TOP 14 PVE BASE LOCATIONS on the Island Ark Survival Ascended

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yo guys what is up it's te here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and I'm going to show you the top 14 PVE base locations in the Island map that just got released now there are a few updated ones because the there some stuff that didn't exist beforehand so I'm going to show you all of those spots and we're use teleporters to do so if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below and consider subbing to the channel cuz that would be awesome I'm close to 100K and that is uh what I've been going for all along so I'm going to go ahead and go up in the sky and show you base number one right so just so you can see there's the cords on the bottom of the screen if you look at literally in the middle bottom it'll tell you the exact longitude latitude but the reason that I like this base location just like I like all my PVE base locations I like a lot of space not a lot of danger access to water that is very quick and flat area now what I want you to notice we have water and ocean all around we have safe water on that side that you can swim literally anything up through and and then we also have a very large flat area that you can build a gargantuan base and almost nothing dangerous spawns over on this side so it's a super super safe location to go ahead and get your base started and it's a it's a near spawn point too so it's not hard to get to which is also a great advantage of this particular spot now Base number two let's go and check it out all right Base number two is another one of those spots that can be a little bit deceiving because it's uh how do I say this it's it's not noticeable unless you know where you're looking right so spot number two is right over here right there's your latitude longitude on the bottom of the screen and the reason that I like this spot is there is literally no way up to this spot unless you have a flyer or create a staircase now I'll show you what I mean it's kind of near where you start in the very beginning and it's got the uh there's a I guess a angram or note whatever you want to call it up at the top of it but it's kind of like a little Cliff area and you can get some really cool stuff going at the uh the edge of this Cliff simply due to the fact that that there's a lot of flat land now the one thing that it lacks is access to water because there is no water nearby and with a new water system it'll be a little more difficult but it will give you a large flat area now this is more of like a solo player uh you want to build on the top rung first and then you kind of build your way down into the other levels you can see there are multiple levels in the spot and it works really well and it's next to the ocean but not quite in it so you have to build near that and there's some also really cool stuff on the backside where you can kind of build your base off of this like little man-made structure area and it's a good little overall base location I like to sometimes build on this and then build up and in but it's up to you how you want to do it because you know this is your game play what you want to so that's base spot number two for PVE purposes now we're going to go and go over to number three now this one is another one that I love right so this one right here because it's got access to the Cove it's kind of it's parsh of what you want to talk about with Base number one over there but at the end of The Cove right here you you've got a big deep pool and you have a large Cliff that overlooks everything it also accesses on the other side just so you can see it it's on the corner of the island so you can access redwoods pretty easy volcano and snow zone are not far away plus this flat little lip right here gives you access to build a ton of stuff off the edge and then kind of build a ladder that going down I think there's a lot of cool stuff you can do for a PVE base build using Cliffs and that's why I like them inevitably Cliff platforms will also be released so you can kind of expand but with all the new stuff that's just been released this is a awesome base location because you can build deep into the water over there you can see I've already got something going over there and then you can also build on this Cliff face and again the cords just so you can see it right there and that is my third spot that I can show you so number I guess number four base number four um and again it's one of those spots you'll notice that I build near the edge of cliffs usually because I like areas that I can look nice and flat and then you can Overlook something like you can build some windows and Overlook a cool view that's what I enjoy when I'm playing this game so I think some other people probably like that as well so the reason I like this spot right is it's a big flat area there's a small walkway up on this side and then it directly goes up against the Redwoods Forest which has a ton of resources that are very useful it's my old base I accidentally forgot to turn the turrets off but oh well um and and there's again like a little Cliff face lots of access to flat land and it's got a big flat area where you can go there's your cords just so you can see it right there and lots of space and again I like this one a lot because it's kind of more Central than some of the other coast ones which gives you access to some of the deeper areas that have the harder tames to tame and take care of so that is why I like that one a lot you can take that one for what you will it's a very popular spot probably won't be available on a server if you're playing it all right base spot number five this is another one that I enjoy uh building and pretty much all of these I've built in um this one is a new one however I just wanted to mention that so this is new with the map you can kind of see where I am right now it's got a little Inlet right here just so you can see what I'm talking about you can drive a boat up and in and then into this little area opens up a nice little vast thing you can have a cool little water base with some underground stuff tons of access by the way if you haven't seen what's