diana awoke on extinction confused and but naked she realized she was on Earth pretty quickly but didn't understand why she was alive because as far as she remembered she died on aberration in Mayan's arms but she heard a voice in her head describing it as having someone write invisible words on the back of her head that she could feel within her The Voice wanted her to help and to go somewhere and when she asked if the voice was what brought her back to life the voice said yes of course this voice is homod Deus Helena Walker Diana presumably woke up after Helena ascended in a desperate attempt to help mayin homodeus Helena reached into the system and brought Diana back to life a feat which the newly created homodeus would not be able to pull off again for a very long time Diana didn't know it was Helena and simply followed the voice because she trusted it it was all she could do at that point over time Diana gathered some equipment in the abandoned city and eventually came across tracks and evidence of the tech tribe it didn't take long for her to find a broken down Mech followed by Santiago she solemnly buried the Lost engineer and vowed that she would fix his broken Mech and use it to the fullest showing off what his last brainchild could really do in Santiago's prepared Mech Diana followed the vo's guidance and when she spotted a Survivor fending off a hord of creatures she immediately knew who it was Diana saved mayin and hugged her distraught by everything that happened May was in shock and disbelief and gave in she explained it all and Diana understood her friends were all dead Helena was as far as they knew gone and it was just them and the weird voice in Diana's head The Voice promptly told them to go to a facility and after May Yin started to hear the voice too it didn't take a lot of convincing for them to ahead there once they arrived Diana sifted through a huge amount of data and came to learn about the Reed protocol the element spreading into the crust and the fact that the Titans their huge quantity was preventing the arcs from coming down and purging the element thus receding the Earth One Titan in particular was leading the hive mind also they learned about a facility called aat Prime The Voice told the duo that they should go there the only problem was that it was on the other side of the planet and to make things worse the King Titan was approaching once again Diana was Fearless though in understanding Santiago's original plan with the mega Mech Diana and mayin dashed to the site where their trib mates had died in the previous battle against the King Titan and found the bodies it was hard on Diana seeing the people she had spent years with on aberration dead but she had a mission Diana repaired the two lost mechs that had previously belonged to Kuma and Helena and came up with a plan to fuse them together and pilot the mega Mech with May Yin despite their lack of having two other Pilots the mega Mech would be operational at least to 70% of its capacity Diana decided she would take over for 75% of the mexan controls and may would take over for the rest specifically using the giant skyscraper of a sword the King Titan was approaching but together mayen and Diana fused their mechs with the others and formed the mega Mech which they used to defensively destroy the King Titan's horde and promptly gone the offensive striking their foe with everything they had they carved an X into its chest and significantly wounded the Kaiju more than Diana suspected it had ever felt before the King Titan retreated and the mega Mech was rightfully just about ready to fall apart but they did it with the King Titan fended off Diana and Megan buried their lost friends and looked towards the horizon the two of us are going to do what we can to help but it won't be enough you see those huge ugly monsters out there they need to be cleared out or Earth can't recover also if you see one with an x-shaped scar on its chest do me a favor and flip it off before you finish it we'll do our part the rest is up to you good luck with Diana and Megan heading towards a rot Prime while being Guided by the voice in their heads that voice was probably doing a whole lot of other stuff at the same time while Helen Adas had only just begun her glowy spirit lady Journey she was working on something new to help survivors on the arcs come down to earth and Aid Diana and mayin in destroying the Titans and saving Humanity this something was in fact her repeated attempts to replicate what she did in bringing Diana back to life if she could Aid the survivors up on the arcs with re spawning such as she did with Diana this would give them a much better chance at saving the Earth because death would no longer be a barrier if Bob could just respawn after getting mauled by a raptor then he suddenly has a much higher chance of being able to at least build a freaking Hut before something else Finds Its next meal that said after many failed Trials of attempting to get survivors to respawn it actually began to work first one success then an entire group a generation and finally you you were one of the survivors with the power of trying again and it started on the island this time it was for an exact purpose maneuvered and twisted against the system subtly by an entity called the one who Waits this character was of course the transformed essence of Helena Walker a woman you should know well by now but when she ascended she lost her physical body and entered a lonely existence she was the last to be made into a homod deas her ancestors were all but decayed they couldn't speak