Skyrim - Why Windhelm is the MOST Tragic City in the Game - Elder Scrolls Lore

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windhelm it is the city of the proudest and strongest nords the heart of the stormcloak rebellion and was once the capital of the first empire of the nords it was founded in the late marathic era by the one and only isgramor built as a monument to the glories of mankind besides having a rich history windhelm also looks pretty cool in its own unique way however after playing some more skyrim recently i've realized that if i were to drop myself into the elder scrolls universe windhelm is probably not a place i'd want to go in fact by the 201st year of the fourth era it is currently one of the saddest places and in my opinion the most tragic city in the game you may be thinking that winterhold would take the crown here because we can all look at what remains of the city of winterhold and be tragically underwhelmed but there's just not enough here to come even close to the cocktail of gloom that flows through windhelm streets and it goes beyond the constant snowstorms freezing temperatures and occasional dragon landing on candle half hall to warm things up with streams of fire breath attacks welcome ladies and gentlemen to fudge muppets my name is michael and today we'll be exploring the many lives in windhelm from the poorest beggars to the richest nordic clans let us make haste quickly now onto the carriage for there are many tales to tell characters to meet and quests to unravel it's an old city i can tell you that the palace of the kings is ancient it's not the friendliest place for outsiders the dark elves were all forced to live in a slum called the grey quarter the argonians can't even live inside the walls they're all stuck out on the docks still candle hearth hall's got decent food and cheap bunks you could do worse or could you so one of the things about windhelm which is interesting from a law perspective but would not be pleasant to be around is the constant tensions between the nord residents who tend to believe skyrim is for the nords and only the nords and the dark elves who have come as refugees as a result of red mountain's eruption in morrowind and have since been relegated to a section of the city a slum really known as the grey quarter sometimes based on how fresh certain situations feel in skyrim one could think red mountain erupted more recently perhaps a couple of decades ago but the reality is that this mountain went kaboom almost 200 years before the events of skyrim and that's a long time for tensions to remain unresolved walking into windhelm you're greeted with a prime example of this divided atmosphere with a memorable scene of two nords rolf sternfest and angrador once honored aggressively telling a dunmer lady sue virus theron that she's not wanted even accusing her of being an imperial spy the altercation even finishes with a threat maybe we'll pay you a visit tonight little spy we got ways of finding out what you really are if you're a dark elf roth will tell you to go back to morrowind and challenge you to a brawl you can be brave and stand up to him but i can't imagine many other dark elves living in windhelm would do so because if you didn't realize his brother galmar stonefist is in a powerful place as ulfric's right-hand man roff will even visit the dark elves in the grey quarter at night shouting insults his buddy who was accusing sevaris of being a spy angranoor besides having a name that sounds like a drunk nord literally slurring the words angry nord is an example of someone who lives in the past unhealthily drinking away their troubles putting up with breathing problems and thinking back to the times when he was a capable soldier able to fight for what he believes in he has since been wounded so badly according to him that he is no longer able to fight and must beg for coins he admits he's not proud of his charity seeking either and his life is but a shadow of its former self like many of the dark elves souvaris works for the nords specifically the shatter shields who are the main competitor of the east empire company in windhelm she works extremely long hours about 12 each day before heading off to drink at the new nissa's corner club the number one place to congregate as a dark elf she returns home at midnight but even after working so long all day she can't even catch a break you can overhear the dunmer innkeeper embras harassing her further have they given you one of those helmets with the horns on them yet what do you want from me i work for them okay well not friends they pay me and i get the job done that's it he also asks don't you ever find it demeaning working for that nord family look ambrose i just came here for a drink i don't need any trouble fine then i guess some dunmore are content to be their pets turns out that not only are the dark elves criticized for not contributing to the city but even if you do help as is the case with souvaris you'll still cop hatred from certain nords and then even from your own kind doomed if you do doomed if you don't but okay so we've come into windhelm we've seen a conflict and all three characters we met live quite sad lives but hey at least no one got stabbed like when you first walk into makath right maybe this is just a case of a bad first impression and i'll let you know right now i'm not going to be crowning windhelm the most tragic city because there's some divisive attitudes there there's a lot more going on than just that which we'll be diving into but it seems we've already strolled on over to the east side of the city to the grey quarter so let's explore the dark elves a bit more we met souvaris the dunmer lady but what of the rest of her family well she has two brothers one named farrell is a farmer who works at brandy