right here uh these are all resources that you can hit and gather so that's huge plus you got some flat land that you can build on the corners over here I really enjoy when you can kind of build something into the water and then have like a boat p Style game I think that's a lot of fun um it just gives you a little bit of something to change your play style around if you don't normally play like that and plus it's totally enclosed so you don't really need to worry about anything dangerous dropping down on you especially if you're playing PVE and you want to avoid that kind of stuff uh it's a great little Zone it's just a fun little thing you can build up on the edges too maybe build some turrets and make it look like youve got a big castle and uh that's what I like to do as well all right base six all right this one is another one that I enjoy a lot so I'm going to go and go straight up right you probably know about this one this is herbivore Island and it's probably one of the most popular base locations in all of the Ark I almost guarantee if you try and build on this whether you're building on a PVE or a PVP server you will not be able to build here and the pretty simple reason behind that is because it's a massive base um you have access to all the resources you could ever need you're surrounded by water you got a flat u-shaped thing so you can build some really awesome stuff there it is on the map just so you can see it and it's just got everything that you could need inside of a base it gives you access to the water that is deep right here so you can raise your larger water tames it gives you access to flat land all over the place water nearby obviously access to a water Style game so you can kind of tame some mosasaurus and go down into the water there's a ton of stuff that get I mean it really is there's a reason that this is probably the number one most populated spot for PVE servers because you can do a lot with this area now the hard thing is getting back to shore as you can see quite a distance so you're going to have to try pretty hard to get back to the shore which kind of sucks so take that as you will so Base number seven another one of the spots that I enjoy a ton all right so I'm going to go ahead and go up and there's a reason that I like this and this is pretty new because of the stuff that was released with Asa here's where I am you can see there's where herbivore island is the reason I like this is It's a two-fold base right you've got an upper Cliff but I like the idea of this lower section building down in here where you've got Cliffs as your walls kind of surrounding the entire thing and then it opens up into the ocean now the reason I like this is because you got access to water nearby you can build your rafts and then you can kind of have your little Inland base with walls that are pre-done for you so you can kind of build minimally and uh kind of have a into the- mountain look almost like a I don't know an underground cave dweller like I like to be in most of my games it's a very cool spot it might be available cuz it's a little less populated or popular um but that flat land up on top you can build straight up and into that as well and that makes it a lot of fun to be able to try and access that as well so it's a really cool base location I like it a lot I uh started building something over here in one of my solo playthroughs and it's it's a lot of fun all right Base number eight now these ones are ones that have existed uh before and some of them are right next to each other and I'll show you what I mean by that but they are very popular spots this one got totally rearranged when ASA came out this used to be giant rocks that kind of went over the top of each other and it's got this Explorer note obviously nearby and you can see here's your cords but the reason that people like this is because of yeah that structure right there it is a giant flat area you are next to a metal Mountain you are next to water down there and you're kind of in the middle-ish of the map now you going I mean redwoods is the true middle but this is an awesome area now the reason that I uh like this one more than the other one I'm about to show you is because on top of this hill there's nothing super dangerous that spawns except for annoying things like trudon and Raptors and stuff like that so it's a pretty safe area to be and you can access it directly from running up the swamp Zone over where I'm pointing on the map right there so I like that one a lot but Base number 9 is actually brand new from ASA when they brought this out so this used to be kind of a flat surface with you couldn't go underneath but there's a lake right here and I used to build my bases right over there for PVE they just created this under the uh under the Rocks kind of thing and I love bases like this where you can kind of like build into the mountain and have like a raft and stuff like that in a funky little thing with lots of different areas that you build up to and with the intent to change it's not very big which I don't like but it's got everything else that I would want inside of a base access to literally anything your close is to the snow Zone um you have water youve got flat land you've got plenty of space to build um not not enough to like expand but there's enough space to build if you need to so one of my favorite spots to go now number 10 all right so now we're kind of getting into ones that are more commonly used as well uh this is base number 10 you should know about this this is a popular PVE and PVP spot uh this is kind of like a down little crater Zone if you want to think of it that way there's a beaver pond right there and all these edges are all somewhat flat but it's very popular cuz there's only one two what three ways to walk into this thing and the rest of it is just these massive walls and people like building their bases down inside of this thing with like looking up and PVP and for PVE it's just got a lot to do right and the water is deeper than you think it's going to be and it has beavers so you can get some beaver dams inside of this area which is super useful uh beaver dams super like for the win for sure for the win very