to her so there she was all alone facing an intensity of information flow no human could even fathom after allowing you to respawn she spoke to you in one-way messages left behind in mysterious Explorer notes all you knew then was that you had to stop a cataclysmic and irreversible event the extinction of the earth she encouraged you to keep pushing on and to work with others to survive like she once did long ago so on the island your trials began you created shelters fought dangerous primeval creatures tamed those that could bend and break to your will and conquered a land with danger around every corner along the way you died whether from Hunger from punching Trees Too Many Times or by slipping off a cliff and breaking every bone in your body but you tried again you sought caves and the artifacts within them and with your army you presented tributes to the obelisks to battle against the beginning to the onslaught of monsters within a rigged system she would warn you against your new gigantic and overwhelming enemies would the first of many tests you would face but only with her help would you escape those tests one day after killing the broodmother lisis the megapithecus and the dragon of the island and perhaps along the way uncovering secrets to your ancestors actions and history you follow it in their footsteps and took the final test of the island inside the volcano you fought through hordes of enemies and finally reached a platform which took you to the hall of History Rockwell Mayan nerva and Helena had once walked in these same empty cold and isolating Halls as you arrived at the overseers arena the door crashed down behind you and it was time to [Music] fight [Music] the battle was long tedious and unpredictable you were fighting against the embodiment of the system itself a broken endless game the goalposts of which had been moved because the system itself was flawed if not for her you would stay in a loop within that system never to leave its cold unfeeling [Music] clutches after defeating the overseer you took a breath the Ascension protocol began and your spirit companion continued to observe the system took you to the next Arc the next test the next Ed just as it had done for a few others is this what happiness felt like love no this is more like Pride yes that's it I'm proud of you Survivor you've accomplished what few have you've ascended I once did too too when I was her Helena she was an Explorer too and like you she traveled the arcs and discovered their secrets you're following in her footsteps keep going discover what became of Helena and her friends survive the many challenges ahead and you'll find me here waiting for you together we may yet be able to save our world this desert Wasteland was a turning point for Helena and her allies it was here that her fellow Explorer Rockwell began his spiral Into Darkness if only Helena could have seen the threat that was so close to her where Rockwell's experiments would lead there's danger lurking beneath these sand Survivor seek out this Ox guardian and find your way to where I'm waiting for [Music] you you awoke on the desert Ark scorched Earth passing from one seed to the next you experienced a new habitat filled with new challenges and just one primary Guardian to overcome you faced flying lizards rocks that came to life and giant mantises the heat was unbearable at times you died again and again you died but after each time you were torn to scraps of meat you gained a new insight the insight to survive Against All Odds and so you built tents and Adobe structures to survive the elements you tamed and conquered Fantastical mythological and Primal creatures once again and with each new companion your army and strength grew enough for you to face your next test the mantor you continue to impress Survivor as you have grown in strength I have been searching Helena's memories finding what I have forgotten all these long years her friends and the journeys they had was it all for nothing no it had to be done so that one day you could exist together you and I we can put this right you must travel onward Survivor for your greatest trials are still to [Music] come the system as Helen Adas explained had existed for eons it was built to be efficient to run indefinitely if needed for organic beings like you they age and Dole over time but the system did not that was in truth its greatest flaw because it was imperfect it had potential for errors even if a catastrophic scenario had a 0.001% chance of happening enough time would make it inevitable the perfect storm of survivors on one Arc in particular was an example of such an inevitability after defeating the mantor on scorched Earth you ascended once more but instead of going to the next seed in the infinite cycle you were torn off your path and pulled towards the mistake the inevitable the aberration you've come so far Survivor this place was once a vibrant Ark filled with wondrous [Music] creatures before it was contaminated and compromised Beyond repair long ago Helena confronted her fellow Explorer Rockwell here when his obsession Twisted him Beyond humanity and reason even Helena could not truly put an end to Rockwell's Madness and he survived here in the shadows all this time feeding on poison and growing stronger you have to finish what Helena started if we we are to save Earth Rockwell Must Be Stopped if there's anything left of the person that Helen in you Edmund would want to be stopped steal yourself Survivor for here Terrors await [Music] [Applause] you the broken Ark was in worse condition than ever before rusted