mug farm outside the city walls bulfrida the nord woman who owns the farm makes him work very hard and he finds her grating sadly he actually likes doing this hard work because it means at least he's not in windhelm he oddly only works two days a week though and still spends much time in the greyquarter where he is housed with his family and according to him must put up with his brothers harping about injustices during the day he just sits on the steps outside the corner club waiting for his brother evil evil is the only atheron family member who works for himself having a market stall in the stone quarter selling various trinkets he is ashamed of his siblings for working for the nords but still meets up with farrell at around 7pm at those steps after which they proceed to drink for whatever reason farrell leaves at 8 pm and wanders the streets of the grey quarter between then and 2 a.m being subject to rolf's abuse abel stays there for 5 hours before heading home well it seems we're back at the tavern i bet that's what all the dunmer keep telling themselves too let's have a closer look at the elves who are running the place so the innkeeper we mentioned is one risky fellow he has imperial banners up on the second floor of the inn and hates the nords as much as the most xenophobic nords would despise him he doesn't want to live in windhelm and if he can just save up some more money he plans to return to morrowind in high style he'll be happy to tell you exactly what he thinks of the nords it's not the cold of skyrim that gets to me it's the sting from the people windhelm is the first city on that road and here we are if we had known the nords would be so unwelcoming we may have kept walking he also mentions the guards aren't very useful though to be fair that seems to be a problem all over the city definitely not just in the grey quarter another dunmer named malfia works here as you'll see is the theme in this video the resident is also not too pleased with his life and will tell you there's not a day that goes by where he doesn't think about returning to the ancestral home of his people he only stays here because he's built ties if it looks to you like an impoverished slum that's because it is ulfric prefers that we live in squalor he has nothing but disdain for anyone who isn't a nord he tolerates us but that's the extent of his hospitality it's probably more trouble to pack up and leave than it is to stay besides ambrose can't run the corner club on his own i don't know about you but i wouldn't want to live life in skyrim somewhere unhappily but stay because it's more trouble to pack up and leave as you watch mouth ear work around the bar you'll notice that there's many other patrons and you can almost get vibes from the place that it could have acted as some kind of rebel base where a planned revolution against their nordic overlords would be hatched but inspiration is nowhere to be found other patrons include reverend sadri who seems to care mostly about operating his shop next door and belen tlalu who is actually a dunmer farmer who believes in simple hard work and ironically has an aging node employee who works very hard for him other elves frequent the tavern also one of which is aravanya and altma who lives at the windhelm stables the high elves aren't treated as bad as the dunmer but she's a gloomy one nonetheless horses all day long do you have any idea how dull horses are ugh i'll need to bathe thoroughly to get this stench off me i love my husband but he can be a bit dull at times not the most pleasant lady surprisingly her husband ullandil is probably the most cheerful elf in all of the windhelm area but she still chooses to drink there without him maybe some kind of dangerous thrill would liven things up a bit for her which she almost gets in the most lethal way possible with kalixto who we'll definitely be talking about in this video all in all the greyquarter is not the nicest place and the people are definitely not too happy but it's not just the dunmer who are doing it rough in windhelm the argonians don't even have a tavern to call their own and socialize together in fact they're not even allowed in the city at all the argonians work hard outside at the docks and unlike the dunmer the argonians are said to be known by the nords to be hard workers despite still keeping them outside the walls in fact the hatred towards our scaly friends is so strong that even brunwulf free winter a nord and great war veteran who sympathizes with the elves and the argonians agrees they should remain outside the city purely for their own safety and i'm not necessarily talking completely about safety from nords many dark elves in the gray quarter would not be too fond of the argonians after they launched attacks on morrowind taking advantage of the disarray of red mountain erupting the dunmer in general are also known as being one of the most xenophobic supremacist races in all of tamriel's history and the argonians would not be too friendly towards those who enslaved them for many many years simply put the various perspectives that each race has in windhelm towards one another goes far deeper than what you'd gather solely from the confrontational moment with sue varys and rolfe when you first enter the city all of the argonians must sleep in one big room accessible from the docks known as the argonian assemblage there's a row of beds with a cooking area not far from it they go from here to the docks and back every day a repetitive and arduous existence speaking to them you'll quickly realize they're not too thrilled about it either or happy to see you if you're not an argonian the nords don't appreciate us but so what i don't appreciate them right back look we don't have much love for your kind down here probably best if you just left i wish