Jyggalag - The God of True Insanity, Order is Futile - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] the gray March is ended for millennia this drama has unfolded and each time I have conquered this land only to be transformed back into that gibbering full sheogorath it was not always so once I ruled this realm a world of perfect order my domain expanded across the seas of oblivion with each passing era the other Prince's fearful of my power cursed me with madness doomed me to live as Shia gorath a broken soul reigning in a broken land once each era I was allowed my true form conquering this world anew and each time I did the curse was renewed damning me to exist as she agora now though you have ended the cycle you now hold the mantle of madness and jyggalag is free to roam the voids of oblivion once more I will take my leave and you will remain here mortal mortal King God it seems uncertain this realm is yours perhaps you will grow to your station fare thee well sheer gorath Prince of madness treachery and deception are abundant in the ceaseless expanses of oblivion prior to his curse jyggalag the prince of order would have had his work cut out for him if he's a mortal former Chamberlain Dyess is to be believed legs great library was the height of logic and deduction contained within its walls were the logical predictions of every action ever taken by any creature mortal or Daedric but were that to be strictly true how could the prince of order ever be cursed by the other Daedra well after scouring through the shapeless voids of oblivion and picking up the princes scent I believe there is an answer to that question I believe jyggalag sphere of logical order and deduction was always doomed to fail and madness was always his fate hey guys it's true the date Rolla gist here and welcome back to fudge Muppet with this video it's finally official I've now covered every single day dreck Prince and it's no coincidence that this metallic monolith was until last I initially fought him to be shallow after all there's not a great deal of nuance to be found in perfect order is there well it turns out I couldn't have been more wrong there is much to uncover about jyggalag the walking contradiction the imperfect perfectionist but before we tackle the metaphysics of jyggalag let's first get to know him jyggalag was not always a nomad long before recorded history lacks realms spanned across the seas of oblivion the expansion of his domain was facilitated by his sphere and his perfect order translated to unrivaled productivity and efficacy unfortunately we do not know the name of this once prosperous realm as we only have the words of jyggalag and his Chamberlain to the hero of Kovach to draw from it is possible the realm was called myth area as Dyess the Chamberlain is sometimes referred to as Diocese of Masseria the other Daedra laws feared that jyggalag alone would soon be more powerful than the rest of them combined and they were envious of his dominance with his legions in tow consisting of priests and Knights of order there was no doubting lacks position as the most powerful Prince in Oblivion spawning from obelisks of order jiggle eggs Knight select crystal golems humanoid in shape but anything but independent the Knights of order are entirely subservient completely devoid of original faults this makes them the perfect tools for jyggalag sphere some stories claim that these knights were once mortal followers of the prince their self sovereignty gradually worn away in the presence of true orderliness as their minds submitted to jiggle eggs determinism and his unfaltering logic their flesh hardened and they became automatons of crystalline perfection considering we know so little about the prince and his minions do not speak beyond cries of allegiance to their Lord it's impossible to verify the truth of this claim however contradictory to the typical Daedra heart acquired from the corpses have killed Daedra knights of order instead drop hearts of order which seem closer to gemstones than anything biological with the exception of his sword jig lack has no known date regard this sword appears as a giant crystalline clay more like a larger version of the sword wielded by the Knights of order it's possible that the sword has a close connection to the staff of Shi Agora while the artifacts don't share any resemblance it's possible that when jyggalag was corrupted and transformed into sheogorath his sword was transformed into the mad gods trusty staff what's interesting is during the Grey March the staff loses all of its power becoming a glorified twig so long as jyggalag and his sword are loose within the Shivering Isles when the gray March cycle was ended by the champion of Cyrodiil jyggalag left his sword behind was it a trophy for the victorious champion was it a gift given by the prince of order in thanks for freeing him or perhaps it was jyggalag way of embracing pacifism maybe he has no interest in expanding his influence in creating a new realm that would keep him safe from another curse it's hard to say as since being freed from his initial curse we haven't seen or heard from the Prince over 200 years and nothing he was the only Daedra Lord not to manifest in some form during the 201st year of the fourth era when the last dragon born emerged to defeat the world liter from jyggalag speech at the top of the video you can get a pretty good idea of what his curse entailed it wasn't just an effort to keep jyggalag from growing too powerful no it was meticulously designed to serve as a complete humiliation of the prince an eternal sentence to exist as the embodiment of everything he loves when the curse was placed jyggalag became she Agoura and his expansive realm became the Shivering Isles the land as well as the mind he now inhabited were the physical manifestations of chaos and madness where order once reigned supreme disarray now spread like a rampant disease the Grey March therefore is jiggle x1 FML respite from the curse it is so fleeting in fact that it only happens once at the end of every era it's not apparent whether this means a Tamriel ik era or an era that transcends mortal definitions after all oblivion doesn't abide by a katashi's rules of time according to conflicting reports from the mad God self an era could be 1,000 years or even several thousand years when talking about the March she Agora also says he is me I'm him we're a bit of each other really I won't be here when he arrives because I'll be him happens every time the grey March starts order appears and I become jyggalag and wipe out my whole realm he eludes the irony of his indirect involvement in the destruction of his realm to me it sounds like she Agora is totally aware of what is going on he experiences it from a first-person perspective yet he is helpless to stop it if that interpretation is true then jiggle acts very existence must be excruciating if he is conscious within sheer gaurav's mind and senses taking a back seat while the mad God pulls the strings of his asylums inhabitants then it's a miracle he hasn't been driven mad by it ironically it was always determined that jyggalag would succeed in his gray march taking she aghoris from-- and it was this inevitability that guaranteed the cycle would begin anew only the champion of Cyrodiil was ever enough to break the cycle and free the prince of order from his existential prison little of jiggle ex former realm remained when the land Terra formed into the mad gods asylums but the ruins of knifepoint Hollow hold an ancient secrets Haskell says the