hints of civilization were all that lingered of those from the past and you woke up inside of a gigantic cave system while at first escaping the heat of the desert seemed like a Gods sand the bioluminescent creatures with fangs and Claws ready to eviscerate quickly disputed the thought you died a familiar death but you were used to it by now as always you tried again you explored the unstable ecosystem tamed strange mutated creatures and slowly began to learn how to survive within the ark the semblance of hope you clung on to was quickly tied to the Towering rusted rings that could be nothing other than the gate she spoke of you built your bases up you gathered your supplies and you bent the Flora and Fauna against your might you knew the test of this place would not be easy to face she warned you of him just like Helena and her allies defeated him once you would have to do it too you would have to bring down Rockwell you gather the necessary tributes a task more difficult than the prior arcs in many ways and after building your army and preparing your weapons you entered his domain this is what you could muster to take me on I was expecting a real challenge this is insulting either the way I'm afraid you won't be surviving [Music] this through swarms of dangerous element balls tentacle whips and demonic creatures you fought your way through the battle utilizing your experience and cunning as a Survivor you were determined even if you failed you would try again you think you've hurt me in some way phase after phase you sent Rockwell screeching into his pool only for him to emerge again stop why would you be using all all the knowledge I've gained at Great cost there's no scenario where you walk away from this and with one final attack Rockwell was pushed past his limits I'm valuable to waste to an intellect you have no idea what [Music] IED and your Ascension initiated [Music] [Applause] a w it needed to be done Survivor Rockwell is finally no more as surely nothing could have survived that Art's destruction perhaps in Oblivion there is a measure of peace for the man Edmund once was and not the monster he [Music] became now that you've ended the threat from above it's finally time for you to join me on the surface below we must turn our attention to Earth everything you've survived has prepared you for this you must confront Humanity's past so that we can restore our planet's [Music] future you've reached the end of your your path Survivor just as Helena Walker once did it is here that she and her allies faced their final battles it's up to you to make sure their sacrifices weren't in vain the alien element that ended our world has willed a Titanic adversary into being to rule in the ruins find a way to Dethrone that King and you'll clear the way for me to call down the Arts enabling nature to be receded humanity and Earth's many creatures and evolution itself can be restored Helena Walker wanted it so [Music] no I wanted it I may be the one who Waits but I'm I'm still Helena [Music] too I remember everything now the struggles I faced the losses I felt and the love that I found I can see the world through my own eyes again and Survivor I'm certain of one thing now you got this [Music] mate you opened your eyes this was it you made it home and putting together the pieces you knew exactly what you had to do it was time to save the world easy right Helena warned you of danger here even the robots that were made to protect you were a threat she tried to make them listen but they listened to no one other than themselves Helena explained the fate of your home and how element was responsible and so everything will end where it began at last face to face from a superior threat you and all your kin must answer that Timeless question will you survive she knew you could win you had made it this far and finally she gave you a name if our identity is defined by our actions then what is yours are you one who engages in fisy cuffs with helpless trees no what defines you is that you try again should you starve you try again should you fall from a cliff you try again should you be digested by some magnificent Predator you try again and now Earth Humanity life you can give all of it the chance to try again too because you and all your siblings who fell from the sky are the ones who try again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as you crafted your tools clothed yourself and braved the wastes she shared her experience the homod deas were not Gods neither omnipotent nor omniscient they were closer to prisoners trapped in a lonely room watching the universe from behind a pain of glass she told you that once the arcs came down and you completed your mission you would no longer be able to try again but you wouldn't need to you tamed bizarre creatures within the Prototype arcs you built up your shelters once again and you dabbled in tools From A Distant past as you Advanced she told you about the king of Shadows you had to destroy him and to in this you would need to face his lieutenants following her guidance you battled the mighty towering Titans the lord of the Forest Winter and of sand and [Music] sky with these three Titans your army and your technology you were ready remember what I said those who came before you the first to escape the system are all lending you their strength not just through their great weapon but through their deeds that pave the path you walk learn from them surpass them if you can and as dark as it gets know that there will be another sunrise for you for the sleepers and for the earth I will wait as long as I can