the nords argonians and dark elves in windhelm got along better they're used to getting by on scraps but the shatter shields want everything for nothing torbjorn shatter shield i wish someone would beat the coin out of his fat fists he clings to every section he says an argonian's labor is only worth a tenth of a proper nord worker my people are not slaves skyrim isn't very friendly for argonians so we mostly just keep out of the way the young folks are too happy to break their backs for the nords they forget what it was like to swim free stands in cellos will even say he won't be able to get through the week unless you bring him a bottle of skooma for his cravings by the hist if i don't get something soon i don't know how i'll get through the week no i'm not i feel like my scales are clawing into me maybe you could help an old argonian out i heard some of the sailors talking about how they stashed a bottle of double distilled skooma in the niss corner club i just need a taste while the docks aren't too nice at least charvi has a more upbeat energy the various sailors around the place are nothing out of the ordinary one ship the northern maiden can take you away to solstheim and i won't blame you if you want to leave windhelm already and the other ship the north wind has a captain who has been betrayed by runaway crew members and a current crew member who even explicitly says windhelm is a depressing place to be never much cared for windhelm the place is depressing i heard those four sworn out west live in caves can't be any worse than trying to live in windhelm could there be any more bad news in the docks anything as melancholic as what we've experienced so far well there are some issues with pirates upon entering the east empire company office at the docks you'll notice it's pretty run down and there's a stressed imperial man there who you can talk with on the bright side he will help you start the amazing quest rise in the east in this quest you go and take down the pirate menace defeating their powerful battle mage leader but what's interesting is that in this quest we learn that the ships are not attacking the shatter shields and when we go read the logbook of the shattershields office employee it talks about the shadowshield ships being let through for gold and it turns out the employee has met up with the pirates in dawnstar this employee is none other than souvaris the dark elf lady being accused of being a spy at the start looks like she is up to no good although her shifty actions definitely aren't helping the imperials but rather a nord family business she works for though she does admit to skimming coin from the family by messing with the business books to cover some unforeseen expenses she had what you will tend to find when you dig beneath the surface of windhelm's divisive tensions is that while many of the nords treat the dunmer unfairly their claims are not entirely baseless and many of the dunmer still do not care about the city or its people despite choosing to live here for seemingly more than hundred years none of that matters to me until someone takes a dunmer i'll let windhelm deal with its own problems the dunmer are also said to contribute to higher levels of crime and clearly there's blame for the situation on both sides so if you want me to analyze the dynamics between the two groups and have a look at the whole situation going on in windhelm in more depth let me know and i'll consider doing it in a separate video but for this video i'm not here to debate the intricacies of their feuds i simply want to point out the extent to which it exists and that it certainly isn't pretty so we can all agree that the eastern side of windhelm is pretty tragic but what's going on in the rest of the city surely somebody in windhelm must be enjoying themselves living high and mighty and generally having a great time in some well-built lavish home on the other side of town i mean the people running the businesses must be making plenty of coin if all these workers are being underpaid so at least are they going to reap the spoils and live it up well as you'll see the answer is no could it be that the most tragic thing about windhelm is that the dunmer and the corner club might be having the most fun so the richer families you'll find walking windhelm streets are clan shattershield and clan cruelty the crawsies own the large holly frost farm and thorstein krulsey the father of the family will sometimes even work the fields himself with the farmer working for him which i quite like his wife hilevi will sell food from a stall in the windhelm marketplace working about 12 hours a day together they have a son who has a funny name when you think about the theme of this video grimvar sadly the daughter of the family fealty cruelty is dead said to have been killed by the butcher of windhelm no not an actual butcher but that's the name they give the unknown serial killer who is going around windhelm brutally taking out various women and causing distinct lacerations on their bodies the type of thing you could do with embalming tools and the like fealty's corpse was robbed by a thief and in the thieves guild questline you're sent to defeat thieves from the somerset isles deemed responsible it's assumed by torsten that his daughter was slain for her valuables but according to your quest contact the thief only stole her amulet after she was killed my daughter fiotli she was murdered a few months ago left her laying on the ground in the pool of her own blood i assumed they were after her valuables she always wore far too much jewelry in public when i told her it'd be the death of her i never thought understandably the parents of the cruelty family mustn't be too happy with losing their daughter but torsten also seems to have regrets about his life in