20+ MORE New Features in ARK Survival Ascended!

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all right folks my name is fr and today we're going to be taking a look at even more new features from Ark survival ascended now these are mostly small quality of life features but they are all at least to my knowledge in you and hopefully will be of some use to you for now let's Dive Right In with number one the meat spoiler where out in the world we've got a fresh kill and a nice pile of meat from it I'd love to turn it into narcotics but first we have to spoil it now usually we split it all down into single pieces while this will speed up the overall stack it's still going to take some time and in the meantime our inventory is a mess but there's now a solution for this and that solution is over here in the shape of a toilet first put our meet in nothing happened so far but if we shut the door have a seat and uh do some business well instantly spoiled the whole lot yes as long as long as there is feces in the toilet any meat you put in there will be instantly spoiled now later on when you've got feeding trough spoiling meat by the Thousand this won't be super useful but early on I know a lot of people who are going to be very happy with this now we've got our narcotics though let's go make some Med brw simple enough let's stick our ingredients in get some fuel and light the fire here we can see the first of our cooking pot improvements there is now a fuel timer so we know exactly how long we're get out of this do we need to put any more fuel in but oh no it's made some dye that's not what we wanted buta we can turn off AutoCraft and now it won't make anything without us telling it to just like every other bench so let's put some more water in and we'll make that Med Brew which is also now listed in the cooking pot all recipes are now in there that's kibble soups bruise dyes whatever you want it's all listed a small but incredibly helpful change so you can spend less time with the wiki and more time cooking moving on to number three we have crafting tracking let's say we're looking for a new teame as an iguan that'll do but that'll be much easier to knock out if we had some Bowlers first well I know I've got no ingredients with me so let's rightclick that and track it and now I can see exactly what's needed and how many I can make with what I'm currently carrying again a small quality of life change but one that will be incredibly helpful especially for beginners now I do wish they' taken this a step further and added a hotkey to instantly craft whatever you're tracking but as I believe you can actually track multiple items at the same time that would probably start to get a bit messy now though we just need a bit of a hide so one quick dodo Harvest later and I'll be ready for my Bowers there we are I can make two excellent now I could craft this from my hot bar because I've already had one before but I'd like two please so we'll make them there and let's get ready to get this iguana done and here we can see another new Improvement the bowler indicator here you can see when I aim at the uum with a bowler in my hand the Crosshair turns green and there's a little tick to show that it can currently be bowered so let's whip that up get it snagged and now it turns yellow to show that it's not ready to be bowed right now a red indicator would show the creature can't be bowed at all now though if we're going to knock out this aardon we will need to change ammo so let's hold R and bring up the new ammo changing wheel yes previously you'd have to bring up your inventory and drag the ammo onto the weapon but now there's a handy wheel for it not only that but if you've got the materials for it you can also craft more of whichever ammo type you're currently using or even swap between any weapon attachments that are in your inventory ah there we go perfect timing the iguaran down let's get that t tamed up and we'll start heading home now while we're riding a Dyno let me show you another new feature the adjustable Zoom yes it may not be a big feature but by holding down alt you get a little scroll bar like this to choose exactly where you want your camera personally I prefer the mid-range a bit more nice field of view but not feeling too distant from my creature oh damn some dastardly get has knocked me out oh this isn't going to go well is it all right where am I oh oh no this isn't good oh damn that freakish Giant's taking me prisoner well not to worry thanks to another new feature of forced respawn we can get out of this yes all we have to do is press escape and there we are respawn no hostage for you but this isn't the only way to force yourself to respawn either whether you've been taken hostage or just got stuck in rocks if you can access your inventory hover over the specimen implant for 5 seconds and then right click select the new respawn option and you'll be free from whatever mess you've managed to get into no more having to waste organic polymer and no more eating poo now though I think it's better we relocate so let's start Gathering some materials and we'll build oursel a nice little base in the snow somewhere where we're less likely to be attacked bit more secure there we are some Stone let's get some wood oh damn I'm overweight not to worry though because I've got my auto with me and by holding down R I can bring up the new shoulder pet access and move over some of that weight this was always a feature on the Sonoma crops but now in Arc ascended it is on all shoulder pets and it's a really big help but now it's time to start building and there's a whole string of new features here the first isn't specifically for building but it's very helpful in this situation by holding Q your hot bar will change change into an inventory bar every single thing in your inventory is listed on this and you can scroll through the pages using 9 and zero whether you need a tool or consumable that's not normally on your bar or like me you want to do some building and don't want to have to keep opening your inventory to get another piece this is a nice convenient way to access it all and now that we've got those at the ready let's have a look at the first of many new building features the foundation adjustment if we click and drag we can lower or raise the foundations we can turn it by going side to side and if we press e we can unlock the camera to allow us a slightly different view or press Q to lock the height where we want it so that looks good let's start placing our foundations and see another new feature in snow coverage yes buildings built in the snow biome now get covered in snow it's only a small aesthetic thing it's not really can to have any big gameplay impact except for maybe making your base slightly harder to spot but for me I love it what I don't love though is seeing all of that health and ownership information whenever I look at a structure I never liked that in survival evolved and I I don't like it here but fortunately we can now solve that as well if we just bring up our settings menu for a second and go to UI we can see structure tool tip settings where we can either turn it off completely or leave it on action only for things like press e to sit on