in the hopes that I may see it with you but even if I cannot then I hope you'll enjoy it for me because it's bound to be even more beautiful than the [Music] last her final gift to you was a modified Mega Mech that could be piloted entirely by one person approaching the king Titans Arena you summoned the Kaiju and entered your weapon in the Titanic Battle of raw strength you fought as hard as you could knowing full well what the Towering barbaric creature in front of you had done to your [Music] kind [Music] with each explosive impact of your sword against its body and every crashing punch with your metal fist the King Titan began to stumble [Music] you and with one final attack it was [Music] over the King Titan was dead it's looming body crashed to the [Music] ground you claimed what she called the key of Gaia and with it your final test was [Music] complete absolutely beautiful go on take a look it's finally begun the arks are coming home each one carries with it the seeds of New Life plants animals and humans and these seeds will take root across the Far Corners of the [Music] world once they do all that life will be Unleashed from there it will spread grow and Thrive and this planet our home will bloom once more as for the rest of the infection well the arcs can take it from here in time I'll judge every last bit of it from its allil but make no mistake this is all thanks to you I'm just glad I got to see it look at that Suns [Music] Rising the arcs had finally returned home the reced protocol completed they purged element from the soil and their inhabitants took their first steps onto their long lost home once again but as the system was not perfect the mistake one so severe it had allowed the Survivor to save the planet in the first place made its Crash Landing onto the surface and with the tortured demonic and delusional man that had merged with it was a variable no one anticipated at some point along their Journey Diana and mayin reached a rat Prime but Helena deas didn't decide to investigate the colony ship and transfer over the super luminal link until she was sure the Earth had been receded so after waiting a long time most likely after mean and Diana were long dead the ones who try again finally receded the Earth as I explained in the last part and Helen Adas decided to transfer across the super luminal link knowing that Earth was at least safe for the time being little did she know the aberant arc crashed near aat Prime and so the super luminal link that she used to travel from Earth all the way to the Colony ship across the Galaxy was left open allowing Rockwell to travel through it himself and get onto the Genesis ship at least with his Consciousness once Helen Adas got to the ship she was in the system basically undetected at the time which was where she made hlna a robotic AI companion to help guide survivors in the Genesis simulation which would ideally help prepare them for something called the arrival and ensure the Genesis mission was a success too Helena seemed to really want to cover all her bases ensuring the survival of humanity through the reced protocol and the arrival with The Genesis Project she left after creating hlna likely fading out of existence not long after but Helena's greatest mistake here was leaving the super luminal link open because her old colleague she thought was long dead did everything he could to infect his way to the top aboard a new vessel one he would come to see as his own with that said once Rockwell got to the ship nobody necessarily knew right away you might be wondering who was on board this ship well the people consisted of two major distinct groups the crew members which were regular people living mostly regular lives taking care of the environments and making sure everything was running smoothly and then you had the colonists which were on board the ship sleeping in cryo Chambers and who were meant to be prepared for the arrival which basically meant when the ship eventually found a planet considered habitable and could colonize it with super epic Vin Diesel level strength that said when it came to the crew members one dirt scientist in particular was especially important and her name was Nita she lived her whole life on the ship working as a second class agricultural engineer and in her free time she would spend hours creating Virtual Worlds and scenarios within the Genesis simulation I'd probably do that too if I was stuck on a giant spaceship blasting across the Galaxy at an incomprehensible distance from Earth one day though Nita discovered transhuman interference inside the code of Genesis which we can understand as helenas is doing the disturbance was linked Nita found to a new robotic AI that was not there to begin with and after confronting the thing inside the Sim Nita learned its name was H it spoke to her in fact and explained that Helen Adas had created her and that AEL and I had been there for about 3,000 Cycles if we assume a cycle is a full day night that would make it about 8 years in chip time at least Nita acknowledged 8 years was hardly a dent in the amount of time the ship had been cruising through space but nonetheless after discovering hlna issues in the real world Colony ship began to appear once Rockwell got to the Colony ship he seemed to have waited until AEL was discovered to actually start to take over specifically focusing on the frontal ring and the Genesis simulation with his bizarrely fluent hacking skills once inside the Sim Rockwell began to override security protocols and in the process deactivated multiple AIS which oversaw the