general i own holly frost farm outside the city it's honest work if a bit dull the cruel seas have been sailors for generations in truth i regret not following in the footsteps of my ancestors if i make enough money from the farm i'll buy myself a long ship to sail the rivers of skyrim i should have been an adventurer like you instead of a farmer their young son grimwa has a more adventurous outlook in mind for his life he told me once that he wanted me to grow up and be a sailor because that's where all our family names come from but i don't want to be a sailor or a farmer i want to be a warrior the strongest one ever they say dragons are coming back i want to kill one grimlock will also be able to point us to another one of the most dark and intense things happening in this city you've probably encountered him being talked to by his don mccare taker idesta sadri reverend sadre's sister outside the aratino residence then it's true what everyone is saying that juventus aratino is doing the black sacrament trying to summon the dark brotherhood oh grim bar always with a nonsense no no of course not those are just tails fine then i'll invite him out to play he lives right there i'm going to knock on his door no child wait that boy that house they are cursed huh then i'm right i knew it he's trying to have somebody killed all right i won't deny it child what you heard is true but juventus oratino walks a dark path his actions can lead only to ruin now enough we will speak no more of this i am the only friend you need so one of the young boys in the city juventus lost his mother and was sent to a terrible orphanage where he suffered at the hands of the headmistress there he has since performed the black sacrament a confronting ritual for even an adult to partake in sweet mother sweet mother send your child unto me for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear please how long must i do this i keep praying night mother why won't you answer me die grill i die so very tired growl you old crone you'll get what you deserve the dark brotherhood will see to that anyways odessa keeps grimvar from going in and seeing the ritual but can find her job a bit of a struggle at times ever tried taking care of children it can be a nightmare when grimvar asks me why women are being killed around the city i don't even know what to say to him so moving past orphans doing dark rituals but staying on the topic of murders let's take a look at the next rich family clan shattershield the shattershields run a shipping operation competing with the east empire company and do pretty well for themselves financially there's the father tabion the mother tova and their daughter nielsen this family of three however are very saddened as there used to be a family of four nilsine once had a twin sister friga but she was also murdered by the butcher of windhelm you will find the shatter shields grieving the loss of friega and i don't even need to say it's a tragedy you hear about the shatter shield girl oh it's a tragedy the mother tova is torn apart by what has happened i've been a bit out of sorts since since our daughter was taken from us no mother should have to bury her daughter not really sure what to do with myself anymore i just miss her so much i try not to think of her but sometimes the simplest thing will remind me torbjorn her husband will greet you by saying i'd appreciate it if you don't bother my wife tova she's still in mourning nilsin will also talk about the death asking you if you've ever lost anyone close to you she'll also let you know my father says we need to just get on with our lives like it's that easy on top of this clan shattershield had a falling out with a friend very close to them muri when murray was mourning the loss of free geshada shield with the family she was seduced by a breton bandit named elaine defont elaine took advantage of her vulnerability made her feel good sweet talked her and used her to get close to the shatter shields murie was very close to the family but they felt betrayed by her after elaine defont robbed them blind and stole their family heirloom aegis bane and fled wielding this item in front of a guard can have them say that hammer why that's aegis pain heirloom of clan shattershield last i heard it was stolen by a couple of swindlers elaine and moiri yeah in their anger the shatter shields forced muri out of windhelm and abandoned her now she resides in markov and instead of sympathizing with them she hired the dark brotherhood wanting elaine dead understandably but nil seen too personally i think she's taking things way too far don't you see i was like a daughter to tova a sister to nelsine and frigga but the family refuses to believe my innocence no matter what i say couldn't they understand that i was used that i was grieving for frigate too no they treated me like garbage threw me away with nilscene dead maybe then tova will realize what she's lost huh maybe then she'll see that i was just as much a daughter as the others and if not may she drown in her own tears so on top of their daughter's death and feeling from their perspective betrayed by a close family friend they then have assuming this option is canon a dark brotherhood assassin come and kill nilsin their only remaining daughter it can't get much sadder than this for clan shattershield or can it if nilsine is killed her mother tova simply falls apart she is so overcome with grief at the loss of both her daughters that she loses the will to live not even for her husband she can be found in the bedroom of her home in one of skyrim's most tragic scenes with a note tova's farewell reading first free gun now nilsine how can i bear the loss of a second daughter when i'm barely over the death of a first i simply cannot find any reason to continue living my two little