popular love it but that's what I like to use right um so that's just I mean this is a very popular building spot so you might not be able to get it just be aware of that all right building spot number 11 another one that is very popular this is Carno island in the upper right corner of the map there's your lat long and the reason that this one can be a little dangerous is because there's a lot of dangerous things that spawn here carnos Argent Davis Raptors rexes yeah pretty much a list of things that you don't want to be here and the reason that it's a it's a popular spot is because this is also a Cave System down in here and uh people will build in here for sure for PVP uh because it's got a little bit of a Zone and you can kind of do what you want down in here but it gets dangerous quickly because of the uh yeah I'm not going to go too much deeper but you see the point right you can go down and in and it's uh yeah I'm not going to go much deeper but there's a lot of stuff that you could build with this location um it's a massive Island as well and you can if you want to be a cave dweller like I I tend to be in this game you can build down and into the cave and uh that's your choice but it's up to you if you do that or not there are some popular things like these ruins um you can see this little separated Island I can see someone taking this island and then leaving that one as like an open area to tame but it can also be a very popular Island so it might be harder to access that so a little more dangerous which is the only reason that I don't like it but it's got everything else that you could possibly need inside of a base all right number 12 this is another one that I've built in before it's always been in the ark and I love this spot because you're right up against the edge of the uh ocean you're against the edge of the snow and you're against the edge of some of the more popular things to tame there's a lot of rexes a lot of spinos if you head this direction and you're at the edge of everything again so like you can section off a small area and you don't really need to worry about larger tames and stuff like that getting into your base plus it's cool that you can kind of section off this whole zone for yourself that's not a very common thing anymore in PVE Maps so but if you're playing solo pick your spot like of the ones you've seen so far this is probably one of my uh favorites to build in because it gives you the most ability to do whatever you want in the long run right it's not a short-term base spot it's very difficult to build here with lack of resources and stuff like that but in the long run this is a great base location right here and again I'll show you those chords and then we'll move on to base 13 all right this one this one is less popular but there's a reason that I've used this one this is more of an outpost location that I like to build right now the reason that I like to build it is it's literally right next to the snow Zone which has a ton of resources and a ton of stuff that's useful that's penguin Island over there that I'm looking at on the map and that island has access to polymer and it has access to oil which can be very difficult to get unless you've seen my video you don't know about the the coral oril which is weird uh but it's a lot of fun so uh yeah it's a big flat area I've built PVP and PVE bases on this corner I got ready to PVP wise because the ocean tricks but a PVE base here tons of flat land if you can deal with the cold and put some fur on it's predictably cold which is nice so you know what to expect and you're kind of in the center is of the map with access to volcano snow and then redwoods in that direction plus again access to water is huge in Arc survival ascended because of the changes they made now this last spot right this last spot is probably going to be on ungettable for you I'm not going to lie to you this is one of the more popular spots in the entire game and the reason it's pretty simple right here you see where that river is over there right anywhere from that to this little Peak right here you're not going to get but there are tons of awesome spots to build with flat land people love building near this River because you've got access to some awesome resources and it looks super cool this Ridge right here is very popular to build on and then this little Outlet right here is very popular to build on because you can also kind of go to this little end just make some fun stuff right and because of how rocky these Ledges are you can build a whole bunch of like ramps down change around keep the different levels of your base going it is a very good location and the reason I like it the most is because it's pretty much in the center vertically on your map you can easily access snow volcano redwoods and this deep ocean over here is where tusos tend to spawn where I'm looking directly behind me and you've got access to some really nice stuff over here there is metal on top of this hill that direction and in general it is a great location to build so I really like this Zone you can build here you cannot build here but it's one of my favorite zones and I like how they updated a lot of this with Asa where they brought in a bunch of the prettiness to it and that makes me very happy because I like this base body especially on my solo player modes this is probably the one spot that I build the most so hopefully this is a video that helps you out again if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and consider subbing the channel it helps out a ton all right teach [Music] two
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 56,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival asc, ark survival ascended release date, ark survival ascended trailer reaction, ark survival ascended news, ark survival ascended live, ark survival ascended reaction, ark survival ascended xbox partner preview, ark survival ascended console, ark survival ascended launch, asa first 10 minutes, asa cheats, asa metal, metal spawn, metal, metal ark, island metal, island top 5 metal
Id: BjHf9MJ3Xek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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