simulation's five biomes except he wasn't able to get one see the master AI of the ocean called mutter deactivated herself beforehand because this would mean she could still be summoned and activated by survivors theoretically big brain move right there speaking of survivors once hlna was set on helping the colonist she did just that you were one of those colonists and the simulation allowed you to take a crack at it you met the criteria by no means were you the one who tried again at least not in the same flesh but it's actually up to you and your own head Cannon as a player to decide if you are the same character at least with the same memories of your Journeys back on the arcs regardless you were determined and hlna took a liking to that but either before you started your journey or during the journey itself you hallucinated a lot perhaps your similarities to the ones who try again were more than just determination because you hallucinated about distant arcs a woman named Helena and her friends even though it seemed like a long dream hlna said she could feel Helena's memories from so long ago across various arcs and Journeys she went on this place is dangerous if you don't starve the dinos will get you or the environment or who knows what else you though I got a good feeling about you after all they're putting you in the Genesis simulation for a reason huh my Creator Helena used to be a Survivor like you if I observe you maybe I can understand her better these stories gave you a bigger picture a better understanding of a distant yet similar plan a plan to save Humanity but then you woke up at least as much as you can wake up inside the simulation [Music] itself through braving seemingly unfair and Incredibly dangerous biomes segmented off into secluded zones of their own you learned what the simulation was all about you were being prepared in some of the most hostile environments imaginable and right there with you was hlna throughout the Sim hlna guided you along as you uncovered glitches anomalies in the system that didn't seem like they were supposed to be there these glitches gave you hints towards their origin they were being caused by breaches to security systems and unsurprisingly these were Rockwell's doing though the simulation had no mention of Rockwell you would eventually come to know the name of the master controller his Alias the glitches were becoming more volatile and specific types of old human databases were being accessed by Rockwell as he learned everything he could to develop an Unstoppable plan to corrupt the colonists stored in the cryo Chambers aboard the ship and force them into an army of corrupted human avatars in the simulation and eventually in the real world as his servants which brings us to one colonist in particular one of the few that began to wake up from Rockwell's tinkering early he was asked by hlna in the simulation to help but he decided to listen to Rockwell instead and left the Sim prematurely his name was Gabriel and his personal it was split between a gold rush prospector from 1849 and an occultist from the Roman principate an arly combo but one that was not supposed to happen as you can imagine combining two separate people from different time periods into one body is probably not a good idea a fast track to an aneurism or something but after Gabriel got out of the simulation he made it to the surface of the backend ring Eden this was when Nita who was at this point horrified of the corruption happening in the frontal ring and instructed to in the tunnels under Eden discovered Gabriel and felt compelled to help him she had lost all communication with her fellow crew mates and having done research earlier when the corruption was spreading she knew things were dire it was like a full-on alien invasion Nita spoke to Gabriel through his helmet and instructed him to head into the tunnels where they met up she introduced herself and Gabriel was relatively friendly albeit a bit detached Nita was determined to do everything she could to stop the corruption and save her crew mates so she and Gabriel went back to the surface veden and grabbed some Striders at this point Nita was heading into the corrupted ring and nobody could stop her Gabriel stuck with Nita and they entered Rockwell's Garden finding crew mates strung about like Effigies a horrifying sight not long after the pair was chased by Shadow Ms and their Striders could hold them off just long enough for them to escape into a hatch falling and slipping into Rockwell's proliferation Gabriel passed out and when he came to he was in a large room next to Nita in front of them was what looked like a man tied up with a web of meat and tentacles Rockwell asked them to join him as his servants when they declined he decided they didn't have a choice Gabriel tossed needa an element based knife he had made before he was grabbed and torn away Nita likely was able to escape initially into a type of Command Center where she was able to set up a ring separation sequence before likely meeting her end as well that sequence while not being finalized was prepped and would come in later as an essential key after all of that happened let's switch back to the simulation where you unaware of what was happening in the outside world were beginning to get a handle on your mission while all but one of the master AAS were effectively deleted the biomes themselves in the Genesis simulation still required tests to be overcome so you took the tests you did your best you had to work with others sometimes because sub missions were literally not designed to be possible with