girls are gone the lights of my life have been extinguished my only hope now is to be reunited with them in the halls of sovengard if the eternals can suffer the company of one who has taken her own life if not then wherever my soul may end up in oblivion or elsewhere has to be better than this terrible existence farewell remember me fondly and often tovish shattershield it's a pretty impactful moment in the game that really makes you reflect on your choices and think about what you're doing in the guild and whether or not it suits your character toby on the father is that nord who thinks argonian labour is worth far less than nord labor he will often be drinking away his sorrows in kendall harth hall the tavern in the center of town if nilsen is still alive he has this to say our little girl died recently i've been shouldering my days with strong mead but nothing gives my tova peace or nilscene has been wrecked since her sister was killed please forgive my mood i'm still coming to terms with my daughter's death don't take anything for granted in life nothing lasts forever there's even dialogue lines where he talks to her levy cruelty about a pie she cooked for him and he kind of loses himself emotionally for a moment because he is reminded of a time his once alive daughter cooked him an amazing soup and was so proud of herself if nilsin dies and his wife as a result it only gets worse both my daughters now my wife how much is one man supposed to take please forgive my mood i'm still coming to terms with the death of my wife and daughters obviously it is hard for candlehoff hall to feel upbeat with this sad man drinking inside of it and there's nothing overly special about the place but many of the citizens who don't go to the corner club can be found here at night instead there's adenato liatelli an imperial barden author who is always busy writing his next book there's lua finae dunmabad interestingly who never eats or sleeps and seems to just stand in the same corner at all times there's also rolf stonefist drinking who we are already acquainted with and there's also a fellow named captain lonelygale he's quite mysterious and used to be a sailor but he's retired now and tends to keep to himself there's also nils who works in kendall half hall as a caretaker and cook and can often be found chopping wood with his axe near the market he'll tell you he likes to pretend there's an imperial soldier's head on the stump there's stenvar a nord warrior and mercenary for hire who can accompany you on your journey and of course there's elder who runs the place she'll be pretty rude to you if you're a dark elf but if you're another race she's more polite this is odd considering she gets plenty of romantic attention from bronwall free winter who visits the inn despite him being a supporter of the dunmer all in all kendall harth is nothing special but it's not the worst place in windhelm by any means elder will also alert you to the barmaid susana the wicked letting you know she's flirty but only to get good tips regardless at least susanna seems to lift the spirits of the place a bit she'll tell you to go to the corner club for a real drink and doesn't like how elda hates the dark elves despite knowing so little about them she'll say things like see you around my beauty if you're a female or see you around handsome if you're a male but don't get used to her for too long if things sounded more upbeat for just a second the party is over because susanna becomes the most recent victim of the town murderer found dead in the graveyard area covered in the same infamous style of wounds helgerd who is a priestess working in the hall of the dead which we can all tick off as an inherently tragic place says the markings look like they're caused by the same embalming tools she'd use she also points out susanna's coin purse is still intact so the killer clearly isn't after money so who is this killer and what are they after well eventually we find out that it is callixto the owner of the museum on the east side of town he has been killing victims in order to collect ingredients for a special flesh magic ritual he wants to perform to bring his dead sister lucilla back to life he has been operating secretly out of the house known as hierum which means home of frost in the language of ancient nords the property becomes available as a pretty nice player home once the murder mystery quest is solved but would you really want to live there it used to be owned by friega shattershield who calixto murdered and was then inhabited by calixto who made a secret altar in there within a hidden room there's all kinds of flesh cutting tools inside with bloody bones all over the floor plenty of alcohol and weirdly a plate with cheese on the floor it's a disgusting sight and a sad tale he so obsessively craves to bring his dead sister's soul back in the world and is doing it in the most creepy disgusting way possible as i explained the deaths are bringing misery to the town in a massive way he shows no remorse for his actions only excitement that his plans are going well that is until you hopefully stop him i recommend checking out my recent video on flesh magic for more info on that many residents of the town live understandably paranoid as a result one of them is named viola who is constantly going around pestering everyone about the murders and leaving flyers everywhere she's also chasing after captain lonely gail however her affection is unrequited overall it seems everyone's dying in windhelm or already dead by calixto's hand or from others whether it's someone's mother sister daughter and so on it must feel like there's just an air of bad luck floating around the place to those aware of all the events the inhabitants and their stories i suppose we should look at the other areas of