ruins of knifepoint Hollow once served as a great library and this was the library of jyggalag a legendary place which held records of absolutely everything the past as well as the future events that did happen events that might have happened and events that may yet happen all of this was added to the anoles using jyggalag indisputable formulae we learn of all of this from dyers the old keeper of the library juga lags old chamberlain Dyess was granted immortality by she Agora so that jig lacks infinite knowledge would never be lost Dyess says when she Agora discovered the library he had it burned insisting that it was an abomination and the personal choice defied logical prediction I am all that remains of the knowledge contained within the Great Library of jyggalag and so the remnants of lacks realm remain within the mind of this eternally imprisoned soul knifepoint Hollow is my prison as the great library it once contained all the knowledge in creation however spare me your grief my imprisonment is as meaningless as my immortality time and place are nothing constructs of a feeble mortal mind attempting to categorize and understand the world around it if you were one of the fortunate few you would one day understand and accept this however you are not and you will not but unlike Dyess the end of the gray much cycle means jyggalag is no longer a prisoner and considering just how undeniably powerful jyggalag was before his curse one question beckons itself why hasn't jyggalag exacted revenge why hasn't he set out on a conquest of oblivion my answer to this question would be perhaps jyggalag has realized the frivolity of his ambitions maybe enough time inside the mind if she Agora revealed to him just how impossible perfect order is in a place as chaotic as Oblivion you could counter this by saying well jyggalag is the Prince of determinism he must already have known it was frivolous from the beginning of his existence and in response I'd say I think his sphere is not entirely accurate I think jyggalag is the Daedric prince of madness yes even when emancipated from his alter-ego she Agora maintaining order is easier said than done it takes unyielding attention and concentration to keep chaos from seeping in take a kingdom or an empire for example an emperor must appease the ambitions of his lords and vassals while simultaneously ensuring the entire population is sufficiently happy well-fed and harmonious on top of this it is often the case that beyond the borders of the Empire rivals are constantly probing your defenses hoping to breach your territory spreading chaos hoping to tear down the monarch if this is to be avoided diplomatic relations need to be established with neighboring kingdoms and empires and in order for these to be fruitful you need to be negotiating what's best for both your realm and theirs and this is the simplified version of what it would actually be like to rule an empire if you can manage that being a relatively small continent like Tamriel in check well then that's verging on miraculous now imagine trying to maintain order and oblivion where the same concrete laws of physics do not apply and the shapeless voids span on for an eternity in every direction imagine doing this while also dealing with the knowledge of all that ever was is and will be and even when you document every piece of history in your great library things like dragon breaks occur adding parallel timelines all of which being canon simultaneously and unlike the histories of our universe this one is subjected to constant retcons old law giving way to the whims of new developers and law masters I'm getting exhausted just saying all of this how would jyggalag feel I think it would be safe to say that no one hates the convoluted contradictory constantly wreck on lore of the Elder Scrolls more than the Prince of perfect order a servant of sotha sil in the clockwork city sums it up well saying the Daedra epidemic by nature padam I being the primal force of chaos and change he says the Daedra fear wisdom and order of the Daedra only the grey prince of order knew his nature and he went mad in the knowing while pada mais void exists separate from the realms of a furious oblivion and Mundus there is no doubt that oblivion is the closest of the known realms to chaos in fact the void is often used to refer to oblivion even though they are different Dell drew small veins words as documented in volume free of the truth in sequence support the idea that jig like sphere of perfect logical order was destined to lead to insanity it's like trying to cut water into a shape you can't make order from so much chaos and in his attempts jig lack isn't so different from sheer gorath the mad God he hates so vehemently this is why jyggalag is such a black sheep it's why he doesn't seem to fit in among the other princes his sphere is not viable in Oblivion there is too much chaos Kurt Coleman a Bethesda developer who played a major part in creating the Elder Scrolls 4 and the Shivering Isles DLC said this about jyggalag although defeated he will eventually resume his place as the prince of order with unknown Rama occations for the complicated and opaque balance of power within oblivion and I find this interesting for two reasons firstly he acknowledges that the balance of power is opaque in other words impossible to understand and he says it will have unknown ramifications by definition these two points can't coexist with jyggalag sphere how can jyggalag know every detail of a realm that is opaque and unknowable I think jyggalag sphere was always destined to be madness disguised as logical order how about that old cliche the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result that sounds an awful lot like jiggle eggs curse when the gray March begins he destroys the Isles only to resume his curse for another era jyggalag is insane rather than viewing jyggalag and she Agora phase opposites they should be viewed as two sides of the same coin opposite yet exactly the same gia gaurav's madness is candid it's not subtle he rants and rambles like a loon he's full to bursting with both manic and depressive tendencies jyggalag on the other hand his madness is more discrete it is obsessive-compulsive it is a futile attempt to straighten a stack of papers in the middle of a gale despite his immense power as a Daedric prince he wants to establish perfect order where chaos rules supreme that is how he was cursed despite his alleged omniscience he was overwhelmed by the mental anguish of not being able to make the universe perfect gee lack was is and always will be completely mad and had his great library not been burned down that fact would be documented within its walls and there you have it guys my take on the Daedric prince of order jyggalag I hope you enjoyed the video I'd love to hear your thoughts on the prince in the comments with characters like jyggalag there isn't a great deal of law to work off and much is left up to our interpretations I think that's part of the beauty in the elder scrolls and why we need as many Daedra largest as we can get thanks so much for watching guys I've been drew and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 533,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jyggalag, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim, skyrim lore, fudgemuppet, daedric prince lore, daedra lore, sheogorath lore, shivering isles, prince of madness, elder scrolls order
Id: Eptk--c8ZHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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