a single person once you were ready you braved the depths of the biome and fought against its Master AI mutter a giant fish creature with swarms of electric eels but no matter how many times you died you had it in you to keep trying to come out on top and you did as you slayed mutter and reaped the rewards yeah rewards like the tech sensor I love that one you had so many missions to do but eventually you succeeded in all of them you had passed the tests and hlna explained that you were finally ready to enter the system route and activate the rival protocol this took you and your companion into the final confrontation with the master controller Rockwell's Avatar there are lots of rather pathetic taunting from both hlna and xx Master controller Slayer XX and fighting off hordes of corrupted avatars and Dinars you obtained code Keys which were likely the key jewels that hlna had told you about throughout your time exploring these allowed you to hack your way through the fight and take him [Music] down surrender now and I may be merciful [Music] defeat me here and you do yourself Survivor wait till I find you in the [Music] world [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello wake up survival Don't Panic old hlna has got you one sec so good news we passed the Genesis simulation Welcome to the Real World the other survivors are still trapped in the simulation but we're free bucker the corruption's here too apparently it followed us from the simulation but that's impossible we might be the only ones a week so let's get geared up and deal with the corruption for ex friends it says here Tex suit for emergeny this definitely qualifies now that you aren't so squishy we should figure out which part of the colony sh we're in if we just [Music] oh as Adeline a did her best to save you from his clutches you began to hallucinate again you dreamt of those same arcs Helena and her friends had explored I can remember meeting a bunch of survivors for the first time around these parts nevera Rockwell May in did Helena leave me all her Memories the trials they faced the end enemies they made this is where I gave a name to the precious metal that set me on my path to godhood edum I Wonder has this puppet told you anything about its creator I never understood M Walker's affinity for the creatures on these arcs now that I'm creating beasts of my own I admit I'm learning the appeal you R of Earth was it still your home was it even real I can remember Helena fighting despair when she arrived here and saw this place state of it to finally set foot on her home world again after so long away and find it's been left in Desolation near the end of your Delirious Visions You' even dreamt of the Genesis Sim and the time you spent there popped back into the delusion again did we I do hope I didn't thrash you about too much out there knock you into a coma or anything still while you're wandering around in Dreamland might be worth refreshing your memory of how much control I have over it was it all for nothing I can't help noticing that you're still hallucinating could it be that there's some motive to your delirium no that would imply that I've underestimated you in some way and I assure you that you are well beneath my estimation if Rock ball had so easily taken you right after waking up were you even worthy after everything you've been training for all the while rockbell taunted you pray I don't take notice of you again but then suddenly you could hear hen's voice in the background interesting that you're still able to access the simulation remotely interesting but unhelpful that's enough time in the simulation for you you really need to shift your focus to the outside world mate there's a colony ship in Mortal danger needs saving so wake up Survivor we've got heaps to do it was time to wake up you had to so with all your determination as AEL and a pleaded for you to respond you left the void and came too on can't seem to find you oh man that's really got you good no worries just uh hang in there for a second there good news your armor kept you mostly in one piece so quick update this is an simulation we're really on a ginormous spaceship and the ship's being taken over by now what are you two little M this is to be mine first okay time to get away from all these tentacles and prying eyes this might feel a bit [Music] weird a bright light pierced your vision as you materialized on the Sur surface of one of the Genesis ship's Rings HLA delved further into what you and her would need to do your mission was rather similar to what you had to do in the simulation complete missions take down Rockwell hlna didn't even have to ask you to begin we know what was at stake at this point and so you got right to it completing mission after mission after mission each one chipping away at your goal piece by piece you uncovered new tools that were at your disposal Tech weapon reopening up new forms of dealing damage to your enemies or healing the Damage Done To Your allies you tamed new creatures you'd never seen before you uncovered Explorer notes left behind of those crew mates that had tried so hard to do what you were doing now and you ultimately ventured into Rockwell's Garden the frontal ring things there were different and not the nice kind you fought mind controlling Noggin goblins carnivorous plants and familiar yet unseen variants of existing creatures you explored Rockwell's proliferation the same meat ducks that Nita and Gabriel had met their Fates inside and finally after as much experience as you could Garner conquering such an unpredictable apocalyptic