the city for good measure in windhelms marketplace there's an ultima thief naranje who sells a variety of goods there's the blacksmiths who tend to have higher spirits than other people in the town at least most of the time did you use my good hammer no blast girl i told you to leave my tools alone you have yours and i have mine i didn't touch it hammers don't have legs there's also an alchemist's shop although the owner there nerellian is very grumpy which his assistant constantly has to put up with even worse he also dies although at least you get to help him show the fruits of his life work before he takes his last breaths back towards the gray quarter there's also an orphan who you can adopt named sophie and how can you not take pity on her stuck in such a place trying to sell flowers you can ask her about her parents too they're they're dead my momma died when i was little i i don't remember her very well my father was a stormcloak soldier one day he left and didn't come back i'm all alone i i try to sell flowers so i can buy food it's not much but what else can i do heart wrenching isn't it i guess we couldn't finish without touching on the palace of kings this is a pretty cool place in regards to skyrim law and also if you're playing a character who supports the stormcloaks if you're not playing a stormcloak supporter then you're probably not too fond of it with ulfric sitting on the throne it's worth noting that one of the reasons this palace was built was so that isgramor could look upon the heel of his dead son's resting place which seems to fit pretty well with the rest of this video's theme like any main city the building that essentially serves as a city palace can't be that bad but it's not exactly lively either the corridors are dark and those inside besides all freak and galma aren't particularly memorable even the steward your leaf if you take over with the empire we'll say serving ulfric was an honor but he doesn't even care that they lost because at least the war is over doesn't sound like a true supporter of the cause to me there's another stormcloak leader israel thrice pierced and an elderly servant who tends to be cooking and cleaning sifner iron kettle the court wizard woundfirth tends to keep to himself and out of public view like many mages he's not particularly social yes i'm a powerful wizard no i won't put on a magic show for you at the front of the palace you'll often find a thief living as a beggar known as silda the unseen as a final note there's also the temple of talos run by a husband and wife though there's not much else to say about it i guess they're a good example of why taking over windhelm doesn't necessarily change the atmosphere there's just no cure for this city if you do side with the empire and take out ulfric all you do is shift some of the emotions around but you don't necessarily improve them you bring some relief to those in the gray quarter and on the docks but also bring deep sadness to all of the nords who long to worship their favorite god talos but are now prevented under threat of death from doing so it's hard to make windhelm a happy place with alfred dead and the stormcloaks gone who will have the courage to champion the cause of talos i don't care what the imperials say when ulfric stormcloak died one of skyrim's greatest heroes was lost now at last the thalmor will get their way the worship of talos will finally be stamped out or so they think those true sons and daughters of skyrim will never cease to worship mighty talos if we cannot do so in our temples we will do so in our hearts oblivion take the thalmor i'll never give up talos not even if it means my life let them come and make me a martyr if only there was something else to raise the spirits of windhelm like an arena or something well there was but it got scrapped prior to skyrim's release the windhelm pit was an arena created that never ended up featuring in the main game in fact it was meant to be the way to escape prison you'd fight your way out in a series of jewels and give the crowd a show it sounds cool but you can see how the concept sounds a bit odd for a place like windhelm imagine calixto being arrested and then getting set free for winning in combat i feel like he'd be killed by another resident not long after anyway so anyways as you would have seen by now windhelm is certainly a sad place perhaps there is a special warmth to be felt between some in the city emanating from the bonds between those sharing in the same struggles of their lives but come on if that's the silver lining then this is a pretty tragic place if you've caught the windhelm blues watching this video i highly recommend checking out our elder scrolls podcast which is sure to put you in a great mood we've talked for hours about the dwemer the aylids and even ranked the lore of the playable races and our favorite daedric princes if you watch the video all the way through i thank you from the bottom of my heart it makes me so happy that people are as passionate about the elder scrolls as we are as always social media links can be found in the description below so be sure to follow us to get more elder scrolls goodness in your life my name is michael thanks again for tuning in and i look forward to nerding out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 529,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, skyrim special edition, skyrim, skyrim mods, skyrim windhelm modded, skyrim windhelm, windhelm, skyrim cities, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls, skyrim theories, fudgemuppet, skyrim city, elder scrolls v, skyrim gameplay, stormcloaks vs empire, empire, ulfric stormcloak, palace of kings, ysgramor
Id: AvVOozUJV-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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