chair and if you'd like this can be appli to dinos players or dropped items too for now I think we'll leave it at that let's have a look much better there we go now let's do some more building if you've played the game of course you have already seen this but for those who haven't this is the new building system first we select our wall piece but hang on it seems to be a door that's because we can now cycle through different shapes by pressing R Stone doorway double doorway window window secret door or just your basic wall let's go with that let's start filling out our building shall we let's have some more walls let's go with a secret doorway in the corner for escape options well now we need some doors and windows now this is all one piece it can go in either so that's a door that's a window we use the same piece for both but for now we'll make it a door the arrows you can see point to where the hinges are so we can flip it around and have the hinge on the other side if we'd like but also once we have put it down we can now choose which way the door opens do we want it to go in or out or do we want it to always go one way well I'd prefer it to always go out safer in emergencies you know but we can also do the same with Windows obviously we can have the hinge at the top if we'd like we can have the hinge on the left hell if we want we can even make the hinge go on the bottom I don't know why you would want to but there we are again small changes but if you're trying to build an aesthetically pleasing base it could be a big difference all right let's start putting down some benches let's start with a grill it's a very nice looking Grill the new one but it'll only snap in the middle here and I want it in that corner so we hold q and shift to the new snapping options now this first one is full alignment mode and my favorite you can see wherever we put it it will try and align itself to the wall it's fantastic we also have partial alignment mode where it won't go through the wall it will try and keep that edge against it or we have the complete free placement which isn't really very helpful here because there's a wall in the way so we'll put it there wonderful and now we just need to do the same with the fabricator and the chemistry bench there we go done well now we've got all these these benches in we need power so let's put down a generator there we are in the corner we'll add some fuel turn it on but first as you can see fuel gauge again just like with the fires this is 19 hours so 1 hour per piece of gasoline on our current settings but you may have also noticed that light turned on all on its own we don't have any cabling down no outlets in fact those things are completely gone utilities are now Wireless that's electric and water completely wireless you just need the source that's a generator or a water intake in a river that's all you need no more annoying Sparks or gray wires going everywhere from your Outlets it's just simply Wireless that will power our base without any further building required and not only that but we get a nice two for one feature here as well as all of these benches that used to require gasoline to run can now alternatively be powered by the generator it's such a major quality of life change our Grill our fabricator the chemistry bench that used to require both to power or even the forge outside they all now run on electricity all we have to do is put down one generator in the base turn it on and our entire base is powered pipes cables all gone they're no longer even a structure you can build it's all Wireless utilities no more do you need to worry about draining all of your fuel overnight by accidentally leaving your fabricator on it is so nice the combination of these two quality of life changes is absolutely absolutely massive I obviously wouldn't still recommend leaving your fabricator on because it is still loud as heck but it is such a nice change well that's the inside of our base done but we still need some defenses in case that giant freak from earlier comes back and tries again so let's get down some turrets I'd like to put them quite high up I think no hatch frames required though because now we have some new turret placement options we can now go on walls pillars I think even on the underside of ceilings although you'll probably have to turn off snapping in order to get them into certain spots but that's a nice big Field of Fire for us there really good defense although it's pretty ugly to be honest not very inconspicuous so I think let's take that down and that's another new feature right there if you pick up a structure anything that is depending on it for support will also be picked up at the same time no longer if you pick up the wrong thing do you have to worry about it all coming down around your ears it'll still disappear but it goes back into your inventory instead of turning into a pile of rubble again such a massive massive quality of life change right there now there's only two left on our list of new features today I'm sure most of you know what this item is the tech dedicated storage obviously that isn't new but there is a new feature for it if we go over to our Smithy here let's say I want to make some flak armor so we go to armor we go to metal and now look we can see hide zero in the bench and then in Brackets 262 and that is new wireless access to the dedicated storage and obviously this allows us to craft the items pulling the resources from those storage boxes there is actually an option on the radio wheel saying prevent Wireless crafting but it doesn't actually seem to turn this feature off so I'm not sure if that's simply not working or if that's for something else entirely now if you know what this is for please let me know in the comments but for now let's move on to our very last one the tech binoculars these were an item that actually existed in survival evolves files I believe it was very briefly in one of the Genesis uh DLCs before getting pulled out but here it is in as a fully fledged item complete with full stat reading color regions m ation count and the ability to tag and track your target now obviously this is a very late game item so I imagine it probably won't come into play for many people but I know how much everybody loves those super spy glass type mods and this is now something built straight into the game but with that we come to the end thank you all very much for watching I hope this has been helpful to you if it has do please consider subscribing as it all helps the channel and let me know in the comments what's your favorite new feature and are there any you know of that I've missed I'm sure there must be some the game's not even been out a week yet we can't have found everything but that's all for now I will see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Freyn
Views: 109,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freyn, survival game, survival crafting, ark, ark survival ascended, ark ascended, ark new features, ark new, ark top 10, ark survival ascended tips, ark tips and tricks, ark ascended gameplay, ark 2, ark remastered, new ark, ASA
Id: v2awavlfq7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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