environment and Gathering a stock of Mutagen weapons and creatures you were ready to beam into the ship's core with a final form of the Twisted man had been festering he teleported into a kind of Command Center likely the same one Nita had made it into when the separation procedure was created hlna was able to look at that procedure and keep it in mind in case it was necessary you walked down the dark cold Halls until you began stepping on a floor of meat Rockwell's heads began to speak to you sh taunting and laughing and once you made it into the airlock a showdown was initiated gone beg and plead I promise I won't think less of you nothing could prepare you for the kind of maniacal strategy Rockwell employed to take you down but you used your skill and cunning just as you had before to adapt this is where you fall to your knees just like all the other ones and I'm afraid it's far too late for you to try SC back out again you're well weapons are pitiful against me you are nothing but an ant trying to bite at my toes on my God I needed a new crew for my ship since the original ones were Torn to Pieces something tells me this lot will be better listeners and much better behaved you really couldn't just cooperate and die that's after taking down his nodes your Vermin nipping at my ankles fending off his servants appreciate a little artistic license and wounding him mortally hlna deployed an exom for you to deliver a final blast do this and you do your precious Mission because I assure you I will take this ship down with me I am all over this ship now and I can't be destroyed certainly not by the lights of you I can't be defeated by the likes of you no no I am this vessel and it is me damn I should have calculated for this possibility must have missed a transform on the 15th statistical outcome Matrix uh simply put Rockwell's embedded himself too deeply into the ship's primary systems they're failing along with him there's only one way to ensure this all ends here sorry mate I can't come with and I'm almost out of time to back myself up you'll do just fine on your own out there you're a survivor [Music] [Music] why are you still here staying behind to gloat Edmund I'm here to help you end this nightmare you did this to me for wanting the same power she squandered well I've survived worse I promise you I will find a way out of this I will no you won't it's much too late for that it's so bright Helena I'm afraid sh she knew [Music] Survivor this is my last message to you to be relayed in the event of my deactivation I was only an artificial construct when we first met just a shadow of someone who lived a long time ago but in our time together I got to become something new someone new not Helena hlna thank you for that I wish I could find the words to tell you how much it meant to me human language is so imprecise but I need you to do something else now find your own path your own destiny build a new world here a better [Music] world and who knows maybe two lost souls can still meet again Somewhere Out Among the Stars goodbye my friend with that your mission as the Genesis Survivor had been seen through and your exomic plummeted towards what would be the new home of what was left of Humanity on this side of the Galaxy a planet that was later dubbed a rat can we theorize about Ark 2 yes while I be doing that in this video no but rest assured there will be much more to cover in the future especially with Asa unveiling two new expansions but that is of course something we will only find out after asa's launch near the end of October fingers crossed I think the lore of Genesis had some mighty shoes to fill if you think about it the story up to this point was so deep and there was so much there that it's impressive they managed to make something as cohesive as they did and I hope that at this point you have a good understanding of what differentiates the Legacy Arc story from the Genesis expansion if you made it through this incredibly long video that explains the story of Ark survival evolved in full thank you so much your support your viewership and your excitement for Ark story is deeply inspiring for me to see and I'm incredibly proud of my team and I for creating this Gauntlet of a video it is by far the most comprehensive involved and epic telling of ark's story that you will probably ever see on YouTube and I'm glad to have been here to see it even just if I was a viewer I'd like this video very much and I think that should tell you a lot about how much I loved making it if you like this super cut smash the Subscribe button below and support my channel for more Survival game lore in the future including Ark and perhaps some new games that may be cropping up over in the next few years as always thanks so much for watching and I'll talk to you in the next video bye [Music] everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: NeddyTheNoodle
Views: 665,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival evolved, ark, ark story, ark lore, ark full lore, ark full lore explained, ark story explained, ark all lore, ark all story explained, ark full lore explained new, ark new lore, ark survival evolved lore, ark lore explained full, ark new lore update, ark new story update, ark extinction lore, ark player lore, ark survival ascended story, story of ark asa, ARK ASA STORY, story of ark survival evolved, ark complete story, ark full story before asa
Id: FvSo6xIUrW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 3sec (7083 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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